-- Copyright (C) 2011-2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of OpenAxiom. nor the names of its contributors -- may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this -- software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -- --% --% Author: Gabriel Dos Reis --% import sys_-utility import sys_-macros import io namespace BOOT module lexing --% --% Line abstract datatype --% structure %Line == Record(buf: %String, cchar: %Char, cidx: %Short, lidx: %Short, no: %Short) with lineBuffer == (.buf) -- input string buffer lineCurrentChar == (.cchar) -- current character lineCurrentIndex == (.cidx) -- current index lineLastIndex == (.lidx) -- last valid index lineNumber == (.no) -- line number makeLine(buf == makeString 0, ch == charByName "Return", curIdx == 1, lstIdx == 0, no == 0) == mk%Line(buf,ch,curIdx,lstIdx,no) lineClear! l == lineBuffer(l) := makeString 0 lineCurrentChar(l) := charByName "Return" lineCurrentIndex(l) := 1 lineLastIndex(l) := 0 lineNumber(l) := 0 ++ Sets string to be the next line stored in line lineNewLine!(s,l,no == nil) == sz := #s lineLastIndex(l) := sz - 1 lineCurrentIndex(l) := 0 lineCurrentChar(l) := sz > 0 and s.0 or charByName '"Return" lineBuffer(l) := s lineNumber(l) := no or (lineNumber l + 1) ++ Tests if line is empty or positioned past the last character lineAtEnd? l == lineCurrentIndex l >= lineLastIndex l ++ Tests if line is empty or positioned past the last character linePastEnd? l == lineCurrentIndex l > lineLastIndex l ++ Buffer from current index to last index lineCurrentSegment l == lineAtEnd? l => makeString 0 subSequence(lineBuffer l,lineCurrentIndex l,lineLastIndex l) lineNextChar l == lineBuffer(l).(1 + lineCurrentIndex l) lineAdvanceChar! l == n := lineCurrentIndex l + 1 lineCurrentIndex(l) := n lineCurrentChar(l) := lineBuffer(l).n ++ List of lines returned from preparse $lineStack := nil nextLine rd == $lineStack = nil => nil [[n,:l],:$lineStack] := $lineStack l := strconc(l,'" ") lineNewLine!(l,readerSourceLine rd,n) SETQ(LINE,l) $currentLine := l nextLinesClear!() == $lineStack := nil ++ Current input stream. IN_-STREAM := 'T ++ Current output stream OUT_-STREAM := 'T ++ Advances IN-STREAM, invoking Next Line if necessary advanceChar! rd == repeat not lineAtEnd? readerSourceLine rd => return lineAdvanceChar! readerSourceLine rd nextLine rd => return currentChar rd return nil --% ++ Returns the current character of the line, initially blank for ++ an unread line currentChar rd == linePastEnd? readerSourceLine rd => charByName "Return" lineCurrentChar readerSourceLine rd nextChar rd == lineAtEnd? readerSourceLine rd => charByName '"Return" lineNextChar readerSourceLine rd --% --% Token abstract datatype. --% structure %Token == Record(sym: %Symbol, typ: %Thing, nb?: %Boolean) with tokenSymbol == (.sym) tokenType == (.typ) -- typ in '(NUMBER IDENTIFIER SPECIAL_-CHAR) tokenNonblank? == (.nb?) -- true if token is not preceded by a blank. makeToken(sym == nil, typ == nil, blnk? == true) == mk%Token(sym,typ,blnk?) macro copyToken t == copy%Token t ++ Last seen token $priorToken := makeToken() ++ Is there no blank in front of current token? $nonblank := true ++ First token in input stream $currentToken := makeToken() ++ Next token in input stream $nextToken := makeToken() ++ Number of token in the buffer (0, 1, 2) $validTokens := 0 ++ Subroutine of getSpadIntegerToken. ++ Read a the characters of a decimal integer and returns its value. getDecimalNumberToken(rd,buf) == repeat SUFFIX(currentChar rd,buf) not DIGITP nextChar rd => leave nil advanceChar! rd readIntegerIfCan buf ++ Subroutine of getSpadIntegerToken. ++ We just read the radix of an integer number; parse the ++ digits forming that integer token. getIntegerInRadix(rd,buf,r) == r < 2 => SPAD__SYNTAX__ERROR rd mark := #buf + 1 repeat SUFFIX(currentChar rd,buf) d := rdigit? nextChar rd d = nil => leave nil d >= r => SPAD__SYNTAX__ERROR rd advanceChar! rd PARSE_-INTEGER(buf,KEYWORD::START,mark,KEYWORD::RADIX,r) radixSuffix? c == c = char "r" or c = char "R" ++ Parse an integer token, written either implicitly in decimal form, ++ or explicitly specified radix. The number may be written in plain ++ format, where the radix is implicitly taken to be 10. Or the spelling ++ can explicitly specify a radix. That radix can be anything ++ in the range 2..36 getSpadIntegerToken rd == buf := MAKE_-ADJUSTABLE_-STRING 0 val := getDecimalNumberToken(rd,buf) advanceChar! rd if radixSuffix? currentChar rd then val := getIntegerInRadix(rd,buf,val) advanceChar! rd makeToken(val,'NUMBER,#buf) getNumberToken rd == buf := nil repeat buf := [currentChar rd,:buf] digit? nextChar rd => advanceChar! rd leave nil advanceChar! rd sz := #buf -- keep track of digit count makeToken(readIntegerIfCan listToString reverse! buf,'NUMBER,sz) getArgumentDesignator rd == advanceChar! rd tok := getNumberToken rd makeToken(makeSymbol strconc('"#",formatToString('"~D",tokenSymbol tok)), 'ARGUMENT_-DESIGNATOR,$nonblank) getToken rd == not skipBlankChars rd => nil tt := tokenLookaheadType(rd,currentChar rd) tt is 'EOF => makeToken(nil,'_*EOF,$nonblank) tt is 'ESCAPE => advanceChar! rd getIdentifier(rd,true) tt is 'ARGUMENT_-DESIGNATOR => getArgumentDesignator rd tt is 'ID => getIdentifier(rd,false) tt is 'NUM => getSpadIntegerToken rd tt is 'STRING => getSpadString rd tt is 'SPECIAL_-CHAR => getSpecial rd getGliph(rd,tt) tryGetToken rd == tok := getToken rd => $validTokens := $validTokens + 1 tok nil ++ Returns the current token or gets a new one if necessary currentToken rd == $validTokens > 0 => $currentToken $currentToken := tryGetToken rd ++ Returns the token after the current token, or nil if there is none after nextToken rd == currentToken rd $validTokens > 1 => $nextToken $nextToken := tryGetToken rd matchToken(tok,typ,sym == nil) == tok ~= nil and symbolEq?(tokenType tok,typ) and (sym = nil or sym = tokenSymbol tok) => tok nil ++ Return the current token if it has type `typ', and possibly the ++ same spelling as `sym'. matchCurrentToken(rd,typ,sym == nil) == matchToken(currentToken rd,typ,sym) ++ Return the next token if it has type `typ;, and possibly the same ++ spelling as `sym'. matchNextToken(rd,typ,sym == nil) == matchToken(nextToken rd,typ,sym) ++ Makes the next token be the current token. advanceToken rd == $validTokens = 0 => $currentToken := tryGetToken rd $validTokens = 1 => $validTokens := $validTokens - 1 $priorToken := copyToken $currentToken $currentToken := tryGetToken rd $validTokens = 2 => $priorToken := copyToken $currentToken $currentToken := copyToken $nextToken $validTokens := $validTokens - 1 nil makeSymbolOf tok == tok = nil => nil tokenSymbol tok = nil => nil char? tokenSymbol tok => makeSymbol charString tokenSymbol tok tokenSymbol tok currentSymbol rd == makeSymbolOf currentToken rd tokenStackClear!() == $validTokens := 0 $currentToken := makeToken(nil,nil,nil) $nextToken := makeToken(nil,nil,nil) $priorToken := makeToken(nil,nil,nil) ++ Predicts the kind of token to follow, based on the given initial character tokenLookaheadType(rd,c) == c = nil => 'EOF c = char "__" => 'ESCAPE c = char "#" and digit? nextChar rd => 'ARGUMENT_-DESIGNATOR digit? c => 'NUM c = char "%" or c = char "?" or c = char "?" or alphabetic? c => 'ID c = char "_"" => 'STRING c = char " " or c = charByName "Tab" or c = charByName "Return" => 'WHITE p := property(makeSymbol charString c,'GLIPH) => p 'SPECIAL_-CHAR skipBlankChars rd == $nonblank := true repeat c := currentChar rd c = nil => return false tokenLookaheadType(rd,c) = 'WHITE => $nonblank := false advanceChar! rd = nil => return false return true getSpadString rd == buf := nil currentChar rd ~= char "_"" => nil advanceChar! rd repeat currentChar rd = char "_"" => leave nil buf := [(currentChar rd = char "__" => advanceChar! rd; currentChar rd),:buf] advanceChar! rd = nil => sayBrightly '"close quote inserted" leave nil advanceChar! rd makeToken(listToString reverse! buf,'SPADSTRING) ++ Take a special character off the input stream. We let the type name ++ of each special character be the atom whose print name is the ++ character itself getSpecial rd == c := currentChar rd advanceChar! rd makeToken(c,'SPECIAL_-CHAR) getGliph(rd,gliphs) == buf := [currentChar rd] advanceChar! rd repeat gliphs := symbolAssoc(makeSymbol charString currentChar rd,gliphs) => buf := [currentChar rd,:buf] gliphs := rest gliphs advanceChar! rd s := makeSymbol listToString reverse! buf return makeToken(s,'GLIPH,$nonblank) Keywords == [ "or", "and", "isnt", "is", "where", "forall", "exist", "try", "assume", "has", "with", "add", "case", "in", "by", "pretend", "mod", "finally", "exquo", "div", "quo", "else", "rem", "then", "suchthat", "catch", "throw", "if", "iterate", "break", "from", "exit", "leave", "return", "not", "repeat", "until", "while", "for", "import", "inline" ] getIdentifier(rd,esc?) == buf := [currentChar rd] advanceChar! rd repeat c := currentChar rd c = char "__" => advanceChar! rd = nil => leave nil buf := [currentChar rd,:buf] esc? := true advanceChar! rd = nil => leave nil alphabetic? c or digit? c or scalarMember?(c,[char "%",char "'",char "?",char "!"]) => buf := [c,:buf] advanceChar! rd = nil => leave nil leave nil s := makeSymbol listToString reverse! buf tt := not esc? and symbolMember?(s,Keywords) => 'KEYWORD 'IDENTIFIER makeToken(s,tt,$nonblank) escapeKeywords: (%String,%Symbol) -> %String escapeKeywords(nm,id) == symbolMember?(id,Keywords) => strconc('"__",nm) nm underscore: %String -> %String underscore s == n := #s - 1 and/[alphabetic? stringChar(s,i) for i in 0..n] => s buf := nil for i in 0..n repeat c := stringChar(s,i) if not alphabetic? c then buf := [char "__",:buf] buf := [c,:buf] listToString reverse! buf quoteIfString: %Thing -> %Maybe %String quoteIfString tok == tok = nil => nil tt := tokenType tok tt is 'SPADSTRING => strconc('"_"",underscore tokenSymbol tok,'"_"") tt is 'NUMBER => formatToString('"~v,'0D",tokenNonblank? tok,tokenSymbol tok) tt is 'SPECIAL_-CHAR => charString tokenSymbol tok tt is 'IDENTIFIER => escapeKeywords(symbolName tokenSymbol tok,tokenSymbol tok) symbolName tokenSymbol tok ungetTokens rd == $validTokens = 0 => true $validTokens = 1 => cursym := quoteIfString $currentToken curline := lineCurrentSegment readerSourceLine rd revisedline := strconc(cursym,curline,'" ") lineNewLine!(revisedline,readerSourceLine rd,lineNumber readerSourceLine rd) $nonblank := tokenNonblank? $currentToken $validTokens := 0 $validTokens = 2 => cursym := quoteIfString $currentToken nextsym := quoteIfString $nextToken curline := lineCurrentSegment readerSourceLine rd revisedline := strconc((tokenNonblank? $currentToken => '""; '" "), cursym,(tokenNonblank? $nextToken => '""; '" "),nextsym,curline,'" ") $nonblank := tokenNonblank? $currentToken lineNewLine!(revisedline,readerSourceLine rd,lineNumber readerSourceLine rd) $validTokens := 0 coreError '"How many tokens do you think you have?" ++ Returns length of X if X matches initial segment of IN-STREAM. ++ Otherwise, return nil. matchString(rd,x) == ungetTokens rd skipBlankChars rd not linePastEnd? readerSourceLine rd and currentChar rd ~= nil => nx := #x buf := lineBuffer readerSourceLine rd idx := lineCurrentIndex readerSourceLine rd nx + idx > #buf => nil and/[stringChar(x,i) = stringChar(buf,idx + i) for i in 0..nx-1] and nx nil ++ Same as matchString except if successful, advance inputstream past `x'. matchAdvanceString(rd,x) == n := #x >= #quoteIfString currentToken rd and matchString(rd,x) => lineCurrentIndex(readerSourceLine rd) := lineCurrentIndex readerSourceLine rd + n c := linePastEnd? readerSourceLine rd => charByName '"Space" lineBuffer(readerSourceLine rd).(lineCurrentIndex readerSourceLine rd) lineCurrentChar(readerSourceLine rd) := c $priorToken := makeToken(makeSymbol x,'IDENTIFIER,$nonblank) n nil matchAdvanceKeyword(rd,kwd) == matchToken(currentToken rd,'KEYWORD,kwd) => advanceToken rd true false matchKeywordNext(rd,kwd) == matchToken(nextToken rd,'KEYWORD,kwd) matchSpecial(rd,c) == matchToken(currentToken rd,'SPECIAL_-CHAR,c) matchAdvanceSpecial(rd,c) == matchSpecial(rd,c) => advanceToken rd true false matchAdvanceGlyph(rd,s) == matchToken(currentToken rd,'GLIPH,s) => advanceToken rd true false --% --% Stack abstract datatype. --% Operational semantics: --% structure Stack == --% Record(store: List T, size: Integer, top: T, updated?: Boolean) ++ Construct a new stack makeStack() == [nil,0,nil,false] macro stackStore st == first st macro stackSize st == second st macro stackTop st == third st macro stackUpdated? st == fourth st stackLoad!(l,st) == stackStore(st) := l stackSize(st) := #l stackTop(st) := first l stackClear! st == stackStore(st) := nil stackSize(st) := 0 stackTop(st) := nil stackUpdated?(st) := false stackPush!(x,st) == stackStore(st) := [x,:stackStore st] stackTop(st) := x stackSize(st) := stackSize st + 1 stackUpdated?(st) := true stackPop! st == y := first stackStore st stackStore(st) := rest stackStore st stackSize(st) := stackSize st - 1 if stackStore st ~= nil then stackTop(st) := first stackStore st y --% --% Parsing reduction stack --% --% Abstractly; --% structure Reduction == Record(rule: RuleName, value: ParseTree) --% makeReduction(p == nil,v == nil) == [p,v] macro reductionRule r == first r macro reductionValue r == second r ++ stack of results of reduced productions $reduceStack := makeStack() pushReduction(rn,pt) == stackPush!(makeReduction(rn,pt),$reduceStack) popReduction() == stackPop! $reduceStack reduceStackClear() == stackClear! $reduceStack popStack1() == reductionValue popReduction() popStack2() == r1 := popReduction() r2 := popReduction() stackPush!(r1,$reduceStack) reductionValue r2 popStack3() == r1 := popReduction() r2 := popReduction() r3 := popReduction() stackPush!(r2,$reduceStack) stackPush!(r1,$reduceStack) reductionValue r3 popStack4() == r1 := popReduction() r2 := popReduction() r3 := popReduction() r4 := popReduction() stackPush!(r3,$reduceStack) stackPush!(r2,$reduceStack) stackPush!(r1,$reduceStack) reductionValue r4 nthStack n == reductionValue stackStore($reduceStack).(n - 1) --% ioClear! rd == lineClear! readerSourceLine rd tokenStackClear!() reduceStackClear() $SPAD => nextLinesClear!() nil