%% Oh Emacs, this is a -*- Lisp -*- file despite apperance. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\File{src/interp/macros.lisp} Pamphlet} \author{Timothy Daly} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \eject \begin{verbatim} PURPOSE: Provide generally useful macros and functions for MetaLanguage and Boot code. Contents are organized along Common Lisp datatype lines, with sections numbered to match the section headings of the Common Lisp Reference Manual, by Guy Steele, Digital Press, 1984, Digital Press Order Number EY-00031-DP. This way you can look up the corresponding section in the manual and see if there isn't a cleaner and non-VM-specific way of doing things. \end{verbatim} \section{Performance change} Camm has identified a performace problem during compiles. There is a loop that continually adds one element to a vector. This causes the vector to get extended by 1 and copied. These patches fix the problem since vectors with fill pointers don't need to be copied. These cut out the lion's share of the gc problem on this compile. 30min {\tt ->} 7 min on my box. There is still some gc churning in cons pages due to many calls to 'list' with small n. One can likely improve things further with an appropriate (declare (:dynamic-extent ...)) in the right place -- gcl will allocate such lists on the C stack (very fast). \subsection{lengthenvec} The original code was: \begin{verbatim} (defun lengthenvec (v n) (if (adjustable-array-p v) (adjust-array v n) (replace (make-array n) v))) \end{verbatim} <<lengthenvec>>= (defun lengthenvec (v n) (if (and (array-has-fill-pointer-p v) (adjustable-array-p v)) (if (>= n (array-total-size v)) (adjust-array v (* n 2) :fill-pointer n) (progn (setf (fill-pointer v) n) v)) (replace (make-array n :fill-pointer t) v))) @ \subsection{make-init-vector} The original code was \begin{verbatim} (defun make-init-vector (n val) (make-array n :initial-element val)) \end{verbatim} <<make-init-vector>>= (defun make-init-vector (n val) (make-array n :initial-element val :fill-pointer t)) @ \section{DEFUN CONTAINED} The [[CONTAINED]] predicate is used to walk internal structures such as modemaps to see if the $X$ object occurs within $Y$. One particular use is in a function called [[isPartialMode]] (see i-funsel.boot) to decide if a modemap is only partially complete. If this is true then the modemap will contain the constant [[$EmptyMode]]. So the call ends up being [[CONTAINED |$EmptyMode| Y]]. <<DEFUN CONTAINED>>= #-:CCL (DEFUN CONTAINED (X Y) (if (symbolp x) (contained\,eq X Y) (contained\,equal X Y))) (defun contained\,eq (x y) (if (atom y) (eq x y) (or (contained\,eq x (car y)) (contained\,eq x (cdr y))))) (defun contained\,equal (x y) (cond ((atom y) (equal x y)) ((equal x y) 't) ('t (or (contained\,equal x (car y)) (contained\,equal x (cdr y)))))) @ \section{License} <<license>>= ;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> (import-module "sys-constants") (in-package "BOOT") (defvar |$compilingMap| ()) (defvar |$definingMap| nil) (defmacro KAR (ARG) `(ifcar ,arg)) (defmacro KDR (ARG) `(ifcdr ,arg)) (defmacro KADR (ARG) `(ifcar (ifcdr ,arg))) (defmacro KADDR (ARG) `(ifcar (ifcdr (ifcdr ,arg)))) ; 5 PROGRAM STRUCTURE ; 5.3 Top-Level Forms (defun SETANDFILE (x y) (LAM\,EVALANDFILEACTQ `(setq ,x ',y))) ; 5.3.2 Declaring Global Variables and Named Constants (defmacro |function| (name) `(FUNCTION ,name)) (defmacro |dispatchFunction| (name) `(FUNCTION ,name)) (defun |functionp| (fn) (if (identp fn) (and (fboundp fn) (not (macro-function fn))) (functionp fn))) (defun |macrop| (fn) (and (identp fn) (macro-function fn))) ; 6 PREDICATES ; 6.2 Data Type Predicates ; 6.3 Equality Predicates ;; qeqcar should be used when you know the first arg is a pair ;; the second arg should either be a literal fixnum or a symbol ;; the car of the first arg is always of the same type as the second ;; use eql unless we are sure fixnums are represented canonically #-lucid (defmacro qeqcar (x y) (if (integerp y) `(eql (the fixnum (qcar ,x)) (the fixnum ,y)) `(eq (qcar ,x) ,y))) #+lucid (defmacro qeqcar (x y) `(eq (qcar ,x) ,y)) (defun COMPARE (X Y) "True if X is an atom or X and Y are lists and X and Y are equal up to X." (COND ((ATOM X) T) ((ATOM Y) NIL) ((EQUAL (CAR X) (CAR Y)) (COMPARE (CDR X) (CDR Y))))) (DEFUN ?ORDER (U V) "Multiple-type ordering relation." (COND ((NULL U)) ((NULL V) NIL) ((ATOM U) (if (ATOM V) (COND ((NUMBERP U) (if (NUMBERP V) (> V U) T)) ((NUMBERP V) NIL) ((IDENTP U) (AND (IDENTP V) (string> (SYMBOL-NAME V) (SYMBOL-NAME U)))) ((IDENTP V) NIL) ((STRINGP U) (AND (STRINGP V) (string> V U))) ((STRINGP V) NIL) ((AND (VECP U) (VECP V)) (AND (> (SIZE V) (SIZE U)) (DO ((I 0 (1+ I))) ((GT I (MAXINDEX U)) 'T) (COND ((NOT (EQUAL (ELT U I) (ELT V I))) (RETURN (?ORDER (ELT U I) (ELT V I)))))))) ((croak "Do not understand"))) T)) ((ATOM V) NIL) ((EQUAL U V)) ((NOT (string> (write-to-string U) (write-to-string V)))))) (defmacro boot-equal (a b) (cond ((ident-char-lit a) `(or (eql ,a ,b) (eql (character ,a) ,b))) ((ident-char-lit b) `(or (eql ,a ,b) (eql ,a (character ,b)))) (t `(eqqual ,a ,b)))) (defun ident-char-lit (x) (and (eqcar x 'quote) (identp (cadr x)) (= (length (pname (cadr x))) 1))) (defmacro EQQUAL (a b) (cond ((OR (EQUABLE a) (EQUABLE b)) `(eq ,a ,b)) ((OR (numberp a) (numberp b)) `(eql ,a ,b)) (t `(equal ,a ,b)))) (defmacro NEQUAL (a b) `(not (BOOT-EQUAL ,a ,b))) (defun EQUABLE (X) (OR (NULL X) (AND (EQCAR X 'QUOTE) (symbolp (CADR X))))) ; 7 CONTROL STRUCTURE ; 7.1 Constants and Variables ; 7.1.1 Reference (DEFUN MKQ (X) "Evaluates an object and returns it with QUOTE wrapped around it." (if (NUMBERP X) X (LIST 'QUOTE X))) ; 7.2 Generalized Variables (defmacro IS (x y) `(dcq ,y ,x)) (defmacro LETT (var val &rest L) (COND (|$QuickLet| `(SETQ ,var ,val)) (|$compilingMap| ;; map tracing `(PROGN (SETQ ,var ,val) (COND (|$letAssoc| (|mapLetPrint| ,(MKQ var) ,var (QUOTE ,(KAR L)))) ('T ,var)))) ;; used for LETs in SPAD code --- see devious trick in COMP,TRAN,1 ((ATOM var) `(PROGN (SETQ ,var ,val) (IF |$letAssoc| ,(cond ((null (cdr l)) `(|letPrint| ,(MKQ var) ,var (QUOTE ,(KAR L)))) ((and (eqcar (car l) 'SPADCALL) (= (length (car l)) 3)) `(|letPrint3| ,(MKQ var) ,var ,(third (car l)) (QUOTE ,(KADR L)))) (t `(|letPrint2| ,(MKQ var) ,(car l) (QUOTE ,(KADR L)))))) ,var)) ('T (ERROR "Cannot compileLET construct")))) (defmacro SPADLET (A B) (if (ATOM A) `(SETQ ,A ,B) `(OR (IS ,B ,A) (LET_ERROR ,(MK_LEFORM A) ,(MKQ B) )))) (defmacro RPLAC (&rest L) (if (EQCAR (CAR L) 'ELT) (LIST 'SETELT (CADAR L) (CADDR (CAR L)) (CADR L)) (let ((A (CARCDREXPAND (CAR L) NIL)) (B (CADR L))) (COND ((CDDR L) (ERROR 'RPLAC)) ((EQCAR A 'CAR) (LIST 'RPLACA (CADR A) B)) ((EQCAR A 'CDR) (LIST 'RPLACD (CADR A) B)) ((ERROR 'RPLAC)))))) (MAPC #'(LAMBDA (J) (MAKEPROP (CAR J) 'SELCODE (CADR J))) '((CAR 2) (CDR 3) (CAAR 4) (CADR 5) (CDAR 6) (CDDR 7) (CAAAR 8) (CAADR 9) (CADAR 10) (CADDR 11) (CDAAR 12) (CDADR 13) (CDDAR 14) (CDDDR 15) (CAAAAR 16) (CAAADR 17) (CAADAR 18) (CAADDR 19) (CADAAR 20) (CADADR 21) (CADDAR 22) (CADDDR 23) (CDAAAR 24) (CDAADR 25) (CDADAR 26) (CDADDR 27) (CDDAAR 28) (CDDADR 29) (CDDDAR 30) (CDDDDR 31))) (eval-when (compile eval load) (defun CARCDREXPAND (X FG) ; FG = TRUE FOR CAR AND CDR (let (n hx) (COND ((ATOM X) X) ((SETQ N (GET (RENAME (SETQ HX (CARCDREXPAND (CAR X) FG))) 'SELCODE)) (CARCDRX1 (CARCDREXPAND (CADR X) FG) N FG)) ((CONS HX (MAPCAR #'(LAMBDA (Y) (CARCDREXPAND Y FG)) (CDR X))))))) (DEFUN RENAME (U) (let (x) (if (AND (IDENTP U) (SETQ X (GET U 'NEWNAM))) X U))) (defun CARCDRX1 (X N FG) ; FG = TRUE FOR CAR AND CDR (COND ((< N 1) (fail)) ((EQL N 1) X) ((let ((D (DIVIDE N 2))) (CARCDRX1 (LIST (if (EQL (CADR D) 0) (if FG 'CAR 'CAR) (if FG 'CDR 'CDR)) X) (CAR D) FG)))))) ; 7.3 Function Invocation (DEFUN APPLYR (L X) (if (not L) X (LIST (CAR L) (APPLYR (CDR L) X)))) ; 7.8 Iteration ; 7.8.2 General Iteration (defmacro REPEAT (&rest L) (let ((U (REPEAT-TRAN L NIL))) (-REPEAT (CDR U) (CAR U)))) (defun REPEAT-TRAN (L LP) (COND ((ATOM L) (ERROR "REPEAT FORMAT ERROR")) ((MEMBER (KAR (KAR L)) '(EXIT RESET IN ON GSTEP ISTEP STEP GENERAL UNTIL WHILE SUCHTHAT EXIT)) (REPEAT-TRAN (CDR L) (CONS (CAR L) LP))) ((CONS (NREVERSE LP) (MKPF L 'PROGN))))) (DEFUN MKPF (L OP) (if (FLAGP OP 'NARY) (SETQ L (MKPFFLATTEN-1 L OP NIL))) (MKPF1 L OP)) (DEFUN MKPFFLATTEN (X OP) (COND ((ATOM X) X) ((EQL (CAR X) OP) (CONS OP (MKPFFLATTEN-1 (CDR X) OP NIL))) ((CONS (MKPFFLATTEN (CAR X) OP) (MKPFFLATTEN (CDR X) OP))))) (DEFUN MKPFFLATTEN-1 (L OP R) (let (X) (if (NULL L) R (MKPFFLATTEN-1 (CDR L) OP (APPEND R (if (EQCAR (SETQ X (MKPFFLATTEN (CAR L) OP)) OP) (CDR X) (LIST X))))))) (DEFUN MKPF1 (L OP) (let (X) (case OP (PLUS (COND ((EQL 0 (SETQ X (LENGTH (SETQ L (S- L '(0 (ZERO))))))) 0) ((EQL 1 X) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'PLUS L)) )) (TIMES (COND ((S* L '(0 (ZERO))) 0) ((EQL 0 (SETQ X (LENGTH (SETQ L (S- L '(1 (ONE))))))) 1) ((EQL 1 X) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'TIMES L)) )) (QUOTIENT (COND ((GREATERP (LENGTH L) 2) (fail)) ((EQL 0 (CAR L)) 0) ((EQL (CADR L) 1) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'QUOTIENT L)) )) (MINUS (COND ((CDR L) (FAIL)) ((NUMBERP (SETQ X (CAR L))) (MINUS X)) ((EQCAR X 'MINUS) (CADR X)) ((CONS 'MINUS L)) )) (DIFFERENCE (COND ((GREATERP (LENGTH L) 2) (FAIL)) ((EQUAL (CAR L) (CADR L)) '(ZERO)) ((|member| (CAR L) '(0 (ZERO))) (MKPF (CDR L) 'MINUS)) ((|member| (CADR L) '(0 (ZERO))) (CAR L)) ((EQCAR (CADR L) 'MINUS) (MKPF (LIST (CAR L) (CADADR L)) 'PLUS)) ((CONS 'DIFFERENCE L)) )) (EXPT (COND ((GREATERP (LENGTH L) 2) (FAIL)) ((EQL 0 (CADR L)) 1) ((EQL 1 (CADR L)) (CAR L)) ((|member| (CAR L) '(0 1 (ZERO) (ONE))) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'EXPT L)) )) (OR (COND ((MEMBER 'T L) ''T) ((EQL 0 (SETQ X (LENGTH (SETQ L (REMOVE NIL L))))) NIL) ((EQL 1 X) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'OR L)) )) (|or| (COND ((MEMBER 'T L) 'T) ((EQL 0 (SETQ X (LENGTH (SETQ L (REMOVE NIL L))))) NIL) ((EQL 1 X) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'or L)) )) (NULL (COND ((CDR L) (FAIL)) ((EQCAR (CAR L) 'NULL) (CADAR L)) ((EQL (CAR L) 'T) NIL) ((NULL (CAR L)) ''T) ((CONS 'NULL L)) )) (|and| (COND ((EQL 0 (SETQ X (LENGTH (SETQ L (REMOVE T (REMOVE '|true| L)))))) T) ((EQL 1 X) (CAR L)) ((CONS '|and| L)) )) (AND (COND ((EQL 0 (SETQ X (LENGTH (SETQ L (REMOVE T (REMOVE '|true| L)))))) ''T) ((EQL 1 X) (CAR L)) ((CONS 'AND L)) )) (PROGN (COND ((AND (NOT (ATOM L)) (NULL (LAST L))) (if (CDR L) `(PROGN . ,L) (CAR L))) ((NULL (SETQ L (REMOVE NIL L))) NIL) ((CDR L) (CONS 'PROGN L)) ((CAR L)))) (SEQ (COND ((EQCAR (CAR L) 'EXIT) (CADAR L)) ((CDR L) (CONS 'SEQ L)) ((CAR L)))) (LIST (if L (cons 'LIST L))) (CONS (if (cdr L) (cons 'CONS L) (car L))) (t (CONS OP L) )))) (defvar $TRACELETFLAG NIL "Also referred to in Comp.Lisp") (defmacro |Zero| (&rest L) (declare (ignore l)) "Needed by spadCompileOrSetq" 0) (defmacro |One| (&rest L) (declare (ignore l)) "Needed by spadCompileOrSetq" 1) (defun -REPEAT (BD SPL) (let (u g g1 inc final xcl xv il rsl tll funPLUS funGT fun? funIdent funPLUSform funGTform) (DO ((X SPL (CDR X))) ((ATOM X) (LIST 'spadDO (NREVERSE IL) (LIST (MKPF (NREVERSE XCL) 'OR) XV) (SEQOPT (CONS 'SEQ (NCONC (NREVERSE RSL) (LIST (LIST 'EXIT BD))))))) (COND ((ATOM (CAR X)) (FAIL))) (COND ((AND (EQ (CAAR X) 'STEP) (|member| (CADDAR X) '(2 1 0 (|One|) (|Zero|))) (|member| (CADR (CDDAR X)) '(1 (|One|)))) (SETQ X (CONS (CONS 'ISTEP (CDAR X)) (CDR X))) )) ; A hack to increase the likelihood of small integers (SETQ U (CDAR X)) (case (CAAR X) (GENERAL (AND (CDDDR U) (PUSH (CADDDR U) XCL)) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) (CADR U) (CADDR U)) IL) ) (GSTEP (SETQ tll (CDDDDR U)) ;tll is (+fun >fun type? ident) (SETQ funPLUSform (CAR tll)) (SETQ funGTform (CAR (SETQ tll (QCDR tll)))) (PUSH (LIST (SETQ funPLUS (GENSYM)) funPLUSform) IL) (PUSH (LIST (SETQ funGT (GENSYM)) funGTform) IL) (COND ((SETQ tll (CDR tll)) (SETQ fun? (CAR tll)) (SETQ funIdent (CAR (SETQ tll (QCDR tll)))))) (IF (NOT (ATOM (SETQ inc (CADDR U)) )) (PUSH (LIST (SETQ inc (GENSYM)) (CADDR U)) IL)) (SETQ final (CADDDR U)) (COND (final (COND ((ATOM final)) ((PUSH (LIST (SETQ final (GENSYM)) (CADDDR U)) IL))) ; If CADDDR U is not an atom, only compute the value once (PUSH (if fun? (if (FUNCALL fun? INC) (if (FUNCALL (EVAL funGTform) INC funIdent) (LIST 'FUNCALL funGT (CAR U) FINAL) (LIST 'FUNCALL funGT FINAL (CAR U))) (LIST 'IF (LIST 'FUNCALL funGT INC funIdent) (LIST 'FUNCALL funGT (CAR U) FINAL) (LIST 'FUNCALL funGT FINAL (CAR U)))) (LIST 'FUNCALL funGT (CAR U) final)) XCL))) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) (CADR U) (LIST 'FUNCALL funPLUS (CAR U) INC)) IL)) (STEP (IF (NOT (ATOM (SETQ inc (CADDR U)) )) (PUSH (LIST (SETQ inc (GENSYM)) (CADDR U)) IL)) (COND ((CDDDR U) (COND ((ATOM (SETQ final (CADDDR U)) )) ((PUSH (LIST (SETQ final (GENSYM)) (CADDDR U)) IL))) ; If CADDDR U is not an atom, only compute the value once (PUSH (if (INTEGERP INC) (LIST (if (MINUSP INC) '< '>) (CAR U) FINAL) `(if (MINUSP ,INC) (< ,(CAR U) ,FINAL) (> ,(CAR U) ,FINAL))) XCL))) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) (CADR U) (LIST '+ (CAR U) INC)) IL)) (ISTEP (IF (NOT (ATOM (SETQ inc (CADDR U)) )) (PUSH (LIST (SETQ inc (GENSYM)) (CADDR U)) IL)) (COND ((CDDDR U) (COND ((ATOM (SETQ final (CADDDR U)) )) ((PUSH (LIST (SETQ final (GENSYM)) (CADDDR U)) IL))) ; If CADDDR U is not an atom, only compute the value once (PUSH (if (INTEGERP INC) (LIST (if (QSMINUSP INC) 'QSLESSP 'QSGREATERP) (CAR U) FINAL) `(if (QSMINUSP ,INC) (QSLESSP ,(CAR U) ,FINAL) (QSGREATERP ,(CAR U) ,FINAL))) XCL))) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) (CADR U) (COND ((|member| INC '(1 (|One|))) (MKQSADD1 (CAR U))) ((LIST 'QSPLUS (CAR U) INC)) )) IL)) (ON (PUSH (LIST 'ATOM (CAR U)) XCL) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) (CADR U) (LIST 'CDR (CAR U))) IL)) (RESET (PUSH (LIST 'PROGN (CAR U) NIL) XCL)) (IN (PUSH (LIST 'OR (LIST 'ATOM (SETQ G (GENSYM))) (CONS 'PROGN (CONS (LIST 'SETQ (CAR U) (LIST 'CAR G)) (APPEND (COND ((AND (symbol-package (car U)) $TRACELETFLAG) (LIST (LIST '/TRACELET-PRINT (CAR U) (CAR U)))) (NIL)) (LIST NIL)))) ) XCL) (PUSH (LIST G (CADR U) (LIST 'CDR G)) IL) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) NIL) IL)) (INDOM (SETQ G (GENSYM)) (SETQ G1 (GENSYM)) (PUSH (LIST 'ATOM G) XCL) (PUSH (LIST G (LIST 'INDOM-FIRST (CADR U)) (LIST 'INDOM-NEXT G1)) IL) (PUSH (LIST (CAR U) NIL) IL) (PUSH (LIST G1 NIL) IL) (PUSH (LIST 'SETQ G1 (LIST 'CDR G)) RSL) (PUSH (LIST 'SETQ (CAR U) (LIST 'CAR G)) RSL)) (UNTIL (SETQ G (GENSYM)) (PUSH (LIST G NIL (CAR U)) IL) (PUSH G XCL)) (WHILE (PUSH (LIST 'NULL (CAR U)) XCL)) (SUCHTHAT (SETQ BD (LIST 'SUCHTHATCLAUSE BD (CAR U)))) (EXIT (SETQ XV (CAR U))) (FAIL))))) (defun SEQOPT (U) (if (AND (EQCAR U 'SEQ) (EQCAR (CADR U) 'EXIT) (EQCAR (CADADR U) 'SEQ)) (CADADR U) U)) (defmacro SUCHTHATCLAUSE (&rest L) (LIST 'COND (LIST (CADR L) (CAR L)))) (defvar $NEWSPAD NIL) (defvar $BOOT NIL) (defmacro spadDO (&rest OL) (PROG (VARS L VL V U INITS U-VARS U-VALS ENDTEST EXITFORMS BODYFORMS) (if (OR $BOOT (NOT $NEWSPAD)) (return (CONS 'DO OL))) (SETQ L (copy-list OL)) (if (OR (ATOM L) (ATOM (CDR L))) (GO BADO)) (setq vl (POP L)) (COND ((IDENTP VL) (SETQ VARS (LIST VL)) (AND (OR (ATOM L) (ATOM (progn (setq inits (POP L)) L)) (ATOM (progn (setq u-vals (pop L)) L))) (GO BADO)) (SETQ INITS (LIST INITS) U-VARS (LIST (CAR VARS)) U-VALS (LIST U-VALS)) (setq endtest (POP L))) ((prog nil (COND ((NULL VL) (GO TG5)) ((ATOM VL) (GO BADO))) G180 (AND (NOT (PAIRP (SETQ V (CAR VL)))) (SETQ V (LIST V))) (AND (NOT (IDENTP (CAR V))) (GO BADO)) (PUSH (CAR V) VARS) (PUSH (COND ((PAIRP (CDR V)) (CADR V))) INITS) (AND (PAIRP (CDR V)) (PAIRP (CDDR V)) (SEQ (PUSH (CAR V) U-VARS) (PUSH (CADDR V) U-VALS))) (AND (PAIRP (progn (POP VL) VL)) (GO G180)) TG5 (setq exitforms (POP L)) (and (PAIRP EXITFORMS) (progn (setq endtest (POP EXITFORMS)) exitforms))))) (AND L (COND ((CDR L) (SETQ BODYFORMS (CONS 'SEQ L))) ((NULL (EQCAR (CAR L) 'SEQ)) (SETQ BODYFORMS (CONS 'SEQ L))) ((SETQ BODYFORMS (CAR L))))) (SETQ EXITFORMS `(EXIT ,(MKPF EXITFORMS 'PROGN))) (AND ENDTEST (SETQ ENDTEST (LIST 'COND (LIST ENDTEST '(GO G191))))) (COND ((NULL U-VARS) (GO XT) ) ((NULL (CDR U-VARS)) (SEQ (SETQ U-VARS (LIST 'SETQ (CAR U-VARS) (CAR U-VALS))) (GO XT)) )) (SETQ VL (LIST 'SETQ (CAR U-VARS) (CAR U-VALS))) (SEQ (SETQ V (CDR U-VARS)) (SETQ U (CDR U-VALS))) TG (SETQ VL (LIST 'SETQ (CAR V) (LIST 'PROG1 (CAR U) VL))) (POP U) (AND (progn (POP V) V) (GO TG)) (SETQ U-VARS VL) XT (RETURN (COND ((AND $NEWSPAD (NULL $BOOT)) (CONS 'SEQ (NCONC (DO_LET VARS INITS) (LIST 'G190 ENDTEST BODYFORMS U-VARS '(GO G190) 'G191 EXITFORMS)))) ((CONS `(LAMBDA ,(NRECONC VARS NIL) (SEQ G190 ,ENDTEST ,BODYFORMS ,U-VARS (GO G190) G191 ,EXITFORMS)) (NRECONC INITS NIL))))) BADO (ERROR (FORMAT NIL "BAD DO FORMAT~%~A" OL)))) (defun DO_LET (VARS INITS) (if (OR (NULL VARS) (NULL INITS)) NIL (CONS (LIST 'SPADLET (CAR VARS) (CAR INITS)) (DO_LET (CDR VARS) (CDR INITS))))) #-:CCL (defun NREVERSE0 (X) ; Already built-in to CCL "Returns LST, reversed. The argument is modified. This version is needed so that (COLLECT (IN X Y) ... (RETURN 'JUNK))=>JUNK." (if (ATOM X) X (NREVERSE X))) ; 7.8.4 Mapping (defmacro COLLECT (&rest L) (let ((U (REPEAT-TRAN L NIL))) (CONS 'THETA (CONS '\, (NCONC (CAR U) (LIST (CDR U))))))) ;; The following was changed to a macro for efficiency in CCL. To change ;; it back to a function would require recompilation of a large chunk of ;; the library. (defmacro PRIMVEC2ARR (x) x) ;redefine to change Array rep (defmacro COLLECTVEC (&rest L) `(PRIMVEC2ARR (COLLECTV ,@L))) (defmacro COLLECTV (&rest L) (PROG (CONDS BODY ANS COUNTER X Y) ;If we can work out how often we will go round ;allocate a vector first (SETQ CONDS NIL) (SETQ BODY (REVERSE L)) (SETQ ANS (GENSYM)) (SETQ COUNTER NIL) (SETQ X (CDR BODY)) (SETQ BODY (CAR BODY)) LP (COND ((NULL X) (COND ((NULL COUNTER) (SETQ COUNTER (GENSYM)) (SETQ L (CONS (LIST 'ISTEP COUNTER 0 1) L)) )) (RETURN (LIST 'PROGN (LIST 'SPADLET ANS (LIST 'GETREFV (COND ((NULL CONDS) (fail)) ((NULL (CDR CONDS)) (CAR CONDS)) ((CONS 'MIN CONDS)) ) )) (CONS 'REPEAT (NCONC (CDR (REVERSE L)) (LIST (LIST 'SETELT ANS COUNTER BODY)))) ANS)) )) (SETQ Y (CAR X)) (SETQ X (CDR X)) (COND ((MEMQ (CAR Y) '(SUCHTHAT WHILE UNTIL)) (RETURN (LIST 'LIST2VEC (CONS 'COLLECT L)) )) ((member (CAR Y) '(IN ON) :test #'eq) (SETQ CONDS (CONS (LIST 'SIZE (CADDR Y)) CONDS)) (GO LP)) ((member (CAR Y) '(STEP ISTEP) :test #'eq) (if (AND (EQL (CADDR Y) 0) (EQL (CADDDR Y) 1)) (SETQ COUNTER (CADR Y)) ) (COND ((CDDDDR Y) ; there may not be a limit (SETQ CONDS (CONS (COND ((EQL 1 (CADDDR Y)) (COND ((EQL 1 (CADDR Y)) (CAR (CDDDDR Y))) ((EQL 0 (CADDR Y)) (MKQSADD1 (CAR (CDDDDR Y)))) ((MKQSADD1 `(- ,(CAR (CDDDDR Y)) ,(CADDR Y)))))) ((EQL 1 (CADDR Y)) `(/ ,(CAR (CDDDDR Y)) ,(CADDR Y))) ((EQL 0 (CADDR Y)) `(/ ,(MKQSADD1 (CAR (CDDDDR Y))) ,(CADDR Y))) (`(/ (- ,(MKQSADD1 (CAR (CDDDDR Y))) ,(CADDR Y)) ,(CADDR Y)))) CONDS)))) (GO LP))) (ERROR "Cannot handle macro expansion"))) (defun MKQSADD1 (X) (COND ((ATOM X) `(QSADD1 ,X)) ((AND (member (CAR X) '(-DIFFERENCE QSDIFFERENCE -) :test #'eq) (EQL 1 (CADDR X))) (CADR X)) (`(QSADD1 ,X)))) ; 7.10 Dynamic Non-local Exits (defmacro yield (L) (let ((g (gensym))) `(let ((,g (state))) (if (statep ,g) (throw 'yield (list 'pair ,L) ,g))))) ; 10.1 The Property List (DEFUN FLAG (L KEY) "Set the KEY property of every item in list L to T." (mapc #'(lambda (item) (makeprop item KEY T)) L)) (FLAG '(* + AND OR PROGN) 'NARY) ; flag for MKPF (DEFUN REMFLAG (L KEY) "Set the KEY property of every item in list L to NIL." (OR (ATOM L) (SEQ (REMPROP (CAR L) KEY) (REMFLAG (CDR L) KEY)))) (DEFUN FLAGP (X KEY) "If X has a KEY property, then FLAGP is true." (GET X KEY)) (defun PROPERTY (X IND N) "Returns the Nth element of X's IND property, if it exists." (let (Y) (if (AND (INTEGERP N) (SETQ Y (GET X IND)) (>= (LENGTH Y) N)) (ELEM Y N)))) ; 10.3 Creating Symbols (defmacro INTERNL (a &rest b) (if (not b) `(intern ,a) `(intern (strconc ,a . ,b)))) (defvar $GENNO 0) (DEFUN GENVAR () (INTERNL "$" (STRINGIMAGE (SETQ $GENNO (1+ $GENNO))))) (DEFUN IS_GENVAR (X) (AND (IDENTP X) (let ((y (symbol-name x))) (and (char= #\$ (elt y 0)) (> (size y) 1) (digitp (elt y 1)))))) (DEFUN IS_\#GENVAR (X) (AND (IDENTP X) (let ((y (symbol-name x))) (and (char= #\# (ELT y 0)) (> (SIZE Y) 1) (DIGITP (ELT Y 1)))))) ; 10.7 CATCH and THROW (defmacro SPADCATCH (&rest form) (CONS 'CATCH form)) (defmacro SPADTHROW (&rest form) (CONS 'THROW form)) ; 12 NUMBERS ; 12.3 Comparisons on Numbers (defmacro IEQUAL (&rest L) `(eql . ,L)) (defmacro GE (&rest L) `(>= . ,L)) (defmacro GT (&rest L) `(> . ,L)) (defmacro LE (&rest L) `(<= . ,L)) (defmacro LT (&rest L) `(< . ,L)) ; 12.4 Arithmetic Operations (defmacro SPADDIFFERENCE (&rest x) `(- . ,x)) ; 12.5 Irrational and Transcendental Functions ; 12.5.1 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions (define-function 'QSEXPT #'expt) ; 12.6 Small Finite Field ops with vector trimming ;; following macros assume 0 <= x,y < z (defmacro qsaddmod (x y z) `(let* ((sum (qsplus ,x ,y)) (rsum (qsdifference sum ,z))) (if (qsminusp rsum) sum rsum))) (defmacro qsdifmod (x y z) `(let ((dif (qsdifference ,x ,y))) (if (qsminusp dif) (qsplus dif ,z) dif))) (defmacro qsmultmod (x y z) `(rem (* ,x ,y) ,z)) (defun TRIMLZ (vec) (declare (simple-vector vec)) (let ((n (position 0 vec :from-end t :test-not #'eql))) (cond ((null n) (vector)) ((eql n (qvmaxindex vec)) vec) (t (subseq vec 0 (+ n 1)))))) ;; In CCL ASH assumes a 2's complement machine. We use ASH in Integer and ;; assume we have a sign and magnitude setup. #+:CCL (defmacro ash (u v) `(lisp::ash1 ,u ,v)) ; 14 SEQUENCES ; 14.1 Simple Sequence Functions (DEFUN NLIST (N FN) "Returns a list of N items, each initialized to the value of an invocation of FN" (if (LT N 1) NIL (CONS (EVAL FN) (NLIST (SUB1 N) FN)))) (define-function 'getchar #'elt) (defun GETCHARN (A M) "Return the code of the Mth character of A" (let ((a (if (identp a) (symbol-name a) a))) (char-code (elt A M)))) ; 14.2 Concatenating, Mapping, and Reducing Sequences (DEFUN STRINGPAD (STR N) (let ((M (length STR))) (if (>= M N) STR (concatenate 'string str (make-string (- N M) :initial-element #\Space))))) (DEFUN STRINGSUFFIX (TARGET SOURCE) "Suffix source to target if enough room else nil." (concatenate 'string target source)) (defun NSTRCONC (s1 s2) (concatenate 'string (string s1) (string s2))) (defmacro spadREDUCE (OP AXIS BOD) (REDUCE-1 OP AXIS BOD)) (MAPC #'(LAMBDA (X) (MAKEPROP (CAR X) 'THETA (CDR X))) '((PLUS 0) (+ (|Zero|)) (|lcm| (|One|)) (STRCONC "") (|strconc| "") (MAX -999999) (MIN 999999) (TIMES 1) (* (|One|)) (CONS NIL) (APPEND NIL) (|append| NIL) (UNION NIL) (UNIONQ NIL) (|gcd| (|Zero|)) (|union| NIL) (NCONC NIL) (|and| |true|) (|or| |false|) (AND 'T) (OR NIL))) (define-function '|append| #'APPEND) ;;(defun |delete| (item list) ; renaming from DELETE is done in DEF ;; (cond ((atom list) list) ;; ((equalp item (qcar list)) (|delete| item (qcdr list))) ;; ('t (cons (qcar list) (|delete| item (qcdr list)))))) (defun |delete| (item sequence) (cond ((symbolp item) (remove item sequence :test #'eq)) ((and (atom item) (not (arrayp item))) (remove item sequence)) (T (remove item sequence :test #'equalp)))) (MAPC #'(LAMBDA (J) (MAKEPROP (CAR J) 'UNMACRO (CADR J))) '( (AND AND2) (OR OR2))) (defun and2 (x y) (and x y)) (defun or2 (x y) (or x y)) (MAKEPROP 'CONS 'RIGHT-ASSOCIATIVE T) (defun REDUCE-1 (OP AXIS BOD) (let (u op1 tran iden) (SEQ (SETQ OP1 (cond ((EQ OP '\,) 'CONS) ((EQCAR OP 'QUOTE) (CADR OP)) (OP))) (SETQ IDEN (if (SETQ U (GET OP1 'THETA)) (CAR U) 'NO_THETA_PROPERTY)) (SETQ TRAN (if (EQCAR BOD 'COLLECT) (PROG (L BOD1 ITL) (SETQ L (REVERSE (CDR BOD))) (SETQ BOD1 (CAR L)) (SETQ ITL (NREVERSE (CDR L))) (RETURN (-REDUCE OP1 AXIS IDEN BOD1 ITL)) ) (progn (SETQ U (-REDUCE-OP OP1 AXIS)) (LIST 'REDUCE-N (MKQ (OR (GET U 'UNMACRO) U)) (GET OP1 'RIGHT-ASSOCIATIVE) BOD IDEN)))) (if (EQ OP '\,) (LIST 'NREVERSE-N TRAN AXIS) TRAN)))) (defun -REDUCE (OP AXIS Y BODY SPL) (PROG (X G AUX EXIT VALUE PRESET CONSCODE RESETCODE) (SETQ G (GENSYM)) ; create preset of accumulate (SETQ PRESET (COND ((EQ Y 'NO_THETA_PROPERTY) (LIST 'SPADLET G (MKQ G))) ((LIST 'SPADLET G Y)) )) (SETQ EXIT (COND ((SETQ X (ASSOC 'EXIT SPL))(SETQ SPL (DELASC 'EXIT SPL)) (COND ((MEMBER OP '(AND OR)) (LIST 'AND G (CADR X))) ((CADR X)) )) ((EQ Y 'NO_THETA_PROPERTY) (LIST 'THETACHECK G (MKQ G)(MKQ OP))) (G) )) (COND ((EQ OP 'CONS) (SETQ EXIT (LIST 'NREVERSE0 EXIT)))) ; CONSCODE= code which conses a member onto the list (SETQ VALUE (COND ((EQ Y 'NO_THETA_PROPERTY) (GENSYM)) (BODY))) (SETQ CONSCODE (CONS (-REDUCE-OP OP AXIS) (COND ((FLAGP OP 'RIGHT-ASSOCIATIVE) (LIST VALUE G)) ((LIST G VALUE) ) ) ) ) ; next reset code which varies if THETA property is|/is not given (SETQ RESETCODE (LIST 'SETQ G (COND ((EQ Y 'NO_THETA_PROPERTY) (LIST 'COND (LIST (LIST 'EQ G (MKQ G)) VALUE) (LIST ''T CONSCODE)) ) (CONSCODE) ))) ; create body (SETQ BODY (COND ((EQ VALUE BODY) RESETCODE) ((LIST 'PROGN (LIST 'SPADLET VALUE BODY) RESETCODE)) )) (SETQ AUX (CONS (LIST 'EXIT EXIT) (COND ((EQ OP 'AND) (LIST (LIST 'UNTIL (LIST 'NULL G)))) ((EQ OP 'OR) (LIST (LIST 'UNTIL G))) (NIL) ))) (RETURN (COND ((AND $NEWSPAD (NULL $BOOT)) (LIST 'PROGN PRESET (CONS 'REPEAT (APPEND AUX (APPEND SPL (LIST BODY))) ))) ((LIST 'PROG (COND ((EQ RESETCODE BODY) (LIST G)) ((LIST G VALUE))) PRESET (LIST 'RETURN (CONS 'REPEAT (APPEND AUX (APPEND SPL (LIST BODY))))))))))) (defun -REDUCE-OP (OP AXIS) (COND ((EQL AXIS 0) OP) ((EQL AXIS 1) (COND ((EQ OP 'CONS) 'CONS-N) ((EQ OP 'APPEND) 'APPEND-N) ((FAIL)))) ((FAIL)))) (defun NREVERSE-N (X AXIS) (COND ((EQL AXIS 0) (NREVERSE X)) ((MAPCAR #'(LAMBDA (Y) (NREVERSE-N Y (SUB1 AXIS))) X)))) (defun CONS-N (X Y) (COND ((NULL Y) (CONS-N X (NLIST (LENGTH X) NIL))) ((MAPCAR #'CONS X Y)))) (defun APPEND-N (X Y) (COND ((NULL X) (APPEND-N (NLIST (LENGTH Y) NIL) Y)) ((MAPCAR #'APPEND X Y)))) (defun REDUCE-N (OP RIGHT L ACC) (COND (RIGHT (PROG (U L1) (SETQ L1 (NREVERSE L)) (SETQ U (REDUCE-N-1 OP 'T L1 ACC)) (NREVERSE L1) (RETURN U) )) ((REDUCE-N-1 OP NIL L ACC)))) (defun REDUCE-N-1 (OP RIGHT L ACC) (COND ((EQ ACC 'NO_THETA_PROPERTY) (COND ((NULL L) (THETA_ERROR OP)) ((REDUCE-N-2 OP RIGHT (CDR L) (CAR L))) )) ((REDUCE-N-2 OP RIGHT L ACC)))) (defun REDUCE-N-2 (OP RIGHT L ACC) (COND ((NULL L) ACC) (RIGHT (REDUCE-N-2 OP RIGHT (CDR L) (funcall (symbol-function OP) (CAR L) ACC))) ((REDUCE-N-2 OP RIGHT (CDR L) (funcall (symbol-function OP) ACC (CAR L)))))) (defmacro THETA (&rest LL) (let (U (L (copy-list LL))) (if (EQ (KAR L) '\,) `(theta CONS . ,(CDR L)) (progn (if (EQCAR (CAR L) 'QUOTE) (RPLAC (CAR L) (CADAR L))) (-REDUCE (CAR L) 0 (if (SETQ U (GET (CAR L) 'THETA)) (CAR U) (MOAN "NO THETA PROPERTY")) (CAR (SETQ L (NREVERSE (CDR L)))) (NREVERSE (CDR L))))))) (defmacro THETA1 (&rest LL) (let (U (L (copy-list LL))) (if (EQ (KAR L) '\,) (LIST 'NREVERSE-N (CONS 'THETA1 (CONS 'CONS (CDR L))) 1) (-REDUCE (CAR L) 1 (if (SETQ U (GET (CAR L) 'THETA)) (CAR U) (MOAN "NO THETA PROPERTY")) (CAR (SETQ L (NREVERSE (CDR L)))) (NREVERSE (CDR L)))))) (defun THETACHECK (VAL VAR OP) (if (EQL VAL VAR) (THETA_ERROR OP) val)) (defun THETA_ERROR (OP) (Boot::|userError| (LIST "Sorry, do not know the identity element for " OP))) ; 15 LISTS ; 15.1 Conses (defmacro |SPADfirst| (l) (let ((tem (gensym))) `(let ((,tem ,l)) (if ,tem (car ,tem) (first-error))))) (defun first-error () (error "Cannot take first of an empty list")) ; 15.2 Lists (defmacro ELEM (val &rest indices) (if (null indices) val `(ELEM (nth (1- ,(car indices)) ,val) ,@(cdr indices)))) (defun ELEMN (X N DEFAULT) (COND ((NULL X) DEFAULT) ((EQL N 1) (CAR X)) ((ELEMN (CDR X) (SUB1 N) DEFAULT)))) (defmacro TAIL (&rest L) (let ((x (car L)) (n (if (cdr L) (cadr L) 1))) (COND ((EQL N 0) X) ((EQL N 1) (LIST 'CDR X)) ((GT N 1) (APPLYR (PARTCODET N) X)) ((LIST 'TAILFN X N))))) (defun PARTCODET (N) (COND ((OR (NULL (INTEGERP N)) (LT N 1)) (ERROR 'PARTCODET)) ((EQL N 1) '(CDR)) ((EQL N 2) '(CDDR)) ((EQL N 3) '(CDDDR)) ((EQL N 4) '(CDDDDR)) ((APPEND (PARTCODET (PLUS N -4)) '(CDDDDR))))) (defmacro TL (&rest L) `(tail . ,L)) (defun TAILFN (X N) (if (LT N 1) X (TAILFN (CDR X) (SUB1 N)))) (defmacro SPADCONST (&rest L) (cons 'qrefelt L)) (defmacro SPADCALL (&rest L) (let ((args (butlast l)) (fn (car (last l))) (gi (gensym))) ;; (values t) indicates a single return value `(let ((,gi ,fn)) (the (values t) (funcall (car ,gi) ,@args (cdr ,gi)))) )) (DEFUN LASTELEM (X) (car (last X))) (defun LISTOFATOMS (X) (COND ((NULL X) NIL) ((ATOM X) (LIST X)) ((NCONC (LISTOFATOMS (CAR X)) (LISTOFATOMS (CDR X)))))) (DEFUN LASTATOM (L) (if (ATOM L) L (LASTATOM (CDR L)))) (define-function 'LASTTAIL #'last) (define-function 'LISPELT #'ELT) (defun DROP (N X &aux m) "Return a pointer to the Nth cons of X, counting 0 as the first cons." (COND ((EQL N 0) X) ((> N 0) (DROP (1- N) (CDR X))) ((>= (setq m (+ (length x) N)) 0) (take m x)) ((CROAK (list "Bad args to DROP" N X))))) (DEFUN TAKE (N X &aux m) "Returns a list of the first N elements of list X." (COND ((EQL N 0) NIL) ((> N 0) (CONS (CAR X) (TAKE (1- N) (CDR X)))) ((>= (setq m (+ (length x) N)) 0) (drop m x)) ((CROAK (list "Bad args to DROP" N X))))) (DEFUN NUMOFNODES (X) (if (ATOM X) 0 (+ 1 (NUMOFNODES (CAR X)) (NUMOFNODES (CDR X))))) (DEFUN TRUNCLIST (L TL) "Truncate list L at the point marked by TL." (let ((U L)) (TRUNCLIST-1 L TL) U)) (DEFUN TRUNCLIST-1 (L TL) (COND ((ATOM L) L) ((EQL (CDR L) TL) (RPLACD L NIL)) ((TRUNCLIST-1 (CDR L) TL)))) ; 15.3 Alteration of List Structure (defun RPLACW (x w) (let (y z) (dsetq (Y . Z) w) (RPLACA X Y) (RPLACD X Z) X)) ; 15.4 Substitution of Expressions (DEFUN SUBSTEQ (NEW OLD FORM) "Version of SUBST that uses EQ rather than EQUAL on the world." (PROG (NFORM HNFORM ITEM) (SETQ HNFORM (SETQ NFORM (CONS () ()))) LP (RPLACD NFORM (COND ((EQ FORM OLD) (SETQ FORM ()) NEW ) ((NOT (PAIRP FORM)) FORM ) ((EQ (SETQ ITEM (CAR FORM)) OLD) (CONS NEW ()) ) ((PAIRP ITEM) (CONS (SUBSTEQ NEW OLD ITEM) ()) ) ((CONS ITEM ())))) (if (NOT (PAIRP FORM)) (RETURN (CDR HNFORM))) (SETQ NFORM (CDR NFORM)) (SETQ FORM (CDR FORM)) (GO LP))) (DEFUN SUBLISNQ (KEY E) (declare (special KEY)) (if (NULL KEY) E (SUBANQ E))) (DEFUN SUBANQ (E) (declare (special key)) (COND ((ATOM E) (SUBB KEY E)) ((EQCAR E (QUOTE QUOTE)) E) ((MAPCAR #'(LAMBDA (J) (SUBANQ J)) E)))) (DEFUN SUBB (X E) (COND ((ATOM X) E) ((EQ (CAAR X) E) (CDAR X)) ((SUBB (CDR X) E)))) (defun SUBLISLIS (newl oldl form) (sublis (mapcar #'cons oldl newl) form)) ; 15.5 Using Lists as Sets <<DEFUN CONTAINED>> (DEFUN S+ (X Y) (COND ((ATOM Y) X) ((ATOM X) Y) ((MEMBER (CAR X) Y :test #'equal) (S+ (CDR X) Y)) ((S+ (CDR X) (CONS (CAR X) Y))))) (defun S* (l1 l2) (INTERSECTION l1 l2 :test #'equal)) (defun S- (l1 l2) (set-difference l1 l2 :test #'equal)) (DEFUN PREDECESSOR (TL L) "Returns the sublist of L whose CDR is EQ to TL." (COND ((ATOM L) NIL) ((EQ TL (CDR L)) L) ((PREDECESSOR TL (CDR L))))) (defun remdup (l) (remove-duplicates l :test #'equalp)) (DEFUN GETTAIL (X L) (member X L :test #'equal)) ; 15.6 Association Lists (defun DelAsc (u v) "Returns a copy of a-list V in which any pair with key U is deleted." (cond ((atom v) nil) ((or (atom (car v))(not (equal u (caar v)))) (cons (car v) (DelAsc u (cdr v)))) ((cdr v)))) (DEFUN ADDASSOC (X Y L) "Put the association list pair (X . Y) into L, erasing any previous association for X" (COND ((ATOM L) (CONS (CONS X Y) L)) ((EQUAL X (CAAR L)) (CONS (CONS X Y) (CDR L))) ((CONS (CAR L) (ADDASSOC X Y (CDR L)))))) (DEFUN DELLASOS (U V) "Remove any assocation pair (U . X) from list V." (COND ((ATOM V) NIL) ((EQUAL U (CAAR V)) (CDR V)) ((CONS (CAR V) (DELLASOS U (CDR V)))))) (DEFUN ASSOCLEFT (X) "Returns all the keys of association list X." (if (ATOM X) X (mapcar #'car x))) (DEFUN ASSOCRIGHT (X) "Returns all the datums of association list X." (if (ATOM X) X (mapcar #'cdr x))) (DEFUN LASSOC (X Y) "Return the datum associated with key X in association list Y." (PROG NIL A (COND ((ATOM Y) (RETURN NIL)) ((EQUAL (CAAR Y) X) (RETURN (CDAR Y))) ) (SETQ Y (CDR Y)) (GO A))) (DEFUN |rassoc| (X Y) "Return the datum associated with key X in association list Y." (PROG NIL A (COND ((ATOM Y) (RETURN NIL)) ((EQUAL (CDAR Y) X) (RETURN (CAAR Y))) ) (SETQ Y (CDR Y)) (GO A))) ; (defun QLASSQ (p a-list) (let ((y (assoc p a-list :test #'eq))) (if y (cdr y)))) (defun QLASSQ (p a-list) (cdr (assq p a-list))) (define-function 'LASSQ #'QLASSQ) (defun pair (x y) (mapcar #'cons x y)) ;;; Operations on Association Sets (AS) (defun AS-INSERT (A B L) ;; PF(item) x PF(item) x LIST(of pairs) -> LIST(of pairs with (A . B) added) ;; destructive on L; if (A . C) appears already, C is replaced by B (cond ((null l) (list (cons a b))) ((equal a (caar l)) (rplac (cdar l) b) l) ((?order a (caar l)) (cons (cons a b) l)) (t (as-insert1 a b l) l))) (defun as-insert1 (a b l) (cond ((null (cdr l)) (rplac (cdr l) (list (cons a b)))) ((equal a (caadr l)) (rplac (cdadr l) b)) ((?order a (caadr l)) (rplac (cdr l) (cons (cons a b) (cdr l)))) (t (as-insert1 a b (cdr l))))) ; 17 ARRAYS ; 17.6 Changing the Dimensions of an Array <<lengthenvec>> <<make-init-vector>> ; 22 INPUT/OUTPUT ; 22.2 Input Functions ; 22.2.1 Input from Character Streams (DEFUN STREAM-EOF (&optional (STRM *terminal-io*)) "T if input stream STRM is at the end or saw a ~." (not (peek-char nil STRM nil nil nil)) ) (DEFUN CONSOLEINPUTP (STRM) (IS-CONSOLE STRM)) (defvar $filelinenumber 0) (defvar $prompt "--->") (defvar stream-buffer nil) (DEFUN NEXTSTRMLINE (STRM) "Returns the next input line from stream STRM." (let ((v (read-line strm nil -1 nil))) (if (equal v -1) (throw 'spad_reader nil) (progn (setq stream-buffer v) v)))) (DEFUN CURSTRMLINE (STRM) "Returns the current input line from the stream buffer of STRM (VM-specific!)." (cond (stream-buffer) ((stream-eof strm) (fail)) ((nextstrmline strm)))) (defvar *EOF* NIL) (DEFUN CURMAXINDEX (STRM) "Something bizarre and VM-specific with respect to streams." (if *EOF* (FAIL) (ELT (ELT (LASTATOM STRM) 1) 3))) (DEFUN ADJCURMAXINDEX (STRM) "Something unearthly and VM-specific with respect to streams." (let (v) (if *eof* (fail) (progn (SETQ V (ELT (LASTATOM STRM) 1)) (SETELT V 3 (SIZE (ELT V 0))))))) (DEFUN STRMBLANKLINE (STRM) "Something diabolical and VM-specific with respect to streams." (if *EOF* (FAIL) (AND (EQ '\ (CAR STRM)) (EQL 1 (CURMAXINDEX STRM))))) (DEFUN STRMSKIPTOBLANK (STRM) "Munch away on the stream until you get to a blank line." (COND (*EOF* (FAIL)) ((PROGN (NEXTSTRMLINE STRM) (STRMBLANKLINE STRM)) STRM) ((STRMSKIPTOBLANK STRM)))) (DEFUN CURINPUTLINE () (CURSTRMLINE *standard-input*)) (DEFUN NEXTINPUTLINE () (NEXTSTRMLINE *standard-input*)) ; 22.3 Output Functions ; 22.3.1 Output to Character Streams (DEFUN ATOM2STRING (X) "Give me the string which would be printed out to denote an atom." (cond ((atom x) (symbol-name x)) ((stringp x) x) ((write-to-string x)))) (defvar |conOutStream| *terminal-io* "console output stream") (defun |sayTeX| (x) (if (null x) nil (sayBrightly1 x |$texOutputStream|))) (defun |sayNewLine| () (TERPRI)) (defvar |$sayBrightlyStream| nil "if not nil, gives stream for sayBrightly output") (defun |sayBrightly| (x &optional (out-stream *standard-output*)) (COND ((NULL X) NIL) (|$sayBrightlyStream| (sayBrightly1 X |$sayBrightlyStream|)) ((IS-CONSOLE out-stream) (sayBrightly1 X out-stream)) ((sayBrightly1 X out-stream) (sayBrightly1 X *terminal-io*)))) (defun |sayBrightlyI| (x &optional (s *terminal-io*)) "Prints at console or output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X S))) (defun |sayBrightlyNT| (x &optional (S *standard-output*)) (COND ((NULL X) NIL) (|$sayBrightlyStream| (sayBrightlyNT1 X |$sayBrightlyStream|)) ((IS-CONSOLE S) (sayBrightlyNT1 X S)) ((sayBrightly1 X S) (sayBrightlyNT1 X *terminal-io*)))) (defun sayBrightlyNT1 (X *standard-output*) (if (ATOM X) (BRIGHTPRINT-0 X) (BRIGHTPRINT X))) (defun sayBrightly1 (X *standard-output*) (if (ATOM X) (progn (BRIGHTPRINT-0 X) (TERPRI) (force-output)) (progn (BRIGHTPRINT X) (TERPRI) (force-output)))) (defvar |$algebraOutputStream| *standard-output*) (defun |saySpadMsg| (X) (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayALGEBRA| (X) "Prints on Algebra output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayMSG| (X) (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayMSGNT| (X) (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightlyNT1 X |$algebraOutputStream|))) (defun |sayMSG2File| (msg) (PROG (file str) (SETQ file (|makePathname| '|spadmsg| '|listing| |$listingDirectory|)) (SETQ str (DEFIOSTREAM (CONS '(MODE . OUTPUT) (CONS (CONS 'FILE file) NIL)) 255 0)) (sayBrightly1 msg str) (SHUT str) ) ) (defvar |$fortranOutputStream|) (defun |sayFORTRAN| (x) "Prints on Fortran output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$fortranOutputStream|))) (defvar |$formulaOutputStream|) (defun |sayFORMULA| (X) "Prints on formula output stream." (if (NULL X) NIL (sayBrightly1 X |$formulaOutputStream|))) (defvar |$highlightAllowed| nil "Used in BRIGHTPRINT and is a )set variable.") (defvar |$highlightFontOn| |$boldString| "switch to highlight font") (defvar |$highlightFontOff| |$normalString| "return to normal font") ;; the following are redefined in MSGDB BOOT ;; --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in msgdb.boot.pamphlet) (DEFUN BRIGHTPRINT (X) (MESSAGEPRINT X)) ;; --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in msgdb.boot.pamphlet) (DEFUN BRIGHTPRINT-0 (x) (MESSAGEPRINT-1 X)) (defun SAY (&rest x) (progn (MESSAGEPRINT X) (TERPRI))) (DEFUN MESSAGEPRINT (X) (mapc #'messageprint-1 X)) (DEFUN MESSAGEPRINT-1 (X) (COND ((OR (EQ X '|%l|) (EQUAL X "%l")) (TERPRI)) ((STRINGP X) (PRINC X)) ((IDENTP X) (PRINC X)) ((ATOM X) (PRINC X)) ((PRINC "(") (MESSAGEPRINT-1 (CAR X)) (MESSAGEPRINT-2 (CDR X)) (PRINC ")")))) (DEFUN MESSAGEPRINT-2 (X) (if (ATOM X) (if (NULL X) NIL (progn (PRINC " . ") (MESSAGEPRINT-1 X))) (progn (PRINC " ") (MESSAGEPRINT-1 (CAR X)) (MESSAGEPRINT-2 (CDR X))))) (DEFUN BLANKS (N &optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Print N blanks." (do ((i 1 (the fixnum(1+ i)))) ((> i N))(declare (fixnum i n)) (princ " " stream))) ; 23 FILE SYSTEM INTERFACE ; 23.2 Opening and Closing Files (DEFUN DEFSTREAM (file MODE) (if (member mode '(i input)) (MAKE-INSTREAM file) (MAKE-OUTSTREAM file))) ; 23.3 Renaming, Deleting and Other File Operations (DEFUN NOTE (STRM) "Attempts to return the current record number of a file stream. This is 0 for terminals and empty or at-end files. In Common Lisp, we must assume record sizes of 1!" (COND ((STREAM-EOF STRM) 0) ((IS-CONSOLE STRM) 0) ((file-position STRM)))) (DEFUN IS-CONSOLE-NOT-XEDIT (S) (not (OR (NULL (IS-CONSOLE S))))) (DEFUN POINTW (RECNO STRM) "Does something obscure and VM-specific with respect to streams." (let (V) (if (STREAM-EOF STRM) (FAIL)) (SETQ V (LASTATOM STRM)) (SETELT V 4 RECNO) (SETQ *EOF* (STREAM-EOF STRM)) strm)) (DEFUN POINT (RECNO STRM) (file-position strm recno)) (DEFUN STRM (RECNO STRM) "Does something obscure and VM-specific with respect to streams." (let (V) (if (STREAM-EOF STRM) (FAIL)) (SETQ V (LASTATOM STRM)) (SETELT V 4 RECNO) (read-char STRM) (SETQ *EOF* (STREAM-EOF STRM)) strm)) ; 24 ERRORS ; 24.2 Specialized Error-Signalling Forms and Macros (defun MOAN (&rest x) (|sayBrightly| `(|%l| "===> " ,@X |%l|))) (DEFUN FAIL () (|systemError| '"Antique error (FAIL ENTERED)")) (defun CROAK (&rest x) (|systemError| x)) ; 25 MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES ;; range tests and assertions (defmacro |assert| (x y) `(IF (NULL ,x) (|error| ,y))) (defun coerce-failure-msg (val mode) (STRCONC (MAKE-REASONABLE (STRINGIMAGE val)) " cannot be coerced to mode " (STRINGIMAGE (|devaluate| mode)))) (defmacro |check-subtype| (pred submode val) `(|assert| ,pred (coerce-failure-msg ,val ,submode))) (defmacro |check-union| (pred branch val) `(|assert| ,pred (coerce-failure-msg ,val ,branch ))) (defun MAKE-REASONABLE (Z) (if (> (length Z) 30) (CONCAT "expression beginning " (subseq Z 0 20)) Z)) (defmacro |elapsedUserTime| () '(get-internal-run-time)) #+IBCL (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '(system:gbc-time-report)) #+AKCL (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '(system:gbc-time)) #+:CCL (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '(lisp:gctime)) #-(OR :CCL IBCL AKCL) (defmacro |elapsedGcTime| () '0) (defmacro |do| (&rest args) (CONS 'PROGN args)) (defmacro |char| (arg) (cond ((stringp arg) (character arg)) ((integerp arg) (code-char arg)) ((and (consp arg) (eq (car arg) 'quote)) (character (cadr arg))) (t `(character ,arg)))) (defun DROPTRAILINGBLANKS (LINE) (string-right-trim " " LINE)) ; # Gives the number of elements of a list, 0 for atoms. ; If we quote it, then an interpreter trip is necessary every time ; we call #, and this costs us - 4% in the RATINT DEMO." (define-function '\# #'SIZE) (defun print-and-eval-defun (name body) (eval body) (print-defun name body) ;; (set name (symbol-function name)) ;; this should go away ) (defun eval-defun (name body) (eval (macroexpandall body))) ; This function was modified by Greg Vanuxem on March 31, 2005 ; to handle the special case of #'(lambda ..... which expands ; into (function (lambda ..... ; ; The extra if clause fixes bugs #196 and #114 ; ; an example that used to cause the failure was: ; )set func comp off ; f(xl:LIST FRAC INT): LIST FRAC INT == map(x +-> x, xl) ; f [1,2,3] ; ; which expanded into ; ; (defun |xl;f;1;initial| (|#1| |envArg|) ; (prog (#:G1420) ; (return ; (progn ; (lett #:G1420 'uninitialized_variable |f| |#1;f;1:initial|) ; (spadcall ; (cons (|function| (lambda (#:G1420 |envArg|) #:G1420)) (vector)) ; |#1| ; (qrefelt |*1;f;1;initial;MV| 0)))))) ; ; the (|function| (lambda form used to cause an infinite expansion loop ; (defun macroexpandall (sexpr) (cond ((atom sexpr) sexpr) ((eq (car sexpr) 'quote) sexpr) ((eq (car sexpr) 'defun) (cons (car sexpr) (cons (cadr sexpr) (mapcar #'macroexpandall (cddr sexpr))))) ((and (symbolp (car sexpr)) (macro-function (car sexpr))) (do () ((not (and (consp sexpr) (symbolp (car sexpr)) (macro-function (car sexpr))))) (setq sexpr (macroexpand sexpr))) (if (consp sexpr) (let ((a (car sexpr)) (b (caadr sexpr))) (if (and (eq a 'function) (eq b 'lambda)) (cons a (list (cons b (mapcar #'macroexpandall (cdadr sexpr))))) (mapcar #'macroexpandall sexpr))) sexpr)) ('else (mapcar #'macroexpandall sexpr)))) (defun compile-defun (name body) (eval body) (compile name)) (defmacro |Record| (&rest x) `(|Record0| (LIST ,@(COLLECT (IN Y X) (list 'CONS (MKQ (CADR Y)) (CADDR Y)))))) (defmacro |:| (tag expr) `(LIST '|:| ,(MKQ tag) ,expr)) (defun |deleteWOC| (item list) (lisp::delete item list :test #'equal)) (DEFUN |leftBindingPowerOf| (X IND &AUX (Y (GETL X IND))) (IF Y (ELEMN Y 3 0) 0)) (DEFUN |rightBindingPowerOf| (X IND &AUX (Y (GETL X IND))) (IF Y (ELEMN Y 4 105) 105)) (defmacro make-bf (MT EP) `(CONS |$BFtag| (CONS ,MT ,EP))) (defun MAKE-FLOAT (int frac fraclen exp) (if (AND $SPAD |$useBFasDefault|) (if (= frac 0) (MAKE-BF int exp) (MAKE-BF (+ (* int (expt 10 fraclen)) frac) (- exp fraclen)) ) (read-from-string (format nil "~D.~v,'0De~D" int fraclen frac exp))) ) ;;---- Added by WFS. (proclaim '(ftype (function (t t) t) |subWord|)) ;hack for bug in akcl-478 (DEFUN |subWord| (|str| N ) (declare (fixnum n ) (string |str|)) (PROG (|word| (|n| 0) |inWord|(|l| 0) ) (declare (fixnum |n| |l|)) (RETURN (SEQ (COND ((> 1 N) NIL) ('T (SPADLET |l| (SPADDIFFERENCE (|#| |str|) 1)) (COND ((EQL |l| 0) NIL) ('T (SPADLET |n| 0) (SPADLET |word| '||) (SPADLET |inWord| NIL) (DO ((|i| 0 (QSADD1 |i|))) ((QSGREATERP |i| |l|) NIL) (declare (fixnum |i|)) (SEQ (EXIT (COND ((eql (aref |str| |i|) #\space) (COND ((NULL |inWord|) NIL) ((eql |n| N) (RETURN |word|)) ('T (SPADLET |inWord| NIL)))) ('T (COND ((NULL |inWord|) (SPADLET |inWord| 'T) (SPADLET |n| (PLUS |n| 1)))) (COND ((eql |n| N) (cond ((eq |word| '||) (setq |word| (make-array 10 :adjustable t :element-type 'standard-char :fill-pointer 0)))) (or |word| (error "bad")) (vector-push-extend (aref |str| |i|) (the string |word|) ) ) ('T NIL))))))) (COND ((> N |n|) NIL) ('T |word|)))))))))) (defun print-full (expr &optional (stream *standard-output*)) (let ((*print-circle* t) (*print-array* t) *print-level* *print-length*) (print expr stream) (terpri stream) (finish-output stream))) ;; moved here from preparse.lisp (defun NEXT-TAB-LOC (i) (* (1+ (truncate i 8)) 8)) (defun INDENT-POS (STR) (do ((i 0 (1+ i)) (pos 0)) ((>= i (length str)) nil) (case (char str i) (#\space (incf pos)) (#\tab (setq pos (next-tab-loc pos))) (otherwise (return pos))))) ;;(defun expand-tabs (str) ;; (let ((bpos (nonblankloc str)) ;; (tpos (indent-pos str))) ;; (if (eql bpos tpos) str ;; (concatenate 'string (make-string tpos :initial-element #\space) ;; (subseq str bpos))))) (defun expand-tabs (str) (if (and (stringp str) (> (length str) 0)) (let ((bpos (nonblankloc str)) (tpos (indent-pos str))) (setq str (if (eql bpos tpos) str (concatenate 'string (make-string tpos :initial-element #\space) (subseq str bpos)))) ;; remove dos CR (let ((lpos (maxindex str))) (if (eq (char str lpos) #\Return) (subseq str 0 lpos) str))) str)) (defun blankp (char) (or (eq char #\Space) (eq char #\tab))) (defun nonblankloc (str) (position-if-not #'blankp str)) ;; stream handling for paste-in generation (defun |applyWithOutputToString| (func args) ;; returns the cons of applying func to args and a string produced ;; from standard-output while executing. (let* ((*standard-output* (make-string-output-stream)) (curoutstream *standard-output*) (*terminal-io* *standard-output*) (|$algebraOutputStream| *standard-output*) (erroroutstream *standard-output*) val) (declare (special *standard-output* curoutstream *terminal-io* |$algebraOutputStream|)) (setq val (catch 'spad_reader (catch 'TOP_LEVEL (apply (symbol-function func) args)))) (cons val (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*)))) (defun |breakIntoLines| (str) (let ((bol 0) (eol) (line-list nil)) (loop (setq eol (position #\Newline str :start bol)) (if (null eol) (return)) (if (> eol bol) (setq line-list (cons (subseq str bol eol) line-list))) (setq bol (+ eol 1))) (nreverse line-list))) ; part of the old spad to new spad translator ; these are here because they need to be in depsys ; they were in nspadaux.lisp (defmacro wi (a b) b) (defmacro |try| (X) `(LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (|tryToFit| (|saveState|) ,X))) (defmacro |embrace| (X) `(|wrapBraces| (|saveC|) ,X (|restoreC|))) (defmacro |indentNB| (X) `(|wrapBraces| (|saveD|) ,X (|restoreD|))) (defmacro |tryBreak| (a b c d) ; Try to format <a b> by: ; (1) with no line breaking ($autoLine = nil) ; (2) with possible line breaks within a; ; (3) otherwise use a brace `(LET ((state)) (setq state (|saveState| 't)) (or (LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (and ,a (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d))) (|restoreState| state) (and (eqcar ,b (quote seq)) (|embrace| (and ,a (|formatLB|) (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d)))) (|restoreState| state) (|embrace| (and ,a (|formatLB|) (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d)))))) (defmacro |tryBreakNB| (a b c d) ; Try to format <a b> by: ; (1) with no line breaking ($autoLine = nil) ; (2) with possible line breaks within a; ; (3) otherwise display without a brace `(LET ((state)) (setq state (|saveState| 't)) (or (markhash ,b 0) (LET ((|$autoLine|)) (declare (special |$autoLine|)) (and ,a (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d))) (|restoreState| state) (markhash ,b 1) (and (eqcar ,b (quote seq)) (|embrace| (and ,a (|formatLB|) (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d)))) (markhash ,b 2) (|restoreState| state) (|indentNB| (and ,a (|formatRight| '|formatPreferPile| ,b ,c ,d))) (markhash ,b 3) ))) (defun markhash (key n) (progn (cond ((equal n 3) (remhash key ht)) ('t (hput ht key n)) ) nil)) (defmacro |shoeConsole| (line) `(write-line ,line *terminal-io*)) (defmacro |shoeInputFile| (filespec) `(open ,filespec :direction :input :if-does-not-exist nil)) (defmacro |shoeread-line| (st) `(read-line ,st nil nil)) @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}