-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import g_-util namespace BOOT module i_-util --% $intTopLevel == "top__level" --% The function for making prompts inputPrompt str == -- replaces older INPUT-PROMPT atom (x := $SCREENSIZE()) => NIL p := CAR(x) - 2 y := $OLDLINE SETQ($OLDLINE,NIL) y => _$SHOWLINE(STRCONC(str,EBCDIC 19,y),p) 0 = SIZE str => NIL _$SHOWLINE(STRCONC(str,EBCDIC 19),p) protectedPrompt(:p) == [str,:br] := p 0 = SIZE str => inputPrompt str msg := EBCDIC 29 -- start of field msg := if br then STRCONC(msg,EBCDIC 232) -- bright write protect else STRCONC(msg,EBCDIC 96) -- write protect msg := STRCONC(msg,str,EBCDIC 29,EBCDIC 64) -- unprotect again inputPrompt msg MKPROMPT() == $inputPromptType = 'none => '"" $inputPromptType = 'plain => '"-> " $inputPromptType = 'step => STRCONC('"(",STRINGIMAGE $IOindex,'") -> ") $inputPromptType = 'frame => STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE $interpreterFrameName, '" (",STRINGIMAGE $IOindex,'") -> ") STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE $interpreterFrameName, '" [", SUBSTRING(CURRENTTIME(),8,NIL),'"] [", STRINGIMAGE $IOindex, '"] -> ") printPrompt(flush? == false) == PRINC(MKPROMPT(), $OutputStream) if flush? then FORCE_-OUTPUT $OutputStream --% Miscellaneous $ZeroVecCache := nil Zeros n == #$ZeroVecCache = n => $ZeroVecCache $ZeroVecCache := MAKE_-VEC n for i in 0..n-1 repeat $ZeroVecCache.i:=0 $ZeroVecCache LZeros n == n < 1 => nil l := [0] for i in 2..n repeat l := [0, :l] l -- bpi2FunctionName x == -- s:= BPINAME x => s -- x -- subrToName x == BPINAME x -- formerly in clammed.boot isSubDomain(d1,d2) == -- d1 and d2 are different domains subDomainList := '(Integer NonNegativeInteger PositiveInteger) ATOM d1 or ATOM d2 => nil l := MEMQ(CAR d2, subDomainList) => MEMQ(CAR d1, CDR l) nil $variableNumberAlist := nil variableNumber(x) == p := ASSQ(x, $variableNumberAlist) null p => $variableNumberAlist := [[x,:0], :$variableNumberAlist] 0 RPLACD(p, 1+CDR p) CDR p newType? t == nil -- functions used at run-time which were formerly in the compiler files Undef(:u) == u':= LAST u [[domain,slot],op,sig]:= u' domain':=eval mkEvalable domain ^EQ(CAR ELT(domain',slot), function Undef) => -- OK - thefunction is now defined [:u'',.]:=u if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayMessage concat ['" Retrospective determination of slot",'%b, slot,'%d,'"of",'%b,:prefix2String domain,'%d] APPLY(CAR ELT(domain',slot),[:u'',CDR ELT(domain',slot)]) throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0008",[formatOpSignature(op,sig),domain]) makeInitialModemapFrame() == COPY $InitialModemapFrame isCapitalWord x == (y := PNAME x) and and/[UPPER_-CASE_-P y.i for i in 0..MAXINDEX y] $newCompilerUnionFlag := true orderUnionEntries l == $newCompilerUnionFlag => l first l is [":",.,.] => l -- new style Unions [a,b]:= split(l,nil,nil) where split(l,a,b) == l is [x,:l'] => (STRINGP x => split(l',[x,:a],b); split(l',a,[x,:b])) [a,b] [:orderList a,:orderList b] mkPredList listOfEntries == $newCompilerUnionFlag => [['EQCAR,"#1",i] for arg in listOfEntries for i in 0..] first listOfEntries is [":",.,.] => -- new Tagged Unions [['EQCAR,"#1",MKQ tag] for [.,tag,.] in listOfEntries] --1. generate list of type-predicate pairs from union specification initTypePredList:= [selTypePred for x in listOfEntries] where selTypePred() == STRINGP x => [x,'EQUAL,"#1",x] [x,:GETL(opOf x,"BasicPredicate")] typeList:= ASSOCLEFT initTypePredList initPredList:= ASSOCRIGHT initTypePredList hasDuplicatePredicate:= fn initPredList where fn x == null x => false first x and member(first x,rest x) => true fn rest x --if duplicate predicate, kill them all if hasDuplicatePredicate then initPredList:= [nil for x in initPredList] nonEmptyPredList:= [p for p in initPredList | p^=nil] numberWithoutPredicate:= #listOfEntries-#nonEmptyPredList predList:= numberWithoutPredicate=0 and not hasDuplicatePredicate => initPredList numberWithoutPredicate=1 and null LAST initPredList and [STRINGP x for x in rest REVERSE listOfEntries] => allButLast:= rest REVERSE initPredList NREVERSE [['NULL,MKPF(allButLast,"OR")],:allButLast] --otherwise, generate a tagged-union --we have made an even number of REVERSE operations, therefore --the original order is preserved. JHD 25.Sept.1983 tagPredList:= [["EQCAR","#1",i] for i in 1..numberWithoutPredicate] [addPredIfNecessary for p in initPredList] where addPredIfNecessary() == p => p [u,:tagPredList]:= tagPredList u predList