\centerline{\fbox{{\tt \thispage}}}\newline

We present here a few commands that may be of some use
to you.
You may want to know certain parameters so that you can pass
them to one of the action {\tt \\command}s.

The {\tt \\thispage} command shows the name of the
current page.

{\tt \\thispage}\newline
{\tt \\newline}\newline
{\tt \\lispcommand\{Lisp\}\{(pprint "\\thispage")\}}\newline

The {\tt \\windowid} command shows the X Windows
{\it WindowID} of the current window.

{\tt \\windowid}\newline
{\tt \\newline}\newline
{\tt \\lispcommand\{Lisp\}\{(pprint \\windowid)\}}\newline

% \examplenumber not documented

The {\tt \\env} command gets the value of an environment
variable. It is an error to use {\tt \\env} with an undefined
environment variable.

{\tt \\env\{AXIOM\}}

The {\tt \\nolines} command, if included somewhere
in the page, eliminates the horizontal lines that
delimit the header and footer regions.

% \beep not documented



\menulink{Back to Menu}{HTXAdvTopPage}


\lispcommand{Lisp}{(pprint "\thispage")}
{\tt \\thispage}\newline
{\tt \\newline}\newline
{\tt \\lispcommand\{Lisp\}\{(pprint "\\thispage")\}}\newline

\lispcommand{Lisp}{(pprint \windowid)}
{\tt \\windowid}\newline
{\tt \\newline}\newline
{\tt \\lispcommand\{Lisp\}\{(pprint \\windowid)\}}\newline

{\tt \\env\{AXIOM\}}\newline