\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/parse-input} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{parse-input.c} <<parse-input.c>>= #include "axiom-c-macros.h" #define _PARSE_INPUT_C /*** Contains all the code needed to parse input items, InputString SimpleBox RadioBox. ****/ #include "useproto.h" #include "debug.h" #include "parse.h" #include "parse-aux.h" #include "lex.h" #include "mem.h" #include "all_hyper_proto.H1" /* create an unmapped input window for getting strings * */ extern int make_input_file; HyperLink * make_input_window(InputItem * item) { HyperLink *link; XSetWindowAttributes at; if (!make_input_file) { link = (HyperLink *) halloc(sizeof(HyperLink), "HyperLink"); if (link == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Ran out of memory allocating a hyper link!\n"); exit(-1); } at.cursor = gActiveCursor; at.background_pixel = gInputBackgroundColor; at.border_pixel = gActiveColor; link->win = XCreateWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fDisplayedWindow, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWCursor | CWBackPixel | CWBorderPixel, &at); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, link->win, ButtonPressMask); link->type = Inputstring; link->x = link->y = 0; /** This way when I click in an input window, I need only use reference to get a pointer to the item ***/ link->reference.string = item; hash_insert(gLinkHashTable,(char *) link,(char *) &link->win); return link; } return 0; } /* create an unmapped input window for boxes */ HyperLink * make_box_window(InputBox * box, int type) { HyperLink *link = 0; XSetWindowAttributes at; if (!make_input_file) { link = (HyperLink *) halloc(sizeof(HyperLink), "Make_box_window"); if (link == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Ran out of memory allocating a hyper link!\n"); exit(-1); } at.cursor = gActiveCursor; at.background_pixel = gInputBackgroundColor; link->win = XCreateWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fDisplayedWindow, 0, 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWCursor | CWBackPixel, &at); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, link->win, ButtonPressMask); link->type = type; link->x = link->y = 0; /** This way when I click in an input window, I need only use reference to get a pointer to the item ***/ link->reference.box = box; hash_insert(gLinkHashTable, (char *)link,(char *) &link->win); } return link; } void initialize_default(InputItem *item,char * buff) { LineStruct *newline; LineStruct *curr_line; int size = item->size; int bp; item->curr_line = item->lines = alloc_inputline(size); curr_line = item->lines; item->num_lines = 1; curr_line->line_number = 1; /* while I still have lines to fill */ for (bp = 0; *buff;) { if (*buff == '\n') { curr_line->len = bp; curr_line->buffer[bp] = 0; newline = alloc_inputline(size); newline->line_number = ++(item->num_lines); curr_line->next = newline; newline->prev = curr_line; curr_line = newline; bp = 0; buff++; } else if (bp == size) { curr_line->len = size + 1; curr_line->buffer[size] = '_'; curr_line->buffer[size + 1] = 0; newline = alloc_inputline(size); newline->line_number = ++(item->num_lines); curr_line->next = newline; newline->prev = curr_line; bp = 0; curr_line = newline; } else { curr_line->buffer[bp++] = *buff++; } } curr_line->buff_pntr = curr_line->len = bp; item->curr_line = curr_line; } /* Parse the input string statement * */ void parse_inputstring(void) { TextNode *input_node = curr_node; char *name; InputItem *item; int size; char *default_value; gStringValueOk = 0; /* first get the name */ input_node->type = token.type; get_expected_token(Lbrace); name = get_input_string(); input_node->data.text = alloc_string(name); /* now get the width */ get_expected_token(Lbrace); get_expected_token(Word); get_expected_token(Rbrace); size = atoi(token.id); if (size < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Illegal size in Input string\n"); longjmp(jmpbuf, 1); } /* get the default value */ get_expected_token(Lbrace); default_value = get_input_string(); /** now I need to malloc space for the input stuff **/ item = (InputItem *) halloc(sizeof(InputItem), "InputItem"); /* Now store all the string info */ item->name = (char *) halloc((strlen(input_node->data.text) + 1) * (sizeof(char)),"parse_inputstring"); strcpy(item->name, input_node->data.text); item->size = size; item->entered = 0; item->next = NULL; initialize_default(item, default_value); /** Now that I have all the structures made, lets make the window, and add the item to the list ****/ input_node->link = make_input_window(item); if (!make_input_file) item->win = input_node->link->win; /* TTT */ insert_item(item); gStringValueOk = 1; curr_node = input_node; return ; } void parse_simplebox(void) { InputBox *box; char *name; short int picked = 0; char *filename; TextNode *input_box = curr_node; gStringValueOk = 0; /* set the type and space fields */ input_box->type = SimpleBox; input_box->space = token.id[-1]; /* IS it selected? */ get_token(); if (token.type == Lsquarebrace) { get_expected_token(Word); if (!is_number(token.id)) { fprintf(stderr, "parse_simple_box: Expected a value not %s\n", token.id); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } else if (!strcmp(token.id, "1")) picked = 1; else if (!strcmp(token.id, "0")) picked = 0; else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_simple_box: Unexpected Value %s\n", token.id); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } get_expected_token(Rsquarebrace); get_token(); } if (token.type != Lbrace) { token_name(token.type); fprintf(stderr, "parse_inputbox was expecting a { not a %s\n", ebuffer); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } name = get_input_string(); if (gPageBeingParsed->box_hash && hash_find(gPageBeingParsed->box_hash, name)) { fprintf(stderr, "Input box name %s is not unique \n", name); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } box = alloc_inputbox(); box->name = alloc_string(name); input_box->data.text = alloc_string(name); box->picked = picked; /* Get the filename for the selected and unselected bitmaps */ get_expected_token(Lbrace); filename = get_input_string(); if (!make_input_file) box->selected = insert_image_struct(filename); get_expected_token(Lbrace); filename = get_input_string(); if (!make_input_file) { box->unselected = insert_image_struct(filename); /* set the width and height for the maximaum of the two */ input_box->height = max(box->selected->height, box->unselected->height); input_box->width = max(box->selected->width, box->unselected->width); /* Make the window and stuff */ input_box->link = make_box_window(box, SimpleBox); box->win = input_box->link->win; /* Now add the box to the box_has table for this window */ if (gPageBeingParsed->box_hash == NULL) { gPageBeingParsed->box_hash = (HashTable *) halloc(sizeof(HashTable), "Box Hash"); hash_init( gPageBeingParsed->box_hash, BoxHashSize, (EqualFunction) string_equal, (HashcodeFunction) string_hash); } hash_insert(gPageBeingParsed->box_hash, (char *)box, box->name); } /* reset the curr_node and then return */ curr_node = input_box; gStringValueOk = 1; return; } void parse_radiobox(void) { InputBox *box; char *name; char *group_name; short int picked = 0; TextNode *input_box = curr_node; gStringValueOk = 0; /* set the type and space fields */ input_box->type = Radiobox; input_box->space = token.id[-1]; /* IS it selected? */ get_token(); if (token.type == Lsquarebrace) { get_expected_token(Word); if (!is_number(token.id)) { fprintf(stderr, "parse_simple_box: Expected a value not %s\n", token.id); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } else if (!strcmp(token.id, "1")) picked = 1; else if (!strcmp(token.id, "0")) picked = 0; else { fprintf(stderr, "parse_simple_box: Unexpected Value %s\n", token.id); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } get_expected_token(Rsquarebrace); get_token(); } if (token.type != Lbrace) { token_name(token.type); fprintf(stderr, "parse_inputbox was expecting a { not a %s\n", ebuffer); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } name = get_input_string(); if (gPageBeingParsed->box_hash && hash_find(gPageBeingParsed->box_hash, name)) { fprintf(stderr, "Input box name %s is not unique \n", name); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } box = alloc_inputbox(); box->name = alloc_string(name); input_box->data.text = alloc_string(name); box->picked = picked; /* Now what I need to do is get the group name */ get_token(); if (token.type != Lbrace) { token_name(token.type); fprintf(stderr, "parse_inputbox was expecting a { not a %s\n", ebuffer); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } group_name = get_input_string(); /* * Now call a routine which searches the radio box list for the current * group name, and if found adds this box to it */ add_box_to_rb_list(group_name, box); input_box->width = box->rbs->width; input_box->height = box->rbs->height; /* Make the window and stuff */ input_box->link = make_box_window(box, Radiobox); if (!make_input_file) box->win = input_box->link->win; /* TTT */ /* Now add the box to the box_has table for this window */ if (gPageBeingParsed->box_hash == NULL) { gPageBeingParsed->box_hash = (HashTable *) halloc(sizeof(HashTable), "Box Hash"); hash_init( gPageBeingParsed->box_hash, BoxHashSize, (EqualFunction) string_equal, (HashcodeFunction) string_hash); } hash_insert(gPageBeingParsed->box_hash, (char *)box, box->name); /* reset the curr_node and then return */ curr_node = input_box; gStringValueOk = 1; return; } static void add_box_to_rb_list(char *name,InputBox *box) { RadioBoxes *trace = gPageBeingParsed->radio_boxes; InputBox *list; /*int found = 0;*/ while (trace != NULL && strcmp(trace->name, name)) trace = trace->next; if (!trace) { fprintf(stderr, "Tried to add a radio box to a non-existent group %s\n", name); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } /* now add the box to the list */ list = trace->boxes; box->next = list; trace->boxes = box; if (box->picked && check_others(box->next)) { fprintf(stderr, "Only a single radio button can be picked\n"); print_page_and_filename(); box->picked = 0; } box->selected = trace->selected; box->unselected = trace->unselected; box->rbs = trace; return; } static int check_others(InputBox *list) { InputBox *trace = list; while (trace != NULL && !trace->picked) trace = trace->next; if (trace != NULL) return 1; else return 0; } /* inserts an item into the current input list */ static void insert_item(InputItem *item) { InputItem *trace = gPageBeingParsed->input_list; if (gPageBeingParsed->current_item == NULL) { gPageBeingParsed->current_item = item; } if (trace == NULL) { /** Insert at the front of the list **/ gPageBeingParsed->input_list = item; return; } else { /** find the end of the list **/ while (trace->next != NULL) trace = trace->next; trace->next = item; return; } } InputItem *save_item; void init_paste_item(InputItem *item) { InputItem *trace = gPageBeingParsed->input_list; if (!item) { gPageBeingParsed->input_list = NULL; gPageBeingParsed->current_item = NULL; save_item = NULL; } else { save_item = item->next; trace->next = NULL; } } void repaste_item(void) { InputItem *trace; if (save_item) { for (trace = gPageBeingParsed->input_list; trace && trace->next != NULL; trace = trace->next); if (trace) { trace->next = save_item; } else { gWindow->page->input_list = save_item; gWindow->page->current_item = save_item; } } save_item = NULL; } InputItem * current_item(void) { InputItem *trace = gPageBeingParsed->input_list; if (trace) { for (; trace->next != NULL; trace = trace->next); return trace; } else return NULL; } int already_there(char *name) { RadioBoxes *trace = gPageBeingParsed->radio_boxes; while (trace && strcmp(trace->name, name)) trace = trace->next; if (trace) return 1; else return 0; } void parse_radioboxes(void) { TextNode *return_node = curr_node; RadioBoxes *newrb; char *fname; /* I really don't need this node, it just sets up some parsing stuff */ return_node->type = Noop; newrb = alloc_rbs(); get_token(); if (token.type != Lbrace) { token_name(token.type); fprintf(stderr, "\\radioboxes was expecting a name not %s\n", ebuffer); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } newrb->name = alloc_string(get_input_string()); /* quick search for the name in the current list */ if (already_there(newrb->name)) { free(newrb->name); free(newrb); fprintf(stderr, "Tried to redefine radioboxes %s\n", newrb->name); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } /* now I have to get the selected and unslected bitmaps */ get_token(); if (token.type != Lbrace) { token_name(token.type); fprintf(stderr, "\\radioboxes was expecting a name not %s\n", ebuffer); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } fname = get_input_string(); if (!make_input_file) newrb->selected = insert_image_struct(fname); get_token(); if (token.type != Lbrace) { token_name(token.type); fprintf(stderr, "\\radioboxes was expecting a name not %s\n", ebuffer); print_page_and_filename(); jump(); } fname = get_input_string(); if (!make_input_file) { newrb->unselected = insert_image_struct(fname); newrb->height = max(newrb->selected->height, newrb->unselected->height); newrb->width = max(newrb->selected->width, newrb->unselected->width); /* now add the thing to the current list of radio boxes */ } newrb->next = gPageBeingParsed->radio_boxes; gPageBeingParsed->radio_boxes = newrb; curr_node = return_node; return; } @ \section{License} <<license>>= /* Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<parse-input.c>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}