-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import def namespace BOOT --% $optimizableConstructorNames := $SystemInlinableConstructorNames ++ Return true if the domain `dom' is an instance of a functor ++ that has been nominated for inlining. optimizableDomain? dom == opOf dom in $optimizableConstructorNames ++ Register the domain `dom' for inlining. nominateForInlining dom == $optimizableConstructorNames := [opOf dom,:$optimizableConstructorNames] --% ++ return the template of the instantiating functor for ++ the domain form `dom'. getDomainTemplate dom == atom dom => nil getInfovec first dom ++ Emit code for an indirect call to domain-wide Spad function. ++ This is usually the case for exported functions. emitIndirectCall(fn,args,x) == x.first := "SPADCALL" fn.first := "getShellEntry" x.rest := [:args,fn] x --% OPTIMIZER optimizeFunctionDef(def) == if $reportOptimization then sayBrightlyI bright '"Original LISP code:" pp def def' := optimize COPY def if $reportOptimization then sayBrightlyI bright '"Optimized LISP code:" pp def' [name,[slamOrLam,args,body]] := def' body':= removeTopLevelCatch body where removeTopLevelCatch body == body is ["CATCH",g,u] => removeTopLevelCatch replaceThrowByReturn(u,g) body replaceThrowByReturn(x,g) == fn(x,g) x fn(x,g) == x is ["THROW", =g,:u] => x.first := "RETURN" x.rest := replaceThrowByReturn(u,g) atom x => nil replaceThrowByReturn(first x,g) replaceThrowByReturn(rest x,g) [name,[slamOrLam,args,body']] optimize x == (opt x; x) where opt x == atom x => nil (y:= first x)='QUOTE => nil y='CLOSEDFN => nil y is [["XLAM",argl,body],:a] => optimize rest x argl = "ignore" => x.first := body if not (LENGTH argl<=LENGTH a) then SAY '"length mismatch in XLAM expression" PRETTYPRINT y x.first := optimize optXLAMCond SUBLIS(pairList(argl,a),body) atom y => optimize rest x if first y="IF" then (x.first := optIF2COND y; y:= first x) op:= GETL(subrname first y,"OPTIMIZE") => (optimize rest x; x.first := FUNCALL(op,optimize first x)) x.first := optimize first x optimize rest x subrname u == IDENTP u => u COMPILED_-FUNCTION_-P u or MBPIP u => BPINAME u nil changeThrowToExit(s,g) == atom s or first s in '(QUOTE SEQ REPEAT COLLECT) => nil s is ["THROW", =g,:u] => (s.first := "EXIT"; s.rest := u) changeThrowToExit(first s,g) changeThrowToExit(rest s,g) hasNoThrows(a,g) == a is ["THROW", =g,:.] => false atom a => true hasNoThrows(first a,g) and hasNoThrows(rest a,g) changeThrowToGo(s,g) == atom s or first s='QUOTE => nil s is ["THROW", =g,u] => changeThrowToGo(u,g) s.first := "PROGN" s.rest := [["%LET",second g,u],["GO",second g]] changeThrowToGo(first s,g) changeThrowToGo(rest s,g) optCatch (x is ["CATCH",g,a]) == $InteractiveMode => x atom a => a if a is ["SEQ",:s,["THROW", =g,u]] then changeThrowToExit(s,g) a.rest := [:s,["EXIT",u]] ["CATCH",y,a]:= optimize x if hasNoThrows(a,g) then x.first := first a x.rest := rest a else changeThrowToGo(a,g) x.first := "SEQ" x.rest := [["EXIT",a],second g,["EXIT",second g]] x optSPADCALL(form is ['SPADCALL,:argl]) == null $InteractiveMode => form -- last arg is function/env, but may be a form argl is [:argl,fun] and fun is ["ELT",dom,slot] => optCall ["%Call",['ELT,dom,slot],:argl] form optCall (x is ["%Call",:u]) == -- destructively optimizes this new x x:= optimize [u] -- next should happen only as result of macro expansion atom first x => first x [fn,:a]:= first x atom fn => (x.rest := a; x.first := fn) fn is ["applyFun",name] => (x.first := "SPADCALL"; x.rest := [:a,name]; x) fn is [q,R,n] and q in '(getShellEntry ELT QREFELT CONST) => not $bootStrapMode and (w:= optCallSpecially(q,x,n,R)) => w q="CONST" => ["spadConstant",R,n] emitIndirectCall(fn,a,x) systemErrorHere ["optCall",x] optCallSpecially(q,x,n,R) == y:= LASSOC(R,$specialCaseKeyList) => optSpecialCall(x,y,n) optimizableDomain? R => optSpecialCall(x,R,n) (y:= get(R,"value",$e)) and optimizableDomain? y.expr => optSpecialCall(x,y.expr,n) ( (y:= lookup(R,$getDomainCode)) and ([op,y,prop]:= y) and (yy:= LASSOC(y,$specialCaseKeyList)) => optSpecialCall(x,[op,yy,prop],n)) where lookup(a,l) == null l => nil [l',:l]:= l l' is ["%LET", =a,l',:.] => l' lookup(a,l) nil optCallEval u == u is ["List",:.] => List Integer() u is ["Vector",:.] => Vector Integer() u is ["PrimitiveArray",:.] => PrimitiveArray Integer() u is ["FactoredForm",:.] => FactoredForm Integer() u is ["Matrix",:.] => Matrix Integer() eval u optCons (x is ["CONS",a,b]) == a="NIL" => b='NIL => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := ['NIL,:'NIL]; x) b is ['QUOTE,:c] => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := ['NIL,:c]; x) x a is ['QUOTE,a'] => b='NIL => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := [a',:'NIL]; x) b is ['QUOTE,:c] => (x.first := 'QUOTE; x.rest := [a',:c]; x) x x optSpecialCall(x,y,n) == yval := optCallEval y CAAAR x="CONST" => KAR yval.n = function Undef => keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"optSpecialCall", '"invalid constant"]) MKQ yval.n fn := getFunctionReplacement compileTimeBindingOf first yval.n => x.rest := CDAR x x.first := fn if fn is ["XLAM",:.] then x:=first optimize [x] x is ["EQUAL",:args] => RPLACW(x,DEF_-EQUAL args) --DEF-EQUAL is really an optimiser x [fn,:a]:= first x emitIndirectCall(fn,a,x) compileTimeBindingOf u == null(name:= BPINAME u) => keyedSystemError("S2OO0001",[u]) name="Undef" => MOAN "optimiser found unknown function" name optMkRecord ["mkRecord",:u] == u is [x] => ["LIST",x] #u=2 => ["CONS",:u] ["VECTOR",:u] optCond (x is ['COND,:l]) == if l is [a,[aa,b]] and TruthP aa and b is ["COND",:c] then x.rest.rest := c if l is [[p1,:c1],[p2,:c2],:.] then if (p1 is ["NOT",=p2]) or (p2 is ["NOT",=p1]) then l:=[[p1,:c1],['(QUOTE T),:c2]] x.rest := l c1 is ['NIL] and p2 = '(QUOTE T) and first c2 = '(QUOTE T) => p1 is ["NOT",p1']=> return p1' return ["NOT",p1] l is [[p1,:c1],[p2,:c2],[p3,:c3]] and TruthP p3 => EqualBarGensym(c1,c3) => ["COND",[["OR",p1,["NOT",p2]],:c1],[['QUOTE,true],:c2]] EqualBarGensym(c1,c2) => ["COND",[["OR",p1,p2],:c1],[['QUOTE,true],:c3]] x for y in tails l repeat while y is [[a1,c1],[a2,c2],:y'] and EqualBarGensym(c1,c2) repeat a:=['OR,a1,a2] first(y).first := a y.rest := y' x AssocBarGensym(key,l) == for x in l repeat cons? x => EqualBarGensym(key,first x) => return x EqualBarGensym(x,y) == $GensymAssoc: fluid := nil fn(x,y) where fn(x,y) == x=y => true GENSYMP x and GENSYMP y => z:= assoc(x,$GensymAssoc) => y=rest z $GensymAssoc:= [[x,:y],:$GensymAssoc] true null x => y is [g] and GENSYMP g null y => x is [g] and GENSYMP g atom x or atom y => false fn(first x,first y) and fn(rest x,rest y) --Called early, to change IF to COND optIF2COND ["IF",a,b,c] == b is "%noBranch" => ["COND",[["NOT",a],c]] c is "%noBranch" => ["COND",[a,b]] c is ["IF",:.] => ["COND",[a,b],:rest optIF2COND c] c is ["COND",:p] => ["COND",[a,b],:p] ["COND",[a,b],[$true,c]] optXLAMCond x == x is ["COND",u:= [p,c],:l] => (optPredicateIfTrue p => c; ["COND",u,:optCONDtail l]) atom x => x x.first := optXLAMCond first x x.rest := optXLAMCond rest x x optPredicateIfTrue p == p is ['QUOTE,:.] => true p is [fn,x] and MEMQ(fn,$BasicPredicates) and FUNCALL(fn,x) => true nil optCONDtail l == null l => nil [frst:= [p,c],:l']:= l optPredicateIfTrue p => [[$true,c]] null rest l => [frst,[$true,["CondError"]]] [frst,:optCONDtail l'] optSEQ ["SEQ",:l] == tryToRemoveSEQ SEQToCOND getRidOfTemps splicePROGN l where splicePROGN l == isAtomicForm l => l l is [["PROGN",:stmts],:l'] => [:stmts,:l'] l.rest := splicePROGN rest l getRidOfTemps l == null l => nil l is [["%LET",g,x,:.],:r] and GENSYMP g and 2>numOfOccurencesOf(g,r) => getRidOfTemps substitute(x,g,r) first l="/throwAway" => getRidOfTemps rest l --this gets rid of unwanted labels generated by declarations in SEQs [first l,:getRidOfTemps rest l] SEQToCOND l == transform:= [[a,b] for x in l while (x is ["COND",[a,["EXIT",b]]])] before:= take(#transform,l) aft:= after(l,before) null before => ["SEQ",:aft] null aft => ["COND",:transform,'((QUOTE T) (conderr))] true => ["COND",:transform,['(QUOTE T),optSEQ ["SEQ",:aft]]] tryToRemoveSEQ l == l is ["SEQ",[op,a]] and op in '(EXIT RETURN THROW) => a l optRECORDELT ["RECORDELT",name,ind,len] == len=1 => ind=0 => ["QCAR",name] keyedSystemError("S2OO0002",[ind]) len=2 => ind=0 => ["QCAR",name] ind=1 => ["QCDR",name] keyedSystemError("S2OO0002",[ind]) ["QVELT",name,ind] optSETRECORDELT ["SETRECORDELT",name,ind,len,expr] == len=1 => ind=0 => ["PROGN",["RPLACA",name,expr],["QCAR",name]] keyedSystemError("S2OO0002",[ind]) len=2 => ind=0 => ["PROGN",["RPLACA",name,expr],["QCAR",name]] ind=1 => ["PROGN",["RPLACD",name,expr],["QCDR",name]] keyedSystemError("S2OO0002",[ind]) ["QSETVELT",name,ind,expr] optRECORDCOPY ["RECORDCOPY",name,len] == len=1 => ["LIST",["CAR",name]] len=2 => ["CONS",["CAR",name],["CDR",name]] ["REPLACE",["MAKE_-VEC",len],name] --mkRecordAccessFunction(ind,len) == -- stringOfDs:= $EmptyString -- for i in 0..(ind-1) do stringOfDs:= STRCONC(stringOfDs,PNAME "D") -- prefix:= if ind=len-1 then PNAME "C" else PNAME "CA" -- if $QuickCode then prefix:=STRCONC("Q",prefix) -- INTERN(STRCONC(prefix,stringOfDs,PNAME "R")) optSuchthat [.,:u] == ["SUCHTHAT",:u] optMINUS u == u is ['MINUS,v] => NUMBERP v => -v u u optQSMINUS u == u is ['QSMINUS,v] => NUMBERP v => -v u u opt_- u == u is ['_-,v] => NUMBERP v => -v u u optLESSP u == u is ['LESSP,a,b] => b = 0 => ['MINUSP,a] ['GREATERP,b,a] u ++ List of VM side effect free operators. $VMsideEffectFreeOperators == '(CAR CDR LENGTH SIZE EQUAL EQL EQ NOT NULL OR AND SPADfirst QVELT _+ _- _* _< _= _<_= _> _>_= ASH INTEGER_-LENGTH QEQCAR QCDR QCAR INTEGERP FLOATP STRINGP IDENTP SYMBOLP MINUSP GREATERP ZEROP ODDP FLOAT_-RADIX FLOAT FLOAT_-SIGN FLOAT_-DIGITS CGREATERP GGREATERP CHAR BOOLE GET BVEC_-GREATER FUNCALL) ++ List of simple VM operators $simpleVMoperators == append($VMsideEffectFreeOperators, ["CONS","LIST","VECTOR","STRINGIMAGE", "MAKE-FULL-CVEC","BVEC-MAKE-FULL","COND"]) ++ Return true if the `form' is semi-simple with respect to ++ to the list of operators `ops'. semiSimpleRelativeTo?(form,ops) == isAtomicForm form => true form isnt [op,:args] or not MEMQ(op,ops) => false and/[semiSimpleRelativeTo?(f,ops) for f in args] ++ Return true if `form' is a simple VM form. ++ See $simpleVMoperators for the definition of simple operators. isSimpleVMForm form == semiSimpleRelativeTo?(form,$simpleVMoperators) ++ Return true if `form' is a VM form whose evaluation does not depend ++ on the program point where it is evaluated. isFloatableVMForm: %Code -> %Boolean isFloatableVMForm form == atom form => form ~= "$" form is ["QUOTE",:.] => true MEMQ(first form, $simpleVMoperators) and "and"/[isFloatableVMForm arg for arg in rest form] ++ Return true if the VM form `form' is one that we certify to ++ evaluate to a (compile time) constant. Note that this is a ++ fairly conservative approximation of compile time constants. isVMConstantForm: %Code -> %Boolean isVMConstantForm form == integer? form or string? form => true form=nil or form=true => true form isnt [op,:args] => false op = "QUOTE" => true MEMQ(op,$simpleVMoperators) and "and"/[isVMConstantForm arg for arg in args] ++ Return the set of free variables in the VM form `form'. findVMFreeVars form == IDENTP form => [form] form isnt [op,:args] => nil op = "QUOTE" => nil vars := union/[findVMFreeVars arg for arg in args] atom op => vars union(findVMFreeVars op,vars) ++ Return true is `var' is the left hand side of an assignment ++ in `form'. varIsAssigned(var,form) == isAtomicForm form => false form is [op,=var,:.] and op in '(%LET LETT SETQ) => true or/[varIsAssigned(var,f) for f in form] ++ Subroutine of optLET. Return true if the variable `var' locally ++ defined in the LET-form can be safely replaced by its initalization ++ `expr' in the `body' of the LET-form. canInlineVarDefinition(var,expr,body) == varIsAssigned(var,body) => false numOfOccurencesOf(var,body) < 2 => true atom expr and not varIsAssigned(expr,body) ++ Implement simple-minded LET-inlining. It seems we can't count ++ on Lisp implementations to do this simple transformation. ++ This transformation will probably be more effective when all ++ type informations are still around. Which is why we should ++ have a type directed compilation throughout. optLET u == -- Hands off non-simple cases. u isnt ["LET",inits,body] => u -- Inline functionally used local variables with their initializers. inits := [:newInit for (init := [var,expr]) in inits] where newInit() == canInlineVarDefinition(var,expr,body) => body := substitute(expr,var,body) nil -- remove this initialization [init] -- otherwwise keep it. null inits => body u.rest.first := inits u.rest.rest.first := body -- Avoid initialization forms that may not be floatable. not(and/[isFloatableVMForm init for [.,init] in inits]) => u -- Identity function. inits is [[=body,init]] => init -- Handle only most trivial operators. body isnt [op,:args] => u -- Well, with case-patterns, it is beneficial to try a bit harder -- with conditional forms. op = "COND" => continue := true -- shall be continue let-inlining? -- Since we do a single pass, we can't reuse the inits list -- as we may find later that we can't really inline into -- all forms due to excessive conversatism. So we build a -- substitution list ahead of time. substPairs := [[var,:init] for [var,init] in inits] for clauses in tails args while continue repeat clause := first clauses -- we do not attempt more complicated clauses yet. clause isnt [test,stmt] => continue := false -- Stop inlining at least one test is not simple not isSimpleVMForm test => continue := false clause.first := SUBLIS(substPairs,test) isSimpleVMForm stmt => clause.rest.first := SUBLIS(substPairs,stmt) continue := false continue => body u not MEMQ(op,$simpleVMoperators) => u not(and/[isAtomicForm arg for arg in args]) => u -- Inline only if all parameters are used. Get cute later. not(and/[MEMQ(x,args) for [x,.] in inits]) => u -- Munge inits into list of dotted-pairs. Lovely Lisp. for defs in tails inits repeat def := first defs atom def => systemErrorHere ["optLET",def] -- cannot happen def.rest := second def SUBLIS(inits,body) optLET_* form == form isnt ["LET*",:.] => form ok := true while ok for [[var,.],:inits] in tails second form repeat if CONTAINED(var,inits) then ok := false not ok => form form.first := "LET" optLET form optBind form == form.first := "LET*" optLET_* form optLIST form == form is ["LIST"] => nil form optCollectVector form == [.,eltType,:iters,body] := form fromList := false -- are we drawing from a list? vecSize := nil -- size of vector index := nil -- loop/vector index. for iter in iters while not fromList repeat [op,:.] := iter op in '(SUCHTHAT WHILE UNTIL) => fromList := true op in '(IN ON) => vecSize := [["SIZE",third iter],:vecSize] op in '(STEP ISTEP) => -- pick a loop variable that we can use as the loop index. [.,var,lo,inc,:etc] := iter if lo = 0 and inc = 1 then index := var if [hi] := etc then sz := inc = 1 => lo = 1 => hi lo = 0 => MKQSADD1 hi MKQSADD1 ["-",hi,lo] lo = 1 => ["/",hi,inc] lo = 0 => ["/",MKQSADD1 hi,inc] ["/",["-",MKQSADD1 hi, lo],inc] vecSize := [sz, :vecSize] systemErrorHere ["optCollectVector", iter] -- if we draw from a list, then just build a list and convert to vector. fromList => ["homogeneousListToVector",["getVMType",eltType], ["COLLECT",:iters,body]] vecSize = nil => systemErrorHere ["optCollectVector",form] -- get the actual size of the vector. vecSize := vecSize is [hi] => hi ["MIN",:nreverse vecSize] -- if no suitable loop index was found, introduce one. if index = nil then index := GENSYM() iters := [:iters,["ISTEP",index,0,1]] vec := GENSYM() ["LET",[[vec,["makeSimpleArray",["getVMType",eltType],vecSize]]], ["REPEAT",:iters,["setSimpleArrayEntry",vec,index,body]], vec] ++ Translate retraction of a value denoted by `e' to sub-domain `m' ++ defined by predicate `pred', optRetract ["%Retract",e,m,pred] == atom e => ["check-subtype",substitute(e,"#1",pred),MKQ m,e] g := GENSYM() ["LET",[[g,e]],["check-subtype",substitute(g,"#1",pred),MKQ m,g]] lispize x == first optimize [x] --% optimizer hash table for x in '( (%Call optCall) _ (SEQ optSEQ)_ (LET optLET)_ (LET_* optLET_*)_ (%Bind optBind)_ (LIST optLIST)_ (MINUS optMINUS)_ (QSMINUS optQSMINUS)_ (_- opt_-)_ (LESSP optLESSP)_ (SPADCALL optSPADCALL)_ (_| optSuchthat)_ (CATCH optCatch)_ (COND optCond)_ (%Retract optRetract)_ (%CollectV optCollectVector)_ (mkRecord optMkRecord)_ (RECORDELT optRECORDELT)_ (SETRECORDELT optSETRECORDELT)_ (RECORDCOPY optRECORDCOPY)) _ repeat MAKEPROP(first x,'OPTIMIZE, second x) --much quicker to call functions if they have an SBC