-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2013, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import nlib import c_-util import debug namespace BOOT module lisplib --======================================================================= -- Generate Slot 2 Attribute Alist --======================================================================= NRTgenInitialAttributeAlist(db,attributeList) == --alist has form ((item pred)...) where some items are constructor forms alist := [x for x in attributeList | -- throw out constructors not symbolMember?(opOf first x,allConstructors())] dbAttributes(db) := simplifyAttributeAlist(db, [[a,:b] for [a,b] in dbSubstituteFormals(db,alist) | a isnt 'nothing]) simplifyAttributeAlist(db,al) == al is [[a,:b],:r] => u := [x for x in r | x is [=a,:b]] null u => [first al,:simplifyAttributeAlist(db,rest al)] pred := simpBool makePrefixForm([b,:ASSOCRIGHT u],'OR) $NRTslot1PredicateList := insert(pred,$NRTslot1PredicateList) s := [x for x in r | x isnt [=a,:b]] [[a,:pred],:simplifyAttributeAlist(db,s)] nil NRTgenFinalAttributeAlist(db,e) == [[a,:k] for [a,:b] in $NRTattributeAlist | (k := predicateBitIndex(b,e)) ~= -1] predicateBitIndex(x,e) == pn(x,false,e) where pn(x,flag,e) == u := simpBool transHasCode(x,e) u is 'T => 0 u is false => -1 p := valuePosition(u,$NRTslot1PredicateList) => p + 1 not flag => pn(predicateBitIndexRemop x,true,e) systemError nil predicateBitIndexRemop p== --transform attribute predicates taken out by removeAttributePredicates p is [op,:argl] and op in '(AND and %and OR or %or NOT not %not) => simpBool makePrefixForm([predicateBitIndexRemop x for x in argl],op) p is ["has",'$,['ATTRIBUTE,a]] => LASSOC(a,$NRTattributeAlist) p predicateBitRef(x,e) == x is 'T => 'T ['testBitVector,'pv_$,predicateBitIndex(x,e)] makePrefixForm(u,op) == u := MKPF(u,op) u is ''T => 'T u --======================================================================= -- Generate Slot 3 Predicate Vector --======================================================================= makePredicateBitVector(db,pl,e) == --called by buildFunctor if $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue then pl := union(pl,$categoryPredicateList) $predGensymAlist := nil --bound by buildFunctor, used by optHas for p in removeAttributePredicates pl repeat pred := simpBool transHasCode(p,e) pred isnt [.,:.] => 'skip --skip over T and nil if isHasDollarPred pred then lasts := insert(pred,lasts) for q in stripOutNonDollarPreds pred repeat firsts := insert(q,firsts) else firsts := insert(pred,firsts) firstPl := dbSubstituteFormals(db,reverse! orderByContainment firsts) lastPl := dbSubstituteFormals(db,reverse! orderByContainment lasts) firstCode:= ['buildPredVector,0,0,mungeAddGensyms(firstPl,$predGensymAlist)] lastCode := augmentPredCode(# firstPl,lastPl) dbPredicates(db) := [:firstPl,:lastPl] [dbPredicates db,firstCode,:lastCode] augmentPredCode(n,lastPl) == ['%list,:pl] := mungeAddGensyms(lastPl,$predGensymAlist) delta := 2 ** n l := [(u := MKPF([x,['augmentPredVector,"$",delta]],'AND); delta:=2 * delta; u) for x in pl] augmentPredVector(dollar,value) == domainPredicates(dollar) := value + domainPredicates dollar isHasDollarPred pred == pred is [op,:r] => op in '(AND and %and OR or %or NOT not %not) => any?(function isHasDollarPred,r) op in '(HasCategory HasAttribute) => first r is '$ false stripOutNonDollarPreds pred == pred is [op,:r] and op in '(AND and %and OR or %or NOT not %not) => "append"/[stripOutNonDollarPreds x for x in r] not isHasDollarPred pred => [pred] nil removeAttributePredicates pl == [fn p for p in pl] where fn p == p is [op,:argl] and op in '(AND and %and OR or %or NOT not %not) => makePrefixForm(fnl argl,op) p is ["has",'$,['ATTRIBUTE,a]] => sayBrightlyNT '"Predicate: " PRINT p sayBrightlyNT '" replaced by: " PRINT LASSOC(a,$NRTattributeAlist) p fnl p == [fn x for x in p] transHasCode(x,e) == x isnt [.,:.] => x op := x.op op in '(HasCategory HasAttribute) => x op="has" => compHasFormat(x,e) [transHasCode(y,e) for y in x] mungeAddGensyms(u,gal) == ['%list,:[fn(x,gal,0) for x in u]] where fn(x,gal,n) == x isnt [.,:.] => x g := LASSOC(x,gal) => n = 0 => ["%LET",g,x] g [first x,:[fn(y,gal,n + 1) for y in rest x]] orderByContainment pl == null pl or null rest pl => pl max := first pl for x in rest pl repeat if (y := CONTAINED(max,x)) then if null assoc(max,$predGensymAlist) then $predGensymAlist := [[max,:gensym()],:$predGensymAlist] else if CONTAINED(x,max) then if null assoc(x,$predGensymAlist) then $predGensymAlist := [[x,:gensym()],:$predGensymAlist] if y then max := x [max,:orderByContainment remove(pl,max)] buildBitTable(:l) == fn(reverse l,0) where fn(l,n) == null l => n n := n + n if first l then n := n + 1 fn(rest l,n) buildPredVector(init,n,l) == fn(init,2 ** n,l) where fn(acc,n,l) == null l => acc if first l then acc := acc + n fn(acc,n + n,rest l) testBitVector(vec,i) == --bit vector indices are always 1 larger than position in vector i = 0 => true LOGBITP(i - 1,vec) bitsOf n == n = 0 => 0 1 + bitsOf(n quo 2) --% Standard Library Creation Functions readLib(fn,ft) == readLib1(fn,ft,"*") readLib1(fn,ft,fm) == -- see if it exists first p := pathname [fn,ft,fm] or return nil readLibPathFast p readLibPathFast p == -- assumes 1) p is a valid pathname -- 2) file has already been checked for existence RDEFIOSTREAM([['FILE,:p], '(MODE . INPUT)],false) writeLib(fn,ft) == writeLib1(fn,ft,"*") writeLib1(fn,ft,fm) == RDEFIOSTREAM [['FILE,fn,ft,fm],'(MODE . OUTPUT)] lisplibWrite(prop,val,filename) == -- this may someday not write nil keys, but it will now rwrite128(prop,val,filename) rwrite128(key,value,stream) == rwrite(key,value,stream) evalAndRwriteLispForm(key,form) == eval form rwriteLispForm(key,form) rwriteLispForm(key,form) == rwrite( key,form,$libFile) LAM_,FILEACTQ(key,form) --% Loading ++ Return a path to the loadable module that contains the definition ++ of the constructor indicated by `db' if it exists. Otherwise return nil. dbLocateModule db == m := $buildingSystemAlgebra => getSystemModulePath symbolName dbAbbreviation db getConstructorModuleFromDB dbConstructor db existingFile? m => m strap := algebraBootstrapDir() => m := strconc(strap,PATHNAME_-NAME m,'".",$faslType) existingFile? m => m nil nil ++ Return a path to the loadable module that contains the ++ definition of the constructor indicated by `cname'. ++ Error if the file container of the module does not exist. findModule db == dbLocateModule db or systemError ['"missing module for ",:bright dbConstructor db] loadLibIfNotLoaded libName == -- loads is library is not already loaded $PrintOnly => nil db := constructorDB libName or return nil dbLoaded? db => nil loadLib libName loadLib cname == builtinConstructor? cname => nil -- these don't have nrlib yet. startTimingProcess 'load db := constructorDB cname or return nil fullLibName := findModule db systemdir? := isSystemDirectory(pathnameDirectory fullLibName) update? := $forceDatabaseUpdate or not systemdir? not update? => loadLibNoUpdate(cname, cname, fullLibName) kind := dbConstructorKind db if $printLoadMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0002",[namestring fullLibName,kind,cname]) loadModule(fullLibName,cname) clearConstructorCache cname updateDatabase(cname,cname,systemdir?) installConstructor(cname,kind) updateCategoryTable(cname,kind) dbLoadPath(db) := fullLibName if $InteractiveMode then $CategoryFrame := $EmptyEnvironment stopTimingProcess 'load 'T loadLibNoUpdate(cname, libName, fullLibName) == kind := getConstructorKindFromDB cname if $printLoadMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0002",[namestring fullLibName,kind,cname]) loadModule(fullLibName,cname) clearConstructorCache cname installConstructor(cname,kind) dbLoadPath(constructorDB cname) := fullLibName if $InteractiveMode then $CategoryFrame := $EmptyEnvironment stopTimingProcess 'load 'T loadIfNecessary u == u is '$EmptyMode => u cons? u => loadIfNecessary first u value:= functionp(u) or macrop(u) => u dbLoaded? constructorDB u => u loadLib u => u not $InteractiveMode and (null (y:= getProplist(u,$CategoryFrame)) or (null symbolTarget('isFunctor,y)) and (null symbolTarget('isCategory,y))) => y:= getConstructorKindFromDB u => y = "category" => updateCategoryFrameForCategory u updateCategoryFrameForConstructor u throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0005",[u]) value genericLoadDB(db,f) == try startTimingProcess 'load dbBeingDefined? db => nil dbLoaded? db => db ctor := dbConstructor db builtinConstructor? ctor => nil lib := apply(f,db,nil) or return nil loadModule(lib,ctor) dbLoadPath(db) := lib db finally stopTimingProcess 'load ++ Load the module associated with `db' and return the module's path. loadDB db == genericLoadDB(db,function findModule) loadDBIfCan db == dbLoaded? db => db genericLoadDB(db,function dbLocateModule) convertOpAlist2compilerInfo(opalist) == "append"/[[formatSig(op,sig) for sig in siglist] for [op,:siglist] in opalist] where formatSig(op, [typelist, slot,:stuff]) == pred := if stuff then first stuff else true impl := if rest stuff then second stuff else "ELT" -- handles 'CONST [[op, typelist], pred, [impl, '$, slot]] updateCategoryFrameForConstructor(constructor) == opAlist := getConstructorOperationsFromDB constructor [[dc,:sig],[pred,impl]] := getConstructorModemap constructor $CategoryFrame := put(constructor,'isFunctor, convertOpAlist2compilerInfo(opAlist), addModemap(constructor, dc, sig, pred, impl, put(constructor, 'mode, ['Mapping,:sig], $CategoryFrame))) updateCategoryFrameForCategory(category) == [[dc,:sig],[pred,impl]] := getConstructorModemap category $CategoryFrame := put(category, 'isCategory, 'T, addModemap(category, dc, sig, pred, impl, $CategoryFrame)) makeConstructorsAutoLoad() == for cnam in allConstructors() repeat builtinCategoryName? cnam => nil if db := constructorDB cnam then dbLoadPath(db) := nil systemDependentMkAutoload(getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB cnam,cnam) systemDependentMkAutoload(fn,cnam) == functionSymbol? cnam => "next" symbolFunction(cnam) := mkAutoLoad cnam mkAutoLoad ctor == function((:args) +-> (autoLoad ctor; apply(ctor,args))) autoLoad cname == -- builtin constructors are always loaded. By definition, there -- is no way to unload them and load them again. builtinConstructor? cname => cname db := constructorDB cname or makeDB cname if not dbLoaded? db then loadLib cname symbolFunction cname setAutoLoadProperty name == if db := constructorDB name then dbLoadPath(db) := nil symbolFunction(name) := mkAutoLoad name unloadOneConstructor cnam == setAutoLoadProperty cnam --FIXME: should not we clear other fields too? --% Compilation compileConstructorLib(l,op,editFlag,traceFlag) == --this file corresponds to /C,1 '_? in l => return editFile '(_/C TELL _*) optionList:= _/OPTIONS l funList:= TRUNCLIST(l,optionList) or [_/FN] options:= [[UPCASE first x,:rest x] for x in optionList] infile:= _/MKINFILENAM _/GETOPTION(options,'FROM_=) outfile:= _/MKINFILENAM _/GETOPTION(options,'TO_=) res:= [compConLib1(fn,infile,outfile,op,editFlag,traceFlag) for fn in funList] SHUT $InputStream res compConLib1(fun,infileOrNil,outfileOrNil,auxOp,editFlag,traceFlag) == $PrettyPrint: local := 'T dbPredicates(constructorDB fun) := nil $lisplibOperationAlist: local := nil $libFile: local := nil if cons? fun and null rest fun then fun:= first fun -- unwrap nullary libName:= getConstructorAbbreviation fun infile:= infileOrNil or getFunctionSourceFile fun or throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0004",[fun]) $editFile := infile outfile := outfileOrNil or [libName,'OUTPUT,$listingDirectory] --always QUIET _$ERASE(libName,'OUTPUT,$listingDirectory) outstream:= DEFSTREAM(outfile,'OUTPUT) val:= _/D_,2_,LIB(fun,infile,outstream,auxOp,editFlag,traceFlag) val compDefineLisplib(df:=["DEF",[op,:.],:.],m,e,fal,fn) == --fn= compDefineCategory1 OR compDefineFunctor1 sayMSG fillerSpaces(72,char "-") $op: local := op db := constructorDB op dbPredicates(db) := nil $lisplibOperationAlist: local := nil $libFile: local := nil --for categories, is rhs of definition; otherwise, is target of functor --will eventually become the "constructorCategory" property in lisplib --set in compDefineCategory1 if category, otherwise in finalizeLisplib libName := dbAbbreviation db if dbSourceFile db = nil then dbSourceFile(db) := namestring $editFile $compileDocumentation => compileDocumentation(op,libName) sayMSG ['" initializing ",$spadLibFT,:bright libName, '"for",:bright op] initializeLisplib libName sayMSG ['" compiling into ",$spadLibFT,:bright libName] -- following guarantee's compiler output files get closed. ok := false; try res:= FUNCALL(fn,df,m,e,fal) leaveIfErrors(libName,dbConstructorKind db) sayMSG ['" finalizing ",$spadLibFT,:bright libName] ok := finalizeLisplib(db,libName) finally RSHUT $libFile if ok then lisplibDoRename(libName) filearg := makeFullFilePath [libName,$spadLibFT,$libraryDirectory] RPACKFILE filearg freshLine $algebraOutputStream sayMSG fillerSpaces(72,char "-") unloadOneConstructor op $buildingSystemAlgebra => res LOCALDATABASE([symbolName dbAbbreviation db],nil) $newConlist := [op, :$newConlist] ----------> bound in function "compiler" res compileDocumentation(ctor,libName) == filename := makeInputFilename(libName,$spadLibFT) $FCOPY(filename,[libName,'DOCLB]) stream := RDEFIOSTREAM [['FILE,libName,'DOCLB],['MODE, :'O]] lisplibWrite('"documentation",finalizeDocumentation ctor,stream) RSHUT(stream) RPACKFILE([libName,'DOCLB]) $REPLACE([libName,$spadLibFT],[libName,'DOCLB]) ['dummy, $EmptyMode, $e] initializeLisplib libName == _$ERASE(libName,'ERRORLIB,$libraryDirectory) resetErrorCount() $libFile := writeLib1(libName,'ERRORLIB,$libraryDirectory) addCompilerOption('FILE,$libFile) mkCtorDBForm ctor == ['constructorDB,quote ctor] writeInfo(ctor,info,key,prop,file) == if info ~= nil then insn := ['%store,[prop,mkCtorDBForm ctor],quote info] LAM_,FILEACTQ(key,expandToVMForm insn) lisplibWrite(symbolName key,info,file) ++ Like writeInfo, but only write to the load unit. writeLoadInfo(ctor,info,key,prop,file) == info = nil => nil insn := ['%store,[prop,mkCtorDBForm ctor],info] LAM_,FILEACTQ(key,expandToVMForm insn) writeTemplate(db,file) == dbConstructorKind db = 'category => nil writeLoadInfo(dbConstructor db,dbTemplate db, 'template,'dbTemplate,file) writeLookupFunction(db,file) == fun := dbLookupFunction db => writeLoadInfo(dbConstructor db,quote fun, 'lookupFunction,'dbLookupFunction,file) nil writeKind(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbConstructorKind db, 'constructorKind,'dbConstructorKind,file) writeAbbreviation(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbAbbreviation db, 'abbreviation,'dbAbbreviation,file) writeConstructorForm(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbConstructorForm db, 'constructorForm,'dbConstructorForm,file) writeCategory(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbCategory db, 'constructorCategory,'dbCategory,file) writeSuperDomain(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbSuperDomain db, 'superDomain,'dbSuperDomain,file) writePredicates(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbPredicates db, 'predicates,'dbPredicates,file) writeOperations(ctor,ops,file) == writeInfo(ctor,ops,'operationAlist,'dbOperations,file) writeAttributes(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbAttributes db, 'attributes,'dbAttributes,file) writeConstructorModemap(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbConstructorModemap db, 'constructorModemap,'dbConstructorModemap,file) writeDualSignature(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbDualSignature db, 'dualSignature,'dbDualSignature,file) writeAncestors(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbAncestors db,'ancestors,'dbAncestors,file) writePrincipals(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbPrincipals db,'parents,'dbPrincipals,file) writeCapsuleLevelDefinitions(db,file) == writeInfo(dbConstructor db,dbCapsuleDefinitions db, 'signaturesAndLocals,'dbCapsuleDefinitions,file) ++ If compilation produces an error, issue inform user and ++ return to toplevel reader. leaveIfErrors(libName,kind) == errorCount() ~= 0 => sayMSG ['" Errors in processing ",kind,'" ",:bright libName,'":"] sayMSG ['" not replacing ",$spadLibFT,'" for",:bright libName] spadThrow() ++ Finalize `libName' compilation; returns true if everything is OK. finalizeLisplib(db,libName) == form := dbConstructorForm db writeTemplate(db,$libFile) writeLookupFunction(db,$libFile) writeConstructorForm(db,$libFile) writeKind(db,$libFile) writeConstructorModemap(db,$libFile) writeDualSignature(db,$libFile) -- set to target of dbConstructorModemap for package/domain constructors; -- to the right-hand sides (the definition) for category constructors if dbConstructorKind db = 'category then writeCategory(db,$libFile) lisplibWrite('"sourceFile",dbSourceFile db,$libFile) lisplibWrite('"modemaps",dbModemaps db,$libFile) opsAndAtts := dbConstructorKind db = 'category => getCategoryOpsAndAtts db getFunctorOpsAndAtts db writeOperations(dbConstructor db,first opsAndAtts,$libFile) if dbConstructorKind db = 'category then $NRTslot1PredicateList : local := [] NRTgenInitialAttributeAlist(db,rest opsAndAtts) writeSuperDomain(db,$libFile) writeCapsuleLevelDefinitions(db,$libFile) writeAttributes(db,$libFile) writePredicates(db,$libFile) writeAbbreviation(db,$libFile) writePrincipals(db,$libFile) writeAncestors(db,$libFile) if not $bootStrapMode then lisplibWrite('"documentation", finalizeDocumentation dbConstructor db,$libFile) if $profileCompiler then profileWrite() leaveIfErrors(libName,dbConstructorKind db) true lisplibDoRename(libName) == _$REPLACE([libName,$spadLibFT,$libraryDirectory], [libName,'ERRORLIB,$libraryDirectory]) lisplibError(cname,fname,type,cn,fn,typ,error) == sayMSG bright ['" Illegal ",$spadLibFT] error in '(duplicateAbb wrongType) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0007", [namestring [fname,$spadLibFT],type,cname,typ,cn]) error is 'abbIsName => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0008",[fname,typ,namestring [fn,$spadLibFT]]) getPartialConstructorModemapSig(c) == (s := getConstructorSignature c) => rest s throwEvalTypeMsg("S2IL0015",[c]) getCategoryOpsAndAtts db == catForm := dbConstructorForm db -- returns [operations,:attributes] of first catForm [transformOperationAlist getSlotFromCategoryForm(catForm,1), :getSlotFromCategoryForm(catForm,2)] getFunctorOpsAndAtts db == [transformOperationAlist $lisplibOperationAlist, :getSlotFromFunctor dbConstructorModemap(db).mmTarget] getSlotFromFunctor(target) == t := compMakeCategoryObject(target,$e) or systemErrorHere "getSlotFromFunctor" categoryRef(t.expr,2) getSlot1 domainName == $e: local:= $CategoryFrame fn:= getLisplibName domainName p := pathname [fn,$spadLibFT,'"*"] not isExistingFile(p) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring p]) nil (sig := getConstructorSignature domainName) => [.,target,:argMml] := sig for a in $FormalMapVariableList for m in argMml repeat $e:= put(a,'mode,m,$e) t := compMakeCategoryObject(target,$e) or systemErrorHere ["getSlot1",domainName] categoryExports t.expr sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0022",[namestring p,'"constructor modemap"]) nil transformOperationAlist operationAlist == -- this transforms the operationAlist which is written out onto LISPLIBs. -- The original form of this list is a list of items of the form: -- (( ) ( (ELT $ n))) -- The new form is an op-Alist which has entries ( . signature-Alist) -- where signature-Alist has entries ( . item) -- where item has form ( ) -- where = -- nil => function -- CONST => constant ... and others newAlist:= nil for [[op,sig,:.],condition,implementation] in operationAlist repeat kind:= implementation is [eltEtc,.,n] and eltEtc in '(CONST ELT) => eltEtc implementation is [impOp,:.] => impOp is 'XLAM => implementation impOp in '(CONST Subsumed) => impOp keyedSystemError("S2IL0025",[impOp]) keyedSystemError("S2IL0025",[implementation]) itemList := [[sig,n,condition,kind],:symbolTarget(op,newAlist)] newAlist := insertAlist(op,itemList,newAlist) newAlist sayNonUnique x == sayBrightlyNT '"Non-unique:" pp x -- flattenOperationAlist operationAlist == -- --new form is ( ) -- [:[[op,:x] for x in y] for [op,:y] in operationAlist] findConstructorSlotNumber(domainForm,domain,op,sig) == null categoryExports domain => getSlotNumberFromOperationAlist(domainForm,op,sig) sayMSG ['" using slot 1 of ",domainForm] constructorArglist:= rest domainForm nsig:=#sig tail:= or/[r for [[op1,sig1],:r] in categoryExports domain | op=op1 and nsig=#sig1 and "and"/[compare for a in sig for b in sig1]] where compare() == a=b => true integer? b => a=constructorArglist.b isSubset(bustUnion a,bustUnion b,$CategoryFrame) tail is [.,["ELT",.,n]] => n systemErrorHere ["findConstructorSlotNumber",domainForm] bustUnion d == d is ["Union",domain,'"failed"] => domain d getSlotNumberFromOperationAlist(domainForm,op,sig) == constructorName:= first domainForm constructorArglist:= rest domainForm operationAlist:= getConstructorOperationsFromDB constructorName or keyedSystemError("S2IL0026",[constructorName]) entryList:= symbolTarget(op,operationAlist) or return nil tail:= or/[r for [sig1,:r] in entryList | sigsMatch(sig,sig1,domainForm)] => first tail nil sigsMatch(sig,sig1,domainForm) == -- does signature "sig" match "sig1", where integers 1,2,.. in -- sig1 designate corresponding arguments of domainForm while sig and sig1 repeat partsMatch:= (item:= first sig)=(item1:= first sig1) => true --ok, go to next iteration integer? item1 => item = domainForm.item1 --item1=n means nth arg isSubset(bustUnion item1,bustUnion item,$CategoryFrame) null partsMatch => return nil sig:= rest sig; sig1 := rest sig1 sig or sig1 => nil true findDomainSlotNumber(domain,op,sig) == --using slot 1 of the domain nsig:=#sig tail:= or/[r for [[op1,sig1],:r] in categoryExports domain | op=op1 and nsig=#sig1 and "and"/[a=b or isSubset(bustUnion a,bustUnion b,$CategoryFrame) for a in sig for b in sig1]] tail is [.,["ELT",.,n]] => n systemErrorHere '"findDomainSlotNumber" getConstructorSignature: %Symbol -> %Form getConstructorSignature ctor == ([[.,:sig],:.] := getConstructorModemap ctor) => sig -- If we have a local or forward declaration take it. -- Note: constructors are not overloadable. rest getmode(ctor,$e) getSlotFromCategoryForm (x,index) == u:= eval [x.op,:[MKQ f for f in $FormalMapVariableList for . in 1..#x.args]] not vector? u => systemErrorHere '"getSlotFromCategoryForm" categoryRef(u,index) isDomainForm(D,e) == op := opOf D not ident? op => false op is '%when => and/[isDomainForm(e,c) for [.,c] in D.args] --db := constructorDB op => dbAbbreviation db in '(domain package) symbolMember?(op,$SpecialDomainNames) or isFunctor op or ((getmode(op,e) is ['Mapping,target,:.]) and isCategoryForm(target,e)) or isCategoryForm(getmode(op,e),e) or isDomainConstructorForm(D,e) isDomainConstructorForm(D,e) == D is [op,:argl] and (u:= get(op,"value",e)) and u is [.,["Mapping",target,:.],:.] and isCategoryForm(applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl),target),e) isFunctor x == op:= opOf x not ident? op => false $InteractiveMode => builtinFunctorName? op => true getConstructorKindFromDB op in '(domain package) u := get(op,'isFunctor,$CategoryFrame) => u builtinFunctorName? op => true kind := getConstructorKindFromDB op kind = nil or kind = 'category => false updateCategoryFrameForConstructor op get(op,'isFunctor,$CategoryFrame) --% getIndexPathname: %String -> %String getIndexPathname dir == strconc(ensureTrailingSlash dir, $IndexFilename) getAllIndexPathnames: %String -> %List %Thing getAllIndexPathnames dir == -- GCL's semantics of Common Lisp's `DIRECTORY *' differs from -- everybody else's. Namely, GCL would return a -- a list of drirectories AND files. Pretty much like `ls *'. -- Everybody else strips out directories. )if %hasFeature KEYWORD::GCL [getIndexPathname NAMESTRING d for d in DIRECTORY strconc(dir,'"*.NRLIB")] )else DIRECTORY strconc(dir,'"*.NRLIB/",$IndexFilename) )endif getAllAldorObjectFiles: %String -> %List %Thing getAllAldorObjectFiles dir == asys := DIRECTORY strconc(dir,'"*.asy") asos := DIRECTORY strconc(dir,'"*.ao") -- don't include both a `x.asy' and `x.ao', and retain -- only sensical .asy files. dupAOs := MAPCAN(function PATHNAME_-NAME,asys) [asys,[f for f in asos | PATHNAME_-NAME f is '"ao" and not member(PATHNAME_-NAME f,dupAOs)]] ++ returns an open stream for the index file, if present, ++ in directory designated by 'dir'. openIndexFileIfPresent: %String -> %Thing openIndexFileIfPresent dir == inputTextFile getIndexPathname dir ++ getIndexTable: %String -> %Thing getIndexTable dir == indexFile := getIndexPathname dir existingFile? indexFile => try stream := inputTextFile indexFile GET_-INDEX_-TABLE_-FROM_-STREAM stream finally (if stream ~= nil then closeStream stream) -- index file doesn't exist but mark this directory as a Lisplib. try stream := outputTextFile indexFile finally (if stream ~= nil then closeStream stream) --%