-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import incl import i_-toplev import unlisp namespace BOOT ncParseAndInterpretString s == processInteractive(packageTran parseFromString s, nil) ncParseFromString s == zeroOneTran packageTran CATCH($SpadReaderTag, parseFromString s) ncINTERPFILE(file, echo) == savedEcho := $EchoLines savedReadingFile := $ReadingFile $EchoLines: fluid := echo $ReadingFile: fluid := true result := SpadInterpretFile file $EchoLines := savedEcho $ReadingFile := savedReadingFile result ncGetFunction(op, dom, sig) == applyInPackage(function getNCfunction,_ [rePackageTran(op, '"boot"),_ rePackageTran(dom, '"boot"),_ rePackageTran(sig, '"boot")],_ '"BOOT") applyInPackage(fun, args, package) == savedPackage := _*PACKAGE_* SETQ(_*PACKAGE_*, FIND_-PACKAGE package) result := apply(fun, args) SETQ(_*PACKAGE_*, savedPackage) result ncSetCurrentLine l == setCurrentLine l --% INTERPRETER TOP LEVEL spad() == -- starts the interpreter but does not read in profiles, etc. $inLispVM : local := nil setOutputAlgebra "%initialize%" runspad() 'EndOfSpad runspad() == mode:='restart while mode='restart repeat resetStackLimits() CATCH($quitTag, CATCH('coerceFailure, mode:=CATCH($intTopLevel, ncTopLevel()))) ncTopLevel() == -- Top-level read-parse-eval-print loop for the interpreter. Uses -- the Bill Burge's parser. IN_-STREAM: fluid := $InputStream _*EOF_*: fluid := NIL $InteractiveMode :fluid := true $NEWSPAD: fluid := true $SPAD: fluid := true $e:fluid := $InteractiveFrame ncIntLoop() ncIntLoop() == $InputStream : local := MAKE_-SYNONYM_-STREAM "*STANDARD-INPUT*" $OutputStream : local := MAKE_-SYNONYM_-STREAM "*STANDARD-OUTPUT*" intloop() intloop () == mode := $intRestart while mode = $intRestart repeat resetStackLimits() mode := CATCH($intTopLevel, SpadInterpretStream(1, nil, true)) ++ If the interpreter is spwan by the session manager, then ++ each successful connection also creates its own frame. ++ In particular, the only time we get to do anything in the `initial' ++ frame is when we get the first connection. In that case, we would ++ be asked by the session manager to create a frame. The client is ++ not aware of that, It is therefore confusing to display a prompt, ++ because all this horse-threading happens behind the client's back. printFirstPrompt?() == $interpreterFrameName ~= "initial" or getOptionValue '"role" ~= '"server" SpadInterpretStream(str, source, interactive?) == pile? := not interactive? $libQuiet : local := not interactive? $newcompErrorCount: local := 0 -- SMW Feb 2/90. -- Used in highComplete, ncHardError etc. $okToExecuteMachineCode: local := true -- set false on error $inclAssertions: local := ["AIX", "CommonLisp"] -- Jan 28/90 $lastPos : local := $nopos ------------>!!! $erMsgToss : local := false --------------->!!! $ncMsgList : local := nil $systemCommandFunction : local := function InterpExecuteSpadSystemCommand $shoeReadLineFunction : local := function serverReadLine $promptMsg : local := 'S2CTP023 interactive? => not $leanMode and printFirstPrompt?() and printPrompt() intloopReadConsole('"", str) [] intloopInclude (source,0) [] ----------------------------------------------------------------- intloopReadConsole(b, n)== a:= serverReadLine $InputStream not string? a => leaveScratchpad() #a=0 => not $leanMode and printPrompt() intloopReadConsole('"", n) pfx := stripSpaces intloopPrefix?('")fi",a) pfx and ((pfx = '")fi") or (pfx = '")fin")) => [] b = '"" and (d := intloopPrefix?('")", a)) => setCurrentLine d c := ncloopCommand(d,n) not $leanMode and printPrompt() intloopReadConsole('"", c) a:=CONCAT(b,a) ncloopEscaped a => intloopReadConsole(SUBSEQ(a, 0, (LENGTH a) - 1),n) c := intloopProcessString(a, n) not $leanMode and printPrompt() intloopReadConsole('"", c) intloopPrefix?(prefix,whole) == #prefix > #whole => false good := true leading := true spaces := 0 i := 0 len := #prefix wlen := #whole for j in 0.. while (good and i < len and j < wlen) repeat good := (prefix.i = whole.j) or (leading and (whole.j = char " ")) if prefix.i = whole.j then i := i+1 if (whole.j = char " ") and leading then spaces := spaces + 1 else leading := false spaces = wlen => nil if good then SUBSTRING(whole,spaces,nil) else good intloopProcess(n,interactive,s)== StreamNull s => n [lines,ptree]:=first s pfAbSynOp?(ptree,"command")=> if interactive then setCurrentLine tokPart ptree FUNCALL($systemCommandFunction, tokPart ptree) intloopProcess(n ,interactive ,rest s) intloopProcess(intloopSpadProcess(n,lines,ptree,interactive) ,interactive ,rest s) intloopEchoParse s== [dq,stream]:=first s [lines,rest]:=ncloopDQlines(dq,$lines) setCurrentLine(mkLineList(lines)) if $EchoLines then ncloopPrintLines lines $lines:=rest [[[lines,npParse dqToList dq]],:rest s] intloopInclude0(st, name, n) == $lines:local:=incStream(st,name) intloopProcess(n,false, next(function intloopEchoParse, next(function insertpile, next(function lineoftoks,$lines)))) intloopInclude(name, n) == WITH_-OPEN_-FILE(st name, intloopInclude0(st, name, n)) intloopInclude1(name,n) == a:=ncloopIncFileName name a => intloopInclude(a,n) n intloopProcessString(s,n) == setCurrentLine s intloopProcess(n,true, next(function ncloopParse, next(function lineoftoks,incString s))) $pfMacros := [] intloopSpadProcess(stepNo,lines,ptree,interactive?)== $stepNo:local := stepNo $currentCarrier := cc := ['carrier] ncPutQ(cc, 'stepNumber, stepNo) ncPutQ(cc, 'messages, $ncMsgList) ncPutQ(cc, 'lines, lines) $ncMsgList := nil result := CatchAsCan(flung, Catch("SpadCompileItem", CATCH($intCoerceFailure, CATCH($SpadReaderTag, interp(cc, ptree, interactive?))))) where interp(cc, ptree, interactive?) == ncConversationPhase(function phParse, [cc, ptree]) ncConversationPhase(function phMacro, [cc]) ncConversationPhase(function phIntReportMsgs,[cc, interactive?]) ncConversationPhase(function phInterpret, [cc]) #ncEltQ(cc, 'messages) ~= 0 => ncError() intSetNeedToSignalSessionManager() $prevCarrier := $currentCarrier result = 'ncEnd => stepNo result = 'ncError => stepNo result = 'ncEndItem => stepNo stepNo+1 phInterpret carrier == -- Don't try evaluation if the data structure may have been corrupted. not ncEltQ(carrier, "ok?") => "KO" ptree := ncEltQ(carrier, 'ptree) val := intInterpretPform(ptree) ncPutQ(carrier, 'value, val) --% phReportMsgs: carrier[lines,messages,..]-> carrier[lines,messages,..] phIntReportMsgs(carrier, interactive?) == $erMsgToss => 'OK lines := ncEltQ(carrier, 'lines) msgs := ncEltQ(carrier, 'messages) nerr := #msgs ncPutQ(carrier, 'ok?, nerr = 0) nerr = 0 => 'OK processMsgList(msgs, lines) intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP010,[nerr]) 'OK mkLineList lines == l := [rest line for line in lines | nonBlank rest line] #l = 1 => first l l nonBlank str == value := false for i in 0..MAXINDEX str repeat str.i ~= char " " => value := true return value value ncloopCommand (line,n) == a:=ncloopPrefix?('")include",line)=> ncloopInclude1( a,n) FUNCALL($systemCommandFunction,line) n ncloopEscaped x== esc :=false done:=false for i in (# x) - 1 .. 0 by -1 while not done repeat done:= x.i='" ".0 =>false x.i='"__".0=> esc:=true true true esc ncloopDQlines (dq,stream)== StreamNull stream a:= poGlobalLinePosn tokPosn second dq b:= poGlobalLinePosn CAAR stream streamChop (a-b+1,stream) streamChop(n,s)== if StreamNull s then [nil,nil] else if EQL(n,0) then [nil,s] else [a,b]:= streamChop(n-1,cdr s) line:=car s c:=ncloopPrefix?('")command",rest line) d:= [car line,:(if c then c else cdr line)] [[d,:a],b] ncloopPrintLines lines == for line in lines repeat WRITE_-LINE rest line WRITE_-LINE '" " ncloopIncFileName string== fn := incFileName string not fn => WRITE_-LINE (CONCAT(string, '" not found")) [] fn ncloopParse s== [dq,stream]:=first s [lines,rest]:=ncloopDQlines(dq,stream) [[[lines,npParse dqToList dq]],:rest s] ncloopInclude0(st, name, n) == $lines:local := incStream(st, name) ncloopProcess(n,false, next(function ncloopEchoParse, next(function insertpile, next(function lineoftoks,$lines)))) ncloopInclude(name, n) == WITH_-OPEN_-FILE(st name, ncloopInclude0(st, name, n)) ncloopInclude1(name,n) == a:=ncloopIncFileName name a => ncloopInclude(a,n) n incString s== incRenumber incLude(0,[s],0,['"strings"] ,[Top]) ncError() == THROW("SpadCompileItem",'ncError) --% Compilation Carriers -- This data structure is used to carry information between phases. --% phParse: carrier[tokens,...] -> carrier[ptree, tokens,...] --)line (defun pretty (x) (boottran::reallyprettyprint x)) --)line (defun packagetran (x) (boot::|packageTran|)) $ncmParse := NIL phParse(carrier,ptree) == phBegin 'Parsing if $ncmParse then nothing intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP003,[%pform ptree]) ncPutQ(carrier, 'ptree, ptree) 'OK --% phMacro: carrier[ptree,...] -> carrier[ptree, ptreePremacro,...] $ncmMacro := false phMacro carrier == phBegin 'Macroing ptree := ncEltQ(carrier, 'ptree) ncPutQ(carrier, 'ptreePremacro, ptree) ptree := macroExpanded ptree if $ncmMacro then intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP007,[%pform ptree] ) ncPutQ(carrier, 'ptree, ptree) 'OK --% phReportMsgs: carrier[lines,messages,..]-> carrier[lines,messages,..] phReportMsgs(carrier, interactive?) == $erMsgToss => 'OK lines := ncEltQ(carrier, 'lines) msgs := ncEltQ(carrier, 'messages) nerr := #msgs ncPutQ(carrier, 'ok?, nerr = 0) interactive? and nerr = 0 => 'OK processMsgList(msgs, lines) intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP010,[nerr]) 'OK ncConversationPhase(fn, args) == carrier := first args $ncMsgList: local := [] $convPhase: local := 'NoPhase UNWIND_-PROTECT( APPLY(fn, args), wrapup(carrier) ) where wrapup(carrier) == for m in $ncMsgList repeat ncPutQ(carrier, 'messages, [m, :ncEltQ(carrier, 'messages)]) ncloopPrefix?(prefix,whole) == #prefix > #whole => false good:=true for i in 0..#prefix-1 for j in 0.. while good repeat good:= prefix.i = whole.j if good then SUBSTRING(whole,#prefix,nil) else good $ncmPhase := NIL phBegin id == $convPhase := id if $ncmPhase then intSayKeyedMsg('S2CTP021,[id]) PullAndExecuteSpadSystemCommand stream == ExecuteSpadSystemCommand first stream rest stream ExecuteSpadSystemCommand string == FUNCALL($systemCommandFunction, string) clearMacroTable() == $pfMacros := nil getParserMacros() == $pfMacros displayParserMacro m == m := ASSQ(m, $pfMacros) null m => nil pfPrintSrcLines third m