% Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991. % Certain derivative-work portions Copyright (C) 1988 by Leslie Lamport. % All rights reserved % @(#)hyperdoc.ht 1.4 92/05/21 16:59:29 \begin{page}{HyperName}{Creating \HyperName Pages} \beginscroll This document tells how to create \HyperName pages. To start with, it is rather meager but it will grow with time. \beginmenu \menulink{Viewports}{ViewportPage} Including live graphics in documents. \menulink{Gadjets}{BitMaps} Bitmaps for use in macros. \menulink{Control Panel Bits}{CPHelp} Development page for help facility for viewports. yuck. %\menulink{Test Pages}{TestPage} Some test pages left by J.M. %\menulink{Paste Pages}{PastePage} Examples of how to use paste in areas. \endmenu \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page}