-- Copyright (C) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import i_-object import ptrees namespace BOOT $useParserSrcPos := NIL $transferParserSrcPos := NIL -- Making Trees mkAtree x == -- maker of attrib tree from parser form mkAtree1 mkAtreeExpandMacros x mkAtreeWithSrcPos(form, posnForm) == posnForm and $useParserSrcPos => pf2Atree(posnForm) transferSrcPosInfo(posnForm, mkAtree form) mkAtree1WithSrcPos(form, posnForm) == transferSrcPosInfo(posnForm, mkAtree1 form) mkAtreeNodeWithSrcPos(form, posnForm) == transferSrcPosInfo(posnForm, mkAtreeNode form) transferSrcPosInfo(pf, atree) == not (pf and $transferParserSrcPos) => atree pos := pfPosOrNopos(pf) pfNoPosition?(pos) => atree -- following is a hack because parser code for getting filename -- seems wrong. fn := lnPlaceOfOrigin poGetLineObject(pos) if null fn or fn = '"strings" then fn := '"console" putSrcPos(atree, fn, pfSourceText(pf), pfLinePosn(pos), pfCharPosn(pos)) atree mkAtreeExpandMacros x == -- handle macro expansion. if the macros have args we require that -- we match the correct number of args if x isnt ["MDEF",:.] and x isnt ["DEF",["macro",:.],:.] then atom x and (m := isInterpMacro x) => [args,:body] := m args => "doNothing" x := body x is [op,:argl] => op = "QUOTE" => "doNothing" op = "where" and argl is [before,after] => -- in a where clause, what follows "where" (the "after" parm -- above) might be a local macro, so do not expand the "before" -- part yet x := [op,before,mkAtreeExpandMacros after] argl := [mkAtreeExpandMacros a for a in argl] (m := isInterpMacro op) => [args,:body] := m #args = #argl => sl := [[a,:s] for a in args for s in argl] x := SUBLISNQ(sl,body) null args => x := [body,:argl] x := [op,:argl] x := [mkAtreeExpandMacros op,:argl] x mkAtree1 x == -- first special handler for making attrib tree null x => throwKeyedMsg("S2IP0005",['"NIL"]) VECP x => x atom x => x in '(%noBranch %noMapVal) => x x in '(nil true false) => mkAtree2([x],x,NIL) x = '_/throwAway => -- don't want to actually compute this tree := mkAtree1 '(void) putValue(tree,objNewWrap(voidValue(),$Void)) putModeSet(tree,[$Void]) tree getBasicMode x => v := mkAtreeNode $immediateDataSymbol putValue(v,getBasicObject x) v IDENTP x => mkAtreeNode x keyedSystemError("S2II0002",[x]) x is [op,:argl] => mkAtree2(x,op,argl) systemErrorHere ["mkAtree1",x] -- mkAtree2 and mkAtree3 were created because mkAtree1 got so big mkAtree2(x,op,argl) == nargl := #argl (op= "-") and (nargl = 1) and (integer? first argl) => mkAtree1(MINUS first argl) op=":" and argl is [y,z] => [mkAtreeNode "Declare",:argl] op="COLLECT" => [mkAtreeNode op,:transformCollect argl] op= "break" => argl is [.,val] => if val = '$NoValue then val := '(void) [mkAtreeNode op,mkAtree1 val] [mkAtreeNode op,mkAtree1 '(void)] op= "return" => argl is [val] => if val = '$NoValue then val := '(void) [mkAtreeNode op,mkAtree1 val] [mkAtreeNode op,mkAtree1 '(void)] op="exit" => mkAtree1 second argl op = "QUOTE" => [mkAtreeNode op,:argl] op="SEGMENT" => argl is [a] => [mkAtreeNode op, mkAtree1 a] z := null argl.1 => nil mkAtree1 argl.1 [mkAtreeNode op, mkAtree1 argl.0,z] op in '(pretend is isnt) => [mkAtreeNode op,mkAtree1 first argl,:rest argl] op = "::" => [mkAtreeNode "COERCE",mkAtree1 first argl,second argl] x is ["@", expr, type] => t := evaluateType unabbrev type t = $DoubleFloat and expr is [['_$elt, =$Float, 'float], :args] => mkAtree1 [['_$elt, $DoubleFloat, 'float], :args] t = $DoubleFloat and integer? expr => v := mkAtreeNode $immediateDataSymbol putValue(v,getBasicObject float expr) v t = $Float and integer? expr => mkAtree1 ["::", expr, t] typeIsASmallInteger(t) and integer? expr => mkAtree1 ["::", expr, t] [mkAtreeNode 'TARGET,mkAtree1 expr, type] (op="case") and (nargl = 2) => [mkAtreeNode "case",mkAtree1 first argl,unabbrev second argl] op="REPEAT" => [mkAtreeNode op,:transformREPEAT argl] op="%LET" and argl is [['construct,:.],rhs] => [mkAtreeNode "%LET",first argl,mkAtree1 rhs] op="%LET" and argl is [[":",a,.],rhs] => mkAtree1 ["SEQ",first argl,["%LET",a,rhs]] op is ['_$elt,D,op1] => op1 is "=" => a' := [mkAtreeNode '_=,:[mkAtree1 arg for arg in argl]] [mkAtreeNode "Dollar",D,a'] [mkAtreeNode "Dollar",D,mkAtree1 [op1,:argl]] op='_$elt => argl is [D,a] => integer? a => a = 0 => mkAtree1 [['_$elt,D,'Zero]] a = 1 => mkAtree1 [['_$elt,D,'One]] t := evaluateType unabbrev [D] typeIsASmallInteger(t) and SINTP a => v := mkAtreeNode $immediateDataSymbol putValue(v,objNewWrap(a, t)) v mkAtree1 ["*",a,[['_$elt,D,'One]]] [mkAtreeNode "Dollar",D,mkAtree1 a] keyedSystemError("S2II0003",['"$",argl, '"not qualifying an operator"]) mkAtree3(x,op,argl) mkAtree3(x,op,argl) == op="REDUCE" and argl is [op1,axis,body] => [mkAtreeNode op,axis,mkAtree1 op1,mkAtree1 body] op="has" => [mkAtreeNode op, :argl] op="|" => [mkAtreeNode "AlgExtension",:[mkAtree1 arg for arg in argl]] op="=" => [mkAtreeNode "equation",:[mkAtree1 arg for arg in argl]] op="not" and argl is [["=",lhs,rhs]] => [mkAtreeNode "not",[mkAtreeNode "=",mkAtree1 lhs,mkAtree1 rhs]] op="in" and argl is [var ,["SEGMENT",lb,ul]] => upTest:= null ul => NIL mkLessOrEqual(var,ul) lowTest:=mkLessOrEqual(lb,var) z := ul => ['and,lowTest,upTest] lowTest mkAtree1 z x is ["IF",p,"%noBranch",a] => mkAtree1 ["IF",["not",p],a,"%noBranch"] x is ["RULEDEF",:.] => [mkAtreeNode "RULEDEF",:rest x] x is ["MDEF",sym,junk1,junk2,val] => -- new macros look like macro f == or macro f(x) === -- so transform into that format mkAtree1 ["DEF",["macro",sym],junk1,junk2,val] x is ["+->",funargs,funbody] => if funbody is [":",body,type] then types := [type] funbody := body else types := [NIL] v := collectDefTypesAndPreds funargs types := [:types,:v.1] [mkAtreeNode "ADEF",[v.0,types,[NIL for a in types],funbody], if v.2 then v.2 else true, false] x is ['ADEF,arg,:r] => r := mkAtreeValueOf r v := null arg => VECTOR(NIL,NIL,NIL) cons? arg and rest arg and first arg ~= "|" => collectDefTypesAndPreds ["tuple",:arg] null rest arg => collectDefTypesAndPreds first arg collectDefTypesAndPreds arg [types,:r'] := r at := [fn(x,y) for x in rest types for y in v.1] r := [[first types,:at],:r'] [mkAtreeNode "ADEF",[v.0,:r],if v.2 then v.2 else true,false] x is ["where",before,after] => [mkAtreeNode "where",before,mkAtree1 after] x is ["DEF",["macro",form],.,.,body] => [mkAtreeNode "MDEF",form,body] x is ["DEF",a,:r] => r := mkAtreeValueOf r a is [op,:arg] => v := null arg => VECTOR(NIL,NIL,NIL) cons? arg and rest arg and first arg ~= "|" => collectDefTypesAndPreds ["tuple",:arg] null rest arg => collectDefTypesAndPreds first arg collectDefTypesAndPreds arg [types,:r'] := r -- see case for ADEF above for defn of fn at := [fn(x,y) for x in rest types for y in v.1] r := [[first types,:at],:r'] [mkAtreeNode 'DEF,[[op,:v.0],:r],if v.2 then v.2 else true,false] [mkAtreeNode 'DEF,[a,:r],true,false] op = "%Match" => [mkAtreeNode op, mkAtree1 first argl, second argl] op="[||]" => [mkAtreeNode op, :argl] op in '(%Inline %With %Add %Export) => [mkAtreeNode op,:argl] --x is ['when,y,pred] => -- y isnt ['DEF,a,:r] => -- keyedSystemError("S2II0003",['"when",y,'"improper argument form"]) -- a is [op,p1,:pr] => -- null pr => mkAtree1 ['DEF,[op,["|",p1,pred]],:r] -- mkAtree1 ['DEF,[op,["|",["tuple",p1,:pr],pred]],:r] -- [mkAtreeNode 'DEF, rest y,pred,false] --x is ['otherwise,u] => -- throwMessage '" otherwise is no longer supported." z := getBasicMode op => v := mkAtreeNode $immediateDataSymbol putValue(v,getBasicObject op) v atom op => t := mkAtreeNode op putAtree(t, 'flagArgsPos, flagArguments(op,#argl)) t mkAtree1 op -- this is a general form handled by modemap selection. Be -- careful not to evaluate arguments that are not meant to. flagArgPos := getFlagArgsPos z [z,:[buildTreeForOperand for y in argl for i in 0..]] where buildTreeForOperand() == flagArgPos and flagArgPos.i > 0 => -- Match old parser normal form. y' := resolveNiladicConstructors y a := mkAtreeNode $immediateDataSymbol m := quasiquote y' putMode(a, m) putValue(a, objNewWrap(MKQ y',m)) putModeSet(a, [m]) a mkAtree1 y where fn(a,b) == a and b => if a = b then a else throwMessage '" double declaration of parameter" a or b ++ Check if op accepts flag arguments. If so, returns a vector whose ++ positive entry indicates that modemaps for `op' takes flag arguments ++ in that position. flagArguments(op, nargs) == v := GETZEROVEC nargs sigs := [signatureFromModemap m for m in getModemapsFromDatabase(op, nargs)] checkCallingConvention(sigs, nargs) ++ Extract the signature of modemap `m'. signatureFromModemap m == [sig,pred,:.] := m pred = true => rest sig car pred = "AND" => sl := [[a,:b] for [.,a,b] in cdr pred] rest SUBLIS(sl,sig) collectDefTypesAndPreds args == -- given an arglist to a DEF-like form, this function returns -- a vector of three things: -- slot 0: just the variables -- slot 1: the type declarations on the variables -- slot 2: a predicate for all arguments pred := types := vars := NIL junk := IDENTP args => types := [NIL] vars := [args] args is [":",var,type] => types := [type] var is ["|",var',p] => vars := [var'] pred := addPred(pred,p) vars := [var] args is ["|",var,p] => pred := addPred(pred,p) var is [":",var',type] => types := [type] vars := [var'] var is ["tuple",:.] or var is ["|",:.] => v := collectDefTypesAndPreds var vars := [:vars,:v.0] types := [:types,:v.1] pred := addPred(pred,v.2) vars := [var] types := [NIL] args is ["tuple",:args'] => for a in args' repeat v := collectDefTypesAndPreds a vars := [:vars,first v.0] types := [:types,first v.1] pred := addPred(pred,v.2) types := [NIL] vars := [args] VECTOR(vars,types,pred) where addPred(old,new) == null new => old null old => new ['and,old,new] mkAtreeValueOf l == -- scans for ['valueOf,atom] not CONTAINED("valueOf",l) => l mkAtreeValueOf1 l mkAtreeValueOf1 l == null l or atom l or null rest l => l l is ["valueOf",u] and IDENTP u => v := mkAtreeNode $immediateDataSymbol putValue(v,get(u,"value",$InteractiveFrame) or objNewWrap(u,['Variable,u])) v [mkAtreeValueOf1 x for x in l] mkLessOrEqual(lhs,rhs) == ["not",["<",rhs,lhs]] atree2EvaluatedTree x == atree2Tree1(x,true) atree2Tree1(x,evalIfTrue) == (triple := getValue x) and objMode(triple) ~= $EmptyMode => coerceOrCroak(triple,$OutputForm,$mapName) isLeaf x => VECP x => x.0 x [atree2Tree1(y,evalIfTrue) for y in x] --% Environment Utilities -- getValueFromEnvironment(x,mode) == -- $failure ~= (v := getValueFromSpecificEnvironment(x,mode,$env)) => v -- $failure ~= (v := getValueFromSpecificEnvironment(x,mode,$e)) => v -- throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0001",[x]) getValueFromEnvironment(x,mode) == $failure ~= (v := getValueFromSpecificEnvironment(x,mode,$env)) => v $failure ~= (v := getValueFromSpecificEnvironment(x,mode,$e)) => v null(v := coerceInt(objNew(x, ['Variable, x]), mode)) => throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0001",[x]) objValUnwrap v getValueFromSpecificEnvironment(id,mode,e) == cons? e => u := get(id,'value,e) => objMode(u) = $EmptyMode => systemErrorHere ["getValueFromSpecificEnvironment",id] v := objValUnwrap u mode isnt ['Mapping,:mapSig] => v v isnt ["%Map",:.] => v v' := coerceInt(u,mode) null v' => throwKeyedMsg("S2IC0002",[objMode u,mode]) objValUnwrap v' m := get(id,'mode,e) => -- See if we can make it into declared mode from symbolic form -- For example, (x : P[x] I; x + 1) if isPartialMode(m) then m' := resolveTM(['Variable,id],m) else m' := m m' and (u := coerceInteractive(objNewWrap(id,['Variable,id]),m')) => objValUnwrap u throwKeyedMsg("S2IE0002",[id,m]) $failure $failure getFlag x == get("--flags--",x,$e) putFlag(flag,value) == $e := put ("--flags--", flag, value, $e) getI(x,prop) == get(x,prop,$InteractiveFrame) putI(x,prop,val) == ($InteractiveFrame := put(x,prop,val,$InteractiveFrame)) getIProplist x == getProplist(x,$InteractiveFrame) removeBindingI x == RPLAC(CAAR $InteractiveFrame,deleteAssocWOC(x,CAAR $InteractiveFrame)) rempropI(x,prop) == id:= atom x => x first x getI(id,prop) => recordNewValue(id,prop,NIL) recordOldValue(id,prop,getI(id,prop)) $InteractiveFrame:= remprop(id,prop,$InteractiveFrame) remprop(x,prop,e) == u:= assoc(prop,pl:= getProplist(x,e)) => e:= addBinding(x,DELASC(first u,pl),e) e e fastSearchCurrentEnv(x,currentEnv) == u:= QLASSQ(x,first currentEnv) => u while (currentEnv:= QCDR currentEnv) repeat u:= QLASSQ(x,first currentEnv) => u transformCollect [:itrl,body] == -- syntactic transformation for COLLECT form, called from mkAtree1 iterList:=[:iterTran1 for it in itrl] where iterTran1() == it is ["STEP",index,lower,step,:upperList] => [["STEP",index,mkAtree1 lower,mkAtree1 step,:[mkAtree1 upper for upper in upperList]]] it is ["IN",index,s] => [["IN",index,mkAtree1 s]] it is ["ON",index,s] => [['IN,index,mkAtree1 ['tails,s]]] it is ["WHILE",b] => [["WHILE",mkAtree1 b]] it is ["|",pred] => [["SUCHTHAT",mkAtree1 pred]] it is ["UNTIL",:.] => nil throwKeyedMsg("S2IS0061",nil) bodyTree:=mkAtree1 body iterList:=nconc(iterList,[:iterTran2 for it in itrl]) where iterTran2() == it is ["STEP",:.] => nil it is ["IN",:.] => nil it is ["ON",:.] => nil it is ["WHILE",:.] => nil it is ["UNTIL",b] => [["UNTIL",mkAtree1 b]] it is ["|",pred] => nil [:iterList,bodyTree] --% ++ Make a VAT for the symbol `x' and collect all known information ++ about `x' in the current environment into the new VAT. ++ Note: This routine is used in the algebra interface to the interpreter. mkAtreeForToken: %Symbol -> %Shell mkAtreeForToken x == t := mkAtreeNode x transferPropsToNode(x,t)