-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import bc_-util namespace BOOT --======================================================================= -- AXIOM Browser -- Initial entry is from man0.ht page to one of these functions: -- kSearch (cSearch, dSearch, or pSearch), for constructors -- oSearch, for operations -- aSearch, for attributes -- aokSearch, for general search -- docSearch, for documentation search -- genSearch, for complete search --======================================================================= browserAutoloadOnceTrigger() == nil ----------------------> Global Variables <----------------------- $includeUnexposed? := true --default setting $tick == char "`" --field separator for database files $charUnderscore := ('__) --needed because of parser bug $wild1 := '"[^`]*" --phrase used to convert keys to grep strings $browseCountThreshold := 10 --the maximum number of names that will display --on a general search $opDescriptionThreshold := 4 --if <= 4 operations with unique name, give desc --otherwise, give signatures $browseMixedCase := true --distinquish case in the browser? $docTable := nil --cache for documentation table $conArgstrings := nil --bound by conPage so that kPage --will display arguments if given $conformsAreDomains := false --are all arguments of a constructor given? $dbDataFunctionAlist := nil --set by dbGatherData $domain := nil --bound in koOps $infovec := nil --bound in koOps $predvec := nil --bound in koOps $exposedOnlyIfTrue := nil --see repeatSearch, dbShowOps, dbShowCon $bcMultipleNames := nil --see bcNameConTable $bcConformBincount := nil --see bcConform1 $docTableHash := hashTable 'EQUAL --see dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary $groupChoice := nil --see dbShowOperationsFromConform ------------------> Initial Settings <--------------------- $pmFilterDelimiters := [char "(",char ")",char " "] $dbKindAlist := [[char "a",:'"attribute"],[char "o",:'"operation"], [char "d",:'"domain"],[char "p",:'"package"], [char "c",:'"category"],[char "x",:'"default_ package"]] $OpViewTable := '( (names "Name" "Names" dbShowOpNames) (documentation "Name" "Names" dbShowOpDocumentation) (domains "Domain" "Domains" dbShowOpDomains) (signatures "Signature" "Signatures" dbShowOpSignatures) (parameters "Form" "Forms" dbShowOpParameters) (origins "Origin" "Origins" dbShowOpOrigins) (implementation nil "Implementation Domains" dbShowOpImplementations) (conditions "Condition" "Conditions" dbShowOpConditions)) bcBlankLine() == bcHt '"\vspace{1}\newline " pluralize k == k = '"child" => '"children" k = '"category" => '"categories" k = '"entry" => '"entries" strconc(k,'"s") capitalize s == LASSOC(s,'( ("domain" . "Domain") ("category" . "Category") ("package" . "Package") ("default package" . "Default Package"))) or res := COPY_-SEQ s stringChar(res,0) := charUpcase stringChar(res,0) res escapeSpecialIds u == --very expensive function x := LASSOC(u,$htCharAlist) => [x] #u = 1 => member(u, $htSpecialChars) => [strconc('"_\", u)] [u] c := char u.0 or/[c = char y for y in $htSpecialChars] => [strconc('"_\",u)] [u] escapeString com == --this makes changes on single comment lines -- was htexCom look := 0 while look repeat look >= #com => look := [] look := STRPOSL ('"${}#%", com, look, []) if look then com := RPLACSTR (com,look,0,'"\") --note RPLACSTR copies!!! look := look + 2 com htPred2English(x,:options) == $emList :local := IFCAR options --list of identifiers to be emphasised $precList: local := '((OR 10 . "or") (AND 9 . "and") (_< 5) (_<_= 5) (_> 5) (_>_= 5) (_= 5) (_~_= 5) (or 10) (and 9)) fn(x,100) where fn(x,prec) == x is [op,:l] => LASSOC(op,$precList) is [iprec,:rename] => if iprec > prec then htSay '"(" fn(first l,iprec) for y in rest l repeat htSay('" ",rename or op,'" ") fn(y,iprec) if iprec > prec then htSay '")" if prec < 5 then htSay '"(" gn(x,op,l,prec) if prec < 5 then htSay '")" x = 'etc => htSay '"..." IDENTP x and not symbolMember?(x,$emList) => htSay escapeSpecialIds symbolName x htSay form2HtString(x,$emList) gn(x,op,l,prec) == op in '(NOT not) => htSay('"not ") fn(first l,0) op = 'HasCategory => bcConform(first l,$emList) htSay('" has ") bcConform(CADADR l,$emList) op = 'HasAttribute => bcConform(first l,$emList) htSay('" has ") fnAttr CADADR l op in '(_has ofCategory) => bcConform(first l,$emList) htSay('" has ") [a,b] := l b is ['ATTRIBUTE,c] and not constructor? c => fnAttr c bcConform(b, $emList) bcConform(x,$emList) fnAttr c == s := form2HtString c member(s,$emList) => htSay('"{\em ",s,'"}") satDownLink(s, ['"(|aPage| '|",s,'"|)"]) unMkEvalable u == u is ['QUOTE,a] => a u is ['%list,:r] => [unMkEvalable x for x in r] u lisp2HT u == ['"_'",:fn u] where fn u == IDENTP u => escapeSpecialIds symbolName u string? u => escapeString u atom u => systemError() ['"_(",:"append"/[fn x for x in u],'")"] args2HtString(x,:options) == null x => '"" emList := IFCAR options subString(form2HtString(['f,:x],emList),1) quickForm2HtString(x) == atom x => STRINGIMAGE x form2HtString x form2HtString(x,:options) == $emList:local := IFCAR options --list of atoms to be emphasized $brief: local := IFCAR IFCDR options --see dbShowOperationsFromConform (lib11) fn(x) where fn x == atom x => symbolMember?(x,$FormalMapVariableList) => strconc('"\",symbolName x) u := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE x symbolMember?(x,$emList) => strconc('"{\em ",u,'"}") string? x => strconc('"_"",u,'"_"") u first x = 'QUOTE => strconc('"'",sexpr2HtString second x) first x = ":" => strconc(fn second x,'": ",fn third x) first x = 'Mapping => strconc(fnTail(rest rest x,'"()"),'"->",fn second x) first x = 'construct => fnTail(rest x,'"[]") tail := fnTail(rest x,'"()") head := fn first x -- $brief and #head + #tail > 35 => strconc(head,'"(...)") strconc(head,tail) fnTail(x,str) == null x => '"" strconc(str . 0,fn first x,fnTailTail rest x,str . 1) fnTailTail x == null x => '"" strconc('",",fn first x,fnTailTail rest x) sexpr2HtString x == atom x => form2HtString x strconc('"(",fn x,'")") where fn x == r := rest x suffix := null r => '"" atom r => strconc('" . ",form2HtString rest x) strconc('" ",fn r) strconc(sexpr2HtString first x,suffix) form2LispString(x) == atom x => x = '_$ => '"__$" symbolMember?(x,$FormalMapVariableList) => strconc('"__", symbolName x) string? x => strconc('"_"",x,'"_"") STRINGIMAGE x x is ['QUOTE,a] => strconc('"'",sexpr2LispString a) x is [":",a,b] => strconc(form2LispString a,'":",form2LispString b) first x = 'Mapping => null rest (r := rest x) => strconc('"()->",form2LispString first r) strconc(args2LispString rest r,'"->",form2LispString first r) strconc(form2LispString first x,args2LispString rest x) sexpr2LispString x == atom x => form2LispString x strconc('"(",fn x,'")") where fn x == r := rest x suffix := null r => '"" atom r => strconc('" . ",form2LispString rest x) strconc('" ",fn r) strconc(sexpr2HtString first x,suffix) args2LispString x == null x => '"" strconc('"(",form2LispString first x,fnTailTail rest x,'")") where fnTailTail x == null x => '"" strconc('",",form2LispString first x,fnTailTail rest x) dbConstructorKind x == target := getConstructorModemapFromDB(x).mmTarget target = '(Category) => 'category target is ['CATEGORY,'package,:.] => 'package tableValue($defaultPackageNamesHT,x) => 'default_ package 'domain getConstructorForm name == name = 'Union => '(Union (_: a A) (_: b B)) name = 'UntaggedUnion => '(Union A B) name = 'Record => '(Record (_: a A) (_: b B)) name = 'Mapping => '(Mapping T S) name = 'Enumeration => '(Enumeration a b) getConstructorFormFromDB name getConstructorArgs conname == rest getConstructorForm conname bcComments(comments,:options) == italics? := not IFCAR options string? comments => comments = '"" => nil htSay('"\newline ") if italics? then htSay '"{\em " htSay comments if italics? then htSay '"}" null comments => nil htSay('"\newline ") if italics? then htSay "{\em " htSay first comments for x in rest comments repeat htSay('" ",x) if italics? then htSay '"}" bcConform(form,:options) == $italics? : local := IFCAR options $italicHead? : local := IFCAR IFCDR options bcConform1 form bcConstructor(form is [op,:arglist],cname) == --called only when $conformsAreDomains htSayList dbConformGen form htSayList u == for x in u repeat htSay x conform2HtString form == for u in form2String form repeat htSay u dbEvalableConstructor? form == --form is constructor form; either --(a) all arguments are specified or (b) none are specified form is [op,:argl] => null argl => true op = 'QUOTE => 'T --is a domain valued object and/[dbEvalableConstructor? x for x in argl] integer? form => true false htSayItalics s == htSay('"{\em ",s,'"}") bcCon(name,:options) == argString := IFCAR options or '"" s := STRINGIMAGE name bcStar name htSayConstructorName(s,s) htSay argString bcAbb(name,abb) == s := STRINGIMAGE name a := STRINGIMAGE abb bcStar name htSayConstructorName(a,s) bcStar name == if $includeUnexposed? and not isExposedConstructor name then htSayUnexposed() bcStarSpace name == null $includeUnexposed? => nil not isExposedConstructor name => htSayUnexposed() htBlank() bcStarSpaceOp(op,exposed?) == null $includeUnexposed? => nil not exposed? => htSayUnexposed() if stringChar(op,0) = char "*" then htSay '" " htBlank() bcStarConform form == bcStar opOf form bcConform form dbSourceFile name == u:= getConstructorSourceFileFromDB name null u => '"" n := PATHNAME_-NAME u t := PATHNAME_-TYPE u strconc(n,'".",t) extractFileNameFromPath s == fn(s,0,#s) where fn(s,i,m) == k := charPosition(char "/",s,i) k = m => subString(s,i) fn(s,k + 1,m) bcOpTable(u,fn) == htBeginTable() firstTime := true for op in u for i in 0.. repeat if firstTime then firstTime := false else htSaySaturn '"&" htSay '"{" htMakePage [['bcLinks,[escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE opOf op,'"",fn,i]]] htSay '"}" htEndTable() bcNameConTable u == $bcMultipleNames: local := (#u ~= 1) bcConTable removeDuplicates u -- bcConTable u bcConTable u == htBeginTable() firstTime := true for con in u repeat if firstTime then firstTime := false else htSaySaturn '"&" htSay '"{" bcStarSpace opOf con bcConform con htSay '"}" htEndTable() bcAbbTable u == htBeginTable() firstTime := true for x in removeDuplicates u repeat --allow x to be nil meaning "no abbreviation" -- for x in u repeat --allow x to be nil meaning "no abbreviation" if firstTime then firstTime := false else htSaySaturn '"&" if x is [con,abb,:.] then htSay '"{" bcAbb(con,abb) htSay '"}" htEndTable() bcConPredTable(u,conname,:options) == italicList := IFCAR options htBeginTable() firstTime := true for [conform,:pred] in u repeat if firstTime then firstTime := false else htSaySaturn '"&" htSay '"{" bcStarSpace opOf conform form := atom conform => getConstructorForm conform conform bcConform(form,italicList) if extractHasArgs pred is [arglist,:pred] then htSay('" {\em of} ") bcConform([conname,:arglist],italicList,true) if pred ~= 'etc then bcPred(pred,italicList) htSay '"}" htEndTable() bcPred(pred,:options) == pred = '"" or pred = true or null pred => 'skip italicList := IFCAR options if not IFCAR IFCDR options then htSay '" {\em if} " htPred2English(pred,italicList) extractHasArgs pred == x := find pred or return nil where find x == x is [op,:argl] => op = 'hasArgs => x op in '(AND OR NOT) => or/[find y for y in argl] nil nil [rest x,:simpBool substitute('T,x,pred)] splitConTable cons == uncond := cond := nil for (pair := [con,:pred]) in cons repeat null pred => 'skip pred = 'T or pred is ['hasArgs,:.] => uncond := [pair,:uncond] cond := [pair,:cond] [reverse! uncond,:reverse! cond] bcNameTable(u,fn,:option) == --option if * prefix htSay '"\newline" htBeginTable() firstTime := true for x in u repeat if firstTime then firstTime := false else htSaySaturn '"&" htSay '"{" if IFCAR option then bcStar x htMakePage [['bcLinks,[s := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE x,'"",fn,s]]] htSay '"}" htEndTable() bcNameCountTable(u,fn,gn,:options) == linkFunction := IFCAR options => 'bcLispLinks 'bcLinks htSay '"\newline" htBeginTable() firstTime := true for i in 0.. for x in u repeat if firstTime then firstTime := false else htSaySaturn '"&" htSay '"{" htMakePage [[linkFunction,[FUNCALL(fn,x),'"",gn,i]]] htSay '"}" htEndTable() dbSayItemsItalics(:u) == htSay '"{\em " apply(function dbSayItems,u) htSay '"}" dbSayItems(countOrPrefix,singular,plural,:options) == bcHt '"\newline " count := countOrPrefix is [:prefix,c] => htSay prefix c countOrPrefix if count = 0 then htSay('"No ",singular) else if count = 1 then htSay('"1 ",singular) else htSay(count,'" ",plural) for x in options repeat bcHt x if count ~= 0 then bcHt '":" dbBasicConstructor? conname == dbSourceFile conname in '("catdef" "coerce") nothingFoundPage(:options) == htInitPage('"Sorry, no match found",nil) htShowPage() htCopyProplist htPage == [[x,:y] for [x,:y] in htpPropertyList htPage] emptySearchPage(kind,filter,:options) == skipNamePart := IFCAR options heading := ['"No ",capitalize kind,'" Found"] htInitPage(heading,nil) exposePart := null $includeUnexposed? => '"{\em exposed} " '"" htSay('"\vspace{1}\newline\centerline{There is no ",exposePart,kind,'" matching pattern}\newline\centerline{{\em ") if filter then htPred2English filter htSay '"}}" htShowPage() isLoaded? conform == property(getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB opOf conform,'LOADED) string2Integer s == and/[digit? (s.i) for i in 0..maxIndex s] => readInteger s nil dbGetInputString htPage == s := htpLabelInputString(htPage,'filter) null s or s = '"" => '"*" s --======================================================================= -- Error Pages --======================================================================= bcErrorPage u == u is ['error,:r] => htInitPage(first r,nil) bcBlankLine() for x in rest r repeat htSay x htShowPage() systemError '"Unexpected error message" errorPage(htPage,[heading,kind,:info]) == kind = 'invalidType => kInvalidTypePage first info if heading = 'error then htInitPage('"Error",nil) else htInitPage(heading,nil) bcBlankLine() for x in info repeat htSay x htShowPage() htErrorStar() == errorPage(nil,['"{\em *} not a valid search string",nil,'"\vspace{3}\centerline{{\em *} is not a valid search string for a general search}\centerline{\em {it would match everything!}}"]) htQueryPage(htPage,heading,message,query,fn) == htInitPage(heading,nil) htSay message htQuery(query,fn) htShowPage() htQuery(question,fn,:options) == upLink? := IFCAR options if question then htSay('"\vspace{1}\centerline{") htSay question htSay('"}") htSay('"\centerline{") htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"\fbox{Yes}",'"",fn,'yes]]] htBlank 4 if upLink? then htSay('"\downlink{\fbox{No}}{UpPage}") else htMakePage [['bcLispLinks,['"\fbox{No}",'"",fn,'no]]] htSay('"}") kInvalidTypePage form == htInitPage('"Error",nil) bcBlankLine() htSay('"\centerline{You gave an invalid type:}\newline\centerline{{\sf ") htSay(form2HtString form,'"}}") htShowPage() dbNotAvailablePage(:options) == htInitPage('"Missing Page",nil) bcBlankLine() htSay(IFCAR options or '"\centerline{This page is not available yet}") htShowPage() --======================================================================= -- Utility Functions for Manipulating Browse Datalines --======================================================================= dbpHasDefaultCategory? s == #s > 1 and s.1 = char "x" --s is part 3 of line dbKind line == line.0 dbKindString kind == LASSOC(kind,$dbKindAlist) dbName line == escapeString subString(line,1,charPosition($tick,line,1) - 1) dbAttr line == strconc(dbName line,escapeString dbPart(line,4,0)) dbPart(line,n,k) == --returns part n of line (n=1,..) beginning in column k n = 1 => subString(line,k + 1,charPosition($tick,line,k + 1) - k - 1) dbPart(line,n - 1,charPosition($tick,line,k + 1)) dbXParts(line,n,m) == [.,nargs,:r] := dbParts(line,n,m) [dbKindString line.0,dbName line,readInteger nargs,:r] dbParts(line,n,m) == --split line into n parts beginning in column m n = 0 => nil [subString(line,m,-m + (k := charPosition($tick,line,m))), :dbParts(line,n - 1,k + 1)] dbConname(line) == dbPart(line,5,1) dbComments line == dbReadComments(string2Integer dbPart(line,7,1)) dbNewConname(line) == --dbName line unless kind is 'a or 'o => name in 5th pos. (kind := line.0) = char "a" or kind = char "o" => conform := dbPart(line,5,1) k := charPosition(char "(",conform,1) subString(conform,1,k - 1) dbName line dbTickIndex(line,n,k) == --returns index of nth tick in line starting at k n = 1 => charPosition($tick,line,k) dbTickIndex(line,n - 1,1 + charPosition($tick,line,k)) mySort u == listSort(function GLESSEQP,u) quickAnd(a,b) == a = true => b b = true => a a = false or b = false => false simpBool ['AND,a,b] quickOr(a,b) == a = true or b = true => true b = false => a a = false => b simpCatPredicate simpBool ['OR,a,b]