\begin{page}{HTXFormatPage6}{Boxes and Lines}
\centerline{\fbox{{\tt \thispage}}}\newline

The {\tt \\fbox} command can be used to place a box around one or more
words. The argument of the {\tt \\fbox} command is the text that will be
placed in the box. This command should only be used for text that can fit
in one line.

{\tt \\fbox\{Boxed!\}}\newline

Use the {\tt \\horizontalline} command to draw a horizontal line
across the window. This might be useful for added emphasis.

{\tt \\horizontalline}\newline

\menulink{Next -- Micro-Spacing}{HTXFormatPage7}


{\tt \\fbox\{Boxed!\}}\newline

{\tt \\horizontalline}\newline