\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{Quaternions and Rotation Sequences} \author{Timothy Daly} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{Rotations in 3-space} Orthogonal groups are used in Quantum Field Theory. Conway highlights 4 kinds of orthogonal groups. First is the General Orthogonal group $GO_n$ which is the set of all isometries of n-dimensional Euclidean space $R^n$ that fix the origin. This would imply rotations and reflections but not translations. The determinant of any element in $GO_n$ is $+1$ or $-1$. Reflections have a determinant of $-1$. The elements of determinant $+1$ (rotations) form a subgroup of index 2, the Special Orthogonal group $SO_n$. The product of any two reflections forms a rotation so grouping reflections in pairs generates $SO_n$. Conway also defines two groups derived from $GO_n$ and $SO_n$. From $GO_n$ we get the Projective General Orthogonal group. From $SO_n$ we get the Projective Special Orthogonal group. Annoyingly, he's introduced these groups without explaining them. And based their definition on an undefined $\alpha$. It is a consequence of the existence of complex numbers that $SO_2$ and $PSO_2$ are commutative; of the existence of quaternions that $PSO_4$ is equivalent to $PSO_3 \times PSO_3$; and of the existence of octonions that <img alt=$PSO_8$ has a "triality" automorphism of order 3. Now we move back to Kuipers, Chapter 3 "Rotations in 3-space" Rotation matrices are unique. Euler angle rotations are not. Eigenvalues of rotation matrices are always $+1$ plus a pair of complex conjugates. The trace of a square matrix is the sum of the elements on the diagonal. The following code are the steps in the tracking example starting on p60. First we define a rotation around the X axis by a rotation angle $a$. <<spadcommand>>= R1:=matrix([[cos a, sin a, 0],[-sin a, cos a, 0],[0, 0, 1]]) @ \begin{verbatim} + cos(a) sin(a) 0+ | | (1) |- sin(a) cos(a) 0| | | + 0 0 1+ Type: Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} Next we define a rotation around the Y axis by a rotation angle of $b$. <<spadcommand>>= R2:=matrix([[cos b, 0, -sin b],[0, 1, 0],[sin b, 0, cos b]]) @ \begin{verbatim} +cos(b) 0 - sin(b)+ | | (2) | 0 1 0 | | | +sin(b) 0 cos(b) + Type: Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} Then we compose them (order is important) to form the single rotation equivalent to first rotating around $X$, then around the new, displaced $Y$. <<spadcommand>>= R:=R2*R1 @ \begin{verbatim} +cos(a)cos(b) cos(b)sin(a) - sin(b)+ | | (3) | - sin(a) cos(a) 0 | | | +cos(a)sin(b) sin(a)sin(b) cos(b) + Type: Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} To find the axis of this single rotation we define the vector $V$ <<spadcommand>>= V:=matrix([[x1],[y1],[z1]]) @ \begin{verbatim} +x1+ | | (4) |y1| | | +z1+ Type: Matrix Polynomial Integer \end{verbatim} And this is the equation we need to solve. Since we rotate around the vector $V$ it is unchanged when operated on by the rotation $R$, or in equation form we get <<spadcommand>>= E:=R*V=V @ \begin{verbatim} +- z1 sin(b) + y1 cos(b)sin(a) + x1 cos(a)cos(b)+ +x1+ | | | | (5) | - x1 sin(a) + y1 cos(a) |= |y1| | | | | + (y1 sin(a) + x1 cos(a))sin(b) + z1 cos(b) + +z1+ Type: Equation Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} We can subtract the right hand side from the left hand side thus <<spadcommand>>= F:=lhs(E)-rhs(E) @ \begin{verbatim} +- z1 sin(b) + y1 cos(b)sin(a) + x1 cos(a)cos(b) - x1+ | | (6) | - x1 sin(a) + y1 cos(a) - y1 | | | + (y1 sin(a) + x1 cos(a))sin(b) + z1 cos(b) - z1 + Type: Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and form the equation setting the result to zero. This has two solutions. The trivial solution is when $V$ is zero. We solve for the nontrivial solution. <<spadcommand>>= G:=F=matrix([[0],[0],[0]]) @ \begin{verbatim} +- z1 sin(b) + y1 cos(b)sin(a) + x1 cos(a)cos(b) - x1+ +0+ | | | | (7) | - x1 sin(a) + y1 cos(a) - y1 |= |0| | | | | + (y1 sin(a) + x1 cos(a))sin(b) + z1 cos(b) - z1 + +0+ Type: Equation Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} If we pick out the second equation <<spadcommand>>= H:=elt(F,2,1) @ \begin{verbatim} (8) - x1 sin(a) + y1 cos(a) - y1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and let x1 = k <<spadcommand>>= x1:=k @ \begin{verbatim} (9) k Type: Variable k \end{verbatim} and substitute this into the second equation <<spadcommand>>= J:=subst(H,'x1=k) @ \begin{verbatim} (10) - k sin(a) + y1 cos(a) - y1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} we can solve this equation for y1. <<spadcommand>>= L:=solve(J,y1) @ \begin{verbatim} k sin(a) (11) [y1= ----------] cos(a) - 1 Type: List Equation Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and we can assign the solution to the variable y1 <<spadcommand>>= y1:=rhs(first(solve(J,y1))) @ \begin{verbatim} k sin(a) (12) ---------- cos(a) - 1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} Now we turn our attention to the third equation <<spadcommand>>= H1:=elt(F,3,1) @ \begin{verbatim} (13) (y1 sin(a) + x1 cos(a))sin(b) + z1 cos(b) - z1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and substitute the known values for x1 and y1 <<spadcommand>>= J1:=subst(H1,['x1=x1, 'y1=y1]) @ \begin{verbatim} (14) 2 2 (k sin(a) + k cos(a) - k cos(a))sin(b) + (z1 cos(a) - z1)cos(b) + - z1 cos(a) + z1 / cos(a) - 1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and then solve for z1, assigning it to the variable z1 <<spadcommand>>= z1:=simplify(rhs(first(solve(J1,z1)))) @ \begin{verbatim} k sin(b) (15) ---------- cos(b) - 1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} So the axis of rotation is <<spadcommand>>= [x1,y1,z1] @ \begin{verbatim} k sin(a) k sin(b) (16) [k,----------,----------] cos(a) - 1 cos(b) - 1 Type: List Expression Integer \end{verbatim} We can choose a specific value of $k = -1$ so that $y1$ becomes <<spadcommand>>= y1:=eval(y1,[k=-1]) @ \begin{verbatim} sin(a) (17) - ---------- cos(a) - 1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and $z1$ becomes <<spadcommand>>= z1:=eval(z1,[k=-1]) @ \begin{verbatim} sin(b) (18) - ---------- cos(b) - 1 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} So the axis of rotation is <<spadcommand>>= [x1,y1,z1] @ \begin{verbatim} sin(a) sin(b) (19) [k,- ----------,- ----------] cos(a) - 1 cos(b) - 1 Type: List Expression Integer \end{verbatim} We need the trace of the matrix which is only defined for square matrices. So we create a new version of the R matrix as a square matrix $RSQ$ <<spadcommand>>= RSQ:SQMATRIX(3,EXPR(INT)):=R @ \begin{verbatim} +cos(a)cos(b) cos(b)sin(a) - sin(b)+ | | (20) | - sin(a) cos(a) 0 | | | +cos(a)sin(b) sin(a)sin(b) cos(b) + Type: SquareMatrix(3,Expression Integer) \end{verbatim} Now we compute the trace <<spadcommand>>= TR:=trace(RSQ) @ \begin{verbatim} (21) (cos(a) + 1)cos(b) + cos(a) Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} and we can obtain the angle of rotation by equating the trace to 1-2*cos(c) <<spadcommand>>= TREQ:=TR=1+2*cos(c) @ \begin{verbatim} (22) (cos(a) + 1)cos(b) + cos(a)= 2cos(c) + 1 Type: Equation Expression Integer \end{verbatim} which we can solve for c <<spadcommand>>= c:=rhs(first(solve(TREQ,c))) @ \begin{verbatim} (cos(a) + 1)cos(b) + cos(a) - 1 (23) acos(-------------------------------) 2 Type: Expression Integer \end{verbatim} assuming $k=-1$, heading $a=\pi/6$, and elevation $b=\pi/3$ we can compute numeric values for the axis of rotation thus. First a numeric $x1$ <<spadcommand>>= x1v:=eval(x1,k=-1) @ \begin{verbatim} (24) - 1 Type: Polynomial Integer \end{verbatim} then a numeric y1 <<spadcommand>>= y1v:=numeric(eval(y1,[a=%pi/6])) @ \begin{verbatim} (25) 3.7320508075 688772936 Type: Float \end{verbatim} then a numeric z1 <<spadcommand>>= z1v:=numeric(eval(z1,[k=-1,b=%pi/3])) @ \begin{verbatim} (26) 1.7320508075 688772935 Type: Float \end{verbatim} giving us the vector for the axis of rotation <<spadcommand>>= [x1v, y1v, z1v] @ \begin{verbatim} (27) [- 1.0,3.7320508075 688772936,1.7320508075 688772935] Type: List Polynomial Float \end{verbatim} with a rotation angle (in radians) given by <<spadcommand>>= c1v:=numeric(eval(c,[a=%pi/6,b=%pi/3])) @ \begin{verbatim} (28) 1.1598041770 494147762 Type: Float \end{verbatim} in degrees this is <<spadcommand>>= c1v*180/%pi @ \begin{verbatim} (29) 66.4518844065 75160021 Type: Float \end{verbatim} We can evaluate the combined rotation matrix under our assumed values <<spadcommand>>= rv:=eval(R,[a=%pi/6,b=%pi/3]) @ \begin{verbatim} + +-+ +-++ |\|3 1 \|3 | |---- - - ----| | 4 4 2 | | | | +-+ | (30) | 1 \|3 | |- - ---- 0 | | 2 2 | | | | +-+ | | 3 \|3 1 | | - ---- - | + 4 4 2 + Type: Matrix Expression Integer \end{verbatim} <<*>>= <<spadcommand>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}