\begin{page}{HTXFormatPage3}{Using different fonts} \centerline{\fbox{{\tt \thispage}}}\newline \begin{scroll} You can use various fonts for the text. \HyperName{} makes four {\em logical} fonts available to you: a {\em roman} font, an {\em emphasised} font, a {\em bold} font and a {\em typewriter} font. The actual font that corresponds to each logical font is determined by the end user via a defaults file. The colour for each of these fonts can also be specified. Normal text is displayed with the roman font. If you want to emphasize some text, use the {\tt \\em} command in the following way. \beginImportant \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste1}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch1} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste1}{Interpret} \newline {\tt this is \{\\em emphasised\} text} \end{paste} \endImportant Note the use of the braces to enclose command and "arguments". All font commands are specified in the same way. The {\tt \\em} command will in fact {\em switch} between roman and emphasised font every time it is used. \beginImportant \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste2}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch2} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste2}{Interpret} \newline {\tt \{\\em this is \{\\em emphasised\} text\}} \end{paste} \endImportant If you want to be sure that the emphasized font will be used, specify the {\tt \\it} command. Similarly, you can explicitly select the roman font with the {\tt \\rm} command. \beginImportant \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste3}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch3} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste3}{Interpret} \newline {\tt \{\\em this is \{\\it emphasised\} text and this is \{\\rm roman\}\}} \end{paste} \endImportant The bold font is selected with the {\tt \\bf} command and the typewriter font with the {\tt \\tt} command. All these commands can be applied to individual characters, words, sentences etc. \beginImportant \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste4}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch4} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste4}{Interpret} \newline {\tt \{\\bf U\}\{\\tt g\}\{\\it l\}\{\\rm y\}} \end{paste} \endImportant Currently, \HyperName{} does not adjust its internal spacing rules to each font individually. This means that, for consistent results, users are encouraged to specify (in the defaults file) "character-cell" fonts that are not too small or too large for \HyperName{}. Here is the correspondence between the above font commands and the defaults names:\newline \menuitemstyle{RmFont \tab{26} {\tt \\rm} or {\tt \\em} }\newline \menuitemstyle{BoldFont \tab{26} {\tt \\bf} }\newline \menuitemstyle{EmphasizeFont \tab{26} {\tt \\it} or {\tt \\em} }\newline \menuitemstyle{Ttfont \tab{26} {\tt \\tt} }\newline \HyperName{} uses two more logical fonts that can be specified by the end user : AxiomFont and ActiveFont. However, you cannot explicitly use these fonts in your text. The ActiveFont is automatically used for active area text and the AxiomFont is reserved for active \Language{} commands. \end{scroll} \beginmenu \menulink{Next -- Indentation}{HTXFormatPage4} \endmenu \end{page} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch1} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste1A}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch1A} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste1A}{Source} \newline this is {\em emphasised} text \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch1A} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste1B}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch1} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste1B}{Interpret} \newline {\tt this is \{\\em emphasised\} text} \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch2} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste2A}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch2A} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste2A}{Source} \newline {\em this is {\em emphasised} text} \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch2A} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste2B}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch2} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste2B}{Interpret} \newline {\tt \{\\em this is \{\\em emphasised\} text\}} \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch3} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste3A}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch3A} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste3A}{Source} \newline {\em this is {\it emphasised} text and this is {\rm roman}} \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch3A} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste3B}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch3} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste3B}{Interpret} \newline {\tt \{\\em this is \{\\it emphasised\} text and this is \{\\rm roman\}\}} \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch4} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste4A}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch4A} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste4A}{Source} \newline {\bf U}{\tt g}{\it l}{\rm y} \end{paste} \end{patch} \begin{patch}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch4A} \begin{paste}{HTXFormatPage3xPaste4B}{HTXFormatPage3xPatch4} \pastebutton{HTXFormatPage3xPaste4B}{Interpret} \newline {\tt \{\\bf U\}\{\\tt g\}\{\\it l\}\{\\rm y\}} \end{paste} \end{patch}