-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import g_-util namespace BOOT --% $optimizableConstructorNames := $SystemInlinableConstructorNames ++ Return true if the domain `dom' is an instance of a functor ++ that has been nominated for inlining. optimizableDomain? dom == symbolMember?(opOf dom,$optimizableConstructorNames) ++ Register the domain `dom' for inlining. nominateForInlining dom == $optimizableConstructorNames := [opOf dom,:$optimizableConstructorNames] --% ++ return the template of the instantiating functor for ++ the domain form `dom'. getDomainTemplate dom == dom isnt [.,:.] => nil getInfovec first dom ++ Emit code for an indirect call to domain-wide Spad function. ++ This is usually the case for exported functions. emitIndirectCall(fn,args,x) == x.first := "SPADCALL" fn.first := '%tref x.rest := [:args,fn] x --% OPTIMIZER ++ Change (%LET id expr) to (%store id expr) if `id' is being ++ updated as opposed to being defined. `vars' is the list of ++ all variable definitions in scope. changeVariableDefinitionToStore(form,vars) == atomic? form or form.op is 'CLOSEDFN => vars form is ['%LET,v,expr] => vars := changeVariableDefinitionToStore(expr,vars) if symbolMember?(v,vars) then form.op := '%store else vars := [v,:vars] vars form.op is '%when => for clause in form.args repeat -- variable defined in clause predicates are visible -- in subsequent predicates vars := changeVariableDefinitionToStore(first clause,vars) -- but those defined in branches are local. changeVariableDefinitionToStore(rest clause,vars) vars -- local bindings are, well, local. form.op in '(%bind LET) => vars' := vars for [v,init] in second form repeat vars' := changeVariableDefinitionToStore(init,vars') vars' := [v,:vars'] changeVariableDefinitionToStore(third form,vars') vars abstractionOperator? form.op => changeVariableDefinitionToStore(form.absBody,[:form.absParms,:vars]) vars form is ['SEQ,:stmts,['EXIT,val]] => for s in stmts repeat vars := changeVariableDefinitionToStore(s,vars) changeVariableDefinitionToStore(val,vars) for x in form repeat vars := changeVariableDefinitionToStore(x,vars) vars ++ Return true if `x' contains control transfer to a point outside itself. jumpToToplevel? x == atomic? x => false op := x.op op is 'SEQ => CONTAINED('%leave,x.args) -- FIXME: what about GO? op in '(EXIT %leave) => true or/[jumpToToplevel? x' for x' in x] ++ Return true if `form' is just one assignment expression. nonExitingSingleAssignment? form == form is ['%LET,.,rhs] and not CONTAINED('%LET,rhs) and not jumpToToplevel? rhs ++ Turns `form' into a `%bind'-expression if it starts with a ++ a sequence of first-time variable definitions. groupVariableDefinitions form == atomic? form => form form.op is '%when => -- FIXME: we should not be generating store-modifying predicates for clause in form.args while not CONTAINED('%LET, first clause) repeat second(clause) := groupVariableDefinitions second clause form form is ['%labelled,tag,expr] => [form.op,tag,groupVariableDefinitions expr] form is ['%bind,inits,expr] => [form.op,inits,groupVariableDefinitions expr] form is ['%lambda,:.] => [form.absKind,form.absParms,groupVariableDefinitions form.absBody] form is ['%loop,:iters,body,val] => [form.op,:iters,groupVariableDefinitions body,val] form isnt ['SEQ,:stmts,['EXIT,val]] => form defs := nil for x in stmts while nonExitingSingleAssignment? x repeat defs := [x.args,:defs] defs = nil or jumpToToplevel? defs => form stmts := drop(#defs,stmts) expr := stmts = nil => val ['SEQ,:stmts,['EXIT,val]] ['%bind,reverse! defs,expr] optimizeFunctionDef(def) == if $reportOptimization then sayBrightlyI bright '"Original LISP code:" pp def def' := simplifyVMForm copyTree def if $reportOptimization then sayBrightlyI bright '"Intermediate VM code:" pp def' [name,[slamOrLam,args,body]] := def' body' := removeTopLevelLabel body where removeTopLevelLabel body == body is ['%labelled,g,u] => removeTopLevelLabel replaceLeaveByReturn(u,g) body replaceLeaveByReturn(x,g) == fn(x,g) x fn(x,g) == x is ['%leave,=g,:u] => x.first := "RETURN" x.rest := replaceLeaveByReturn(u,g) x isnt [.,:.] => nil replaceLeaveByReturn(first x,g) replaceLeaveByReturn(rest x,g) [name,[slamOrLam,args,body']] resetTo(x,y) == y isnt [.,:.] => x := y sameObject?(x,y) => x x.first := y.first x.rest := y.rest x ++ Simplify the VM form `x' simplifyVMForm x == x is '%icst0 => 0 x is '%icst1 => 1 atomic? x => x x.op is 'CLOSEDFN => x x.op isnt [.,:.] => symbol? x.op and abstractionOperator? x.op => x.absBody := simplifyVMForm x.absBody changeVariableDefinitionToStore(x.absBody,x.absParms) x.absBody := groupVariableDefinitions x.absBody x if x.op is 'IF then resetTo(x,optIF2COND x) for args in tails x.args repeat args.first := simplifyVMForm first args opt := subrname x.op has OPTIMIZE => resetTo(x,FUNCALL(opt,x)) x for xs in tails x repeat xs.first := simplifyVMForm first xs x subrname u == ident? u => u COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P u or MBPIP u => BPINAME u nil changeLeaveToExit(s,g) == s isnt [.,:.] or s.op in '(QUOTE SEQ REPEAT COLLECT %collect %loop) => nil s is ['%leave, =g,:u] => (s.first := "EXIT"; s.rest := u) changeLeaveToExit(first s,g) changeLeaveToExit(rest s,g) hasNoLeave(a,g) == a is ['%leave, =g,:.] => false a isnt [.,:.] => true hasNoLeave(first a,g) and hasNoLeave(rest a,g) changeLeaveToGo(s,g) == s isnt [.,:.] or s.op is 'QUOTE => nil s is ['%leave, =g,u] => changeLeaveToGo(u,g) s.first := "PROGN" s.rest := [["%LET",second g,u],["GO",second g]] changeLeaveToGo(first s,g) changeLeaveToGo(rest s,g) ++ Change any `(%leave tag (%return expr))' in x to just ++ `(%return expr) since a %return-expression transfers control ++ out of the function body anyway. Similarly, transform ++ reudant `('%leave tag (%leave tag expr))' to `(%leave tag expr)'. removeNeedlessLeave x == atomic? x => x x is ['%leave,.,y] and y is ['%return,:.] => removeNeedlessLeave third y x.op := y.op x.args := y.args x is ['%leave,g,y] and y is ['%leave,=g,z] => removeNeedlessLeave z second(x.args) := z for x' in x repeat removeNeedlessLeave x' optLabelled (x is ['%labelled,g,a]) == a isnt [.,:.] => a removeNeedlessLeave a if a is ["SEQ",:s,['%leave,=g,u]] then changeLeaveToExit(s,g) a.rest := [:s,["EXIT",u]] a := simplifyVMForm a if hasNoLeave(a,g) then resetTo(x,a) else changeLeaveToGo(a,g) x.first := "SEQ" x.rest := [["EXIT",a],second g,["EXIT",second g]] x optSPADCALL(form is ['SPADCALL,:argl]) == not $InteractiveMode => form -- last arg is function/env, but may be a form argl is [:argl,fun] and fun is ["ELT",dom,slot] => optCall ['%call,['ELT,dom,slot],:argl] form ++ Inline a call with arguments `args' to a simple function with ++ parameter-list `parms' and body `body'. doInlineCall(args,parms,body) == -- 1. almost constant functions are easy parms = nil => body -- 2. identity functions too parms is [=body] => first args -- 3. We know that the body is essentially side-effect-free (at best) -- or simple expression (at worst.) The issue is whether it is -- OK to directly substitute the arguments which may be -- arbitrary expressions. The ideal semantics calls for introducting -- a (fresh) temporary to hold the values of the argument expressions. -- We attempt to short-circuit the native evaluation as follows: -- a. side-effect-free arguments go by themselves. -- b. Simple expression arguments go by themselves as long as -- the corresponding parameter is used linearly in the body. -- c. Others get evaluated to temporaries. tmps := nil -- list of temporaries inits := nil -- list of local bindings subst := nil -- arguments substitution. for arg in args for parm in parms repeat g := gensym() tmps := [g,:tmps] n := numOfOccurencesOf(parm,body) atomic? arg or (sideEffectFree? arg and n < 2) or n = 1 => subst := [[g,:arg],:subst] inits := [[g,arg],:inits] -- 4. Alpha-rename the body and substitute simple expression arguments. body := applySubst(pairList(parms,reverse! tmps),body) body := applySubst!(subst,body) -- 5. Deliver. inits = nil => body ['%bind,reverse! inits,body] optCall (x is ['%call,:u]) == u is [['XLAM,vars,body],:args] => vars isnt [.,:.] => body #vars > #args => systemErrorHere ['optCall,x] resetTo(x,doInlineCall(args,vars,body)) [fn,:a] := u fn isnt [.,:.] => opt := fn has OPTIMIZE => resetTo(x,FUNCALL(opt,u)) resetTo(x,u) fn is ['applyFun,name] => x.first := 'SPADCALL x.rest := [:a,name] x fn is ['%pair,['%function,op],env] => x.first := op x.rest := [:a,env] x fn is ['%function,op] => x.first := op x.rest := a x fn is [q,R,n] and q in '(ELT CONST) => q is 'CONST => ['spadConstant,R,n] emitIndirectCall(fn,a,x) systemErrorHere ['optCall,x] optCons (x is ["CONS",a,b]) == a is "NIL" => b is 'NIL => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := ['NIL,:'NIL]; x) b is ['QUOTE,:c] => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := ['NIL,:c]; x) x a is ['QUOTE,a'] => b is 'NIL => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := [a',:'NIL]; x) b is ['QUOTE,:c] => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := [a',:c]; x) x x optCond (x is ['%when,:l]) == l is [['%true,c],:.] => c l is [['%false,.],:.] => optCond ['%when,:rest l] l is [['%otherwise,c]] => c if l is [a,[aa,b]] and aa is '%otherwise and b is ['%when,:c] then x.rest.rest := c if l is [[p1,:c1],[p2,:c2],:.] then if (p1 is ['%not,=p2]) or (p2 is ['%not,=p1]) then l:=[[p1,:c1],['%otherwise,:c2]] x.rest := l c1 is ['NIL] and p2 is '%otherwise and first c2 is '%otherwise => return optNot ['%not,p1] l is [[p1,['%when,[p2,c2]]]] => optCond ['%when,[['%and,p1,p2],c2]] l is [[p1,c1],['%otherwise,'%false]] => optAnd ['%and,p1,c1] l is [[p1,c1],['%otherwise,'%true]] => optOr ['%or,optNot ['%not,p1],c1] l is [[p1,'%false],['%otherwise,c2]] => optAnd ['%and,optNot ['%not,p1],c2] l is [[p1,'%true],['%otherwise,c2]] => optOr ['%or,p1,c2] l is [[p1,:c1],[p2,:c2],[p3,:c3]] and p3 is '%otherwise => EqualBarGensym(c1,c3) => optCond ['%when,[['%or,p1,optNot ['%not,p2]],:c1],['%otherwise,:c2]] EqualBarGensym(c1,c2) => optCond ['%when,[['%or,p1,p2],:c1],['%otherwise,:c3]] x for y in tails l repeat while y is [[a1,c1],[a2,c2],:y'] and EqualBarGensym(c1,c2) repeat a := ['%or,a1,a2] first(y).first := a y.rest := y' x AssocBarGensym(key,l) == for x in l repeat cons? x => EqualBarGensym(key,first x) => return x EqualBarGensym(x,y) == $GensymAssoc: local := nil fn(x,y) where fn(x,y) == x=y => true GENSYMP x and GENSYMP y => z:= assoc(x,$GensymAssoc) => y=rest z $GensymAssoc:= [[x,:y],:$GensymAssoc] true null x => y is [g] and GENSYMP g null y => x is [g] and GENSYMP g x isnt [.,:.] or y isnt [.,:.] => false fn(first x,first y) and fn(rest x,rest y) --Called early, to change IF to conditional form optIF2COND ["IF",a,b,c] == b is "%noBranch" => ['%when,[['%not,a],c]] c is "%noBranch" => ['%when,[a,b]] c is ["IF",:.] => ['%when,[a,b],:rest optIF2COND c] c is ['%when,:p] => ['%when,[a,b],:p] ['%when,[a,b],['%otherwise,c]] ++ Determine whether the symbol `g' is the name of a temporary that ++ can be replaced in the form `x', if it is of linear usage and not ++ the name of a program point. The latter occurs when %leave forms ++ are changed to %LET form followed by a GO form -- see optLabelled. replaceableTemporary?(g,x) == gensym? g and numOfOccurencesOf(g,x) < 2 and not jumpTarget?(g,x) where jumpTarget?(g,x) == atomic? x => false x is ['GO,=g] => true or/[jumpTarget?(g,x') for x' in x] optSEQ ["SEQ",:l] == tryToRemoveSEQ SEQToCOND getRidOfTemps splicePROGN l where splicePROGN l == atomic? l => l l is [["PROGN",:stmts],:l'] => [:stmts,:l'] l.rest := splicePROGN rest l getRidOfTemps l == null l => nil l is [["%LET",g,x],:r] and replaceableTemporary?(g,r) => getRidOfTemps substitute(x,g,r) first l is "/throwAway" => getRidOfTemps rest l --this gets rid of unwanted labels generated by declarations in SEQs [first l,:getRidOfTemps rest l] SEQToCOND l == transform:= [[a,b] for x in l while (x is ['%when,[a,["EXIT",b]]])] before:= take(#transform,l) aft:= after(l,before) null before => ["SEQ",:aft] null aft => ['%when,:transform,'(%otherwise (conderr))] optCond ['%when,:transform,['%otherwise,optSEQ ["SEQ",:aft]]] tryToRemoveSEQ l == l is ["SEQ",[op,a]] and op in '(EXIT RETURN %leave %return) => a l optSuchthat [.,:u] == ["SUCHTHAT",:u] ++ List of VM side effect free operators. $VMsideEffectFreeOperators == '(SPADfirst ASH FLOAT FLOAT_-SIGN %function %nullStream %nonNullStream %funcall %nothing %when %false %true %otherwise %2bit %2bool %and %or %not %peq %ieq %ilt %ile %igt %ige %head %tail %integer? %beq %blt %ble %bgt %bge %bitand %bitior %bitxor %bitnot %bcompl %ilength %ibit %icst0 %icst1 %icstmin %icstmax %imul %iadd %isub %igcd %ilcm %ipow %imin %imax %ieven? %iodd? %iinc %idec %irem %iquo %idivide %idec %irandom %feq %flt %fle %fgt %fge %fmul %fadd %fsub %fexp %fmin %fmax %float? %fpowi %fdiv %fneg %i2f %fminval %fmaxval %fbase %fprec %ftrunc %fsqrt %fpowf %flog %flog2 %flog10 %fmanexp %fNaN? %fdecode %fsin %fcos %ftan %fcot %fasin %facos %fatan %facot %fsinh %fcosh %ftanh %fasinh %facosh %fatanh %val2z %z2val %zlit %zreal %zimag %zexp %zlog %zsin %zcos %ztan %zasin %zacos %zatan %zsinh %zcosh %ztanh %zasinh %zacosh %zatanh %nil %pair %list %pair? %lconcat %llength %lfirst %lsecond %lthird %lreverse %lempty? %hash %ismall? %string? %f2s STRINGIMAGE %ccst %ccstmax %ceq %clt %cle %cgt %cge %c2i %i2c %s2c %c2s %cup %cdown %sname %strlength %streq %i2s %schar %strlt %strconc %strcopy %bytevec2str %str2bytevec %vector %aref %vref %vlength %vcopy %bitvector %bitvecnot %bitvecand %bitvecnand %bivecor %bitvecnor %bitvecxor %bitveccopy %bitvecconc %bitveclength %bitvecref %bitveceq %bitveclt %before? %equal %sptreq %ident? %property %tref %writeString %writeNewline %writeLine %void %retract %pullback %lambda %closure) ++ List of simple VM operators $simpleVMoperators == [:$VMsideEffectFreeOperators, :['SPADCALL,'%apply, '%gensym, '%lreverse!, '%strstc]] ++ Return true if the `form' is semi-simple with respect to ++ to the list of operators `ops'. semiSimpleRelativeTo?(form,ops) == atomic? form => true not symbol?(form.op) or not symbolMember?(form.op,ops) => false form.op is '%when => and/[sideEffectFree? p and semiSimpleRelativeTo?(c,ops) for [p,c] in form.args] and/[semiSimpleRelativeTo?(f,ops) for f in form.args] ++ Return true if `form' os a side-effect free form. sideEffectFree? form == semiSimpleRelativeTo?(form,$VMsideEffectFreeOperators) ++ Return true if `form' is a VM form whose evaluation does not depend ++ on the program point where it is evaluated. $FloatableOperators == ['%bind,:$VMsideEffectFreeOperators] floatableVMForm?: %Code -> %Boolean floatableVMForm? form == semiSimpleRelativeTo?(form,$FloatableOperators) ++ Return true if the VM form `form' is one that we certify to ++ evaluate to a (compile time) constant. Note that this is a ++ fairly conservative approximation of compile time constants. isVMConstantForm: %Code -> %Boolean isVMConstantForm form == integer? form or string? form => true form isnt [op,:args] => false op in '(%list %pair %vector) => false symbolMember?(op,$VMsideEffectFreeOperators) and "and"/[isVMConstantForm arg for arg in args] ++ Return the set of free variables in the VM form `form'. findVMFreeVars form == ident? form => [form] form isnt [op,:args] => nil op is 'QUOTE => nil vars := union/[findVMFreeVars arg for arg in args] op isnt [.,:.] => vars setUnion(findVMFreeVars op,vars) ++ Return true is `var' is the left hand side of an assignment ++ in `form'. modified?(var,form) == atomic? form => false form is [op,var',:.] and op in '(%LET LETT SETQ %store) => symbol? var' => var' = var -- whole var is assigned var' is [.,=var] -- only part of it is modified or/[modified?(var,f) for f in form] ++ Return the list of variables referenced in `expr'. dependentVars expr == main(expr,nil) where main(x,vars) == ident? x => symbolMember?(x,vars) => vars [x,:vars] atomic? x => vars x' := cons? x.op => x x.args for y in x' repeat vars := main(y,vars) vars ++ Subroutine of optBind. Return true if the variable `var' locally ++ defined in a binding form can be safely replaced by its initalization ++ `expr' in the `body' of the binding form. canInlineVarDefinition(var,expr,body) == -- Occasional situation where `expr' evaluates to itself gensym? var and sameObject?(var,body) => true -- FIXME: We should not be inlining a side-effecting initializer. -- If the variable is assigned to, that is a no no. modified?(var,body) => false -- Similarly, if the initial value depends on variables that are -- side-effected latter, it is also a no no. or/[modified?(x,body) for x in dependentVars expr] => false -- If the initializer is a variable and not modified in body, -- and the new var is not modified, then we can inline. ident? expr => true -- Conversatively stay out of loops cons? body and body.op in '(%loop %collect) => false -- Linearly used internal temporaries should be replaced, and -- so should side-effet free initializers for linear variables. usageCount := numOfOccurencesOf(var,body) usageCount < 2 and floatableVMForm? expr => true gensym? var and usageCount = 1 => true -- If the initializer is a variable and the body is -- a series of choices with floatable predicates, then -- no harm is done by inlining the local `var'. ident? expr and body is ['%when,:branches] => and/[floatableVMForm? pred for [pred,:.] in branches] false ++ Implement simple-minded LET-inlining. It seems we can't count ++ on Lisp implementations to do this simple transformation. ++ This transformation will probably be more effective when all ++ type informations are still around. Which is why we should ++ have a type directed compilation throughout. optBind form == form isnt ['%bind,inits,.] => form -- accept only simple bodies while inits ~= nil repeat [var,expr] := first inits usedSymbol?(var,rest inits) => leave nil -- no dependency, please. body := third form canInlineVarDefinition(var,expr,body) => third(form) := substitute!(expr,var,body) inits := rest inits leave nil null inits => third form -- no local var left second(form) := inits form optTry form == form isnt ['%try,e,hs,f] or not(floatableVMForm? e) or f ~= nil => form e optList form == form is ['%list] => '%nil literalElts := [(x is ['QUOTE,y] => y; leave "failed") for x in form.args] literalElts is "failed" => form quote literalElts optCollectVector form == [.,eltType,:iters,body] := form fromList := false -- are we drawing from a list? vecSize := nil -- size of vector index := nil -- loop/vector index. for iter in iters while not fromList repeat [op,:.] := iter op in '(| SUCHTHAT WHILE UNTIL) => fromList := true op in '(IN ON) => vecSize := [['%llength,third iter],:vecSize] op in '(STEP ISTEP) => -- pick a loop variable that we can use as the loop index. [.,var,lo,inc,:etc] := iter if lo = 0 and inc = 1 then index := var is [.,:var'] => var' var if [hi] := etc then sz := inc = 1 => lo = 1 => hi lo = 0 => ['%iinc,hi] ['%iinc,['%isub,hi,lo]] lo = 1 => ['%idiv,hi,inc] lo = 0 => ['%idiv,['%iinc,hi],inc] ['%idiv,['%isub,['%iinc,hi], lo],inc] vecSize := [sz, :vecSize] systemErrorHere ["optCollectVector", iter] -- if we draw from a list, then just build a list and convert to vector. fromList => ["homogeneousListToVector",["getVMType",eltType], ['%collect,:iters,body]] vecSize = nil => systemErrorHere ["optCollectVector",form] -- get the actual size of the vector. vecSize := vecSize is [hi] => hi ['%imin,:reverse! vecSize] -- if no suitable loop index was found, introduce one. if index = nil then index := gensym() iters := [:iters,['STEP,index,0,1]] vec := gensym() ['%bind,[[vec,["makeSimpleArray",["getVMType",eltType],vecSize]]], ['%loop,:iters,["setSimpleArrayEntry",vec,index,body],vec]] ++ Translate retraction of a value denoted by `e' to sub-domain `m' ++ defined by predicate `pred', optRetract ["%retract",e,m,pred] == e isnt [.,:.] => cond := simplifyVMForm substitute(e,"#1",pred) cond is '%true => e ['%when,[cond,e],['%otherwise,['moanRetract,e,MKQ m]]] g := gensym() ['%bind,[[g,e]], ['%when,[substitute(g,"#1",pred),g], ['%otherwise,['moanRetract,g,MKQ m]]]] ++ We have an expression `x' of some Union type. Expand an attempted ++ pullback to the `n'th branch of type `t'. optPullback ['%pullback,x,t,n] == y := ident? x => x gensym() expr := ['%when,[['%ieq,['%head,y],n],['%tail,y]], ['%otherwise,['moanRetract,y,MKQ t]]] symbolEq?(x,y) => expr ['%bind,[[y,x]],expr] --% Boolean expression transformers optNot(x is ['%not,a]) == a is '%true => '%false a is '%false => '%true a is ['%not,b] => b a is ['%when,:.] => optCond [a.op, :[[p,optNot ['%not,c]] for [p,c] in a.args]] x optAnd(x is ['%and,a,b]) == a is '%true => b b is '%true => a a is '%false => '%false x optOr(x is ['%or,a,b]) == a is '%false => b b is '%false => a a is '%true => '%true x -- Boolean <-> bit conversion. opt2bit ['%2bit,a] == optCond ['%when,[a,'%icst1],['%otherwise,'%icst0]] opt2bool ['%2bool,a] == a is '%icst0 => '%false a is '%icst1 => '%true optIeq ['%ieq,a,'%icst1] optIeq(x is ['%ieq,a,b]) == integer? a and integer? b => scalarEq?(a,b) => '%true '%false sameObject?(a,b) => '%true x optIlt(x is ['%ilt,a,b]) == -- 1. Don't delay if both operands are literals. integer? a and integer? b => a < b => '%true '%false -- 2. max(a,b) cannot be negative if either a or b is zero. b = 0 and a is ['%imax,:.] and (second a = 0 or third a = 0) => '%false -- 3. min(a,b) cannot be positive if either a or b is zero. a = 0 and b is ['%imin,:.] and (second b = 0 or third b = 0) => '%false x optIle(x is ['%ile,a,b]) == optNot ['%not,optIlt ['%ilt,b,a]] optIgt x == optIlt ['%ilt,third x, second x] optIge x == optNot ['%not,optIlt ['%ilt,second x,third x]] --% Byte operations optBle ['%ble,a,b] == optNot ['%not,['%blt,b,a]] optBgt ['%bgt,a,b] == ['%blt,b,a] optBge ['%bge,a,b] == optBle ['%ble,b,a] --% Integer operations optIadd(x is ['%iadd,a,b]) == integer? a and integer? b => a + b integer? a => a = 0 => b b is [op,b1,b2] and op in '(%iadd %isub) => integer? b1 => simplifyVMForm [op,['%iadd,a,b1],b2] integer? b2 => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,b1,[op,a,b2]] x x integer? b => b = 0 => a a is [op,a1,a2] and op in '('%iadd %isub) => integer? a1 => simplifyVMForm [op,['%iadd,a1,b],a2] integer? a2 => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,a1,[op,b,a2]] x x x optIinc(x is ['%iinc,a]) == integer? a => a + 1 a is [op,b,c] and op in '(%isub %iadd) => integer? b => simplifyVMForm [op,[op,b,1],c] integer? c => simplifyVMForm [op,b,[op,c,1]] x x optIsub(x is ['%isub,a,b]) == integer? a and integer? b => a - b integer? a => a = 0 => ['%ineg,b] b is ['%iadd,b1,b2] => integer? b1 => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,['%isub,a,b1],b2] integer? b2 => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,['%isub,a,b2],b1] x b is ['%isub,b1,b2] => integer? b1 => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,['%isub,a,b1],b2] integer? b2 => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,['%iadd,a,b2],b1] x x integer? b => b = 0 => a a is ['%iadd,a1,a2] => integer? a1 => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,['%isub,a1,b],a2] integer? a2 => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,a1,['%isub,a2,b]] x a is ['%isub,a1,a2] => integer? a1 => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,['%isub,a1,b],a2] integer? a2 => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,a1,['%iadd,a2,b]] x x x optIdec(x is ['%idec,a]) == integer? a => a - 1 a is ['%iadd,b,c] => integer? b => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,['%isub,b,1],c] integer? c => simplifyVMForm ['%iadd,b,['%isub,c,1]] x a is ['%isub,b,c] => integer? b => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,['%isub,b,1],c] integer? c => simplifyVMForm ['%isub,b,['%iadd,c,1]] x x optImul(x is ['%imul,a,b]) == integer? a and integer? b => a * b integer? a and a = 1 => b integer? b and b = 1 => a x optIneg(x is ['%ineg,a]) == integer? a => -a x optIrem(x is ['%irem,a,b]) == integer? a and integer? b => a rem b x optIquo(x is ['%iquo,a,b]) == integer? a and integer? b => a quo b x --% --% optimizer hash table --% for x in '((%call optCall) _ (SEQ optSEQ)_ (%bind optBind)_ (%try optTry)_ (%not optNot)_ (%and optAnd)_ (%or optOr)_ (%ble optBle)_ (%bgt optBgt)_ (%bge optBge)_ (%ieq optIeq)_ (%ilt optIlt)_ (%ile optIle)_ (%igt optIgt)_ (%ige optIge)_ (%ineg optIneg)_ (%iadd optIadd)_ (%iinc optIinc)_ (%isub optIsub)_ (%irem optIrem)_ (%iquo optIquo)_ (%imul optImul)_ (%2bit opt2bit)_ (%2bool opt2bool)_ (%list optList)_ (SPADCALL optSPADCALL)_ (_| optSuchthat)_ (%labelled optLabelled)_ (%when optCond)_ (%retract optRetract)_ (%pullback optPullback)_ (%CollectV optCollectVector)) _ repeat property(first x,'OPTIMIZE) := second x --much quicker to call functions if they have an SBC