% Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1992-94. All rights reserved. % !! DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE BY HAND !! Created by ht.awk. \newcommand{\IntegerLinearDependenceXmpTitle}{IntegerLinearDependence} \newcommand{\IntegerLinearDependenceXmpNumber}{9.35} % % ===================================================================== \begin{page}{IntegerLinearDependenceXmpPage}{9.35 IntegerLinearDependence} % ===================================================================== \beginscroll The elements \texht{$v_1, \dots,v_n$}{\spad{v1,...,vn}} of a module \spad{M} over a ring \spad{R} are %-% \HDindex{linear dependence}{IntegerLinearDependenceXmpPage}{9.35}{IntegerLinearDependence} said to be {\it linearly dependent over \spad{R}} if there exist \texht{$c_1,\dots,c_n$}{\spad{c1, ..., cn}} in \spad{R}, not all \smath{0}, such that \texht{$c_1 v_1 + \dots c_n v_n = 0$}{\spad{c1*v1 + ... + cn*vn = 0}}. If such \texht{$c_i$}{\spad{ci}}'s exist, they form what is called a {\it linear dependence relation over \spad{R}} for the \texht{$v_i$}{\spad{vi}}'s. The package \spadtype{IntegerLinearDependence} provides functions for testing whether some elements of a module over the integers are linearly dependent over the integers, and to find the linear dependence relations, if any. % \xtc{ Consider the domain of two by two square matrices with integer entries. }{ \spadpaste{M := SQMATRIX(2,INT) \bound{M}} } % % \xtc{ Now create three such matrices. }{ \spadpaste{m1: M := squareMatrix matrix [[1, 2], [0, -1]] \free{M}\bound{m1}} } \xtc{ }{ \spadpaste{m2: M := squareMatrix matrix [[2, 3], [1, -2]] \free{M}\bound{m2}} } \xtc{ }{ \spadpaste{m3: M := squareMatrix matrix [[3, 4], [2, -3]] \free{M}\bound{m3}} } % % \xtc{ This tells you whether \spad{m1}, \spad{m2} and \spad{m3} are linearly dependent over the integers. }{ \spadpaste{linearlyDependentOverZ? vector [m1, m2, m3] \free{m1 m2 m3}} } % % \xtc{ Since they are linearly dependent, you can ask for the dependence relation. }{ \spadpaste{c := linearDependenceOverZ vector [m1, m2, m3] \free{m1 m2 m3}\bound{c}} } % % \xtc{ This means that the following linear combination should be \spad{0}. }{ \spadpaste{c.1 * m1 + c.2 * m2 + c.3 * m3 \free{c m1 m2 m3}} } % When a given set of elements are linearly dependent over \spad{R}, this also means that at least one of them can be rewritten as a linear combination of the others with coefficients in the quotient field of \spad{R}. % \xtc{ To express a given element in terms of other elements, use the operation \spadfunFrom{solveLinearlyOverQ}{IntegerLinearDependence}. }{ \spadpaste{solveLinearlyOverQ(vector [m1, m3], m2) \free{m1 m2 m3}} } \endscroll \autobuttons \end{page} %