;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007-2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (import-module "macros") (in-package "BOOT") (defun monitor-help () (format t "~% ;;; MONITOR ;;; ;;; This file contains a set of function for monitoring the execution ;;; of the functions in a file. It constructs a hash table that contains ;;; the function name as the key and monitor-data structures as the value ;;; ;;; The technique is to use a :cond parameter on trace to call the ;;; monitor-incr function to incr the count every time a function is called ;;; ;;; *monitor-table* HASH TABLE ;;; is the monitor table containing the hash entries ;;; *monitor-nrlibs* LIST of STRING ;;; list of NRLIB filenames that are monitored ;;; *monitor-domains* LIST of STRING ;;; list of domains to monitor-report (default is all exposed domains) ;;; monitor-data STRUCTURE ;;; is the defstruct name of records in the table ;;; name is the first field and is the name of the monitored function ;;; count contains a count of times the function was called ;;; monitorp is a flag that skips counting if nil, counts otherwise ;;; sourcefile is the name of the file that contains the source code ;;; ;;; ***** SETUP, SHUTDOWN **** ;;; ;;; monitor-inittable () FUNCTION ;;; creates the hashtable and sets *monitor-table* ;;; note that it is called every time this file is loaded ;;; monitor-end () FUNCTION ;;; unhooks all of the trace hooks ;;; ;;; ***** TRACE, UNTRACE ***** ;;; ;;; monitor-add (name &optional sourcefile) FUNCTION ;;; sets up the trace and adds the function to the table ;;; monitor-delete (fn) FUNCTION ;;; untraces a function and removes it from the table ;;; monitor-enable (&optional fn) FUNCTION ;;; starts tracing for all (or optionally one) functions that ;;; are in the table ;;; monitor-disable (&optional fn) FUNCTION ;;; stops tracing for all (or optionally one) functions that ;;; are in the table ;;; ;;; ***** COUNTING, RECORDING ***** ;;; ;;; monitor-reset (&optional fn) FUNCTION ;;; reset the table count for the table (or optionally, for a function) ;;; monitor-incr (fn) FUNCTION ;;; increments the count information for a function ;;; it is called by trace to increment the count ;;; monitor-decr (fn) FUNCTION ;;; decrements the count information for a function ;;; monitor-info (fn) FUNCTION ;;; returns the monitor-data structure for a function ;;; ;;; ***** FILE IO ***** ;;; ;;; monitor-write (items file) FUNCTION ;;; writes a list of symbols or structures to a file ;;; monitor-file (file) FUNCTION ;;; will read a file, scan for defuns, monitor each defun ;;; NOTE: monitor-file assumes that the file has been loaded ;;; ;;; ***** RESULTS ***** ;;; ;;; monitor-results () FUNCTION ;;; returns a list of the monitor-data structures ;;; monitor-untested () FUNCTION ;;; returns a list of files that have zero counts ;;; monitor-tested (&optional delete) FUNCTION ;;; returns a list of files that have nonzero counts ;;; optionally calling monitor-delete on those functions ;;; ;;; ***** CHECKPOINT/RESTORE ***** ;;; ;;; monitor-checkpoint (file) FUNCTION ;;; save the *monitor-table* in a loadable form ;;; monitor-restore (file) FUNCTION ;;; restore a checkpointed file so that everything is monitored ;;; ;;; ***** ALGEBRA ***** ;;; ;;; monitor-autoload () FUNCTION ;;; traces autoload of algebra to monitor corresponding source files ;;; NOTE: this requires the /spad/int/algebra directory ;;; monitor-dirname (args) FUNCTION ;;; expects a list of 1 libstream (loadvol's arglist) and monitors the source ;;; this is a function called by monitor-autoload ;;; monitor-nrlib (nrlib) FUNCTION ;;; takes an nrlib name as a string (eg POLY) and returns a list of ;;; monitor-data structures from that source file ;;; monitor-report () FUNCTION ;;; generate a report of the monitored activity for domains in ;;; *monitor-domains* ;;; monitor-spadfile (name) FUNCTION ;;; given a spad file, report all NRLIBS it creates ;;; this adds each NRLIB name to *monitor-domains* but does not ;;; trace the functions from those domains ;;; monitor-percent () FUNCTION ;;; ratio of (functions executed)/(functions traced) ;;; monitor-apropos (str) FUNCTION ;;; given a string, find all monitored symbols containing the string ;;; the search is case-insensitive. returns a list of monitor-data items ") nil) (defvar *monitor-domains* nil "a list of domains to report") (defvar *monitor-nrlibs* nil "a list of nrlibs that have been traced") (defvar *monitor-table* nil "a table of all of the monitored data") (defstruct monitor-data name count monitorp sourcefile) (unless (fboundp 'libstream-dirname) (defstruct libstream mode dirname (indextable nil) (indexstream nil))) (defun monitor-inittable () "initialize the table" (setq *monitor-table* (make-hash-table))) (eval-when (eval load) (unless *monitor-table* (monitor-inittable))) (defun monitor-end () "stop the whole monitoring process. we cannot restart" (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (declare (ignore value)) (eval `(untrace ,key))) *monitor-table*)) (defun monitor-results () "return a list of the monitor-data structures" (let (result) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (declare (ignore key)) (push value result)) *monitor-table*) result)) (defun monitor-add (name &optional sourcefile) "add a function to the hash table" (unless (fboundp name) (load sourcefile)) (when (gethash name *monitor-table*) (monitor-delete name)) (eval `(trace (,name :cond (progn (monitor-incr ',name) nil)))) (setf (gethash name *monitor-table*) (make-monitor-data :name name :count 0 :monitorp t :sourcefile sourcefile))) (defun monitor-delete (fn) "delete a function from the monitor table" (eval `(untrace ,fn)) (remhash fn *monitor-table*)) (defun monitor-enable (&optional fn) "enable all (or optionally one) function for monitoring" (if fn (progn (eval `(trace (,fn :cond (progn (monitor-incr ',fn) nil)))) (setf (monitor-data-monitorp (gethash fn *monitor-table*)) t)) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (declare (ignore value)) (eval `(trace (,fn :cond (progn (monitor-incr ',fn) nil)))) (setf (monitor-data-monitorp (gethash key *monitor-table*)) t)) *monitor-table*))) (defun monitor-disable (&optional fn) "disable all (or optionally one) function for monitoring" (if fn (progn (eval `(untrace ,fn)) (setf (monitor-data-monitorp (gethash fn *monitor-table*)) nil)) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (declare (ignore value)) (eval `(untrace ,fn)) (setf (monitor-data-monitorp (gethash key *monitor-table*)) nil)) *monitor-table*))) (defun monitor-reset (&optional fn) "reset the table count for the table (or optionally, for a function)" (if fn (setf (monitor-data-count (gethash fn *monitor-table*)) 0) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (declare (ignore value)) (setf (monitor-data-count (gethash key *monitor-table*)) 0)) *monitor-table*))) (defun monitor-incr (fn) "incr the count of fn by 1" (let (data) (setq data (gethash fn *monitor-table*)) (if data (incf (monitor-data-count data)) ;; change table entry by side-effect (warn "~s is monitored but not in table..do (untrace ~s)~%" fn fn)))) (defun monitor-decr (fn) "decr the count of fn by 1" (let (data) (setq data (gethash fn *monitor-table*)) (if data (decf (monitor-data-count data)) ;; change table entry by side-effect (warn "~s is monitored but not in table..do (untrace ~s)~%" fn fn)))) (defun monitor-info (fn) "return the information for a function" (gethash fn *monitor-table*)) (defun monitor-file (file) "hang a monitor call on all of the defuns in a file" (let (expr (package "BOOT")) (format t "monitoring ~s~%" file) (with-open-file (in file) (catch 'done (loop (setq expr (read in nil 'done)) (when (eq expr 'done) (throw 'done nil)) (if (and (consp expr) (eq (car expr) 'in-package)) (if (and (consp (second expr)) (eq (first (second expr)) 'quote)) (setq package (string (second (second expr)))) (setq package (second expr))) (when (and (consp expr) (eq (car expr) 'defun)) (monitor-add (intern (string (second expr)) package) file)))))))) (defun monitor-untested () "return a list of the functions with zero count fields" (let (result) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (if (and (monitor-data-monitorp value) (= (monitor-data-count value) 0)) (push key result))) *monitor-table*) result)) (defun monitor-tested (&optional delete) "return a list of the functions with non-zero count fields, optionally deleting them" (let (result) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (when (and (monitor-data-monitorp value) (> (monitor-data-count value) 0)) (when delete (monitor-delete key)) (push key result))) *monitor-table*) result)) (defun monitor-write (items file) "write out a list of symbols or structures to a file" (with-open-file (out file :direction :output) (dolist (item items) (if (symbolp item) (format out "~s~%" item) (format out "~s~50t~s~100t~s~%" (monitor-data-sourcefile item) (monitor-data-name item) (monitor-data-count item)))))) (defun monitor-checkpoint (file) "save the *monitor-table* in loadable form" (let ((*print-package* t)) (declare (special *print-package*)) (with-open-file (out file :direction :output) (format out "(in-package \"BOOT\")~%") (format out "(monitor-inittable)~%") (dolist (data (monitor-results)) (format out "(monitor-add '~s ~s)~%" (monitor-data-name data) (monitor-data-sourcefile data)) (format out "(setf (gethash '~s *monitor-table*) (make-monitor-data :name '~s :count ~s :monitorp ~s :sourcefile ~s))~%" (monitor-data-name data) (monitor-data-name data) (monitor-data-count data) (monitor-data-monitorp data) (monitor-data-sourcefile data)))))) (defun monitor-restore (file) "restore a checkpointed file so that everything is monitored" (load file)) ;; these functions are used for testing the algebra code (defun monitor-dirname (args) "expects a list of 1 libstream (loadvol's arglist) and monitors the source" (let (name) (setq name (libstream-dirname (car args))) (setq name (file-namestring name)) (setq name (concatenate 'string "/spad/int/algebra/" name "/code.lsp")) (when (probe-file name) (push name *monitor-nrlibs*) (monitor-file name)))) (defun monitor-autoload () "traces autoload of algebra to monitor corresponding source files" #+:GCL(trace (loadvol :entrycond nil :exitcond (progn (monitor-dirname system::arglist) nil)))) (defun monitor-nrlib (nrlib) "takes an nrlib name as a string (eg POLY) and returns a list of monitor-data structures from that source file" (let (result) (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (when (string= nrlib (pathname-name (car (last (pathname-directory (monitor-data-sourcefile v)))))) (push v result))) *monitor-table*) result)) (defun monitor-libname (item) "given a monitor-data item, extract the NRLIB name" (pathname-name (car (last (pathname-directory (monitor-data-sourcefile item)))))) (defun monitor-exposedp (fn) "exposed functions have more than 1 semicolon. given a symbol, count them" (> (count #\; (symbol-name fn)) 1)) (defun monitor-readinterp () "read INTERP.EXPOSED to initialize *monitor-domains* to exposed domains. this is the default action. adding or deleting domains from the list will change the report results" (let (skip expr name) (declare (special *monitor-domains*)) (setq *monitor-domains* nil) (with-open-file (in "/spad/src/algebra/INTERP.EXPOSED") (read-line in) (read-line in) (read-line in) (read-line in) (catch 'done (loop (setq expr (read-line in nil "done")) (when (string= expr "done") (throw 'done nil)) (cond ((string= expr "basic") (setq skip nil)) ((string= expr "categories") (setq skip t)) ((string= expr "hidden") (setq skip t)) ((string= expr "defaults") (setq skip nil))) (when (and (not skip) (> (length expr) 58)) (setq name (subseq expr 58 (length expr))) (setq name (string-right-trim '(#\space) name)) (when (> (length name) 0) (push name *monitor-domains*)))))))) (defun monitor-report () "generate a report of the monitored activity for domains in *monitor-domains*" (let (nrlibs nonzero total) (unless *monitor-domains* (monitor-readinterp)) (setq nonzero 0) (setq total 0) (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (let (nextlib point) (when (> (monitor-data-count v) 0) (incf nonzero)) (incf total) (setq nextlib (monitor-libname v)) (setq point (member nextlib nrlibs :test #'string= :key #'car)) (if point (setf (cdr (first point)) (cons v (cdr (first point)))) (push (cons nextlib (list v)) nrlibs)))) *monitor-table*) (format t "~d of ~d (~d percent) tested~%" nonzero total (round (/ (* 100.0 nonzero) total))) (setq nrlibs (sort nrlibs #'string< :key #'car)) (dolist (pair nrlibs) (let ((exposedcount 0) (testcount 0)) (when (member (car pair) *monitor-domains* :test #'string=) (format t "for library ~s~%" (car pair)) (dolist (item (sort (cdr pair) #'> :key #'monitor-data-count)) (when (monitor-exposedp (monitor-data-name item)) (incf exposedcount) (when (> (monitor-data-count item) 0) (incf testcount)) (format t "~5d ~s~%" (monitor-data-count item) (monitor-data-name item)))) (if (= exposedcount testcount) (format t "~a has all exposed functions tested~%" (car pair)) (format t "Daly bug:~a has untested exposed functions~%" (car pair)))))) nil)) (defun monitor-parse (expr) (let (point1 point2) (setq point1 (|findChar| #\space expr)) (setq point1 (position #\space expr :start point1 :test-not #'char=)) (setq point1 (|findChar| #\space expr point1)) (setq point1 (position #\space expr :start point1 :test-not #'char=)) (setq point2 (|findChar| #\space expr point1)) (subseq expr point1 point2))) (defun monitor-spadfile (name) "given a spad file, report all NRLIBS it creates" (let (expr) (with-open-file (in name) (catch 'done (loop (setq expr (read-line in nil 'done)) (when (eq expr 'done) (throw 'done nil)) (when (and (> (length expr) 4) (string= (subseq expr 0 4) ")abb")) (setq *monitor-domains* (adjoin (monitor-parse expr) *monitor-domains* :test #'string=)))))))) (defun monitor-percent () (let (nonzero total) (setq nonzero 0) (setq total 0) (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (declare (ignore k)) (when (> (monitor-data-count v) 0) (incf nonzero)) (incf total)) *monitor-table*) (format t "~d of ~d (~d percent) tested~%" nonzero total (round (/ (* 100.0 nonzero) total))))) (defun monitor-apropos (str) "given a string, find all monitored symbols containing the string the search is case-insensitive. returns a list of monitor-data items" (let (result) (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (when (|findString| (string-upcase str) (string-upcase (symbol-name k))) (push v result))) *monitor-table*) result))