-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2012, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import i_-object namespace BOOT --% Utility Variable Initializations $cacheAlist := nil $compileRecurrence := true $errorReportLevel := 'warning $sourceFileTypes := '(INPUT SPAD BOOT LISP) $existingFiles := hashTable "EQUAL" $SYSCOMMANDS := [first x for x in $systemCommands] $whatOptions := '( _ operations _ categories _ domains _ packages _ commands _ synonyms _ things _ ) $clearOptions := '( _ modes _ operations _ properties _ types _ values _ ) $displayOptions := '( _ abbreviations _ all _ macros _ modes _ names _ operations _ properties _ types _ values _ ) $countAssoc := '( (cache countCache) ) $localExposureDataDefault := VECTOR(["basic", "categories"], [], []) $localExposureData := copyVector $localExposureDataDefault --% Top level system command $options := nil initializeSystemCommands() == l := $systemCommands $SYSCOMMANDS := nil while l repeat $SYSCOMMANDS := [CAAR l,:$SYSCOMMANDS] l := rest l $SYSCOMMANDS := reverse! $SYSCOMMANDS systemCommand [[op,:argl],:options] == $options: local:= options $e:local := $CategoryFrame fun := selectOptionLC(op,$SYSCOMMANDS,'commandError) argl and (first argl is '_?) and fun isnt 'synonym => helpSpad2Cmd [fun] fun := selectOption(fun,commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands, 'commandUserLevelError) FUNCALL(fun, argl) commandsForUserLevel l == --[a for [a,:b] in l | satisfiesUserLevel(a)] c := nil for [a,:b] in l repeat satisfiesUserLevel b => c := [a,:c] reverse c synonymsForUserLevel l == -- l is a list of synonyms, and this returns a sublist of applicable -- synonyms at the current user level. $UserLevel is 'development => l nl := nil for syn in reverse l repeat cmd := STRING2ID_-N(rest syn,1) null selectOptionLC(cmd,commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands,nil) => nil nl := [syn,:nl] nl satisfiesUserLevel x == x is 'interpreter => true $UserLevel is 'interpreter => false x is 'compiler => true $UserLevel is 'compiler => false true unAbbreviateKeyword x == x' := selectOptionLC(x,$SYSCOMMANDS,'commandErrorIfAmbiguous) if not x' then x' := 'system SETQ(LINE, strconc('")system ", subString(LINE, 1, #LINE-1))) $currentLine := LINE selectOption(x',commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands, 'commandUserLevelError) hasOption(al,opt) == optPname := PNAME opt found := nil for pair in al while not found repeat stringPrefix?(PNAME first pair,optPname) => found := pair found selectOptionLC(x,l,errorFunction) == selectOption(DOWNCASE object2Identifier x,l,errorFunction) selectOption(x,l,errorFunction) == member(x,l) => x --exact spellings are always OK not ident? x => errorFunction => FUNCALL(errorFunction,x,u) nil u := [y for y in l | stringPrefix?(PNAME x,PNAME y)] u is [y] => y errorFunction => FUNCALL(errorFunction,x,u) nil terminateSystemCommand() == TERSYSCOMMAND() commandUserLevelError(x,u) == userLevelErrorMessage("command",x,u) optionUserLevelError(x,u) == userLevelErrorMessage("option",x,u) userLevelErrorMessage(kind,x,u) == null u => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0007",[$UserLevel,kind]) terminateSystemCommand() commandAmbiguityError(kind,x,u) commandError(x,u) == commandErrorMessage("command",x,u) optionError(x,u) == commandErrorMessage("option",x,u) commandErrorIfAmbiguous(x, u) == null u => nil SETQ($OLDLINE, LINE) commandAmbiguityError("command", x, u) commandErrorMessage(kind,x,u) == SETQ ($OLDLINE,LINE) null u => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0008",[kind,x]) terminateSystemCommand() commandAmbiguityError(kind,x,u) commandAmbiguityError(kind,x,u) == sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0009",[kind,x]) for a in u repeat sayMSG ['" ",:bright a] terminateSystemCommand() --% Utility for access to original command line getSystemCommandLine() == p := findChar(char ")",$currentLine) line := if p then subString($currentLine,p) else $currentLine idxmax:= maxIndex line for i in 0..idxmax while stringChar(line,i) ~= char " " repeat index:= i if index=idxmax then line := '"" else line := subString(line,index+2) line ------------ start of commands ------------------------------------------ --% )abbreviations abbreviations l == abbreviationsSpad2Cmd l abbreviationsSpad2Cmd l == null l => helpSpad2Cmd '(abbreviations) abopts := '(query domain category package remove) quiet := nil for [opt] in $options repeat opt := selectOptionLC(opt,'(quiet),'optionError) opt = 'quiet => quiet := true l is [opt,:al] => key := opOf first al type := selectOptionLC(opt,abopts,'optionError) type is 'query => null al => listConstructorAbbreviations() constructor := abbreviation?(key) => abbQuery(constructor) abbQuery(key) type is 'remove => DELDATABASE(key,'ABBREVIATION) odd? # al => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0002",[type]) repeat null al => return 'fromLoop [a,b,:al] := al mkUserConstructorAbbreviation(b,a,type) SETDATABASE(b,'ABBREVIATION,a) SETDATABASE(b,'CONSTRUCTORKIND,type) null quiet => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0001",[a,type,opOf b]) nil nil listConstructorAbbreviations() == x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0056",nil) STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(Y YES) => whatSpad2Cmd '(categories) whatSpad2Cmd '(domains) whatSpad2Cmd '(packages) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0057",nil) --% )cd cd args == dir := TRUENAME STRING(first args or '"") changeDirectory NAMESTRING dir SETF(_*DEFAULT_-PATHNAME_-DEFAULTS_*, PATHNAME ensureTrailingSlash NAMESTRING dir) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0070", [NAMESTRING _*DEFAULT_-PATHNAME_-DEFAULTS_*]) --% )clear clear l == clearSpad2Cmd l clearSpad2Cmd l == -- new version which changes the environment and updates history $clearExcept: local := nil if $options then $clearExcept := "and"/[selectOptionLC(opt,'(except),'optionError) = 'except for [opt,:.] in $options] null l => optList:= "append"/[['"%l",'" ",x] for x in $clearOptions] sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0010",[optList]) arg := selectOptionLC(first l,'(all completely scaches),nil) arg is 'all => clearCmdAll() arg is 'completely => clearCmdCompletely() arg is 'scaches => clearCmdSortedCaches() $clearExcept => clearCmdExcept(l) clearCmdParts(l) updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() clearCmdSortedCaches() == $lookupDefaults: local := false for [.,.,:domain] in tableValue($ConstructorCache,'SortedCache) repeat pair := compiledLookupCheck('clearCache,[$Void],domain) SPADCALL pair clearCmdCompletely() == clearCmdAll() $localExposureData := copyVector $localExposureDataDefault -- $functionTable := nil sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0013",nil) clearClams() clearConstructorCaches() $existingFiles := hashTable 'EQUAL sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0014",nil) RECLAIM() sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0015",nil) nil clearCmdAll() == clearCmdSortedCaches() ------undo special variables------ $frameRecord := nil $previousBindings := nil $variableNumberAlist := nil untraceMapSubNames _/TRACENAMES $InteractiveFrame := [[nil]] resetInCoreHist() if $useInternalHistoryTable then $internalHistoryTable := nil else removeFile histFileName() $IOindex := 1 updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() $currentLine := '")clear all" --restored 3/94; needed for undo (RDJ) clearMacroTable() if $frameMessages then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0011",[$interpreterFrameName]) else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0012",nil) clearCmdExcept(l is [opt,:vl]) == --clears elements of vl of all options EXCEPT opt for option in $clearOptions | not stringPrefix?(object2String opt,object2String option) repeat clearCmdParts [option,:vl] clearCmdParts(l is [opt,:vl]) == -- clears the bindings indicated by opt of all variables in vl option:= selectOptionLC(opt,$clearOptions,'optionError) option:= makeSymbol PNAME option -- the option can be plural but the key in the alist is sometimes -- singular option := option is 'types => 'mode option is 'modes => 'mode option is 'values => 'value option null vl => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0055",nil) pmacs := getParserMacroNames() imacs := getInterpMacroNames() if vl='(all) then vl := ASSOCLEFT CAAR $InteractiveFrame vl := removeDuplicates(append(vl, pmacs)) $e : local := $InteractiveFrame for x in vl | ident? x repeat clearDependencies(x,true) if option is 'properties and symbolMember?(x,pmacs) then clearParserMacro(x) if option is 'properties and symbolMember?(x,imacs) and not symbolMember?(x,pmacs) then sayMessage ['" You cannot clear the definition of the system-defined macro ", fixObjectForPrinting x,"."] p1 := assoc(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame) => option is 'properties => if isMap x then (lm := get(x,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame)) => cons? lm => untraceMapSubNames [CADAR lm] nil for p2 in rest p1 repeat prop:= first p2 recordOldValue(x,prop,rest p2) recordNewValue(x,prop,nil) CAAR($InteractiveFrame) := deleteAssoc(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame) p2:= assoc(option,rest p1) => recordOldValue(x,option,rest p2) recordNewValue(x,option,nil) p2.rest := nil nil --% )close queryClients () == -- Returns the number of active scratchpad clients sockSendInt($SessionManager, $QueryClients) sockGetInt $SessionManager close args == quiet:local:= false null $SpadServer => throwKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0071", []) numClients := queryClients() numClients > 1 => sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient) sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum) closeInterpreterFrame(nil) for [opt,:.] in $options repeat fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt, '(quiet), 'optionError) fullopt is 'quiet => quiet:=true quiet => sockSendInt($SessionManager, $CloseClient) sockSendInt($SessionManager, $currentFrameNum) closeInterpreterFrame(nil) x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0072", nil) STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(YES Y) => coreQuit() -- ??? should be coreQuit errorCount() nil --% )constructor constructor args == sayMessage '" Not implemented yet." nil --% )compiler compiler args == $newConlist: local := nil --reset by compDefineLisplib and astran null args and null $options and null _/EDITFILE => helpSpad2Cmd '(compiler) if null args then args := [_/EDITFILE] -- first see if the user has explicitly specified the compiler -- to use. optlist := '(new old translate constructor) haveNew := nil haveOld := nil for opt in $options while not (haveNew and haveOld) repeat [optname,:optargs] := opt fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optlist,nil) fullopt is 'new => haveNew := true fullopt is 'translate => haveOld := true fullopt is 'constructor => haveOld := true fullopt is 'old => haveOld := true haveNew and haveOld => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0081", nil) af := pathname args aft := pathnameType af haveOld or (aft = '"spad") => not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad))) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af]) compileSpad2Cmd [af1] aft = '"NRLIB" => not (af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(NRLIB))) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[NAMESTRING af]) compileSpadLispCmd [af1] -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension -- lying around af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(as spad ao asy)) af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd [af1] -- maybe /EDITFILE has some stuff that can help us ef := pathname _/EDITFILE ef := mergePathnames(af,ef) ef = af => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil) af := ef pathnameType(af) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd args -- see if we something with the appropriate file extension -- lying around af1 := $FINDFILE (af, '(spad)) af1 and pathnameType(af1) = '"spad" => compileSpad2Cmd [af1] throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0039", nil) compileSpadLispCmd args == -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ~= nil -- and is a file with file extension .NRLIB path := pathname fnameMake(first args, '"code", '"lsp") null PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args]) optList := '( _ quiet _ noquiet _ library _ nolibrary _ ) beQuiet := false -- be verbose here doLibrary := true -- so a )library after compilation for opt in $options repeat [optname,:optargs] := opt fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil) fullopt is 'quiet => beQuiet := true fullopt is 'noquiet => beQuiet := false fullopt is 'library => doLibrary := true fullopt is 'nolibrary => doLibrary := false throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[strconc('")",object2String optname)]) lsp := fnameMake(pathnameDirectory path, pathnameName path, pathnameType path) if fnameReadable?(lsp) then if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0089", [namestring lsp]) --compileFileQuietly(lsp) RECOMPILE_-LIB_-FILE_-IF_-NECESSARY lsp else sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0003", [namestring lsp]) if doLibrary then -- do we need to worry about where the compilation output went? if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0090", [ pathnameName path ]) LOCALDATABASE([ pathnameName first args ],[]) else if not beQuiet then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0084", nil) terminateSystemCommand() compileSpad2Cmd args == -- This is the old compiler -- Assume we entered from the "compiler" function, so args ~= nil -- and is a file with file extension .spad. path := pathname args pathnameType path ~= '"spad" => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0082", nil) null PROBE_-FILE path => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring args]) SETQ(_/EDITFILE, path) updateSourceFiles path sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0038",[namestring args]) optList := '( _ break _ constructor _ library _ lisp _ new _ old _ nobreak _ nolibrary _ noquiet _ vartrace _ quiet _ translate _ optimize _ report ) $scanIfTrue : local := false $f : local := nil -- compiler $m : local := nil -- variables -- following are for )quick option for code generation $QuickLet : local := true fun := ['rq, 'lib] constructor := nil $sourceFileTypes : local := '("SPAD") for opt in $options repeat [optname,:optargs] := opt fullopt := selectOptionLC(optname,optList,nil) fullopt is 'new => error "Internal error: compileSpad2Cmd got )new" fullopt is 'old => nil -- no opt fullopt is 'library => fun.1 := 'lib fullopt is 'nolibrary => fun.1 := 'nolib -- Ignore quiet/nonquiet if "constructor" is given. fullopt is 'quiet => if fun.0 ~= 'c then fun.0 := 'rq fullopt is 'noquiet => if fun.0 ~= 'c then fun.0 := 'rf fullopt is 'nobreak => $scanIfTrue := true fullopt is 'break => $scanIfTrue := nil fullopt is 'vartrace => $QuickLet := false fullopt is 'lisp => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",['")lisp"]) fullopt is 'constructor => null optargs => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0037",['")constructor"]) fun.0 := 'c constructor := [unabbrev o for o in optargs] fullopt is "optimize" => setCompilerOptimizations first optargs fullopt is "report" => null optargs => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0037",['")report"]) if "insn" in optargs then $reportOptimization := true throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0036",[strconc('")",object2String optname)]) $InteractiveMode : local := nil -- avoid Boolean semantics transformations based on syntax only $normalizeTree: local := false compilerDoit(constructor, fun) if not $buildingSystemAlgebra then extendLocalLibdb $newConlist terminateSystemCommand() -- reset compiler optimization options setCompilerOptimizations 0 compilerDoit(constructor, fun) == $byConstructors : local := [] $constructorsSeen : local := [] fun = ['rf, 'lib] => _/RQ_,LIB() -- Ignore "noquiet". fun = ['rf, 'nolib] => _/RF() fun = ['rq, 'lib] => _/RQ_,LIB() fun = ['rq, 'nolib] => _/RQ() fun = ['c, 'lib] => $byConstructors := [opOf x for x in constructor] _/RQ_,LIB() for ii in $byConstructors repeat null member(ii,$constructorsSeen) => sayBrightly ['">>> Warning ",'"%b",ii,'"%d",'" was not found"] --% )copyright -- display copyright notice summary l == displayTextFile strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/lib/summary") copyright () == displayTextFile strconc(systemRootDirectory(),'"/lib/copyright") --% )credits -- display credit list CREDITS == '( "An alphabetical listing of contributors to AXIOM (to October, 2006):" "Cyril Alberga Roy Adler Christian Aistleitner" "Richard Anderson George Andrews" "Henry Baker Stephen Balzac Yurij Baransky" "David R. Barton Gerald Baumgartner Gilbert Baumslag" "Michael Becker Fred Blair Vladimir Bondarenko" "Mark Botch Alexandre Bouyer Peter A. Broadbery" "Martin Brock Manuel Bronstein Florian Bundschuh" "Luanne Burns William Burge" "Quentin Carpent Robert Caviness Bruce Char" "Cheekai Chin David V. Chudnovsky Gregory V. Chudnovsky" "Josh Cohen Christophe Conil Don Coppersmith" "George Corliss Robert Corless Gary Cornell" "Meino Cramer Claire Di Crescenzo" "Timothy Daly Sr. Timothy Daly Jr. James H. Davenport" "Jean Della Dora Gabriel Dos Reis Michael Dewar" "Claire DiCrescendo Sam Dooley Lionel Ducos" "Martin Dunstan Brian Dupee Dominique Duval" "Robert Edwards Heow Eide-Goodman Lars Erickson" "Richard Fateman Bertfried Fauser Stuart Feldman" "Brian Ford Albrecht Fortenbacher George Frances" "Constantine Frangos Timothy Freeman Korrinn Fu" "Marc Gaetano Rudiger Gebauer Kathy Gerber" "Patricia Gianni Holger Gollan Teresa Gomez-Diaz" "Laureano Gonzalez-Vega Stephen Gortler Johannes Grabmeier" "Matt Grayson James Griesmer Vladimir Grinberg" "Oswald Gschnitzer Jocelyn Guidry" "Steve Hague Vilya Harvey Satoshi Hamaguchi" "Martin Hassner Waldek Hebisch Ralf Hemmecke" "Henderson Antoine Hersen" "Pietro Iglio" "Richard Jenks" "Kai Kaminski Grant Keady Tony Kennedy" "Paul Kosinski Klaus Kusche Bernhard Kutzler" "Larry Lambe Frederic Lehobey Michel Levaud" "Howard Levy Rudiger Loos Michael Lucks" "Richard Luczak" "Camm Maguire Stefan Mai Bob McElrath" "Michael McGettrick Ian Meikle David Mentre" "Victor S. Miller Gerard Milmeister Mohammed Mobarak" "H. Michael Moeller Michael Monagan Stephen Montgomery-Smith" "Marc Moreno-Maza Scott Morrison Mark Murray" "William Naylor C. Andrew Neff John Nelder" "Godfrey Nolan Arthur Norman Jinzhong Niu" "Michael O'Connor Kostas Oikonomou" "Julian A. Padget Bill Page Susan Pelzel" "Michel Petitot Didier Pinchon Jose Alfredo Portes" "Claude Quitte" "Norman Ramsey Anatoly Raportirenko Michael Richardson" "Renaud Rioboo Jean Rivlin Nicolas Robidoux" "Simon Robinson Michael Rothstein Martin Rubey" "Aleksej Saushev Philip Santas Alfred Scheerhorn" "William Schelter Gerhard Schneider Martin Schoenert" "Marshall Schor Frithjof Schulze Fritz Schwarz" "Nick Simicich William Sit Elena Smirnova" "Jonathan Steinbach Christine Sundaresan Robert Sutor" "Moss E. Sweedler Eugene Surowitz" "James Thatcher Balbir Thomas Mike Thomas" "Dylan Thurston Barry Trager Themos T. Tsikas" "Gregory Vanuxem" "Bernhard Wall Stephen Watt Jaap Weel" "Juergen Weiss M. Weller Mark Wegman" "James Wen Thorsten Werther Michael Wester" "John M. Wiley Berhard Will Clifton J. Williamson" "Stephen Wilson Shmuel Winograd Robert Wisbauer" "Sandra Wityak Waldemar Wiwianka Knut Wolf" "Clifford Yapp David Yun" "Richard Zippel Evelyn Zoernack Bruno Zuercher" "Dan Zwillinger" ) credits() == for i in CREDITS repeat writeLine i --% )display display l == displaySpad2Cmd l displaySpad2Cmd l == $e: local := $EmptyEnvironment l is [opt,:vl] and opt isnt "?" => option := selectOptionLC(opt,$displayOptions,'optionError) => -- the option may be given in the plural but the property in -- the alist is sometimes singular option := option is 'all => l := ['properties] 'properties (option is 'modes) or (option is 'types) => l := ['type, :vl] 'type option is 'values => l := ['value, :vl] 'value option option is 'abbreviations => null vl => listConstructorAbbreviations() for v in vl repeat abbQuery -- unbbeviate if necessary v := opOf v ctor:= abbreviation? v => ctor v option is 'operations => displayOperations vl option is "macros" => displayMacros vl option is 'names => displayWorkspaceNames() displayProperties(option,l) optList := [:['"%l",'" ",x] for x in $displayOptions] msg := [:bright '" )display",'"keyword arguments are", :bright optList,'"%l",'" or abbreviations thereof."] sayMessage msg displayMacros names == imacs := getInterpMacroNames() pmacs := getParserMacroNames() macros := null names => append (imacs, pmacs) names macros := removeDuplicates macros null macros => sayBrightly '" There are no OpenAxiom macros." -- first do user defined ones first := true for m in macros repeat symbolMember?(m,pmacs) => if first then sayBrightly ['"%l",'"User-defined macros:"] first := nil displayParserMacro m symbolMember?(m,imacs) => 'iterate sayBrightly ([" ",'"%b", m, '"%d", " is not a known OpenAxiom macro."]) -- now system ones first := true for m in macros repeat symbolMember?(m,imacs) => m in pmacs => 'iterate if first then sayBrightly ['"%l",'"System-defined macros:"] first := nil displayMacro m symbolMember?(m,pmacs) => 'iterate nil getParserMacroNames() == removeDuplicates [first mac for mac in getParserMacros()] clearParserMacro(m) == -- first see if it is one not IFCDR assoc(m, $pfMacros) => nil $pfMacros := REMALIST($pfMacros, m) displayMacro name == m := isInterpMacro name null m => sayBrightly ['" ",:bright name,'"is not an interpreter macro."] -- $op is needed in the output routines. $op : local := strconc('"macro ",object2String name) [args,:body] := m args := null args => nil null rest args => first args ["tuple",:args] mathprint ["%Map",[args,:body]] displayWorkspaceNames() == imacs := getInterpMacroNames() pmacs := getParserMacroNames() sayMessage '"Names of User-Defined Objects in the Workspace:" names := MSORT append(getWorkspaceNames(),pmacs) if null names then sayBrightly " * None *" else sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible [object2String x for x in names] imacs := setDifference(imacs,pmacs) if imacs then sayMessage '"Names of System-Defined Objects in the Workspace:" sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible [object2String x for x in imacs] getWorkspaceNames() == NMSORT [n for [n,:.] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame | (n ~= "--macros--" and n ~= "--flags--")] displayOperations l == null l => x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0058",nil) if STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(Y YES) then for op in allOperations() repeat reportOpSymbol op else sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0059",nil) nil for op in l repeat reportOpSymbol op interpFunctionDepAlists() == $e : local := $InteractiveFrame deps := getFlag "$dependencies" $dependentAlist := [[nil,:nil]] $dependeeAlist := [[nil,:nil]] for [dependee,dependent] in deps repeat $dependentAlist := PUTALIST($dependentAlist,dependee, [dependent,:GETALIST($dependentAlist,dependee)]) $dependeeAlist := PUTALIST($dependeeAlist,dependent, [dependee,:GETALIST($dependeeAlist,dependent)]) fixObjectForPrinting(v) == v' := object2Identifier v v' = "%" => '"\%" member(v',$msgdbPrims) => strconc('"\",PNAME v') v displayProperties(option,l) == $dependentAlist : local := nil $dependeeAlist : local := nil [opt,:vl]:= (l or ['properties]) imacs := getInterpMacroNames() pmacs := getParserMacroNames() macros := removeDuplicates append(imacs, pmacs) if vl is ['all] or null vl then vl := MSORT append(getWorkspaceNames(),macros) if $frameMessages then sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0065",[$interpreterFrameName]) null vl => null $frameMessages => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0066",nil) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0067",[$interpreterFrameName]) interpFunctionDepAlists() for v in vl repeat isInternalMapName(v) => 'iterate pl := getIProplist(v) option is 'flags => getAndSay(v,"flags") option is 'value => displayValue(v,getI(v,'value),nil) option is 'condition => displayCondition(v,getI(v,"condition"),nil) option is 'mode => displayMode(v,getI(v,'mode),nil) option is 'type => displayType(v,getI(v,'value),nil) option is 'properties => v is "--flags--" => nil pl is [['cacheInfo,:.],:.] => nil v1 := fixObjectForPrinting(v) sayMSG ['"Properties of",:bright prefix2String v1,'":"] null pl => symbolMember?(v,pmacs) => sayMSG '" This is a user-defined macro." displayParserMacro v isInterpMacro v => sayMSG '" This is a system-defined macro." displayMacro v sayMSG '" none" propsSeen:= nil for [prop,:val] in pl | not symbolMember?(prop,propsSeen) and val repeat prop in '(alias generatedCode IS_-GENSYM mapBody localVars) => nil prop is 'condition => displayCondition(prop,val,true) prop is 'recursive => sayMSG '" This is recursive." prop is 'isInterpreterFunction => sayMSG '" This is an interpreter function." sayFunctionDeps v where sayFunctionDeps x == if dependents := GETALIST($dependentAlist,x) then null rest dependents => sayMSG ['" The following function or rule ", '"depends on this:",:bright first dependents] sayMSG '" The following functions or rules depend on this:" msg := ["%b",'" "] for y in dependents repeat msg := ['" ",y,:msg] sayMSG [:reverse! msg,"%d"] if dependees := GETALIST($dependeeAlist,x) then null rest dependees => sayMSG ['" This depends on the following function ", '"or rule:",:bright first dependees] sayMSG '" This depends on the following functions or rules:" msg := ["%b",'" "] for y in dependees repeat msg := ['" ",y,:msg] sayMSG [:reverse! msg,"%d"] prop is 'isInterpreterRule => sayMSG '" This is an interpreter rule." sayFunctionDeps v prop is 'localModemap => displayModemap(v,val,true) prop is 'mode => displayMode(prop,val,true) prop is 'value => val => displayValue(v,val,true) sayMSG ['" ",prop,'": ",val] propsSeen:= [prop,:propsSeen] sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0068",[option]) terminateSystemCommand() displayModemap(v,val,giveVariableIfNil) == for mm in val repeat g(v,mm,giveVariableIfNil) where g(v,mm,giveVariableIfNil) == [[local,:signature],fn,:.]:= mm local='interpOnly => nil varPart:= (giveVariableIfNil => nil; ['" of",:bright v]) prefix:= [" Compiled function type",:varPart,": "] sayBrightly concat(prefix,formatSignature signature) displayMode(v,mode,giveVariableIfNil) == null mode => nil varPart:= (giveVariableIfNil => nil; [" of",:bright fixObjectForPrinting v]) sayBrightly concat(" Declared type or mode", varPart,": ",prefix2String mode) displayCondition(v,condition,giveVariableIfNil) == varPart:= (giveVariableIfNil => nil; [" of",:bright v]) condPart:= condition or 'true sayBrightly concat(" condition",varPart,": ",pred2English condPart) getAndSay(v,prop) == val:= getI(v,prop) => sayMSG [" ",val,'"%l"] sayMSG [" none",'"%l"] displayType($op,u,omitVariableNameIfTrue) == null u => sayMSG ['" Type of value of ", fixObjectForPrinting PNAME $op,'": (none)"] type := prefix2String objMode(u) if type isnt [.,:.] then type := [type] sayMSG concat ['" Type of value of ",fixObjectForPrinting PNAME $op,'": ",:type] nil displayValue($op,u,omitVariableNameIfTrue) == null u => sayMSG [" Value of ",fixObjectForPrinting PNAME $op,'": (none)"] expr := objValUnwrap(u) expr is [op,:.] and (op = "%Map") or objMode(u) = $EmptyMode => displayRule($op,expr) label:= omitVariableNameIfTrue => rhs := '"): " '"Value (has type " rhs := '": " strconc('"Value of ", PNAME $op,'": ") labmode := prefix2String objMode(u) if labmode isnt [.,:.] then labmode := [labmode] ident? expr and getConstructorKindFromDB expr = "domain" => sayMSG concat('" ",label,labmode,rhs,form2String expr) mathprint ['CONCAT,label,:labmode,rhs, outputFormat(expr,objMode(u))] nil --% )edit edit l == editSpad2Cmd l editSpad2Cmd l == l:= null l => _/EDITFILE first l l := pathname STRING l oldDir := pathnameDirectory l fileTypes := pathnameType l => [pathnameType l] $UserLevel = 'interpreter => '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD") $UserLevel = 'compiler => '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD") '("input" "INPUT" "spad" "SPAD" "boot" "BOOT" "lisp" "LISP") ll := oldDir = '"" => pathname $FINDFILE (pathnameName l, fileTypes) l l := pathname ll SETQ(_/EDITFILE,l) rc := editFile l updateSourceFiles l rc --% )help help l == helpSpad2Cmd l helpSpad2Cmd args == -- try to use new stuff first if newHelpSpad2Cmd(args) then return nil sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0025",[args]) nil newHelpSpad2Cmd args == if null args then args := ["?"] # args > 1 => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0026",nil) true sarg := PNAME first args if sarg = '"?" then args := ['help] else if sarg = '"%" then args := ['history] else if sarg = '"%%" then args := ['history] arg := selectOptionLC(first args,$SYSCOMMANDS,nil) if null arg then arg := first args if arg = 'compiler then arg := 'compile -- see if new help file exists narg := PNAME arg null (helpFile := MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME [narg,'HELPSPAD,'_*]) => nil $useFullScreenHelp => editFile helpFile true filestream := MAKE_-INSTREAM(helpFile) repeat line := readLine filestream line = %nothing => SHUT filestream return true SAY line true --% --% )frame --% $frameRecord := nil --Initial setting for frame record $previousBindings := nil frame l == frameSpad2Cmd l frameName(frame) == first frame frameNames() == [frameName f for f in $interpreterFrameRing] frameEnvironment fname == -- extracts the environment portion of a frame -- if fname is not a valid frame name then the empty environment -- is returned fname = frameName first $interpreterFrameRing => $InteractiveFrame ifr := rest $interpreterFrameRing e := [[nil]] while ifr repeat [f,:ifr] := ifr if fname = frameName f then e := second f ifr := nil e frameSpad2Cmd args == frameArgs := '(drop import last names new next) $options => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0016",['")frame"]) null(args) => helpSpad2Cmd ['frame] arg := selectOptionLC(first args,frameArgs,'optionError) args := rest args if args is [a] then args := a if args isnt [.,:.] then args := object2Identifier args arg is 'drop => args and cons?(args) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0017",[args]) closeInterpreterFrame(args) arg is "import" => importFromFrame args arg is "last" => previousInterpreterFrame() arg is "names" => displayFrameNames() arg is "new" => args and cons?(args) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0017",[args]) addNewInterpreterFrame(args) arg = "next" => nextInterpreterFrame() nil addNewInterpreterFrame(name) == null name => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0018",nil) updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() -- see if we already have one by that name for f in $interpreterFrameRing repeat name = frameName(f) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0019",[name]) initHistList() $interpreterFrameRing := [emptyInterpreterFrame(name), :$interpreterFrameRing] updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() _$ERASE histFileName() emptyInterpreterFrame(name) == [name, -- frame name [[nil]], -- environment 1, -- $IOindex $HiFiAccess, -- $HiFiAccess $HistList, -- $HistList $HistListLen, -- $HistListLen $HistListAct, -- $HistListAct $HistRecord, -- $HistRecord nil, -- $internalHistoryTable copyVector $localExposureDataDefault -- $localExposureData ] closeInterpreterFrame(name) == -- if name = nil then it means the current frame null rest $interpreterFrameRing => name and (name ~= $interpreterFrameName) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0020",[$interpreterFrameName]) throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0021",nil) if null name then $interpreterFrameRing := rest $interpreterFrameRing else -- find the frame found := nil ifr := nil for f in $interpreterFrameRing repeat found or (name ~= frameName(f)) => ifr := [f,:ifr] found := true not found => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0022",[name]) _$ERASE makeHistFileName(name) $interpreterFrameRing := reverse! ifr updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() previousInterpreterFrame() == updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() null rest $interpreterFrameRing => nil -- nothing to do [:b,l] := $interpreterFrameRing $interpreterFrameRing := append!([l],b) updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() nextInterpreterFrame() == updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() null rest $interpreterFrameRing => nil -- nothing to do $interpreterFrameRing := append!(rest $interpreterFrameRing,[first $interpreterFrameRing]) updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() createCurrentInterpreterFrame() == [$interpreterFrameName, -- frame name $InteractiveFrame, -- environment $IOindex, -- $IOindex $HiFiAccess, -- $HiFiAccess $HistList, -- $HistList $HistListLen, -- $HistListLen $HistListAct, -- $HistListAct $HistRecord, -- $HistRecord $internalHistoryTable, -- $internalHistoryTable $localExposureData -- $localExposureData ] updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() == [$interpreterFrameName, _ $InteractiveFrame, _ $IOindex, _ $HiFiAccess, _ $HistList, _ $HistListLen, _ $HistListAct, _ $HistRecord, _ $internalHistoryTable, _ $localExposureData _ ] := first $interpreterFrameRing if $frameMessages then sayMessage ['" Current interpreter frame is called",:bright $interpreterFrameName] nil updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() == $interpreterFrameRing.first := createCurrentInterpreterFrame() updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() nil initializeInterpreterFrameRing() == $interpreterFrameName := 'initial $interpreterFrameRing := [emptyInterpreterFrame($interpreterFrameName)] updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() nil changeToNamedInterpreterFrame(name) == updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() frame := findFrameInRing(name) null frame => nil $interpreterFrameRing := [frame,:remove!($interpreterFrameRing,frame)] updateFromCurrentInterpreterFrame() findFrameInRing(name) == val := nil for frame in $interpreterFrameRing repeat first frame = name => val := frame return frame val displayFrameNames() == fs := "append"/[ ['"%l",'" ",:bright frameName f] for f in $interpreterFrameRing] sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0024",[fs]) importFromFrame args == -- args should have the form [frameName,:varNames] if args and args isnt [.,:.] then args := [args] null args => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0073",nil) [fname,:args] := args not member(fname,frameNames()) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0074",[fname]) fname = frameName first $interpreterFrameRing => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0075",nil) fenv := frameEnvironment fname null args => x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0076",[fname]) STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(Y YES) => vars := nil for [v,:props] in CAAR fenv repeat v = "--macros" => for [m,:.] in props repeat vars := [m,:vars] vars := [v,:vars] importFromFrame [fname,:vars] sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0077",[fname]) for v in args repeat plist := GETALIST(CAAR fenv,v) plist => -- remove anything with the same name in the current frame clearCmdParts ['propert,v] for [prop,:val] in plist repeat putHist(v,prop,val,$InteractiveFrame) (m := get("--macros--",v,fenv)) => putHist("--macros--",v,m,$InteractiveFrame) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0079",[v,fname]) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0078",[fname]) --% )history ++ vm/370 filename type component $historyFileType := 'axh ++ vm/370 filename name component $oldHistoryFileName := 'last $internalHistoryTable := nil ++ t means keep history in core $useInternalHistoryTable := true ++ vm/370 filename disk component $historyDirectory := "A" ++ true means turn on history mechanism $HiFiAccess := true history l == l or null $options => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0006",nil) historySpad2Cmd() makeHistFileName(fname) == makePathname(fname,$historyFileType,$historyDirectory) oldHistFileName() == makeHistFileName($oldHistoryFileName) histFileName() == makeHistFileName($interpreterFrameName) histInputFileName(fn) == null fn => makePathname($interpreterFrameName,'INPUT,$historyDirectory) makePathname(fn,'INPUT,$historyDirectory) initHist() == $useInternalHistoryTable => initHistList() oldFile := oldHistFileName() newFile := histFileName() -- see if history directory is writable histFileErase oldFile if MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME newFile then $REPLACE(oldFile,newFile) $HiFiAccess:= true initHistList() initHistList() == -- creates $HistList as a circular list of length $HistListLen -- and $HistRecord $HistListLen:= 20 $HistList:= [nil] li:= $HistList for i in 1..$HistListLen repeat li:= [nil,:li] $HistList.rest := li $HistListAct:= 0 $HistRecord:= nil historySpad2Cmd() == -- history is a system command which can call resetInCoreHist -- and changeHistListLen, and restore last session histOptions:= '(on off yes no change reset restore write save show file memory) opts:= [ [selectOptionLC(opt,histOptions,'optionError),:optargs] for [opt,:optargs] in $options] for [opt,:optargs] in opts repeat opt in '(on yes) => $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0007",nil) $IOindex = 1 => -- haven't done anything yet $HiFiAccess:= true initHistList() sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0008",nil) x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IH0009",nil) STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(Y YES) => histFileErase histFileName() $HiFiAccess:= true $options := nil clearSpad2Cmd '(all) sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0008",nil) initHistList() sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0010",nil) opt in '(off no) => null $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0011",nil) $HiFiAccess:= false disableHist() sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0012",nil) opt is 'file => setHistoryCore nil opt is 'memory => setHistoryCore true opt is 'reset => resetInCoreHist() opt is 'save => saveHistory optargs opt is 'show => showHistory optargs opt is 'change => changeHistListLen first optargs opt is 'restore => restoreHistory optargs opt is 'write => writeInputLines(optargs,1) 'done setHistoryCore inCore == inCore = $useInternalHistoryTable => sayKeyedMsg((inCore => "S2IH0030"; "S2IH0029"),nil) not $HiFiAccess => $useInternalHistoryTable := inCore inCore => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0032",nil) sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0031",nil) inCore => $internalHistoryTable := nil if $IOindex ~= 0 then -- actually put something in there l := # RKEYIDS histFileName() for i in 1..l repeat vec:= (try readHiFi(i); finally disableHist()) $internalHistoryTable := [[i,:vec],:$internalHistoryTable] histFileErase histFileName() $useInternalHistoryTable := true sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0032",nil) $HiFiAccess:= false histFileErase histFileName() str := RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:histFileName()]] for [n,:rec] in reverse $internalHistoryTable repeat SPADRWRITE(object2Identifier n,rec,str) RSHUT str $HiFiAccess:= true $internalHistoryTable := nil $useInternalHistoryTable := nil sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0031",nil) writeInputLines(fn,initial) == -- writes all input lines into file histInputFileName() not $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0013",nil) -- history not on null fn => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0038", nil) -- missing file name maxn := 72 breakChars := [char " ",char "+"] for i in initial..$IOindex - 1 repeat vecl := first readHiFi i if string? vecl then vecl := [vecl] for vec in vecl repeat n := # vec while n > maxn repeat -- search backwards for a blank done := nil for j in 1..maxn while not done repeat k := 1 + maxn - j charMember?(stringChar(vec,k),breakChars) => svec := strconc(subString(vec,0,k+1),UNDERBAR) lineList := [svec,:lineList] done := true vec := subString(vec,k+1) n := # vec -- in case we can't find a breaking point if not done then n := 0 lineList := [vec,:lineList] file := histInputFileName(fn) histFileErase file inp:= DEFIOSTREAM(['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:file]],255,0) for x in removeUndoLines reverse! lineList repeat writeLine(x,inp) -- see file "undo" for definition of removeUndoLines if fn ~= 'redo then sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0014",[namestring file]) SHUT inp nil resetInCoreHist() == -- removes all pointers from $HistList $HistListAct:= 0 for i in 1..$HistListLen repeat $HistList:= rest $HistList $HistList.first := nil changeHistListLen(n) == -- changes the length of $HistList. n must be nonnegative not integer? n => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0015",[n]) dif:= n-$HistListLen $HistListLen:= n l:= rest $HistList if dif > 0 then for i in 1..dif repeat l:= [nil,:l] if dif < 0 then for i in 1..-dif repeat l:= rest l if $HistListAct > n then $HistListAct:= n $HistList.rest := l 'done updateHist() == -- updates the history file and calls updateInCoreHist null $IOindex => nil startTimingProcess 'history updateInCoreHist() if $HiFiAccess then (try writeHiFi(); finally disableHist()) $HistRecord:= nil $IOindex:= $IOindex+1 updateCurrentInterpreterFrame() $mkTestInputStack := nil $currentLine := nil stopTimingProcess 'history updateInCoreHist() == -- updates $HistList and $IOindex $HistList:= rest($HistList) $HistList.first := nil if $HistListAct < $HistListLen then $HistListAct:= $HistListAct+1 putHist(x,prop,val,e) == -- records new value to $HistRecord and old value to $HistList -- then put is called with e if x isnt '% then recordOldValue(x,prop,get(x,prop,e)) if $HiFiAccess then recordNewValue(x,prop,val) putIntSymTab(x,prop,val,e) histFileErase file == removeFile file recordNewValue(x,prop,val) == startTimingProcess 'history recordNewValue0(x,prop,val) stopTimingProcess 'history recordNewValue0(x,prop,val) == -- writes (prop . val) into $HistRecord -- updateHist writes this stuff out into the history file p1 := objectAssoc(x,$HistRecord) => p2 := objectAssoc(prop,rest p1) => p2.rest := val p1.rest := [[prop,:val],:rest p1] p:= [x,:list [prop,:val]] $HistRecord:= [p,:$HistRecord] recordOldValue(x,prop,val) == startTimingProcess 'history recordOldValue0(x,prop,val) stopTimingProcess 'history recordOldValue0(x,prop,val) == -- writes (prop . val) into $HistList p1 := objectAssoc(x,first $HistList) => objectAssoc(prop,rest p1) = nil => p1.rest := [[prop,:val],:rest p1] p:= [x,:list [prop,:val]] $HistList.first := [p,:first $HistList] undoInCore(n) == -- undoes the last n>0 steps using $HistList -- resets $InteractiveFrame li:= $HistList for i in n..$HistListLen repeat li:= rest li undoChanges(li) n:= $IOindex-n-1 n>0 and $HiFiAccess => vec:= rest (try readHiFi(n); finally disableHist()) val:= ( p := objectAssoc('%,vec) ) and (p1 := objectAssoc('value,rest p) ) and rest p1 sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0019",[n]) $InteractiveFrame:= putHist('%,'value,val,$InteractiveFrame) updateHist() undoChanges(li) == -- undoes all changes of list 'li' if not rest li = $HistList then undoChanges rest li for p1 in first li repeat x:= first p1 for p2 in rest p1 repeat putHist(x,first p2,rest p2,$InteractiveFrame) undoFromFile(n) == -- makes a clear and redoes all the assignments until step n for [x,:varl] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat for p in varl repeat [prop,:val]:= p val => if not (x='%) then recordOldValue(x,prop,val) if $HiFiAccess then recordNewValue(x,prop,val) p.rest := nil for i in 1..n repeat vec:= (try rest readHiFi(i); finally disableHist()) for p1 in vec repeat x:= first p1 for p2 in rest p1 repeat $InteractiveFrame:= putHist(x,first p2,rest p2,$InteractiveFrame) val := (p := objectAssoc('%,vec) ) and (p1 := objectAssoc('value,rest p) ) and rest p1 $InteractiveFrame:= putHist('%,'value,val,$InteractiveFrame) updateHist() saveHistory(fn) == $seen: local := hashTable 'EQ not $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0016",nil) not $useInternalHistoryTable and null MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME histFileName() => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0022",nil) null fn => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0037", nil) savefile := makeHistFileName(fn) inputfile := histInputFileName(fn) writeInputLines(fn,1) histFileErase savefile if $useInternalHistoryTable then saveStr := RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:savefile]] for [n,:rec] in reverse $internalHistoryTable repeat val := SPADRWRITE0(object2Identifier n,rec,saveStr) val = 'writifyFailed => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0035", [n, inputfile]) -- unable to save step RSHUT saveStr sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0018",[namestring(savefile)]) -- saved hist file named nil restoreHistory(fn) == -- uses fn $historyFileType to recover an old session -- if fn = nil, then use $oldHistoryFileName if null fn then fn' := $oldHistoryFileName else if fn is [fn'] and ident?(fn') then fn' := fn' else throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0023",[fn']) restfile := makeHistFileName(fn') null MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME restfile => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0024",[namestring(restfile)]) -- no history file -- if clear is changed to be undoable, this should be a reset-clear $options: local := nil clearSpad2Cmd '(all) curfile := histFileName() histFileErase curfile _$FCOPY(restfile,curfile) l:= # RKEYIDS curfile $HiFiAccess:= true oldInternal := $useInternalHistoryTable $useInternalHistoryTable := nil if oldInternal then $internalHistoryTable := nil for i in 1..l repeat vec:= (try readHiFi(i); finally disableHist()) if oldInternal then $internalHistoryTable := [[i,:vec],:$internalHistoryTable] LINE:= first vec for p1 in rest vec repeat x:= first p1 for p2 in rest p1 repeat $InteractiveFrame:= putHist(x,first p2,rest p2,$InteractiveFrame) updateInCoreHist() $e := $InteractiveFrame for [a,:.] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat get(a,'localModemap,$InteractiveFrame) => rempropI(a,'localModemap) rempropI(a,'localVars) rempropI(a,'mapBody) $IOindex:= l+1 $useInternalHistoryTable := oldInternal sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0025",[namestring(restfile)]) clearCmdSortedCaches() nil -- the following used to be the show command when that was used to -- show history. showHistory(arg) == -- arg can be of form -- nil show at most last 20 input lines -- (n) show at most last n input lines -- (lit) where lit is an abbreviation for 'input or 'both -- if 'input, same as nil -- if 'both, show last 5 input and outputs -- (n lit) show last n input lines + last n output lines -- if lit expands to 'both $evalTimePrint: local:= 0 $printTimeSum: local:= 0 -- ugh!!! these are needed for timedEvaluateStream -- displays the last n steps, default n=20 not $HiFiAccess => sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0026",['show]) showInputOrBoth := 'input n := 20 nset := nil if arg then arg1 := first arg if integer? arg1 then n := arg1 nset := true KDR arg => arg1 := second arg arg1 := nil arg1 => arg2 := selectOptionLC(arg1,'(input both),nil) if arg2 then ((showInputOrBoth := arg2) = 'both) and (null nset) => n:= 5 else sayMSG concat('" ",bright arg1,'"is an invalid argument.") if n >= $IOindex then n:= $IOindex-1 mini:= $IOindex-n maxi:= $IOindex-1 showInputOrBoth = 'both => (try showInOut(mini,maxi); finally setIOindex(maxi+1)) showInput(mini,maxi) setIOindex(n) == -- set $IOindex to n $IOindex:= n showInput(mini,maxi) == -- displays all input lines from mini to maxi for ind in mini..maxi repeat vec:= (try readHiFi(ind); finally disableHist()) if ind<10 then TAB 2 else if ind<100 then TAB 1 l := first vec string? l => sayMSG ['" [",ind,'"] ",first vec] sayMSG ['" [",ind,'"] " ] for ln in l repeat sayMSG ['" ", ln] showInOut(mini,maxi) == -- displays all steps from mini to maxi for ind in mini..maxi repeat vec:= (try readHiFi(ind); finally disableHist()) sayMSG [first vec] Alist := objectAssoc('%,rest vec) => triple := rest objectAssoc('value,rest Alist) $IOindex:= ind spadPrint(objValUnwrap triple,objMode triple) fetchOutput(n) == -- result is the output of step n (n = -1) and (val := getI("%",'value)) => val $HiFiAccess => n:= n < 0 => $IOindex+n n n >= $IOindex => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0001",[n]) n < 1 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0002",[n]) vec:= (try readHiFi(n); finally disableHist()) Alist := objectAssoc('%,rest vec) => val := rest objectAssoc('value,rest Alist) => val throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0003",[n]) throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0003",[n]) throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0004",nil) readHiFi(n) == -- reads the file using index n if $useInternalHistoryTable then pair := assoc(n,$internalHistoryTable) pair isnt [.,:.] => keyedSystemError("S2IH0034",nil) vec := rest pair else HiFi:= RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . INPUT),['FILE,:histFileName()]] vec:= SPADRREAD(object2Identifier n,HiFi) RSHUT HiFi vec writeHiFi() == -- writes the information of the current step out to history file if $useInternalHistoryTable then $internalHistoryTable := [[$IOindex,$currentLine,:$HistRecord], :$internalHistoryTable] else HiFi:= RDEFIOSTREAM ['(MODE . OUTPUT),['FILE,:histFileName()]] SPADRWRITE(object2Identifier $IOindex, [$currentLine,:$HistRecord],HiFi) RSHUT HiFi disableHist() == -- disables the history mechanism if an error occurred in the protected -- piece of code not $HiFiAccess => histFileErase histFileName() nil writeHistModesAndValues() == for [a,:.] in CAAR $InteractiveFrame repeat x := get(a,'value,$InteractiveFrame) => putHist(a,'value,x,$InteractiveFrame) x := get(a,'mode,$InteractiveFrame) => putHist(a,'mode,x,$InteractiveFrame) nil SPADRREAD(vec, stream) == dewritify rread(vec, stream, nil) --% Lisplib output transformations -- Some types of objects cannot be saved by LISP/VM in lisplibs. -- These functions transform an object to a writable form and back. -- SMW SPADRWRITE(vec, item, stream) == val := SPADRWRITE0(vec, item, stream) val is 'writifyFailed => throwKeyedMsg("S2IH0036", nil) -- cannot save value to file item SPADRWRITE0(vec, item, stream) == val := safeWritify item val is 'writifyFailed => val rwrite(vec, val, stream) item safeWritify ob == CATCH('writifyTag, writify ob) writify ob == not ScanOrPairVec(function(unwritable?), ob) => ob $seen: local := hashTable 'EQ $writifyComplained: local := false writifyInner ob where writifyInner ob == null ob => nil (e := tableValue($seen, ob)) => e cons? ob => qcar := first ob qcdr := rest ob (name := spadClosure? ob) => d := writifyInner rest ob nob := ['WRITIFIED!!, 'SPADCLOSURE, d, name] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob (ob is ['LAMBDA_-CLOSURE, ., ., x, :.]) and x => THROW('writifyTag, 'writifyFailed) nob := [qcar,:qcdr] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob qcar := writifyInner qcar qcdr := writifyInner qcdr nob.first := qcar nob.rest := qcdr nob vector? ob => isDomainOrPackage ob => d := mkEvalable devaluate ob nob := ['WRITIFIED!!, 'DEVALUATED, writifyInner d] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob n := maxIndex ob nob := newVector(n+1) tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob for i in 0..n repeat vectorRef(nob, i) := writifyInner vectorRef(ob,i) nob ob = 'WRITIFIED!! => ['WRITIFIED!!, 'SELF] -- In CCL constructors are also compiled functions, so we -- need this line: constructor? ob => ob COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P ob => THROW('writifyTag, 'writifyFailed) HASHTABLEP ob => nob := ['WRITIFIED!!] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob keys := [k for [k,:.] in entries ob] nob.rest := ['HASHTABLE, HASHTABLE_-CLASS ob, writifyInner keys, [writifyInner tableValue(ob,k) for k in keys]] nob PLACEP ob => nob := ['WRITIFIED!!, 'PLACE] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob -- The next three types cause an error on de-writifying. -- Create an object of the right shape, nonetheless. READTABLEP ob => THROW('writifyTag, 'writifyFailed) -- Default case: return the object itself. string? ob => sameObject?(ob, %nullStream) => ['WRITIFIED!!, 'NULLSTREAM] sameObject?(ob, %nonNullStream) => ['WRITIFIED!!, 'NONNULLSTREAM] ob float? ob => ob = READ_-FROM_-STRING STRINGIMAGE ob => ob ['WRITIFIED!!, 'FLOAT, ob,: MULTIPLE_-VALUE_-LIST INTEGER_-DECODE_-FLOAT ob] ob unwritable? ob == cons? ob or vector? ob => false -- first for speed COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P ob or HASHTABLEP ob => true PLACEP ob or READTABLEP ob => true float? ob => true false -- Create a full isomorphic object which can be saved in a lisplib. -- Note that dewritify(writify(x)) preserves UEQUALity of hashtables. -- HASHTABLEs go both ways. -- READTABLEs cannot presently be transformed back. writifyComplain s == $writifyComplained => nil $writifyComplained := true sayKeyedMsg("S2IH0027",[s]) spadClosure? ob == fun := first ob not (name := BPINAME fun) => nil vec := rest ob not vector? vec => nil name dewritify ob == (not ScanOrPairVec(function is?, ob) where is? a == a = 'WRITIFIED!!) => ob $seen: local := hashTable 'EQ dewritifyInner ob where dewritifyInner ob == null ob => nil e := tableValue($seen, ob) => e cons? ob and first ob is 'WRITIFIED!! => type := ob.1 type is 'SELF => 'WRITIFIED!! type is 'BPI => oname := ob.2 f := integer? oname => eval GENSYMMER oname symbolFunction oname not COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P f => error '"A required BPI does not exist." #ob > 3 and HASHEQ f ~= ob.3 => error '"A required BPI has been redefined." tableValue($seen, ob) := f f type is 'HASHTABLE => nob := hashTable ob.2 tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob for k in ob.3 for e in ob.4 repeat tableValue(nob, dewritifyInner k) := dewritifyInner e nob type is 'DEVALUATED => nob := eval dewritifyInner ob.2 tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob type is 'SPADCLOSURE => vec := dewritifyInner ob.2 name := ob.3 not FBOUNDP name => error strconc('"undefined function: ", symbolName name) nob := [symbolFunction name,:vec] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob type is 'PLACE => nob := VMREAD MAKE_-INSTREAM nil tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob type is 'READTABLE => error '"Cannot de-writify a read table." type is 'NULLSTREAM => %nullStream type is 'NONNULLSTREAM => %nonNullStream type is 'FLOAT => [fval, signif, expon, sign] := CDDR ob fval := SCALE_-FLOAT( FLOAT(signif, fval), expon) sign<0 => -fval fval error '"Unknown type to de-writify." cons? ob => qcar := first ob qcdr := rest ob nob := [qcar,:qcdr] tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob nob.first := dewritifyInner qcar nob.rest := dewritifyInner qcdr nob vector? ob => n := maxIndex ob nob := newVector(n+1) tableValue($seen, ob) := nob tableValue($seen, nob) := nob for i in 0..n repeat vectorRef(nob,i) := dewritifyInner vectorRef(ob,i) nob -- Default case: return the object itself. ob --% )load load args == loadSpad2Cmd args loadSpad2Cmd args == sayKeyedMsg("S2IU0003", nil) nil reportCount () == centerAndHighlight(" Current Count Settings ",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) SAY " " sayBrightly [:bright " cache",fillerSpaces(30,char ".")," ",$cacheCount] if $cacheAlist then for [a,:b] in $cacheAlist repeat aPart:= linearFormatName a n:= sayBrightlyLength aPart sayBrightly concat(" ",aPart," ",fillerSpaces(32-n,char ".")," ",b) SAY " " sayBrightly [:bright " stream",fillerSpaces(29,char ".")," ",$streamCount] --% )library library args == origDir := GET_-CURRENT_-DIRECTORY() $newConlist: local := nil -- Users typically specify abbreviations without quotes. LOCALDATABASE([STRING a for a in args],$options) extendLocalLibdb $newConlist changeDirectory origDir TERSYSCOMMAND() --% )quit pquit() == pquitSpad2Cmd() pquitSpad2Cmd() == $quitCommandType :local := 'protected quitSpad2Cmd() quit() == quitSpad2Cmd() quitSpad2Cmd() == $quitCommandType ~= 'protected => leaveScratchpad() x := UPCASE queryUserKeyedMsg("S2IZ0031",nil) STRING2ID_-N(x,1) in '(Y YES) => leaveScratchpad() sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0032",nil) TERSYSCOMMAND () leaveScratchpad () == coreQuit() -- ??? should be coreQuit errorCount() --% )read read l == readSpad2Cmd l readSpad2Cmd l == $InteractiveMode : local := true quiet := nil ifthere := nil for [opt,:.] in $options repeat fullopt := selectOptionLC(opt,'(quiet test ifthere),'optionError) fullopt is 'ifthere => ifthere := true fullopt is 'quiet => quiet := true ef := pathname _/EDITFILE if pathnameTypeId(ef) = 'SPAD then ef := makePathname(pathnameName ef,'"*",'"*") if l then l := mergePathnames(pathname l,ef) else l := ef devFTs := '("input" "INPUT" "boot" "BOOT" "lisp" "LISP") fileTypes := $UserLevel = 'interpreter => '("input" "INPUT") $UserLevel = 'compiler => '("input" "INPUT") devFTs ll := $FINDFILE (l, fileTypes) if null ll then ifthere => return nil -- be quiet about it throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0003",[namestring l]) ll := pathname ll ft := pathnameType ll upft := stringUpcase ft null member(upft,fileTypes) => fs := namestring l member(upft,devFTs) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0033",[fs]) throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0034",[fs]) SETQ(_/EDITFILE,ll) if upft = '"BOOT" then $InteractiveMode := nil _/READ(ll,quiet) --% )savesystem savesystem l == #l ~= 1 or not(symbol? first l) => helpSpad2Cmd '(savesystem) SETQ($SpadServer,false) SETQ($openServerIfTrue,true) )if not %hasFeature KEYWORD::ECL AxiomCore::saveCore symbolName first l )else fatalError '"don't know how to save image" )endif --% )show show l == showSpad2Cmd l showSpad2Cmd l == l = [nil] => helpSpad2Cmd '(show) $showOptions : local := '(attributes operations) if null $options then $options := '((operations)) $e : local := $InteractiveFrame $env : local := $InteractiveFrame l is [constr] => constr in '(Union Record Mapping) => constr is 'Record => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0044R",[constr, '")show Record(a: Integer, b: String)"]) constr is 'Mapping => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0044M",nil) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0045T",[constr, '")show Union(a: Integer, b: String)"]) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0045U",[constr, '")show Union(Integer, String)"]) constr is ['Mapping, :.] => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0044M",nil) reportOperations(constr,constr) reportOperations(l,l) reportOperations(oldArg,u) == -- u might be an uppercased version of oldArg $env:local := [[nil]] $eval:local := true --generate code-- don't just type analyze $genValue:local := true --evaluate all generated code null u => nil $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue: local:= true u = $quadSymbol => sayBrightly ['" mode denotes", :bright '"any", "type"] u is "%" => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0063",nil) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0064",nil) u isnt ['Record,:.] and u isnt ['Union,:.] and null(isNameOfType u) and u isnt ['typeOf,.] => if oldArg isnt [.,:.] then oldArg := [oldArg] sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0063",nil) for op in oldArg repeat sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0062",[opOf op]) (v := isDomainValuedVariable u) => reportOpsFromUnitDirectly0 v unitForm:= u isnt [.,:.] => opOf unabbrev u unabbrev u unitForm isnt [.,:.] => reportOpsFromLisplib0(unitForm,u) unitForm' := evaluateType unitForm tree := mkAtree removeZeroOneDestructively unitForm (unitForm' := isType tree) => reportOpsFromUnitDirectly0 unitForm' sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0041",[unitForm]) reportOpsFromUnitDirectly0 D == $useEditorForShowOutput => reportOpsFromUnitDirectly1 D reportOpsFromUnitDirectly D reportOpsFromUnitDirectly1 D == showFile := pathname ['SHOW,'LISTING,$listingDirectory] _$ERASE showFile $sayBrightlyStream: local := DEFIOSTREAM([['FILE,:showFile], '(MODE . OUTPUT)],255,0) sayShowWarning() reportOpsFromUnitDirectly D SHUT $sayBrightlyStream editFile showFile sayShowWarning() == sayBrightly '"Warning: this is a temporary file and will be deleted the next" sayBrightly '" time you use )show. Rename it and FILE if you wish to" sayBrightly '" save the contents." sayBrightly '"" reportOpsFromLisplib0(unitForm,u) == $useEditorForShowOutput => reportOpsFromLisplib1(unitForm,u) reportOpsFromLisplib(unitForm,u) reportOpsFromLisplib1(unitForm,u) == showFile := pathname ['SHOW,'LISTING,$listingDirectory] _$ERASE showFile $sayBrightlyStream: local := DEFIOSTREAM([['FILE,:showFile], '(MODE . OUTPUT)],255,0) sayShowWarning() reportOpsFromLisplib(unitForm,u) SHUT $sayBrightlyStream editFile showFile reportOpsFromUnitDirectly unitForm == isRecordOrUnion := unitForm is [a,:.] and builtinFunctorName? a unit:= evalDomain unitForm top:= first unitForm kind:= getConstructorKindFromDB top sayBrightly concat('"%b",formatOpType unitForm, '"%d",'"is a",'"%b",kind,'"%d", '"constructor.") if not isRecordOrUnion then abb := getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB top sourceFile := getConstructorSourceFileFromDB top sayBrightly ['" Abbreviation for",:bright top,'"is",:bright abb] verb := isExposedConstructor top => '"is" '"is not" sayBrightly ['" This constructor",:bright verb, '"exposed in this frame."] sayBrightly ['" Issue",:bright strconc('")edit ", namestring sourceFile),'"to see algebra source code for", :bright abb,'"%l"] for [opt] in $options repeat opt := selectOptionLC(opt,$showOptions,'optionError) opt is 'attributes => centerAndHighlight('"Attributes",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) isRecordOrUnion => sayBrightly '" Records and Unions have no attributes." sayBrightly '"" attList:= removeDuplicates MSORT [x for [x,:.] in unit.2] say2PerLine [formatAttribute x for x in attList] nil opt is 'operations => $commentedOps: local := 0 --new form is (<op> <signature> <slotNumber> <condition> <kind>) centerAndHighlight('"Operations",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) sayBrightly '"" if isRecordOrUnion then constructorFunction:= GETL(top,"makeFunctionList") or systemErrorHere ["reportOpsFromUnitDirectly",top] [funlist,.]:= FUNCALL(constructorFunction,"$",unitForm, $CategoryFrame) sigList := removeDuplicates MSORT [[[a,b],true,slot c] for [a,b,c] in funlist] where slot c == (c isnt [.,:.] => [c,0,1]; c) else sigList:= removeDuplicates MSORT getOplistForConstructorForm unitForm say2PerLine [formatOperation(x,unit) for x in sigList] if $commentedOps ~= 0 then sayBrightly ['"Functions that are not yet implemented are preceded by", :bright '"--"] sayBrightly '"" nil reportOpsFromLisplib(op,u) == null(fn:= getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB op) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0054",[u]) argml := (s := getConstructorSignature op) => KDR s nil typ:= getConstructorKindFromDB op nArgs:= #argml argList:= KDR getConstructorFormFromDB op functorForm:= [op,:argList] argml:= applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argList),argml) functorFormWithDecl:= [op,:[[":",a,m] for a in argList for m in argml]] sayBrightly concat(bright form2StringWithWhere functorFormWithDecl, '" is a",bright typ,'"constructor") sayBrightly ['" Abbreviation for",:bright op,'"is",:bright fn] verb := isExposedConstructor op => '"is" '"is not" sayBrightly ['" This constructor",:bright verb, '"exposed in this frame."] sourceFile := getConstructorSourceFileFromDB op sayBrightly ['" Issue",:bright strconc('")edit ", namestring sourceFile), '"to see algebra source code for",:bright fn,'"%l"] for [opt] in $options repeat opt := selectOptionLC(opt,$showOptions,'optionError) opt is 'layout => dc1 fn opt is 'views => sayBrightly ['"To get",:bright '"views", '"you must give parameters of constructor"] opt is 'attributes => centerAndHighlight('"Attributes",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) sayBrightly '"" attList:= removeDuplicates MSORT [x for [x,:.] in getConstructorAttributes op] null attList => sayBrightly concat('"%b",form2String functorForm,'"%d","has no attributes.",'"%l") say2PerLine [formatAttribute x for x in attList] nil opt is 'operations => displayOperationsFromLisplib functorForm nil displayOperationsFromLisplib form == [name,:argl] := form kind := getConstructorKindFromDB name centerAndHighlight('"Operations",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) opList:= getConstructorOperationsFromDB name null opList => centerAndHighlight('"No exported operations",$LINELENGTH) opl := removeDuplicates MSORT applySubst(pairList($FormalMapVariableList,argl),opList) ops:= nil for x in opl repeat ops := [:ops,:formatOperationAlistEntry(x)] say2PerLine ops nil --% )spool clearHighlight() == $saveHighlight := $highlightAllowed $highlightAllowed := false $saveSpecialchars := $specialCharacters setOutputCharacters ["plain"] resetHighlight() == $highlightAllowed := $saveHighlight $specialCharacters := $saveSpecialchars spool filename == -- Note: The base Lisp system may change the value of the standard -- output stream as part of executing DRIBBLE(), so one must -- ensure that traces are still sent to the spool. null filename => DRIBBLE() SETQ(_*TRACE_-OUTPUT_*,_*STANDARD_-OUTPUT_*) TERPRI() resetHighlight() PROBE_-FILE STRING first filename => systemError strconc('"file ", STRING first filename, '" already exists") DRIBBLE STRING first filename SETQ(_*TRACE_-OUTPUT_*,_*STANDARD_-OUTPUT_*) TERPRI() clearHighlight() --% )synonym synonym(:l) == synonymSpad2Cmd() -- always passed a null list synonymSpad2Cmd() == line := getSystemCommandLine() if line = '"" then printSynonyms(nil) else pair := processSynonymLine line if $CommandSynonymAlist then PUTALIST($CommandSynonymAlist,first pair, rest pair) else $CommandSynonymAlist := [pair] terminateSystemCommand() processSynonymLine line == key := STRING2ID_-N (line, 1) value := removeKeyFromLine line where removeKeyFromLine line == line := dropLeadingBlanks line mx := maxIndex line for i in 0..mx repeat stringChar(line,i) = char " " => return (for j in (i+1)..mx repeat stringChar(line,j) ~= char " " => return (subString(line, j))) [key, :value] --% --% )undo --% $undoFlag := true --Default setting for undo is "on" ++ true means means we report the steps undo takes $reportUndo := false undo(l) == --undo takes one option ")redo" which simply reads "redo.input", -- a file created by every normal )undo command (see below) undoWhen := 'after if $options is [[key]] then stringPrefix?(s := PNAME key,'"redo") => $options := nil --clear $options so that "read" won't see them read '(redo_.input) not stringPrefix?(s,'"before") => userError '"only option to undo is _")redo_"" undoWhen := 'before n := null l => -1 first l if ident? n then n := readInteger PNAME n if not integer? n then userError '"undo argument must be an integer" $InteractiveFrame := undoSteps(undoCount n,undoWhen) nil recordFrame(systemNormal) == null $undoFlag => nil --do nothing if facility is turned off currentAlist := KAR $frameRecord delta := diffAlist(CAAR $InteractiveFrame,$previousBindings) if systemNormal = 'system then null delta => return nil --do not record delta := ['systemCommand,:delta] $frameRecord := [delta,:$frameRecord] $previousBindings := --copy all but the individual properties [[first x,:[[first y,:rest y] for y in rest x]] for x in CAAR $InteractiveFrame] first $frameRecord diffAlist(new,old) == --record only those properties which are different for (pair := [name,:proplist]) in new repeat -- name has an entry both in new and old world -- (1) if the old world had no proplist for that variable, then -- record nil as the value of each new property -- (2) if the old world does have a proplist for that variable, then -- a) for each property with a value: give the old value -- b) for each property missing: give nil as the old value oldPair := objectAssoc(name,old) => null (oldProplist := rest oldPair) => --record old values of new properties as nil acc := [[name,:[[prop] for [prop,:.] in proplist]],:acc] deltas := nil for (propval := [prop,:val]) in proplist repeat null (oldPropval := assoc(prop,oldProplist)) => --missing property deltas := [[prop],:deltas] sameObject?(rest oldPropval,val) => 'skip deltas := [oldPropval,:deltas] deltas => acc := [[name,:reverse! deltas],:acc] acc := [[name,:[[prop] for [prop,:.] in proplist]],:acc] --record properties absent on new list (say, from a )cl all) for (oldPair := [name,:r]) in old repeat r and null symbolTarget(name,new) => acc := [oldPair,:acc] -- name has an entry both in new and old world -- (1) if the new world has no proplist for that variable -- (a) if the old world does, record the old proplist -- (b) if the old world does not, record nothing -- (2) if the new world has a proplist for that variable, it has -- been handled by the first loop. res := reverse! acc if $reportUndo then reportUndo res res reportUndo acc == for [name,:proplist] in acc repeat sayBrightly strconc('"Properties of ",PNAME name,'" ::") curproplist := LASSOC(name,CAAR $InteractiveFrame) for [prop,:value] in proplist repeat sayBrightlyNT ['" ",prop,'" was: "] pp value sayBrightlyNT ['" ",prop,'" is: "] pp LASSOC(prop,curproplist) clearFrame() == clearCmdAll() $frameRecord := nil $previousBindings := nil --======================================================================= -- Undoing previous m commands --======================================================================= undoCount(n) == --computes the number of undo's, given $IOindex --pp ["IOindex = ",$IOindex] m := n >= 0 => $IOindex - n - 1 -n m >= $IOindex => userError strconc('"Magnitude of undo argument must be less than step number (",toString $IOindex,'").") m undoSteps(m,beforeOrAfter) == -- undoes m previous commands; if )before option, then undo one extra at end --Example: if $IOindex now is 6 and m = 2 then general layout of $frameRecord, -- after the call to recordFrame below will be: -- (<change for systemcommands> -- (<change for #5> <change for system commands> -- (<change for #4> <change for system commands> -- (<change for #3> <change for system commands> -- <change for #2> <change for system commands> -- <change for #1> <change for system commands>) where system -- command entries are optional and identified by (systemCommand . change). -- For a ")undo 3 )after", m = 2 and undoStep swill restore the environment -- up to, but not including <change for #3>. -- An "undo 3 )before" will additionally restore <change for #3>. -- Thus, the later requires one extra undo at the end. writeInputLines('redo,$IOindex - m) recordFrame('normal) --do NOT mark this as a system command change --do this undo FIRST (i=0 case) env := copyTree CAAR $InteractiveFrame for i in 0..m for framelist in tails $frameRecord repeat env := undoSingleStep(first framelist,env) framelist is [.,['systemCommand,:systemDelta],:.] => -- pp '"===============> AHA <=============" framelist := rest framelist --undoing system commands given env := undoSingleStep(systemDelta,env) -- before command line lastTailSeen := framelist if beforeOrAfter = 'before then --do one additional undo for )before env := undoSingleStep(second lastTailSeen,env) $frameRecord := rest $frameRecord --flush the effect of extra recordFrame $InteractiveFrame := LIST LIST env undoSingleStep(changes,env) == --Each change is a name-proplist pair. For each change: -- (1) if there exists a proplist in env, then for each prop-value change: -- (a) if the prop exists in env, RPLAC in the change value -- (b) otherwise, CONS it onto the front of prop-values for that name -- (2) add change to the front of env -- pp '"----Undoing 1 step--------" -- pp changes for (change := [name,:changeList]) in changes repeat if symbolTarget('localModemap,changeList) then changeList := undoLocalModemapHack changeList pairlist := objectAssoc(name,env) => proplist := rest pairlist => for (pair := [prop,:value]) in changeList repeat node := objectAssoc(prop,proplist) => node.rest := value proplist.rest := [first proplist,:rest proplist] proplist.first := pair pairlist.rest := changeList env := [change,:env] env undoLocalModemapHack changeList == [newPair for (pair := [name,:value]) in changeList | newPair] where newPair() == name is 'localModemap => [name] pair removeUndoLines u == --called by writeInputLines xtra := string? $currentLine => [$currentLine] reverse $currentLine xtra := [x for x in xtra | not stringPrefix?('")history",x)] u := [:u, :xtra] not (or/[stringPrefix?('")undo",x) for x in u]) => u --(1) reverse the list --(2) walk down the (reversed) list: when >n appears remove: -- (a) system commands -- (b) if n > 0: (replace n by n-1; remove a command; repeat (a-b)) savedIOindex := $IOindex --save value $IOindex := 1 for y in tails u repeat (x := first y).0 = char ")" => stringPrefix?('")undo",s := trimString x) => --parse "undo )option" s1 := trimString subString(s,5) if s1 ~= '")redo" then m := charPosition(char ")",s1,0) code := m < maxIndex s1 => s1.(m + 1) char "a" s2 := trimString subString(s1,0,m) n := s1 = '")redo" => 0 s2 ~= '"" => undoCount readInteger s2 -1 y.first := strconc('">",code,toString n) nil $IOindex := $IOindex + 1 --referenced by undoCount acc := nil for y in tails reverse! u repeat (x := first y).0 = char ">" => code := x . 1 --code = a,b, or r n := readInteger subString(x,2) --n = number of undo steps y := rest y --kill >n line while y repeat c := first y c.0 = char ")" or c.0 = char ">" => y := rest y --kill system commands n = 0 => return nil --including undos n := n - 1 y := rest y --kill command y and code ~= char "b" => acc := [c,:acc] --add last unless )before acc := [x,:acc] $IOindex := savedIOindex acc --% )what what l == whatSpad2Cmd l whatSpad2Cmd l == $e:local := $EmptyEnvironment null l => reportWhatOptions() [key0,:args] := l key := selectOptionLC(key0,$whatOptions,nil) null key => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0043",nil) args := [fixpat p for p in args] where fixpat x == x is [x',:.] => DOWNCASE x' DOWNCASE x key is 'things => for opt in $whatOptions repeat not (opt in '(things)) => whatSpad2Cmd [opt,:args] key is 'categories => filterAndFormatConstructors('category,'"Categories",args) key is 'commands => whatCommands(args) key is 'domains => filterAndFormatConstructors('domain,'"Domains",args) key is 'operations => apropos args key is 'packages => filterAndFormatConstructors('package,'"Packages",args) key is 'synonyms => printSynonyms(args) filterAndFormatConstructors(constrType,label,patterns) == centerAndHighlight(label,$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) l := filterListOfStringsWithFn(patterns,whatConstructors constrType, function rest) if patterns then null l => sayMessage ['" No ",label,'" with names matching patterns:", '"%l",'" ",'"%b",:blankList patterns,'"%d"] sayMessage [label,'" with names matching patterns:", '"%l",'" ",'"%b",:blankList patterns,'"%d"] l => pp2Cols l whatConstructors constrType == -- here constrType should be one of 'category, 'domain, 'package MSORT [[getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB con, :STRING(con)] for con in allConstructors() | getConstructorKindFromDB con = constrType] apropos l == -- l is a list of operation name fragments -- this displays all operation names containing these fragments ops := null l => allOperations() filterListOfStrings([(DOWNCASE STRINGIMAGE p) for p in l],allOperations()) ops => sayMessage '"Operations whose names satisfy the above pattern(s):" sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible MSORT ops sayKeyedMsg("S2IF0011",[first ops]) sayMessage '" There are no operations containing those patterns" nil printSynonyms(patterns) == centerAndHighlight("System Command Synonyms",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) ls := filterListOfStringsWithFn(patterns, [[STRINGIMAGE a,:eval b] for [a,:b] in synonymsForUserLevel $CommandSynonymAlist], function first) printLabelledList(ls,'"user",'"synonyms",'")",patterns) nil printLabelledList(ls,label1,label2,prefix,patterns) == -- prefix goes before each element on each side of the list, eg, -- ")" null ls => null patterns => sayMessage ['" No ",label1,'"-defined ",label2,'" in effect."] sayMessage ['" No ",label1,'"-defined ",label2,'" satisfying patterns:", '"%l",'" ",'"%b",:blankList patterns,'"%d"] if patterns then sayMessage [label1,'"-defined ",label2,'" satisfying patterns:", '"%l",'" ",'"%b",:blankList patterns,'"%d"] for [syn,:comm] in ls repeat if subString(syn,0,1) = '"|" then syn := subString(syn,1,nil) if syn = '"%i" then syn := '"%i " wid := MAX(30 - (entryWidth syn),1) sayBrightly concat('"%b",prefix,syn,'"%d", fillerSpaces(wid,char "."),'" ",prefix,comm) sayBrightly '"" whatCommands(patterns) == label := strconc('"System Commands for User Level: ", STRINGIMAGE $UserLevel) centerAndHighlight(label,$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) l := filterListOfStrings(patterns, [(STRINGIMAGE a) for a in commandsForUserLevel $systemCommands]) if patterns then null l => sayMessage ['"No system commands at this level matching patterns:", '"%l",'" ",'"%b",:blankList patterns,'"%d"] sayMessage ['"System commands at this level matching patterns:", '"%l",'" ",'"%b",:blankList patterns,'"%d"] if l then sayAsManyPerLineAsPossible l SAY " " patterns => nil -- don't be so verbose sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0046",nil) nil reportWhatOptions() == optList1:= "append"/[['"%l",'" ",x] for x in $whatOptions] sayBrightly ['"%b",'" )what",'"%d",'"argument keywords are",'"%b",:optList1,'"%d",'"%l", '" or abbreviations thereof.",'"%l", '"%l",'" Issue",'"%b",'")what ?",'"%d",'"for more information."] filterListOfStrings(patterns,names) == -- names and patterns are lists of strings -- returns: list of strings in names that contains any of the strings -- in patterns (null patterns) or (null names) => names names' := nil for name in reverse names repeat satisfiesRegularExpressions(name,patterns) => names' := [name,:names'] names' filterListOfStringsWithFn(patterns,names,fn) == -- names and patterns are lists of strings -- fn is something like first or second -- returns: list of strings in names that contains any of the strings -- in patterns (null patterns) or (null names) => names names' := nil for name in reverse names repeat satisfiesRegularExpressions(FUNCALL(fn,name),patterns) => names' := [name,:names'] names' satisfiesRegularExpressions(name,patterns) == -- this is a first cut nf := true dname := DOWNCASE copyTree name for pattern in patterns while nf repeat -- use @ as a wildcard STRPOS(pattern,dname,0,'"@") => nf := nil null nf --% )with ... defined in daase.lisp (boot won't parse it) --% )workfiles workfiles l == workfilesSpad2Cmd l workfilesSpad2Cmd args == args => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0047",nil) deleteFlag := nil for [type,:.] in $options repeat type1 := selectOptionLC(type,'(boot lisp delete),nil) null type1 => throwKeyedMsg("S2IZ0048",[type]) type1 is 'delete => deleteFlag := true for [type,:flist] in $options repeat type1 := selectOptionLC(type,'(boot lisp meta delete),nil) type1 is 'delete => nil for file in flist repeat fl := pathname [file,type1,'"*"] deleteFlag => SETQ($sourceFiles,remove($sourceFiles,fl)) null (MAKE_-INPUT_-FILENAME fl) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0035",[namestring fl]) updateSourceFiles fl SAY " " centerAndHighlight(" User-specified work files ",$LINELENGTH,specialChar 'hbar) SAY " " null $sourceFiles => SAY '" no files specified" SETQ($sourceFiles,sortBy(function pathnameType,$sourceFiles)) for fl in $sourceFiles repeat sayBrightly [" " ,namestring fl] --% )zsystemdevelopment zsystemdevelopment l == zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l zsystemDevelopmentSpad2Cmd l == zsystemdevelopment1 (l,$InteractiveMode) zsystemdevelopment1(l,im) == $InteractiveMode : local := im fromopt := nil -- cycle through once to see if )from is mentioned for [opt,:optargs] in $options repeat opt1 := selectOptionLC(opt,'(from),nil) opt1 = 'from => fromopt := [['FROM,:optargs]] for [opt,:optargs] in $options repeat if null optargs then optargs := l newopt := append(optargs,fromopt) opt1 := selectOptionLC(opt,'(from),nil) opt1 is 'from => nil opt is "c" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),nil,nil) opt is "d" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,'DEFINE,nil,nil) opt is "dt" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,'DEFINE,nil,true) opt is "ct" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),nil,true) opt is "ctl" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),nil,'TRACELET) opt is "ec" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),true,nil) opt is "ect" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,_/COMP(),true,true) opt is "e" => _/D_,1 (newopt ,nil,true,nil) opt is "version" => version() opt is "pause" => conStream := DEFIOSTREAM ('((DEVICE . CONSOLE) (QUAL . V)),120,0) NEXT conStream SHUT conStream opt is "update" or opt is "patch" => $InteractiveMode := nil upf := [KAR optargs or _/VERSION, KADR optargs or _/WSNAME, KADDR optargs or '_*] fun := (opt is "patch" => '_/UPDATE_-LIB_-1; '_/UPDATE_-1) CATCH('FILENAM, FUNCALL(fun, upf)) sayMessage '" Update/patch is completed." null optargs => sayBrightly ['" An argument is required for",:bright opt] sayMessage ['" Unknown option:",:bright opt," ",'"%l", '" Available options are", _ :bright '"c ct e ec ect cls pause update patch compare record"] --% Synonym File Reader processSynonyms() == p := findChar(char ")",LINE) fill := '"" if p then line := subString(LINE,p) if p > 0 then fill := subString(LINE,0,p) else p := 0 line := LINE to := findChar(char " ", line,1) if to then to := to - 1 synstr := subString(line, 1, to) syn := STRING2ID_-N (synstr, 1) null (fun := LASSOC (syn, $CommandSynonymAlist)) => nil fun := eval fun -- fun may have been a suspension to := findChar(char ")",fun,1) if to and to ~= #(fun)-1 then opt := strconc('" ",subString(fun,to)) fun := subString(fun,0,to-1) else opt := '" " if # synstr > # fun then for i in (# fun)..(# synstr) repeat fun := strconc (fun, '" ") -- $currentLine := strconc(fill,RPLACSTR(line, 1, # synstr, fun),opt) cl := strconc(fill,RPLACSTR(line, 1, # synstr, fun),opt) SETQ(LINE,cl) SETQ(CHR,LINE.(p+1)) processSynonyms () -- functions for interfacing to system commands from algebra code -- common lisp dependent doSystemCommand string == string := strconc('")", expandLeadingTabs string) LINE: local := string processSynonyms() string := LINE string := subString(string,1) string = '"" => nil tok:=getFirstWord(string) tok => unab := unAbbreviateKeyword tok member(unab, $noParseCommands) => handleNoParseCommands(unab, string) optionList := splitIntoOptionBlocks string member(unab, $tokenCommands) => handleTokensizeSystemCommands(unab, optionList) handleParsedSystemCommands(unab, optionList) nil nil handleNoParseCommands(unab, string) == string := stripSpaces string spaceIndex := findChar(char " ", string) unab is "lisp" => if (null spaceIndex) then sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", nil) nil else nplisp(stripLisp string) unab is "boot" => if (null spaceIndex) then sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", nil) nil else npboot(subSequence(string, spaceIndex+1)) unab is "system" => if (null spaceIndex) then sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", nil) nil else npsystem(unab, string) unab is "synonym" => npsynonym(unab, (null spaceIndex => '""; subSequence(string, spaceIndex+1))) null spaceIndex => FUNCALL unab unab in '( quit _ fin _ pquit _ credits _ copyright ) => sayKeyedMsg("S2IV0005", nil) nil funName := makeSymbol strconc('"np",STRING unab) FUNCALL(funName, subSequence(string, spaceIndex+1)) npboot str == sex := string2BootTree str formatToStdout('"~&~S~%", sex) $ans := eval sex formatToStdout('"~&Value = ~S~%", $ans) stripLisp str == found := false strIndex := 0 lispStr := '"lisp" for c0 in 0..#str-1 for c1 in 0..#lispStr-1 repeat str.c0 ~= lispStr.c1 => return nil strIndex := c0+1 subSequence(str, strIndex) nplisp str == $ans := eval READ_-FROM_-STRING str formatToStdout('"~&Value = ~S~%", $ans) npsystem(unab, str) == spaceIndex := findChar(char " ", str) null spaceIndex => sayKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0080", [str]) sysPart := subSequence(str, 0, spaceIndex) -- The following is a hack required by the fact that unAbbreviateKeyword -- returns the word "system" for unknown words null findString(sysPart, STRING unab) => sayKeyedMsg('"S2IZ0080", [sysPart]) command := subSequence(str, spaceIndex+1) runCommand command npsynonym(unab, str) == npProcessSynonym(str) tokenSystemCommand(unabr, tokList) == systemCommand tokList tokTran tok == string? tok => #tok = 0 => nil isIntegerString tok => READ_-FROM_-STRING tok stringChar(tok,0) = char "_"" => subSequence(tok, 1, #tok-1) makeSymbol tok tok isIntegerString tok == for i in 0..maxIndex tok repeat val := digit? stringChar(tok,i) not val => return nil val splitIntoOptionBlocks str == inString := false optionBlocks := nil blockStart := 0 parenCount := 0 for i in 0..#str-1 repeat str.i = char "_"" => inString := not inString if str.i = char "(" and not inString then parenCount := parenCount + 1 if str.i = char ")" and not inString then parenCount := parenCount - 1 str.i = char ")" and not inString and parenCount = -1 => block := stripSpaces subSequence(str, blockStart, i) blockList := [block, :blockList] blockStart := i+1 parenCount := 0 blockList := [stripSpaces subSequence(str, blockStart), :blockList] reverse! blockList dumbTokenize str == -- split into tokens delimted by spaces, taking quoted strings into account inString := false tokenList := nil tokenStart := 0 previousSpace := false for i in 0..#str-1 repeat stringChar(str,i) = char "_"" => inString := not inString previousSpace := false stringChar(str,i) = char " " and not inString => previousSpace => nil token := stripSpaces subSequence(str, tokenStart, i) tokenList := [token, :tokenList] tokenStart := i+1 previousSpace := true previousSpace := false tokenList := [stripSpaces subSequence(str, tokenStart), :tokenList] reverse! tokenList handleParsedSystemCommands(unabr, optionList) == restOptionList := [dumbTokenize opt for opt in rest optionList] parcmd := [parseSystemCmd first optionList, :[[tokTran tok for tok in opt] for opt in restOptionList]] systemCommand parcmd parseSystemCmd opt == spaceIndex := findChar(char " ", opt) spaceIndex => commandString := stripSpaces subSequence(opt, 0, spaceIndex) argString := stripSpaces subSequence(opt, spaceIndex) command := tokTran commandString pform := parseFromString argString [command, pform] [tokTran tok for tok in dumbTokenize opt] parseFromString(s) == s := next(function ncloopParse, next(function lineoftoks,incString s)) StreamNull s => nil pf2Sex macroExpanded second first s handleTokensizeSystemCommands(unabr, optionList) == optionList := [dumbTokenize opt for opt in optionList] parcmd := [[tokTran tok for tok in opt] for opt in optionList] parcmd => tokenSystemCommand(unabr, parcmd) getFirstWord string == spaceIndex := findChar(char " ", string) null spaceIndex => string stripSpaces subSequence(string, 0, spaceIndex) ltrace l == trace l stripSpaces str == STRING_-TRIM('" ", str) npProcessSynonym(str) == if str = '"" then printSynonyms(nil) else pair := processSynonymLine str if $CommandSynonymAlist then PUTALIST($CommandSynonymAlist,first pair, rest pair) else $CommandSynonymAlist := [pair] terminateSystemCommand()