\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \title{\File{src/interp/i-util.boot} Pamphlet} \author{The Axiom Team} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \begin{verbatim} Wrapping and Unwrapping Values A wrapped value represents something that need not be evaluated when code is generated. This includes objects from domains or things that just happed to evaluate to themselves. Typically generated lisp code is unwrapped. \end{verbatim} \section{License} <<license>>= -- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> --% Utility Functions Used Only by the Intepreter wrap x == isWrapped x => x ['WRAPPED,:x] isWrapped x == x is ['WRAPPED,:.] or NUMBERP x or FLOATP x or CVECP x unwrap x == NUMBERP x or FLOATP x or CVECP x => x x is ["WRAPPED",:y] => y x wrapped2Quote x == x is ["WRAPPED",:y] => MKQ y x quote2Wrapped x == x is ['QUOTE,y] => wrap y x removeQuote x == x is ["QUOTE",y] => y x -- addQuote x == -- NUMBERP x => x -- ['QUOTE,x] --% The function for making prompts spadPrompt() == SAY '" AXIOM" sayNewLine() inputPrompt str == -- replaces older INPUT-PROMPT atom (x := $SCREENSIZE()) => NIL p := CAR(x) - 2 y := $OLDLINE SETQ($OLDLINE,NIL) y => _$SHOWLINE(STRCONC(str,EBCDIC 19,y),p) 0 = SIZE str => NIL _$SHOWLINE(STRCONC(str,EBCDIC 19),p) protectedPrompt(:p) == [str,:br] := p 0 = SIZE str => inputPrompt str msg := EBCDIC 29 -- start of field msg := if br then STRCONC(msg,EBCDIC 232) -- bright write protect else STRCONC(msg,EBCDIC 96) -- write protect msg := STRCONC(msg,str,EBCDIC 29,EBCDIC 64) -- unprotect again inputPrompt msg MKPROMPT() == $inputPromptType = 'none => '"" $inputPromptType = 'plain => '"-> " $inputPromptType = 'step => STRCONC('"(",STRINGIMAGE $IOindex,'") -> ") $inputPromptType = 'frame => STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE $interpreterFrameName, '" (",STRINGIMAGE $IOindex,'") -> ") STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE $interpreterFrameName, '" [", SUBSTRING(CURRENTTIME(),8,NIL),'"] [", STRINGIMAGE $IOindex, '"] -> ") --% Miscellaneous Zeros n == BOUNDP '$ZeroVecCache and #$ZeroVecCache=n => $ZeroVecCache $ZeroVecCache:= MAKE_-VEC n for i in 0..n-1 repeat $ZeroVecCache.i:=0 $ZeroVecCache LZeros n == n < 1 => nil l := [0] for i in 2..n repeat l := [0, :l] l -- bpi2FunctionName x == -- s:= BPINAME x => s -- x -- subrToName x == BPINAME x -- formerly in clammed.boot isSubDomain(d1,d2) == -- d1 and d2 are different domains subDomainList := '(Integer NonNegativeInteger PositiveInteger) ATOM d1 or ATOM d2 => nil l := MEMQ(CAR d2, subDomainList) => MEMQ(CAR d1, CDR l) nil $variableNumberAlist := nil variableNumber(x) == p := ASSQ(x, $variableNumberAlist) null p => $variableNumberAlist := [[x,:0], :$variableNumberAlist] 0 RPLACD(p, 1+CDR p) CDR p newType? t == nil -- functions used at run-time which were formerly in the compiler files Undef(:u) == u':= LAST u [[domain,slot],op,sig]:= u' domain':=eval mkEvalable domain ^EQ(CAR ELT(domain',slot),Undef) => -- OK - thefunction is now defined [:u'',.]:=u if $reportBottomUpFlag then sayMessage concat ['" Retrospective determination of slot",'%b, slot,'%d,'"of",'%b,:prefix2String domain,'%d] APPLY(CAR ELT(domain',slot),[:u'',CDR ELT(domain',slot)]) throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0008",[formatOpSignature(op,sig),domain]) --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see interop.boot.pamphlet) devaluate d == not REFVECP d => d QSGREATERP(QVSIZE d,5) and QREFELT(d,3) is ['Category] => QREFELT(d,0) QSGREATERP(QVSIZE d,0) => d':=QREFELT(d,0) isFunctor d' => d' d d devaluateList l == [devaluate d for d in l] --HasAttribute(domain,attrib) == ----> -- isNewWorldDomain domain => newHasAttribute(domain,attrib) ----+ -- (u := LASSOC(attrib,domain.2)) and lookupPred(first u,domain,domain) HasSignature(domain,[op,sig]) == compiledLookup(op,sig,domain) --HasCategory(domain,catform') == -- catform' is ['SIGNATURE,:f] => HasSignature(domain,f) -- catform' is ['ATTRIBUTE,f] => HasAttribute(domain,f) -- catform:= devaluate catform' -- domain0:=domain.0 -- isNewWorldDomain domain => newHasCategory(domain,catform) -- slot4 := domain.4 -- catlist := slot4.1 -- member(catform,catlist) or -- MEMQ(opOf(catform),'(Object Type)) or --temporary hack -- or/[compareSigEqual(catform,cat,domain0,domain) for cat in catlist] makeInitialModemapFrame() == COPY $InitialModemapFrame addModemap(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) == $InteractiveMode => $e if knownInfo pred then pred:=true $insideCapsuleFunctionIfTrue=true => $CapsuleModemapFrame := addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$CapsuleModemapFrame) $e addModemap0(op,mc,sig,pred,fn,$e) isCapitalWord x == (y := PNAME x) and and/[UPPER_-CASE_-P y.i for i in 0..MAXINDEX y] --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (see interop.boot.pamphlet) domainEqual(a,b) == VECP a and VECP b and a.0 = b.0 lispize x == first optimize [x] $newCompilerUnionFlag := true orderUnionEntries l == $newCompilerUnionFlag => l first l is [":",.,.] => l -- new style Unions [a,b]:= split(l,nil,nil) where split(l,a,b) == l is [x,:l'] => (STRINGP x => split(l',[x,:a],b); split(l',a,[x,:b])) [a,b] [:orderList a,:orderList b] mkPredList listOfEntries == $newCompilerUnionFlag => [['EQCAR,"#1",i] for arg in listOfEntries for i in 0..] first listOfEntries is [":",.,.] => -- new Tagged Unions [['EQCAR,"#1",MKQ tag] for [.,tag,.] in listOfEntries] --1. generate list of type-predicate pairs from union specification initTypePredList:= [selTypePred for x in listOfEntries] where selTypePred() == STRINGP x => [x,'EQUAL,"#1",x] [x,:GETL(opOf x,"BasicPredicate")] typeList:= ASSOCLEFT initTypePredList initPredList:= ASSOCRIGHT initTypePredList hasDuplicatePredicate:= fn initPredList where fn x == null x => false first x and member(first x,rest x) => true fn rest x --if duplicate predicate, kill them all if hasDuplicatePredicate then initPredList:= [nil for x in initPredList] nonEmptyPredList:= [p for p in initPredList | p^=nil] numberWithoutPredicate:= #listOfEntries-#nonEmptyPredList predList:= numberWithoutPredicate=0 and not hasDuplicatePredicate => initPredList numberWithoutPredicate=1 and null LAST initPredList and [STRINGP x for x in rest REVERSE listOfEntries] => allButLast:= rest REVERSE initPredList NREVERSE [['NULL,MKPF(allButLast,"OR")],:allButLast] --otherwise, generate a tagged-union --we have made an even number of REVERSE operations, therefore --the original order is preserved. JHD 25.Sept.1983 tagPredList:= [["EQCAR","#1",i] for i in 1..numberWithoutPredicate] [addPredIfNecessary for p in initPredList] where addPredIfNecessary() == p => p [u,:tagPredList]:= tagPredList u predList TruthP x == --True if x is a predicate that's always true x is nil => nil x=true => true x is ['QUOTE,:.] => true nil @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}