\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/src/initx} \author{The Axiom Team} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject \section{initx.h} <<initx.h>>= <<license>> #ifndef _INITX_H_ #define _INITX_H_ 1 #include "hyper.h" extern int gBorderColor; #endif @ \section{initx.c} <<initx.c>>= /**************************************************************** * * initx.h: HyperDoc X Window window initialization code * * Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991, 1992, 1993. * ****************************************************************************/ /* #define DEBUG 1 */ #define _INITX_C #include "axiom-c-macros.h" #include "useproto.h" #include "debug.h" #include "initx.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #include <X11/Xresource.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #ifdef SUN4OS5platform extern int gethostname(char *, int ); #endif #include "ht_icon" #include "extent.h" #include "group.h" #include "mem.h" #include "scrollbar.h" #include "titlebar.h" #include "all_hyper_proto.H1" #include "util.H1" #include "spadcolors.h" #include "spadcolors.H1" #include "mouse11.bitmap" #include "mouse11.mask" static GContext server_font; unsigned long *spadColors; int scrn; /* used in spad_colors */ extern int received_window_request; /* true iff Spad wants a pop-up */ extern int in_next_event; /* true when in XNextEvent */ extern int gTtFontIs850; #define MIN_WINDOW_SIZE 300 int gActiveColor, gAxiomColor, gBackgroundColor, gBfColor, gControlBackgroundColor, gControlForegroundColor, gEmColor, gInputBackgroundColor, gInputForegroundColor, gItColor, gRmColor, gSlColor, gTtColor; XFontStruct *gAxiomFont, *gActiveFont, *gBfFont, *gEmFont, *gInputFont, *gItFont, *gRmFont, *gSlFont, *gTitleFont, *gTtFont; XrmDatabase rDB; int gBorderColor; /* The Border Color */ /* Initialize the X Window System */ void initializeWindowSystem(void) { char *display_name = NULL; XColor fg, bg; #if 0 XColor rgbdef; #endif Colormap cmap; Pixmap mousebits, mousemask; /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:entered\n");*/ /* Try to open the display */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XOpenDisplay\n");*/ if ((gXDisplay = XOpenDisplay(display_name)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "(HyperDoc) Cannot connect to the X11 server!\n"); exit(-1); } /* Get the screen */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:DefaultScreen\n");*/ gXScreenNumber = scrn = DefaultScreen(gXDisplay); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XGContextFromGC\n");*/ server_font =XGContextFromGC(DefaultGC(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber)); /* Get the cursors we need. */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:DefaultColormap\n");*/ cmap = DefaultColormap(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:WhitePixel\n");*/ fg.pixel = WhitePixel(gXDisplay,gXScreenNumber); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XQueryColor\n");*/ XQueryColor(gXDisplay, cmap, &fg ); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:BlackPixel\n");*/ bg.pixel = BlackPixel(gXDisplay,gXScreenNumber); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XQueryColor2\n");*/ XQueryColor(gXDisplay, cmap, &bg ); #if 0 XAllocNamedColor(gXDisplay, cmap, "Black", &fg, &rgbdef); XAllocNamedColor(gXDisplay, cmap, "White", &bg, &rgbdef); #endif #ifdef USE_BORING_OLD_CURSORS gActiveCursor = XCreateFontCursor(gXDisplay, XC_circle); gNormalCursor = XCreateFontCursor(gXDisplay, XC_dot); #else /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XCreateBitmapFromData 1\n");*/ mousebits = XCreateBitmapFromData(gXDisplay, RootWindow(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), mouseBitmap_bits, mouseBitmap_width,mouseBitmap_height); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XCreateBitmapFromData 2\n");*/ mousemask = XCreateBitmapFromData(gXDisplay, RootWindow(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), mouseMask_bits, mouseMask_width,mouseMask_height); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XCreateBitmapFromData 2\n");*/ gActiveCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(gXDisplay, mousebits, mousemask, &fg, &bg, mouseBitmap_x_hot,mouseBitmap_y_hot); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XCreateFontCursor\n");*/ gNormalCursor = XCreateFontCursor(gXDisplay, XC_left_ptr); #endif /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:XCreateFontCursor 2\n");*/ gBusyCursor = XCreateFontCursor(gXDisplay, XC_watch); /* Now initialize all the colors and fonts */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:ingItColors_and_fonts\n");*/ ingItColors_and_fonts(); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:init_text\n");*/ init_text(); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:initializeWindowSystem:exited\n");*/ } /* * This routine is responsible for initializing a HyperDoc Window. At this * point, all the fonts have been loaded, and X has been initialized. All I * need worry about is starting up the window, and creating some of its * children. */ /* * init_top_window tries to start up a window with the page name. If the * page name is NULL, * it doesn't try to find it in the Hash Table, but rather just allocates a * page of no name */ int init_top_window(char *name) { HyperDocPage *page; XSetWindowAttributes wa; /* The X attributes structure */ HDWindow *old_win = gWindow; gWindow = alloc_hd_window(); if (name == NULL) { /** Then allocate an empty page, and assign it to gWindow->page */ page = alloc_page((char *) NULL); } else { /* Try to find the page in the page hash table */ page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, name); if (page == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "(HyperDoc) Couldn\'t find page %s in page hash table \n", name); if (gParentWindow == NULL) /* Gaak, This is a start up error */ exit(-1); else { gWindow = old_win; return -1; } } } /* First allocate memory for the new window structure */ gWindow->page = page; if (old_win == NULL) open_window(0); else open_window(old_win->fMainWindow); get_GCs(gWindow); XMapWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow); hash_insert(&gSessionHashTable, (char *)gWindow,(char *) &gWindow->fMainWindow); change_text(gRmColor, gRmFont); wa.background_pixel = gBackgroundColor; XChangeWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, CWBackPixel, &wa); XChangeWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, CWBackPixel,&wa); return 1; } /* Create and initialize a form HyperDoc window */ static void open_form_window(void) { int x, y, width, height; unsigned int fwidth = 0, fheight = 0; unsigned int xadder = 0, yadder = 0; /*char *window_name = "HyperDoc";*/ /*char *icon_name = "HT";*/ XrmValue value; char *str_type[50]; XSizeHints size_hints; int userSpecified = 0; char userdefaults[50], progdefaults[50]; strcpy(progdefaults, "=950x450+0+0"); if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.FormGeometry", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.FormGeometry", str_type, &value) == True) { strncpy(userdefaults, value.addr, (int) value.size); userSpecified = 1; } else strcpy(userdefaults, progdefaults); XGeometry(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber, userdefaults, progdefaults, 0, fwidth, fheight, xadder, yadder, &x, &y, &width, &height); gWindow->border_width = get_border_properties(); gWindow->width = 1; gWindow->height = 1; gWindow->fMainWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(gXDisplay, RootWindow(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), x, y, width, height, gWindow->border_width, gBorderColor, WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber)); gWindow->fScrollWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber)); makeScrollBarWindows(); makeTitleBarWindows(); set_name_and_icon(); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, PointerMotionMask); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, StructureNotifyMask | PointerMotionMask); XDefineCursor(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, gNormalCursor); /* now give the window manager some hints */ size_hints.flags = 0; size_hints.min_width = width; size_hints.min_height = height; size_hints.flags |= PMinSize; size_hints.width = width; size_hints.height = height; size_hints.flags |= (userSpecified ? USSize : PSize); size_hints.x = x; size_hints.y = y; size_hints.flags |= (userSpecified ? USPosition : PPosition); XSetNormalHints(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &size_hints); XFlush(gXDisplay); } int init_form_window(char *name, int cols) { XSetWindowAttributes wa; /* The X attributes structure */ /* First allocate memory for the new window structure */ gWindow = alloc_hd_window(); open_form_window(); gWindow->width = window_width(cols); if (name == NULL) { /** Then allocate an empty page, and assign it to gWindow->page */ gWindow->page = alloc_page((char *) NULL); } else { /* Try to find the page in the page hash table */ gWindow->page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, name); if (gWindow->page == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find page %s\n", name); return (-1); } } get_GCs(gWindow); hash_insert(&gSessionHashTable, (char *)gWindow,(char *) &gWindow->fMainWindow); wa.background_pixel = gBackgroundColor; XChangeWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, CWBackPixel, &wa); XChangeWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, CWBackPixel,&wa); return 1; } static void set_name_and_icon(void) { char *icon_name = "HyperDoc"; char *s; Pixmap icon_pixmap; XWMHints wmhints; XClassHint ch; ch.res_name = "HyperDoc"; ch.res_class = gArgv[0]; for (s = gArgv[0] + strlen(gArgv[0]) - 1; s != gArgv[0]; s--) { if (*s == '/') { ch.res_class = s + 1; break; } } XSetClassHint(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &ch); XStoreName(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, "HyperDoc"); /* define and assign the pixmap for the icon */ icon_pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, ht_icon_bits, ht_icon_width, ht_icon_height); wmhints.icon_pixmap = icon_pixmap; wmhints.flags = IconPixmapHint; XSetWMHints(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &wmhints); /* name the icon */ XSetIconName(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, icon_name); } static int get_border_properties(void) { char *bwidth; /*char *bc = NULL;*/ int bw; /*XColor color_def, color_db;*/ Colormap cmap; /*int ret_val;*/ bwidth = "2"; /* XGetDefault(gXDisplay, "Axiom.hyperdoc", "BorderWidth") */ if (bwidth == NULL) bw = 1; else { bw = atoi(bwidth); if (bw < 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: The line width value must be greater than zero\n", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc"); bw = 1; } } /* Now try to find the user preferred border color */ if (DisplayPlanes(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber) == 1) gBorderColor = BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber); else { cmap = DefaultColormap(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber); gBorderColor = get_color("BorderColor", "Foreground", BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); } return bw; } /* Create and initialize the HyperDoc window */ static void open_window(Window w) { int x = 0, y = 0; /*int border_width = 2;*/ unsigned int width = 1; unsigned int height = 1; unsigned int fwidth = 0, fheight = 0; unsigned int xadder = 0, yadder = 0; char *str_type[50]; XrmValue value; char userdefaults[50], progdefaults[50]; strcpy(progdefaults, "=700x450+0+0"); if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Geometry", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Geometry", str_type, &value) == True) { strncpy(userdefaults, value.addr, (int) value.size); } else strcpy(userdefaults, progdefaults); XGeometry(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber, userdefaults, progdefaults, 0, fwidth, fheight, xadder, yadder, &x, &y, ( int *)&width,( int *) &height); gWindow->border_width = get_border_properties(); gWindow->fMainWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(gXDisplay, RootWindow(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), x, y, width, height, gWindow->border_width, gBorderColor, WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber)); gWindow->fScrollWindow = XCreateSimpleWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, gBorderColor, WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber)); makeScrollBarWindows(); makeTitleBarWindows(); /* Now set all the little properties for the top level window */ set_name_and_icon(); set_size_hints(w); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, PointerMotionMask); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, StructureNotifyMask | PointerMotionMask); XDefineCursor(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, gNormalCursor); } /*** This routine gets and sets the size for a new window. If the w paramter is null, it means that this is the initial window. Thus the user preferences are checked. If this is not the first window, then the window w is used as a guidline, and the new window is placed on top of it. ***/ static void set_size_hints(Window w) { int x, y; unsigned int width, height; char userdefaults[50]; char progdefaults[50]; char *str_type[50]; unsigned int fwidth = 0, fheight = 0; unsigned int xadder = 0, yadder = 0; int geo = 0; /* return flag from XGetGeometry */ unsigned int depth, bw=0; Window root; XSizeHints size_hints; XPoint xp; XrmValue value; size_hints.flags = 0; strcpy(progdefaults, "=600x450+0+0"); if (w) { /* * The window should be queried for it's size and position. Then the * new window should be given almost the same locations */ if (XGetGeometry(gXDisplay, w, &root, &x, &y, &width, &height, &bw, &depth)) { xp = getWindowPositionXY(gXDisplay, w); x = xp.x + 40; y = xp.y + 40; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; size_hints.flags |= (USSize | USPosition); } else { fprintf(stderr, "(HyperDoc) Error Querying window configuration: %ld.\n", w); x = y = 0; width = 600; height = 450; size_hints.flags |= (PSize | PPosition); } } else { /* this is the first window, so lets try to find a nice spot for it */ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Geometry", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Geometry", str_type, &value) == True) { strncpy(userdefaults, value.addr, (int) value.size); geo = XParseGeometry(userdefaults, &x, &y, &width, &height); } else strcpy(userdefaults, progdefaults); size_hints.flags |= (geo & (WidthValue | HeightValue)) ? USSize : PSize; size_hints.flags |= (geo & (XValue | YValue)) ? USPosition : PPosition; geo = XGeometry(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber, userdefaults, progdefaults, bw, fwidth, fheight, xadder, yadder, &x, &y, (int *)&width, (int *)&height); } size_hints.x = x; size_hints.y = y; size_hints.width = width; size_hints.height = height; getTitleBarMinimumSize(&(size_hints.min_width), &(size_hints.min_height)); #if 0 size_hints.min_width = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE; size_hints.min_height = MIN_WINDOW_SIZE; #endif size_hints.flags |= PMinSize; XSetNormalHints(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &size_hints); /* just in case a hint isn't enough ... */ XFlush(gXDisplay); /* XMoveResizeWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, x, y, width, height); */ } #define stipple_width 4 #define stipple_height 4 static char stipple_bits[] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}; Pixmap stipple; /* Create the graphics contexts to be used for all drawing operations */ static void get_GCs(HDWindow *window) { /*unsigned long valuemask = 0;*/ XGCValues values; values.background = gBackgroundColor; window->fStandardGC = XCreateGC(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, GCBackground, &values); XSetLineAttributes(gXDisplay, window->fStandardGC, window->border_width, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter); /* create the stipple for the gc */ stipple = XCreateBitmapFromData(gXDisplay, RootWindow(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), stipple_bits, stipple_width, stipple_height); values.background = gInputBackgroundColor; values.foreground = gInputForegroundColor; values.font = gInputFont->fid; if (values.font == server_font ) window->fInputGC = XCreateGC(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, GCBackground | GCForeground, &values); else { window->fInputGC = XCreateGC(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, GCBackground | GCForeground | GCFont, &values); } window->fCursorGC = XCreateGC(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, 0, NULL); if (values.font != server_font) XSetFont(gXDisplay, window->fCursorGC, gInputFont->fid); XSetBackground(gXDisplay, window->fCursorGC, gInputForegroundColor); XSetForeground(gXDisplay, window->fCursorGC, gInputBackgroundColor); window->fControlGC = XCreateGC(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, 0, NULL); XSetBackground(gXDisplay, window->fControlGC, gControlBackgroundColor); XSetForeground(gXDisplay, window->fControlGC, gControlForegroundColor); } /* Load a font and store the information in the font_info parameter */ static void load_font(XFontStruct **font_info, char *fontname) { if ((*font_info = XLoadQueryFont(gXDisplay, fontname)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "(HyperDoc) Cannot load font %s ; using default.\n", fontname); if ((*font_info = XQueryFont(gXDisplay, XGContextFromGC(DefaultGC(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber)))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "(HyperDoc) Cannot get default font ; exiting.\n"); exit(-1); } } } /* * This routine initializes all the colors and fonts that the user wishes to * use. It checks for all the following properties in $HOME/.Xdefaults. * * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.ActiveColor: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Background: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.EmphasizeColor: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.EmphasizeFont: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Foreground: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.InputBackground: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.InputForeground: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.SpadColor: * OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.SpadFont: */ static void ingItColors_and_fonts(void) { char property[256]; char *prop = &property[0]; char *str_type[50]; XrmValue value; Colormap cmap; int ts; /** get the color map for the display **/ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:entered\n");*/ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:DefaultColorMap\n");*/ cmap = DefaultColormap(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:init_group_stack\n");*/ init_group_stack(); /** then start getting the fonts **/ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:mergeDatabases\n");*/ mergeDatabases(); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:XrmGetResource\n");*/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.RmFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); else (void) strcpy(prop, RmFontDefault); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 1\n");*/ load_font(&gRmFont, prop); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 2\n");*/ load_font(&gInputFont, prop); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:XrmGetResource 2\n");*/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.TtFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); else (void) strcpy(prop, TtFontDefault); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 3\n");*/ load_font(&gTtFont, prop); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:is_it_850\n");*/ gTtFontIs850=is_it_850(gTtFont); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:XrmGetResource 5\n");*/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.ActiveFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); else (void) strcpy(prop, ActiveFontDefault); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 4\n");*/ load_font(&gActiveFont, prop); /* maintain backwards compatibility */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:XrmGetResource 6\n");*/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.AxiomFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); else { if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.SpadFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) { (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop, AxiomFontDefault); } } /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 5\n");*/ load_font(&gAxiomFont, prop); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:XrmGetResource 7\n");*/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.EmphasizeFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) { (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop, EmphasizeFontDefault); } /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 6\n");*/ load_font(&gEmFont, prop); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:XrmGetResource 8\n");*/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.BoldFont", "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc.Font", str_type, &value) == True) { (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop, BoldFontDefault); } /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:load_font 7\n");*/ load_font(&gBfFont, prop); /* * If we are on a monochrome screen, then we ignore user preferences, and * set the foreground and background as I wish */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:DisplayPlanes\n");*/ if (DisplayPlanes(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber) == 1) { gActiveColor = gAxiomColor = gControlBackgroundColor = gInputBackgroundColor = gBfColor = gEmColor = gRmColor = gSlColor = gTtColor = BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber); gBackgroundColor = gInputForegroundColor = gControlForegroundColor = WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber); } else { /* * If I have gotten here, then we must be on a color screen, so see * what the user likes, and set it up */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 1\n");*/ gRmColor = get_color("RmColor", "Foreground", BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 2\n");*/ gBackgroundColor = get_color("Background", "Background", WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 3\n");*/ gActiveColor = get_color("ActiveColor", "Foreground", BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); /* * for next two, I want name arg = class arg, ie do not want * Background and Foreground. */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 4\n");*/ gControlBackgroundColor = get_color("ControlBackground", "ControlBackground", WhitePixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 5\n");*/ gControlForegroundColor = get_color("ControlForeground", "ControlForeground", BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); /* maintain backwards compatibility */ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 6\n");*/ gAxiomColor = get_color("OpenAxiomColor", "Foreground", 0, &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 7\n");*/ if (gAxiomColor == 0) gAxiomColor = get_color("SpadColor", "Foreground", BlackPixel(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber), &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 8\n");*/ gInputBackgroundColor = get_color("InputBackground", "Foreground", gRmColor, &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 9\n");*/ gInputForegroundColor = get_color("InputForeground", "Background", gBackgroundColor, &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 10\n");*/ gEmColor = get_color("EmphasizeColor", "Foreground", gRmColor, &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 11\n");*/ gTtColor = get_color("TtColor", "Foreground", gRmColor, &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 12\n");*/ gSlColor = get_color("EmphasizeColor", "Foreground", gRmColor, &cmap); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:get_color 13\n");*/ gBfColor = get_color("BoldColor", "Foreground", gRmColor, &cmap); } /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:makeColors\n");*/ makeColors(gXDisplay, gXScreenNumber, &cmap, &spadColors, &ts); /* * Now set the current color and font, so I never have to do it again */ gTopOfGroupStack->cur_color = gRmColor; gTopOfGroupStack->cur_font = gRmFont; /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:ingItColors_and_fonts:exited\n");*/ } void change_text(int color, XFontStruct *font) { if (font) { XGCValues gcv; gcv.foreground = color; gcv.background = gBackgroundColor; XChangeGC(gXDisplay, gWindow->fStandardGC, GCForeground | GCBackground , &gcv); if (font->fid != server_font) XSetFont(gXDisplay, gWindow->fStandardGC, font->fid); } } /* * This routine checks the .Xdefaults file of the user for the * specified color. If found it allocates a place in the color map for it. If * not found, or if an error occurrs, it writes an error message, and * uses the given default value */ static int get_color(char *name, char *class, int def, Colormap *map) { char fullname[256]; char fullclass[256]; char property[256]; char *prop = &property[0]; char *str_type[50]; XrmValue value; int ret_val; XColor color_def, color_db; #ifdef DEBUG printf("get_color: %s %s %d -> ", name, class, def); #endif strcpy(fullname, "OpenAxiom.hyperdoc."); strcat(fullname, name); strcpy(fullclass,"OpenAxiom.hyperdoc."); strcat(fullclass,class); if (XrmGetResource(rDB, fullname, fullclass, str_type, &value) == True) { (void) strncpy(prop, value.addr, (int) value.size); ret_val = XAllocNamedColor(gXDisplay, *map, prop, &color_def, &color_db); if (ret_val) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("%d\n", color_def.pixel); #endif return (color_def.pixel); } else { fprintf(stderr, "(HyperDoc) Defaulting on color for %s. Unknown color is %s.\n", name, prop); #ifdef DEBUG printf("%d\n", def); #endif return (def); } } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("%d\n", def); #endif return (def); } } static void mergeDatabases(void) { XrmDatabase homeDB, serverDB, applicationDB; char filenamebuf[1024]; char *filename = &filenamebuf[0]; char *classname = "OpenAxiom"; char name[255]; /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:entered\n");*/ /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmInitialize\n");*/ (void) XrmInitialize(); (void) strcpy(name, "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/"); (void) strcat(name, classname); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmGetFileDatabase name=%s\n",name);*/ applicationDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(name); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmMergeDatabases\n");*/ (void) XrmMergeDatabases(applicationDB, &rDB); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmGetStringDatabase\n");*/ if (XResourceManagerString(gXDisplay) != NULL) { serverDB = XrmGetStringDatabase(XResourceManagerString(gXDisplay)); } else { (void) strcpy(filename, getenv("HOME")); (void) strcat(filename, "/.Xdefaults"); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmGetFileDatase\n");*/ serverDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(filename); } /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmMergeDatabases 2\n");*/ XrmMergeDatabases(serverDB, &rDB); if (getenv("XENVIRONMENT") == NULL) { int len; (void) strcpy(filename, getenv("HOME")); (void) strcat(filename, "/.Xdefaults-"); len = strlen(filename); (void) gethostname(filename + len, 1024 - len); } else { (void) strcpy(filename, getenv("XENVIRONMENT")); } /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:filename=%s\n",filename);*/ homeDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(filename); /* fprintf(stderr,"initx:mergeDatabases:XrmMergeDatabases 3\n");*/ XrmMergeDatabases(homeDB, &rDB); } int is_it_850(XFontStruct *fontarg) { char *s; int i,val; static struct { char *name; Atom format; Atom atom; } proptbl = { "CHARSET_ENCODING", XA_ATOM }; proptbl.atom = XInternAtom(gXDisplay,proptbl.name,0); for (i=0;i<fontarg->n_properties;i++) { if (fontarg->properties[i].name != proptbl.atom) continue; /* return 1 if it is 850 */ s = XGetAtomName(gXDisplay,(Atom)fontarg->properties[i].card32); val = !( strcmp("850",s) * strcmp("ibm-850",s)); XFree(s); return( val ); } return(0); } @ \section{License} <<license>>= /* Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ @ <<*>>= <<license>> <<initx.c>> @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}