\title{\$SPAD/src/input pollevel.input}
\author{The Axiom Team}
--Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1996.

-- This file tests variables moving to the correct level within
-- polynomial towers.

)clear all

f(y : UP(x, POLY INT)): UP(x, POLY INT) == x * y

)clear all

y := operator 'y

eq1 := D(y x,x,2) - x*y(x)=0

eq2 := D(y x,x) - x*cos(y x) - exp(x)
seriesSolve(eq2,y,x=0,y(0) = 0)

)clear all

p : UP(x, POLY INT) := x
u := (z*x)
u * p
\bibitem{1} nothing