-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. --% Domain printing keyItem a == isDomain a => CDAR a.4 a --The item that domain checks on --Global strategy here is to maintain a list of substitutions -- ( %in Sublis), of vectors and the names that they have, -- which may be either local names ('View1') or global names ('Where1') -- The global names are remembered on $Sublis from one -- invocation of DomainPrint1 to the next DomainPrint(D,brief) == -- If brief is non-NIL, %then only a summary is printed $WhereList: local $Sublis: local $WhereCounter: local $WhereCounter:= 1 env:= not BOUNDP '$e => $EmptyEnvironment $e='$e => $EmptyEnvironment $e --in case we are called from top level isCategory D => CategoryPrint(D,env) $Sublis:= [[keyItem D,:'original]] SAY '"-----------------------------------------------------------------------" DomainPrint1(D,NIL,env) while ($WhereList) repeat s:= $WhereList $WhereList:= nil for u in s repeat TERPRI() SAY ['"Where ",first u,'" is:"] DomainPrint1(rest u,brief,env) SAY '"-----------------------------------------------------------------------" DomainPrint1(D,brief,$e) == REFVECP D and not isDomain D => PacPrint D if REFVECP D then D:= D.4 --if we were passed a vector, go to the domain Sublis:= [: [[rest u,:INTERNL STRCONC('"View",STRINGIMAGE i)] for u in D for i in 1..],:$Sublis] for u in D for i in 1.. repeat brief and i>1 => nil uu:= COPY_-SEQ rest u uu.4:= '"This domain" if not brief then SAY ['"View number ",i,'" corresponding to categories:"] PRETTYPRINT first u if i=1 and REFVECP uu.5 then vv:= COPY_-SEQ uu.5 uu.5:= vv for j in 0..MAXINDEX vv repeat if REFVECP vv.j then l:= ASSQ(keyItem vv.j,Sublis) if l then name:= rest l else name:=DPname() Sublis:= [[keyItem vv.j,:name],:Sublis] $Sublis:= [first Sublis,:$Sublis] $WhereList:= [[name,:vv.j],:$WhereList] vv.j:= name if i>1 then uu.1:= uu.2:= uu.5:= '"As in first view" for i in 6..MAXINDEX uu repeat uu.i:= DomainPrintSubst(uu.i,Sublis) if REFVECP uu.i then name:=DPname() Sublis:= [[keyItem uu.i,:name],:Sublis] $Sublis:= [first Sublis,:$Sublis] $WhereList:= [[name,:uu.i],:$WhereList] uu.i:= name if uu.i is [.,:v] and REFVECP v then name:=DPname() Sublis:= [[keyItem v,:name],:Sublis] $Sublis:= [first Sublis,:$Sublis] $WhereList:= [[name,:v],:$WhereList] uu.i:= [first uu.i,:name] if brief then PRETTYPRINT uu.0 else PRETTYPRINT uu DPname() == name:= INTERNL STRCONC('"Where",STRINGIMAGE $WhereCounter) $WhereCounter:= $WhereCounter+1 name PacPrint v == vv:= COPY_-SEQ v for j in 0..MAXINDEX vv repeat if REFVECP vv.j then l:= ASSQ(keyItem vv.j,Sublis) if l then name:= rest l else name:=DPname() Sublis:= [[keyItem vv.j,:name],:Sublis] $Sublis:= [first Sublis,:$Sublis] $WhereList:= [[name,:vv.j],:$WhereList] vv.j:= name if PAIRP vv.j and REFVECP(u:=CDR vv.j) then l:= ASSQ(keyItem u,Sublis) if l then name:= rest l else name:=DPname() Sublis:= [[keyItem u,:name],:Sublis] $Sublis:= [first Sublis,:$Sublis] $WhereList:= [[name,:u],:$WhereList] RPLACD(vv.j,name) PRETTYPRINT vv DomainPrintSubst(item,Sublis) == item is [a,:b] => c1:= DomainPrintSubst(a,Sublis) c2:= DomainPrintSubst(b,Sublis) EQ(c1,a) and EQ(c2,b) => item [c1,:c2] l:= ASSQ(item,Sublis) l => rest l l:= ASSQ(keyItem item,Sublis) l => rest l item --% Utilities mkDevaluate a == null a => nil a is ['QUOTE,a'] => (a' => a; nil) a='$ => MKQ '$ a is ['LIST] => nil a is ['LIST,:.] => a ['devaluate,a] getDomainView(domain,catform) == u:= HasCategory(domain,catform) => u c:= eval catform u:= HasCategory(domain,c.0) => u -- note: this is necessary because of domain == another domain, e.g. -- Ps are defined to be SUPs with specific arguments so that if one -- asks if a P is a Module over itself, here one has catform= (Module -- (P I)) yet domain is a SUP. By oding this evaluation, c.0=SUP as -- well and test works --- RDJ 10/31/83 throwKeyedMsg("S2IF0009",[devaluate domain, catform]) getPrincipalView domain == pview:= domain for [.,:view] in domain.4 repeat if #view>#pview then pview:= view pview CategoriesFromGDC x == atom x => nil x is ['LIST,a,:b] and a is ['QUOTE,a'] => union(LIST LIST a',"union"/[CategoriesFromGDC u for u in b]) x is ['QUOTE,a] and a is [b] => [a] compCategories u == ATOM u => u not ATOM first u => error ['"compCategories: need an atom in operator position", first u] first u = "Record" => -- There is no modemap property for these guys so do it by hand. [first u, :[[":", a.1, compCategories1(a.2,'(SetCategory))] for a in rest u]] first u = "Union" or first u = "Mapping" => -- There is no modemap property for these guys so do it by hand. [first u, :[compCategories1(a,'(SetCategory)) for a in rest u]] u is ['SubDomain,D,.] => compCategories D v:=get(first u,'modemap,$e) ATOM v => error ['"compCategories: could not get proper modemap for operator",first u] if rest v then sayBrightly ['"compCategories: ", '%b, '"Warning", '%d, '"ignoring unexpected stuff at end of modemap"] pp rest v -- the next line "fixes" a bad modemap which sometimes appears .... -- if rest v and NULL CAAAR v then v:=CDR v v:= CDDAAR v v:=resolvePatternVars(v, rest u) -- replaces #n forms -- select the modemap part of the first entry, and skip result etc. u:=[first u,:[compCategories1(a,b) for a in rest u for b in v]] u compCategories1(u,v) == -- v is the mode of u ATOM u => u isCategoryForm(v,$e) => compCategories u [c,:.] := comp(macroExpand(u,$e),v,$e) => c error 'compCategories1 NewbFVectorCopy(u,domName) == v:= GETREFV SIZE u for i in 0..5 repeat v.i:= u.i for i in 6..MAXINDEX v | PAIRP u.i repeat v.i:= [Undef,[domName,i],:first u.i] v mkVector u == u => ['VECTOR,:u] nil optFunctorBody x == atom x => x x is ['QUOTE,:l] => x x is ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,parms,body] => optFunctorBody DomainSubstitutionFunction(parms,body) x is ['LIST,:l] => null l => nil l:= [optFunctorBody u for u in l] and/[optFunctorBodyQuotable u for u in l] => ['QUOTE,[optFunctorBodyRequote u for u in l]] l=rest x => x --CONS-saving hack ['LIST,:l] x is ['PROGN,:l] => ['PROGN,:optFunctorPROGN l] x is ['COND,:l] => --+ l:= [CondClause u for u in l | u and first u] where CondClause [pred,:conseq] == [optFunctorBody pred,:optFunctorPROGN conseq] l:= EFFACE('((QUOTE T)),l) --delete any trailing ("T) null l => nil CAAR l='(QUOTE T) => (null CDAR l => nil; null CDDAR l => CADAR l; ["PROGN",:CDAR l]) null rest l and null CDAR l => --there is no meat to this COND pred:= CAAR l atom pred => nil first pred="HasCategory" => nil ['COND,:l] ['COND,:l] [optFunctorBody u for u in x] optFunctorBodyQuotable u == null u => true NUMBERP u => true atom u => nil u is ['QUOTE,:.] => true nil optFunctorBodyRequote u == atom u => u u is ['QUOTE,v] => v systemErrorHere '"optFunctorBodyRequote" optFunctorPROGN l == l is [x,:l'] => worthlessCode x => optFunctorPROGN l' l':= optFunctorBody l' l'=[nil] => [optFunctorBody x] [optFunctorBody x,:l'] l worthlessCode x == x is ['COND,:l] and (and/[x is [.,y] and worthlessCode y for x in l]) => true x is ['PROGN,:l] => (null (l':= optFunctorPROGN l) => true; false) x is ['LIST] => true null x => true false cons5(p,l) == l and (CAAR l = CAR p) => [p,: rest l] LENGTH l < 5 => [p,:l] RPLACD(QCDDDDR l,nil) [p,:l] -- TrimEnvironment e == -- [TrimLocalEnvironment u for u in e] where -- TrimLocalEnvironment e == -- [TrimContour u for u in e] where -- TrimContour e == -- [u for u in e | Interesting u] where Interesting u == nil -- --clearly a temporary definition setVector0(catNames,definition) == --returns code to set element 0 of the vector --to the definition of the category definition:= mkDomainConstructor definition -- If we call addMutableArg this early, then recurise calls to this domain -- (e.g. while testing predicates) will generate new domains => trouble --definition:= addMutableArg mkDomainConstructor definition for u in catNames repeat definition:= [($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),u,0,definition] definition --presence of GENSYM in arg-list differentiates mutable-domains -- addMutableArg nameFormer == -- $mutableDomain => -- nameFormer is ['LIST,:.] => [:nameFormer, '(GENSYM)] -- ['APPEND,nameFormer,'(LIST (GENSYM))] -- nameFormer --getname D == -- isDomain D or isCategory D => D.0 -- D setVector12 args == --The purpose of this function is to replace place holders --e.g. argument names or gensyms, by real values null args => nil args1:=args2:=args for u in $extraParms repeat --A typical element of $extraParms, which is set in --DomainSubstitutionFunction, would be (gensym) cons --(category parameter), e.g. DirectProduct(length vl,NNI) --as in DistributedMultivariatePolynomial args1:=[CAR u,:args1] args2:=[CDR u,:args2] freeof($domainShell.1,args1) and freeof($domainShell.2,args1) and freeof($domainShell.4,args1) => nil where freeof(a,b) == ATOM a => NULL MEMQ(a,b) freeof(CAR a,b) => freeof(CDR a,b) false [['SetDomainSlots124,'$,['QUOTE,args1],['LIST,:args2]]] SetDomainSlots124(vec,names,vals) == l:= PAIR(names,vals) vec.1:= sublisProp(l,vec.1) vec.2:= sublisProp(l,vec.2) l:= [[a,:devaluate b] for a in names for b in vals] vec.4:= SUBLIS(l,vec.4) vec.1:= SUBLIS(l,vec.1) sublisProp(subst,props) == null props => nil [cp,:props']:= props (a' := inspect(cp,subst)) where inspect(cp is [a,cond,:l],subst) == cond=true => cp --keep original CONS cond is ['or,:x] => (or/[inspect(u,subst) for u in x] => [a,true,:l]; nil) cond is ['has,nam,b] and (val:= ASSQ(nam,subst)) => ev:= b is ['ATTRIBUTE,c] => HasAttribute(rest val,c) b is ['SIGNATURE,c] => HasSignature(rest val,c) isDomainForm(b,$CategoryFrame) => b=rest val HasCategory(rest val,b) ev => [a,true,:l] nil cp not a' => sublisProp(subst,props') props' := sublisProp(subst,props') EQ(a',cp) and EQ(props',rest props) => props [a',:props'] setVector3(name,instantiator) == --generates code to set element 3 of 'name' from 'instantiator' --element 3 is data structure representing category --returns a single LISP statement instantiator is ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,.,body] => setVector3(name,body) [($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),name,3,mkDomainConstructor instantiator] mkDomainFormer x == if x is ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,parms,body] then x:=DomainSubstitutionFunction(parms,body) x:=SUBLIS($extraParms,x) --The next line ensures that only one copy of this structure will --appear in the BPI being generated, thus saving (some) space x is ['Join,:.] => ['eval,['QUOTE,x]] x mkDomainConstructor x == atom x => mkDevaluate x x is ['Join] => nil x is ['LIST] => nil x is ['CATEGORY,:.] => MKQ x x is ['mkCategory,:.] => MKQ x x is ['_:,selector,dom] => ['LIST,MKQ '_:,MKQ selector,mkDomainConstructor dom] x is ['Record,:argl] => ['LIST,MKQ 'Record,:[mkDomainConstructor y for y in argl]] x is ['Join,:argl] => ['LIST,MKQ 'Join,:[mkDomainConstructor y for y in argl]] x is ['call,:argl] => ['MKQ, optCall x] --The previous line added JHD/BMT 20/3/84 --Necessary for proper compilation of DPOLY SPAD x is [op] => MKQ x x is [op,:argl] => ['LIST,MKQ op,:[mkDomainConstructor a for a in argl]] setVector4(catNames,catsig,conditions) == if $HackSlot4 then for ['LET,name,cond,:.] in $getDomainCode repeat $HackSlot4:=SUBST(name,cond,$HackSlot4) code:= --+ ['SETELT,'$,4,'TrueDomain] code:=['(LET TrueDomain (NREVERSE TrueDomain)),:$HackSlot4,code] code:= [: [setVector4Onecat(u,v,w) for u in catNames for v in catsig for w in conditions],:code] ['(LET TrueDomain NIL),:code] setVector4Onecat(name,instantiator,info) == --generates code to create one item in the --Alist representing a domain --returns a single LISP expression instantiator is ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,.,body] => setVector4Onecat(name,body,info) data:= --CAR name.4 contains all the names except itself --hence we need to add this on, by the above CONS ['CONS,['CONS,mkDomainConstructor instantiator,['CAR,['ELT,name,4]]], name] data:= ['SETQ,'TrueDomain,['CONS,data,'TrueDomain]] TruthP info => data ['COND,[TryGDC PrepareConditional info,data],: Supplementaries(instantiator,name)] where Supplementaries(instantiator,name) == slist:= [u for u in $supplementaries | AncestorP(first u,[instantiator])] null slist => nil $supplementaries:= S_-($supplementaries,slist) PRETTYPRINT [instantiator,'" should solve"] PRETTYPRINT slist slist:= [form(u,name) for u in slist] where form([cat,:cond],name) == u:= ['QUOTE,[cat,:first (eval cat).4]] ['COND,[TryGDC cond,['SETQ,'TrueDomain,['CONS,['CONS,u,name], 'TrueDomain]]]] LENGTH slist=1 => [CADAR slist] --return a list, since it is CONSed slist:= ['PROGN,:slist] [['(QUOTE T),slist]] setVector4part3(catNames,catvecList) == --the names are those that will be applied to the various vectors generated:= nil for u in catvecList for uname in catNames repeat for v in CADDR u.4 repeat if w:= ASSOC(first v,generated) then RPLACD(w,[[rest v,:uname],:rest w]) else generated:= [[first v,[rest v,:uname]],:generated] codeList := nil for [w,:u] in generated repeat code := compCategories w for v in u repeat code:= [($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),rest v,first v,code] if CONTAINED('$,w) then $epilogue := [code,:$epilogue] else codeList := [code,:codeList] codeList PrepareConditional u == u setVector5(catNames,locals) == generated:= nil for u in locals for uname in catNames repeat if w:= ASSOC(u,generated) then RPLACD(w,[uname,:rest w]) else generated:= [[u,uname],:generated] [(w:= mkVectorWithDeferral(first u,first rest u); for v in rest u repeat w:= [($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),v,5,w]; w) for u in generated] mkVectorWithDeferral(objects,tag) == -- Basically a mkVector, but spots things that aren't safe to instantiate -- and places them at the end of $ConstantAssignments, so that they get -- called AFTER the constants of $ have been set up. JHD 26.July.89 ['VECTOR,: [if CONTAINED('$,u) then -- It's not safe to instantiate this now $ConstantAssignments:=[:$ConstantAssignments, [($QuickCode=>'QSETREFV;'SETELT), [($QuickCode=>'QREFELT;'ELT), tag, 5], count, u]] [] else u for u in objects for count in 0..]] DescendCodeAdd(base,flag) == atom base => DescendCodeVarAdd(base,flag) not (modemap:=get(opOf base,'modemap,$CategoryFrame)) => if getmode(opOf base,$e) is ["Mapping",target,:formalArgModes] then formalArgs:= take(#formalArgModes,$FormalMapVariableList) --argument substitution if parameterized? else keyedSystemError("S2OR0001",[opOf base]) DescendCodeAdd1(base,flag,target,formalArgs,formalArgModes) for [[[.,:formalArgs],target,:formalArgModes],.] in modemap repeat (ans:= DescendCodeAdd1(base,flag,target,formalArgs,formalArgModes))=> return ans ans DescendCodeAdd1(base,flag,target,formalArgs,formalArgModes) == slist:= pairList(formalArgs,rest $addFormLhs) --base = comp $addFormLhs-- bound in compAdd e:= $e newModes:= SUBLIS(slist,formalArgModes) or/[not comp(u,m,e) for u in rest $addFormLhs for m in newModes] => return nil --I should check that the actual arguments are of the right type for u in formalArgs for m in newModes repeat [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration(['_:,u,m],m,e) --we can not substitute in the formal arguments before we comp --for that may change the shape of the object, but we must before --we match signatures cat:= (compMakeCategoryObject(target,e)).expr instantiatedBase:= GENVAR() n:=MAXINDEX cat code:= [u for i in 6..n | not atom cat.i and not atom (sig:= first cat.i) and (u:= SetFunctionSlots(SUBLIS(slist,sig),['ELT,instantiatedBase,i],flag, 'adding))^=nil] --The code from here to the end is designed to replace repeated LOAD/STORE --combinations (SETELT ...(ELT ..)) by MVCs where this is practicable copyvec:=GETREFV (1+n) for u in code repeat if update(u,copyvec,[]) then code:=delete(u,code) where update(code,copyvec,sofar) == ATOM code =>nil MEMQ(QCAR code,'(ELT QREFELT)) => copyvec.(CADDR code):=union(copyvec.(CADDR code), sofar) true code is [x,name,number,u'] and MEMQ(x,'(SETELT QSETREFV)) => update(u',copyvec,[[name,:number],:sofar]) for i in 6..n repeat for u in copyvec.i repeat [name,:count]:=u j:=i+1 while j<= MIN(n,i+63) and LASSOC(name,copyvec.j) = count+j-i repeat j:=j+1 --Maximum length of an MVC is 64 words j:=j-1 j > i+2 => for k in i..j repeat copyvec.k:=delete([name,:count+k-i],copyvec.k) code:=[['REPLACE, name, instantiatedBase, INTERN('"START1",'"KEYWORD"), count, INTERN('"START2",'"KEYWORD"), i, INTERN('"END2",'"KEYWORD"), j+1],:code] copyvec.i => v:=[($QuickCode => 'QREFELT;'ELT),instantiatedBase,i] for u in copyvec.i repeat [name,:count]:=u v:=[($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV;'SETELT),name,count,v] code:=[v,:code] [['LET,instantiatedBase,base],:code] DescendCode(code,flag,viewAssoc,EnvToPass) == -- flag = true if we are walking down code always executed; -- otherwise set to conditions in which code=nil => nil code='noBranch => nil isMacro(code,$e) => nil --RDJ: added 3/16/83 code is ['add,base,:codelist] => codelist:= [v for u in codelist | (v:= DescendCode(u,flag,viewAssoc,EnvToPass))^=nil] -- must do this first, to get this overriding Add code ['PROGN,:DescendCodeAdd(base,flag),:codelist] code is ['PROGN,:codelist] => ['PROGN,: --Two REVERSEs leave original order, but ensure last guy wins NREVERSE [v for u in REVERSE codelist | (v:= DescendCode(u,flag,viewAssoc,EnvToPass))^=nil]] code is ['COND,:condlist] => c:= [[u2:= ProcessCond(first u,viewAssoc),:q] for u in condlist] where q == null u2 => nil f:= TruthP u2 => flag; TruthP flag => flag := ['NOT,u2] u2 flag := ['AND,flag,['NOT,u2]]; ['AND,flag,u2] [DescendCode(v, f, if first u is ['HasCategory,dom,cat] then [[dom,:cat],:viewAssoc] else viewAssoc,EnvToPass) for v in rest u] TruthP CAAR c => ['PROGN,:CDAR c] while (c and (LAST c is [c1] or LAST c is [c1,[]]) and (c1 = '(QUOTE T) or c1 is ['HasAttribute,:.])) repeat --strip out some worthless junk at the end c:=NREVERSE CDR NREVERSE c null c => '(LIST) ['COND,:c] code is ['LET,name,body,:.] => --only keep the names that are useful if body is [a,:.] and isFunctor a then $packagesUsed:=[body,:$packagesUsed] u:=member(name,$locals) => CONTAINED('$,body) and isDomainForm(body,$e) => --instantiate domains which depend on $ after constants are set code:=[($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),[($QuickCode => 'QREFELT; 'ELT),'$,5],#$locals-#u,code] $epilogue:= TruthP flag => [code,:$epilogue] [['COND,[ProcessCond(flag,viewAssoc),code]],:$epilogue] nil code code -- doItIf deletes entries from $locals so can't optimize this code is ['CodeDefine,sig,implem] => --Generated by doIt in COMPILER BOOT dom:= EnvToPass dom:= u:= LASSOC(dom,viewAssoc) => ['getDomainView,dom,u] dom body:= ['CONS,implem,dom] u:= SetFunctionSlots(sig,body,flag,'original) ConstantCreator u => if not (flag=true) then u:= ['COND,[ProcessCond(flag,viewAssoc),u]] $ConstantAssignments:= [u,:$ConstantAssignments] nil u code is ['_:,:.] => (RPLACA(code,'LIST); RPLACD(code,NIL)) --Yes, I know that's a hack, but how else do you kill a line? code is ['LIST,:.] => nil code is ['devaluate,:.] => nil code is ['MDEF,:.] => nil code is ['call,:.] => code code is ['SETELT,:.] => code -- can be generated by doItIf code is ['QSETREFV,:.] => code -- can be generated by doItIf stackWarning ['"unknown Functor code ",code] code ConstantCreator u == null u => nil u is [q,.,.,u'] and (q='SETELT or q='QSETREFV) => ConstantCreator u' u is ['CONS,:.] => nil true ProcessCond(cond,viewassoc) == ncond := SUBLIS($pairlis,cond) INTEGERP POSN1(ncond,$NRTslot1PredicateList) => predicateBitRef ncond cond --+ TryGDC cond == --sees if a condition can be optimised by the use of --information in $getDomainCode atom cond => cond cond is ['HasCategory,:l] => solved:= nil for u in $getDomainCode | not solved repeat if u is ['LET,name, =cond] then solved:= name solved => solved cond cond SetFunctionSlots(sig,body,flag,mode) == --mode is either "original" or "adding" --+ catNames := ['$] for u in $catvecList for v in catNames repeat null body => return NIL for catImplem in LookUpSigSlots(sig,u.1) repeat if catImplem is [q,.,index] and (q='ELT or q='CONST) then if q is 'CONST and body is ['CONS,a,b] then body := ['CONS,'IDENTITY,['FUNCALL,a,b]] body:= [($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),v,index,body] if REFVECP $SetFunctions and TruthP flag then u.index:= true --used by CheckVector to determine which ops are missing if v='$ then -- i.e. we are looking at the principal view not REFVECP $SetFunctions => nil --packages don't set it $MissingFunctionInfo.index:= flag TruthP $SetFunctions.index => (body:= nil; return nil) -- the function was already assigned $SetFunctions.index:= TruthP flag => true not $SetFunctions.index=>flag --JHD didn't set $SF on this branch ["or",$SetFunctions.index,flag] else if catImplem is ['Subsumed,:truename] --a special marker generated by SigListUnion then if mode='original then if truename is [fn,:.] and MEMQ(fn,'(Zero One)) then nil --hack by RDJ 8/90 else body:= SetFunctionSlots(truename,body,nil,mode) else nil else if not (catImplem is ['PAC,:.]) then keyedSystemError("S2OR0002",[catImplem]) body is ['SETELT,:.] => body body is ['QSETREFV,:.] => body nil --------------------> NEW DEFINITION (override in xruncomp.boot.pamphlet) LookUpSigSlots(sig,siglist) == --+ must kill any implementations below of the form (ELT $ NIL) siglist := $lisplibOperationAlist REMDUP [implem for u in siglist | SigSlotsMatch(sig,first u,implem:=CADDR u) and KADDR implem] SigSlotsMatch(sig,pattern,implem) == sig=pattern => true not (LENGTH CADR sig=LENGTH CADR pattern) => nil --CADR sig is the actual signature part not (first sig=first pattern) => nil pat' :=SUBSTQ($definition,'$,CADR pattern) sig' :=SUBSTQ($definition,'$,CADR sig) sig'=pat' => true --If we don't have this next test, then we'll recurse in SetFunctionSlots implem is ['Subsumed,:.] => nil SourceLevelSubsume(sig',pat') => true nil CheckVector(vec,name,catvecListMaker) == code:= nil condAlist := [[a,:first b] for [.,a,:b] in $getDomainCode] -- used as substitution alist below for i in 6..MAXINDEX vec repeat v:= vec.i v=true => nil null v => nil --a domain, which setVector4part3 will fill in atom v => systemErrorHere '"CheckVector" atom first v => --It's a secondary view of a domain, which we --must generate code to fill in for x in $catNames for y in catvecListMaker repeat if y=v then code:= [[($QuickCode => 'QSETREFV; 'SETELT),name,i,x],:code] if name='$ then ASSOC(first v,$CheckVectorList) => nil $CheckVectorList:= [[first v,:makeMissingFunctionEntry(condAlist,i)],:$CheckVectorList] -- member(first v,$CheckVectorList) => nil -- $CheckVectorList:= [first v,:$CheckVectorList] code makeMissingFunctionEntry(alist,i) == tran SUBLIS(alist,$MissingFunctionInfo.i) where tran x == x is ["HasCategory",a,["QUOTE",b]] => ['has,a,b] x is [op,:l] and op in '(AND OR NOT) => [op,:[tran y for y in l]] x --% Under what conditions may views exist? InvestigateConditions catvecListMaker == -- given a principal view and a list of secondary views, -- discover under what conditions the secondary view are -- always present. $Conditions: local:= nil $principal: local [$principal,:secondaries]:= catvecListMaker --We are not interested in the principal view --The next block allows for the possibility that $principal may --have conditional secondary views --+ null secondaries => '(T) --return for packages which generally have no secondary views if $principal is [op,:.] then [principal',:.]:=compMakeCategoryObject($principal,$e) --Rather like eval, but quotes parameters first for u in CADR principal'.4 repeat if not TruthP(cond:=CADR u) then new:=['CATEGORY,'domain,['IF,cond,['ATTRIBUTE,CAR u], 'noBranch]] $principal is ['Join,:l] => not member(new,l) => $principal:=['Join,:l,new] $principal:=['Join,$principal,new] principal' := pessimise $principal where pessimise a == atom a => a a is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => a a is ['IF,cond,:.] => if not member(cond,$Conditions) then $Conditions:= [cond,:$Conditions] nil [pessimise first a,:pessimise rest a] null $Conditions => [true,:[true for u in secondaries]] PrincipalSecondaries:= getViewsConditions principal' MinimalPrimary:= CAR first PrincipalSecondaries MaximalPrimary:= CAAR $domainShell.4 necessarySecondaries:= [first u for u in PrincipalSecondaries | rest u=true] and/[member(u,necessarySecondaries) for u in secondaries] => [true,:[true for u in secondaries]] $HackSlot4:= MinimalPrimary=MaximalPrimary => nil MaximalPrimaries:=[MaximalPrimary,:CAR (CatEval MaximalPrimary).4] MinimalPrimaries:=[MinimalPrimary,:CAR (CatEval MinimalPrimary).4] MaximalPrimaries:=S_-(MaximalPrimaries,MinimalPrimaries) [[x] for x in MaximalPrimaries] ($Conditions:= Conds($principal,nil)) where Conds(code,previous) == --each call takes a list of conditions, and returns a list --of refinements of that list atom code => [previous] code is ['DomainSubstitutionMacro,.,b] => Conds(b,previous) code is ['IF,a,b,c] => union(Conds(b,[a,:previous]),Conds(c,previous)) code is ['PROGN,:l] => "union"/[Conds(u,previous) for u in l] code is ['CATEGORY,:l] => "union"/[Conds(u,previous) for u in l] code is ['Join,:l] => "union"/[Conds(u,previous) for u in l] [previous] $Conditions:= EFFACE(nil,[EFFACE(nil,u) for u in $Conditions]) partList:= [getViewsConditions partPessimise($principal,cond) for cond in $Conditions] masterSecondaries:= secondaries for u in partList repeat for [v,:.] in u repeat if not member(v,secondaries) then secondaries:= [v,:secondaries] --PRETTYPRINT $Conditions --PRETTYPRINT masterSecondaries --PRETTYPRINT secondaries (list:= [mkNilT member(u,necessarySecondaries) for u in secondaries]) where mkNilT u == u => true nil for u in $Conditions for newS in partList repeat --newS is a list of secondaries and conditions (over and above --u) for which they apply u:= LENGTH u=1 => first u ['AND,:u] for [v,:.] in newS repeat for v' in [v,:CAR (CatEval v).4] repeat if (w:=ASSOC(v',$HackSlot4)) then RPLAC(rest w,if rest w then mkOr(u,rest w) else u) (list:= update(list,u,secondaries,newS)) where update(list,cond,secondaries,newS) == (list2:= [flist(sec,newS,old,cond) for sec in secondaries for old in list]) where flist(sec,newS,old,cond) == old=true => old for [newS2,:morecond] in newS repeat old:= not AncestorP(sec,[newS2]) => old cond2:= mkAnd(cond,morecond) null old => cond2 mkOr(cond2,old) old list2 list:= [[sec,:ICformat u] for u in list for sec in secondaries] pv:= getPossibleViews $principal -- $HackSlot4 is used in SetVector4 to ensure that conditional -- extensions of the principal view are handles correctly -- here we build the code necessary to remove spurious extensions ($HackSlot4:= [reshape u for u in $HackSlot4]) where reshape u == ['COND,[TryGDC ICformat rest u], ['(QUOTE T),['RPLACA,'(CAR TrueDomain), ['delete,['QUOTE,first u],'(CAAR TrueDomain)]]]] $supplementaries:= [u for u in list | not member(first u,masterSecondaries) and not (true=rest u) and not member(first u,pv)] [true,:[LASSOC(ms,list) for ms in masterSecondaries]] ICformat u == atom u => u u is ['has,:.] => compHasFormat u u is ['AND,:l] or u is ['and,:l] => l:= REMDUP [ICformat v for [v,:l'] in tails l | not member(v,l')] -- we could have duplicates after, even if not before LENGTH l=1 => first l l1:= first l for u in rest l repeat l1:=mkAnd(u,l1) l1 u is ['OR,:l] => (l:= ORreduce l) where ORreduce l == for u in l | u is ['AND,:.] or u is ['and,:.] repeat --check that B causes (and A B) to go for v in l | not (v=u) repeat if member(v,u) or (and/[member(w,u) for w in v]) then l:= delete(u,l) --v subsumes u --Note that we are ignoring AND as a component. --Convince yourself that this code still works l LENGTH l=1 => ICformat first l l:= ORreduce REMDUP [ICformat u for u in l] --causes multiple ANDs to be squashed, etc. -- and duplicates that have been built up by tidying (l:= Hasreduce l) where Hasreduce l == for u in l | u is ['HasCategory,name,cond] and cond is ['QUOTE, cond] repeat --check that v causes descendants to go for v in l | not (v=u) and v is ['HasCategory, =name,['QUOTE, cond2]] repeat if DescendantP(cond,cond2) then l:= delete(u,l) --v subsumes u for u in l | u is ['AND,:l'] or u is ['and,:l'] repeat for u' in l' | u' is ['HasCategory,name,cond] and cond is ['QUOTE, cond] repeat --check that v causes descendants to go for v in l | v is ['HasCategory, =name,['QUOTE, cond2]] repeat if DescendantP(cond,cond2) then l:= delete(u,l) --v subsumes u l LENGTH l=1 => first l ['OR,:l] systemErrorHere '"ICformat" partPessimise(a,trueconds) == atom a => a a is ['SIGNATURE,:.] => a a is ['IF,cond,:.] => (member(cond,trueconds) => a; nil) [partPessimise(first a,trueconds),:partPessimise(rest a,trueconds)] getPossibleViews u == --returns a list of all the categories that can be views of this one [vec,:.]:= compMakeCategoryObject(u,$e) or systemErrorHere '"getPossibleViews" views:= [first u for u in CADR vec.4] null vec.0 => [CAAR vec.4,:views] --* [vec.0,:views] --* --the two lines marked ensure that the principal view comes first --if you don't want it, CDR it off getViewsConditions u == --returns a list of all the categories that can be views of this one --paired with the condition under which they are such views [vec,:.]:= compMakeCategoryObject(u,$e) or systemErrorHere '"getViewsConditions" views:= [[first u,:CADR u] for u in CADR vec.4] null vec.0 => --+ null CAR vec.4 => views [[CAAR vec.4,:true],:views] --* [[vec.0,:true],:views] --* --the two lines marked ensure that the principal view comes first --if you don't want it, CDR it off DescendCodeVarAdd(base,flag) == princview := CAR $catvecList [SetFunctionSlots(sig,SUBST('ELT,'CONST,implem),flag,'adding) repeat for i in 6..MAXINDEX princview | princview.i is [sig:=[op,types],:.] and LASSOC([base,:SUBST(base,'$,types)],get(op,'modemap,$e)) is [[pred,implem]]] resolvePatternVars(p,args) == p := SUBLISLIS(args, $TriangleVariableList, p) SUBLISLIS(args, $FormalMapVariableList, p) --resolvePatternVars(p,args) == -- atom p => -- isSharpVarWithNum p => args.(position(p,$FormalMapVariableList)) -- p -- [resolvePatternVars(CAR p,args),:resolvePatternVars(CDR p,args)] -- Mysterious JENKS definition follows: --DescendCodeVarAdd(base,flag) == -- baseops := [(u:=LASSOC([base,:SUBST(base,'$,types)], -- get(op,'modemap,$e))) and [sig,:u] -- for (sig := [op,types]) in $CheckVectorList] -- $CheckVectorList := [sig for sig in $CheckVectorList -- for op in baseops | null op] -- [SetFunctionSlots(sig,implem,flag,'adding) -- for u in baseops | u is [sig,[pred,implem]]]