\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/interp i-toplev.boot} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \begin{verbatim} This file contains the top-most code for receiving parser output, calling the analysis routines and printing the result output. It also contains several flavors of routines that start the interpreter from LISP. \end{verbatim} \section{License} <<license>>= -- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @ <<*>>= <<license>> --% Top Level Interpreter Code -- When $QuiteCommand is true Spad will not produce any output from -- a top level command SETANDFILEQ($QuietCommand, NIL) -- When $ProcessInteractiveValue is true, we don't want the value printed -- or recorded. SETANDFILEQ($ProcessInteractiveValue, NIL) SETANDFILEQ($HTCompanionWindowID, NIL) --% Starting the interpreter from LISP spadpo() == -- starts the interpreter but only displays parsed input $PrintOnly: local:= true spad() start(:l) == -- The function start begins the interpreter process, reading in -- the profile and printing start-up messages. $PrintCompilerMessageIfTrue: local $inLispVM : local := nil if $displayStartMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0053",['"interpreter"]) initializeTimedNames($interpreterTimedNames,$interpreterTimedClasses) statisticsInitialization() $InteractiveFrame := makeInitialModemapFrame() initializeSystemCommands() initializeInterpreterFrameRing() SETQ(ERROROUTSTREAM, DEFIOSTREAM('((DEVICE . CONSOLE)(MODE . OUTPUT)),80,0)) setOutputAlgebra "%initialize%" loadExposureGroupData() if $displayStartMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0053",['"database"]) mkLowerCaseConTable() if not $ruleSetsInitialized then initializeRuleSets() if $displayStartMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0053",['"constructors"]) makeConstructorsAutoLoad() GCMSG(NIL) SETQ($IOindex,1) if $displayStartMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0053",['"history"]) initHist() if functionp 'addtopath then addtopath CONCAT($SPADROOT,'"bin") SETQ($CURRENT_-DIRECTORY,_*DEFAULT_-PATHNAME_-DEFAULTS_*) if null(l) then if $displayStartMsgs then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0053",[namestring ['_.axiom,'input]]) readSpadProfileIfThere() if $displayStartMsgs then spadStartUpMsgs() if $OLDLINE then SAY fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH,'"=") sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0050",[namestring ['axiom,'input]]) if $OLDLINE ^= 'END__UNIT then centerAndHighlight($OLDLINE,$LINELENGTH,'" ") sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0051",NIL) else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0052",NIL) SAY fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH,'"=") TERPRI() $OLDLINE := NIL $superHash := MAKE_-HASHTABLE('UEQUAL) if null l then runspad() 'EndOfSpad readSpadProfileIfThere() == -- reads SPADPROF INPUT if it exists file := ['_.axiom,'input] MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME file => SETQ(_/EDITFILE,file) _/RQ () NIL --% Parser Output --> Interpreter processInteractive(form, posnForm) == -- Top-level dispatcher for the interpreter. It sets local variables -- and then calls processInteractive1 to do most of the work. -- This function receives the output from the parser. initializeTimedNames($interpreterTimedNames,$interpreterTimedClasses) $op: local:= (form is [op,:.] => op; form) --name of operator $Coerce: local := NIL $compErrorMessageStack:local $freeVars : local := NIL $mapList:local := NIL --list of maps being type analyzed $compilingMap:local:= NIL --true when compiling a map $compilingLoop:local:= NIL --true when compiling a loop body $interpOnly: local := NIL --true when in interpret only mode $whereCacheList: local := NIL --maps compiled because of where $timeGlobalName: local := '$compTimeSum --see incrementTimeSum $StreamFrame: local := nil --used in printing streams $declaredMode: local := NIL --Weak type propagation for symbols $localVars:local := NIL --list of local variables in function $analyzingMapList:local := NIL --names of maps currently being --analyzed $lastLineInSEQ: local := true --see evalIF and friends $instantCoerceCount: local := 0 $instantCanCoerceCount: local := 0 $instantMmCondCount: local := 0 $defaultFortVar:= 'X --default FORTRAN variable name $fortVar : local := --variable name for FORTRAN output $defaultFortVar $minivector: local := NIL $minivectorCode: local := NIL $minivectorNames: local := NIL $domPvar: local := NIL $inRetract: local := NIL object := processInteractive1(form, posnForm) --object := ERRORSET(LIST('processInteractive1,LIST('QUOTE,form),LIST('QUOTE,posnForm)),'t,'t) if not($ProcessInteractiveValue) then if $reportInstantiations = true then reportInstantiations() CLRHASH $instantRecord writeHistModesAndValues() updateHist() object processInteractive1(form, posnForm) == -- calls the analysis and output printing routines $e : local := $InteractiveFrame recordFrame 'system startTimingProcess 'analysis object := interpretTopLevel(form, posnForm) stopTimingProcess 'analysis startTimingProcess 'print if not($ProcessInteractiveValue) then recordAndPrint(objValUnwrap object,objMode object) recordFrame 'normal stopTimingProcess 'print --spadtestValueHook(objValUnwrap object, objMode object) object --% Result Output Printing recordAndPrint(x,md) == -- Prints out the value x which is of type m, and records the changes -- in environment $e into $InteractiveFrame -- $printAnyIfTrue is documented in setvart.boot. controlled with )se me any if md = '(Any) and $printAnyIfTrue then md' := first x x' := rest x else x' := x md' := md $outputMode: local := md --used by DEMO BOOT mode:= (md=$EmptyMode => quadSch(); md) if (md ^= $Void) or $printVoidIfTrue then if null $collectOutput then TERPRI $algebraOutputStream if $QuietCommand = false then output(x',md') putHist('%,'value,objNewWrap(x,md),$e) if $printTimeIfTrue or $printTypeIfTrue then printTypeAndTime(x',md') if $printStorageIfTrue then printStorage() if $printStatisticsSummaryIfTrue then printStatisticsSummary() if FIXP $HTCompanionWindowID then mkCompanionPage md $mkTestFlag = true => recordAndPrintTest md $runTestFlag => $mkTestOutputType := md 'done 'done printTypeAndTime(x,m) == --m is the mode/type of the result $saturn => printTypeAndTimeSaturn(x, m) printTypeAndTimeNormal(x, m) printTypeAndTimeNormal(x,m) == -- called only if either type or time is to be displayed if m is ['Union, :argl] then x' := retract(objNewWrap(x,m)) m' := objMode x' m := ['Union, :[arg for arg in argl | sameUnionBranch(arg, m')], '"..."] if $printTimeIfTrue then timeString := makeLongTimeString($interpreterTimedNames, $interpreterTimedClasses) $printTimeIfTrue and $printTypeIfTrue => $collectOutput => $outputLines := [msgText("S2GL0012", [m]), :$outputLines] sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0014",[m,timeString]) $printTimeIfTrue => $collectOutput => nil sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0013",[timeString]) $printTypeIfTrue => $collectOutput => $outputLines := [justifyMyType msgText("S2GL0012", [m]), :$outputLines] sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0012",[m]) printTypeAndTimeSaturn(x, m) == -- header if $printTimeIfTrue then timeString := makeLongTimeString($interpreterTimedNames, $interpreterTimedClasses) else timeString := '"" if $printTypeIfTrue then typeString := form2StringAsTeX devaluate m else typeString := '"" if $printTypeIfTrue then printAsTeX('"\axPrintType{") if CONSP typeString then MAPC(FUNCTION printAsTeX, typeString) else printAsTeX(typeString) printAsTeX('"}") if $printTimeIfTrue then printAsTeX('"\axPrintTime{") printAsTeX(timeString) printAsTeX('"}") printAsTeX(x) == PRINC(x, $texOutputStream) sameUnionBranch(uArg, m) == uArg is [":", ., t] => t = m uArg = m msgText(key, args) == msg := segmentKeyedMsg getKeyedMsg key msg := substituteSegmentedMsg(msg,args) msg := flowSegmentedMsg(msg,$LINELENGTH,$MARGIN) APPLY(function CONCAT, [STRINGIMAGE x for x in CDAR msg]) justifyMyType(t) == len := #t len > $LINELENGTH => t CONCAT(fillerSpaces($LINELENGTH-len), t) typeTimePrin x == $highlightDelta: local:= 0 maprinSpecial(x,0,79) printStorage() == $collectOutput => nil storeString := makeLongSpaceString($interpreterTimedNames, $interpreterTimedClasses) sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0016",[storeString]) printStatisticsSummary() == $collectOutput => nil summary := statisticsSummary() sayKeyedMsg("S2GL0017",[summary]) --% Interpreter Middle-Level Driver + Utilities interpretTopLevel(x, posnForm) == -- Top level entry point from processInteractive1. Sets up catch -- for a thrown result savedTimerStack := COPY $timedNameStack c := CATCH('interpreter,interpret(x, posnForm)) while savedTimerStack ^= $timedNameStack repeat stopTimingProcess peekTimedName() c = 'tryAgain => interpretTopLevel(x, posnForm) c interpret(x, :restargs) == posnForm := if PAIRP restargs then CAR restargs else restargs --type analyzes and evaluates expression x, returns object $env:local := [[NIL]] $eval:local := true --generate code-- don't just type analyze $genValue:local := true --evaluate all generated code interpret1(x,nil,posnForm) interpret1(x,rootMode,posnForm) == -- dispatcher for the type analysis routines. type analyzes and -- evaluates the expression x in the rootMode (if non-nil) -- which may be $EmptyMode. returns an object if evaluating, and a -- modeset otherwise -- create the attributed tree node := mkAtreeWithSrcPos(x, posnForm) if rootMode then putTarget(node,rootMode) -- do type analysis and evaluation of expression. The real guts modeSet:= bottomUp node not $eval => modeSet newRootMode := (null rootMode => first modeSet ; rootMode) argVal := getArgValue(node, newRootMode) argVal and not $genValue => objNew(argVal, newRootMode) argVal and (val:=getValue node) => interpret2(val,newRootMode,posnForm) keyedSystemError("S2IS0053",[x]) interpret2(object,m1,posnForm) == -- this is the late interpretCoerce. I removed the call to -- coerceInteractive, so it only does the JENKS cases ALBI m1=$ThrowAwayMode => object x := objVal object m := objMode object m=$EmptyMode => x is [op,:.] and op in '(MAP STREAM) => objNew(x,m1) m1 = $EmptyMode => objNew(x,m) systemErrorHere '"interpret2" m1 => if (ans := coerceInteractive(object,m1)) then ans else throwKeyedMsgCannotCoerceWithValue(x,m,m1) object @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}