;; Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. ;; All rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2007, Gabriel Dos Reis. ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ;; met: ;; ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; ;; - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the ;; names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ;; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ;; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ;; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER ;; OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, ;; EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ;; PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ;; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ;; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ;; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;; the old compiler splits source files on a domain by domain basis ;; the new compiler compiles all of the domains in a file together into a ;; single output file ;; in order to converge these two approaches nrlibs are being combined on ;; a file basis rather than split on a domain basis. this change should be ;; transparent to all code that properly accesses the files. ;; INTERP.EXPOSED will be enhanced to contain the source file name of ;; the domain. thus, instead of: ;; INT Integer ;; it will be: ;; INT integer Integer ;; which would mean that the library that contains INT would be integer.NRLIB ;; by using this mechanism we can continue to use the old libraries ;; since each entry would now contain: ;; INT INT Integer ;; which would mean that the library that contains the domain INT is INT.NRLIB ;; old file formats for nrlibs: ;; first sexpr is integer specifying the byte position of the index of the file ;; next n sexprs are information in the nrlib ;; last sexpr is an alist (pointed at by the first number in the file) which ;; contains triples. e.g. (("slot1info" 0 2550)...) ;; each triple consists of a string, a zero, and an byte offset into the file ;; of the information requested e.g. slot1info starts at byte 2550 ;; new file formats for libs: ;; first sexpr is either an integer (in which case this is exactly an old nrlib ;; --- or --- ;; first sexpr is an alist of the form: ;; ((abbreviation . index) ...) ;; where each abbreviation is the abbreviation of the domain name and each ;; index is a pointer to the triples alist ;; so, for example, integer.spad contains 5 domains: ;; INTSLPE, INT, NNI, PI and ROMAN ;; previously INT.NRLIB/index.KAF contained: ;; 2550 ;; (sexpr1...) ;; (sexpr2....) ;; (sexpr3...) ;; (("sexpr1" 0 8) ("sexpr2" 0 22) ("sexpr3 0 45)) ;; and the individual index.KAF files were similar for the other 4 domains. ;; under the new scheme integer.nrlib/index.KAF would contain: ;; ((INTSLPE . 2000) (INT . 4000) (NNI . 6000) (PI . 8000) (ROMAN . 10000)) ;; (sexpr1...) --- info for INTSLPE ;; (sexpr2....) ;; (sexpr3...) ;; (("sexpr1" 0 8) ("sexpr2" 0 22) ("sexpr3 0 45)) ;; (sexpr1...) --- info for INT ;; (sexpr2....) ;; (sexpr3...) ;; (("sexpr1" 0 2800) ("sexpr2" 0 2900) ("sexpr3 0 3000)) ;; (sexpr1...) --- info for NNI ;; (sexpr2....) ;; (sexpr3...) ;; (("sexpr1" 0 4100) ("sexpr2" 0 4200) ("sexpr3 0 4300)) ;; (sexpr1...) --- info for PI ;; (sexpr2....) ;; (sexpr3...) ;; (("sexpr1" 0 6100) ("sexpr2" 0 6200) ("sexpr3 0 6300)) ;; (sexpr1...) --- info for ROMAN ;; (sexpr2....) ;; (sexpr3...) ;; (("sexpr1" 0 8100) ("sexpr2" 0 8200) ("sexpr3 0 8300)) ;; when an NRLIB is opened currently the position information is first ;; read into the libstream-indextable slot, then this information is ;; overwritten by the index table itself. ;; we need the name of the NRLIB passed down to the low level functions ;; so they can open the new NRLIB format and perform the correct file ;; position operation. once the NRLIB is open it is only referenced ;; within one constructor so we can lose the master index table. (in-package "BOOT") ; this is a function that expects to be called with a list of old .NRLIB ; names and a string of the new .NRLIB name. e.g. ; (mergelib '(INT NNI PI ROMAN INTSLPE) "integer") (defun mergelibs (innames outname) "each .NRLIB in the inname list is merged into outname.NRLIB" (labels ( (libname (name) (concatenate 'string (string name) ".NRLIB")) (indexname (name) (concatenate 'string (string name) ".NRLIB/index.KAF")) (lspname (name) (concatenate 'string (string name) ".NRLIB/code.lsp")) (fullname (name) (concatenate 'string (|systemRootDirectory|) "/../../int/algebra/" (string name) ".NRLIB/index.KAF")) (fullcode (name) (concatenate 'string (|systemRootDirectory|) "/../../int/algebra/" (string name) ".NRLIB/code.lsp"))) (let (masterindex blanks index newindex (space (* 22 (length innames)))) (setq newindex space) (system::system (concatenate 'string "rm -r " (libname outname))) (system::system (concatenate 'string "mkdir " (libname outname))) (with-open-file (out (indexname outname) :direction :output) (setq blanks (make-string space :initial-element #\ )) (write blanks :stream out) ; reserve space for the masterindex (finish-output out) (dolist (inname innames) (when (probe-file (fullname inname)) (with-open-file (in (fullname inname)) (let (alist pos) (setq index (read in)) (file-position in index) (setq alist (read in)) (dolist (ptr alist) (when (setq pos (third ptr)) (file-position in pos) (setf (third ptr) (file-position out)) (print (read in) out) (finish-output out))) (finish-output out) (push (cons inname (file-position out)) masterindex) (write alist :stream out :level nil :length nil :escape t))))) (file-position out 0) (print masterindex out)) (dolist (inname innames) (format t "cat ~a >>~a~%" (fullcode inname) (lspname outname)) (system::system (format nil "cat ~a >>~a" (fullcode inname) (lspname outname))))))) (defun |pathname| (p) (cond ((null p) p) ((pathnamep p) p) ((null (pairp p)) (pathname p)) ('else (when (> (length p) 2) (setq p (list (mergelib (first p)) (second p)))) (apply (function make-filename) p)))) (defun mergelib (x) (declare (special $mergelib)) (let (result) (setq result (assoc x $mergelib)) (if result (cdr result) x))) ; from lisplib.boot (defun |readLib1| (fn ft fm) (|readLibPathFast| (|pathname| (list fn ft fm)) fn)) (defun |readLibPathFast| (p &optional fn) (rdefiostream (list (cons 'file p) '(mode . input)) nil fn)) (in-package "BOOT") ; from nlib.lisp (defun get-index-table-from-stream (stream &optional abbrev) (let (pos) (file-position stream 0) (setq pos (read stream)) (cond ((numberp pos) (file-position stream pos) (read stream)) ((consp pos) (setq pos (cdr (assoc abbrev pos))) (file-position stream pos) (read stream)) ('else pos)))) (defun loadvol (&rest filearg) (cond ((typep (car filearg) 'libstream) (load (concat (libstream-dirname (car filearg)) "/code"))) (t (setq filearg (make-input-filename (boot::mergelib filearg) 'LISPLIB)) (if (library-file filearg) (load (concat filearg "/code")) (load filearg))))) ; from nlib.lisp ;; (RDEFIOSTREAM ((MODE . IO) (FILE fn ft dir))) IO is I,O,INPUT,OUTPUT (defun rdefiostream (options &optional (missing-file-error-flag t) abbrev) (let ((mode (cdr (assoc 'mode options))) (file (assoc 'file options)) (stream nil) (fullname nil) (indextable nil)) (cond ((equal (elt (string mode) 0) #\I) (setq fullname (make-input-filename (cdr file) 'LISPLIB)) (setq stream (get-input-index-stream fullname)) (if (null stream) (if missing-file-error-flag (ERROR (format nil "Library ~s doesn't exist" (make-filename (cdr file) 'LISPLIB))) NIL) (make-libstream :mode 'input :dirname fullname :indextable (get-index-table-from-stream stream abbrev) :indexstream stream))) ((equal (elt (string mode) 0) #\O) (setq fullname (make-full-namestring (cdr file) 'LISPLIB)) (case (directory? fullname) (-1 (makedir fullname)) (0 (error (format nil "~s is an existing file, not a library" fullname))) (otherwise)) (multiple-value-setq (stream indextable) (get-io-index-stream fullname)) (make-libstream :mode 'output :dirname fullname :indextable indextable :indexstream stream )) ('t (ERROR "Unknown MODE"))))) (in-package "BOOT") ; from lisplib.boot (defun |readLibPathFast| (p &optional abbrev) (rdefiostream (list (list 'file p) '(mode . input)) nil abbrev)) ; from lisplib.boot (defun |hasFilePropertyNoCache| (p id &optional abbrev) (let (fnstream result) (when (eq id '|constructorModemap|)(format t "~a (~a) has ~a~%" p abbrev id)) (setq fnstream (|readLibPathFast| p abbrev)) (when fnstream (setq result (|rread| id fnstream nil)) (rshut fnstream) result))) (defun |loadLibNoUpdate| (cname libName) (let (fullLibName libDir kind) (setq fullLibName (make-input-filename (mergelib libName) |$spadLibFT|)) (setq libDir (directory-namestring fullLibName)) (setq kind (GETDATABASE cname 'CONSTRUCTORKIND)) (when |$printLoadMsgs| (|sayKeyedMsg| 'S2IL0002 (list (|namestring| fullLibName) kind cname))) (load (concatenate 'string libDir (mergelib libName))) (|clearConstructorCache| cname) (when (get cname 'loaded) (|unInstantiate| (cons cname (mapcar '|getConstructorUnabbreviation| (|dependentClosure| (list cname)))))) (|installConstructor| cname kind) (makeprop libName 'loaded fullLibName) (when |$InteractiveMode| (setq |$CategoryFrame| (list (list (list nil))))) (|stopTimingProcess| '|load|) t)) ; this is a program which, given the path to the source file INTERP.EXPOSED and ; a path to the old style index.KAF files, will create a new interp.exposed ; in the current directory such that each library line has the source file ; name appended to the line. this is a useful one-time function for ; converting from old style INTERP.EXPOSED to new style interp.exposed (defun make-interp (src int) (labels ( (FINDSRC (libname) "return a string name of the source file given the library file name (eg PI) as a string" (let (kaffile index alist result) (setq kaffile (concatenate 'string int "/" libname ".NRLIB/index.KAF")) (if (probe-file kaffile) (with-open-file (kaf kaffile) (setq index (read kaf)) (file-position kaf index) (setq alist (read kaf)) (setq index (third (assoc "sourceFile" alist :test #'string=))) (file-position kaf index) (setq result (pathname-name (pathname (read kaf index))))) (format t "~a does not exist~%" kaffile)) result))) (let (expr) (with-open-file (out "interp.exposed" :direction :output) (with-open-file (in (concatenate 'string src "/INTERP.EXPOSED")) (catch 'eof (loop (setq expr (read-line in nil 'eof)) (when (eq expr 'eof) (throw 'eof nil)) (if (and (> (length expr) 58) (char= (schar expr 0) #\space) (not (char= (schar expr 8) #\space))) (format out "~66a ~a~%" expr (findsrc (string-right-trim '(#\space) (subseq expr 58)))) (format out "~a~%" expr))))))))) ; mergeall is a utility that will scan all of the .spad files and copy ; all of the resulting old .NRLIBs into the correct new .NRLIBs. ; one complication is that category constructors may not have old .NRLIBs (defun mergeall (src) (labels ( (SRCSCAN () (let (spads) (system:chdir src) (setq spads (directory "*.spad")) (dolist (spad spads) (srcabbrevs spad)) nil)) (SRCABBREVS (sourcefile) (let (expr names abbrev point mark newmark) (catch 'done (with-open-file (in sourcefile) (loop (setq expr (read-line in nil 'done)) (when (eq expr 'done) (throw 'done nil)) (when (and (> (length expr) 4) (string= ")abb" (subseq expr 0 4))) (setq point (position #\space expr :from-end t :test #'char=)) (setq mark (position #\space (string-right-trim '(#\space) (subseq expr 0 (1- point))) :from-end t)) (setq abbrev (string-trim '(#\space) (subseq expr mark point))) (push abbrev names) (setq newmark (position #\space (string-right-trim '(#\space) (subseq expr 0 (1- mark))) :from-end t)) (when (string= "CAT" (string-upcase (string-trim '(#\space) (subseq expr newmark (+ newmark 4))))) (push (concatenate 'string abbrev "-") names)))))) (format t "(mergelibs '~a ~s)~%" names (string (pathname-name sourcefile))) names))) (srcscan))) ; rescan will search new style NRLIBs and construct a new $MERGELIB list ; this should be run after merging the libraries (defun rescan () (labels ( (indexname (name) (concatenate 'string (namestring name) "/index.KAF"))) (let (result) (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (dolist (i (car f)) (push (cons (car i) (cdr f)) result))) (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (with-open-file (in (indexname f)) (cons (read in) (pathname-name f)))) (directory "*.NRLIB"))) result))) (defvar $mergelib nil) ;; use old scheme for now ;;(defvar $mergelib '( ;; (INT . "integer") (NNI . "integer") (PI . "integer") ;; (ROMAN . "integer") (INTSLPE . "integer"))) ;((YSTREAM . "ystream") (WEIER . "weier") (RESLATC . "void") ;(EXIT . "void") (VOID . "void") (VIEW . "viewpack") ;(VIEWDEF . "viewDef") (VIEW3D . "view3D") (VIEW2D . "view2D") ;(GRIMAGE . "view2D") (DIRPROD2 . "vector") (DIRPROD . "vector") ;(DIRPCAT- . "vector") (DIRPCAT . "vector") (VECTOR2 . "vector") ;(VECTOR . "vector") (IVECTOR . "vector") (VECTCAT- . "vector") ;(VECTCAT . "vector") (ANON . "variable") (FUNCTION . "variable") ;(RULECOLD . "variable") (VARIABLE . "variable") (OVAR . "variable") ;(UTSODE . "utsode") (UNIFACT . "unifact") (TWOFACT . "twofact") ;(NUMTUBE . "tube") (EXPRTUBE . "tube") (TUBETOOL . "tube") ;(TUBE . "tube") (SPFCAT . "trigcat") (CFCAT . "trigcat") ;(LFCAT . "trigcat") (PRIMCAT . "trigcat") (TRIGCAT- . "trigcat") ;(TRIGCAT . "trigcat") (TRANFUN- . "trigcat") (TRANFUN . "trigcat") ;(HYPCAT- . "trigcat") (HYPCAT . "trigcat") (ATRIG- . "trigcat") ;(ATRIG . "trigcat") (AHYP . "trigcat") (ELEMFUN- . "trigcat") ;(ELEMFUN . "trigcat") (PENDTREE . "tree") (BBTREE . "tree") ;(BTOURN . "tree") (BSTREE . "tree") (BTREE . "tree") ;(BTCAT- . "tree") (BTCAT . "tree") (TREE . "tree") ;(SOLVESER . "transsolve") (SOLVETRA . "transsolve") (TEX1 . "tex") ;(TEX . "tex") (UTS2 . "taylor") (UTS . "taylor") ;(ITAYLOR . "taylor") (TABLBUMP . "tableau") (TABLEAU . "tableau") ;(STBL . "table") (GSTBL . "table") (STRTBL . "table") ;(EQTBL . "table") (TABLE . "table") (INTABL . "table") ;(HASHTBL . "table") (MSYSCMD . "system") (SYSSOLP . "syssolp") ;(SYMBOL . "symbol") (SUTS . "suts") (SUMRF . "sum") ;(GOSPER . "sum") (ISUMP . "sum") (SUCH . "suchthat") ;(STTF . "sttf") (STTAYLOR . "sttaylor") (STRICAT . "string") ;(STRING . "string") (ISTRING . "string") (CCLASS . "string") ;(CHAR . "string") (STREAM3 . "stream") (STREAM2 . "stream") ;(STREAM1 . "stream") (STREAM . "stream") (CSTTOOLS . "stream") ;(LZSTAGG- . "stream") (LZSTAGG . "stream") (NTPOLFN . "special") ;(ORTHPOL . "special") (SFSFUN . "special") (TOPSP . "space") ;(SPACE3 . "space") (SPACEC . "space") (SORTPAK . "sortpak") ;(SORTPAK . "sort") (SOLVERAD . "solverad") (LSPP . "solvelin") ;(LSMP . "solvelin") (SOLVEFOR . "solvefor") (DIOSP . "solvedio") ;(SMITH . "smith") (LIMITRF . "sign") (SIGNRF . "sign") ;(INPSIGN . "sign") (TOOLSIGN . "sign") (SI . "si") ;(INS- . "si") (INS . "si") (SGCF . "sgcf") ;(SF . "sf") (FPS- . "sf") (FPS . "sf") ;(RNS- . "sf") (RNS . "sf") (RADCAT- . "sf") ;(RADCAT . "sf") (SEX . "sex") (SEXOF . "sex") ;(SEXCAT . "sex") (SET . "sets") (UDVO . "setorder") ;(UDPO . "setorder") (INCRMAPS . "seg") (UNISEG2 . "seg") ;(UNISEG . "seg") (SEGBIND2 . "seg") (SEGBIND . "seg") ;(SEG2 . "seg") (SEG . "seg") (SEGXCAT . "seg") ;(SEGCAT . "seg") (RULESET . "rule") (APPRULE . "rule") ;(RULE . "rule") (ODERTRIC . "riccati") (ODEPRRIC . "riccati") ;(MKODRING . "riccati") (RF . "rf") (POLYCATQ . "rf") ;(RATRET . "retract") (INTRET . "retract") (FRETRCT- . "retract") ;(FRETRCT . "retract") (RESRING . "resring") (REP2 . "rep2") ;(REP1 . "rep1") (REAL0 . "realzero") (REAL0Q . "real0q") ;(RDEEFS . "rdesys") (RDETRS . "rdesys") (RDETR . "rderf") ;(RDEEF . "rdeef") (INTTOOLS . "rdeef") (RATFACT . "ratfact") ;(RFDIST . "random") (RIDIST . "random") (INTBIT . "random") ;(RDIST . "random") (RANDSRC . "random") (RADUTIL . "radix") ;(HEXADEC . "radix") (DECIMAL . "radix") (BINARY . "radix") ;(RADIX . "radix") (REP . "radeigen") (QUATCT2 . "quat") ;(QUAT . "quat") (QUATCAT- . "quat") (QUATCAT . "quat") ;(QALGSET2 . "qalgset") (QALGSET . "qalgset") (UPXS2 . "puiseux") ;(UPXS . "puiseux") (UPXSCONS . "puiseux") (UPXSCCA- . "puiseux") ;(UPXSCCA . "puiseux") (PTRANFN . "ptranfn") (MTSCAT . "pscat") ;(UPXSCAT . "pscat") (ULSCAT . "pscat") (UTSCAT- . "pscat") ;(UTSCAT . "pscat") (UPSCAT- . "pscat") (UPSCAT . "pscat") ;(PSCAT- . "pscat") (PSCAT . "pscat") (SYMPOLY . "prtition") ;(PRTITION . "prtition") (PRODUCT . "product") (PRINT . "print") ;(FSPRMELT . "primelt") (PRIMELT . "primelt") (COMMUPC . "polycat") ;(UPOLYC2 . "polycat") (UPOLYC- . "polycat") (UPOLYC . "polycat") ;(POLYLIFT . "polycat") (POLYCAT- . "polycat") (POLYCAT . "polycat") ;(FAMR- . "polycat") (FAMR . "polycat") (AMR- . "polycat") ;(AMR . "polycat") (PSQFR . "poly") (UPSQFREE . "poly") ;(POLY2UP . "poly") (UP2 . "poly") (UP . "poly") ;(SUP2 . "poly") (SUP . "poly") (PR . "poly") ;(FM . "poly") (POLTOPOL . "poltopol") (MPC3 . "poltopol") ;(MPC2 . "poltopol") (PLOTTOOL . "plottool") (PLOT3D . "plot3d") ;(PLOT1 . "plot") (PLOT . "plot") (PLEQN . "pleqn") ;(PINTERP . "pinterp") (PINTERPA . "pinterp") (PGROEB . "pgrobner") ;(PGCD . "pgcd") (PFRPAC . "pfr") (PFR . "pfr") ;(PFO . "pfo") (FSRED . "pfo") (PFOQ . "pfo") ;(PFOTOOLS . "pfo") (RDIV . "pfo") (FORDER . "pfo") ;(PFBR . "pfbr") (PFBRU . "pfbr") (PF . "pf") ;(IPF . "pf") (PGE . "permgrps") (PERMGRP . "permgrps") ;(PERMAN . "perman") (GRAY . "perman") (PERM . "perm") ;(PERMCAT . "perm") (PSCURVE . "pcurve") (PPCURVE . "pcurve") ;(PATAB . "pattern") (PATTERN2 . "pattern") (PATTERN1 . "pattern") ;(PATTERN . "pattern") (PATMATCH . "patmatch") (PMLSAGG . "patmatch") ;(PMFS . "patmatch") (PMPLCAT . "patmatch") (PMTOOLS . "patmatch") ;(PMQFCAT . "patmatch") (PMDOWN . "patmatch") (PMINS . "patmatch") ;(PMKERNEL . "patmatch") (PMSYM . "patmatch") (FPATMAB . "patmatch") ;(PATMAB . "patmatch") (PATLRES . "patmatch") (PATRES2 . "patmatch") ;(PATRES . "patmatch") (PARTPERM . "partperm") (PARSU2 . "paramete") ;(PARSURF . "paramete") (PARSC2 . "paramete") (PARSCURV . "paramete") ;(PARPC2 . "paramete") (PARPCURV . "paramete") (BPADICRT . "padic") ;(PADICRAT . "padic") (PADICRC . "padic") (BPADIC . "padic") ;(PADIC . "padic") (IPADIC . "padic") (PADICCT . "padic") ;(PADE . "pade") (PADEPAC . "pade") (OUTFORM . "outform") ;(NUMFMT . "outform") (DISPLAY . "out") (SPECOUT . "out") ;(OUT . "out") (OP . "opalg") (COMMONOP . "op") ;(BOP1 . "op") (BOP . "op") (ODECONST . "oderf") ;(ODEINT . "oderf") (ODETOOLS . "oderf") (ODERAT . "oderf") ;(RTODETLS . "oderf") (SCFRAC . "oderf") (ODEPRIM . "oderf") ;(BOUNDZRO . "oderf") (BALFACT . "oderf") (ODEEF . "odeef") ;(REDORDER . "odeef") (ODEPAL . "odealg") (ODERED . "odealg") ;(ODESYS . "odealg") (OCTCT2 . "oct") (OCT . "oct") ;(OC- . "oct") (OC . "oct") (PNTHEORY . "numtheor") ;(INTHEORY . "numtheor") (FLOATCP . "numsolve") (FLOATRP . "numsolve") ;(INFSP . "numsolve") (NUMQUAD . "numquad") (NUMODE . "numode") ;(DRAWHACK . "numeric") (NUMERIC . "numeric") (NCEP . "numeigen") ;(NREP . "numeigen") (INEP . "numeigen") (NPCOEF . "npcoef") ;(NODE1 . "nlode") (NLINSOL . "nlinsol") (RETSOL . "nlinsol") ;(PTFUNC2 . "newpoint") (PTPACK . "newpoint") (SUBSPACE . "newpoint") ;(COMPPROP . "newpoint") (POINT . "newpoint") (PTCAT . "newpoint") ;(FRNAALG- . "naalgc") (FRNAALG . "naalgc") (FINAALG- . "naalgc") ;(FINAALG . "naalgc") (NAALG- . "naalgc") (NAALG . "naalgc") ;(NASRING- . "naalgc") (NASRING . "naalgc") (NARNG- . "naalgc") ;(NARNG . "naalgc") (MONADWU- . "naalgc") (MONADWU . "naalgc") ;(MONAD- . "naalgc") (MONAD . "naalgc") (FRNAAF2 . "naalg") ;(ALGPKG . "naalg") (SCPKG . "naalg") (ALGSC . "naalg") ;(MULTSQFR . "multsqfr") (INDE . "multpoly") (SMP . "multpoly") ;(MPOLY . "multpoly") (POLY2 . "multpoly") (POLY . "multpoly") ;(ALGMFACT . "multfact") (MULTFACT . "multfact") (INNMFACT . "multfact") ;(TS . "mts") (SMTS . "mts") (MSET . "mset") ;(MRF2 . "mring") (MRING . "mring") (MOEBIUS . "moebius") ;(MODFIELD . "modring") (EMR . "modring") (MODRING . "modring") ;(MODMON . "modmon") (INMODGCD . "modgcd") (MDDFACT . "moddfact") ;(MLIFT . "mlift") (MKRECORD . "mkrecord") (MKFLCFN . "mkfunc") ;(MKBCFUNC . "mkfunc") (MKUCFUNC . "mkfunc") (MKFUNC . "mkfunc") ;(INFORM1 . "mkfunc") (INFORM . "mkfunc") (SAOS . "misc") ;(MFINFACT . "mfinfact") (MESH . "mesh") (MATSTOR . "matstor") ;(SQMATRIX . "matrix") (RMATRIX . "matrix") (MATRIX . "matrix") ;(IMATRIX . "matrix") (MATLIN . "matfuns") (IMATQF . "matfuns") ;(RMCAT2 . "matfuns") (MATCAT2 . "matfuns") (IMATLIN . "matfuns") ;(SMATCAT- . "matcat") (SMATCAT . "matcat") (RMATCAT- . "matcat") ;(RMATCAT . "matcat") (MATCAT- . "matcat") (MATCAT . "matcat") ;(MAPPKG3 . "mappkg") (MAPPKG2 . "mappkg") (MAPPKG1 . "mappkg") ;(MAPHACK3 . "mappkg") (MAPHACK2 . "mappkg") (MAPHACK1 . "mappkg") ;(TRMANIP . "manip") (ALGMANIP . "manip") (POLYROOT . "manip") ;(FACTFUNC . "manip") (LODOF . "lodof") (DPMM . "lodo") ;(DPMO . "lodo") (ODR . "lodo") (LODO . "lodo") ;(NCODIV . "lodo") (OMLO . "lodo") (MLO . "lodo") ;(LMDICT . "lmdict") (HEUGCD . "listgcd") (ALIST . "list") ;(LIST2MAP . "list") (LIST3 . "list") (LIST2 . "list") ;(LIST . "list") (ILIST . "list") (LF . "liouv") ;(LGROBP . "lingrob") (ZLINDEP . "lindep") (LINDEP . "lindep") ;(SIGNEF . "limitps") (LIMITPS . "limitps") (LSQM . "lie") ;(JORDAN . "lie") (LIE . "lie") (LEADCDET . "leadcdet") ;(ULS2 . "laurent") (ULS . "laurent") (ULSCONS . "laurent") ;(ULSCCAT- . "laurent") (ULSCCAT . "laurent") (INVLAPLA . "laplace") ;(LAPLACE . "laplace") (KOVACIC . "kovacic") (KERNEL2 . "kl") ;(KERNEL . "kl") (MKCHSET . "kl") (SCACHE . "kl") ;(CACHSET . "kl") (ITFUN3 . "ituple") (ITFUN2 . "ituple") ;(ITUPLE . "ituple") (IRSN . "irsn") (IRRF2F . "irexpand") ;(IR2F . "irexpand") (INTRF . "intrf") (INTRAT . "intrf") ;(INTTR . "intrf") (INTHERTR . "intrf") (MONOTOOL . "intrf") ;(SUBRESP . "intrf") (INTPM . "intpm") (INTFACT . "intfact") ;(IROOT . "intfact") (PRIMES . "intfact") (FSINT . "integrat") ;(FSCINT . "integrat") (ROMAN . "integer") (PI . "integer") ;(NNI . "integer") (INT . "integer") (INTSLPE . "integer") ;(INTEF . "intef") (NFINTBAS . "intclos") (WFFINTBS . "intclos") ;(FFINTBAS . "intclos") (IBATOOL . "intclos") (TRIMAT . "intclos") ;(IR2 . "intaux") (IR . "intaux") (INTALG . "intalg") ;(INTHERAL . "intalg") (DBLRESP . "intalg") (INTAF . "intaf") ;(INTPAF . "intaf") (INTG0 . "intaf") (INPRODFF . "infprod") ;(INPRODPF . "infprod") (INFPROD0 . "infprod") (STINPROD . "infprod") ;(IDPAG . "indexedp") (IDPOAMS . "indexedp") (IDPOAM . "indexedp") ;(IDPAM . "indexedp") (IDPO . "indexedp") (IDPC . "indexedp") ;(IDECOMP . "idecomp") (IDEAL . "ideal") (GROEBSOL . "groebsol") ;(GBF . "groebf") (GRDEF . "grdef") (LAUPOL . "gpol") ;(GENPGCD . "gpgcd") (GHENSEL . "ghensel") (GENUPS . "genups") ;(GENUFACT . "genufact") (CVMP . "generic") (GCNAALG . "generic") ;(GENEEZ . "geneez") (HDMP . "gdpoly") (DMP . "gdpoly") ;(GDMP . "gdpoly") (HDP . "gdirprod") (ODP . "gdirprod") ;(ORDFUNS . "gdirprod") (GBINTERN . "gbintern") (GBEUCLID . "gbeuclid") ;(GB . "gb") (CINTSLPE . "gaussian") (COMPFACT . "gaussian") ;(COMPLEX2 . "gaussian") (COMPLEX . "gaussian") (COMPCAT- . "gaussian") ;(COMPCAT . "gaussian") (GAUSSFAC . "gaussfac") (FSUPFACT . "funcpkgs") ;(FS2 . "fspace") (FS- . "fspace") (FS . "fspace") ;(ES2 . "fspace") (ES1 . "fspace") (ES- . "fspace") ;(ES . "fspace") (FS2UPS . "fs2ups") (FS2EXPXP . "fs2expxp") ;(FAGROUP . "free") (FAMONOID . "free") (IFAMON . "free") ;(FAMONC . "free") (FGROUP . "free") (FMONOID . "free") ;(LMOPS . "free") (FRAC2 . "fraction") (LPEFRAC . "fraction") ;(FRAC . "fraction") (QFCAT2 . "fraction") (QFCAT- . "fraction") ;(QFCAT . "fraction") (LA . "fraction") (LO . "fraction") ;(FR2 . "fr") (FRUTIL . "fr") (FR . "fr") ;(FORMULA1 . "formula") (FORMULA . "formula") (FNLA . "fnla") ;(HB . "fnla") (COMM . "fnla") (OSI . "fnla") ;(FNAME . "fname") (FNCAT . "fname") (ZMOD . "fmod") ;(FLOAT . "float") (LIB . "files") (KAFILE . "files") ;(TEXTFILE . "files") (FILE . "files") (FILECAT . "files") ;(IRREDFFX . "ffx") (FFPOLY2 . "ffpoly2") (FFPOLY . "ffpoly") ;(FF . "ffp") (IFF . "ffp") (FFX . "ffp") ;(FFP . "ffp") (FFNB . "ffnb") (FFNBX . "ffnb") ;(FFNBP . "ffnb") (INBFF . "ffnb") (FFHOM . "ffhom") ;(FFF . "fff") (FFCG . "ffcg") (FFCGX . "ffcg") ;(FFCGP . "ffcg") (FFSLPE . "ffcat") (FFIELDC- . "ffcat") ;(FFIELDC . "ffcat") (DLP . "ffcat") (FAXF- . "ffcat") ;(FAXF . "ffcat") (XF- . "ffcat") (XF . "ffcat") ;(FPC- . "ffcat") (FPC . "ffcat") (PUSHVAR . "facutil") ;(FACUTIL . "facutil") (EXPRODE . "exprode") (EXPR2UPS . "expr2ups") ;(PICOERCE . "expr") (HACKPI . "expr") (PMASS . "expr") ;(PMPRED . "expr") (PMASSFS . "expr") (PMPREDFS . "expr") ;(EXPR2 . "expr") (PAN2EXPR . "expr") (EXPR . "expr") ;(EXPEXPAN . "expexpan") (UPXSSING . "expexpan") (EXPUPXS . "expexpan") ;(ERROR . "error") (FEVALAB- . "equation") (FEVALAB . "equation") ;(EVALAB- . "equation") (EVALAB . "equation") (IEVALAB- . "equation") ;(IEVALAB . "equation") (EQ2 . "equation") (EQ . "equation") ;(ELFUTS . "elfuts") (EF . "elemntry") (CHARPOL . "eigen") ;(EP . "eigen") (EFUPXS . "efupxs") (EFULS . "efuls") ;(TRIGMNIP . "efstruc") (ITRIGMNP . "efstruc") (EFSTRUC . "efstruc") ;(TANEXP . "efstruc") (SYMFUNC . "efstruc") (DRAWCX . "drawpak") ;(DROPT0 . "drawopt") (DROPT1 . "drawopt") (DROPT . "drawopt") ;(DRAWCURV . "draw") (DRAW . "draw") (DRAWCFUN . "draw") ;(SDPOL . "dpolcat") (ODPOL . "dpolcat") (DSMP . "dpolcat") ;(DPOLCAT- . "dpolcat") (DPOLCAT . "dpolcat") (SDVAR . "dpolcat") ;(ODVAR . "dpolcat") (DVARCAT- . "dpolcat") (DVARCAT . "dpolcat") ;(FDIV2 . "divisor") (FDIV . "divisor") (FRMOD . "divisor") ;(MHROWRED . "divisor") (FRIDEAL2 . "divisor") (FRIDEAL . "divisor") ;(DHMATRIX . "dhmatrix") (DERHAM . "derham") (ANTISYM . "derham") ;(EAB . "derham") (LALG- . "derham") (LALG . "derham") ;(DEGRED . "degred") (DEFINTRF . "defintrf") (DFINTTLS . "defintrf") ;(DEFINTEF . "defintef") (FLASORT . "defaults") (REPDB . "defaults") ;(REPSQ . "defaults") (DDFACT . "ddfact") (CYCLOTOM . "cyclotom") ;(EVALCYC . "cycles") (CYCLES . "cycles") (ALGFF . "curve") ;(RADFF . "curve") (CHVAR . "curve") (FFCAT2 . "curve") ;(MMAP . "curve") (FFCAT- . "curve") (FFCAT . "curve") ;(CRFP . "crfp") (CRAPACK . "cra") (COORDSYS . "coordsys") ;(NCNTFRAC . "contfrac") (CONTFRAC . "contfrac") (AN . "constant") ;(INFINITY . "complet") (ONECOMP2 . "complet") (ONECOMP . "complet") ;(ORDCOMP2 . "complet") (ORDCOMP . "complet") (COMBINAT . "combinat") ;(SUMFS . "combfunc") (FSPECF . "combfunc") (COMBF . "combfunc") ;(COMBOPC . "combfunc") (PALETTE . "color") (COLOR . "color") ;(RETRACT- . "coerce") (RETRACT . "coerce") (KONVERT . "coerce") ;(KOERCE . "coerce") (OBJECT . "coerce") (TYPE . "coerce") ;(CMPLXRT . "cmplxrt") (CLIP . "clip") (CLIF . "clifford") ;(QFORM . "clifford") (MCDEN . "cden") (UPCDEN . "cden") ;(CDEN . "cden") (ICDEN . "cden") (VSPACE . "catdef") ;(UFD- . "catdef") (UFD . "catdef") (STEP . "catdef") ;(SGROUP- . "catdef") (SGROUP . "catdef") (SETCAT- . "catdef") ;(SETCAT . "catdef") (RNG . "catdef") (RMODULE . "catdef") ;(RING- . "catdef") (RING . "catdef") (REAL . "catdef") ;(PID . "catdef") (PFECAT- . "catdef") (PFECAT . "catdef") ;(PDRING- . "catdef") (PDRING . "catdef") (ORDSET- . "catdef") ;(ORDSET . "catdef") (ORDRING- . "catdef") (ORDRING . "catdef") ;(ORDMON . "catdef") (ORDFIN . "catdef") (OASGP . "catdef") ;(OAMONS . "catdef") (OCAMON . "catdef") (OAMON . "catdef") ;(OAGROUP . "catdef") (MONOID- . "catdef") (MONOID . "catdef") ;(MODULE- . "catdef") (MODULE . "catdef") (LMODULE . "catdef") ;(LINEXP . "catdef") (INTDOM- . "catdef") (INTDOM . "catdef") ;(GROUP- . "catdef") (GROUP . "catdef") (GCDDOM- . "catdef") ;(GCDDOM . "catdef") (FRAMALG- . "catdef") (FRAMALG . "catdef") ;(FLINEXP- . "catdef") (FLINEXP . "catdef") (FINITE . "catdef") ;(FIELD- . "catdef") (FIELD . "catdef") (EUCDOM- . "catdef") ;(EUCDOM . "catdef") (ENTIRER . "catdef") (DIVRING- . "catdef") ;(DIVRING . "catdef") (DIFEXT- . "catdef") (DIFEXT . "catdef") ;(DIFRING- . "catdef") (DIFRING . "catdef") (COMRING . "catdef") ;(CHARNZ . "catdef") (CHARZ . "catdef") (CABMON . "catdef") ;(BMODULE . "catdef") (ALGEBRA- . "catdef") (ALGEBRA . "catdef") ;(ABELSG- . "catdef") (ABELSG . "catdef") (ABELMON- . "catdef") ;(ABELMON . "catdef") (ABELGRP- . "catdef") (ABELGRP . "catdef") ;(CARTEN2 . "carten") (CARTEN . "carten") (GRALG- . "carten") ;(GRALG . "carten") (GRMOD- . "carten") (GRMOD . "carten") ;(CARD . "card") (BITS . "boolean") (IBITS . "boolean") ;(BOOLEAN . "boolean") (REF . "boolean") (BEZOUT . "bezout") ;(HEAP . "bags") (HEAP . "bags") (DEQUEUE . "bags") ;(QUEUE . "bags") (ASTACK . "bags") (STACK . "bags") ;(ATTREG . "attreg") (ARRAY2 . "array2") (IARRAY2 . "array2") ;(IIARRAY2 . "array2") (ARR2CAT- . "array2") (ARR2CAT . "array2") ;(ARRAY12 . "array1") (ARRAY1 . "array1") (IARRAY1 . "array1") ;(FARRAY . "array1") (IFARRAY . "array1") (TUPLE . "array1") ;(PRIMARR2 . "array1") (PRIMARR . "array1") (OPQUERY . "aql") ;(MTHING . "aql") (QEQUAT . "aql") (DBASE . "aql") ;(ICARD . "aql") (DLIST . "aql") (ANY1 . "any") ;(ANY . "any") (NONE1 . "any") (NONE . "any") ;(OPQUERY . "alql") (MTHING . "alql") (QEQUAT . "alql") ;(DBASE . "alql") (ICARD . "alql") (DLIST . "alql") ;(RFFACTOR . "allfact") (GENMFACT . "allfact") (MPCPF . "allfact") ;(MPRFF . "allfact") (MRATFAC . "allfact") (AF . "algfunc") ;(ACFS- . "algfunc") (ACFS . "algfunc") (ACF- . "algfunc") ;(ACF . "algfunc") (ALGFACT . "algfact") (SAERFFC . "algfact") ;(RFFACT . "algfact") (SAEFACT . "algfact") (IALGFACT . "algfact") ;(SAE . "algext") (MONOGEN- . "algcat") (MONOGEN . "algcat") ;(FRAMALG- . "algcat") (FRAMALG . "algcat") (FINRALG- . "algcat") ;(FINRALG . "algcat") (FSAGG2 . "aggcat2") (FLAGG2 . "aggcat2") ;(BTAGG- . "aggcat") (BTAGG . "aggcat") (SRAGG- . "aggcat") ;(SRAGG . "aggcat") (ALAGG . "aggcat") (LSAGG- . "aggcat") ;(LSAGG . "aggcat") (ELAGG- . "aggcat") (ELAGG . "aggcat") ;(A1AGG- . "aggcat") (A1AGG . "aggcat") (FLAGG- . "aggcat") ;(FLAGG . "aggcat") (LNAGG- . "aggcat") (LNAGG . "aggcat") ;(STAGG- . "aggcat") (STAGG . "aggcat") (URAGG- . "aggcat") ;(URAGG . "aggcat") (DLAGG . "aggcat") (BRAGG- . "aggcat") ;(BRAGG . "aggcat") (RCAGG- . "aggcat") (RCAGG . "aggcat") ;(TBAGG- . "aggcat") (TBAGG . "aggcat") (IXAGG- . "aggcat") ;(IXAGG . "aggcat") (ELTAGG- . "aggcat") (ELTAGG . "aggcat") ;(ELTAB . "aggcat") (KDAGG- . "aggcat") (KDAGG . "aggcat") ;(OMSAGG . "aggcat") (MSETAGG . "aggcat") (FSAGG- . "aggcat") ;(FSAGG . "aggcat") (SETAGG- . "aggcat") (SETAGG . "aggcat") ;(MDAGG . "aggcat") (DIAGG- . "aggcat") (DIAGG . "aggcat") ;(DIOPS- . "aggcat") (DIOPS . "aggcat") (PRQAGG . "aggcat") ;(DQAGG . "aggcat") (QUAGG . "aggcat") (SKAGG . "aggcat") ;(BGAGG- . "aggcat") (BGAGG . "aggcat") (CLAGG- . "aggcat") ;(CLAGG . "aggcat") (HOAGG- . "aggcat") (HOAGG . "aggcat") ;(AGG- . "aggcat") (AGG . "aggcat") (ACPLOT . "acplot") ;(REALSOLV . "acplot"))) ; in the old system each constructor (e.g. LIST) had one library directory ; (e.g. LIST.NRLIB). this directory contained a random access file called ; the index.KAF file. the interpreter needed this KAF file at runtime for ; two entries, the operationAlist and the ConstructorModemap. ; during the redesign for the new compiler we decided to merge all of ; these .NRLIB/index.KAF files into one database, CONSTRUCT.DAASE. ; requests to get information from this database are intended to be ; cached so that multiple references do not cause additional disk i/o. ; this database is left open at all times as it is used frequently by ; the interpreter. one minor complication is that newly compiled files ; need to override information that exists in this database. ; the design calls for constructing a random read (KAF format) file ; that is accessed by functions that cache their results. when the ; database is opened the list of constructor-index pairs is hashed ; by constructor name. a request for information about a constructor ; causes the information to replace the index in the hash table. since ; the index is a number and the data is a non-numeric sexpr there is ; no source of confusion about when the data needs to be read. ; ; the format of this new database is as follows: ; ;first entry: ; an integer giving the byte offset to the constructor alist ; at the bottom of the file ;second and subsequent entries (one per constructor) ; (operationAlist) ; (constructorModemap) ; (("operationAlist" 0 index) ("constructorModemap" 0 index)) ;last entry: (pointed at by the first entry) ; an alist of (constructor . index) e.g. ; ((PI . index) (NNI . index) ....) ...) ; this list is read at open time and hashed by the car of each item. ; this is a hashtable which is indexed by constructor name (eg PI) and ; returns the constructorModemap or the index into the construct.daase ; file that contains the constructorModemap for PI (defvar *modemap-hash* nil "a hash table for caching constructorModemap data") ; this is a hashtable which is indexed by constructor name (eg PI) and ; returns the operationAlist or the index into the construct.daase ; file that contains the operationAlist for PI (defvar *opalist-hash* nil "a hash table for caching operationAlist data") ; this a a stream for the construct.daase database. it is always open. (defvar *construct-stream* nil "an open stream to the construct database") ; this is an initialization function for the constructor database ; it sets up 2 hash tables, opens the database and hashes the index values (defun constructOpen () "open the constructor database and hash the keys" (let (constructors pos) (setq *opalist-hash* (make-hash-table)) (setq *modemap-hash* (make-hash-table)) (setq *construct-stream* (open (concatenate 'string (|systemRootDirectory|) "/algebra/construct.daase"))) (setq pos (read *construct-stream*)) (file-position *construct-stream* pos) (setq constructors (read *construct-stream*)) (dolist (item constructors) (setf (gethash (car item) *opalist-hash*) (cdr item)) (setf (gethash (car item) *modemap-hash*) (cdr item))))) ; this is the function to call if you want to get the operationAlist ; property out of an NRLIB. this will read the property the first time ; and cache the result in a hash table (defun getopalist (constructor) (let (data alist) (setq data (gethash constructor *opalist-hash*)) (when (numberp data) (file-position *construct-stream* data) (setq alist (read *construct-stream*)) (file-position *construct-stream* (third (assoc "operationAlist" alist :test #'string=))) (setq data (read *construct-stream*)) (setf (gethash constructor *opalist-hash*) data)) data)) ; this is the function to call if you want to get the constructorModemap ; property out of an NRLIB. this will read the property the first time ; and cache the result in a hash table (defun getmodemap (constructor) (let (data alist) (setq data (gethash constructor *modemap-hash*)) (when (numberp data) (file-position *construct-stream* data) (setq alist (read *construct-stream*)) (file-position *construct-stream* (third (assoc "constructorModemap" alist :test #'string=))) (setq data (read *construct-stream*)) (setf (gethash constructor *modemap-hash*) data)) data)) ; this is a utility function that walks over all of the libs given in ; the list (it should be a list of *SYMBOLS*, not strings, like ; '(pi nni ....) and constructs the contstruct.daase database (defun constructdb (libs) (let (alist opalist modemap opalistpos modemappos index master masterpos pos) (labels ( (name (x) (concatenate 'string (|systemRootDirectory|) "/algebra/" (string x) ".NRLIB/index.KAF"))) (with-open-file (out "construct.daase" :direction :output) (print " " out) (finish-output out) (dolist (lib libs) (print lib) (with-open-file (in (name lib)) (file-position in (read in)) (setq alist (read in)) (setq pos (third (assoc "operationAlist" alist :test #'string=))) (if pos (progn (file-position in pos) (setq opalist (read in))) (setq opalist nil)) (setq pos (third (assoc "constructorModemap" alist :test #'string=))) (if pos (progn (file-position in pos) (setq modemap (read in))) (setq modemap nil)) (finish-output out) (setq opalistpos (file-position out)) (print opalist out) (finish-output out) (setq modemappos (file-position out)) (print modemap out) (finish-output out) (setq index (file-position out)) (print (list (list "operationAlist" 0 opalistpos) (list "constructorModemap" 0 modemappos)) out) (finish-output out) (push (cons lib index) master))) (finish-output out) (setq masterpos (file-position out)) (print master out) (finish-output out) (file-position out 0) (print masterpos out) (finish-output out)))))