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\begin{page}{IntegerLinearDependenceXmpPage}{9.35 IntegerLinearDependence}
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The elements \texht{$v_1, \dots,v_n$}{\spad{v1,...,vn}}
of a module \spad{M} over a ring \spad{R} are
%-% \HDindex{linear dependence}{IntegerLinearDependenceXmpPage}{9.35}{IntegerLinearDependence}
said to be {\it linearly dependent over \spad{R}} if there exist
\texht{$c_1,\dots,c_n$}{\spad{c1, ..., cn}} in \spad{R},
not all \smath{0},
such that \texht{$c_1 v_1 + \dots c_n v_n = 0$}{\spad{c1*v1 + ... + cn*vn = 0}}.
If such \texht{$c_i$}{\spad{ci}}'s exist,
they form what is called a {\it linear dependence
relation over \spad{R}} for the \texht{$v_i$}{\spad{vi}}'s.

The package \spadtype{IntegerLinearDependence} provides functions
for testing whether some elements of a module over the integers are
linearly dependent over the integers, and to find the linear
dependence relations, if any.
Consider the domain of two by two square matrices with integer entries.
\spadpaste{M := SQMATRIX(2,INT) \bound{M}}
Now create three such matrices.
\spadpaste{m1: M := squareMatrix matrix [[1, 2], [0, -1]] \free{M}\bound{m1}}
\spadpaste{m2: M := squareMatrix matrix [[2, 3], [1, -2]] \free{M}\bound{m2}}
\spadpaste{m3: M := squareMatrix matrix [[3, 4], [2, -3]] \free{M}\bound{m3}}
This tells you whether \spad{m1}, \spad{m2} and \spad{m3} are linearly
dependent over the integers.
\spadpaste{linearlyDependentOverZ? vector [m1, m2, m3] \free{m1 m2 m3}}
Since they are linearly dependent, you can ask for the dependence
\spadpaste{c := linearDependenceOverZ vector [m1, m2, m3] \free{m1 m2 m3}\bound{c}}
This means that the following linear combination should be \spad{0}.
\spadpaste{c.1 * m1 + c.2 * m2 + c.3 * m3 \free{c m1 m2 m3}}
When a given set of elements are linearly dependent over \spad{R}, this
also means that at least one of them can be rewritten as a linear
combination of the others with coefficients in the quotient field of
To express a given element in terms of other elements, use the operation
\spadpaste{solveLinearlyOverQ(vector [m1, m3], m2) \free{m1 m2 m3}}