-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import sys_-macros namespace BOOT --% Manipulation of Constructor Datat --======================================================================= -- Build Table of Lower Case Constructor Names --======================================================================= mkLowerCaseConTable() == --Called at system build time by function BUILD-INTERPSYS (see util.lisp) --Table is referenced by functions conPageFastPath and grepForAbbrev $lowerCaseConTb := MAKE_-HASH_-TABLE() for x in allConstructors() repeat augmentLowerCaseConTable x $lowerCaseConTb augmentLowerCaseConTable x == y:=getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB x item:=[x,y,nil] HPUT($lowerCaseConTb,x,item) HPUT($lowerCaseConTb,DOWNCASE x,item) HPUT($lowerCaseConTb,y,item) getCDTEntry(info,isName) == not IDENTP info => NIL (entry := HGET($lowerCaseConTb,info)) => [name,abb,:.] := entry isName and sameObject?(name,info) => entry not isName and sameObject?(abb,info) => entry NIL entry putConstructorProperty(name,prop,val) == null (entry := getCDTEntry(name,true)) => NIL entry.rest.rest := PUTALIST(CDDR entry,prop,val) true attribute? name == MEMQ(name, $BuiltinAttributes) abbreviation? abb == -- if it is an abbreviation, return the corresponding name getConstructorFullNameFromDB abb constructor? name == -- if it is a constructor name, return the abbreviation getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB name domainForm?: %Form -> %Boolean domainForm? d == getConstructorKindFromDB opOf d = "domain" packageForm?: %Form -> %Boolean packageForm? d == getConstructorKindFromDB opOf d = "package" categoryFrom?: %Form -> %Boolean categoryForm? c == op := opOf c MEMQ(op, $CategoryNames) => true getConstructorKindFromDB op = "category" => true false -- probably will switch over to 'libName soon getLisplibName(c) == getConstructorAbbreviation(c) getConstructorAbbreviation: %Symbol -> %Symbol getConstructorAbbreviation op == getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB op or throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0015",[op]) getConstructorUnabbreviation op == abbreviation?(op) or throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0019",[op]) mkUserConstructorAbbreviation(c,a,type) == if cons? c then c := first c -- Existing constructors will be wrapped constructorAbbreviationErrorCheck(c,a,type,'abbreviationError) clearClams() clearConstructorCache(c) installConstructor(c,type) setAutoLoadProperty(c) abbQuery(x) == abb := getConstructorAbbreviation x => sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0001",[abb,getConstructorKindFromDB x,x]) sayKeyedMsg("S2IZ0003",[x]) installConstructor(cname,type) == (entry := getCDTEntry(cname,true)) => entry item := [cname,getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB cname,nil] if $lowerCaseConTb then HPUT($lowerCaseConTb,cname,item) HPUT($lowerCaseConTb,DOWNCASE cname,item) constructorNameConflict(name,kind) == userError ['"The name",:bright name,'"conflicts with the name of an existing rule", "%l",'"please choose another ",kind] constructorAbbreviationErrorCheck(c,a,typ,errmess) == siz := # (s := PNAME a) if typ = "category" and siz > 7 then throwKeyedErrorMsg('precompilation,"S2IL0021",NIL) if siz > 8 then throwKeyedErrorMsg('precompilation,"S2IL0006",NIL) if s ~= UPCASE s then throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0006",NIL) abb := getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB c name:= getConstructorFullNameFromDB a type := getConstructorKindFromDB c a=abb and c~=name => lisplibError(c,a,typ,abb,name,type,'duplicateAbb) a=name and c~=name => lisplibError(c,a,typ,abb,name,type,'abbIsName) c=name and typ~=type => lisplibError(c,a,typ,abb,name,type,'wrongType) abbreviationError(c,a,typ,abb,name,type,error) == sayKeyedMsg("S2IL0009",[a,typ,c]) error='duplicateAbb => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0010",[a,typ,name]) error='abbIsName => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0011",[a,type]) error='wrongType => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0012",[c,type]) NIL abbreviate u == u is ['Union,:arglist] => ['Union,:[abbreviate a for a in arglist]] u is [op,:arglist] => abb := getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB(op) => [abb,:condAbbrev(arglist,getPartialConstructorModemapSig(op))] u getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB(u) or u unabbrev u == unabbrev1(u,nil) unabbrevAndLoad u == unabbrev1(u,true) isNameOfType x == $doNotAddEmptyModeIfTrue:local:= true (val := get(x,'value,$InteractiveFrame)) and (domain := objMode val) and member(domain,$LangSupportTypes) => true y := opOf unabbrev x constructor? y unabbrev1(u,modeIfTrue) == atom u => not IDENTP u => u -- surely not constructor abbrev modeIfTrue => d:= isDomainValuedVariable u => u a := abbreviation? u => niladicConstructorFromDB a => [a] largs := ['_$EmptyMode for arg in getPartialConstructorModemapSig(a)] unabbrev1([u,:largs],modeIfTrue) u a:= abbreviation?(u) or u niladicConstructorFromDB a => [a] a [op,:arglist] := u op = 'Join => ['Join, :[unabbrev1(x, modeIfTrue) for x in arglist]] d:= isDomainValuedVariable op => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0013",[op,d]) (r := unabbrevSpecialForms(op,arglist,modeIfTrue)) => r (cname := abbreviation? op) or (constructor?(op) and (cname := op)) => (r := unabbrevSpecialForms(cname,arglist,modeIfTrue)) => r -- ??? if modeIfTrue then loadIfNecessary cname [cname,:condUnabbrev(op,arglist, getPartialConstructorModemapSig(cname),modeIfTrue)] u unabbrevSpecialForms(op,arglist,modeIfTrue) == op in '(Mapping MappingCategory) => [op,:[unabbrev1(a,modeIfTrue) for a in arglist]] op in '(Union UnionCategory) => [op,:[unabbrevUnionComponent(a,modeIfTrue) for a in arglist]] op in '(Record RecordCategory) => [op,:[unabbrevRecordComponent(a,modeIfTrue) for a in arglist]] nil unabbrevRecordComponent(a,modeIfTrue) == a is ["Declare",b,T] or a is [":",b,T] => [":",b,unabbrev1(T,modeIfTrue)] userError '"wrong format for Record type" unabbrevUnionComponent(a,modeIfTrue) == a is ["Declare",b,T] or a is [":",b,T] => [":",b,unabbrev1(T,modeIfTrue)] unabbrev1(a, modeIfTrue) condAbbrev(arglist,argtypes) == res:= nil for arg in arglist for type in argtypes repeat if categoryForm?(type) then arg:= abbreviate arg res:=[:res,arg] res condUnabbrev(op,arglist,argtypes,modeIfTrue) == #arglist ~= #argtypes and argtypes isnt [["Tuple",t]] => throwKeyedMsg("S2IL0014",[op,plural(#argtypes,'"argument"), bright(#arglist)]) -- fix up argument list for unary constructor taking tuples. t ~= nil => categoryForm? t => [["tuple",:[unabbrev1(arg,modeIfTrue) for arg in arglist]]] [["tuple",:arglist]] [newArg for arg in arglist for type in argtypes] where newArg() == categoryForm?(type) => unabbrev1(arg,modeIfTrue) arg ++ returns true if `op' is the name of a constructor. ++ Note: From this function point of view, a symbol names a ++ constructor if it is either a builtin constructor, or it is ++ known to the global database as designating a constructor. In ++ particular neither the category frame, nor the normal frame ++ are consulted. Consequently, this functions is not appropriate ++ for use in the compiler. isConstructorName op == op in $BuiltinConstructorNames or getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB op --% Code Being Phased Out nAssocQ(x,l,n) == repeat if atom l then return nil if sameObject?(x,first(l).n) then return first l l:= rest l