% Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991. % Certain derivative-work portions Copyright (C) 1988 by Leslie Lamport. % All rights reserved % Title: Laplace Transforms \begin{page}{ExLapSimplePole}{Laplace transform with a single pole} \beginscroll The Laplace transform of t^n e^(a t) has a pole of order n+1 at x = a and no other pole. We divide by n! to get a monic denominator in the answer. \spadpaste{laplace(t**4 * exp(-a*t) / factorial(4), t, s)} \endscroll \autobuttons\end{page} \begin{page}{ExLapTrigTrigh}{Laplace transform of a trigonometric function} \beginscroll Rather than looking up into a table, we use the normalizer to rewrite the trigs and hyperbolic trigs to complex exponentials and logarithms. \spadpaste{laplace(sin(a*t) * cosh(a*t) - cos(a*t) * sinh(a*t), t, s)} \endscroll \autobuttons\end{page} \begin{page}{ExLapDefInt}{Laplace transform requiring a definite integration} \beginscroll When powers of t appear in the denominator, computing the laplace transform requires integrating the result of another laplace transform between a symbol and infinity. We use the full power of \Language{}'s integrator in such cases. \spadpaste{laplace(2/t * (1 - cos(a*t)), t, s)} \endscroll \autobuttons\end{page} \begin{page}{ExLapExpExp}{Laplace transform of exponentials} \beginscroll This is another example where it is necessary to integrate the result of another laplace transform. \spadpaste{laplace((exp(a*t) - exp(b*t))/t, t, s)} \endscroll \autobuttons\end{page} \begin{page}{ExLapSpecial1}{Laplace transform of an exponential integral} We can handle some restricted cases of special functions, linear exponential integrals among them. \beginscroll \spadpaste{laplace(exp(a*t+b)*Ei(c*t), t, s)} \endscroll \autobuttons\end{page} \begin{page}{ExLapSpecial2}{Laplace transform of special functions} \beginscroll An example with some interesting special functions. \spadpaste{laplace(a*Ci(b*t) + c*Si(d*t), t, s)} \endscroll \autobuttons\end{page}