-- Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. -- All rights reserved. -- Copyright (C) 2007-2011, Gabriel Dos Reis. -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -- met: -- -- - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- -- - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in -- the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -- distribution. -- -- - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the -- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products -- derived from this software without specific prior written permission. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS -- IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED -- TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A -- PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER -- OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, -- EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, -- PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR -- PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING -- NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS -- SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import bc_-util namespace BOOT --====================> WAS b-prof.boot <================================ --============================================================================ -- Browser Code for Profiling --============================================================================ kciPage(htPage,junk) == --info alist must have NEW format with [op,:sig] in its CAARs which:= '"operation" htpSetProperty(htPage,'which,which) domname := htpProperty(htPage,'domname) conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform) heading := ['"Capsule Cross Reference for ",:htpProperty(htPage,'heading)] page := htInitPage(heading,htCopyProplist htPage) conname := opOf conform htpSetProperty(page,'infoAlist,infoAlist := getInfoAlist conname) dbGetExpandedOpAlist page --expand opAlist "in place" opAlist := kciReduceOpAlist(htpProperty(page,'opAlist),infoAlist) dbShowOperationsFromConform(page,which,opAlist) kciReduceOpAlist(opAlist,infoAlist) == --count opAlist res := [pair for [op,:items] in opAlist | pair] where pair() == u := LASSOC(op,infoAlist) => y := [x for x in items | x is [sig,:.] and "or"/[sig = sig1 for [sig1,:.] in u]] => [op,:y] nil nil res displayInfoOp(htPage,infoAlist,op,sig) == (sigAlist := LASSOC(op,infoAlist)) and (itemlist := LASSOC(sig,sigAlist)) => dbShowInfoOp(htPage,op,sig,itemlist) nil dbShowInfoOp(htPage,op,sig,alist) == heading := htpProperty(htPage,'heading) domname := htpProperty(htPage,'domname) conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform) opAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist) conname := opOf conform kind := getConstructorKindFromDB conname honestConform := kind = 'category => [makeDefaultPackageName symbolName conname,"$",:rest conform] conform faTypes := CDDAR getConstructorModemapFromDB conname conArgTypes := SUBLISLIS(IFCDR conform,TAKE(#faTypes,$FormalMapVariableList),faTypes) conform := htpProperty(htPage,'conform) conname := opOf conform --argTypes := reverse ASSOCRIGHT LASSOC('arguments,alist) --sig := or/[sig for [sig,:.] in LASSOC(op,opAlist) | rest sig = argTypes] ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE zeroOneConvert op oppart := ['"{\em ", ops, '"}"] head := sig => [:oppart,'": ",:dbConformGen dbInfoSig sig] oppart heading := [:head,'" from {\sf ",form2HtString conform,'"}"] for u in alist repeat [x,:y] := u x = 'locals => locals := y x = 'arguments => arguments := y fromAlist := [[x,:zeroOneConvertAlist y], :fromAlist] fromAlist := cons := args := nil for (p := [x,:y]) in fromAlist repeat x = $ => dollar := [[honestConform,:y]] x = 'Rep => rep := [['Rep,:y]] IDENTP x => args := [dbInfoFindCat(conform,conArgTypes,p), :args] cons := [dbInfoTran(x,y), :cons] [:mySort args, :dollar, :rep, :mySort cons] sigAlist := LASSOC(op,opAlist) item := or/[x for x in sigAlist | x is [sig1,:.] and sig1 = sig] or systemError '"cannot find signature" --item is [sig,pred,origin,exposeFlag,comments] [sig,pred,origin,exposeFlag,doc] := item htpSetProperty(htPage,'fromAlist,fromAlist) htSayHline() htSay('"\center{Cross Reference for definition of {\em ",ops,'"}}\beginmenu ") -- if arguments then -- htSay '"\item\menuitemstyle{}{\em arguments:}\newline" -- dbShowInfoList(arguments,0,false) if locals then htSay '"\item\menuitemstyle{}{\em local variables:}\newline" dbShowInfoList(locals,8192,false) bincount := 2 for [con,:fns] in fromAlist repeat htSay '"\item" if IDENTP con then htSay '"\menuitemstyle{} {\em calls to} " if con ~= 'Rep then htSay '"{\em argument} " htSay con if "and"/[fn is ['origin,orig,.] and (null origin and (origin := orig) or origin = orig) for fn in fns] then htSay '" {\em of type} " bcConform orig buttonForOp := false else htMakePage [['bcLinks,['"\menuitemstyle{}",'"",'dbInfoChoose,bincount]]] htSay '"{\em calls to} " bcConform con buttonForOp := true htSay('":\newline ") dbShowInfoList(fns, bincount * 8192,buttonForOp) bincount := bincount + 1 htSay '"\endmenu " dbShowInfoList(dataItems,count,buttonForOp?) == --dataItems are [op,:sig] single? := null rest dataItems htSay '"\table{" for item in dataItems repeat [op,:sig] := item is ['origin,.,s] => buttonForOp? := true s item ops := escapeSpecialChars STRINGIMAGE op htSay '"{" if count < 16384 or not buttonForOp? then htSay [ops,'": "] atom sig => bcConform sig bcConform dbInfoSig sig else htMakePage [['bcLinks,[ops,'"",'dbInfoChooseSingle,count]]] htSay '": " if atom sig then htSay sig else bcConform dbInfoSig sig htSay '"}" count := count + 1 htSay '"} " count dbInfoFindCat(conform,conArgTypes,u) == [argName,:opSigList] := u n := POSITION(argName,IFCDR conform) or systemError() t := conArgTypes . n [argName,:[dbInfoWrapOrigin(x,t) for x in opSigList]] dbInfoWrapOrigin(x, t) == [op, :sig] := x origin := dbInfoOrigin(op,sig,t) => ['origin, origin, x] x dbInfoOrigin(op,sig,t) == t is ['Join, :r] => or/[dbInfoOrigin(op,sig,x) for x in r] t is ['CATEGORY,:.] => false [sig = sig1 for [sig1,:.] in LASSOC(op, koOps(t,nil))] => t false dbInfoTran(con,opSigList) == [con,:SUBST("$",con,mySort opSigList)] zeroOneConvertAlist u == [[zeroOneConvert x,:y] for [x,:y] in u] dbInfoChoose(htPage,count) == fromAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'fromAlist) index := count - 2 [con, :alist] := fromAlist.index dbInfoChoose1(htPage,con,alist) dbInfoChooseSingle(htPage,count) == fromAlist := htpProperty(htPage,'fromAlist) [index, binkey] := DIVIDE(count, 8192) [con, :alist] := fromAlist.(index - 2) item := alist . binkey alist := item is ['origin,origin,s] => con := origin [s] [item] dbInfoChoose1(htPage,con,alist) dbInfoChoose1(htPage,con,alist) == $conform: local := con opAlist := [pair for x in koOps(con,nil) | pair:=dbInfoSigMatch(x,alist)] page := htInitPage(nil,nil) htpSetProperty(page,'conform,con) htpSetProperty(page,'kind,symbolName getConstructorKindFromDB opOf con) dbShowOperationsFromConform(page,'"operation",opAlist) dbInfoSigMatch(x,alist) == [op,:sigAlist] := x candidates := [sig for [op1,:sig] in alist | op1 = op] or return nil sigs := [s for s in sigAlist | "or"/[first s = s1 for s1 in candidates] or (s2 := SUBST($conform,"$",s)) and "or"/[first s2 = s1 for s1 in candidates]] sigs and [op,:sigs] dbInfoSig sig == null rest sig => first sig ['Mapping,:sig] --============================================================================ -- Code to Expand opAlist --============================================================================ dbGetExpandedOpAlist htPage == expand := htpProperty(htPage,'expandOperations) if expand ~= 'fullyExpanded then if null expand then htpSetProperty(htPage,'expandOperations,'lists) opAlist := koOps(htpProperty(htPage,'conform),nil) htpSetProperty(htPage,'opAlist,opAlist) dbExpandOpAlistIfNecessary(htPage,opAlist,'"operation",false,false) htpProperty(htPage,'opAlist) --============================================================================ -- Get Info File Alist --============================================================================ hasNewInfoAlist conname == (u := getInfoAlist conname) and hasNewInfoText u hasNewInfoText u == and/[atom op and "and"/[item is [sig,:alist] and null sig or cons? sig and cons? alist for item in items] for [op,:items] in u] getInfoAlist conname == cat? := getConstructorKindFromDB conname = "category" if cat? then conname := makeDefaultPackageName symbolName conname abb := getConstructorAbbreviationFromDB conname or return '"not a constructor" fs := strconc(symbolName abb,'".NRLIB/info") inStream := PROBE_-FILE fs => OPEN fs filename := strconc('"/spad/int/algebra/",symbolName abb,'".NRLIB/info") PROBE_-FILE filename => OPEN filename return nil alist := mySort READ inStream if cat? then [.,dollarName,:.] := getConstructorFormFromDB conname alist := SUBST("$",dollarName,alist) alist