\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/input draw.input} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{License} <<license>>= --Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991. @ <<*>>= <<license>> )clear all -- Two dimensional function plots draw(sin(11*x),x = 0..2*%pi) draw(sin(11*x),x = 0..2*%pi,adaptive == false,title == "Non-adaptive plot") draw(sin(11*x),x = 0..2*%pi,toScale == true,title == "Drawn to scale") draw(sin(11*x),x = 0..2*%pi,coordinates == polar,title == "Polar plot") draw(tan x,x = -6..6,title == "Clipping on") draw(tan x,x = -6..6,clip == false,title == "Clipping off") -- Parametric plane curves draw(curve(9*sin(3*t/4),8*sin(t)),t = -4*%pi..4*%pi,_ toScale == true,title == "Lissajous curve") draw(curve(sin(5*t),t),t = 0..2*%pi,title == "Parametric curve") draw(curve(sin(5*t),t),t = 0..2*%pi,_ coordinates == polar,title == "Parametric polar curve") draw(curve(t,2),t = -3..3,coordinates == parabolic,title == "Parabolic plot") -- Parametric space curves draw(curve(sin(t)*cos(3*t/5),cos(t)*cos(3*t/5),cos(t)*sin(3*t/5)),_ t = 0..15*%pi,title == "Parametric curve") draw(curve(sin(t)*cos(3*t/5),cos(t)*cos(3*t/5),cos(t)*sin(3*t/5)),_ t = 0..15*%pi,tubeRadius == .15,title == "Tube around curve") draw(curve(4,t,t),t = -9..9,coordinates == cylindrical,title == "Spiral") draw(curve(1,t/7,t/5),t = -70*%pi..70*%pi,coordinates == spherical,_ title == "Gnarly curve on sphere") -- Three dimensional function plots draw(cos(x*y),x = -3..3,y = -3..3) colorFunction1(x:DFLOAT,y:DFLOAT):DFLOAT == x draw(cos(x*y),x = -3..3,y = -3..3,colorFunction == colorFunction1) colorFunction2(x:DFLOAT,y:DFLOAT):DFLOAT == x**2 + y**2 draw(cos(x*y),x = -3..3,y = -3..3,colorFunction == colorFunction2) colorFunction3(x:DFLOAT,y:DFLOAT,z:DFLOAT):DFLOAT == -z draw(cos(x*y),x = -3..3,y = -3..3,colorFunction == colorFunction3) draw(1,u = 0..2*%pi,v = 0..%pi,coordinates == spherical,title == "Sphere") draw(1,u = 0..2*%pi,v = 0..%pi,coordinates == spherical,_ colorFunction == colorFunction2,title == "Sphere") draw(1,u = -%pi/2..%pi/2,v = 0..2*%pi,coordinates == oblateSpheroidal(1$DFLOAT),_ title == "Oblate spheroidal coordinates") -- Parametric surfaces draw(surface(5*sin(u)*cos(v),4*sin(u)*sin(v),3*cos(u)),u = 0..%pi,v = 0..2*%pi,_ title == "Which came first?") @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}