/* Copyright (C) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _EVENT_C #include "openaxiom-c-macros.h" #include <X11/X.h> #include <X11/Xatom.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #include <sys/signal.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include "debug.h" #include "sockio.h" #include "hyper.h" #include "event.h" #include "keyin.h" #include "hyper.h" #include "display.h" #include "parse.h" #include "parse-paste.h" #include "initx.h" #include "scrollbar.h" #include "group.h" #include "lex.h" #include "sockio.h" jmp_buf env; Window gActiveWindow; int motion = 0; int gNeedIconName = 0; unsigned long bigmask= 0xffffffff; static HyperLink *gSavedInputAreaLink = NULL; static int HyperDocErrorHandler(Display *display, XErrorEvent *xe) { if (xe->request_code != 15) { char buf[1024]; XGetErrorText(display, xe->error_code, buf, sizeof(buf)); fprintf(stderr, "error code = %d\n", xe->error_code); fprintf(stderr, "major op code = %d\n", xe->request_code); fprintf(stderr, "minor op code = %d\n", xe->minor_code); fprintf(stderr, "XID = %ld\n", xe->resourceid); fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf); if (xe->request_code != 15) exit(-1); } return(0); } static void set_error_handlers(void) { XSetErrorHandler(HyperDocErrorHandler); } static int set_window(Window window) { Window root, parent, *children, grandparent,myarg; HDWindow *htw; unsigned int nchildren; int st; myarg=window; nchildren = 0; htw = (HDWindow *) hash_find(&gSessionHashTable, (char *)&myarg); if (htw != NULL) { gWindow = htw; return 1; } st = XQueryTree(gXDisplay, myarg, &root, &parent, &children, &nchildren); if (st==0) goto ERROR; if (nchildren > 0) XFree(children); htw = (HDWindow *) hash_find(&gSessionHashTable, (char *)&parent); if (htw != NULL) { gWindow = htw; return 1; } else { /* check for a grandparent */ st = XQueryTree(gXDisplay, parent, &root, &grandparent, &children, &nchildren); if (st==0) goto ERROR; if (nchildren > 0) XFree(children); htw = (HDWindow *) hash_find(&gSessionHashTable, (char *)&grandparent); if (htw != NULL) { gWindow = htw; return 1; } } /* * fprintf(stderr, "window(%d) and it's parent(%d) aren't in * gSessionHashTable\n", window, parent); we never found that window. this happens if (not iff) we exit from an unfocused non-main window under certain wm's and click-to-type. the program returns here with the window handle that was just destroyed. So let's set the global gWindow to the main window. */ ERROR: gWindow=gParentWindow; return 0; } static HyperLink * findButtonInList(HDWindow * window, int x, int y) { ButtonList *bl; if (!window || window->page->type == UnloadedPageType) return NULL; for (bl = window->page->s_button_list; bl != NULL; bl = bl->next) if (x >= bl->x0 && x <= bl->x1 && y >= bl->y0 && y <= bl->y1) return bl->link; for (bl = window->page->button_list; bl != NULL; bl = bl->next) if (x >= bl->x0 && x <= bl->x1 && y >= bl->y0 && y <= bl->y1) return bl->link; return NULL; } static void set_cursor(HDWindow *window,Cursor state) { if (state == gBusyCursor) XDefineCursor(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, gBusyCursor); else if (state == gActiveCursor) XDefineCursor(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, gActiveCursor); else XDefineCursor(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, gNormalCursor); XFlush(gXDisplay); } static void change_cursor(Cursor state, HDWindow *window) { if (window->fDisplayedCursor == state) return; window->fDisplayedCursor = state; set_cursor(window, state); } static void make_busy_cursor(HDWindow *window) { change_cursor(gBusyCursor, window); } static void make_busy_cursors(void) { hash_map(&gSessionHashTable, (MappableFunction)make_busy_cursor); } static void handle_motion_event(XMotionEvent *event) { if (!gWindow) return; if (findButtonInList(gWindow, event->x, event->y) != NULL) change_cursor(gActiveCursor, gWindow); else change_cursor(gNormalCursor, gWindow); } /* * This procedure whips thru the stack and clears all expose events for the * given routine */ static void clear_exposures(Window w) { XEvent report; XFlush(gXDisplay); while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, w, Expose, &report)); } static HyperLink * get_hyper_link(XButtonEvent * event) { HyperLink *l1, *l2; l1 = (HyperLink *) hash_find(gWindow->fWindowHashTable, (char *)&(event->window)); if (l1) return l1; l2 = findButtonInList(gWindow, event->x, event->y); return l2; } static HyperDocPage * paste_button(PasteNode * paste) { HyperDocPage *page = NULL; int pastewhere=paste->where; if ( paste->end_node ==NULL || paste->begin_node==NULL || paste->arg_node==NULL ){ BeepAtTheUser(); return NULL; } page=parse_patch(paste); /* paste has changed after this call so use pastewhere*/ if (pastewhere && page ) { if (0 == strcmp(page->name, "ErrorPage")) page = NULL; } else BeepAtTheUser(); return page; } static void killAxiomPage(HyperDocPage * page) { char command[512]; sprintf(command, "(|htpDestroyPage| '%s)", page->name); send_lisp_command(command); } static void kill_page(HyperDocPage * page) { page->scroll_off = 0; if (page->type == SpadGen) { hash_delete(gWindow->fPageHashTable, page->name); killAxiomPage(page); free_page(page); } } /* pops the memo stack */ static HyperDocPage * returnlink(void) { int i; if (gWindow->fMemoStackIndex == 0) { BeepAtTheUser(); return NULL; } else { kill_page(gWindow->page); for (i = gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex - 1; i >= gWindow->fDownLinkStackTop[gWindow->fMemoStackIndex - 1]; i--) { kill_page(gWindow->fDownLinkStack[i]); } gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex = gWindow->fDownLinkStackTop[--gWindow->fMemoStackIndex]; return (gWindow->fMemoStack[gWindow->fMemoStackIndex]); } } /* pops a page if it can from the downlink stack */ static HyperDocPage * uplink(void) { if (gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex == 0) return returnlink(); else { kill_page(gWindow->page); return (gWindow->fDownLinkStack[--gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex]); } } /* * find_page takes as an argument the HyperDoc for a page name and returns * the associated page */ static HyperDocPage * find_page(TextNode * node) { char *page_name; HyperDocPage *page; /* try and find the page name */ page_name = print_to_string(node); page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, page_name); if (page == NULL) { /* try to find the unknown page */ page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, "UnknownPage"); if (page == NULL) { /* Yikes, Even that could not be found */ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown page name %s\n", page_name); } else { if (page->type == UnloadedPageType) page->type = UlUnknownPage; else page->type = UnknownPage; } } return page; } /* pushes a page onto the down link stack */ static void downlink(void) { if (gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex == MaxDownlinkDepth) fprintf(stderr, "exceeded maximum link nesting level\n"); else gWindow->fDownLinkStack[gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex++] = gWindow->page; } static void memolink(void) { if (gWindow->fMemoStackIndex == MaxMemoDepth) fprintf(stderr, "exceeded maximum link nesting level\n"); else { gWindow->fMemoStack[gWindow->fMemoStackIndex] = gWindow->page; gWindow->fDownLinkStackTop[gWindow->fMemoStackIndex++] = gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex; } } static void windowlink_handler(TextNode * node) { char *page_name; /* first try and find the page */ page_name = print_to_string(node); if (init_top_window(page_name) == -1) { return; } /* gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable;*/ } static void lispwindowlink_handler(HyperLink * link) { /* * Since we are popping up a new window, then we had better change all * the cursors right away. We won't get another chance at it. */ if (init_top_window(NULL) != -1) { HyperDocPage *page = NULL; int frame = gWindow->fAxiomFrame; page = issue_server_command(link); gWindow->fAxiomFrame = frame; gWindow->page = page; /* gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable;*/ } } static void create_window(void) { XWindowAttributes wa; XGetWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &wa); gWindow->width = wa.width; gWindow->height = wa.height; display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; /* then select for the events I normally would like to catch */ XSelectInput(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, ButtonPress | KeyPressMask | PointerMotionMask | ExposureMask /* | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask */ ); XSelectInput(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, ExposureMask); } /* * These are macros for taking care of the downlink stack, and the memolink * stack. */ #define NotSpecial(t) \ ((t == openaxiom_Quitbutton_token || t == openaxiom_Returnbutton_token \ || t == openaxiom_Upbutton_token || t == UnknownPage \ || t == UlUnknownPage || t == ErrorPage) \ ?(0):(1)) /* * Handle a button pressed event. window is the subwindow in which the event * occured, and button is the button which was pressed */ static void handle_button(int button, XButtonEvent * event) { HyperLink *link; HyperDocPage *page = NULL; char *page_name; /* find page name from sub-window handle */ link = get_hyper_link(event); if (link == NULL) { /* user clicked on an inactive area */ /* BeepAtTheUser(); */ /* I always thought this was annoying. RSS */ return; } switch (link->type) { case openaxiom_Pastebutton_token: page = paste_button(link->reference.paste); break; case openaxiom_Link_token: page_name = print_to_string(link->reference.node); page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, page_name); break; case openaxiom_Helpbutton_token: helpForHyperDoc(); page = NULL; break; case openaxiom_Scrollbar_token: scrollScroller(event); break; case Scrollupbutton: scrollUp(); break; case Scrolldownbutton: scrollDown(); break; case openaxiom_Inputstring_token: /* We must be changing input focus or getting a selection */ change_input_focus(link); if ( button == Button2 ) { XConvertSelection(gXDisplay, XA_PRIMARY, XA_STRING, XInternAtom(gXDisplay, "PASTE_SELECTION", False), gWindow->fMainWindow, CurrentTime); gSavedInputAreaLink = link; } break; case openaxiom_SimpleBox_token: page = NULL; toggle_input_box(link); break; case openaxiom_Radiobox_token: page = NULL; toggle_radio_box(link); break; case openaxiom_Quitbutton_token: quitHyperDoc(); break; case openaxiom_Returnbutton_token: /* pop memo information */ page = returnlink(); break; case openaxiom_Upbutton_token: /* pop downlink information */ page = uplink(); break; case openaxiom_Downlink_token: page = find_page(link->reference.node); if (page && NotSpecial(page->type)) downlink(); break; case openaxiom_Memolink_token: page = find_page(link->reference.node); if (page && NotSpecial(page->type)) memolink(); break; case openaxiom_Windowlink_token: page = find_page(link->reference.node); if (page && NotSpecial(page->type)) { windowlink_handler(link->reference.node); gNeedIconName = 1; page = NULL; } break; case openaxiom_Lispwindowlink_token: lispwindowlink_handler(link); gNeedIconName = 1; page = NULL; break; case openaxiom_LispMemoLink_token: case openaxiom_Spadmemolink_token: page = issue_server_command(link); if (page && NotSpecial(page->type)) memolink(); break; case openaxiom_LispDownLink_token: case openaxiom_Spaddownlink_token: page = issue_server_command(link); if (page && NotSpecial(page->type)) downlink(); break; case openaxiom_Spadlink_token: case openaxiom_Lisplink_token: page = issue_server_command(link); break; case openaxiom_Lispcommand_token: case openaxiom_Qspadcall_token: case openaxiom_Spadcall_token: page = issue_server_command(link); break; case openaxiom_Lispcommandquit_token: case openaxiom_Spadcallquit_token: case openaxiom_Qspadcallquit_token: page = issue_server_command(link); exitHyperDoc(); break; case openaxiom_Spadcommand_token: case openaxiom_Spadgraph_token: case openaxiom_Spadsrc_token: issue_spadcommand(gWindow->page, link->reference.node, button == Button1, link->type); break; case openaxiom_Unixlink_token: page = issue_unixlink(link->reference.node); if (page && NotSpecial(page->type)) { downlink(); } break; case openaxiom_Unixcommand_token: issue_unixcommand(link->reference.node); break; default: break; } if (page) { switch (page->type) { /* check for special button types */ case openaxiom_Quitbutton_token: exitHyperDoc(); return; case openaxiom_Returnbutton_token: gWindow->page = returnlink(); break; case openaxiom_Upbutton_token: gWindow->page = uplink(); break; case ErrorPage: case UnknownPage: case UlUnknownPage: if (page->type == UlUnknownPage) page->type = UnloadedPageType; downlink(); gWindow->page = page; break; default: /* a normal link */ gWindow->page = page; break; } if (link->type != openaxiom_Pastebutton_token) display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; /* reset the window hash */ } } static void handle_event(XEvent * event) { XWindowAttributes wa; /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event entered\n");*/ set_window(event->xany.window); if (event->type == MotionNotify) { /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=MotionNotify\n");*/ handle_motion_event((XMotionEvent *)event); motion = 1; return; } make_busy_cursors(); switch (event->type) { case DestroyNotify: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=DestroyNotify\n");*/ break; case Expose: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=Expose\n");*/ XGetWindowAttributes(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, &wa); if ((gWindow->width == 0 && gWindow->height == 0) || (wa.width != gWindow->width || wa.height != gWindow->height)) { gWindow->width = wa.width; gWindow->height = wa.height; display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; } else /** just redraw the thing **/ expose_page(gWindow->page); XFlush(gXDisplay); clear_exposures(gWindow->fMainWindow); clear_exposures(gWindow->fScrollWindow); break; case ButtonPress: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=ButtonPress\n");*/ handle_button(event->xbutton.button, (XButtonEvent *)event); XFlush(gXDisplay); if (gWindow) { while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, Expose, event)); while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, Expose, event)); } break; case KeyPress: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=KeyPress\n");*/ handle_key(event); if (gWindow) { while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, Expose, event)); while (XCheckTypedWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow, Expose, event)); } break; case MapNotify: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=MapNotify\n");*/ create_window(); break; case SelectionNotify: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=SelectionNotify\n");*/ /* this is in response to a previous request in an input area */ if ( gSavedInputAreaLink ) { XSelectionEvent *pSelEvent; Atom dataProperty; pSelEvent = (XSelectionEvent *) event; dataProperty = XInternAtom(gXDisplay, "PASTE_SELECTION", False); /* change the input focus */ /* change_input_focus(gSavedInputAreaLink); */ /* try to get the selection as a window property */ if ( pSelEvent->requestor == gWindow->fMainWindow && pSelEvent->selection == XA_PRIMARY && /* pSelEvent->time == CurrentTime && */ pSelEvent->target == XA_STRING && pSelEvent->property == dataProperty ) { Atom actual_type; int actual_format; unsigned long nitems, leftover; char *pSelection = NULL; if (Success == XGetWindowProperty(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, pSelEvent->property, 0L, 100000000L, True, AnyPropertyType, &actual_type, &actual_format, &nitems, &leftover, (unsigned char **) &pSelection) ) { char *pBuffer; InputItem *item = gSavedInputAreaLink->reference.string; for (pBuffer = pSelection; *pBuffer; ++pBuffer) add_buffer_to_sym(pBuffer, item); XFree(pSelection); } } /* clear the link info */ gSavedInputAreaLink = NULL; } break; default: /* fprintf(stderr,"event:handle_event type=default\n");*/ break; } } /* * This routine is called when the quitbutton is hit. For the moment I am * just going to leave it all behind */ void quitHyperDoc(void) { HyperDocPage *page; if (gSessionHashTable.num_entries == 1 || gParentWindow == gWindow) { if (!strcmp(gWindow->page->name, "ProtectedQuitPage")){ exitHyperDoc(); } page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, "ProtectedQuitPage"); if (page == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown page name %s\n", "ProtectedQuitPage"); exitHyperDoc(); return; } if (gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex == MaxDownlinkDepth) fprintf(stderr, "exceeded maximum link nesting level\n"); else gWindow->fDownLinkStack[gWindow->fDownLinkStackIndex++] = gWindow->page; gWindow->page = page; display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; } else exitHyperDoc(); } void make_window_link(char *name) { if (init_top_window(name) != -1) {}/* gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; */ } void helpForHyperDoc(void) { HyperDocPage *page = NULL; /* do not do anything if we are already at the "no more help" page */ if (0 == strcmp(gWindow->page->name, NoMoreHelpPage)) return; /* if no help page recorded, use the standard "no more help" page */ if (!gWindow->page->helppage) gWindow->page->helppage = alloc_string(NoMoreHelpPage); /* if we are on the main help page, use "no more help" page */ if (0 == strcmp(gWindow->page->name, TopLevelHelpPage)) gWindow->page->helppage = alloc_string(NoMoreHelpPage); page = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, gWindow->page->helppage); if (page) make_window_link(gWindow->page->helppage); else BeepAtTheUser(); } void exitHyperDoc(void) { XEvent event; if (gSessionHashTable.num_entries == 1 || gParentWindow == gWindow) { free_hd_window(gWindow); exit(0); } hash_delete(&gSessionHashTable, (char *)&gWindow->fMainWindow); /* * Now we quickly want to flush all the events associated with this * window from existence */ XFlush(gXDisplay); while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow, bigmask, &event)) { } while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow,bigmask, &event)) { } while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fDisplayedWindow, bigmask, &event)) { } while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollUpWindow, bigmask, &event)) { } while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollDownWindow, bigmask, &event)) { } while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->scrollbar, bigmask, &event)) { } while (XCheckWindowEvent(gXDisplay, gWindow->scroller, bigmask, &event)) { } XDestroyWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow); free_hd_window(gWindow); gWindow = NULL; gActiveWindow = -1; XFlush(gXDisplay); } void get_new_window(void) { int val; char buf[128]; int frame; Window wid; HDWindow *htw; HyperDocPage *hpage; /* * If I am going to try and start a new window, then I should make sure I * have a coonection to listen on * * BUT This code is entered when a socket selects * * if (spad_socket == NULL) { spad_socket = * connect_to_local_server(SpadServer, MenuServer, 10); if (spad_socket * == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Get_new_window: Couldn't Connect to * SpadServer\n"); return -1; } } * */ frame = get_int(spad_socket); val = get_int(spad_socket); switch (val) { case StartPage: init_top_window(NULL); val = get_int(spad_socket); init_scanner(); input_type = openaxiom_FromSpadSocket_input; input_string = ""; gWindow->page = parse_page_from_socket(); gWindow->fAxiomFrame = frame; XFlush(gXDisplay); break; case LinkToPage: get_string_buf(spad_socket, buf, 128); if (init_top_window(buf) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "get_new_window: Did not find page %s\n", buf); /* return -1; */ } gWindow->fAxiomFrame = frame; break; case PopUpPage: val = get_int(spad_socket); init_form_window(NULL, val); send_int(spad_socket, gWindow->fMainWindow); init_scanner(); input_type = openaxiom_FromSpadSocket_input; input_string = ""; gWindow->page = parse_page_from_socket(); compute_form_page(gWindow->page); XMapWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; gWindow->fAxiomFrame = frame; XFlush(gXDisplay); break; case PopUpNamedPage: val = get_int(spad_socket); get_string_buf(spad_socket, buf, 128); if (init_form_window(buf, val) == -1) { send_int(spad_socket, -1); break; } load_page(gWindow->page); compute_form_page(gWindow->page); XMapWindow(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; gWindow->fAxiomFrame = frame; XFlush(gXDisplay); send_int(spad_socket, gWindow->fMainWindow); /* fprintf(stderr, "Window Id was %d\n", gWindow->fMainWindow); */ break; case ReplaceNamedPage: wid = (Window) get_int(spad_socket); get_string_buf(spad_socket, buf, 128); htw = (HDWindow *) hash_find(&gSessionHashTable,(char *)&wid); if (htw == NULL) break; hpage = (HyperDocPage *) hash_find(gWindow->fPageHashTable, buf); if (hpage == NULL) break; gWindow = htw; gWindow->page = hpage; display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; clear_exposures(gWindow->fMainWindow); clear_exposures(gWindow->fScrollWindow); XFlush(gXDisplay); break; case ReplacePage: wid = (Window) get_int(spad_socket); set_window(wid); init_scanner(); input_type = openaxiom_FromSpadSocket_input; input_string = ""; gWindow->page = parse_page_from_socket(); display_page(gWindow->page); gWindow->fWindowHashTable = gWindow->page->fLinkHashTable; clear_exposures(gWindow->fMainWindow); clear_exposures(gWindow->fScrollWindow); XFlush(gXDisplay); break; case KillPage: /* Here the user wishes to kill the page */ wid = (Window) get_int(spad_socket); htw = (HDWindow *) hash_find(&gSessionHashTable,(char *)&wid); if (htw !=NULL) { gWindow = htw; exitHyperDoc(); break; } break; } } static void init_cursor_state(HDWindow *window) { if (window) { int x, y, rx, ry, but; Window r, c; XQueryPointer(gXDisplay, window->fMainWindow, &r, &c, &rx, &ry, &x, &y,(unsigned int *) &but); if (findButtonInList(window, x, y) != NULL) change_cursor(gActiveCursor, window); else change_cursor(gNormalCursor, window); } } static void init_cursor_states(void) { hash_map(&gSessionHashTable,(MappableFunction) init_cursor_state); } /* * This is the main X loop. It keeps grabbing events. Since the only way the * window can die is through an event, it never actually end. One of the * subroutines it calls is responsible for killing everything */ void mainEventLoop(void) { XEvent event; int Xcon; fd_set rd, dum1, dum2; motion = 0; gActiveWindow = -1; set_error_handlers(); Xcon = ConnectionNumber(gXDisplay); while (1) { /* fprintf(stderr,"event:mainEventLoop: loop top\n");*/ while (gSessionHashTable.num_entries == 0) pause(); /* XFlush(gXDisplay); */ if (!motion) init_cursor_states(); motion = 0; if (!spad_socket == 0) { FD_ZERO(&rd); FD_ZERO(&dum1); FD_ZERO(&dum2); FD_CLR(0, &dum1); FD_CLR(0, &dum2); FD_CLR(0, &rd); FD_SET(spad_socket->socket, &rd); FD_SET(Xcon, &rd); if (!session_server == 0) { FD_SET(session_server->socket, &rd); } if (XEventsQueued(gXDisplay, QueuedAlready)) { XNextEvent(gXDisplay, &event); handle_event(&event); } else { select(FD_SETSIZE, &rd, &dum1, &dum2, NULL); if (FD_ISSET(Xcon, &rd) || XEventsQueued(gXDisplay, QueuedAfterFlush)) { XNextEvent(gXDisplay, &event); handle_event(&event); } else if (FD_ISSET(spad_socket->socket, &rd)) /* * Axiom Socket do what handle_event does The 100 is * $SpadStuff in hypertex.boot */ { if (100 == get_int(spad_socket)) { set_window(gParentWindow->fMainWindow); make_busy_cursors(); get_new_window(); } } /* * Session Socket Telling us about the death of a spadbuf * (plus maybe more later) service_session_socket in * spadint.c */ else if (session_server && FD_ISSET(session_server->socket, &rd)) { service_session_socket(); } } } else { XNextEvent(gXDisplay, &event); handle_event(&event); } } }