-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import macros import g_-util namespace BOOT --% Code instrumentation facilities -- These functions can be used with arbitrary lists of -- named stats (listofnames) grouped in classes (listofclasses) -- and with measurement types (property, classproperty). printTimeIfTrue := false $printStorageIfTrue := false printNamedStatsByProperty(listofnames, prop) == total := +/[property(name,prop) for [name,:.] in listofnames] for [name,:.] in listofnames repeat n := property(name, prop) strname := symbolName name strval := toString n sayBrightly concat(bright strname, fillerSpaces(70-#strname-#strval,char "."),bright strval) sayBrightly bright fillerSpaces(72,char "-") sayBrightly concat(bright '"Total", fillerSpaces(65-# toString total,char "."),bright toString total) makeLongStatStringByProperty _ (listofnames, listofclasses, prop, classprop, units, flag) == total := 0 str := '"" otherStatTotal := property('other, prop) for [name,class,:ab] in listofnames repeat name = 'other => 'iterate cl := first LASSOC(class,listofclasses) n := property(name, prop) property(cl,classprop) := n + property(cl,classprop) total := total + n if n >= 0.01 then timestr := normalizeStatAndStringify n else timestr := '"" otherStatTotal := otherStatTotal + n str := makeStatString(str,timestr,ab,flag) otherStatTotal := otherStatTotal property('other, prop) := otherStatTotal if otherStatTotal > 0 then str := makeStatString(str,normalizeStatAndStringify otherStatTotal,'O,flag) total := total + otherStatTotal cl := first symbolTarget('other,listofnames) cl := first LASSOC(cl,listofclasses) property(cl,classprop) := otherStatTotal + property(cl,classprop) if flag ~= 'long then total := 0 str := '"" for [class,name,:ab] in listofclasses repeat n := property(name, classprop) n = 0.0 => 'iterate total := total + n timestr := normalizeStatAndStringify n str := makeStatString(str,timestr,ab,flag) total := strconc(normalizeStatAndStringify total,'" ", units) str = '"" => total strconc(str, '" = ", total) normalizeStatAndStringify t == RNUMP t => t := roundStat t t = 0.0 => '"0" FORMAT(nil,'"~,2F",t) integer? t => K := 1024 M := K*K t > 9*M => strconc(toString((t + 512*K) quo M), '"M") t > 9*K => strconc(toString((t + 512) quo K), '"K") toString t STRINGIMAGE t significantStat t == RNUMP t => (t > 0.01) integer? t => (t > 100) true roundStat t == not RNUMP t => t QUOTIENT(FIX (0.5 + t * 1000.0), 1000.0) makeStatString(oldstr,time,abb,flag) == time = '"" => oldstr opening := (flag = 'long => '"("; '" (") oldstr = '"" => strconc(time,opening,abb,'")") strconc(oldstr,'" + ",time,opening,abb,'")") peekTimedName() == IFCAR $timedNameStack popTimedName() == name := IFCAR $timedNameStack $timedNameStack := IFCDR $timedNameStack name pushTimedName name == PUSH(name,$timedNameStack) --currentlyTimedName() == first $timedNameStack startTimingProcess name == updateTimedName peekTimedName() pushTimedName name if name = 'load then statRecordLoadEvent() stopTimingProcess name == (name ~= peekTimedName()) and not $InteractiveMode => keyedSystemError("S2GL0015",[name,peekTimedName()]) updateTimedName peekTimedName() popTimedName() --% Instrumentation specific to the interpreter $oldElapsedSpace := 0 $oldElapsedGCTime := 0.0 $oldElapsedTime := 0.0 $gcTimeTotal := 0.0 -- $timedNameStack is used to hold the names of sections of the -- code being timed. $timedNameStack := '(other) $interpreterTimedNames == '( -- name class abbrev (algebra 2 . B) _ (analysis 1 . A) _ (coercion 1 . C) _ (compilation 3 . T) _ (debug 3 . D) _ (evaluation 2 . E) _ (gc 4 . G) _ (history 3 . H) _ (instantiation 3 . I) _ (load 3 . L) _ (modemaps 1 . M) _ (optimization 3 . Z) _ (querycoerce 1 . Q) _ (other 3 . O) _ (diskread 3 . K) _ (print 3 . P) _ (resolve 1 . R) _ ) $interpreterTimedClasses == '( -- number class name short name ( 1 interpreter . IN) _ ( 2 evaluation . EV) _ ( 3 other . OT) _ ( 4 reclaim . GC) _ ) initializeTimedNames(listofnames,listofclasses) == for [name,:.] in listofnames repeat property(name, 'TimeTotal) := 0.0 property(name, 'SpaceTotal) := 0 for [.,name,:.] in listofclasses repeat property(name, 'ClassTimeTotal) := 0.0 property(name, 'ClassSpaceTotal) := 0 $timedNameStack := '(other) computeElapsedTime() property('gc, 'TimeTotal) := 0.0 property('gc, 'SpaceTotal) := 0 nil updateTimedName name == count := (property(name,'TimeTotal) or 0) + computeElapsedTime() property(name,'TimeTotal) := count printNamedStats listofnames == printNamedStatsByProperty(listofnames, 'TimeTotal) sayBrightly '" " sayBrightly '"Space (in bytes):" printNamedStatsByProperty(listofnames, 'SpaceTotal) makeLongTimeString(listofnames,listofclasses) == makeLongStatStringByProperty(listofnames, listofclasses, _ 'TimeTotal, 'ClassTimeTotal, _ '"sec", $printTimeIfTrue) makeLongSpaceString(listofnames,listofclasses) == makeLongStatStringByProperty(listofnames, listofclasses, _ 'SpaceTotal, 'ClassSpaceTotal, _ '"bytes", $printStorageIfTrue) computeElapsedTime() == -- in total time lists, first is VIRTCPU and second is TOTCPU currentTime:= elapsedUserTime() currentGCTime:= elapsedGcTime() gcDelta := currentGCTime - $oldElapsedGCTime elapsedSeconds:= 1.* (currentTime-$oldElapsedTime-gcDelta)/$timerTicksPerSecond property('gc, 'TimeTotal) := property('gc,'TimeTotal) + 1.*QUOTIENT(gcDelta,$timerTicksPerSecond) $oldElapsedTime := elapsedUserTime() $oldElapsedGCTime := elapsedGcTime() elapsedSeconds computeElapsedSpace() == currentElapsedSpace := HEAPELAPSED() elapsedBytes := currentElapsedSpace - $oldElapsedSpace $oldElapsedSpace := currentElapsedSpace elapsedBytes timedAlgebraEvaluation(code) == startTimingProcess 'algebra r := eval code stopTimingProcess 'algebra r timedOptimization(code) == startTimingProcess 'optimization $getDomainCode : local := nil r := simplifyVMForm code if $reportOptimization then sayBrightlyI bright '"Optimized intermediate code:" pp r stopTimingProcess 'optimization r timedEVALFUN(code) == startTimingProcess 'evaluation r := timedEvaluate code stopTimingProcess 'evaluation r timedEvaluate code == code is ['%list,:a] and #a > 200 => "append"/[eval ['%list,:x] for x in splitIntoBlocksOf200 a] eval code displayHeapStatsIfWanted() == $printStorageIfTrue => sayBrightly OLDHEAPSTATS() --EVALANDFILEACTQ( -- PUTGCEXIT function displayHeapStatsIfWanted ) --% stubs for the stats summary fns statRecordInstantiationEvent() == nil statRecordLoadEvent() == nil statisticsSummary() == '"No statistics available."