\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/input pmint.input} \author{Manuel Bronstein} \maketitle \begin{abstract} pmint is a very short (95 lines) Maple program for integrating transcendental elementary or special functions. It is based on recent improvements to a powerful heuristic called parallel integration. While it is not meant to be as complete as the large commercial integrators based on the Risch algorithm, its very small size makes it easy to port to any computer algebra system or library capable of factoring multivariate polynomials. Because it is applicable to special functions (such as Airy, Bessel, Whittaker, Lambert), it is able to compute integrals not handled by the existing integrators. pmint is not meant as a replacement for existing integrators, but either as an extension, or as a cheap and powerful alternative for any computer algebra project. \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{pmint} These come from Manuel Bronstein's pages at http://www-sop.inria.fr/cafe/Manuel.Bronstein/pmint/examples \section{The Maple Code} The maple code is: \begin{verbatim} # The Poor Man's Integrator, a parallel integration heuristic # Version 1.1 --- May 10, 2005 (c) M.Bronstein and INRIA 2004-2005 pmint := proc(f,x) local ff, si, li, lin, lout, ld, q, d, l, vars, dx, ls, fint, lc; ff := eval(convert(f, tan)); # convert trigs to tan si := select(proc(d) diff(d,x) <> 0 end, indets(ff)); si := select(proc(d) diff(d,x) <> 0 end, indets(map(diff, si, x))) union si; li := [op(si)]; # list of terms in integrand and its derivative lin := [seq(d=`tools/genglobal`(x), d=li)]; # substitution terms->indets lout := [seq(rhs(d)=lhs(d), d=lin)]; # substitution indets->terms ld := subs(lin, map(diff, li, x)); # derivatives of all the terms q := lcm(seq(denom(d), d=ld)); # denominator of the total derivation l := [seq(normal(q * d), d=ld)]; # q * derivatives of all the terms vars := map(lhs, lout); dx := totalDerivation(vars, l); # vector field dx = q * d/dx ls := [seq(getSpecial(d, lin), d=li)]; # list of known Darboux for dx fint := subs(lout, pmIntegrate(subs(lin, ff), dx, q, vars, ls)); lc := select(proc(d) convert(d,string)[1]="_"; end, indets(fint, name)); subs({seq(d = 0, d=lc minus si)}, fint); end; getSpecial := proc(f, l) local p; # return known Darboux polys p := op(0,f); if p = `tan` then [1+subs(l,f)^2, false]; elif p = `tanh` then [1 + subs(l,f), false], [1 - subs(l,f), false]; elif p = `LambertW` then [subs(l,f), true]; else NULL; fi; end; totalDerivation := proc(lv, ld) proc(f) local fp, i; fp := 0; for i to nops(ld) do fp := fp + ld[i] * diff(f, lv[i]); od; fp; end; end; pmIntegrate := proc(f, d, q, vars) local ls, splq, s, ff, df, spl, cden, dg, monomials, cand, lunk, sol, i; if nargs = 5 then ls := args[5]; else ls := []; fi; splq := splitFactor(q, d); s := splq[1]; for i to nops(ls) do if ls[i][2] then s := s*ls[i][1]; fi; od; ff := normal(f); df := denom(ff); spl := splitFactor(df, d); cden := s * spl[1] * deflation(spl[2], d); dg := 1 + degree(s) + max(degree(numer(ff)), degree(denom(ff))); monomials := [op(enumerateMonoms(vars, dg))]; cand := add('_A'[i] * monomials[i], i = 1..nops(monomials)) / cden; lunk := { seq('_A'[i], i = 1..nops(monomials)) }; sol:= tryIntegral(f, d, q, vars, cand, lunk, spl[1], spl[2], splq[1], ls, 0); if sol[1] then sol := tryIntegral(f, d, q, vars, cand, lunk, spl[1], spl[2], splq[1], ls, I); fi; if sol[1] then Int(f); else sol[2]; fi; end; tryIntegral := proc(f, d, q, vars, cand, lunk, l1, l2, l3, ls, K) local candlog, p, candidate, i, sol; candlog := [op({ myfactors(l1, K), myfactors(l2, K), myfactors(l3, K) } union { seq(p[1], p=ls) })]; candidate := cand + add('_B'[i] * log(candlog[i]), i = 1..nops(candlog)); sol := solve({coeffs(numer(normal(f - d(candidate)/q)), {op(vars)})}, lunk union { seq('_B'[i], i = 1..nops(candlog)) }); [evalb(sol=NULL), subs(sol,candidate)]; end; myfactors := proc(p, K) local l, fact; if K = 0 then l := factors(p); else l := factors(p, K); fi; seq(fact[1], fact=l[2]); end; enumerateMonoms := proc(vars, d) local n, x, i, v, s, w; n := nops(vars); if n = 0 then {1}; else x := vars[n]; v := [seq(vars[i], i = 1..n-1)]; s := enumerateMonoms(v, d); for i to d do s := s union {seq(x^i*w,w=enumerateMonoms(v,d-i))}; od; s; fi; end; splitFactor := proc(p, d) local si, x, c, q, spl, s, splh; si := select(proc(z) d(z) <> 0 end, indets(p,name)); if si = {} then RETURN([1,p]) fi; x := si[1]; c := content(p, x, 'q'); spl := splitFactor(c, d); s := normal(gcd(q, d(q)) / gcd(q, diff(q, x))); if degree(s) = 0 then RETURN([spl[1], q * spl[2]]); fi; splh := splitFactor(normal(q / s), d); [spl[1] * splh[1] * s, spl[2] * splh[2]]; end; deflation := proc(p, d) local si, x, c, q; si := select(proc(z) d(z) <> 0 end, indets(p,name)); if si = {} then RETURN(p) fi; x := si[1]; c := content(p, x, 'q'); deflation(c, d) * gcd(q, diff(q, x)); end; \end{verbatim} \section{rational functions} <<rational functions>>= )clear all -- Rational Functions f:=(x^7-24*x^4-4*x^2+8*x-8)/(x^8+6*x^6+12*x^4+8*x^2) -- should be: -- 7 4 2 -- x - 24x - 4x + 8x - 8 -- (1) ------------------------ -- 8 6 4 2 -- x + 6x + 12x + 8x -- Type: Fraction Polynomial Integer g:=integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- 5 3 3 2 -- (x + 4x + 4x)log(x) + 3x + 8x + 6x + 4 -- (2) ------------------------------------------ -- 5 3 -- x + 4x + 4x -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) differentiate(g,x) -- should be: -- 7 4 2 -- x - 24x - 4x + 8x - 8 -- (3) ------------------------ -- 8 6 4 2 -- x + 6x + 12x + 8x -- Type: Expression Integer @ \section{trigonometric functions} <<trigonometric functions>>= )clear all -- Trigonometric Functions f:=(x-tan(x))/tan(x)^2 + tan(x) -- should be: -- 3 -- tan(x) - tan(x) + x -- (1) -------------------- -- 2 -- tan(x) -- Type: Expression Integer g:=integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- 2 2 -- tan(x)log(tan(x) + 1) - x tan(x) - 2x -- (2) -------------------------------------- -- 2tan(x) -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) differentiate(g,x) -- should be: -- 3 -- tan(x) - tan(x) + x -- (3) -------------------- -- 2 -- tan(x) -- Type: Expression Integer @ \section{log-exp functions} <<log-exp functions>>= )clear all -- Log-Exp Functions f:=(1+x+x*exp(x))*(x+log(x)+exp(x)-1)/(x+log(x)+exp(x))^2/x -- should be: -- x x 2 2 x 2 -- (x %e + x + 1)log(x) + x (%e ) + (x + 1)%e + x - 1 -- (1) --------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 x 2 x 2 2 x 3 -- x log(x) + (2x %e + 2x )log(x) + x (%e ) + 2x %e + x -- Type: Expression Integer g:=integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- x x -- (log(x) + %e + x)log(log(x) + %e + x) + 1 -- (2) ------------------------------------------- -- x -- log(x) + %e + x -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) differentiate(g,x) -- should be: -- x x 2 2 x 2 -- (x %e + x + 1)log(x) + x (%e ) + (x + 1)%e + x - 1 -- (3) --------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 x 2 x 2 2 x 3 -- x log(x) + (2x %e + 2x )log(x) + x (%e ) + 2x %e + x -- Type: Expression Integer @ \section{liouvillian functions} <<liouvillian functions>>= )clear all -- Liouvillian special functions f:=exp(-x^2)+erf(x)/(erf(x)^3-erf(x)^2-erf(x)+1) -- should be: -- 2 -- 3 2 - x -- (erf(x) - erf(x) - erf(x) + 1)%e + erf(x) -- (4) ----------------------------------------------- -- 3 2 -- erf(x) - erf(x) - erf(x) + 1 -- Type: Expression Integer -- -- 2 -- x 3 2 - %G -- ++ (erf(%G) - erf(%G) - erf(%G) + 1)%e + erf(%G) -- (2) | ---------------------------------------------------- d%G -- ++ 3 2 -- erf(%G) - erf(%G) - erf(%G) + 1 -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) f:=(exp(-x^2)+erf(x))/(erf(x)^3-erf(x)^2-erf(x)+1) -- should be: -- 2 -- - x -- %e + erf(x) -- (3) ------------------------------ -- 3 2 -- erf(x) - erf(x) - erf(x) + 1 -- Type: Expression Integer integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- 1 sqrt(%pi) 1 1 -- - - ------------ - - sqrt(%pi) log(erf(x)+1) + - sqrt(%pi) log(erf(x)-1) -- 4 erf(x) - 1 8 8 -- but axiom cannot do this and gives: -- 2 -- x - %G -- ++ %e + erf(%G) -- (4) | --------------------------------- d%G -- ++ 3 2 -- erf(%G) - erf(%G) - erf(%G) + 1 -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) @ \section{airy functions} <<airy functions>>= )clear all -- Airy Functions -- f:=(x-airyAi(x)*airyAi(1,x))/(x^2-airyAi(x)^2) -- OpenAxiom does not have a 2 argument form of the airyAi function -- integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- 1 1 -- - log(x+airyAi(x)) + - log(x-airyAi(x)) -- 2 2 f:=x^2*airyAi(x) -- should be: -- 2 -- (1) x airyAi(x) -- Type: Expression Integer g:=integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- -airyAi(x) + airyAi(1,x) x -- but OpenAxiom cannot integrate this and gives: -- -- x -- ++ 2 -- (2) | %H airyAi(%H)d%H -- ++ -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) @ \section{bessel functions} <<bessel functions>>= )clear all -- Bessel functions f:=besselJ(y+1,x)/besselJ(y,x) -- should be: -- besselJ(y + 1,x) -- (1) ---------------- -- besselJ(y,x) -- Type: Expression Integer g:=integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- y log(x) - log(besselJ(y,x)) -- but OpenAxiom cannot integrate it and gives: -- -- x -- ++ besselJ(y + 1,%H) -- (2) | ----------------- d%H -- ++ besselJ(y,%H) -- Type: Union(Expression Integer,...) -- f:=normal(y*besselJ(y,x)/x = besselJ(y+1,x)) -- OpenAxiom does not have Maple's normal function -- should be: -- besselJ(y+1,x) x - y besselJ(y,x) -- - --------------------------------- -- x -- @ \section{whittaker functions} <<whittaker functions>>= )clear all -- Whittaker functions -- f:=WhittakerW(u+1,n,x)/(WhittakerW(u,n,x)*x) -- OpenAxiom does not implement WhittakerW -- should be: -- Whittaker(u+1,n,x) -- ------------------ -- Whittaker(u,n,x) x -- integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- x -- - - u log(x) - log(WhattakerW(u,n,x)) -- 2 @ \section{lambertW function} <<lambertW function>>= )clear all -- The Lambert W function -- f:=LambertW(x) -- OpenAxiom does not implement LambertW -- g:=integrate(f,x) -- should be: -- 2 2 2 2 -- x + LambertW(x) x - LambertW(x) x -- ------------------------------------ -- x LambertW(x) --integrate(sin(LambertW(x)),x) --should be: -- +- -+ -- | 2 | -- | +- -+ | -- | 1 | 1 | 2 | -- | - LambertW(x) tan | - LambertW(x) | x + | -- | 2 | 2 | | -- | +- -+ | -- | | -- | +- -+ | -- | | 1 | 2 | -- | LambertW(x) tan | - LambertW(x) | x + | -- | | 2 | | -- | +- -+ | -- | | -- | +- -+ | -- | | 1 | 2 1 2 | -- | tan | - LambertW(x) | x - - LambertW(x) x | -- | | 2 | 2 | -- | +- -+ | -- +- -+ -- ------------------------------------------------------ -- +- 2 -+ -- | +- -+ | -- | | 1 | | -- x LambertW(x) | 1 + tan | - LambertW(x) | | -- | | 2 | | -- | +- -+ | -- +- -+ -- f:=((x^2+2)*LambertW(x^2)^2+x^2*(2*LambertW(x^2)+1))/(x*(1+LambertW(x^2)^3)) --should be: -- 2 -- 2 2 2 2 -- (x + 2) LambertW(x ) + x (2 LambertW(x ) + 1) -- ------------------------------------------------ -- 3 -- 2 -- x (1 + LambertW(x )) --integrate(f,x) --should be: -- 2 4 --1 4 2 4 2 x 2 2 2 2 --- x LambertW(x ) + x LambertW(x ) + -- + LambertW(x ) x + x LambertW(x ) --2 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 -- 2 2 2 -- x LambertW(x ) (1 + LambertW(x )) -- -- + -- 2 -- log(1 + LambertW(x )) --f:=(2*LambertW(x^2)*cos(LambertW(x^2))*(a*x+LambertW(x^2))+a*x*(1+LambertW(x^2)) + 2*LambertW(x^2))/((1+LambertW(x^2))*(a*x+LambertW(x^2))*x) --+- -+ --| | --| 2 2 2 | --| 2 LambertW(x ) cos(LambertW(x )) (a x + LambertW(x )) + | --| | --| 2 2 | --| a x (1 + LambertW(x )) + 2 LambertW(x ) | --| | --+- -+ ------------------------------------------------------------- -- 2 2 -- (1 + LambertW(x ))(a x+LambertW(x )) x -- --integrate(f,x) -- -- +- -+ -- | 1 2 | -- 2 tan | - LambertW(x ) | -- | 2 | -- +- -+ 2 -- --------------------------- + log(a x + LambertW(x )) -- 2 -- +- -+ -- | 1 2 | -- 1 + tan | - LambertW(x ) | -- | 2 | -- +- -+ -- -- @ wright omega function} <<wright omega function>>= )clear all -- The Wright omega function -- omega:=proc(z) LambertW(exp(z)); end; -- should be (in Maple notation) -- -- proc(z) LambertW(exp(z)) end proc -- --normal(integrate(omega(x),x)) -- -- 1 x x -- - LambertW(%e )(LambertW(%e )+2) -- 2 -- --f:=(1+LambertW(%e^x)*(2+cos(LambertW(%e^x))*(x+LambertW(%e^x))))/((1+LambertW(%e^x))*(x+LambertW(%e^x))) -- --integrate(f,x) -- -- +- -+ -- | 1 x | -- 2 tan | - LambertW(%e ) | -- | 2 | -- +- -+ x -- ---------------------------- + log(x + LambertW(%e )) -- 2 -- +- -+ -- | 1 x | -- 1 + tan | - LambertW(%e ) | -- | 2 | -- +- -+ -- @ \section{License} <<license>>= --Version 1.1 --- May 10, 2005 (c) M.Bronstein and INRIA 2004-2005 @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<rational functions>> <<trigonometric functions>> <<log-exp functions>> <<liouvillian functions>> <<airy functions>> <<bessel functions>> <<whittaker functions>> <<lambertW function>> <<wright omega function>> @ \section{\eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} J.H.Davenport (1982): On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (I), Proceedings of EUROCAM'82, LNCS 144, Springer, 144-157. \bibitem{2} J.H.Davenport (1982): On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (III): Use of Tangents, SIGSAM Bulletin 16, 3-6. \bibitem{3} J.H.Davenport, B.M.Trager (1985): On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (II), ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 11, 356-362. \bibitem{4} J.Fitch (1981): User-based integration software, Proceedings of SYMSAC'81, ACM Press, 245-248. \bibitem{5} K.Geddes, L.Stefanus (1989): On the Risch-Norman Integration Method and its Implementation in Maple, Proceedings of ISSAC'89, ACM Press, 212-217. \bibitem{6} S.H.Harrington (1979): A new symbolic integration system in reduce, The Computer Journal 22, 127-131. \bibitem{7} A.C.Norman, P.M.A.Moore (1977): Implementing the new Risch Integration Algorithm, Proceedings of the 4th International Colloquium on Advanced Computing Methods in Theoretical Physics, 99-110. \end{thebibliography} \end{document}