\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/input test.input} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991. @ <<*>>= <<license>> -- File of recently fixed interpreter bugs --- eval a polynomial with EXPR substitution values --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all eq1:= A*x**2 + B*x*y + C*y**2 +D*x + E*y + F eq2:= eval(eq1,[x= xdot*cos(t) - ydot*sin(t), y=xdot*sin(t) + ydot*cos(t)]) -- UTS coercions. Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all taylor exp x s := % s::(UTS(EXPR FLOAT, x, 0)) s::(UTS(FLOAT, x, 0)) eval(s,1) %::(Stream Float) -- Another bug, fixed by adding UPXS2 package, s := series(sin(a*x),x=0) eval(s, 1.0) s - a*x -- grand finale, just fixed on 3/23/91 eval(s, 1.0) -- generalized resolve -- Fixed (enhanced) by SCM in 3/23/91 )cl all v := vector [1,2,3] (1/2)*v eval(x**2, x=1/2) eval(x**2, x=0.5) eval(3**x, x=0.5) -- overloading interpreter maps on arity --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all f(x) == x+1 f(x,y) == x+y f 3 f(3,4) f(5) f(1,x) -- targetted function requiring a coercion --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all series(n +-> bernoulli(n)/factorial(n), t=0) -- in-homogeneous list mapping --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all l := [1,2,-1] f : INT -> FRAC INT f x == x map(f, l) -- Function args to interpreter functions --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )cl all f: INT -> INT f x == x+1 u g == g 3 u f -- category modemap requiring a field to be constructed --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all groebner [x**2 - y, y**3+1] -- operations requiring polynomials, passed variables --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all factor x draw(x, x=-1..1) -- bracket parsing and empty-set types --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all brace [] -- {} --{}$(List INT) brace [1] -- {1} -- The following still doesn't work union(brace [], brace [1,2]) -- union({}, {1,2}) -- Shouldn't work, but no longer bombs the interpreter --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )clear all )set mes test off map(variable, [x,y]) )set mes test on -- Recursive map type analysis bug --- Fixed by SCM, verified on 10/30/90 )set fun recur off )clear all p(n,x) == if n=0 then 1 else (x+n-1)*p(n-1,x) pp(n,x) == if n=0 then 1 else if n<0 then (-1)**n/p(-n,1-x) else p(n,x) pp(-1,x) -- should be 1/(x-1) -- interpret-code mode for iterators is broken )cl all f n == for i in 1..n repeat j:=2*i m:SQMATRIX(j,?):=1 print m g n == j:=2*n m:SQMATRIX(j,?):=1 print m g 3 f 3 -- Test interpreter list destructuring )clear all mp(x,l) == l is [a,:b] => a*x**(#b)+ mp(x,b) 0 mp(x, [1,3,4, 2]) mp(x, [1,2,-3, 4]) -- Tests compilation of recursive functions )clear all f1 n == if n=0 then 1 else if n=1 then 1 else f1(n-1)+f1(n-2) f2 n == m:=n if n=0 then 1 else if n=1 then 1 else f2(n-1)+f2(n-2) f3 n == n=0 => 1 n=1 => 1 f3(n-1)+f3(n-2) f4 n == m:=n n=0 => 1 n=1 => 1 m:=n f4(n-1)+f4(n-2) f5 n == if n=0 or n=1 then 1 else f5(n-1)+f5(n-2) [f1 3,f2 3, f3 3,f4 3,f5 3] -- Input of GDMP types -- Fixed by SCM on 1/22/91 )cl all g: GDMP([x,y], INT, DIRPROD(2, NNI)) := x**2 + y -- has test with variables -- Fixed by SCM on 1/22/91 )cl all i := INT i has Algebra(i) -- returns in functions -- Fixed by SCM on 1/22/91 )cl all f x == if x<0 then return x else x+1 f 2 -- should be 3 f(-2) -- should be -2 -- resolveTT not returning Any -- Fixed by SCM 1/30/91 )cl all m = [[1,2],[2,3]] -- Should return type EQ POLY SQMATRIX(2, INT) [1, "asd"] -- Should be of type List Any )set mes test off 1+"asd" -- These should both fail in the same way 1/"asd" )set mes test on -- Passing type variables to )show )cl all t := MPOLY([x,y], INT) )show t -- caching nullary functions )set fun cache all u == 1 u )set fun cache 0 -- Interpreter Only mode on collects -- Fixed by SCM on 3/1/91 factorp: (UP(x,INT),PositiveInteger,PositiveInteger) -> List(UP(x,INT)) factorp(poly,p,e) == ppoly:UP(x,PF p):=poly pl := [rec.factor for rec in factors factor ppoly] facl:=pl::List(UP(x,INT)) factorp(x**2+x+5,7,1) -- using "by" with segments -- Fixed by SCM on 2/14/91 )cl all b:= 1..10 for i in b by 2 repeat output i -- DMP resolve bug -- Fixed by SCM 3/7/91 )cl all macro RN == FRAC INT a51:=x+y+z+t+u; a52:=x*y+y*z+z*t+x*u+t*u; a53:=x*y*z+y*z*t+x*y*u+x*t*u+z*t*u; a54:=x*y*z*t+x*y*z*u+x*y*t*u+x*z*t*u+y*z*t*u; a55:=x*y*z*t*u-1; arnborg5: List HDMP([x,y,z,t,u],RN):=[a51,a52,a53,a54,a55]; arnborg5l: List DMP([x,y,z,t,u],RN):=[a51,a52,a53,a54,a55]; -- construct in interpret-only mode -- Fixed by SCM on 3/7/91 )cl all factorp(poly,p,e) == [rec.factor for rec in factors factor (poly::UP(x, PF p))]::List UP(x, INT) factorp(x**2+x+5,7,1) -- return in interpret-only mode -- fixed by SCM 3/11/91 )cl all f (x) == y: PF x := 1 x = 3 => return x x = 4 => return(-x) (x+1) f 3 -- incorrect handling of type of returns -- fixed by SCM 3/11/91 )cl all f (x) == x = 3 => return x x = 4 => return(-x) return (x+1) f 3 -- SquareMatrix coercion bug -- Fixed by SCM on 4/3/91 )cl all s:SQMATRIX(2, INT) := matrix [[1,2],[2,3]] s::SQMATRIX(2, FRAC INT) -- SquareMatric resolve bug )cl all Mat := SquareMatrix(2, Polynomial Integer) s:Mat := matrix [[ 2*x + 1, x], [x, 1]] s**3 %::Polynomial(?) -- parsing bug -- Fixed by BURGE on 4/18/91 )cl all -2**2 -- Should return -4 -- # in constructor arguemnt list bug -- Fixed by SCM on 4/9/91 )cl all f: DMP([x,y], INT) := x**2-y**2 coefficient(f, degree f) -- retract from EXPR to POLY -- fixed by SCM and SUTOR on 5/1/91 )cl all x+1::EXPR INT %::POLY INT -- fixed by SCM in May )cl all solve([[1,2],[2,3]],[-2,3]) -- fixed by several people over a period of time )cl all eval(m**2, m=[[1,2],[2,3]]) -- filtering various illegal declarations )cl all )set mes test off r: Ring w: RF INT )set mes test on -- Correct representation of length 1 records )cl all r:Record(a: INT) := [1] -- Fast generation of POLY FLOAT graphics code )time on p: POLY FLOAT := (x-1)**30 draw(p, x=-1..1) )time )off -- Case broken in interpreter -- fixed by SCM in early 1991 )cl all sayBranch x == _ if x case INT then output "Integer Branch" _ else if x case STRING then output "String Branch" _ else if x case FLOAT then output "Float Branch" _ else output "don't know" x:Union(INT,STRING,FLOAT) x:=3 sayBranch(x) -- bug in evaluateType -- fixed by SCM in May 1991 )cl all RFI := FRAC POLY INT g:DMP([x,y], RFI) := a**2*x**2/b**2 - c**2*y**2/d**2 factor g -- bug in resolveTTSpecial -- Fixed by SCM 6/2/91 )cl all f(u:DoubleFloat, v:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat == u+v g(u:DoubleFloat, v:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat == sin(u+v) h(u:DoubleFloat, v:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat == u+cos(v) draw(surface(f,g,h), 0..4, 0..2*%pi) -- check for package calling from categories -- fixed by SCM 6/4/91 )cl all )set mes test off (1+1)$Ring )set mes test on -- UnivariateSeries coercions -- Fixed by SCM 6/20/91 )cl all s := series(sin(a*x), x=0) s - a*x s - sin(a*x) -- Complex & AlgebraicNumber coercions -- fixed by SCM 6/91 )cl all sin %i sin sqrt 2 %i*sqrt(2) sin(%i*sqrt 2) %i * sin(x) sin(x/sqrt(2)) -- bug in resolve -- fixed by SCM 8/12/91 )cl all )set test msg off primaryDecomp xx )set test msg on -- functions with ADEFs were broken -- fixwd by SCM 8/9/91 )cl all f l == reduce((x,y) +-> l.1 + x + y, l) f [10,2,53] g l == (x:INT):INT +-> l.x w := g [23,1,341,12] ; w(1) + w(3) -- w(-1) removed tpd; causes testing to crash -- coerces RN to PF and POLY to EXPR -- fixed by SCM 8/9/91 )cl all a := 2/3 )set mes test off a::PF 3 )set mes test on b := x+1 b:: EXPR FLOAT -- minivector use in coercion functions )cl all symbol(s:Symbol,i:Integer):Symbol == st0:String:= convert(i) st0:= concat(string(s),st0) st0::Symbol f(a,b) == symbol(a,b) f('abc,3) -- coercing undeclared maps to Mapping types -- fixed by SCM 9/3/91 )cl all f := operator 'f y := f(x) foo(u) == sin(u) eval(y, 'f, foo) -- package calling constants -- fixed by SCM 9/3/91 )cl all init()$(PF 3) -- passing ADEFs to functions which require specific mapping types draw((x,y) +-> x**2 - y**2, -1..1, -1..1) -- DP bug. Don't know where this came from, but its fixed -- DP makes problems: dmp := DMP([u1,u2,u3],Fraction INT) p : dmp := 2*u1**4*u2*u3 e1 := degree p -- the following doesn't work e2 : DirectProduct(3,NonNegativeInteger) := e1 sup(e1,e1) -- if you give to many infos to the Interpreter it has problems sup(e1,e1)$DirectProduct(3,NonNegativeInteger) -- Some other bug. )clear all sum:=0 m:=matrix [[1,2],[3,4]] lastcol:=ncols(m) for r in 1..nrows(m) repeat -- interpreter having a value for "row" would cause it to hide -- the system function Row:=row(m,r) for c in 1..lastcol repeat sum:=sum+Row.c sum -- interpOnly mode left things in an incosistent state if it failed twice -- fixed by SCM )cl all splitPoly(f,var) == map(g +-> multivariate(g,var),monomials univariate(f,var)) g:=sin(x)+cos(x) k:=kernels(g).1 )set mes test off splitPoly([g],k) -- this is an incorrect call )set mes test on splitPoly(numer g,k) -- this is a correct call -- scoping of lambda variables -- fixed by SCM in March, 1992 )cl all f x == g := (y:DoubleFloat):DoubleFloat +-> y+x output(y+1) g(x) f 3 -- coercing undeclared interpreter function to mapping type with -- target which need to be coerced. -- fixed by SCM in March, 1992 )cl all f x == 1/factorial(x) series(f, x=0) -- rule dependencies with dependencies on the operator postion )cl all node_a == i1+i2+i3-i5+i6=0 node_b == -i2-i3+i4-i6=0 i1 == va/r1 i2 == (va-vb)/r2 i3 == (va-vb)/r3 i4 == vb/r4 node_a node_b ans == solve([node_a,node_b],[va,vb]) -- (*) x1 == rhs(ans.1.1) x2 == rhs(ans.1.2) x1 -- (**) r1 == 2 -- (***) x1 -- (****) -- look for immediate data in operator position -- fixed in March 1992 by SCM and RSS "asd" "sdfsdf" "dfgdfg" -- global variables that change type in a loop. -- fixed by SCM )clear all s := 3.4 while s > 1.0 repeat (s := 1/2; print s) s )cl all f x == free s s := x while s > 1.0 repeat (s := 1/2; print s) s f(3.4) -- returns in sequences -- fixed by SCM t x == if x = 1 then (1; return [x]) return [2] t 1 @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}