-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import msgdb import pathname import modemap import define namespace BOOT module compiler where coerce: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple convert: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple comp: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compOrCroak: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCompilerPredicate: (%Form,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple checkCallingConvention: (%List,%Short) -> %SimpleArray %Short --% compUniquely: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compNoStacking: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compNoStacking1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%List) -> %Maybe %Triple compOrCroak1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%Thing) -> %Maybe %Triple comp2: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple comp3: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compExpression: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compAtom: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compSymbol: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compString: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compAtomWithModemap: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%Thing) -> %Maybe %Triple compTypeOf: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compForm: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compForm1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compForm2: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%List) -> %Maybe %Triple compForm3: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%List) -> %Maybe %Triple compArgumentsAndTryAgain: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compExpressionList: (%List,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compWithMappingMode: (%Form,%Mode,%List) -> %List compFormMatch: (%Modemap,%List) -> %Boolean compFormWithModemap: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%Modemap) -> %Maybe %Triple compToApply: (%Form,%List,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compApplication: (%Form,%List,%Mode,%Triple) -> %Maybe %Triple primitiveType: %Thing -> %Mode modeEqual: (%Form,%Form) -> %Boolean hasUniqueCaseView: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Boolean convertOrCroak: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple getFormModemaps: (%Form,%Env) -> %List transImplementation: (%Form,%Modemap,%Thing) -> %Code reshapeArgumentList: (%Form,%Signature) -> %Form applyMapping: (%Form,%Mode,%Env,%List) -> %Maybe %Triple compMapCond: (%Symbol,%Mode,%Env,%List) -> %Code compMapCond': (%List,%Symbol,%Mode,%Env) -> %Code compMapCondFun: (%Thing,%Symbol,%Mode,%Env) -> %Code ++ A list of routines for diagnostic reports. These functions, in an ++ abstract sense, have type: forall T: Type . String -> T, so they ++ can be used in T-returning functions, for any T. $coreDiagnosticFunctions == '(error userError systemError) ++ list of functions to compile $compileOnlyCertainItems := [] compTopLevel: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compTopLevel(x,m,e) == --+ signals that target is derived from lhs-- see NRTmakeSlot1Info $NRTderivedTargetIfTrue: local := false $killOptimizeIfTrue: local:= false $forceAdd: local:= false x is ["DEF",:.] or x is ["where",["DEF",:.],:.] => ([val,mode,.]:= compOrCroak(x,m,e); [val,mode,e]) --keep old environment after top level function defs compOrCroak(x,m,e) compUniquely(x,m,e) == $compUniquelyIfTrue: local:= true CATCH("compUniquely",comp(x,m,e)) compOrCroak(x,m,e) == compOrCroak1(x,m,e,'comp) compOrCroak1(x,m,e,compFn) == fn(x,m,e,nil,nil,compFn) where fn(x,m,e,$compStack,$compErrorMessageStack,compFn) == T:= CATCH("compOrCroak",FUNCALL(compFn,x,m,e)) => T --stackAndThrow here and moan in UT LISP K does the appropriate THROW $compStack:= [[x,m,e,$exitModeStack],:$compStack] $s: local := compactify $compStack where compactify al == null al => nil LASSOC(first first al,rest al) => compactify rest al [first al,:compactify rest al] $level: local := #$s errorMessage:= $compErrorMessageStack ^= nil => first $compErrorMessageStack "unspecified error" $scanIfTrue => stackSemanticError(errorMessage,mkErrorExpr $level) ["failedCompilation",m,e] displaySemanticErrors() SAY("****** comp fails at level ",$level," with expression: ******") displayComp $level userError errorMessage ++ The form `x' is intended to be evaluated by the compiler, e.g. in ++ toplevel conditional definition or as sub-domain predicate. ++ Normalize operators and compile the form. compCompilerPredicate(x,e) == $normalizeTree: local := true compOrCroak(parseTran x, $Boolean, e) comp(x,m,e) == T:= compNoStacking(x,m,e) => ($compStack:= nil; T) $compStack:= [[x,m,e,$exitModeStack],:$compStack] nil compNoStacking(x,m,e) == T:= comp2(x,m,e) => $useRepresentationHack and m=$EmptyMode and T.mode=$Representation => [T.expr,"$",T.env] T --$Representation is bound in compDefineFunctor, set by doIt --this hack says that when something is undeclared, $ is --preferred to the underlying representation -- RDJ 9/12/83 --Now that `per' and `rep' are built in, we use the above --hack only when `Rep' is defined the old way. -- gdr 2008/01/26 compNoStacking1(x,m,e,$compStack) compNoStacking1(x,m,e,$compStack) == u:= get(RepIfRepHack m,"value",e) => (T:= comp2(x,u.expr,e) => [T.expr,m,T.env]; nil) nil comp2(x,m,e) == [y,m',e]:= comp3(x,m,e) or return nil --if null atom y and isDomainForm(y,e) then e := addDomain(x,e) --line commented out to prevent adding derived domain forms m^=m' and ($bootStrapMode or isDomainForm(m',e))=>[y,m',addDomain(m',e)] --isDomainForm test needed to prevent error while compiling Ring --$bootStrapMode-test necessary for compiling Ring in $bootStrapMode [y,m',e] comp3(x,m,$e) == --returns a Triple or %else nil to signalcan't do' $e:= addDomain(m,$e) e:= $e --for debugging purposes m is ["Mapping",:.] => compWithMappingMode(x,m,e) m is ["QUOTE",a] => (x=a => [x,m,$e]; nil) STRINGP m => (atom x => (m=x or m=STRINGIMAGE x => [m,m,e]; nil); nil) -- In quasiquote mode, x should match exactly (y := isQuasiquote m) => y = x => [["QUOTE",x], m, $e] nil atom x => compAtom(x,m,e) op:= first x getmode(op,e) is ["Mapping",:ml] and (u:= applyMapping(x,m,e,ml)) => u op=":" => compColon(x,m,e) op="::" => compCoerce(x,m,e) not ($insideCompTypeOf=true) and stringPrefix?('"TypeOf",PNAME op) => compTypeOf(x,m,e) t:= compExpression(x,m,e) t is [x',m',e'] and not member(m',getDomainsInScope e') => [x',m',addDomain(m',e')] t compTypeOf(x:=[op,:argl],m,e) == $insideCompTypeOf: local := true newModemap:= EQSUBSTLIST(argl,$FormalMapVariableList,get(op,'modemap,e)) e:= put(op,'modemap,newModemap,e) comp3(x,m,e) applyMapping([op,:argl],m,e,ml) == #argl^=#ml-1 => nil isCategoryForm(first ml,e) => --is op a functor? pairlis:= [[v,:a] for a in argl for v in $FormalMapVariableList] ml' := SUBLIS(pairlis, ml) argl':= [T.expr for x in argl for m' in rest ml'] where T() == [.,.,e]:= comp(x,m',e) or return "failed" if argl'="failed" then return nil form:= [op,:argl'] convert([form,first ml',e],m) argl':= [T.expr for x in argl for m' in rest ml] where T() == [.,.,e]:= comp(x,m',e) or return "failed" if argl'="failed" then return nil form:= atom op and not(op in $formalArgList) and not get(op,"value",e) => nprefix := $prefix or -- following needed for referencing local funs at capsule level getAbbreviation($op,#rest $form) [op',:argl',"$"] where op':= INTERN STRCONC(encodeItem nprefix,";",encodeItem op) ['call,['applyFun,op],:argl'] pairlis:= [[v,:a] for a in argl' for v in $FormalMapVariableList] convert([form,SUBLIS(pairlis,first ml),e],m) -- This version tends to give problems with #1 and categories -- applyMapping([op,:argl],m,e,ml) == -- #argl^=#ml-1 => nil -- mappingHasCategoryTarget := -- isCategoryForm(first ml,e) => --is op a functor? -- form:= [op,:argl'] -- pairlis:= [[v,:a] for a in argl for v in $FormalMapVariableList] -- ml:= SUBLIS(pairlis,ml) -- true -- false -- argl':= -- [T.expr for x in argl for m' in rest ml] where -- T() == [.,.,e]:= comp(x,m',e) or return "failed" -- if argl'="failed" then return nil -- mappingHasCategoryTarget => convert([form,first ml,e],m) -- form:= -- not MEMQ(op,$formalArgList) and ATOM op => -- [op',:argl',"$"] where -- op':= INTERN STRCONC(STRINGIMAGE $prefix,";",STRINGIMAGE op) -- ["call",["applyFun",op],:argl'] -- pairlis:= [[v,:a] for a in argl' for v in $FormalMapVariableList] -- convert([form,SUBLIS(pairlis,first ml),e],m) hasFormalMapVariable(x, vl) == $formalMapVariables: local := vl null vl => false ScanOrPairVec(function hasone?,x) where hasone? x == MEMQ(x,$formalMapVariables) compWithMappingMode(x,m is ["Mapping",m',:sl],oldE) == $killOptimizeIfTrue: local:= true e:= oldE isFunctor x => if get(x,"modemap",$CategoryFrame) is [[[.,target,:argModeList],.],:.] and (and/[extendsCategoryForm("$",s,mode) for mode in argModeList for s in sl] ) and extendsCategoryForm("$",target,m') then return [x,m,e] if STRINGP x then x:= INTERN x for m in sl for v in (vl:= take(#sl,$FormalMapVariableList)) repeat [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",v,m],$EmptyMode,e) (vl ^= nil) and not hasFormalMapVariable(x, vl) => return [u,.,.] := comp([x,:vl],m',e) or return nil extractCodeAndConstructTriple(u, m, oldE) null vl and (t := comp([x], m', e)) => return [u,.,.] := t extractCodeAndConstructTriple(u, m, oldE) [u,.,.]:= comp(x,m',e) or return nil uu:=optimizeFunctionDef [nil,["LAMBDA",vl,u]] -- At this point, we have a function that we would like to pass. -- Unfortunately, it makes various free variable references outside -- itself. So we build a mini-vector that contains them all, and -- pass this as the environment to our inner function. $FUNNAME :local := nil $FUNNAME__TAIL :local := [nil] expandedFunction:= transformToBackendCode second uu frees:=FreeList(expandedFunction,vl,nil,e) where FreeList(u,bound,free,e) == atom u => not IDENTP u => free MEMQ(u,bound) => free v:=ASSQ(u,free) => RPLACD(v,1 + rest v) free null getmode(u,e) => free [[u,:1],:free] op := first u op in '(QUOTE GO function) => free op = "LAMBDA" => bound := UNIONQ(bound, second u) for v in CDDR u repeat free:=FreeList(v,bound,free,e) free op = "PROG" => bound := UNIONQ(bound, second u) for v in CDDR u | not atom v repeat free:=FreeList(v,bound,free,e) free op = "SEQ" => for v in rest u | not atom v repeat free:=FreeList(v,bound,free,e) free op = "COND" => for v in rest u repeat for vv in v repeat free:=FreeList(vv,bound,free,e) free if atom op then u := rest u --Atomic functions aren't descended for v in u repeat free:=FreeList(v,bound,free,e) free expandedFunction := --One free can go by itself, more than one needs a vector --An A-list name . number of times used #frees = 0 => ["LAMBDA",[:vl,"$$"], :CDDR expandedFunction] #frees = 1 => vec:=first first frees ["LAMBDA",[:vl,vec], :CDDR expandedFunction] scode:=nil vec:=nil slist:=nil locals:=nil i:=-1 for v in frees repeat i:=i+1 vec:=[first v,:vec] rest v = 1 => --Only used once slist:=[[first v,"getShellEntry","$$",i],:slist] scode:=[['SETQ,first v,["getShellEntry","$$",i]],:scode] locals:=[first v,:locals] body:= slist => SUBLISNQ(slist,CDDR expandedFunction) CDDR expandedFunction if locals then if body is [["DECLARE",:.],:.] then body := [first body,["PROG",locals,:scode, ["RETURN",["PROGN",:rest body]]]] else body:=[["PROG",locals,:scode,["RETURN",["PROGN",:body]]]] vec:=["VECTOR",:nreverse vec] ["LAMBDA",[:vl,"$$"],:body] fname:=["CLOSEDFN",expandedFunction] --Like QUOTE, but gets compiled uu:= frees => ["CONS",fname,vec] ["LIST",fname] [uu,m,oldE] extractCodeAndConstructTriple(u, m, oldE) == u is ["call",fn,:.] => if fn is ["applyFun",a] then fn := a [fn,m,oldE] [op,:.,env] := u [["CONS",["function",op],env],m,oldE] compExpression(x,m,e) == $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= true -- special forms have dedicated compilers. (op := first x) and IDENTP op and (fn := GET(op,"SPECIAL")) => FUNCALL(fn,x,m,e) compForm(x,m,e) compAtomWithModemap(x,m,e,v) == Tl := [[transImplementation(x,map,fn),target,e] for map in v | map is [[.,target],[.,fn]]] => --accept only monadic operators T:= or/[t for (t:= [.,target,.]) in Tl | modeEqual(m,target)] => T 1=#(Tl:= [y for t in Tl | (y:= convert(t,m))]) => first Tl 0<#Tl and m=$NoValueMode => first Tl nil transImplementation(op,map,fn) == fn := genDeltaEntry [op,:map] fn is ["XLAM",:.] => [fn] ["call",fn] compAtom(x,m,e) == T:= compAtomWithModemap(x,m,e,get(x,"modemap",e)) => T x="nil" => T:= modeIsAggregateOf('List,m,e) is [.,R]=> compList(x,['List,R],e) modeIsAggregateOf('Vector,m,e) is [.,R]=> compVector(x,['Vector,R],e) T => convert(T,m) t:= isSymbol x => compSymbol(x,m,e) or return nil m = $OutputForm and primitiveType x => [x,m,e] STRINGP x => [x,x,e] [x,primitiveType x or return nil,e] convert(t,m) primitiveType x == x is nil => $EmptyMode STRINGP x => $String INTEGERP x => x=0 => $NonNegativeInteger x>0 => $PositiveInteger true => $NegativeInteger FLOATP x => $DoubleFloat nil compSymbol(s,m,e) == s="$NoValue" => ["$NoValue",$NoValueMode,e] isFluid s => [s,getmode(s,e) or return nil,e] s="true" => ['(QUOTE T),$Boolean,e] s="false" => [false,$Boolean,e] s=m or isLiteral(s,e) => [["QUOTE",s],s,e] v := get(s,"value",e) => --+ MEMQ(s,$functorLocalParameters) => NRTgetLocalIndex s [s,v.mode,e] --s will be replaced by an ELT form in beforeCompile [s,v.mode,e] --s has been SETQd m':= getmode(s,e) => if not MEMQ(s,$formalArgList) and not MEMQ(s,$FormalMapVariableList) and not isFunction(s,e) and null ($compForModeIfTrue=true) then errorRef s [s,m',e] --s is a declared argument MEMQ(s,$FormalMapVariableList) => stackMessage('"no mode found for %1b",[s]) m = $OutputForm or m = $Symbol => [['QUOTE,s],m,e] not isFunction(s,e) => errorRef s ++ Return true if `m' is the most recent unique type case assumption ++ on `x' that predates its declaration in environment `e'. hasUniqueCaseView(x,m,e) == props := getProplist(x,e) for [p,:v] in props repeat p = "condition" and v is [["case",.,t],:.] => return modeEqual(t,m) p = "value" => return false convertOrCroak(T,m) == u:= convert(T,m) => u userError ["CANNOT CONVERT: ",T.expr,"%l"," OF MODE: ",T.mode,"%l", " TO MODE: ",m,"%l"] convert(T,m) == coerce(T,resolve(T.mode,m) or return nil) mkUnion(a,b) == b="$" and $Rep is ["Union",:l] => b a is ["Union",:l] => b is ["Union",:l'] => ["Union",:union(l,l')] ["Union",:union([b],l)] b is ["Union",:l] => ["Union",:union([a],l)] ["Union",a,b] maxSuperType(m,e) == typ:= get(m,"SuperDomain",e) => maxSuperType(typ,e) m hasType(x,e) == fn get(x,"condition",e) where fn x == null x => nil x is [["case",.,y],:.] => y fn rest x --% General Forms compForm(form,m,e) == T:= compForm1(form,m,e) or compArgumentsAndTryAgain(form,m,e) or return stackMessageIfNone ["cannot compile","%b",form,"%d"] T compArgumentsAndTryAgain(form is [.,:argl],m,e) == -- used in case: f(g(x)) where f is in domain introduced by -- comping g, e.g. for (ELT (ELT x a) b), environment can have no -- modemap with selector b form is ["elt",a,.] => ([.,.,e]:= comp(a,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil; compForm1(form,m,e)) u:= for x in argl repeat [.,.,e]:= comp(x,$EmptyMode,e) or return "failed" u="failed" => nil compForm1(form,m,e) outputComp(x,e) == u:=comp(['_:_:,x,$OutputForm],$OutputForm,e) => u x is ['construct,:argl] => [['LIST,:[([.,.,e]:=outputComp(x,e)).expr for x in argl]],$OutputForm,e] (v:= get(x,"value",e)) and (v.mode is ['Union,:l]) => [['coerceUn2E,x,v.mode],$OutputForm,e] [x,$OutputForm,e] compForm1(form is [op,:argl],m,e) == op in $coreDiagnosticFunctions => [[op,:[([.,.,e]:=outputComp(x,e)).expr for x in argl]],m,e] op is ["elt",domain,op'] => domain="Lisp" => --op'='QUOTE and null rest argl => [first argl,m,e] [[op',:[([.,.,e]:= compOrCroak(x,$EmptyMode,e)).expr for x in argl]],m,e] domain=$Expression and op'="construct" => compExpressionList(argl,m,e) (op'="COLLECT") and coerceable(domain,m,e) => (T:= comp([op',:argl],domain,e) or return nil; coerce(T,m)) -- Next clause added JHD 8/Feb/94: the clause after doesn't work -- since addDomain refuses to add modemaps from Mapping (domain is ['Mapping,:.]) and (ans := compForm2([op',:argl],m,e:= augModemapsFromDomain1(domain,domain,e), [x for x in getFormModemaps([op',:argl],e) | x is [[ =domain,:.],:.]])) => ans ans := compForm2([op',:argl],m,e:= addDomain(domain,e), [x for x in getFormModemaps([op',:argl],e) | x is [[ =domain,:.],:.]]) => ans (op'="construct") and coerceable(domain,m,e) => (T:= comp([op',:argl],domain,e) or return nil; coerce(T,m)) nil (mmList:= getFormModemaps(form,e)) and (T:= compForm2(form,m,e,mmList)) => T compToApply(op,argl,m,e) compExpressionList(argl,m,e) == Tl:= [[.,.,e]:= comp(x,$Expression,e) or return "failed" for x in argl] Tl="failed" => nil convert([["LIST",:[y.expr for y in Tl]],$Expression,e],m) compForm2(form is [op,:argl],m,e,modemapList) == sargl:= TAKE(# argl, $TriangleVariableList) aList:= [[sa,:a] for a in argl for sa in sargl] modemapList:= SUBLIS(aList,modemapList) deleteList:=[] newList := [] -- now delete any modemaps that are subsumed by something else, -- provided the conditions are right (i.e. subsumer true -- whenever subsumee true) for u in modemapList repeat if u is [[dc,:.],[cond,["Subsumed",.,nsig]]] and (v:=assoc([dc,:nsig],modemapList)) and v is [.,[ncond,:.]] then deleteList:=[u,:deleteList] if not PredImplies(ncond,cond) then newList := [[CAR u,[cond,['ELT,dc,nil]]],:newList] if deleteList then modemapList := [u for u in modemapList | not MEMQ(u,deleteList)] -- We can use MEMQ since deleteList was built out of members of modemapList -- its important that subsumed ops (newList) be considered last if newList then modemapList := append(modemapList,newList) -- The calling convention vector is used to determine when it is -- appropriate to infer type by compiling the argument vs. just -- looking up the parameter type for flag arguments. cc := checkCallingConvention([sig for [[.,:sig],:.] in modemapList], #argl) Tl:= [[.,.,e]:= T for x in argl for i in 0.. while (T := inferMode(x,cc.i > 0,e))] where inferMode(x,flag,e) == flag => [x,quasiquote x,e] isSimple x and compUniquely(x,$EmptyMode,e) or/[x for x in Tl] => partialModeList:= [(x => x.mode; nil) for x in Tl] compFormPartiallyBottomUp(form,m,e,modemapList,partialModeList) or compForm3(form,m,e,modemapList) compForm3(form,m,e,modemapList) ++ We are about to compile a call. Returns true if each argument ++ partially matches (as could be determined by type inference) the ++ corresponding expected type in the callee's modemap. compFormMatch(mm,partialModeList) == main where main() == mm is [[.,.,:argModeList],:.] and match(argModeList,partialModeList) or wantArgumentsAsTuple(partialModeList,argModeList) match(a,b) == null b => true null first b => match(rest a,rest b) first a=first b and match(rest a,rest b) compFormPartiallyBottomUp(form,m,e,modemapList,partialModeList) == mmList:= [mm for mm in modemapList | compFormMatch(mm,partialModeList)] => compForm3(form,m,e,mmList) compForm3(form is [op,:argl],m,e,modemapList) == T:= or/ [compFormWithModemap(form,m,e,first (mml:= ml)) for ml in tails modemapList] $compUniquelyIfTrue => or/[compFormWithModemap(form,m,e,mm) for mm in rest mml] => THROW("compUniquely",nil) T T compFormWithModemap(form,m,e,modemap) == [map:= [.,target,:sig],[pred,impl]]:= modemap [op,:argl] := form := reshapeArgumentList(form,sig) if isCategoryForm(target,e) and isFunctor op then [modemap,e]:= substituteIntoFunctorModemap(argl,modemap,e) or return nil [map:= [.,target,:.],:cexpr]:= modemap sv:=listOfSharpVars map if sv then -- SAY [ "compiling ", op, " in compFormWithModemap, -- mode= ",map," sharp vars=",sv] for x in argl for ss in $FormalMapVariableList repeat if ss in sv then [map:= [.,target,:.],:cexpr]:= modemap :=SUBST(x,ss,modemap) -- SAY ["new map is",map] not coerceable(target,m,e) => nil [f,Tl]:= compApplyModemap(form,modemap,e) or return nil --generate code; return T:= [x',target,e'] where x':= form':= [f,:[t.expr for t in Tl]] target=$Category or isCategoryForm(target,e) => form' -- try to deal with new-style Unions where we know the conditions op = "elt" and f is ['XLAM,:.] and IDENTP(z := first argl) and (c:=get(z,'condition,e)) and c is [["case",=z,c1]] and (c1 is [":",=(second argl),=m] or EQ(c1,second argl) ) => -- first is a full tag, as placed by getInverseEnvironment -- second is what getSuccessEnvironment will place there ["CDR",z] ["call",:form'] e':= Tl => (LAST Tl).env e convert(T,m) ++ Returns the list of candidate modemaps for a form. A modemap ++ is candidate for a form if its signature has the same number ++ of paramter types as arguments supplied to the form. A special ++ case is made for a modemap whose sole parameter type is a Tuple. ++ In that case, it matches any number of supplied arguments. getFormModemaps(form is [op,:argl],e) == op is ["elt",domain,op1] => [x for x in getFormModemaps([op1,:argl],e) | x is [[ =domain,:.],:.]] not atom op => nil modemapList:= get(op,"modemap",e) -- Within default implementations, modemaps cannot mention the -- current domain. if $insideCategoryPackageIfTrue then modemapList := [x for x in modemapList | x is [[dom,:.],:.] and dom ^= '$] if op="elt" then modemapList:= eltModemapFilter(LAST argl,modemapList,e) or return nil else if op="setelt" then modemapList:= seteltModemapFilter(CADR argl,modemapList,e) or return nil nargs:= #argl finalModemapList:= [mm for (mm:= [[.,.,:sig],:.]) in modemapList | enoughArguments(argl,sig)] modemapList and null finalModemapList => stackMessage('"no modemap for %1b with %2 arguments", [op,nargs]) finalModemapList ++ We are either compiling a function call, or trying to determine ++ whether we know something about a function being defined with ++ parameters are not declared in the definition. `sigs' is the list of ++ candidate signatures for `nargs' arguments or parameters. We need ++ to detemine whether any of the arguments are flags. If any ++ operation takes a flag argument, then all other overloads must have ++ the same arity and must take flag argument in the same position. ++ Returns a vector of length `nargs' with positive entries indicating ++ flag arguments, and negative entries for normal argument passing. checkCallingConvention(sigs,nargs) == v := makeFilledSimpleArray("%Short",nargs,0) for sig in sigs repeat for t in rest sig for i in 0.. repeat isQuasiquote t => v.i < 0 => userError '"flag argument restriction violation" v.i := v.i + 1 v.i > 0 => userError '"flag argument restriction violation" v.i := v.i - 1 v eltModemapFilter(name,mmList,e) == isConstantId(name,e) => l:= [mm for mm in mmList | mm is [[.,.,.,sel,:.],:.] and sel=name] => l --there are elts with extra parameters stackMessage('"selector variable: %1b is undeclared and unbound",[name]) nil mmList seteltModemapFilter(name,mmList,e) == isConstantId(name,e) => l:= [mm for (mm:= [[.,.,.,sel,:.],:.]) in mmList | sel=name] => l --there are setelts with extra parameters stackMessage('"selector variable: %1b is undeclared and unbound",[name]) nil mmList compApplication(op,argl,m,T) == e := T.env T.mode is ['Mapping, retm, :argml] => #argl ^= #argml => nil retm := resolve(m, retm) retm = $Category or isCategoryForm(retm,e) => nil -- not handled argTl := [[.,.,e] := comp(x,m,e) or return "failed" for x in argl for m in argml] argTl = "failed" => nil form:= atom T.expr and not (MEMQ(op,$formalArgList) or MEMQ(T.expr,$formalArgList)) => nprefix := $prefix or -- following needed for referencing local funs at capsule level getAbbreviation($op,#rest $form) [op',:[a.expr for a in argTl],"$"] where op':= INTERN STRCONC(encodeItem nprefix,";",encodeItem T.expr) ['call, ['applyFun, T.expr], :[a.expr for a in argTl]] coerce([form, retm, e],resolve(retm,m)) op = 'elt => nil eltForm := ['elt, op, :argl] comp(eltForm, m, e) compToApply(op,argl,m,e) == T:= compNoStacking(op,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil T.expr is ["QUOTE", =T.mode] => nil compApplication(op,argl,m,T) ++ `form' is a call to a operation described by the signature `sig'. ++ Massage the call so that homogeneous variable length argument lists ++ are properly tuplified. reshapeArgumentList(form,sig) == [op,:args] := form wantArgumentsAsTuple(args,sig) => [op,["%Comma",:args]] form substituteIntoFunctorModemap(argl,modemap is [[dc,:sig],:.],e) == #dc^=#sig => keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"substituteIntoFunctorModemap", '"Incompatible maps"]) #argl=#rest sig => --here, we actually have a functor form sig:= EQSUBSTLIST(argl,rest dc,sig) --make new modemap, subst. actual for formal parametersinto modemap Tl:= [[.,.,e]:= compOrCroak(a,m,e) for a in argl for m in rest sig] substitutionList:= [[x,:T.expr] for x in rest dc for T in Tl] [SUBLIS(substitutionList,modemap),e] nil --% SPECIAL EVALUATION FUNCTIONS compConstructorCategory(x,m,e) == [x,resolve($Category,m),e] compString(x,m,e) == [x,resolve($StringCategory,m),e] --% SUBSET CATEGORY compSubsetCategory: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compSubsetCategory(["SubsetCategory",cat,R],m,e) == --1. put "Subsets" property on R to allow directly coercion to subset; -- allow automatic coercion from subset to R but not vice versa e:= put(R,"Subsets",[[$lhsOfColon,"isFalse"]],e) --2. give the subset domain modemaps of cat plus 3 new functions comp(["Join",cat,C'],m,e) where C'() == substitute($lhsOfColon,"$",C'') where C''() == ["CATEGORY","domain",["SIGNATURE","coerce",[R,"$"]],["SIGNATURE", "lift",[R,"$"]],["SIGNATURE","reduce",["$",R]]] --% CONS compCons: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCons1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCons(form,m,e) == compCons1(form,m,e) or compForm(form,m,e) compCons1(["CONS",x,y],m,e) == [x,mx,e]:= comp(x,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil null y => convert([["LIST",x],["List",mx],e],m) yt:= [y,my,e]:= comp(y,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil T:= my is ["List",m',:.] => mr:= ["List",resolve(m',mx) or return nil] yt':= convert(yt,mr) or return nil [x,.,e]:= convert([x,mx,yt'.env],second mr) or return nil yt'.expr is ["LIST",:.] => [["LIST",x,:rest yt'.expr],mr,e] [["CONS",x,yt'.expr],mr,e] [["CONS",x,y],["Pair",mx,my],e] convert(T,m) --% SETQ compSetq: (%List,%Thing,%List) -> %List compSetq1: (%Form,%Thing,%Mode,%List) -> %List compSetq(["%LET",form,val],m,E) == compSetq1(form,val,m,E) compSetq1(form,val,m,E) == IDENTP form => setqSingle(form,val,m,E) form is [":",x,y] => [.,.,E']:= compMakeDeclaration(form,$EmptyMode,E) compSetq(["%LET",x,val],m,E') form is [op,:l] => op="CONS" => setqMultiple(uncons form,val,m,E) op="%Comma" => setqMultiple(l,val,m,E) setqSetelt(form,val,m,E) compMakeDeclaration: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compMakeDeclaration(x,m,e) == $insideExpressionIfTrue: local := false compColon(x,m,e) setqSetelt([v,:s],val,m,E) == comp(["setelt",v,:s,val],m,E) setqSingle(id,val,m,E) == $insideSetqSingleIfTrue: local:= true --used for comping domain forms within functions currentProplist:= getProplist(id,E) m'':= get(id,"mode",E) or getmode(id,E) or (if m=$NoValueMode then $EmptyMode else m) -- m'':= LASSOC("mode",currentProplist) or $EmptyMode --for above line to work, line 3 of compNoStacking is required T:= eval or return nil where eval() == T:= comp(val,m'',E) => T not get(id,"mode",E) and m'' ^= (maxm'':=maxSuperType(m'',E)) and (T:=comp(val,maxm'',E)) => T (T:= comp(val,$EmptyMode,E)) and getmode(T.mode,E) => assignError(val,T.mode,id,m'') T':= [x,m',e']:= convert(T,m) or return nil if $profileCompiler = true then null IDENTP id => nil key := id in rest $form => "arguments" "locals" profileRecord(key,id,T.mode) newProplist := consProplistOf(id,currentProplist,"value",removeEnv [val,:rest T]) e':= CONSP id => e' addBinding(id,newProplist,e') if isDomainForm(val,e') then if isDomainInScope(id,e') then stackWarning("domain valued variable %1b has been reassigned within its scope",[id]) e':= augModemapsFromDomain1(id,val,e') --all we do now is to allocate a slot number for lhs --e.g. the %LET form below will be changed by putInLocalDomainReferences --+ if k := NRTassocIndex(id) then form := ["setShellEntry","$",k,x] else form:= $QuickLet => ["%LET",id,x] ["%LET",id,x, (isDomainForm(x,e') => ['ELT,id,0];CAR outputComp(id,e'))] [form,m',e'] assignError(val,m',form,m) == val => stackMessage('"CANNOT ASSIGN: %1b OF MODE: %2pb TO: %3b OF MODE: %4bp", [val,m',form,m]) stackMessage('"CANNOT ASSIGN: %1b TO: %2b OF MODE: %3pb",[val,form,m]) setqMultiple(nameList,val,m,e) == val is ["CONS",:.] and m=$NoValueMode => setqMultipleExplicit(nameList,uncons val,m,e) val is ["%Comma",:l] and m=$NoValueMode => setqMultipleExplicit(nameList,l,m,e) 1 --create a gensym, %add to local environment, compile and assign rhs g:= genVariable() e:= addBinding(g,nil,e) T:= [.,m1,.]:= compSetq1(g,val,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e:= put(g,"mode",m1,e) [x,m',e]:= convert(T,m) or return nil 1.1 --exit if result is a list m1 is ["List",D] => for y in nameList repeat e:= put(y,"value",[genSomeVariable(),D,$noEnv],e) convert([["PROGN",x,["%LET",nameList,g],g],m',e],m) 2 --verify that the #nameList = number of parts of right-hand-side selectorModePairs:= --list of modes decompose(m1,#nameList,e) or return nil where decompose(t,length,e) == t is ["Record",:l] => [[name,:mode] for [":",name,mode] in l] comp(t,$EmptyMode,e) is [.,["RecordCategory",:l],.] => [[name,:mode] for [":",name,mode] in l] stackMessage('"no multiple assigns to mode: %1p",[t]) #nameList^=#selectorModePairs => stackMessage('"%1b must decompose into %2 components",[val,#nameList]) 3 --generate code; return assignList:= [([.,.,e]:= compSetq1(x,["elt",g,y],z,e) or return "failed").expr for x in nameList for [y,:z] in selectorModePairs] if assignList="failed" then NIL else [MKPROGN [x,:assignList,g],m',e] setqMultipleExplicit(nameList,valList,m,e) == #nameList^=#valList => stackMessage('"Multiple assignment error; # of items in: %1b must = # in: %2",[nameList,valList]) gensymList:= [genVariable() for name in nameList] assignList:= --should be fixed to declare genVar when possible [[.,.,e]:= compSetq1(g,val,$EmptyMode,e) or return "failed" for g in gensymList for val in valList] assignList="failed" => nil reAssignList:= [[.,.,e]:= compSetq1(name,g,$EmptyMode,e) or return "failed" for g in gensymList for name in nameList] reAssignList="failed" => nil [["PROGN",:[T.expr for T in assignList],:[T.expr for T in reAssignList]], $NoValueMode, (LAST reAssignList).env] --% Quasiquotation ++ Compile a quotation `[| form |]'. form is not type-checked, and ++ is returned as is. Note: when get to support splicing, we would ++ need to scan `form' to see whether there is any computation that ++ must be done. ++ ??? Another strategy would be to infer a more accurate domain ++ ??? based on the meta operator, e.g. (DEF ...) would be a ++ DefinitionAst, etc. That however requires that we have a full ++ fledged AST algebra -- which we don't have yet in mainstream. compileQuasiquote: (%List,%Thing,%List) -> %List compileQuasiquote(["[||]",:form],m,e) == null form => nil coerce([["QUOTE", :form],$Syntax,e], m) --% WHERE compWhere: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compWhere([.,form,:exprList],m,eInit) == $insideExpressionIfTrue: local:= false $insideWhereIfTrue: local:= true e:= eInit u:= for item in exprList repeat [.,.,e]:= comp(item,$EmptyMode,e) or return "failed" u="failed" => return nil $insideWhereIfTrue:= false [x,m,eAfter]:= comp(macroExpand(form,eBefore:= e),m,e) or return nil eFinal:= del:= deltaContour(eAfter,eBefore) => addContour(del,eInit) eInit [x,m,eFinal] compConstruct: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compConstruct(form is ["construct",:l],m,e) == y:= modeIsAggregateOf("List",m,e) => T:= compList(l,["List",second y],e) => convert(T,m) compForm(form,m,e) y:= modeIsAggregateOf("Vector",m,e) => T:= compVector(l,["Vector",second y],e) => convert(T,m) compForm(form,m,e) T:= compForm(form,m,e) => T for D in getDomainsInScope e repeat (y:=modeIsAggregateOf("List",D,e)) and (T:= compList(l,["List",second y],e)) and (T':= convert(T,m)) => return T' (y:=modeIsAggregateOf("Vector",D,e)) and (T:= compVector(l,["Vector",second y],e)) and (T':= convert(T,m)) => return T' ++ Compile a literal (quoted) symbol. compQuote: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compQuote(expr,m,e) == expr is ["QUOTE",x] and IDENTP x => convert([expr,$Symbol,e],m) stackAndThrow('"%1b is not a literal symbol.",[x]) compList: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compList(l,m is ["List",mUnder],e) == null l => [NIL,m,e] Tl:= [[.,mUnder,e]:= comp(x,mUnder,e) or return "failed" for x in l] Tl="failed" => nil T:= [["LIST",:[T.expr for T in Tl]],["List",mUnder],e] compVector: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compVector(l,m is ["Vector",mUnder],e) == null l => [$EmptyVector,m,e] Tl:= [[.,mUnder,e]:= comp(x,mUnder,e) or return "failed" for x in l] Tl="failed" => nil [["VECTOR",:[T.expr for T in Tl]],m,e] --% MACROS ++ True if we are compiling a macro definition. $macroIfTrue := false compMacro(form,m,e) == $macroIfTrue: local:= true ["MDEF",lhs,signature,specialCases,rhs]:= form if $verbose then prhs := rhs is ['CATEGORY,:.] => ['"-- the constructor category"] rhs is ['Join,:.] => ['"-- the constructor category"] rhs is ['CAPSULE,:.] => ['"-- the constructor capsule"] rhs is ['add,:.] => ['"-- the constructor capsule"] formatUnabbreviated rhs sayBrightly ['" processing macro definition",'%b, :formatUnabbreviated lhs,'" ==> ",:prhs,'%d] m=$EmptyMode or m=$NoValueMode => ["/throwAway",$NoValueMode,put(first lhs,"macro",macroExpand(rhs,e),e)] --% SEQ compSeq: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compSeq1: (%Form,%List,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compSeqItem: (%Thing,%Thing,%List) -> %List compSeq(["SEQ",:l],m,e) == compSeq1(l,[m,:$exitModeStack],e) compSeq1(l,$exitModeStack,e) == $insideExpressionIfTrue: local $finalEnv: local := nil --used in replaceExitEtc. c:= [([.,.,e]:= --this used to be compOrCroak-- but changed so we can back out ($insideExpressionIfTrue:= NIL; compSeqItem(x,$NoValueMode,e) or return "failed")).expr for x in l] if c="failed" then return nil catchTag:= MKQ GENSYM() form:= ["SEQ",:replaceExitEtc(c,catchTag,"TAGGEDexit",$exitModeStack.(0))] [["CATCH",catchTag,form],$exitModeStack.(0),$finalEnv] compSeqItem(x,m,e) == comp(macroExpand(x,e),m,e) replaceExitEtc(x,tag,opFlag,opMode) == (fn(x,tag,opFlag,opMode); x) where fn(x,tag,opFlag,opMode) == atom x => nil x is ["QUOTE",:.] => nil x is [ =opFlag,n,t] => rplac(CAADDR x,replaceExitEtc(CAADDR x,tag,opFlag,opMode)) n=0 => $finalEnv:= --bound in compSeq1 and compDefineCapsuleFunction $finalEnv => intersectionEnvironment($finalEnv,t.env) t.env rplac(first x,"THROW") rplac(CADR x,tag) rplac(CADDR x,(convertOrCroak(t,opMode)).expr) true => rplac(CADR x,CADR x-1) x is [key,n,t] and MEMQ(key,'(TAGGEDreturn TAGGEDexit)) => rplac(first t,replaceExitEtc(first t,tag,opFlag,opMode)) replaceExitEtc(first x,tag,opFlag,opMode) replaceExitEtc(rest x,tag,opFlag,opMode) --% SUCHTHAT compSuchthat: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compSuchthat([.,x,p],m,e) == [x',m',e]:= comp(x,m,e) or return nil [p',.,e]:= comp(p,$Boolean,e) or return nil e:= put(x',"condition",p',e) [x',m',e] --% exit compExit: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compExit(["exit",level,x],m,e) == index:= level-1 $exitModeStack = [] => comp(x,m,e) m1:= $exitModeStack.index [x',m',e']:= u:= comp(x,m1,e) or return stackMessageIfNone ["cannot compile exit expression",x,"in mode",m1] modifyModeStack(m',index) [["TAGGEDexit",index,u],m,e] modifyModeStack(m,index) == $reportExitModeStack => SAY("exitModeStack: ",COPY $exitModeStack," ====> ", ($exitModeStack.index:= resolve(m,$exitModeStack.index); $exitModeStack)) $exitModeStack.index:= resolve(m,$exitModeStack.index) compLeave: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compLeave(["leave",level,x],m,e) == index:= #$exitModeStack-1-$leaveLevelStack.(level-1) [x',m',e']:= u:= comp(x,$exitModeStack.index,e) or return nil modifyModeStack(m',index) [["TAGGEDexit",index,u],m,e] --% return compReturn: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compReturn(["return",level,x],m,e) == null $exitModeStack => stackAndThrow('"the return before %1b is unneccessary",[x]) nil level^=1 => userError '"multi-level returns not supported" index:= MAX(0,#$exitModeStack-1) if index >= 0 then $returnMode:= resolve($exitModeStack.index,$returnMode) [x',m',e']:= u:= comp(x,$returnMode,e) or return nil if index>=0 then $returnMode:= resolve(m',$returnMode) modifyModeStack(m',index) [["TAGGEDreturn",0,u],m,e'] --% ELT compElt: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compElt(form,m,E) == form isnt ["elt",aDomain,anOp] => compForm(form,m,E) aDomain="Lisp" => [anOp',m,E] where anOp'() == (anOp=$Zero => 0; anOp=$One => 1; anOp) isDomainForm(aDomain,E) => E:= addDomain(aDomain,E) mmList:= getModemapListFromDomain(anOp,0,aDomain,E) modemap:= n:=#mmList 1=n => mmList.(0) 0=n => return stackMessage('"Operation %1b missing from domain: %2p", [anOp,aDomain]) stackWarning('"more than 1 modemap for: %1 with dc = %2p ===> %3", [anOp,aDomain,mmList]) mmList.(0) [sig,[pred,val]]:= modemap #sig^=2 and ^val is ["elt",:.] => nil --what does the second clause do ???? --+ val := genDeltaEntry [opOf anOp,:modemap] convert([["call",val],first rest sig,E], m) --implies fn calls used to access constants compForm(form,m,E) --% HAS compHas: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compHas(pred is ["has",a,b],m,$e) == --b is (":",:.) => (.,.,E):= comp(b,$EmptyMode,E) $e:= chaseInferences(pred,$e) --pred':= ("has",a',b') := formatHas(pred) predCode:= compHasFormat pred coerce([predCode,$Boolean,$e],m) --used in various other places to make the discrimination compHasFormat (pred is ["has",olda,b]) == argl := rest $form formals := TAKE(#argl,$FormalMapVariableList) a := SUBLISLIS(argl,formals,olda) [a,:.] := comp(a,$EmptyMode,$e) or return nil a := SUBLISLIS(formals,argl,a) b is ["ATTRIBUTE",c] => ["HasAttribute",a,["QUOTE",c]] b is ["SIGNATURE",op,sig] => ["HasSignature",a, mkList [MKQ op,mkList [mkDomainConstructor type for type in sig]]] isDomainForm(b,$EmptyEnvironment) => ["EQUAL",a,b] ["HasCategory",a,mkDomainConstructor b] --% IF compIf: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compBoolean: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %List compFromIf: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compIf(["IF",a,b,c],m,E) == [xa,ma,Ea,Einv]:= compBoolean(a,$Boolean,E) or return nil [xb,mb,Eb]:= Tb:= compFromIf(b,m,Ea) or return nil [xc,mc,Ec]:= Tc:= compFromIf(c,resolve(mb,m),Einv) or return nil xb':= coerce(Tb,mc) or return nil x:= ["IF",xa,xb'.expr,xc] (returnEnv:= Env(xb'.env,Ec,xb'.expr,xc,E)) where Env(bEnv,cEnv,b,c,E) == canReturn(b,0,0,true) => (canReturn(c,0,0,true) => intersectionEnvironment(bEnv,cEnv); bEnv) canReturn(c,0,0,true) => cEnv E [x,mc,returnEnv] canReturn(expr,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) == --SPAD: exit and friends atom expr => ValueFlag and level=exitCount (op:= first expr)="QUOTE" => ValueFlag and level=exitCount op="TAGGEDexit" => expr is [.,count,data] => canReturn(data.expr,level,count,count=level) level=exitCount and not ValueFlag => nil op="SEQ" => or/[canReturn(u,level+1,exitCount,false) for u in rest expr] op="TAGGEDreturn" => nil op="CATCH" => [.,gs,data]:= expr (findThrow(gs,data,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) => true) where findThrow(gs,expr,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) == atom expr => nil expr is ["THROW", =gs,data] => true --this is pessimistic, but I know of no more accurate idea expr is ["SEQ",:l] => or/[findThrow(gs,u,level+1,exitCount,ValueFlag) for u in l] or/[findThrow(gs,u,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) for u in rest expr] canReturn(data,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) op = "COND" => level = exitCount => or/[canReturn(last u,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) for u in rest expr] or/[or/[canReturn(u,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) for u in v] for v in rest expr] op="IF" => expr is [.,a,b,c] if not canReturn(a,0,0,true) then SAY "IF statement can not cause consequents to be executed" pp expr canReturn(a,level,exitCount,nil) or canReturn(b,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) or canReturn(c,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) --now we have an ordinary form atom op => and/[canReturn(u,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) for u in expr] op is ["XLAM",args,bods] => and/[canReturn(u,level,exitCount,ValueFlag) for u in expr] systemErrorHere ['"canReturn",expr] --for the time being compBoolean(p,m,E) == [p',m,E]:= comp(p,m,E) or return nil [p',m,getSuccessEnvironment(p,E),getInverseEnvironment(p,E)] getSuccessEnvironment(a,e) == -- the next four lines try to ensure that explicit special-case tests -- prevent implicit ones from being generated a is ["has",x,m] => IDENTP x and isDomainForm(m,$EmptyEnvironment) => put(x,"specialCase",m,e) e a is ["is",id,m] => IDENTP id and isDomainForm(m,$EmptyEnvironment) => e:=put(id,"specialCase",m,e) currentProplist:= getProplist(id,e) [.,.,e] := T := comp(m,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil -- duplicates compIs newProplist:= consProplistOf(id,currentProplist,"value",[m,:rest removeEnv T]) addBinding(id,newProplist,e) e a is ["case",x,m] and IDENTP x => put(x,"condition",[a,:get(x,"condition",e)],e) e getInverseEnvironment(a,E) == atom a => E [op,:argl]:= a -- the next five lines try to ensure that explicit special-case tests -- prevent implicit ones from being generated op="has" => [x,m]:= argl IDENTP x and isDomainForm(m,$EmptyEnvironment) => put(x,"specialCase",m,E) E a is ["case",x,m] and IDENTP x => --the next two lines are necessary to get 3-branched Unions to work -- old-style unions, that is (get(x,"condition",E) is [["OR",:oldpred]]) and member(a,oldpred) => put(x,"condition",LIST MKPF(delete(a,oldpred),"OR"),E) getUnionMode(x,E) is ["Union",:l] l':= delete(m,l) for u in l' repeat if u is ['_:,=m,:.] then l':= delete(u,l') newpred:= MKPF([["case",x,m'] for m' in l'],"OR") put(x,"condition",[newpred,:get(x,"condition",E)],E) E getUnionMode(x,e) == m:= atom x => getmode(x,e) return nil isUnionMode(m,e) isUnionMode(m,e) == m is ["Union",:.] => m (m':= getmode(m,e)) is ["Mapping",["UnionCategory",:.]] => CADR m' v:= get(RepIfRepHack m,"value",e) => (v.expr is ["Union",:.] => v.expr; nil) nil compFromIf(a,m,E) == a="%noBranch" => ["%noBranch",m,E] comp(a,m,E) compImport: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compImport(["import",:doms],m,e) == for dom in doms repeat e:=addDomain(dom,e) ["/throwAway",$NoValueMode,e] --% Compilation of logical operators that may have a pre-defined --% meaning, or may need special handling because or short-circuiting --% etc. ++ Compile a logical negation form `(not ...)'. compLogicalNot: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compLogicalNot(x,m,e) == x isnt ["not", y] => nil -- ??? For the time being compiler values cannot handle operations -- ??? selected through general modemaps, and their semantics -- ??? are quite hardwired with their syntax. -- ??? Eventually, we should not need to do this. $normalizeTree => compIf(["IF",y,"false","true"],m,e) yT := comp(y,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil yT.mode = $Boolean => e := getInverseEnvironment(y,yT.env) convert([["NOT",yT.expr],$Boolean,e],m) compResolveCall("not",[yT],m,yT.env) ++ Compile an exclusive `xor' expression. compExclusiveOr: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compExclusiveOr(x,m,e) == x isnt ["xor",a,b] => nil aT := comp(a,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e := aT.mode = $Boolean => getSuccessEnvironment(a,aT.env) aT.env bT := comp(b,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil compResolveCall("xor",[aT,bT],m,bT.env) --% Case compCase: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCase1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple --Will the jerk who commented out these two functions please NOT do so --again. These functions ARE needed, and case can NOT be done by --modemap alone. The reason is that A case B requires to take A --evaluated, but B unevaluated. Therefore a special function is --required. You may have thought that you had tested this on "failed" --etc., but "failed" evaluates to it's own mode. Try it on x case $ --next time. -- An angry JHD - August 15th., 1984 compCase(["case",x,m'],m,e) == e:= addDomain(m',e) T:= compCase1(x,m',e) => coerce(T,m) nil compCase1(x,m,e) == [x',m',e']:= comp(x,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil u:= [modemap for (modemap := [map,cexpr]) in getModemapList("case",2,e') | map is [.,=$Boolean,s,t] and modeEqual(maybeSpliceMode t,m) and modeEqual(s,m')] or return nil fn:= (or/[mm for (mm := [.,[cond,selfn]]) in u | cond=true]) or return nil fn := genDeltaEntry ["case",:fn] -- user-defined `case' functions really are binary, as opposed to -- the compiler-synthetized versions for Union instances. not isUnionMode(m',e') => [["call",fn,x',MKQ m],$Boolean,e'] [["call",fn,x'],$Boolean,e'] ++ For `case' operation implemented in library, the second operand ++ (target type) is taken unevaluated. The corresponding parameter ++ type in the modemap was specified as quasiquotation. We ++ want to look at the actual type when comparing with modeEqual. maybeSpliceMode: %Mode -> %Mode maybeSpliceMode m == (m' := isQuasiquote m) => m' m compColon: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compColon([":",f,t],m,e) == $insideExpressionIfTrue=true => compColonInside(f,m,e,t) --if inside an expression, ":" means to convert to m "on faith" $lhsOfColon: local:= f t:= atom t and (t':= assoc(t,getDomainsInScope e)) => t' isDomainForm(t,e) and not $insideCategoryIfTrue => (if not member(t,getDomainsInScope e) then e:= addDomain(t,e); t) isDomainForm(t,e) or isCategoryForm(t,e) => t t is ["Mapping",m',:r] => t STRINGP t => t -- literal flag types are OK unknownTypeError t t f is ["LISTOF",:l] => (for x in l repeat T:= [.,.,e]:= compColon([":",x,t],m,e); T) e:= f is [op,:argl] => --for MPOLY--replace parameters by formal arguments: RDJ 3/83 newTarget:= EQSUBSTLIST(take(#argl,$FormalMapVariableList), [(x is [":",a,m] => a; x) for x in argl],t) signature:= ["Mapping",newTarget,: [(x is [":",a,m] => m; getmode(x,e) or systemErrorHere ['"compColon",x]) for x in argl]] put(op,"mode",signature,e) put(f,"mode",t,e) if not $bootStrapMode and $insideFunctorIfTrue and makeCategoryForm(t,e) is [catform,e] then e:= put(f,"value",[genSomeVariable(),t,$noEnv],e) ["/throwAway",getmode(f,e),e] unknownTypeError name == name:= name is [op,:.] => op name stackAndThrow('"%1b is not a known type",[name]) compPretend: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compPretend(["pretend",x,t],m,e) == e:= addDomain(t,e) T:= comp(x,t,e) or comp(x,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil t' := T.mode -- save this, in case we need to make suggestions T:= [T.expr,t,T.env] T':= coerce(T,m) => -- If the `pretend' wasn't necessary, we should advise user to use -- less crude way of selecting expressions of thr `right type'. if t' = t then stackWarning('"pretend %1p -- should replace by @",[t]) T' nil compColonInside(x,m,e,m') == e:= addDomain(m',e) T:= comp(x,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil if (m'':=T.mode)=m' then warningMessage:= [":",m'," -- should replace by @"] T:= [T.expr,m',T.env] T':= coerce(T,m) => if m'' = m' then stackWarning('": %1p -- should replace by @",[m']) else stackWarning('" : %1p -- replace by pretend", [m']) T' compIs: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compIs(["is",a,b],m,e) == [aval,am,e] := comp(a,$EmptyMode,e) or stackAndThrow('"Cannot determine the type of the expression %1b",[a]) not isCategoryForm(am,e) => stackAndThrow('"Expression %1b does not designate a domain",[a]) [bval,bm,e] := comp(b,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil T:= [["domainEqual",aval,bval],$Boolean,e] coerce(T,m) --% Functions for coercion by the compiler -- The function coerce is used by the old compiler for coercions. -- The function coerceInteractive is used by the interpreter. -- One should always call the correct function, since the represent- -- ation of basic objects may not be the same. tryCourtesyCoercion: (%Triple, %Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple tryCourtesyCoercion(T,m) == $InteractiveMode => keyedSystemError("S2GE0016",['"coerce", '"function coerce called from the interpreter."]) if $useRepresentationHack then rplac(CADR T,MSUBST("$",$Rep,CADR T)) T':= coerceEasy(T,m) => T' T':= coerceSubset(T,m) => T' T':= coerceHard(T,m) => T' nil coerce(T,m) == T' := tryCourtesyCoercion(T,m) => T' isSomeDomainVariable m => nil stackMessage('"Cannot coerce %1b of mode %2pb to mode %3pb", [T.expr,T.mode,m]) coerceEasy: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple coerceEasy(T,m) == m=$EmptyMode => T m=$NoValueMode or m=$Void => [T.expr,m,T.env] T.mode =m => T T.mode =$NoValueMode => T T.mode =$Exit => [["PROGN", T.expr, ["userError", '"Did not really exit."]], m,T.env] T.mode=$EmptyMode or modeEqualSubst(T.mode,m,T.env) => [T.expr,m,T.env] coerceSubset: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple coerceSubset([x,m,e],m') == isSubset(m,m',e) => [x,m',e] m is ['SubDomain,=m',:.] => [x,m',e] (pred:= LASSOC(opOf m',get(opOf m,'SubDomain,e))) and INTEGERP x and -- obviously this is temporary eval substitute(x,"#1",pred) => [x,m',e] (pred:= isSubset(m',maxSuperType(m,e),e)) and INTEGERP x -- again temporary and eval substitute(x,"*",pred) => [x,m',e] nil coerceHard: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple coerceHard(T,m) == $e: local:= T.env m':= T.mode STRINGP m' and modeEqual(m,$String) => [T.expr,m,$e] modeEqual(m',m) or (get(m',"value",$e) is [m'',:.] or getmode(m',$e) is ["Mapping",m'']) and modeEqual(m'',m) or (get(m,"value",$e) is [m'',:.] or getmode(m,$e) is ["Mapping",m'']) and modeEqual(m'',m') => [T.expr,m,T.env] STRINGP T.expr and T.expr=m => [T.expr,m,$e] isCategoryForm(m,$e) => $bootStrapMode = true => [T.expr,m,$e] extendsCategoryForm(T.expr,T.mode,m) => [T.expr,m,$e] coerceExtraHard(T,m) (m' = "$" and m = $functorForm) or (m' = $functorForm and m = "$") => [T.expr,m,$e] coerceExtraHard(T,m) coerceExtraHard: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple coerceExtraHard(T is [x,m',e],m) == T':= autoCoerceByModemap(T,m) => T' isUnionMode(m',e) is ["Union",:l] and (t:= hasType(x,e)) and member(t,l) and (T':= autoCoerceByModemap(T,t)) and (T'':= coerce(T',m)) => T'' m' is ['Record,:.] and m = $Expression => [['coerceRe2E,x,['ELT,COPY m',0]],m,e] belongsTo?(m',["UnionType"],e) and hasUniqueCaseView(x,m,e) => autoCoerceByModemap(T,m) -- Domain instantiations are first class objects m = $Domain => m' = $Category => nil isCategoryForm(m',e) => [x,m',e] nil nil ++ returns true if mode `m' is known to belong to category `cat' in ++ the environment `e'. This function is different from its cousines ++ `ofCategory', or `has'. The latter perform runtime checks. Here, ++ we are interested in a static approximation. So, use with care. belongsTo?(m,cat,e) == c := get(m,"mode",e) c isnt ["Join",:cats] => nil member(cat,cats) coerceable(m,m',e) == m=m' => m tryCourtesyCoercion(["$fromCoerceable$",m,e],m') => m' nil coerceExit: (%Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple coerceExit([x,m,e],m') == m':= resolve(m,m') x':= replaceExitEtc(x,catchTag:= MKQ GENSYM(),"TAGGEDexit",$exitMode) coerce([["CATCH",catchTag,x'],m,e],m') compAtSign: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compAtSign(["@",x,m'],m,e) == e:= addDomain(m',e) T:= comp(x,m',e) or return nil coerce(T,m) compCoerce: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compCoerce1: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple coerceByModemap: (%Maybe %Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple autoCoerceByModemap: (%Maybe %Triple,%Mode) -> %Maybe %Triple compCoerce(["::",x,m'],m,e) == e:= addDomain(m',e) T:= compCoerce1(x,m',e) => coerce(T,m) getmode(m',e) is ["Mapping",["UnionCategory",:l]] => T:= (or/[compCoerce1(x,m1,e) for m1 in l]) or return nil coerce([T.expr,m',T.env],m) compCoerce1(x,m',e) == T:= comp(x,m',e) or comp(x,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil m1:= STRINGP T.mode => $String T.mode m':=resolve(m1,m') T:=[T.expr,m1,T.env] T':= coerce(T,m') => T' T':= coerceByModemap(T,m') => T' pred:=isSubset(m',T.mode,e) => gg:=GENSYM() pred:= substitute(gg,"*",pred) code:= ['PROG1,["%LET",gg,T.expr], ['check_-subtype,pred,MKQ m',gg]] [code,m',T.env] coerceByModemap([x,m,e],m') == --+ modified 6/27 for new runtime system u:= [modemap for (modemap:= [map,cexpr]) in getModemapList("coerce",1,e) | map is [.,t, s] and (modeEqual(t,m') or isSubset(t,m',e)) and (modeEqual(s,m) or isSubset(m,s,e))] or return nil --mm:= (or/[mm for (mm:=[.,[cond,.]]) in u | cond=true]) or return nil mm:=first u -- patch for non-trival conditons fn := genDeltaEntry ['coerce,:mm] [["call",fn,x],m',e] autoCoerceByModemap([x,source,e],target) == u:= [modemap for (modemap:= [map,cexpr]) in getModemapList("autoCoerce",1,e) | map is [.,t,s] and modeEqual(t,target) and modeEqual(s,source)] or return nil fn:= (or/[mm for (mm := [.,[cond,selfn]]) in u | cond=true]) or return nil source is ["Union",:l] and member(target,l) => (y:= get(x,"condition",e)) and (or/[u is ["case",., =target] for u in y]) => [["call",genDeltaEntry ["autoCoerce", :fn],x],target,e] x="$fromCoerceable$" => nil stackMessage('"cannot coerce %1b of mode %2pb to %3pb without a case statement", [x,source,target]) [["call",genDeltaEntry ["autoCoerce", :fn],x],target,e] ++ Compile a comma separated expression list. These typically are ++ tuple objects, or argument list in a call to a homogeneous ++ vararg operations. compComma: (%Form,%Mode,%Env) -> %Maybe %Triple compComma(form,m,e) == form isnt ["%Comma",:argl] => systemErrorHere ["compComma",form] Tl := [comp(a,$EmptyMode,e) or return "failed" for a in argl] Tl = "failed" => nil -- ??? Ideally, we would like to compile to a Cross type, then -- convert to the target type. However, the current compiler and -- runtime data structures are not regular enough in their interfaces; -- so we make a special rule when compiling with a Tuple as target, -- we do the convertion here (instead of calling convert). Semantically, -- there should be no difference, but it makes the compiler code -- less regular, with duplicated effort. m is ["Tuple",t] => Tl' := [convert(T,t) or return "failed" for T in Tl] Tl' = "failed" => nil [["asTupleNew0", [T.expr for T in Tl']], m, e] T := [["LIST2VEC", [T.expr for T in Tl]], ["Cross",:[T.mode for T in Tl]], e] convert(T,m) --% Very old resolve -- should only be used in the old (preWATT) compiler resolve(din,dout) == din=$NoValueMode or dout=$NoValueMode => $NoValueMode dout=$EmptyMode => din din^=dout and (STRINGP din or STRINGP dout) => modeEqual(dout,$String) => dout modeEqual(din,$String) => nil mkUnion(din,dout) dout modeEqual(x,y) == -- this is the late modeEqual -- orders Unions atom x or atom y => x=y #x ^=#y => nil x is ['Union,:xl] and y is ['Union,:yl] => for x1 in xl repeat for y1 in yl repeat modeEqual(x1,y1) => xl := delete(x1,xl) yl := delete(y1,yl) return nil xl or yl => nil true (and/[modeEqual(u,v) for u in x for v in y]) modeEqualSubst(m1,m,e) == modeEqual(m1, m) => true atom m1 => get(m1,"value",e) is [m',:.] and modeEqual(m',m) m1 is [op,:l1] and m is [=op,:l2] and # l1 = # l2 => -- Above length test inserted JHD 4:47 on 15/8/86 -- Otherwise Records can get fouled up - consider expressIdealElt -- in the DEFAULTS package and/[modeEqualSubst(xm1,xm2,e) for xm1 in l1 for xm2 in l2] nil --% Categories compCat(form is [functorName,:argl],m,e) == fn:= GETL(functorName,"makeFunctionList") or return nil diagnoseUknownType(form,e) [funList,e]:= FUNCALL(fn,form,form,e) catForm:= ["Join",'(SetCategory),["CATEGORY","domain",: [["SIGNATURE",op,sig] for [op,sig,.] in funList | op^="="]]] --RDJ: for coercion purposes, it necessary to know it's a Set; I'm not --sure if it uses any of the other signatures(see extendsCategoryForm) [form,catForm,e] --% APPLY MODEMAPS ++ `op' has been selected as a viable candidate exported operation, ++ for argument triple list `argTl', modemap `mm'. ++ Return the most refined implementation that makes the call successful. compViableModemap(op,argTl,mm) == [[dc,.,:margl],fnsel] := mm -- 1. Give up if the call is hopeless. argTl := [coerce(x,m) or return "failed" for x in argTl for m in margl] argTl = "failed" => nil -- 2. obtain domain-specific function, if possible f := compMapCond(dc,fnsel) or return nil -- 3. Mark `f' as used. -- We can no longer trust what the modemap says for a reference into -- an exterior domain (it is calculating the displacement based on view -- information which is no longer valid; thus ignore this index and -- store the signature instead. f is [op1,.,.] and MEMQ(op1,'(ELT CONST Subsumed)) => [genDeltaEntry [op,:mm],argTl] [f,argTl] compApplyModemap(form,modemap,$e) == [op,:argl] := form --form to be compiled [[mc,mr,:margl],fnsel] := modemap --modemap we are testing -- $e is the current environment -- 0. fail immediately if #argl=#margl if #argl^=#margl then return nil -- 1. use modemap to evaluate arguments, returning failed if -- not possible lt:= [[.,.,$e]:= comp(y,m,$e) or return "failed" for y in argl for m in margl] lt="failed" => return nil -- 2. Select viable modemap implementation. compViableModemap(op,lt,modemap) compMapCond(dc,[cexpr,fnexpr]) == compMapCond'(cexpr,dc) => fnexpr stackMessage('"not known that %1pb has %2pb",[dc,cexpr]) compMapCond'(cexpr,dc) == cexpr=true => true cexpr is ["AND",:l] => and/[compMapCond'(u,dc) for u in l] cexpr is ["OR",:l] => or/[compMapCond'(u,dc) for u in l] cexpr is ["not",u] => not compMapCond'(u,dc) cexpr is ["has",name,cat] => (knownInfo cexpr => true; false) --for the time being we'll stop here - shouldn't happen so far --$disregardConditionIfTrue => true --stackSemanticError(("not known that",'%b,name, -- '%d,"has",'%b,cat,'%d),nil) --now it must be an attribute member(["ATTRIBUTE",dc,cexpr],get("$Information","special",$e)) => true --for the time being we'll stop here - shouldn't happen so far stackMessage('"not known that %1pb has %2pb",[dc,cexpr]) false --% compResolveCall(op,argTs,m,$e) == outcomes := [t for mm in getModemapList(op,#argTs,$e) | t := tryMM] where tryMM() == not coerceable(mm.mmTarget,m,$e) =>nil compViableModemap(op,argTs,mm) isnt [f,Ts] => nil coerce([["call",f,:[T.expr for T in Ts]],mm.mmTarget,$e],m) #outcomes ^= 1 => nil first outcomes --% %Match ++ Subroutine of compMatch, responsible of compiling individual alternative ++ of the form ++ x@t => stmt ++ in environment `e'. Here `y' is the scrutinee, and `m' is the ++ exit mode of `stmt'. And `T' is [y,m,e]. ++ Return a quadruple [code,mode,envTrue,envFalse], where ++ code is a pair [cond, body] ++ mode is the final mode (equal to m if everything is OK) ++ envTrue is the environment resulting from compiling `stmt' ++ envFalse is the environment for failed match. compRetractAlternative(x,t,stmt,m,s,T) == -- The retract pattern is compiled by transforming -- x@t => sttmt -- into the following program fragment -- y case t => (x := ; stmt) -- where is code that compute appropriate initialization -- for `x' under the condition that either `y' may be implicitly -- convertible to t (using only courtesy coerciions) or that -- `y' is retractable to t. -- -- 1. Evaluate the retract condition, and retract. y := T.expr -- guaranteed to be a name. e := T.env caseCode := nil restrictCode := nil envFalse := e -- 1.1. Try courtesy coercions first. That way we can use -- optimized versions where available. That also -- makes the scheme work for untagged unions. if testT := compBoolean(["case",y,t],$Boolean,e) then [caseCode,.,e,envFalse] := testT [restrictCode,.,e] := tryCourtesyCoercion([y,T.mode,e],t) or comp(["retract",y],t,e) or return stackAndThrow('"Could not retract %1 to type %2bp",[s,t]) -- 1.2. Otherwise try retractIfCan, for those `% has RetractableTo t'. else if retractT := comp(["retractIfCan",y],["Union",t,'"failed"],e) then [retractCode,.,e] := retractT -- Assign this value to a temporary. From the backend point of -- view, that temporary needs to have a lifetime that covers both -- the condition and the body of the alternative, so just use -- assignment here and let the rest of the compiler deal with it. z := GENSYM() caseCode := ["PROGN",["%LET",z,retractCode],["QEQCAR",z,0]] restrictCode := ["QCDR",z] -- 1.3. Everything else failed; nice try. else return stackAndThrow('"%1 is not retractable to %2bp",[s,t]) -- 2. Now declare `x'. [.,.,e] := compMakeDeclaration([":",x,t],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e := put(x,"value",[genSomeVariable(),t,e],e) -- 3. Compile body of the retract pattern. stmtT := comp(stmt,m,e) or return stackAndThrow('"could not compile %1b under mode %2pb",[stmt,m]) -- 4. Generate code for the whole pattern. code := [caseCode, ["LET",[[x,restrictCode]],stmtT.expr]] [code,stmtT.mode,stmtT.env,envFalse] ++ Subroutine of compMatch, responsible for compiling alternative of ++ of the form ++ x: t => stmt ++ in environment `e', where `y' is the scrutinee, and `m' is the ++ exit mode of `stmt'. And `T' is [y,m,e]. ++ Return a quadruple [code,mode,envTrue,envFalse], where ++ code is a pair [cond, body] ++ mode is the final mode (equal to m if everything is OK) ++ env is the environment resulting from compiling `stmt' compRecoverAlternative(x,t,stmt,m,s,T) == -- The retract pattern is compiled by transforming -- x: t => sttmt -- into the following program fragment -- domainOf y is t => (x := ; stmt) -- where is code that compute appropriate initialization -- for `x' under the condition that y if of type Any, and the -- underlying type is t. -- -- 1. Evaluate the recovery condition y := T.expr -- guaranteed to be a name. e := T.env T.mode ^= $Any => stackAndThrow('"Scrutinee must be of type %b Any %d in type recovery alternative of case pattern",nil) caseCode := ["EQUAL",["devaluate",t],["objMode",y]] -- 2. Declare `x'. [.,.,e] := compMakeDeclaration([":",x,t],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e := put(x,"value",[genSomeVariable(),t,e],e) -- 3. Compile body of alternative stmtT := comp(stmt,m,e) or return stackAndThrow('"could not compile %1b under mode %2pb",[stmt,m]) -- 4. Assemble code code := [caseCode,["LET",[[x,["objVal",y]]],stmtT.expr]] [code,stmtT.mode,stmtT.env,e] warnUnreachableAlternative pat == stackWarning('"Alternative with pattern %1b will not be reached",[pat]) warnTooManyOtherwise() == stackWarning('"One too many `otherwise' alternative",nil) compMatch(["%Match",subject,altBlock],m,e) == altBlock isnt ["%Block",:alts] => stackAndThrow('"case pattern must specify block of alternatives",nil) savedEnv := e -- 1. subjectTmp := subject [se,sm,e] := comp(subject,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil sn := GENSYM() [.,.,e] := compMakeDeclaration([":",sn,sm],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e := put(sn,"value",[genSomeVariable(),sm,e],e) -- 2. compile alternatives. altsCode := nil catchAllCount := 0 for alt in alts repeat alt is ["=>",pat,stmt] => pat is [op,x,t] and op in '(_: _@) => not IDENTP x => stackAndThrow('"pattern %1b must declare a variable",[pat]) if catchAllCount > 0 then warnUnreachableAlternative pat [code,mode,.,e] := op = ":" => compRecoverAlternative(x,t,stmt,m,subject,[sn,sm,e]) compRetractAlternative(x,t,stmt,m,subject,[sn,sm,e]) or return stackAndThrow('"cannot compile %1b",[alt]) altsCode := [code,:altsCode] pat = "otherwise" => if catchAllCount > 0 then warnTooManyOtherwise() catchAllCount := catchAllCount + 1 [code,.,e] := comp(stmt,m,e) or return stackAndThrow('"cannot compile",[stmt]) altsCode := [[true,code],:altsCode] return stackAndThrow('"invalid pattern %1b",[pat]) return stackAndThrow('"invalid alternative %1b",[alt]) catchAllCount = 0 => stackAndThrow('"missing %b otherwise %d alternative in case pattern",nil) code := ["LET",[[sn,se]],["COND",:nreverse altsCode]] [code,m,savedEnv] --% --% ITERATORS --% compReduce(form,m,e) == compReduce1(form,m,e,$formalArgList) compReduce1(form is ["REDUCE",op,.,collectForm],m,e,$formalArgList) == [collectOp,:itl,body]:= collectForm if STRINGP op then op:= INTERN op ^MEMQ(collectOp,'(COLLECT COLLECTV COLLECTVEC)) => systemError ["illegal reduction form:",form] $sideEffectsList: local := nil $until: local := nil $initList: local := nil $endTestList: local := nil oldEnv := e $e:= e itl:= [([.,$e]:= compIterator(x,$e) or return "failed").(0) for x in itl] itl="failed" => return nil e:= $e acc:= GENSYM() afterFirst:= GENSYM() bodyVal:= GENSYM() [part1,m,e]:= comp(["%LET",bodyVal,body],m,e) or return nil [part2,.,e]:= comp(["%LET",acc,bodyVal],m,e) or return nil [part3,.,e]:= comp(["%LET",acc,parseTran [op,acc,bodyVal]],m,e) or return nil identityCode:= id:= getIdentity(op,e) => u.expr where u() == comp(id,m,e) or return nil ["IdentityError",MKQ op] finalCode:= ["PROGN", ["%LET",afterFirst,nil], ["REPEAT",:itl, ["PROGN",part1, ["IF", afterFirst,part3, ["PROGN",part2,["%LET",afterFirst,MKQ true]]]]], ["IF",afterFirst,acc,identityCode]] if $until then [untilCode,.,e]:= comp($until,$Boolean,e) finalCode:= substitute(["UNTIL",untilCode],'$until,finalCode) [finalCode,m,oldEnv] ++ returns the identity element of the `reduction' operation `x' ++ over a list -- a monoid homomorphism. getIdentity(x,e) == -- The empty list should be indicated by name, not by its -- object representation. GETL(x,"THETA") is [y] => (y => y; "nil") numberize x == x=$Zero => 0 x=$One => 1 atom x => x [numberize first x,:numberize rest x] compRepeatOrCollect(form,m,e) == fn(form,[m,:$exitModeStack],[#$exitModeStack,:$leaveLevelStack],$formalArgList ,e) where fn(form,$exitModeStack,$leaveLevelStack,$formalArgList,e) == $until: local := nil oldEnv := e [repeatOrCollect,:itl,body]:= form itl':= [([x',e]:= compIterator(x,e) or return "failed"; x') for x in itl] itl'="failed" => nil targetMode:= first $exitModeStack bodyMode:= repeatOrCollect="COLLECT" => targetMode = '$EmptyMode => '$EmptyMode (u:=modeIsAggregateOf('List,targetMode,e)) => CADR u (u:=modeIsAggregateOf('PrimitiveArray,targetMode,e)) => repeatOrCollect:='COLLECTV CADR u (u:=modeIsAggregateOf('Vector,targetMode,e)) => repeatOrCollect:='COLLECTVEC CADR u stackMessage('"Invalid collect bodytype") return nil -- If we're doing a collect, and the type isn't conformable -- then we've boobed. JHD 26.July.1990 $NoValueMode [body',m',e']:= compOrCroak(body,bodyMode,e) or return nil if $until then [untilCode,.,e']:= comp($until,$Boolean,e') itl':= substitute(["UNTIL",untilCode],'$until,itl') form':= [repeatOrCollect,:itl',body'] m'':= repeatOrCollect="COLLECT" => (u:=modeIsAggregateOf('List,targetMode,e)) => CAR u ["List",m'] repeatOrCollect="COLLECTV" => (u:=modeIsAggregateOf('PrimitiveArray,targetMode,e)) => CAR u ["PrimitiveArray",m'] repeatOrCollect="COLLECTVEC" => (u:=modeIsAggregateOf('Vector,targetMode,e)) => CAR u ["Vector",m'] m' T := coerceExit([form',m'',e'],targetMode) or return nil -- iterator variables and other variables declared in -- in a loop are local to the loop. [T.expr,T.mode,oldEnv] --constructByModemap([x,source,e],target) == -- u:= -- [cexpr -- for (modemap:= [map,cexpr]) in getModemapList("construct",1,e) | map is [ -- .,t,s] and modeEqual(t,target) and modeEqual(s,source)] or return nil -- fn:= (or/[selfn for [cond,selfn] in u | cond=true]) or return nil -- [["call",fn,x],target,e] listOrVectorElementMode x == x is [a,b,:.] and member(a,'(PrimitiveArray Vector List)) => b compIterator(it,e) == it is ["IN",x,y] => --these two lines must be in this order, to get "for f in list f" --to give an error message if f is undefined [y',m,e]:= comp(y,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil $formalArgList:= [x,:$formalArgList] [mOver,mUnder]:= modeIsAggregateOf("List",m,e) or return stackMessage('"mode: %1pb must be a list of some mode",[m]) if null get(x,"mode",e) then [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",x,mUnder],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e:= put(x,"value",[genSomeVariable(),mUnder,e],e) [y'',m'',e] := coerce([y',m,e], mOver) or return nil [["IN",x,y''],e] it is ["ON",x,y] => $formalArgList:= [x,:$formalArgList] [y',m,e]:= comp(y,$EmptyMode,e) or return nil [mOver,mUnder]:= modeIsAggregateOf("List",m,e) or return stackMessage('"mode: %1pb must be a list of other modes",[m]) if null get(x,"mode",e) then [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",x,m],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e:= put(x,"value",[genSomeVariable(),m,e],e) [y'',m'',e] := coerce([y',m,e], mOver) or return nil [["ON",x,y''],e] it is ["STEP",index,start,inc,:optFinal] => $formalArgList:= [index,:$formalArgList] --if all start/inc/end compile as small integers, then loop --is compiled as a small integer loop final':= nil (start':= comp(start,$SmallInteger,e)) and (inc':= comp(inc,$NonNegativeInteger,start'.env)) and (not (optFinal is [final]) or (final':= comp(final,$SmallInteger,inc'.env))) => indexmode:= comp(start,$NonNegativeInteger,e) => $NonNegativeInteger $SmallInteger if null get(index,"mode",e) then [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",index,indexmode],$EmptyMode, (final' => final'.env; inc'.env)) or return nil e:= put(index,"value",[genSomeVariable(),indexmode,e],e) if final' then optFinal:= [final'.expr] [["ISTEP",index,start'.expr,inc'.expr,:optFinal],e] [start,.,e]:= comp(start,$Integer,e) or return stackMessage('"start value of index: %1b must be an integer",[start]) [inc,.,e]:= comp(inc,$Integer,e) or return stackMessage('"index increment: %1b must be an integer",[inc]) if optFinal is [final] then [final,.,e]:= comp(final,$Integer,e) or return stackMessage('"final value of index: %1b must be an integer",[final]) optFinal:= [final] indexmode:= comp(CADDR it,$NonNegativeInteger,e) => $NonNegativeInteger $Integer if null get(index,"mode",e) then [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",index,indexmode],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e:= put(index,"value",[genSomeVariable(),indexmode,e],e) [["STEP",index,start,inc,:optFinal],e] it is ["WHILE",p] => [p',m,e]:= comp(p,$Boolean,e) or return stackMessage('"WHILE operand: %1b is not Boolean valued",[p]) [["WHILE",p'],e] it is ["UNTIL",p] => ($until:= p; ['$until,e]) it is ["|",x] => u:= comp(x,$Boolean,e) or return stackMessage('"SUCHTHAT operand: %1b is not Boolean value",[x]) [["|",u.expr],u.env] nil --isAggregateMode(m,e) == -- m is [c,R] and MEMQ(c,'(Vector List)) => R -- name:= -- m is [fn,:.] => fn -- m="$" => "Rep" -- m -- get(name,"value",e) is [c,R] and MEMQ(c,'(Vector List)) => R modeIsAggregateOf(ListOrVector,m,e) == m is [ =ListOrVector,R] => [m,R] --m = '$EmptyMode => [m,m] I don't think this is correct, breaks POLY + m is ["Union",:l] => mList:= [pair for m' in l | (pair:= modeIsAggregateOf(ListOrVector,m',e))] 1=#mList => first mList name:= m is [fn,:.] => fn m="$" => "Rep" m get(name,"value",e) is [[ =ListOrVector,R],:.] => [m,R] --% VECTOR ITERATORS --the following 4 functions are not currently used compCollectV(form,m,e) == fn(form,[m,:$exitModeStack],[#$exitModeStack,:$leaveLevelStack],e) where fn(form,$exitModeStack,$leaveLevelStack,e) == [repeatOrCollect,it,body]:= form [it',e]:= compIteratorV(it,e) or return nil m:= first $exitModeStack [mOver,mUnder]:= modeIsAggregateOf("Vector",m,e) or $EmptyMode [body',m',e']:= compOrCroak(body,mUnder,e) or return nil form':= ["COLLECTV",it',body'] n:= it' is ["STEP",.,s,i,f] or it' is ["ISTEP",.,s,i,f] => computeMaxIndex(s,f,i); return nil coerce([form',mOver,e'],m) compIteratorV(it,e) == it is ["STEP",index,start,inc,final] => (start':= comp(start,$Integer,e)) and (inc':= comp(inc,$NonNegativeInteger,start'.env)) and (final':= comp(final,$Integer,inc'.env)) => indexmode:= comp(start,$NonNegativeInteger,e) => $NonNegativeInteger $Integer if null get(index,"mode",e) then [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",index,indexmode],$EmptyMode,final'.env) or return nil e:= put(index,"value",[genSomeVariable(),indexmode,e],e) [["ISTEP",index,start'.expr,inc'.expr,final'.expr],e] [start,.,e]:= comp(start,$Integer,e) or return stackMessage('"start value of index: %1b is not an integer",[start]) [inc,.,e]:= comp(inc,$NonNegativeInteger,e) or return stackMessage('"index increment: %1b must be a non-negative integer", [inc]) [final,.,e]:= comp(final,$Integer,e) or return stackMessage('"final value of index: %1b is not an integer",[final]) indexmode:= comp(CADDR it,$NonNegativeInteger,e) => $NonNegativeInteger $Integer if null get(index,"mode",e) then [.,.,e]:= compMakeDeclaration([":",index,indexmode],$EmptyMode,e) or return nil e:= put(index,"value",[genSomeVariable(),indexmode,e],e) [["STEP",index,start,inc,final],e] nil computeMaxIndex(s,f,i) == i^=1 => cannotDo() s=1 => f exprDifference(f,exprDifference(s,1)) exprDifference(x,y) == y=0 => x FIXP x and FIXP y => DIFFERENCE(x,y) ["DIFFERENCE",x,y] --% --% Entry point to the compiler --% preprocessParseTree pt == $postStack := [] pf := parseTransform postTransform pt $postStack = nil => pf displayPreCompilationErrors() nil ++ Takes a parse tree `pt', typecheck it and compile it down ++ to VM instructions. compileParseTree pt == pt = nil => nil CURSTRM: local := $OutputStream pf := preprocessParseTree pt pf = nil => nil -- stop if preprocessing was a disaster. -- Don't go further if only preprocessing was requested. $PrintOnly => FORMAT(true,'"~S =====>~%",$currentLine) PRETTYPRINT pf -- Now start actual compilation. $x: local := nil -- ??? $m: local := nil -- ??? $s: local := nil -- ??? $exitModeStack: local := [] -- Used by the compiler proper -- We don't usually call the compiler to process interpreter -- input, however attempt to second guess nevertheless. if $InteractiveMode then processInteractive(pf,nil) else if T := compTopLevel(pf,$EmptyMode,$InteractiveFrame) then [.,.,$InteractiveFrame] := T TERPRI() --% --% Register compilers for special forms. -- Those compilers are on the `SPECIAL' property of the corresponding -- special form operator symbol. for x in [["|", :"compSuchthat"],_ ["@", :"compAtSign"],_ [":", :"compColon"],_ ["::", :"compCoerce"],_ ["QUOTE", :"compQuote"],_ ["add", :"compAdd"],_ ["CAPSULE", :"compCapsule"],_ ["case", :"compCase"],_ ["CATEGORY", :"compCategory"],_ ["COLLECT", :"compRepeatOrCollect"],_ ["COLLECTV", :"compCollectV"],_ ["CONS", :"compCons"],_ ["construct", :"compConstruct"],_ ["DEF", :"compDefine"],_ ["elt", :"compElt"],_ ["Enumeration", :"compCat"],_ ["exit", :"compExit"],_ ["has", :"compHas"],_ ["IF", : "compIf"],_ ["xor",: "compExclusiveOr"],_ ["import", :"compImport"],_ ["is", :"compIs"],_ ["Join", :"compJoin"],_ ["leave", :"compLeave"],_ ["%LET", :"compSetq"],_ ["MDEF", :"compMacro"],_ ["not", :"compLogicalNot"],_ ["pretend", :"compPretend"],_ ["Record", :"compCat"],_ ["RecordCategory", :"compConstructorCategory"],_ ["REDUCE", :"compReduce"],_ ["REPEAT", :"compRepeatOrCollect"],_ ["return", :"compReturn"],_ ["SEQ", :"compSeq"],_ ["SETQ", :"compSetq"],_ ["SubDomain", :"compSubDomain"],_ ["SubsetCategory", :"compSubsetCategory"],_ ["Union", :"compCat"],_ ["Mapping", :"compCat"],_ ["UnionCategory", :"compConstructorCategory"],_ ["where", :"compWhere"],_ ["%Comma",:"compComma"],_ ["%Match",:"compMatch"],_ ["[||]", :"compileQuasiquote"]] repeat MAKEPROP(first x, "SPECIAL", rest x)