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\begin{page}{XPolynomialXmpPage}{9.89 XPolynomial}
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The \spadtype{XPolynomial} domain constructor implements multivariate polynomials
whose set of variables is \spadtype{Symbol}.
These variables do not commute.
The only parameter of this construtor is 
the coefficient ring which may be non-commutative.
However, coefficients and variables commute.
The representation of the polynomials is recursive.
The abbreviation for \spadtype{XPolynomial} is \spadtype{XPOLY}.

Other constructors like \spadtype{XPolynomialRing}, \spadtype{XRecursivePolynomial} 
\spadtype{LiePolynomial} and
implement multivariate polynomials
in non-commutative variables.

We illustrate now some of the facilities of the \spadtype{XPOLY} domain constructor.

Define a polynomial ring over the integers.
\spadpaste{poly := XPolynomial(Integer) \bound{poly}}

Define a first polynomial,
\spadpaste{pr: poly := 2*x + 3*y-5  \free{poly} \bound{pr}}

and a second one.
\spadpaste{pr2: poly := pr*pr  \free{poly} \bound{pr2}}

Rewrite {\bf pr} in a distributive way,
\spadpaste{pd  := expand pr   \free{pr} \bound{pd}}

compute its square,
\spadpaste{pd2 := pd*pd   \free{pd} \bound{pd2}}

and checks that:
\spadpaste{expand(pr2) - pd2 \free{pr2} \free{pd2}}

We define:
\spadpaste{qr :=  pr**3 \free{pr} \bound{qr}}

\spadpaste{qd :=  pd**3 \free{pd} \bound{qd}}

We truncate {\bf qd} at degree {\bf 3}:
\spadpaste{ trunc(qd,2) \free{qd}}

The same for {\bf qr}:
\spadpaste{trunc(qr,2) \free{qr}}

We define:
\spadpaste{Word := OrderedFreeMonoid Symbol \bound{Word}}

\spadpaste{w: Word := x*y**2 \free{Word} \bound{w}}

The we can compute the right-quotient of {\bf qr} by {\bf r}:
\spadpaste{rquo(qr,w) \free{qr} \free{w}}

and the shuffle-product of {\bf pr} by {\bf r}:
\spadpaste{sh(pr,w::poly) \free{pr} \free{w}}