\title{\$SPAD/src/input ruleset.input}
\author{The Axiom Team}
--Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991.

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-- This is the example from "Programming in Mathematica", p.139

TrigLinearRules := rule
   sin(x) * sin(y) == cos(x-y)/2 - cos(x+y)/2
   cos(x) * cos(y) == cos(x+y)/2 + cos(x-y)/2
   sin(x) * cos(y) == sin(x+y)/2 + sin(x-y)/2
   sin(x)**(n | integer? n and n > 0) == (1-cos(2*x))/2 * sin(x)**(n-2)
   cos(x)**(n | integer? n and n > 0) == (1+cos(2*x))/2 * cos(x)**(n-2)

sin(a)*cos(b) + sin(a)*cos(a) + cos(2*a)*cos(3*a)
TrigLinearRules %

sin(a) * sin(2*a) * sin(3*a) * sin(4*a)
TrigLinearRules %

-- Defining an operator to be linear w.r.t. its 2nd argument

f := operator 'f

FLinearRules := rule
  f(a + b, x) == f(a, x) + f(b, x)
  f(c * a, x | freeOf?(c, x)) == c * f(a, x)

f(2*x + a * log(x) + x * log(x), x)
FLinearRules %

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