-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import '"c-util" import '"info" )package "BOOT" --% EXTERNAL ROUTINES --These functions are called from outside this file to add a domain -- or to get the current domains in scope; addDomain(domain,e) == atom domain => EQ(domain,"$EmptyMode") => e EQ(domain,"$NoValueMode") => e not IDENTP domain or 2<#(s:= STRINGIMAGE domain) and EQ(char "#",s.(0)) and EQ(char "#",s.(1)) => e MEMQ(domain,getDomainsInScope e) => e isLiteral(domain,e) => e addNewDomain(domain,e) (name:= first domain)='Category => e domainMember(domain,getDomainsInScope e) => e getmode(name,e) is ["Mapping",target,:.] and isCategoryForm(target,e)=> addNewDomain(domain,e) -- constructor? test needed for domains compiled with $bootStrapMode=true isFunctor name or constructor? name => addNewDomain(domain,e) -- ??? we should probably augment $DummyFunctorNames with CATEGORY -- ??? so that we don't have to do this special check here. Investigate. isQuasiquote domain => e if not isCategoryForm(domain,e) and not member(name,'(Mapping CATEGORY)) then unknownTypeError name e --is not a functor domainMember(dom,domList) == or/[modeEqual(dom,d) for d in domList] --% MODEMAP FUNCTIONS --getTargetMode(x is [op,:argl],e) == -- CASES(#(mml:= getModemapList(op,#argl,e)), -- (1 => -- ([[.,target,:.],:.]:= first mml; substituteForFormalArguments(argl,target)) -- ; 0 => MOAN(x," has no modemap"); systemError [x," has duplicate modemaps"])) getModemap(x is [op,:.],e) == for modemap in get(op,'modemap,e) repeat if u:= compApplyModemap(x,modemap,e,nil) then return ([.,.,sl]:= u; SUBLIS(sl,modemap)) getUniqueSignature(form,e) == [[.,:sig],:.]:= getUniqueModemap(first form,#rest form,e) or return nil sig getUniqueModemap(op,numOfArgs,e) == 1=#(mml:= getModemapList(op,numOfArgs,e)) => first mml 1<#mml => stackWarning [numOfArgs,'" argument form of: ",op, '" has more than one modemap"] first mml nil getModemapList(op,numOfArgs,e) == op is ['elt,D,op'] => getModemapListFromDomain(op',numOfArgs,D,e) [mm for (mm:= [[.,.,:sigl],:.]) in get(op,'modemap,e) | numOfArgs=#sigl] getModemapListFromDomain(op,numOfArgs,D,e) == [mm for (mm:= [[dc,:sig],:.]) in get(op,'modemap,e) | dc=D and #rest sig= numOfArgs] insertModemap(new,mmList) == null mmList => [new] --isMoreSpecific(new,old:= first mmList) => [new,:mmList] --[old,:insertModemap(new,rest mmList)] [new,:mmList] addModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) == $InteractiveMode => $e if knownInfo pred then pred:=true $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true => $CapsuleModemapFrame := addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$CapsuleModemapFrame) $e addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) addModemapKnown(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) == -- if knownInfo pred then pred:=true -- that line is handled elsewhere $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true => $CapsuleModemapFrame := addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$CapsuleModemapFrame) $e addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) == --mc is the "mode of computation"; fn the "implementation" $functorForm is ['CategoryDefaults,:.] and mc="$" => e --don't put CD modemaps into environment --fn is ['Subsumed,:.] => e -- don't skip subsumed modemaps -- breaks -:($,$)->U($,failed) in DP op='elt or op='setelt => addEltModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) addEltModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) == --hack to change selectors from strings to identifiers; and to --add flag identifiers as literals in the envir op='elt and sig is [:lt,sel] => STRINGP sel => id:= INTERN sel if $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true then $e:= makeLiteral(id,$e) else e:= makeLiteral(id,e) addModemap1(op,mc,[:lt,id],pred,fn,e) -- atom sel => systemErrorHere '"addEltModemap" addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) op='setelt and sig is [:lt,sel,v] => STRINGP sel => id:= INTERN sel if $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true then $e:= makeLiteral(id,$e) else e:= makeLiteral(id,e) addModemap1(op,mc,[:lt,id,v],pred,fn,e) -- atom sel => systemError '"addEltModemap" addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) systemErrorHere '"addEltModemap" addModemap1(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,e) == --mc is the "mode of computation"; fn the "implementation" if mc="Rep" then sig := substituteDollarIfRepHack sig currentProplist:= getProplist(op,e) or nil newModemapList:= mkNewModemapList(mc,sig,pred,fn,LASSOC('modemap,currentProplist),e,nil) newProplist:= augProplist(currentProplist,'modemap,newModemapList) newProplist':= augProplist(newProplist,"FLUID",true) unErrorRef op --There may have been a warning about op having no value addBinding(op,newProplist',e) mkNewModemapList(mc,sig,pred,fn,curModemapList,e,filenameOrNil) == entry:= [map:= [mc,:sig],[pred,fn],:filenameOrNil] member(entry,curModemapList) => curModemapList (oldMap:= assoc(map,curModemapList)) and oldMap is [.,[opred, =fn],:.] => $forceAdd => mergeModemap(entry,curModemapList,e) opred=true => curModemapList if pred^=true and pred^=opred then pred:= ["OR",pred,opred] [if x=oldMap then [map,[pred,fn],:filenameOrNil] else x --if new modemap less general, put at end; otherwise, at front for x in curModemapList] $InteractiveMode => insertModemap(entry,curModemapList) mergeModemap(entry,curModemapList,e) mergeModemap(entry is [[mc,:sig],[pred,:.],:.],modemapList,e) == for (mmtail:= [[[mc',:sig'],[pred',:.],:.],:.]) in tails modemapList repeat mc=mc' or isSuperDomain(mc',mc,e) => newmm:= nil mm:= modemapList while (not EQ(mm,mmtail)) repeat (newmm:= [first mm,:newmm]; mm:= rest mm) if (mc=mc') and (sig=sig') then --We only need one of these, unless the conditions are hairy not $forceAdd and TruthP pred' => entry:=nil --the new predicate buys us nothing return modemapList TruthP pred => mmtail:=rest mmtail --the thing we matched against is useless, by comparison modemapList:= NCONC(NREVERSE newmm,[entry,:mmtail]) entry:= nil return modemapList if entry then [:modemapList,entry] else modemapList -- next definition RPLACs, and hence causes problems. -- In ptic., SubResGcd in SparseUnivariatePolynomial is miscompiled --mergeModemap(entry:=((mc,:sig),:.),modemapList,e) == -- for (mmtail:= (((mc',:sig'),:.),:.)) in tails modemapList do -- mc=mc' or isSuperDomain(mc',mc,e) => -- RPLACD(mmtail,(first mmtail,: rest mmtail)) -- RPLACA(mmtail,entry) -- entry := nil -- return modemapList -- if entry then (:modemapList,entry) else modemapList isSuperDomain(domainForm,domainForm',e) == isSubset(domainForm',domainForm,e) => true --regard $ as a subdomain of Rep, only if using old style Rep domainForm='Rep and domainForm'="$" => $useRepresentationHack LASSOC(opOf domainForm',get(domainForm,"SubDomain",e)) --substituteForRep(entry is [[mc,:sig],:.],curModemapList) == -- --change 'Rep to "$" unless the resulting signature is already in $ -- member(entry':= substitute("$",'Rep,entry),curModemapList) => -- [entry,:curModemapList] -- [entry,entry',:curModemapList] addNewDomain(domain,e) == augModemapsFromDomain(domain,domain,e) augModemapsFromDomain(name,functorForm,e) == member(KAR name or name,$DummyFunctorNames) => e name=$Category or isCategoryForm(name,e) => e member(name,curDomainsInScope:= getDomainsInScope e) => e if u:= GETDATABASE(opOf functorForm,'SUPERDOMAIN) then e:= addNewDomain(first u,e) --need code to handle parameterized SuperDomains if innerDom:= listOrVectorElementMode name then e:= addDomain(innerDom,e) if name is ["Union",:dl] then for d in stripUnionTags dl repeat e:= addDomain(d,e) augModemapsFromDomain1(name,functorForm,e) --see LISPLIB BOOT substituteCategoryArguments(argl,catform) == argl:= substitute("$$","$",argl) arglAssoc:= [[INTERNL("#",STRINGIMAGE i),:a] for i in 1.. for a in argl] SUBLIS(arglAssoc,catform) --Called, by compDefineFunctor, to add modemaps for $ that may --be equivalent to those of Rep. We must check that these --operations are not being redefined. augModemapsFromCategoryRep(domainName,repDefn,functorBody,categoryForm,e) == [fnAlist,e]:= evalAndSub(domainName,domainName,domainName,categoryForm,e) [repFnAlist,e]:= evalAndSub("Rep","Rep",repDefn,getmode(repDefn,e),e) catform:= (isCategory categoryForm => categoryForm.(0); categoryForm) compilerMessage ["Adding ",domainName," modemaps"] e:= putDomainsInScope(domainName,e) $base:= 4 for [lhs:=[op,sig,:.],cond,fnsel] in fnAlist repeat u:=assoc(SUBST("Rep",domainName,lhs),repFnAlist) u and not AMFCR_,redefinedList(op,functorBody) => fnsel':=CADDR u e:= addModemap(op,domainName,sig,cond,fnsel',e) e:= addModemap(op,domainName,sig,cond,fnsel,e) e AMFCR_,redefinedList(op,l) == "OR"/[AMFCR_,redefined(op,u) for u in l] AMFCR_,redefined(opname,u) == not(u is [op,:l]) => nil op = 'DEF => opname = CAAR l MEMQ(op,'(PROGN SEQ)) => AMFCR_,redefinedList(opname,l) op = 'COND => "OR"/[AMFCR_,redefinedList(opname,CDR u) for u in l] augModemapsFromCategory(domainName,domainView,functorForm,categoryForm,e) == [fnAlist,e]:= evalAndSub(domainName,domainView,functorForm,categoryForm,e) -- catform:= (isCategory categoryForm => categoryForm.(0); categoryForm) -- catform appears not to be used, so why set it? --if ^$InteractiveMode then compilerMessage ["Adding ",domainName," modemaps"] e:= putDomainsInScope(domainName,e) $base:= 4 condlist:=[] for [[op,sig,:.],cond,fnsel] in fnAlist repeat -- e:= addModemap(op,domainName,sig,cond,fnsel,e) ---------next 5 lines commented out to avoid wasting time checking knownInfo on ---------conditions attached to each modemap being added, takes a very long time ---------instead conditions will be checked when maps are actually used --v:=ASSOC(cond,condlist) => -- e:= addModemapKnown(op,domainName,sig,CDR v,fnsel,e) --$e:local := e -- $e is used by knownInfo --if knownInfo cond then cond1:=true else cond1:=cond --condlist:=[[cond,:cond1],:condlist] e:= addModemapKnown(op,domainName,sig,cond,fnsel,e) -- cond was cond1 -- for u in sig | (not member(u,$DomainsInScope)) and -- (not atom u) and -- (not isCategoryForm(u,e)) do -- e:= addNewDomain(u,e) e --subCatParametersInto(domainForm,catForm,e) == -- -- JHD 08/08/84 perhaps we are fortunate that it is not used -- --this is particularly dirty and should be cleaned up, say, by wrapping -- -- an appropriate lambda expression around mapping forms -- domainForm is [op,:l] and l => -- get(op,'modemap,e) is [[[mc,:.],:.]] => SUBLIS(PAIR(rest mc,l),catForm) -- catForm evalAndSub(domainName,viewName,functorForm,form,$e) == $lhsOfColon: local:= domainName isCategory form => [substNames(domainName,viewName,functorForm,form.(1)),$e] --next lines necessary-- see MPOLY for which $ is actual arg. --- RDJ 3/83 if CONTAINED("$$",form) then $e:= put("$$","mode",get("$","mode",$e),$e) opAlist:= getOperationAlist(domainName,functorForm,form) substAlist:= substNames(domainName,viewName,functorForm,opAlist) [substAlist,$e] getOperationAlist(name,functorForm,form) == if atom name and GETDATABASE(name,'NILADIC) then functorForm:= [functorForm] -- (null isConstructorForm functorForm) and (u:= isFunctor functorForm) (u:= isFunctor functorForm) and not ($insideFunctorIfTrue and first functorForm=first $functorForm) => u $insideFunctorIfTrue and name="$" => ($domainShell => $domainShell.(1); systemError '"$ has no shell now") T:= compMakeCategoryObject(form,$e) => ([.,.,$e]:= T; T.expr.(1)) stackMessage ["not a category form: ",form] substNames(domainName,viewName,functorForm,opalist) == functorForm := SUBSTQ("$$","$", functorForm) nameForDollar := isCategoryPackageName functorForm => CADR functorForm domainName -- following calls to SUBSTQ must copy to save RPLAC's in -- putInLocalDomainReferences [[:SUBSTQ("$","$$",SUBSTQ(nameForDollar,"$",modemapform)), [sel, viewName,if domainName = "$" then pos else CADAR modemapform]] for [:modemapform,[sel,"$",pos]] in EQSUBSTLIST(KDR functorForm,$FormalMapVariableList, opalist)] addConstructorModemaps(name,form is [functorName,:.],e) == $InteractiveMode: local:= nil e:= putDomainsInScope(name,e) --frame fn := GETL(functorName,"makeFunctionList") [funList,e]:= FUNCALL(fn,name,form,e) for [op,sig,opcode] in funList repeat if opcode is [sel,dc,n] and sel='ELT then nsig := substitute("$$$",name,sig) nsig := substitute('$,"$$$",substitute("$$",'$,nsig)) opcode := [sel,dc,nsig] e:= addModemap(op,name,sig,true,opcode,e) e --The way XLAMs work: -- ((XLAM ($1 $2 $3) (SETELT $1 0 $3)) X "c" V) ==> (SETELT X 0 V) getDomainsInScope e == $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true => $CapsuleDomainsInScope get("$DomainsInScope","special",e) putDomainsInScope(x,e) == l:= getDomainsInScope e if member(x,l) then SAY("****** Domain: ",x," already in scope") newValue:= [x,:delete(x,l)] $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue => ($CapsuleDomainsInScope:= newValue; e) put("$DomainsInScope","special",newValue,e)