\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/input elemnum.input} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991. @ <<*>>= <<license>> -- -- Test numeric evaluation of elementary functions. SMW June 26, 1991. )clear all )set break resume x := 0.7::Float [exp log x] [log exp x] [sin asin x, cos acos x, tan atan x, cot acot x] [asin sin x, acos cos x, atan tan x, acot cot x, acsc csc x, asec sec x ] [sinh asinh x, tanh atanh x, csch acsch x,sech asech x] [asinh sinh x,acosh cosh x,atanh tanh x,acoth coth x,acsch csch x,asech sech x] --Should give errors: --acsc x --asec x --acosh x --acoth x x := 1.1::Float [exp log x] [log exp x] [ tan atan x, cot acot x, csc acsc x, sec asec x ] [asin sin x, acos cos x, atan tan x, acot cot x, acsc csc x, asec sec x ] [sinh asinh x,cosh acosh x, coth acoth x,csch acsch x ] [asinh sinh x,acosh cosh x,atanh tanh x,acoth coth x,acsch csch x,asech sech x] --Should give errors: --asin x --acos x --atanh x --asech x x := 0.7::DoubleFloat [exp log x] [log exp x] [sin asin x, cos acos x, tan atan x, cot acot x] [asin sin x, acos cos x, atan tan x, acot cot x, acsc csc x, asec sec x ] [sinh asinh x, tanh atanh x, csch acsch x,sech asech x] [asinh sinh x,acosh cosh x,atanh tanh x,acoth coth x,acsch csch x,asech sech x] --Should give errors: --acsc x --asec x --acosh x --acoth x x := 1.1::DoubleFloat [exp log x] [log exp x] [ tan atan x, cot acot x, csc acsc x, sec asec x ] [asin sin x, acos cos x, atan tan x, acot cot x, acsc csc x, asec sec x ] [sinh asinh x,cosh acosh x, coth acoth x,csch acsch x ] [asinh sinh x,acosh cosh x,atanh tanh x,acoth coth x,acsch csch x,asech sech x] --Should give errors: --asin x --acos x --atanh x --asech x qtest(a,b,n) == m1 := if n = 1 or n = 4 then 0 else 1 s1 := if n = 1 or n = 4 then 1 else -1 s2 := if n = 1 or n = 2 then 1 else -1 x := complex(s1*a, s2*b) [x- exp log x, _ x- sin asin x, x- cos acos x, x- tan atan x , _ x- csc acsc x, x- sec asec x, x- cot acot x , _ x- sinh asinh x, x- cosh acosh x, x- tanh atanh x , _ x- csch acsch x, x- sech asech x, x- coth acoth x , _ x- log exp x, _ x- asin sin x, x- s1*acos cos x, x- atan tan x , _ x- acsc csc x, x- s1*asec sec x, x- acot cot x + m1*%pi, _ x- asinh sinh x, x- s1*acosh cosh x, x- atanh tanh x , _ x- acsch csch x, x- s1*asech sech x, x- acoth coth x ] qerr(l) == reduce(+, [norm v for v in l])/#l sa := 0.7::DoubleFloat sb := 1.1::DoubleFloat ba := 0.7::Float bb := 1.1::Float qtest(sa, sb, 1) qerr % qtest(ba, bb, 1) qerr % qtest(sa, sb, 2) qerr % qtest(ba, bb, 2) qerr % qtest(sa, sb, 3) qerr % qtest(ba, bb, 3) qerr % qtest(sa, sb, 4) qerr % qtest(ba, bb, 4) qerr % @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}