-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import c_-util import hashcode namespace BOOT -- note domainObjects are now (dispatchVector hashCode . domainVector) -- lazy oldAxiomDomainObjects are (dispatchVector hashCode (Call form) . backptr), -- pre oldAxiomCategory is (dispatchVector . (cat form)) -- oldAxiomCategory objects are (dispatchVector . ( (cat form) hash defaultpack parentlist)) hashCode? x == integer? x $domainTypeTokens := ['lazyOldAxiomDomain, 'oldAxiomDomain, 'oldAxiomPreCategory, 'oldAxiomCategory, 0] -- The name game. -- The compiler produces names that are of the form: -- a) cons(0, <string>) -- b) cons(1, type-name, arg-names...) -- c) cons(2, arg-names...) -- d) cons(3, value) -- NB: (c) is for tuple-ish constructors, -- and (d) is for dependent types. DNameStringID := 0 DNameApplyID := 1 DNameTupleID := 2 DNameOtherID := 3 DNameToSExpr1 dname == null dname => error "unexpected domain name" first dname = DNameStringID => INTERN(CompStrToString rest dname) name0 := DNameToSExpr1 second dname args := rest rest dname name0 = '_-_> => froms := first args froms := MAPCAR(function DNameToSExpr, rest froms) ret := second args -- a tuple ret := DNameToSExpr second ret -- contents ['Mapping,:[ret,:froms]] name0 = 'Union or name0 = 'Record => sxs := MAPCAR(function DNameToSExpr, rest first args) [name0,:sxs] name0 = 'Enumeration => [name0,:MAPCAR(function DNameFixEnum, rest first args)] [name0,:MAPCAR(function DNameToSExpr, args)] DNameToSExpr dname == first dname = DNameOtherID => rest dname sx := DNameToSExpr1 dname cons? sx => sx [sx] DNameFixEnum arg == CompStrToString rest arg SExprToDName(sexpr, cosigVal) == -- is it a non-type valued object? NOT cosigVal => [DNameOtherID, :sexpr] if first sexpr = '_: then sexpr := third sexpr first sexpr = 'Mapping => args := [ SExprToDName(sx,true) for sx in rest sexpr] [DNameApplyID, [DNameStringID,: StringToCompStr '"->"], [DNameTupleID, : rest args], [DNameTupleID, first args]] name0 := [DNameStringID, : StringToCompStr SYMBOL_-NAME first sexpr] first sexpr = 'Union or first sexpr = 'Record => [DNameApplyID, name0, [DNameTupleID,: [ SExprToDName(sx,true) for sx in rest sexpr]]] newCosig := rest getDualSignatureFromDB first sexpr [DNameApplyID, name0, : MAPCAR(function SExprToDName, rest sexpr, newCosig)] -- local garbage because Compiler strings are null terminated StringToCompStr(str) == strconc(str, STRING (CODE_-CHAR 0)) CompStrToString(str) == SUBSTRING(str, 0, (# str - 1)) -- local garbage ends runOldAxiomFunctor(:allArgs) == [:args,env] := allArgs getConstructorKindFromDB env = "category" => [$oldAxiomPreCategoryDispatch,: [env, :args]] dom:=apply(env, args) makeOldAxiomDispatchDomain dom makeLazyOldAxiomDispatchDomain domform == attribute? domform => [$attributeDispatch, domform, hashString(SYMBOL_-NAME domform)] getConstructorKindFromDB opOf domform = "category" => [$oldAxiomPreCategoryDispatch,: domform] dd := [$lazyOldAxiomDomainDispatch, hashTypeForm(domform,0), domform] NCONC(dd,dd) -- installs back pointer to head of domain. dd makeOldAxiomDispatchDomain dom == cons? dom => dom [$oldAxiomDomainDispatch,hashTypeForm(dom.0,0),:dom] closeOldAxiomFunctor(name) == [function runOldAxiomFunctor,:SYMBOL_-FUNCTION name] lazyOldAxiomDomainLookupExport(domenv, self, op, sig, box, skipdefaults, env) == dom := instantiate domenv SPADCALL(rest dom, self, op, sig, box, skipdefaults, first dom.3) lazyOldAxiomDomainHashCode(domenv, env) == first domenv lazyOldAxiomDomainDevaluate(domenv, env) == dom := instantiate domenv SPADCALL(rest dom, first dom.1) lazyOldAxiomAddChild(domenv, kid, env) == [$lazyOldAxiomDomainDispatch,:domenv] $lazyOldAxiomDomainDispatch := VECTOR('lazyOldAxiomDomain, [function lazyOldAxiomDomainDevaluate], [nil], [function lazyOldAxiomDomainLookupExport], [function lazyOldAxiomDomainHashCode], [function lazyOldAxiomAddChild]) -- old Axiom pre category objects are just (dispatch . catform) -- where catform is ('categoryname,: evaluated args) -- old Axiom category objects are (dispatch . [catform, hashcode, defaulting package, parent vector, dom]) oldAxiomPreCategoryBuild(catform, dom, env) == pack := oldAxiomCategoryDefaultPackage(catform, dom) [$oldAxiomCategoryDispatch, :[catform, hashTypeForm(catform,0), pack, oldAxiomPreCategoryParents(catform,dom), dom]] oldAxiomPreCategoryHashCode(catform, env) == hashTypeForm(catform,0) oldAxiomCategoryDefaultPackage(catform, dom) == hasDefaultPackage opOf catform oldAxiomPreCategoryDevaluate([op,:args], env) == SExprToDName([op,:devaluateList args], true) $oldAxiomPreCategoryDispatch := VECTOR('oldAxiomPreCategory, [function oldAxiomPreCategoryDevaluate], [nil], [nil], [function oldAxiomPreCategoryHashCode], [function oldAxiomPreCategoryBuild], [nil]) oldAxiomCategoryDevaluate([[op,:args],:.], env) == SExprToDName([op,:devaluateList args], true) oldAxiomPreCategoryParents(catform,dom) == vars := ["$",:rest getConstructorFormFromDB opOf catform] vals := [dom,:rest catform] -- parents := getConstructorParentsFromDB opOf catform parents := parentsOf opOf catform PROGV(vars, vals, LIST2VEC [eval quoteCatOp cat for [cat,:pred] in parents | eval pred]) quoteCatOp cat == atom cat => MKQ cat ['LIST, MKQ first cat,: rest cat] oldAxiomCategoryLookupExport(catenv, self, op, sig, box, env) == [catform,hash, pack,:.] := catenv opIsHasCat op => if EQL(sig, hash) then [self] else nil null(pack) => nil if not vector? pack then pack:=apply(pack, [self, :rest catform]) catenv.rest.rest.first := pack fun := basicLookup(op, sig, pack, self) => [fun] nil oldAxiomCategoryParentCount([.,.,.,parents,.], env) == # parents oldAxiomCategoryNthParent([.,.,.,parvec,dom], n, env) == catform := parvec.(n-1) VECTORP KAR catform => catform newcat := oldAxiomPreCategoryBuild(catform,dom,nil) parvec.(n-1) := newcat newcat oldAxiomCategoryBuild([catform,:.], dom, env) == oldAxiomPreCategoryBuild(catform,dom, env) oldAxiomCategoryHashCode([.,hash,:.], env) == hash $oldAxiomCategoryDispatch := VECTOR('oldAxiomCategory, [function oldAxiomCategoryDevaluate], [nil], [function oldAxiomCategoryLookupExport], [function oldAxiomCategoryHashCode], [function oldAxiomCategoryBuild], -- builder ?? [function oldAxiomCategoryParentCount], [function oldAxiomCategoryNthParent]) -- 1 indexed attributeDevaluate(attrObj, env) == [name, hash] := attrObj StringToCompStr SYMBOL_-NAME name attributeLookupExport(attrObj, self, op, sig, box, env) == [name, hash] := attrObj opIsHasCat op => if EQL(hash, sig) then [self] else nil attributeHashCode(attrObj, env) == [name, hash] := attrObj hash attributeCategoryBuild(attrObj, dom, env) == [name, hash] := attrObj [$attributeDispatch, name, hash] attributeCategoryParentCount(attrObj, env) == 0 attributeNthParent(attrObj, env) == nil $attributeDispatch := VECTOR('attribute, [function attributeDevaluate], [nil], [function attributeLookupExport], [function attributeHashCode], [function attributeCategoryBuild], -- builder ?? [function attributeCategoryParentCount], [function attributeNthParent]) -- 1 indexed orderedDefaults(conform,domform) == $depthAssocCache : local := hashTable 'EQ conList := [x for x in orderCatAnc (op := opOf conform) | hasDefaultPackage op] acc := nil ancestors := ancestorsOf(conform,domform) for x in conList repeat for y in ancestors | x = CAAR y repeat acc := [y,:acc] nreverse acc instantiate domenv == -- following is a patch for a bug in runtime.as -- has a lazy dispatch vector with an instantiated domenv VECTORP rest domenv => [$oldAxiomDomainDispatch ,: domenv] callForm := second domenv oldDom := CDDR domenv [functor,:args] := callForm -- if null(fn := GETL(functor,'instantiate)) then -- ofn := SYMBOL_-FUNCTION functor -- loadFunctor functor -- fn := SYMBOL_-FUNCTION functor -- SETF(SYMBOL_-FUNCTION functor, ofn) -- PUT(functor, 'instantiate, fn) -- domvec := apply(fn, args) domvec := apply(functor, args) oldDom.first := $oldAxiomDomainDispatch oldDom.rest := [second oldDom,: domvec] oldDom hashTypeForm([fn,: args], percentHash) == hashType([fn,:devaluateList args], percentHash) $hashOp1 := hashString '"1" $hashOp0 := hashString '"0" $hashOpApply := hashString '"apply" $hashOpSet := hashString '"set!" $hashSeg := hashString '".." $hashPercent := hashString '"%" oldAxiomDomainLookupExport _ (domenv, self, op, sig, box, skipdefaults, env) == domainVec := rest domenv if hashCode? op then EQL(op, $hashOp1) => op := 'One EQL(op, $hashOp0) => op := 'Zero EQL(op, $hashOpApply) => op := 'elt EQL(op, $hashOpSet) => op := 'setelt EQL(op, $hashSeg) => op := 'SEGMENT constant := nil if hashCode? sig and self and EQL(sig, getDomainHash self) then sig := '($) constant := true val := skipdefaults => oldCompLookupNoDefaults(op, sig, domainVec, self) oldCompLookup(op, sig, domainVec, self) null val => val if constant then val := SPADCALL val box.first := val box oldAxiomDomainHashCode(domenv, env) == first domenv oldAxiomDomainHasCategory(domenv, cat, env) == HasAttribute(domvec := rest domenv, cat) or HasCategory(domvec, devaluate cat) oldAxiomDomainDevaluate(domenv, env) == SExprToDName(rest domenv.0, 'T) oldAxiomAddChild(domenv, child, env) == [$oldAxiomDomainDispatch,:domenv] $oldAxiomDomainDispatch := VECTOR('oldAxiomDomain, [function oldAxiomDomainDevaluate], [nil], [function oldAxiomDomainLookupExport], [function oldAxiomDomainHashCode], [function oldAxiomAddChild]) basicLookupCheckDefaults(op,sig,domain,dollar) == box := [nil] not vector?(dispatch := first dollar) => error "bad domain format" lookupFun := dispatch.3 dispatch.0 = 0 => -- new compiler domain object hashPercent := vector? dollar => hashType(dollar.0,0) hashType(dollar,0) hashSig := hashCode? sig => sig hashType( ['Mapping,:sig], hashPercent) if symbol? op then op := hashString SYMBOL_-NAME op first SPADCALL(rest dollar, dollar, op, hashSig, box, not $lookupDefaults, lookupFun) first SPADCALL(rest dollar, dollar, op, sig, box, not $lookupDefaults, lookupFun) $hasCatOpHash := hashString '"%%" opIsHasCat op == hashCode? op => EQL(op, $hasCatOpHash) op = "%%" -- has cat questions lookup up twice if false -- replace with following ? -- not(opIsHasCat op) and -- (u := lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domvec,domvec)) => u oldCompLookup(op, sig, domvec, dollar) == $lookupDefaults:local := nil u := lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domvec,dollar) => u $lookupDefaults := true lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domvec,dollar) oldCompLookupNoDefaults(op, sig, domvec, dollar) == $lookupDefaults:local := nil lookupInDomainVector(op,sig,domvec,dollar) hashNewLookupInTable(op,sig,dollar,[domain,opvec],flag) == opIsHasCat op => HasCategory(domain, sig) if hashCode? op and EQL(op, $hashOp1) then op := 'One if hashCode? op and EQL(op, $hashOp0) then op := 'Zero hashPercent := vector? dollar => hashType(dollar.0,0) hashType(dollar,0) if hashCode? sig and EQL(sig, hashPercent) then sig := hashType('(Mapping $), hashPercent) dollar = nil => systemError() $lookupDefaults = true => hashNewLookupInCategories(op,sig,domain,dollar) --lookup first in my cats or newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) --fast path when called from newGoGet success := false if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking(concat('"---->",form2String devaluate domain, '"----> searching op table for:","%l"," "),op,sig,dollar) someMatch := false numvec := getDomainByteVector domain predvec := domain.3 max := MAXINDEX opvec k := getOpCode(op,opvec,max) or return flag => newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) nil maxIndex := MAXINDEX numvec start := opvec.k finish := QSGREATERP(max,k) => opvec.(QSPLUS(k,2)) maxIndex if QSGREATERP(finish,maxIndex) then systemError '"limit too large" numArgs := if hashCode? sig then -1 else (#sig)-1 success := nil $isDefaultingPackage: local := -- use special defaulting handler when dollar non-trivial dollar ~= domain and isDefaultPackageForm? devaluate domain while finish > start repeat PROGN i := start numTableArgs :=numvec.i predIndex := numvec.(i := QSADD1 i) (predIndex ~= 0) and null testBitVector(predvec,predIndex) => nil exportSig := [newExpandTypeSlot(numvec.(i + j + 1), dollar,domain) for j in 0..numTableArgs] sig ~= hashType(['Mapping,: exportSig],hashPercent) => nil --signifies no match loc := numvec.(i + numTableArgs + 2) loc = 1 => (someMatch := true) loc = 0 => start := QSPLUS(start,QSPLUS(numTableArgs,4)) i := start + 2 someMatch := true --mark so that if subsumption fails, look for original subsumptionSig := [newExpandTypeSlot(numvec.(QSPLUS(i,j)), dollar,domain) for j in 0..numTableArgs] if $monitorNewWorld then sayBrightly [formatOpSignature(op,sig),'"--?-->", formatOpSignature(op,subsumptionSig)] nil slot := domain.loc cons? slot => slot.op = 'newGoGet => someMatch:=true --treat as if operation were not there --if EQ(QCAR slot,'newGoGet) then -- UNWIND_-PROTECT --break infinite recursion -- ((SETELT(domain,loc,'skip); slot := replaceGoGetSlot rest slot), -- if domain.loc = 'skip then domain.loc := slot) return (success := slot) slot = 'skip => --recursive call from above 'replaceGoGetSlot return (success := newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar)) systemError '"unexpected format" start := QSPLUS(start,QSPLUS(numTableArgs,4)) (success ~= 'failed) and success => if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"<----",uu) where uu() == cons? success => [first success,:devaluate rest success] success success subsumptionSig and (u:= basicLookup(op,subsumptionSig,domain,dollar)) => u flag or someMatch => newLookupInAddChain(op,sig,domain,dollar) nil hashNewLookupInCategories(op,sig,dom,dollar) == slot4 := dom.4 catVec := second slot4 SIZE catVec = 0 => nil --early exit if no categories integer? KDR catVec.0 => newLookupInCategories1(op,sig,dom,dollar) --old style $lookupDefaults : local := nil if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly concat('"----->", form2String devaluate dom,'"-----> searching default packages for ",op) predvec := dom.3 packageVec := first slot4 --the next three lines can go away with new category world varList := ['$,:$FormalMapVariableList] valueList := [dom,:[dom.(5+i) for i in 1..(# rest dom.0)]] valueList := [MKQ val for val in valueList] nsig := MSUBST(dom.0,dollar.0,sig) for i in 0..MAXINDEX packageVec | (entry := packageVec.i) and entry ~= true repeat package := vector? entry => if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"already instantiated cat package",entry) entry IDENTP entry => cat := catVec.i packageForm := nil if not GETL(entry,'LOADED) then loadLib entry infovec := GETL(entry,'infovec) success := --vector? infovec => ----new world true => ----new world opvec := infovec.1 max := MAXINDEX opvec code := getOpCode(op,opvec,max) null code => nil byteVector := CDDDR infovec.3 endPos := code+2 > max => SIZE byteVector opvec.(code+2) --not nrunNumArgCheck(#sig.source,byteVector,opvec.code,endPos) => nil --numOfArgs := byteVector.(opvec.code) --numOfArgs ~= #sig.source => nil packageForm := [entry,'$,:rest cat] package := evalSlotDomain(packageForm,dom) packageVec.i := package package ----old world table := HGET($Slot1DataBase,entry) or systemError nil (u := LASSQ(op,table)) and (v := or/[rest x for x in u]) => packageForm := [entry,'$,:rest cat] package := evalSlotDomain(packageForm,dom) packageVec.i := package package nil null success => if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightlyNT '" not in: " pp (packageForm and devaluate package or entry) nil if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"candidate default package instantiated: ",success) success entry null package => nil if $monitorNewWorld then sayLooking1('"Looking at instantiated package ",package) res := basicLookup(op,sig,package,dollar) => if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly '"candidate default package succeeds" return res if $monitorNewWorld = true then sayBrightly '"candidate fails -- continuing to search categories" nil HasAttribute(domain,attrib) == hashPercent := vector? domain => hashType(domain.0,0) hashType(domain,0) isDomain domain => FIXP((first domain).0) => -- following call to hashType was missing 2nd arg. -- getDomainHash domain added on 4/01/94 by RSS basicLookup("%%",hashType(attrib, hashPercent),domain,domain) HasAttribute(CDDR domain, attrib) --> isNewWorldDomain domain => newHasAttribute(domain,attrib) --+ (u := LASSOC(attrib,domain.2)) and lookupPred(first u,domain,domain) newHasAttribute(domain,attrib) == hashPercent := vector? domain => hashType(domain.0,0) hashType(domain,0) predIndex := hashCode? attrib => -- following call to hashType was missing 2nd arg. -- hashPercent added by PAB 15/4/94 or/[x for x in domain.2 | attrib = hashType(first x, hashPercent)] LASSOC(attrib,domain.2) predIndex => predIndex = 0 => true predvec := domain.3 testBitVector(predvec,predIndex) false newHasCategory(domain,catform) == catform = $Type or catform = $Category => true catform is ["Join",:cats] => and/[newHasCategory(domain,cat) for cat in cats] slot4 := domain.4 auxvec := first slot4 catvec := second slot4 $isDefaultingPackage: local := isDefaultPackageForm? devaluate domain #catvec > 0 and integer? KDR catvec.0 => --old style predIndex := lazyMatchAssocV1(catform,catvec,domain) null predIndex => false predIndex = 0 => true predvec := QVELT(domain,3) testBitVector(predvec,predIndex) lazyMatchAssocV(catform,auxvec,catvec,domain) --new style getCatForm(catvec, index, domain) == integer?(form := QVELT(catvec,index)) => domain.form form HasSignature(domain,[op,sig]) == compiledLookup(op,sig,domain) HasCategory(domain,catform') == catform' is ['SIGNATURE,:f] => HasSignature(domain,f) catform' is ['ATTRIBUTE,f] => HasAttribute(domain,f) isDomain domain => FIXP((first domain).0) => catform' := devaluate catform' basicLookup("%%",catform',domain,domain) HasCategory(CDDR domain, catform') catform:= devaluate catform' isNewWorldDomain domain => newHasCategory(domain,catform) domain0:=domain.0 -- handles old style domains, Record, Union etc. slot4 := domain.4 catlist := slot4.1 member(catform,catlist) or opOf(catform) in '(Object Type) or --temporary hack or/[compareSigEqual(catform,cat,domain0,domain) for cat in catlist] --systemDependentMkAutoload(fn,cnam) == -- FBOUNDP(cnam) => "next" -- SETF(SYMBOL_-FUNCTION cnam,mkAutoLoad(fn, cnam)) domainEqual(a,b) == vector? a and vector? b and a.0 = b.0