\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/interp int-top.boot} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{intloopReadConsole} This is the top level loop when reading from the input console. This function calls itself after processing the current line. Because of this it is important that the underlying common lisp supports tail-recursion. Normally we never really exit this function. We read a string from the input. The serverReadLine\cite{1} function is a special readline function that handles communication with the session manager code, which is a separate process running in parallel. In the usual case it just returns the current string. If the user enters a blank line ([[#a=]]) then just put up another prompt and then tail-recursively call [[intloopReadConsole]]. If the user has set [[$DALYMODE]] to true and the new line starts with an open parenthesis then the input is assumed to be a lisp expression and is evaluated by the underlying common lisp. This is useful if you are doing a lot of debugging. Commands can also be executed in the underlying common lisp by using the [[)lisp]] command. In either case we tail-recursively call [[intloopReadConsole]]. If the user typed [[)fin]] then we exit the loop and drop into the underlying common lisp. You can use the [[(restart)]] function call to return to the top level loop. If the input line starts with a close parenthesis we parse the input line as a command rather than an expression. We execute the command and then tail-recursively call [[intloopReadConsole]]. If the input line contains a trailing underscore, which is the standard end-of-line escape character, then we continue to read the line by tail-recursively calling [[intloopReadConsole]]. If none of the above conditions occur we simply evaluate the input line and then tail-recursively call [[intloopReadConsole]]. However, there was a small bug in the test for the system command [[)fin]]. Originally, the test took the form: \begin{verbatim} intloopPrefix?('")fin",a) => [] \end{verbatim} This test was flawed in two ways. First, it would match {\sl any} command beginning with [[)fin]]. Second, it would {\sl only} match names beginning with [[)fin]], although [[)fi]] is an acceptable abbreviation for this command. The improved test takes the form: \begin{verbatim} pfx := stripSpaces intloopPrefix?('")fi",a) pfx and ((pfx = '")fi") or (pfx = '")fin")) => [] \end{verbatim} \section{intloopPrefix?} The [[intloopPrefix?(prefix, whole)]] function simply tests if the string [[prefix]] is a prefix of the string [[whole]]. The original implementation discounts {\sl any} whitespace in [[whole]] in deciding a match, when a more sensible behavior would be to discount only leading whitespace. Moreover, the function SUBSTRING\cite{2} was being improperly called. The reason why this improper call had gone undetected is that generally [[intloopPrefix?]] is invoked with a prefix string of length one -- hence the start position for the substring would generally begin at index [[spaces]] (which is what we want). The original code read: \begin{verbatim} intloopPrefix?(prefix,whole) == #prefix > #whole => false good:=true spaces := 0 i := 0 len := #prefix wlen := #whole for j in 0.. while (good and i < len and j < wlen) repeat good:= (prefix.i = whole.j) or (whole.j = char " ") if prefix.i = whole.j then i := i+1 if whole.j = char " " then spaces := spaces + 1 spaces = wlen => nil if good then SUBSTRING(whole,#prefix+spaces-1,nil) else good \end{verbatim} The improved version of [[inloopPrefix?(prefix, whole)]] returns the string [[whole]] sans leading whitespace if the match succeeds, else nil. <>= intloopPrefix?(prefix,whole) == #prefix > #whole => false good := true leading := true spaces := 0 i := 0 len := #prefix wlen := #whole for j in 0.. while (good and i < len and j < wlen) repeat good := (prefix.i = whole.j) or (leading and (whole.j = char " ")) if prefix.i = whole.j then i := i+1 if (whole.j = char " ") and leading then spaces := spaces + 1 else leading := false spaces = wlen => nil if good then SUBSTRING(whole,spaces,nil) else good @ \section{License} <>= -- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <> )package "BOOT" --% INTERPRETER TOP LEVEL spad() == -- starts the interpreter but does not read in profiles, etc. $PrintCompilerMessageIfTrue: local $inLispVM : local := nil setOutputAlgebra "%initialize%" runspad() 'EndOfSpad runspad() == mode:='restart while mode='restart repeat resetStackLimits() CATCH($quitTag, CATCH('coerceFailure, mode:=CATCH('top__level, ncTopLevel()))) ncTopLevel() == -- Top-level read-parse-eval-print loop for the interpreter. Uses -- the Bill Burge's parser. IN_-STREAM: fluid := CURINSTREAM _*EOF_*: fluid := NIL $InteractiveMode :fluid := true $BOOT: fluid := NIL $NEWSPAD: fluid := true $SPAD: fluid := true $e:fluid := $InteractiveFrame ncIntLoop() ncIntLoop() == CURINSTREAM : local := _*STANDARD_-OUTPUT_* CUROUTSTREAM : local := _*STANDARD_-INPUT_* intloop() intloop () == mode := $intRestart while mode = $intRestart repeat resetStackLimits() mode := CATCH($intTopLevel, SpadInterpretStream(1, ["TIM", "DALY", "?"], true)) SpadInterpretStream(str, source, interactive?) == $fn : local := source pile? := not interactive? $libQuiet : local := not interactive? $newcompMode : local := false -- following seems useless and causes ccl package problems -- $InteractiveMode : local := false $newcompErrorCount: local := 0 -- SMW Feb 2/90. -- Used in highComplete, ncHardError etc. $okToExecuteMachineCode: local := true -- set false on error $inclAssertions: local := ["AIX", "CommonLisp"] -- Jan 28/90 $lastPos : local := $nopos ------------>!!! $erMsgToss : local := false --------------->!!! $ncMsgList : local := nil $systemCommandFunction : local := function InterpExecuteSpadSystemCommand $shoeReadLineFunction : local := function serverReadLine $promptMsg : local := 'S2CTP023 interactive? => PRINC(MKPROMPT()) intloopReadConsole('"", str) [] intloopInclude (source,0) [] ----------------------------------------------------------------- intloopReadConsole(b, n)== a:= serverReadLine(_*STANDARD_-INPUT_*) not STRINGP a => leaveScratchpad() #a=0 => PRINC(MKPROMPT()) intloopReadConsole('"", n) $DALYMODE and intloopPrefix?('"(",a) => intnplisp(a) PRINC(MKPROMPT()) intloopReadConsole('"",n) pfx := stripSpaces intloopPrefix?('")fi",a) pfx and ((pfx = '")fi") or (pfx = '")fin")) => [] b = '"" and (d := intloopPrefix?('")", a)) => setCurrentLine d c := ncloopCommand(d,n) PRINC(MKPROMPT()) intloopReadConsole('"", c) a:=CONCAT(b,a) ncloopEscaped a => intloopReadConsole(SUBSEQ(a, 0, (LENGTH a) - 1),n) c := intloopProcessString(a, n) PRINC(MKPROMPT()) intloopReadConsole('"", c) <> intloopProcess(n,interactive,s)== StreamNull s => n [lines,ptree]:=CAR s pfAbSynOp?(ptree,"command")=> if interactive then setCurrentLine tokPart ptree FUNCALL($systemCommandFunction, tokPart ptree) intloopProcess(n ,interactive ,CDR s) intloopProcess(intloopSpadProcess(n,lines,ptree,interactive) ,interactive ,CDR s) intloopEchoParse s== [dq,stream]:=CAR s [lines,rest]:=ncloopDQlines(dq,$lines) setCurrentLine(mkLineList(lines)) if $EchoLines then ncloopPrintLines lines $lines:=rest cons([[lines,npParse dqToList dq]],CDR s) intloopInclude0(st, name, n) == $lines:local:=incStream(st,name) intloopProcess(n,false, next(function intloopEchoParse, next(function insertpile, next(function lineoftoks,$lines)))) intloopInclude1(name,n) == a:=ncloopIncFileName name a => intloopInclude(a,n) n intloopProcessString(s,n) == setCurrentLine s intloopProcess(n,true, next(function ncloopParse, next(function lineoftoks,incString s))) $pfMacros := [] intloopSpadProcess(stepNo,lines,ptree,interactive?)== $stepNo:local := stepNo $currentCarrier := cc := ['carrier] ncPutQ(cc, 'stepNumber, stepNo) ncPutQ(cc, 'messages, $ncMsgList) ncPutQ(cc, 'lines, lines) $ncMsgList := nil result := CatchAsCan(flung, Catch("SpadCompileItem", CATCH($intCoerceFailure, CATCH($intSpadReader, interp(cc, ptree, interactive?))))) where interp(cc, ptree, interactive?) == ncConversationPhase(function phParse, [cc, ptree]) ncConversationPhase(function phMacro, [cc]) ncConversationPhase(function phIntReportMsgs,[cc, interactive?]) ncConversationPhase(function phInterpret, [cc]) #ncEltQ(cc, 'messages) ^= 0 => ncError() intSetNeedToSignalSessionManager() $prevCarrier := $currentCarrier result = 'ncEnd => stepNo result = 'ncError => stepNo result = 'ncEndItem => stepNo stepNo+1 phInterpret carrier == ptree := ncEltQ(carrier, 'ptree) val := intInterpretPform(ptree) ncPutQ(carrier, 'value, val) --% phReportMsgs: carrier[lines,messages,..]-> carrier[lines,messages,..] phIntReportMsgs(carrier, interactive?) == $erMsgToss => 'OK lines := ncEltQ(carrier, 'lines) msgs := ncEltQ(carrier, 'messages) nerr := #msgs ncPutQ(carrier, 'ok?, nerr = 0) nerr = 0 => 'OK processMsgList(msgs, lines) intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP010,[nerr]) 'OK mkLineList lines == l := [CDR line for line in lines | nonBlank CDR line] #l = 1 => CAR l l nonBlank str == value := false for i in 0..MAXINDEX str repeat str.i ^= char " " => value := true return value value ncloopCommand (line,n) == a:=ncloopPrefix?('")include",line)=> ncloopInclude1( a,n) FUNCALL($systemCommandFunction,line) n ncloopEscaped x== esc :=false done:=false for i in (# x) - 1 .. 0 by -1 while not done repeat done:= x.i='" ".0 =>false x.i='"__".0=> esc:=true true true esc ncloopDQlines (dq,stream)== StreamNull stream a:= poGlobalLinePosn tokPosn CADR dq b:= poGlobalLinePosn CAAR stream streamChop (a-b+1,stream) streamChop(n,s)== if StreamNull s then [nil,nil] else if EQL(n,0) then [nil,s] else [a,b]:= streamChop(n-1,cdr s) line:=car s c:=ncloopPrefix?('")command",CDR line) d:= cons(car line,if c then c else cdr line) [cons(d,a),b] ncloopPrintLines lines == for line in lines repeat WRITE_-LINE CDR line WRITE_-LINE '" " ncloopIncFileName string== fn := incFileName string not fn => WRITE_-LINE (CONCAT(string, '" not found")) [] fn ncloopParse s== [dq,stream]:=CAR s [lines,rest]:=ncloopDQlines(dq,stream) cons([[lines,npParse dqToList dq]],CDR s) ncloopInclude0(st, name, n) == $lines:local := incStream(st, name) ncloopProcess(n,false, next(function ncloopEchoParse, next(function insertpile, next(function lineoftoks,$lines)))) ncloopInclude1(name,n) == a:=ncloopIncFileName name a => ncloopInclude(a,n) n incString s== incRenumber incLude(0,[s],0,['"strings"] ,[Top]) ncError() == THROW("SpadCompileItem",'ncError) --% Compilation Carriers -- This data structure is used to carry information between phases. --% phParse: carrier[tokens,...] -> carrier[ptree, tokens,...] --)line (defun pretty (x) (boottran::reallyprettyprint x)) --)line (defun packagetran (x) (boot::|packageTran|)) phParse(carrier,ptree) == phBegin 'Parsing if $ncmParse then nothing intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP003,[%pform ptree]) ncPutQ(carrier, 'ptree, ptree) 'OK --% phMacro: carrier[ptree,...] -> carrier[ptree, ptreePremacro,...] phMacro carrier == phBegin 'Macroing ptree := ncEltQ(carrier, 'ptree) ncPutQ(carrier, 'ptreePremacro, ptree) ptree := macroExpanded ptree if $ncmMacro then intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP007,[%pform ptree] ) ncPutQ(carrier, 'ptree, ptree) 'OK --% phReportMsgs: carrier[lines,messages,..]-> carrier[lines,messages,..] phReportMsgs(carrier, interactive?) == $erMsgToss => 'OK lines := ncEltQ(carrier, 'lines) msgs := ncEltQ(carrier, 'messages) nerr := #msgs ncPutQ(carrier, 'ok?, nerr = 0) interactive? and nerr = 0 => 'OK processMsgList(msgs, lines) intSayKeyedMsg ('S2CTP010,[nerr]) 'OK ncConversationPhase(fn, args) == carrier := first args $ncMsgList: local := [] $convPhase: local := 'NoPhase UNWIND_-PROTECT( APPLY(fn, args), wrapup(carrier) ) where wrapup(carrier) == for m in $ncMsgList repeat ncPutQ(carrier, 'messages, [m, :ncEltQ(carrier, 'messages)]) ncloopPrefix?(prefix,whole) == #prefix > #whole => false good:=true for i in 0..#prefix-1 for j in 0.. while good repeat good:= prefix.i = whole.j if good then SUBSTRING(whole,#prefix,nil) else good phBegin id == $convPhase := id if $ncmPhase then intSayKeyedMsg('S2CTP021,[id]) PullAndExecuteSpadSystemCommand stream == ExecuteSpadSystemCommand CAR stream CDR stream ExecuteSpadSystemCommand string == FUNCALL($systemCommandFunction, string) @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} [[src/interp/server.boot.pamphlet]] \bibitem{2} [[src/interp/vmlisp.lisp.pamphlet]] \end{thebibliography} \end{document}