-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import ht_-util namespace BOOT $historyDisplayWidth := 120 $newline := char 10 downlink page == $saturn => downlinkSaturn page htInitPage('"Bridge",nil) htSay('"\replacepage{", page, '"}") htShowPage() downlinkSaturn fn == u := dbReadLines(fn) lines := '"" while u is [line,:u] repeat n := MAXINDEX line n < 1 => nil line.0 = (char '_%) => nil lines := STRCONC(lines,line) issueHTSaturn lines dbNonEmptyPattern pattern == null pattern => '"*" pattern := STRINGIMAGE pattern #pattern > 0 => pattern '"*" htSystemVariables() == main where main() == not $fullScreenSysVars => htSetVars() classlevel := $UserLevel $levels : local := '(compiler development interpreter) $heading : local := nil while classlevel ~= first $levels repeat $levels := rest $levels table := nreverse fn($setOptions,nil,true) htInitPage('"System Variables",nil) htSay '"\beginmenu" lastHeading := nil for [heading,name,message,.,key,variable,options,func] in table repeat htSay('"\newline\item ") if heading = lastHeading then htSay '"\tab{8}" else htSay(heading,'"\tab{8}") lastHeading := heading htSay('"{\em ",name,"}\tab{22}",message) htSay('"\tab{80}") key = 'FUNCTION => null options => htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"reset",'"",func,nil]]] [msg,class,var,valuesOrFunction,:.] := first options --skip first message functionTail(name,class,var,valuesOrFunction) for option in rest options repeat option is ['break,:.] => 'skip [msg,class,var,valuesOrFunction,:.] := option htSay('"\newline\tab{22}", msg,'"\tab{80}") functionTail(name,class,var,valuesOrFunction) val := eval variable displayOptions(name,key,variable,val,options) htSay '"\endmenu" htShowPage() where functionTail(name,class,var,valuesOrFunction) == val := eval var atom valuesOrFunction => htMakePage '((domainConditions (isDomain STR (String)))) htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"reset",'"",'htSetSystemVariableKind,[var,name,nil]]]] htMakePage [['bcStrings,[30,STRINGIMAGE val,name,valuesOrFunction]]] displayOptions(name,class,var,val,valuesOrFunction) displayOptions(name,class,variable,val,options) == class = 'INTEGER => htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,[[['text,options.0,'"-",options.1 or '""]],'"",'htSetSystemVariableKind,[variable,name,'PARSE_-INTEGER]]]] htMakePage '((domainConditions (isDomain INT (Integer)))) htMakePage [['bcStrings,[5,STRINGIMAGE val,name,'INT]]] class = 'STRING => htSay('"{\em ",val,'"}\space{1}") for x in options repeat val = x or val = true and x = 'on or null val and x = 'off => htSay('"{\em ",x,'"}\space{1}") htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,[x,'" ",'htSetSystemVariable,[variable,x]]]] fn(t,al,firstTime) == atom t => al if firstTime then $heading := opOf first t fn(rest t,gn(first t,al),firstTime) gn(t,al) == [.,.,class,key,.,options,:.] := t not MEMQ(class,$levels) => al key = 'LITERALS or key = 'INTEGER or key = 'STRING => [[$heading,:t],:al] key = 'TREE => fn(options,al,false) key = 'FUNCTION => [[$heading,:t],:al] systemError key htSetSystemVariableKind(htPage,[variable,name,fun]) == value := htpLabelInputString(htPage,name) if string? value and fun then value := FUNCALL(fun,value) --SCM::what to do??? if not FIXP value then userError ??? setDynamicBinding(variable,value) htSystemVariables () htSetSystemVariable(htPage,[name,value]) == value := value = 'on => true value = 'off => nil value setDynamicBinding(name,value) htSystemVariables () htGloss(pattern) == htGlossPage(nil,dbNonEmptyPattern pattern or '"*",true) htGlossPage(htPage,pattern,tryAgain?) == $wildCard: local := char '_* pattern = '"*" => downlink 'GlossaryPage filter := pmTransFilter pattern grepForm := mkGrepPattern(filter,'none) $key: local := 'none results := applyGrep(grepForm,'gloss) defstream := MAKE_-INSTREAM STRCONC(systemRootDirectory(),'"doc/glossdef.text") lines := gatherGlossLines(results,defstream) -- removeFile pathname --SHUT instream heading := pattern = '"" => '"Glossary" null lines => ['"No glossary items match {\em ",pattern,'"}"] ['"Glossary items matching {\em ",pattern,'"}"] null lines => tryAgain? and #pattern > 0 => (pattern.(k := MAXINDEX(pattern))) = char 's => htGlossPage(htPage,SUBSTRING(pattern,0,k),true) UPPER_-CASE_-P pattern.0 => htGlossPage(htPage,DOWNCASE pattern,false) errorPage(htPage,['"Sorry",nil,['"\centerline{",:heading,'"}"]]) errorPage(htPage,['"Sorry",nil,['"\centerline{",:heading,'"}"]]) htInitPageNoScroll(nil,heading) htSay('"\beginscroll\beginmenu") for line in lines repeat tick := charPosition($tick,line,1) htSay('"\item{\em \menuitemstyle{}}\tab{0}{\em ",escapeString SUBSTRING(line,0,tick),'"} ",SUBSTRING(line,tick + 1,nil)) htSay '"\endmenu " htSay '"\endscroll\newline " htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"Search",'"",'htGlossSearch,nil]]] htSay '" for glossary entry matching " htMakePage [['bcStrings, [24,'"*",'filter,'EM]]] htShowPageNoScroll() gatherGlossLines(results,defstream) == acc := nil for keyline in results repeat --keyline := READLINE instream n := charPosition($tick,keyline,0) keyAndTick := SUBSTRING(keyline,0,n + 1) byteAddress := string2Integer SUBSTRING(keyline,n + 1,nil) FILE_-POSITION(defstream,byteAddress) line := READLINE defstream k := charPosition($tick,line,1) pointer := SUBSTRING(line,0,k) def := SUBSTRING(line,k + 1,nil) xtralines := nil while not EOFP defstream and (x := READLINE defstream) and (j := charPosition($tick,x,1)) and (nextPointer := SUBSTRING(x,0,j)) and (nextPointer = pointer) repeat xtralines := [SUBSTRING(x,j + 1,nil),:xtralines] acc := [STRCONC(keyAndTick,def, "STRCONC"/nreverse xtralines),:acc] reverse acc htGlossSearch(htPage,junk) == htGloss htpLabelInputString(htPage,'filter) htGreekSearch(filter) == ss := dbNonEmptyPattern filter s := pmTransFilter ss s is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage s not s => errorPage(nil,[['"Missing search string"],nil, '"\vspace{2}\centerline{To select one of the greek letters:}\newline ", '"\centerline{{\em first} enter a search key into the input area}\newline ", '"\centerline{{\em then } move the mouse cursor to the work {\em search} and click}"]) filter := patternCheck s names := '(alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu nu pi) for x in names repeat superMatch?(filter,PNAME x) => matches := [x,:matches] nonmatches := [x,:nonmatches] matches := nreverse matches nonmatches := nreverse nonmatches htInitPage('"Greek Names",nil) null matches => htInitPage(['"Greek names matching search string {\em ",ss,'"}"],nil) htSay("\vspace{2}\centerline{Sorry, but no greek letters match your search string}\centerline{{\em ",ss,"}}\centerline{Click on the up-arrow to try again}") htShowPage() htInitPage(['"Greek letters matching search string {\em ",ss,'"}"],nil) if nonmatches then htSay('"The greek letters that {\em match} your search string {\em ",ss,'"}:") else htSay('"Your search string {\em ",ss,"} matches all of the greek letters:") htSay('"{\em \table{") for x in matches repeat htSay('"{",x,'"}") htSay('"}}\vspace{1}") if nonmatches then htSay('"The greek letters that {\em do not match} your search string:{\em \table{") for x in nonmatches repeat htSay('"{",x,'"}") htSay('"}}") htShowPage() htTextSearch(filter) == s := pmTransFilter dbNonEmptyPattern filter s is ['error,:.] => bcErrorPage s not s => errorPage(nil,[['"Missing search string"],nil, '"\vspace{2}\centerline{To select one of the lines of text:}\newline ", '"\centerline{{\em first} enter a search key into the input area}\newline ", '"\centerline{{\em then } move the mouse cursor to the work {\em search} and click}"]) filter := s lines := ['"{{\em Fruit flies} *like* a {\em banana and califlower ears.}}", '"{{\em Sneak Sears Silas with Savings Snatch}}"] for x in lines repeat superMatch?(filter,x) => matches := [x,:matches] nonmatches := [x,:nonmatches] matches := nreverse matches nonmatches := nreverse nonmatches htInitPage('"Text Matches",nil) null matches => htInitPage(['"Lines matching search string {\em ",s,'"}"],nil) htSay("\vspace{2}\centerline{Sorry, but no lines match your search string}\centerline{{\em ",s,"}}\centerline{Click on the up-arrow to try again}") htShowPage() htInitPage(['"Lines matching search string {\em ",s,'"}"],nil) if nonmatches then htSay('"The lines that {\em match} your search string {\em ",s,'"}:") else htSay('"Your search string {\em ",s,"} matches both lines:") htSay('"{\em \table{") for x in matches repeat htSay('"{",x,'"}") htSay('"}}\vspace{1}") if nonmatches then htSay('"The line that {\em does not match} your search string:{\em \table{") for x in nonmatches repeat htSay('"{",x,'"}") htSay('"}}") htShowPage() htTutorialSearch pattern == s := dbNonEmptyPattern pattern or return errorPage(nil,['"Empty search key",nil,'"\vspace{3}\centerline{You must enter some search string"]) s := mkUnixPattern s source := '"$AXIOM/share/hypertex/pages/ht.db" target :='"/tmp/temp.text.$SPADNUM" runCommand STRCONC('"$AXIOM/lib/hthits",'" _"",s,'"_" ",source,'" > ",target) lines := dbReadLines 'temp htInitPageNoScroll(nil,['"Tutorial Pages mentioning {\em ",pattern,'"}"]) htSay('"\beginscroll\table{") for line in lines repeat [name,title,.] := dbParts(line,3,0) htSay ['"{\downlink{",title,'"}{",name,'"}}"] htSay '"}" htShowPage() mkUnixPattern s == u := mkUpDownPattern s starPositions := reverse [i for i in 1..(-1 + MAXINDEX u) | u.i = $wild] for i in starPositions repeat u := STRCONC(SUBSTRING(u,0,i),'".*",SUBSTRING(u,i + 1,nil)) if u.0 ~= $wild then u := STRCONC('"[^a-zA-Z]",u) else u := SUBSTRING(u,1,nil) if u.(k := MAXINDEX u) ~= $wild then u := STRCONC(u,'"[^a-zA-Z]") else u := SUBSTRING(u,0,k) u