% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{releaseNotes}{0. What's New in \Language{}}
% =====================================================================
    \menudownlink{Online information}{onlineInformation}
    \menudownlink{Version 1.5.0}{1502013}
    \menudownlink{Version 1.4.2}{apr2013}
    \menudownlink{Version 1.4.1}{jul2011}
    \menudownlink{Version 1.4.0}{jun2011}
    \menudownlink{Version 1.3.0}{aug2009}
    \menudownlink{Version 1.2.1}{jan2009}

% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{onlineInformation}{Online information}
% =====================================================================
\Language{} information can be found online at

% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{1502013}{OpenAxiom 1.5.0 release}
% =====================================================================
OpenAxiom-1.5.0 was released on XXX, 2013.  It was the first major
release of \Language{} system, in the 1.5.x series.  It contains 
contains additions of new features and domains including:

  The compiler now accepts and process do-statement, like the interpreter.

  Fix for an interpreter performance regression introduced in 1.4.2.

  The category AbelianMonoid has a new export: opposite?.

  The category Rng has a new export: annihilate?.

  The domain IndexedMatrix was removed as it was unused.

  The domain IndexedVector was removed.

  A new category, FiniteAggregate is added.  This category provides
  a more principled alternative to the time-honored finiteAggregate
  attribute.  The latter was removed.  In general, attributes are
  strongly discouraged in new algebra codes.

  The category ShallowlyMutableAggregate is added.  It provides a
  more principled alternative to the time-honored shallowlyMutable
  attribute, which is now discontinued.

  Attributes are deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

  The category KeyedDictionary now extends EltableAggregate.

  The category TableAggregate now extends FiniteAggregate.

  The operation members from Multiset has been renamed to unique, to
  avoid semantics confusion with an operation of same name exported
  by the domain FiniteAggregate.

  The operation parts from HomogeneousAggregate was remved.  It was
  mostly redundant with members, and created opportunities for

  A new category, Functorial, has been added.  All homogeneous
  aggregates with element type S satisfy Functorial S.

  Databases construction has been simplified.  compress.daase no
  longer exists.


% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{apr2013}{OpenAxiom 1.4.2 release}
% =====================================================================
OpenAxiom-1.4.2 was released on April 1, 2013.  It a bug fix
release of \Language{} system, in the 1.4.x series.  It contains 
bug fixes for regressions introduced in previous releases, and several
improvements for the GUI interface on the Windows platform.


% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{jul2011}{OpenAxiom 1.4.1 release}
% =====================================================================
OpenAxiom-1.4.1 was released on July 7, 2011.  It is the first bug fix
release of \Language{} system, in the 1.4.x series.  It contains 
bug fixes for regressions introduced in the 1.4.0 release, and several
improvements for the GUI interface on the Windows platform.


% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{jun2011}{OpenAxiom 1.4.0 release}
% =====================================================================
OpenAxiom-1.4.0 was released on June 15, 2011.  It is the major
release of \Language{} system, in the 1.4.x series. 

This release includes several improvements to the algebra, compiler,
and interpreter, as well as several new categories, domains, and packages.


% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{aug2009}{OpenAxiom 1.3.0 release}
% =====================================================================
OpenAxiom-1.3.0 was released on August 05, 2009.  It is the major
release of \Language{} system.


% =====================================================================
\begin{page}{jan2009}{OpenAxiom 1.2.1 release}
% =====================================================================
OpenAxiom-1.2.1 was released on January 29, 2009.  This is a bug
fix release of the \Language{} system, in the 1.2.x series.

This release includes the full complement of algebra, the graphics
subsystem, and the hyperdoc system. 
