-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import ptrees namespace BOOT -- npTerm introduced between npRemainder and npSum -- rhs of assignment changed from npStatement to npGives ++ Entry point into the parser. npParse stream == $inputStream: local := stream $stack: local :=nil $stok: local := nil $ttok: local := nil npFirstTok() found := CATCH("TRAPPOINT",npItem()) found = "TRAPPED" => ncSoftError(tokPosn $stok,'S2CY0006, []) pfWrong(pfDocument '"top level syntax error" ,pfListOf nil) $inputStream ~= nil => ncSoftError(tokPosn $stok,'S2CY0002,[]) pfWrong(pfDocument ['"input stream not exhausted"],pfListOf []) $stack = nil => ncSoftError(tokPosn $stok,'S2CY0009, []) pfWrong(pfDocument ['"stack empty"],pfListOf []) first $stack ++ Parse a toplevel item. ++ Item ::= QualifiedDefinition [ SEMICOLON Item ] npItem()== npQualDef() => npEqKey "SEMICOLON" => [a,b] := npItem1 npPop1() c := pfEnSequence b a => npPush c npPush pfNovalue c npPush pfEnSequence npPop1 () false ++ Subroutine of npItem1. npItem1 c== npQualDef() => npEqKey "SEMICOLON" => [a,b] := npItem1 npPop1() [a,append(c,b)] [true,append (c,npPop1())] [false,c] ++ Get the first token, if any, from the current input stream. npFirstTok()== $stok := $inputStream = nil => tokConstruct("ERROR","NOMORE",tokPosn $stok) first $inputStream $ttok := tokPart $stok ++ Get next token from the current input stream. npNext() == $inputStream := rest $inputStream npFirstTok() ++ Returns a snapshot of the current parser state. npState() == [$inputStream,:$stack] ++ Restore the parser state to a prevously saved state `x'. npRestore x == $inputStream := first x npFirstTok() $stack := rest x true ++ Push a new parse tree on the current parse tree stack. npPush x == $stack := [x,:$stack] ++ If the current token designates an infix operator, push its ++ name on the parsing tree stack, otherwise treat the token ++ has a name. npPushId() == a := GETL($ttok,'INFGENERIC) $ttok := if a then a else $ttok $stack := [tokConstruct("id",$ttok,tokPosn $stok),:$stack] npNext() ++ Remove the first item from the parse tree stack, and return it npPop1() == a := first $stack $stack := rest $stack a ++ Remove the second item from the parse tree stack, and return it. npPop2() == a := second $stack $stack.rest := $stack.rest.rest a ++ Remove the third item from the parse tree stack, and return it. npPop3() == a := third $stack $stack.rest.rest := $stack.rest.rest.rest a ++ Parser combinator: parse the syntax `f' enclosed in round ++ round brackets npParenthesized f == npParenthesize("(",")",f) or npParenthesize("(|","|)",f) ++ Parser combinator: parse the syntax `f' enclosed in brackets ++ as indicaed by `open' and `close'. npParenthesize (open,close,f)== a := $stok npEqKey open => apply(f,nil) and (npEqKey close or npMissingMate(close,a)) => true npEqKey close => npPush [] npMissingMate(close,a) false ++ Parser combinator: parse a syntax composed of an opening bracket ++ `open', followed by a syntax `f', terminated by the closing ++ bracket `close'. Use `fn' to construct the resulting parse tree. npEnclosed(open,close,fn,f)== a := $stok npEqKey open => npEqKey close => npPush FUNCALL(fn,a,pfTuple pfListOf []) apply(f,nil) and (npEqKey close or npMissingMate(close,a)) => npPush FUNCALL (fn,a,pfEnSequence npPop1()) false false ++ Parser combinator: parse a round-bracket syntax. ++ Note: The parenthesis are part of the parse tree. npParened f == npEnclosed("(",")",function pfParen,f) or npEnclosed("(|","|)",function pfParen,f) ++ Parser combinator: parse a square-bracket syntax. ++ Note: The brackets are part of the parse tree. npBracked f == npEnclosed("[","]",function pfBracket,f) or npEnclosed("[|","|]",function pfBracketBar,f) ++ Parser combinator: parse a curly-bracket syntax. ++ Note: The braces are part of the parse tree. npBraced f == npEnclosed("{","}",function pfBrace,f) or npEnclosed("{|","|}",function pfBraceBar,f) ++ Parser combinator: parse an angle-bracket syntax. ++ Note: The angles are part of the parse tree. npAngleBared f == npEnclosed("<|","|>",function pfHide,f) ++ Parser combinator: parse a bracketed syntax. ++ Note: The brackets are part of the parse tree. npBracketed f== npParened f or npBracked f or npBraced f or npAngleBared f ++ Parse combinator: parse a sequence of syntax `f' in a pile. npPileBracketed f== npEqKey "SETTAB" => npEqKey "BACKTAB" => npPush pfNothing() -- never happens apply(f,nil) and (npEqKey "BACKTAB" or npMissing "backtab") => npPush pfPile npPop1() false false ++ Parser combinator: parse a either a single syntax `f', or a sequence ++ of syntax `f' separated by syntax `g'. In case of a sequence, use ++ `g' to build the resulting parse tree. npListofFun(f,h,g)== apply(f,nil) => apply(h,nil) and (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) => a := $stack $stack := nil while apply(h,nil) and (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) repeat 0 $stack := [nreverse $stack,:a] npPush FUNCALL(g, [npPop3(),npPop2(),:npPop1()]) true false ++ Parse combinator: parse a sequence of syntax `f' separated by ++ token `str1'. Build the resulting parse tree with `g'. npList(f,str1,g)== -- always produces a list, g is applied to it apply(f,nil) => npEqKey str1 and (npEqKey "BACKSET" or true) and (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) => a := $stack $stack := nil while npEqKey str1 and (npEqKey "BACKSET" or true) and (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) repeat 0 $stack := [nreverse $stack,:a] npPush FUNCALL(g,[npPop3(),npPop2(),:npPop1()]) npPush FUNCALL(g, [npPop1()]) npPush FUNCALL(g, []) npPPff f == FUNCALL f and npPush [npPop1()] npPPf f == npSemiListing function (() +-> npPPff f) npPPg f == npListAndRecover function (() +-> npPPf f) and npPush pfAppend npPop1() npPP(f) == npParened function (() +-> npPPf f) or npPileBracketed function (() +-> npPPg f) and npPush pfEnSequence npPop1() or FUNCALL f npPCff f == FUNCALL f and npPush [npPop1()] npPCg f == npListAndRecover function (() +-> npPCff f) and npPush pfAppend npPop1() npPC(f) == npPileBracketed function (() +-> npPCg f) and npPush pfEnSequence npPop1() or FUNCALL f ++ Parser combinator: Apply the parser `s' any number of time it ++ it is possible. Note that `s' transforms the the top of the ++ parse tree stack. npAnyNo s == while apply(s,nil) repeat 0 true ++ Parser combinator: parse `keyword' followed by the syntax `p', ++ and build the resulting parse tree with `f'. npAndOr(keyword,p,f)== npEqKey keyword and (apply(p,nil) or npTrap()) and npPush FUNCALL(f, npPop1()) ++ Parser combinator: parse a right-associative syntax with operand ++ syntax `p', and operator `o'. ++ p o p o p o p = (p o (p o (p o p))) ++ p o p o = (p o p) o npRightAssoc(o,p)== a := npState() apply(p,nil) => while npInfGeneric o and (npRightAssoc(o,p) or (npPush pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1());false)) repeat npPush pfInfApplication(npPop2(),npPop2(),npPop1()) true npRestore a false ++ Parser combinator: parse a left-associative syntax with operand ++ syntax `p', and operators in `operations'. ++ p o p o p o p = (((p o p) o p) o p) ++ p o p o = (p o p) o npLeftAssoc(operations,parser) == apply(parser,nil) => while npInfGeneric(operations) and (apply(parser,nil) or (npPush pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1());false)) repeat npPush pfInfApplication(npPop2(),npPop2(),npPop1()) true false ++ Parse an infix operator name. npInfixOp() == $stok.first.first = "key" and GETL($ttok,"INFGENERIC") and npPushId() ++ Parse an infix operator, either quoted or backquoted. npInfixOperator() == npInfixOp() or a := npState() b := $stok npEqKey "'" and npInfixOp() => npPush pfSymb(npPop1(),tokPosn b) npRestore a npEqKey "BACKQUOTE" and npInfixOp() => a := npPop1() npPush tokConstruct("idsy",tokPart a,tokPosn a) npRestore a false ++ Parse any infix keyword in the list `s'. npInfKey s == $stok.first.first = "key" and MEMQ($ttok,s) and npPushId() ++ Parse any infix keyword in the list `s', either in plain syntax ++ or quoted form. npDDInfKey s == npInfKey s or a := npState() b := $stok npEqKey "'" and npInfKey s => npPush pfSymb(npPop1(),tokPosn b) npRestore a npEqKey "BACKQUOTE" and npInfKey s => a := npPop1() npPush tokConstruct("idsy",tokPart a,tokPosn a) npRestore a false ++ Same as npDDInfKey, except that newline+bakset are accepted. npInfGeneric s == npDDInfKey s and (npEqKey "BACKSET" or true) ++ Parser combinator: Parse the syntax `f' as either the then-branch, ++ of both branches of a conditional expression. npConditional f == npEqKey "IF" and (npLogical() or npTrap()) and (npEqKey "BACKSET" or true) => npEqKey "SETTAB" => npEqKey "THEN" => (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) and npElse f and npEqKey "BACKTAB" npMissing "then" npEqKey "THEN" => (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) and npElse f npMissing "then" false npElse f == a := npState() npBacksetElse() => (apply(f,nil) or npTrap()) and npPush pfIf(npPop3(),npPop2(),npPop1()) npRestore a npPush pfIfThenOnly(npPop2(),npPop1()) npBacksetElse()== npEqKey "BACKSET" => npEqKey "ELSE" npEqKey "ELSE" npWConditional f== npConditional f => npPush pfTweakIf npPop1() false npQuantified f == npEqPeek "FORALL" => npQuantifierVariable "FORALL" and npQuantified f and npPush %Forall(npPop2(), npPop1()) npEqPeek "EXIST" => npQuantifierVariable "EXIST" and npQuantified f and npPush %Exist(npPop2(), npPop1()) apply(f,nil) -- Parsing functions -- peek for keyword s, no advance of token stream npEqPeek s == $stok.first.first = "key" and sameObject?(s,$ttok) -- test for keyword s, if found advance token stream npEqKey s == $stok.first.first = "key" and sameObject?(s,$ttok) and npNext() $npTokToNames == ["~","#","[]","{}", "[||]","{||}"] npId() == $stok.first.first = "id" => npPush $stok npNext() $stok.first.first = "key" and MEMQ($ttok,$npTokToNames) => npPush tokConstruct("id",$ttok,tokPosn $stok) npNext() false npSymbolVariable()== a := npState() npEqKey "BACKQUOTE" and npId() => a:=npPop1() npPush tokConstruct("idsy",tokPart a,tokPosn a) npRestore a false npName() == npId() or npSymbolVariable() npConstTok() == tokType $stok in '(integer string char float command) => npPush $stok npNext() npEqPeek "'" => a := $stok b := npState() npNext() npPrimary1() and npPush pfSymb(npPop1(),tokPosn a) => true npRestore b false false npPrimary1() == npEncAp function npAtom1 or npLet() or npFix() or npMacro() or npBPileDefinition() or npDefn() or npRule() npPrimary2() == npEncAp function npAtom2 -- or npBPileDefinition() or npAdd(pfNothing()) or npWith(pfNothing()) npAtom1() == npPDefinition() or ((npName() or npConstTok() or npDollar() or npBDefinition()) and npFromdom()) npAtom2() == (npInfixOperator() or npAmpersand() or npPrefixColon()) and npFromdom() npDollar() == npEqPeek "$" and npPush tokConstruct("id","$",tokPosn $stok) npNext() npPrefixColon() == npEqPeek "COLON" and npPush tokConstruct("id",":",tokPosn $stok) npNext() -- silly npEncAp f == apply(f,nil) and npAnyNo function npEncl and npFromdom() npEncl()== npBDefinition() and npPush pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1()) npFromdom()== npEqKey "$" and (npApplication() or npTrap()) and npFromdom1 npPop1() and npPush pfFromDom(npPop1(),npPop1()) or true npFromdom1 c== npEqKey "$" and (npApplication() or npTrap()) and npFromdom1 npPop1() and npPush pfFromDom(npPop1(),c) or npPush c npPrimary()== npPrimary1() or npPrimary2() npDotted f == apply(f,nil) and npAnyNo function npSelector npSelector()== npEqKey "DOT" and (npPrimary() or npTrap()) and npPush(pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1())) npApplication() == npDotted function npPrimary and (npApplication2() and npPush(pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1())) or true) npApplication2() == npDotted function npPrimary1 and (npApplication2() and npPush(pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1())) or true) npTypedForm1(sy,fn) == npEqKey sy and (npType() or npTrap()) and npPush FUNCALL(fn,npPop2(),npPop1()) npQuiver() == npRightAssoc('(ARROW LARROW),function npApplication) npTypedForm(sy,fn) == npEqKey sy and (npQuiver() or npTrap()) and npPush FUNCALL(fn,npPop2(),npPop1()) npRestrict() == npTypedForm("AT",function pfRestrict) npCoerceTo() == npTypedForm("COERCE",function pfCoerceto) npPretend() == npTypedForm("PRETEND",function pfPretend) npTypeStyle()== npCoerceTo() or npRestrict() or npPretend() npTypified() == npQuiver() and npAnyNo function npTypeStyle npTagged() == npTypedForm("COLON",function pfTagged) npColon() == npTypified() and npAnyNo function npTagged npPower() == npRightAssoc('(POWER CARAT),function npColon) npProduct()== npLeftAssoc('(TIMES SLASH BACKSLASH SLASHSLASH BACKSLASHBACKSLASH SLASHBACKSLASH BACKSLASHSLASH ) ,function npPower) npRemainder()== npLeftAssoc('(REM QUO ),function npProduct) npTerm()== npInfGeneric '(MINUS PLUS) and (npRemainder() and npPush(pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1())) or true) or npRemainder() npSum() == npLeftAssoc('(PLUS MINUS),function npTerm) npArith() == npLeftAssoc('(MOD),function npSum) npSegment() == npEqPeek "SEG" and npPushId() and npFromdom() npInterval()== npArith() and (npSegment() and ((npEqPeek "BAR" and npPush(pfApplication(npPop1(),npPop1()))) or (npArith() and npPush(pfInfApplication(npPop2(),npPop2(),npPop1()))) or npPush(pfApplication(npPop1(),npPop1()))) or true) npBy() == npLeftAssoc ('(BY),function npInterval) npAmpersand() == npEqKey "AMPERSAND" and (npName() or npTrap()) npAmpersandFrom() == npAmpersand() and npFromdom() npSynthetic() == npBy() => while npAmpersandFrom() and (npBy() or (npPush pfApplication(npPop2(),npPop1());false)) repeat npPush pfInfApplication(npPop2(),npPop2(),npPop1()) true false npRelation() == npLeftAssoc ('(EQUAL NOTEQUAL LT LE GT GE OANGLE CANGLE), function npSynthetic) npDiscrim()== npLeftAssoc ('(CASE HAS IS ISNT), function npRelation) npDisjand() == npLeftAssoc('(AND ),function npDiscrim) npLogical() == npLeftAssoc('(OR ),function npDisjand) npSuch() == npLeftAssoc('(BAR),function npLogical) ++ Parse a type expression ++ Type: ++ MonoType ++ QuantifiedVariable Type npType() == npQuantified function npMonoType npMonoType() == npSuch() and a := npPop1() npWith(a) or npPush a npADD() == npMonoType() and a := npPop1() npAdd(a) or npPush a npConditionalStatement() == npConditional function npQualifiedDefinition npExpress1()== npConditionalStatement() or npBackTrack(function npADD, "BECOMES", function npAssignment) npCommaBackSet() == npEqKey "COMMA" and (npEqKey "BACKSET" or true) npExpress()== npExpress1() and (npIterators() and npPush pfCollect (npPop2(),pfListOf npPop1()) or true) npZeroOrMore f== apply(f,nil)=> a := $stack $stack := nil while apply(f,nil) repeat 0 $stack := [nreverse $stack,:a] npPush [npPop2(),:npPop1()] npPush nil true npIterators() == npForIn() and npZeroOrMore function npIterator and npPush [npPop2(),:npPop1()] or npWhile() and (npIterators() and npPush [npPop2(),:npPop1()] or npPush [npPop1()]) npIterator() == npForIn() or npSuchThat() or npWhile() ++ Parse a case-pattern expression. ++ Case: ++ CASE Interval IS PileExit npCase() == npEqKey "CASE" => (npInterval() or npTrap()) and (npEqKey "IS" or npTrap()) and (pPP function npPileExit or npTrap()) and npPush pfCase(npPop2(), pfSequenceToList npPop1()) false npStatement() == npCase() or npExpress() or npLoop() or npIterate() or npReturn() or npBreak() or npFree() or npImport() or npInline() or npLocal() or npExport() or npVoid() npBackTrack(p1,p2,p3) == a := npState() apply(p1,nil) => npEqPeek p2 => npRestore a apply(p3,nil) or npTrap() true false npMDEF() == npBackTrack(function npStatement,"MDEF", function (() +-> npMdef "MDEF")) npAssign()== npBackTrack(function npMDEF,"BECOMES",function npAssignment) npAssignment()== npAssignVariable() and (npEqKey "BECOMES" or npTrap()) and (npGives() or npTrap()) and npPush pfAssign (npPop2(),npPop1()) npAssignVariableName() == npApplication() and a := npPop1() pfId? a => (npPush a and npDecl() or npPush pfTyped(npPop1(),pfNothing())) npPush a npAssignVariable() == npColon() and npPush pfListOf [npPop1()] npAssignVariablelist() == npListing function npAssignVariableName npExit() == npBackTrack(function npAssign,"EXIT",function npPileExit) npPileExit()== npAssign() and (npEqKey "EXIT" or npTrap()) and (npStatement() or npTrap()) and npPush pfExit(npPop2(),npPop1()) npGives() == npBackTrack(function npExit,"GIVES",function npLambda) npDefinitionOrStatement()== npQuantified function (() +-> npBackTrack(function npGives, "DEF",function npDef)) npVoid() == npAndOr("DO",function npStatement,function pfNovalue) npReturn()== npEqKey "RETURN" and (npExpress() or npPush pfNothing()) and (npEqKey "FROM" and (npName() or npTrap()) and npPush pfReturn (npPop2(),npPop1()) or npPush pfReturnNoName npPop1()) npLoop()== npIterators() and (npCompMissing "REPEAT" and (npAssign() or npTrap()) and npPush pfLp(npPop2(),npPop1())) or npEqKey "REPEAT" and (npAssign() or npTrap()) and npPush pfLoop1 npPop1 () npSuchThat() == npAndOr("BAR",function npLogical,function pfSuchthat) npWhile() == npAndOr ("WHILE",function npLogical,function pfWhile) npForIn()== npEqKey "FOR" and (npVariable() or npTrap()) and (npCompMissing "IN") and ((npBy() or npTrap()) and npPush pfForin(npPop2(),npPop1())) npBreak()== npEqKey "BREAK" and npPush pfBreak pfNothing() npIterate()== npEqKey "ITERATE" and npPush pfIterate pfNothing() npQualType()== npType() and npPush pfQualType(npPop1(),pfNothing()) npSQualTypelist() == npListing function npQualType and npPush pfParts npPop1() npQualTypelist()== npPC function npSQualTypelist and npPush pfUnSequence npPop1() npImport() == npAndOr("IMPORT",function npQualTypelist,function pfImport) npInline() == npAndOr("INLINE",function npQualTypelist,function pfInline) npLocalDecl()== npEqKey "COLON" and (npType() or npTrap()) and npPush pfSpread (pfParts npPop2(),npPop1()) or npPush pfSpread (pfParts npPop1(),pfNothing()) npLocalItem() == npTypeVariable() and npLocalDecl() npLocalItemlist()== npPC function npSLocalItem and npPush pfUnSequence npPop1() npSLocalItem()== npListing function npLocalItem and npPush pfAppend pfParts npPop1() npFree()== npEqKey "FREE" and (npLocalItemlist() or npTrap()) and npPush pfFree npPop1() npLocal()== npEqKey "local" and (npLocalItemlist() or npTrap()) and npPush pfLocal npPop1() npExport()== npEqKey "EXPORT" and (npLocalItemlist() or npTrap()) and npPush pfExport npPop1() npLet() == npLetQualified function npDefinitionOrStatement npDefn() == npEqKey "DEFN" and npPP function npDef npFix() == npEqKey "FIX" and npPP function npDef and npPush pfFix npPop1() npMacro() == npEqKey "MACRO" and npPP function (() +-> npMdef "DEF") npRule()== npEqKey "RULE" and npPP function npSingleRule npAdd(extra)== npEqKey "ADD" => a:=npState() npDefinitionOrStatement() or npTrap() npEqPeek "IN" => npRestore a (npVariable() or npTrap()) and npCompMissing "IN" and (npDefinitionOrStatement() or npTrap()) and npPush pfAdd(npPop2(),npPop1(),extra) npPush pfAdd(pfNothing(),npPop1(),extra) npDefaultValue()== npEqKey "DEFAULT" and (npDefinitionOrStatement() or npTrap()) and npPush [pfAdd(pfNothing(),npPop1(),pfNothing())] npWith extra == npEqKey "WITH" and (npCategoryL() or npTrap()) and npPush pfWith(extra,npPop1()) npCategoryL()== npCategory() and npPush pfUnSequence npPop1 () pfUnSequence x== pfSequence? x => pfListOf pfAppend pf0SequenceArgs x pfListOf x npCategory() == npPP function npSCategory npSCategory()== npWConditional function npCategoryL => npPush [npPop1()] npDefaultValue() => true a := npState() npPrimary() => npEqPeek "COLON" => npRestore a npSignature() npRestore a npApplication() and npPush [pfAttribute (npPop1())] or npTrap() false npSignatureDefinee() == npName() or npInfixOperator() or npPrefixColon() npSigDecl()== npEqKey "COLON" and (npType() or npTrap()) and npPush pfSpread (pfParts npPop2(),npPop1()) npSigItem() == npTypeVariable() and (npSigDecl() or npTrap()) npSigItemlist() == npListing function npSigItem and npPush pfListOf pfAppend pfParts npPop1() npSignature() == npSigItemlist() and npPush pfWDec(pfNothing(),npPop1()) npSemiListing(p) == npListofFun(p,function npSemiBackSet,function pfAppend) npSemiBackSet() == npEqKey "SEMICOLON" and (npEqKey "BACKSET" or true) npDecl()== npEqKey "COLON" and (npType() or npTrap()) and npPush pfTyped (npPop2(),npPop1()) npVariableName() == npName() and (npDecl() or npPush pfTyped(npPop1(),pfNothing())) npVariable() == npParenthesized function npVariablelist or (npVariableName() and npPush pfListOf [npPop1()]) npVariablelist() == npListing function npVariableName ++ Parse binders of a quantified expression ++ QuantifiedVariable: ++ Quantifier Variable DOT ++ Quantifier: ++ EXIST ++ FORALL npQuantifierVariable quantifier == npEqKey quantifier and (npVariable() or npTrap()) and npEqKey "DOT" npListing p == npList(p,"COMMA",function pfListOf) npQualified(f)== FUNCALL f => while npEqKey "WHERE" and (npDefinition() or npTrap()) repeat npPush pfWhere(npPop1(),npPop1()) true npLetQualified f npLetQualified f== npEqKey "%LET" and (npDefinition() or npTrap()) and npCompMissing "IN" and (FUNCALL f or npTrap()) and npPush pfWhere(npPop2(),npPop1()) npQualifiedDefinition()== npQualified function npDefinitionOrStatement npTuple p == npListofFun(p,function npCommaBackSet,function pfTupleListOf) npComma() == npTuple function npQualifiedDefinition npQualDef() == npComma() and npPush [npPop1()] npDefinitionlist() == npSemiListing(function npQualDef) npPDefinition() == npParenthesized function npDefinitionlist and npPush pfEnSequence npPop1() npBDefinition()== npPDefinition() or npBracketed function npDefinitionlist npPileDefinitionlist()== npListAndRecover function npDefinitionlist and npPush pfAppend npPop1() npTypeVariable()== npParenthesized function npTypeVariablelist or npSignatureDefinee() and npPush pfListOf [npPop1()] npTypeVariablelist() == npListing function npSignatureDefinee npBPileDefinition()== npPileBracketed function npPileDefinitionlist and npPush pfSequence pfListOf npPop1() npLambda()== (npVariable() and ((npLambda() or npTrap()) and npPush pfLam(npPop2(),npPop1()))) or npEqKey "GIVES" and (npDefinitionOrStatement() or npTrap()) or npEqKey "COLON" and (npType() or npTrap()) and npEqKey "GIVES" and (npDefinitionOrStatement() or npTrap()) and npPush pfReturnTyped(npPop2(),npPop1()) npDef() == npSuch() => [op,arg,rt] := pfCheckItOut(npPop1()) npDefTail "DEF" or npTrap() body := npPop1() arg = nil => npPush pfDefinition (op,body) npPush pfDefinition (op,pfPushBody(rt,arg,body)) false npDefTail kw == npEqKey kw and npDefinitionOrStatement() npMdef kw == npSuch() => [op,arg] := pfCheckMacroOut(npPop1()) npDefTail kw or npTrap() body := npPop1() arg = nil => npPush pfMacro (op,body) npPush pfMacro(op,pfPushMacroBody(arg,body)) false npSingleRule()== npSuch() => npDefTail "DEF" or npTrap() npPush pfRule(npPop2(),npPop1()) false npDefinitionItem()== npImport() or a := npState() npStatement() => npEqPeek "DEF" => npRestore a npDef() npEqPeek "MDEF" => npRestore a npMdef "MDEF" npRestore a npMacro() or npDefn() or npName() and npDecl() npTrap() npDefinition() == npPP function npDefinitionItem and npPush pfSequenceToList npPop1() pfSequenceToList x== pfSequence? x => pfSequenceArgs x pfListOf [x] --% Diagnostic routines npMissingMate(close,open)== ncSoftError(tokPosn open, 'S2CY0008, []) npMissing close npMissing s== ncSoftError(tokPosn $stok,'S2CY0007, [PNAME s]) THROW("TRAPPOINT","TRAPPED") npCompMissing s == npEqKey s or npMissing s npRecoverTrap()== npFirstTok() pos1 := tokPosn $stok npMoveTo 0 pos2 := tokPosn $stok syIgnoredFromTo(pos1, pos2) npPush [pfWrong(pfDocument ['"pile syntax error"],pfListOf [])] npListAndRecover(f)== a := $stack b := nil $stack := nil done := false c := $inputStream while not done repeat found:=CATCH("TRAPPOINT",apply(f,nil)) if found="TRAPPED" then $inputStream:=c npRecoverTrap() else if not found then $inputStream:=c syGeneralErrorHere() npRecoverTrap() if npEqKey "BACKSET" then c:=$inputStream else if npEqPeek "BACKTAB" then done:=true else $inputStream:=c syGeneralErrorHere() npRecoverTrap() if npEqPeek "BACKTAB" then done:=true else npNext() c:=$inputStream b := [npPop1(),:b] $stack := a npPush nreverse b npMoveTo n== $inputStream = nil => true npEqPeek "BACKTAB" => n = 0 => true (npNext();npMoveTo(n-1)) npEqPeek "BACKSET" => n = 0 => true (npNext();npMoveTo n) npEqKey "SETTAB" => npMoveTo(n+1) (npNext();npMoveTo n)