/* Copyright (C) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /****************************************************************************** * * dialog.c: * * Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Limited 1991, 1992, 1993. * ****************************************************************************/ #define _DIALOG_C #include "axiom-c-macros.h" #include "debug.h" #include "sockio.h" #include "hyper.h" #include "keyin.h" #include "display.h" #include "group.h" #include <X11/keysym.h> #define min(x,y) ( (x<y)?(x):(y)) #include "all_hyper_proto.H1" static void redraw_win() { XUnmapSubwindows(gXDisplay, gWindow->fMainWindow); XUnmapSubwindows(gXDisplay, gWindow->fScrollWindow); XFlush(gXDisplay); show_page(gWindow->page); } static char * mystrncpy(char *buff1, char *buff2, int n) { /* * copies the characters from buff1 to buff2 starting at position buff2 + * n and buff1 + n */ int i; for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) *(buff1 + i) = *(buff2 + i); return buff2; } static void inc_line_numbers(LineStruct *line) { for (; line != NULL; line = line->next) line->line_number++; } static void dec_line_numbers(LineStruct *line) { for (; line != NULL; line = line->next) line->line_number--; return; } static void decrease_line_numbers(LineStruct *line, int am) { for (; line != NULL; line = line->next) line->line_number -= am; } static void overwrite_buffer(char *buffer, InputItem *item) { LineStruct *newline; LineStruct *addline = item->curr_line; /*int bufflen = strlen(buffer);*/ int nl = 0; int cursor_y; int size = item->size; /* add a single character */ cursor_y = (addline->line_number - 1) * line_height; if (addline->buff_pntr == size) { clear_cursor(item); if (addline->len <= size) { nl = 1; addline->buffer[size] = '_'; addline->buffer[size + 1] = 0; addline->len = size + 1; newline = (LineStruct *) alloc_inputline(size + 2); newline->line_number = addline->line_number + 1; inc_line_numbers(addline->next); newline->next = addline->next; newline->prev = addline; if (addline->next) addline->next->prev = newline; addline->next = newline; item->num_lines++; cursor_y += line_height; item->curr_line = addline = newline; } else { item->curr_line = addline = addline->next; } addline->len = 1; addline->buff_pntr = 1; addline->buffer[0] = buffer[0]; } else { addline->buffer[addline->buff_pntr] = buffer[0]; clear_cursor(item); if (++addline->buff_pntr > addline->len) addline->len++; } /* now set up the current line */ if (item->curr_line->buff_pntr >= item->size && item->curr_line->next != NULL && !item->curr_line->next->len) { /* I should actually be on the next line */ item->curr_line->buffer[item->size] = '_'; item->curr_line->len = item->size + 1; XDrawString(gXDisplay, item->win, gWindow->fInputGC, start_x, cursor_y + start_y, addline->buffer, addline->len); item->curr_line = item->curr_line->next; item->curr_line->buff_pntr = 0; item->curr_line->changed = 1; } if (!nl) { XDrawString(gXDisplay, item->win, gWindow->fInputGC, start_x, cursor_y + start_y, addline->buffer, addline->len); draw_cursor(item); } else redraw_win(); } /* * This routine takes the current line and moves it num forward. The * only way I have to move any other lines forward is if this line has length * > size */ static int move_sym_forward(LineStruct *line, int num, int size, InputItem *sym) { LineStruct *newline; int diff; int nl = 0; if (line->len > size) { nl = move_sym_forward(line->next, num, size, sym); strncpy(line->next->buffer, &line->buffer[sym->size - num], line->len); strncpy(&line->buffer[num], line->buffer, num); line->changed = 1; return nl; } else { if (line->len + num > size) { diff = line->len + num - size; newline = alloc_inputline(size); newline->len = diff; newline->line_number = line->line_number++; inc_line_numbers(line->next); sym->num_lines++; newline->next = line->next; newline->prev = line; if (line->next) line->next->prev = newline; line->next = newline; strncpy(newline->buffer, &line->buffer[size - diff], diff); strncpy(&line->buffer[num], line->buffer, num); line->buffer[size] = '_'; line->buffer[size + 1] = 0; line->len = size + 1; return 1; } else { strncpy(&line->buffer[num], line->buffer, line->len); line->len += num; line->changed = 1; return 0; } } } static void clear_cursorline(InputItem *sym) { XCharStruct extents; int dir, asc, des; int cursor_y; XTextExtents(gInputFont, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->buff_pntr, &dir, &asc, &des, &extents); cursor_y = (sym->curr_line->line_number - 1) * line_height; sym->cursor_x = start_x + extents.width; XClearArea(gXDisplay, sym->win, sym->cursor_x, cursor_y, gWindow->width, line_height, False); XDrawString(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fInputGC, start_x, cursor_y + start_y, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->len); } static void insert_buffer(char *buffer, InputItem *sym) { /*int num = strlen(buffer);*/ LineStruct *line = sym->curr_line; LineStruct *newline; int nl = 0; int size = sym->size; if (line->len < size) { /* they will all fit where I am so just copy them forward */ line->len++; mystrncpy(&(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr + 1]), &(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr]), line->len - line->buff_pntr + 1); line->buffer[line->buff_pntr] = buffer[0]; clear_cursorline(sym); line->buff_pntr++; draw_cursor(sym); return; } if (line->len > sym->size) { nl = move_sym_forward(line->next, 1, size, sym); if (line->buff_pntr > size) { line->changed = 1; line = line->next; line->buffer[0] = buffer[0]; line->len++; line->buff_pntr = 1; line->changed = 1; } else { line->next->buffer[0] = line->buffer[size - 1]; line->changed = 1; strncpy(&line->buffer[line->buff_pntr + 1], &line->buffer[line->buff_pntr], size - line->buff_pntr - 1); line->buffer[line->buff_pntr++] = buffer[0]; line->changed = 1; if (line->buff_pntr >= size) { sym->curr_line = line->next; sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = 0; } } } else { nl = 1; newline = alloc_inputline(size); newline->line_number = line->line_number + 1; inc_line_numbers(line->next); sym->num_lines++; newline->next = line->next; newline->prev = line; if (line->next) line->next->prev = newline; line->next = newline; /* * was line->buff_pntr++; */ if (line->buff_pntr >= size) { /* we are the leaders of the line */ newline->buff_pntr = 1; newline->buffer[0] = buffer[0]; newline->len = 1; sym->curr_line = newline; } else { /* we are not the leaders */ newline->buffer[0] = line->buffer[size - 1]; newline->len = 1; strncpy(&line->buffer[line->buff_pntr + 1], &line->buffer[line->buff_pntr], size - line->buff_pntr); if (line->buff_pntr < size - 1) { line->buffer[line->buff_pntr++] = buffer[0]; } else { line->buffer[line->buff_pntr] = buffer[0]; newline->buff_pntr = 0; sym->curr_line = newline; } } line->buffer[size] = '_'; line->buffer[size + 1] = 0; line->len = size + 1; } if (nl) redraw_win(); else update_inputsymbol(sym); } void add_buffer_to_sym(char *buffer,InputItem *sym) { if (gInInsertMode) insert_buffer(buffer, sym); else overwrite_buffer(buffer, sym); } void draw_inputsymbol(InputItem *sym) { int y_spot = start_y; LineStruct *cline; XCharStruct extents; int dir, asc, des; #if 0 int cursor_y; cursor_y = (sym->curr_line->line_number - 1) * line_height; #endif XClearWindow(gXDisplay, sym->win); XTextExtents(gInputFont, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->buff_pntr, &dir, &asc, &des, &extents); sym->cursor_x = start_x + extents.width; /* * While the list of input strings is not NULL, I should just keep * drawing them */ for (cline = sym->lines; cline != NULL; cline = cline->next, y_spot += line_height) { /* Now I should draw the initial string ** */ cline->changed = 0; XDrawString(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fInputGC, start_x, y_spot, cline->buffer, cline->len); } if (gWindow->page->current_item == sym) draw_cursor(sym); } void update_inputsymbol(InputItem *sym) { int y_spot = start_y; LineStruct *cline; XCharStruct extents; int dir, asc, des; /*int cleared = 0;*/ int clear_y; int clear_width; int clear_height; #if 0 int cursor_y; cursor_y = (sym->curr_line->line_number - 1) * line_height; #endif clear_width = (sym->size + 1) * gInputFont->max_bounds.width + 10; clear_height = line_height; clear_y = 0; XTextExtents(gInputFont, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->buff_pntr, &dir, &asc, &des, &extents); sym->cursor_x = start_x + extents.width; /* * While the list of input strings is not NULL, I should just keep * drawing them */ for (cline = sym->lines; cline != NULL; cline = cline->next, y_spot += line_height, clear_y += line_height) /* Now I should draw the initial string ** */ if (cline->changed) { cline->changed = 0; XClearArea(gXDisplay, sym->win, 0, clear_y, clear_width, clear_height, False); XDrawString(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fInputGC, start_x, y_spot, cline->buffer, cline->len); } draw_cursor(sym); } static void draw_cursor(InputItem *sym) { int cursor_y; XCharStruct extents; int dir, asc, des; cursor_y = (sym->curr_line->line_number - 1) * line_height; XTextExtents(gInputFont, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->buff_pntr, &dir, &asc, &des, &extents); sym->cursor_x = start_x + extents.width; /* now draw the cursor */ if (gInInsertMode) { XFillRectangle(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fInputGC, sym->cursor_x, out_cursor_y + cursor_y, out_cursor_width, out_cursor_height); /* Now draw the character currently under the cursor */ XDrawString(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fCursorGC, sym->cursor_x, cursor_y + start_y, &sym->curr_line->buffer[sym->curr_line->buff_pntr], 1); } else XFillRectangle(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fInputGC, sym->cursor_x, in_cursor_y + cursor_y, in_cursor_width, in_cursor_height); } static void move_cursor_home(InputItem *sym) { LineStruct *trace = sym->curr_line; /* now move the cursor to the beginning of the current line */ clear_cursor(sym); for (; trace && trace->prev && trace->prev->len > sym->size;) trace = trace->prev; sym->curr_line = trace; trace->buff_pntr = 0; draw_cursor(sym); } static void move_cursor_end(InputItem *sym) { LineStruct *trace = sym->curr_line; /* now move the cursor to the beginning of the current line */ clear_cursor(sym); for (; trace && trace->next && trace->len > sym->size;) trace = trace->next; sym->curr_line = trace; trace->buff_pntr = trace->len; draw_cursor(sym); } static void move_cursor_forward(InputItem *sym) { if (sym->curr_line->buff_pntr == sym->curr_line->len && !sym->curr_line->next) { BeepAtTheUser(); return; } if (sym->curr_line->buff_pntr == sym->curr_line->len || sym->curr_line->buff_pntr == sym->size - 1) { /* I have to move down to a new line */ if (sym->curr_line->next == NULL) { /* now where to move */ BeepAtTheUser(); return; } /* move down line */ clear_cursor(sym); sym->curr_line = sym->curr_line->next; sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = 0; } else { clear_cursor(sym); sym->curr_line->buff_pntr++; } draw_cursor(sym); } static void move_cursor_down(InputItem *sym) { int bp = sym->curr_line->buff_pntr; /*int size = sym->size;*/ LineStruct *trace; /* get to the end of the current line */ for (trace = sym->curr_line; trace->len > sym->size; trace = trace->next) ; if (!trace->next) BeepAtTheUser(); else { clear_cursor(sym); sym->curr_line = trace->next; if (bp > sym->curr_line->len) sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = sym->curr_line->len; else sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = bp; draw_cursor(sym); } } static void move_cursor_up(InputItem *sym) { int bp = sym->curr_line->buff_pntr; /*int size = sym->size;*/ LineStruct *trace; /* get to the end of the current line */ for (trace = sym->curr_line; trace->prev && trace->prev->len > sym->size; trace = trace->prev) ; if (!trace->prev) BeepAtTheUser(); else { clear_cursor(sym); sym->curr_line = trace->prev; if (bp > sym->curr_line->len) sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = sym->curr_line->len; else sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = bp; draw_cursor(sym); } } static void clear_cursor(InputItem *sym) { XCharStruct extents; int dir, asc, des; int cursor_y; XTextExtents(gInputFont, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->buff_pntr, &dir, &asc, &des, &extents); cursor_y = (sym->curr_line->line_number - 1) * line_height; sym->cursor_x = start_x + extents.width; XClearArea(gXDisplay, sym->win, sym->cursor_x, cursor_y, in_cursor_width, line_height, False); XDrawString(gXDisplay, sym->win, gWindow->fInputGC, start_x, cursor_y + start_y, sym->curr_line->buffer, sym->curr_line->len); } static void move_cursor_backward(InputItem *sym) { if (sym->curr_line->buff_pntr == 0) { if (sym->curr_line->prev == NULL) { /* now where to move */ BeepAtTheUser(); return; } else { clear_cursor(sym); /* move up to the previous line */ sym->curr_line = sym->curr_line->prev; if (sym->curr_line->len > sym->size) sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = sym->size - 1; else sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = sym->curr_line->len; } } else { /* just slide back a char. on the current * line */ clear_cursor(sym); sym->curr_line->buff_pntr--; } draw_cursor(sym); } static char move_rest_back(LineStruct *line, int size) { char c = '\000'; if (line != NULL && line->len != 0) c = line->buffer[0]; else return c; while (line->next != NULL && line->len > size) { strncpy(line->buffer, &(line->buffer[1]), size - 1); line->buffer[size - 1] = line->next->buffer[0]; line->changed = 1; line = line->next; } /* * once I get here I should be one the last line, so I can just copy all * the characters back one and then return from whence I came *** */ if (line->len > 0) { line->changed = 1; if (line->len > 1) strncpy(line->buffer, &(line->buffer[1]), line->len - 1); line->buffer[--line->len] = 0; if (line->len == 0) { /* I have to fix the previous line */ line->prev->len = size; line->prev->buffer[size] = 0; } } return c; } static void delete_rest_of_line(InputItem *sym) { LineStruct *curr_line = sym->curr_line; LineStruct *line=NULL; LineStruct *trash; LineStruct *trace; int num_changed = 0, i; if (curr_line->len > sym->size) { for (line = curr_line->next, num_changed = 0; line != NULL && line->len > 0 && line->len > sym->size; line = line->next, num_changed++) { line->len = 0; line->buffer[0] = 0; line->changed = 1; } num_changed++; } if (num_changed == 0 && curr_line->buff_pntr == curr_line->len) { if (curr_line->len == 0 && curr_line->next) { curr_line->next->prev = curr_line->prev; if (curr_line->prev) curr_line->prev->next = curr_line->next; else sym->lines = curr_line->next; dec_line_numbers(curr_line->next); sym->num_lines--; sym->curr_line = curr_line->next; sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = 0; free(curr_line->buffer); free(curr_line); redraw_win(); } else BeepAtTheUser(); return; } curr_line->len = curr_line->buff_pntr; /* curr_line->buffer[curr_line->len] = NULL; */ for (i = curr_line->len; i <= sym->size + 2; i++) curr_line->buffer[i] = 0; curr_line->changed = 1; if (num_changed) { /* I should get rid of all these lines */ trace = curr_line->next; curr_line->next = line->next; if (line->next) line->next->prev = curr_line; for (; trace && trace != line->next;) { trash = trace; trace = trace->next; free(trash->buffer); free(trash); } decrease_line_numbers(curr_line->next, num_changed); sym->num_lines -= num_changed; redraw_win(); } else update_inputsymbol(sym); } static void back_over_eoln(InputItem *sym) { /* * This routine is very similar to a tough enter except it starts * combining lines with sym->curr_line->pre */ char buff[1024]; LineStruct *trace; LineStruct *last = NULL; char *tr = buff; int bp; int size = sym->size; /* copy all the stuff into the buffer */ for (trace = sym->curr_line; trace->len > sym->size; trace = trace->next) for (bp = 0; bp < size; bp++) *tr++ = trace->buffer[bp]; /* copy the last line */ for (bp = 0; bp < trace->len; bp++) *tr++ = trace->buffer[bp]; trace->len = 0; *tr = 0; /* Now that I have the buffer, let's put it back where it belongs. */ last = trace; for (trace = sym->curr_line; trace != last; trace = trace->next); trace = sym->curr_line = sym->curr_line->prev; trace->buff_pntr = trace->len; trace->changed = 1; for (bp = trace->len, tr = buff; bp < size && *tr; bp++) trace->buffer[bp] = *tr++; if (!*tr) { trace->len = bp; } else { trace->len = size + 1; trace->buffer[size] = '_'; trace->buffer[size + 1] = 0; for (trace = trace->next; *tr;) { for (bp = 0; bp < size && *tr; bp++) trace->buffer[bp] = *tr++; if (*tr) { trace->len = size + 1; trace->changed = 1; trace->buffer[size + 1] = 0; trace->buffer[size] = '_'; trace = trace->next; } else { trace->len = bp; trace->buffer[bp] = 0; } } } /* Now once I am here, let me see if I can bag a line */ if (last->len == 0) { /* rid myself of this line */ last->prev->next = last->next; if (last->next) last->next->prev = last->prev; dec_line_numbers(last->next); sym->num_lines--; free(last->buffer); free(last); redraw_win(); } else update_inputsymbol(sym); } static int move_back_one_char(InputItem *sym) { char c = '\000', d = '\000'; int dl = 0; /* This routine moves all the characters back one */ LineStruct *line = sym->curr_line; if (line->len > sym->size) c = move_rest_back(line->next, sym->size); line->changed = 1; if (line->buff_pntr == 0) { /* I am at the front of the line */ if (line->prev == 0) { BeepAtTheUser(); return 0; } else if (line->prev->len <= sym->size) { back_over_eoln(sym); return 1; } else if (line->len > 0) { d = line->buffer[0]; if (line->len <= sym->size) { strncpy(line->buffer, &(line->buffer[1]), line->len - 1); if (c == 0) { line->len--; line->buffer[line->len] = 0; } else line->buffer[line->len - 1] = c; } else { strncpy(line->buffer, &(line->buffer[1]), sym->size - 2); if (c == 0) { line->buffer[sym->size - 1] = 0; line->len--; } else { line->buffer[sym->size - 1] = c; } } } else { /* the line is just going to be thrown away */ if (line->next) line->next->prev = line->prev; line->prev->next = line->next; dec_line_numbers(line->next); sym->num_lines--; free(line->buffer); free(line); dl = 1; } c = d; sym->curr_line = line = line->prev; line->changed = 1; line->buff_pntr = sym->size; } if (line->len <= sym->size) { strncpy(&line->buffer[line->buff_pntr - 1], &(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr]), line->len - line->buff_pntr); if (c == 0) line->buffer[--line->len] = 0; else line->buffer[line->len - 1] = c; } else { strncpy(&(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr - 1]), &(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr]), sym->size - line->buff_pntr); if (c == 0) { line->buffer[sym->size - 1] = 0; line->len = sym->size - 1; } else { if (line->next->len == 0) { line->buffer[sym->size] = 0; line->len = sym->size; } line->buffer[sym->size - 1] = c; } } line->buff_pntr--; if (dl) redraw_win(); else update_inputsymbol(sym); return 1; } static void back_over_char(InputItem *sym) { if (move_back_one_char(sym)) update_inputsymbol(sym); } static void delete_eoln(InputItem *sym) { /* much the same as back_over eoln except my perspective has changed */ char buff[1024]; LineStruct *trace; LineStruct *last = 0; char *tr = buff; int bp; int size = sym->size; /* copy all the stuff into the buffer */ for (trace = sym->curr_line->next; trace->len > sym->size; trace = trace->next) for (bp = 0; bp < size; bp++) *tr++ = trace->buffer[bp]; /* copy the last line */ for (bp = 0; bp < trace->len; bp++) *tr++ = trace->buffer[bp]; trace->len = 0; *tr = 0; /* Now that I have the buffer, let's put it back where it belongs. */ last = trace; trace = sym->curr_line; trace->changed = 1; for (bp = trace->len, tr = buff; bp < size && *tr; bp++) trace->buffer[bp] = *tr++; if (!*tr) trace->len = bp; else { trace->len = size + 1; trace->buffer[size] = '_'; trace->buffer[size + 1] = 0; for (trace = trace->next; *tr;) { for (bp = 0; bp < size && *tr; bp++) trace->buffer[bp] = *tr++; if (*tr) { trace->len = size + 1; trace->changed = 1; trace->buffer[size + 1] = 0; trace->buffer[size] = '_'; trace = trace->next; } else { trace->len = bp; trace->buffer[bp] = 0; } } } /* Now once I am here, let me see if I can bag a line */ if (last->len == 0) { /* rid myself of this line */ last->prev->next = last->next; if (last->next) last->next->prev = last->prev; dec_line_numbers(last->next); sym->num_lines--; free(last->buffer); free(last); redraw_win(); } else update_inputsymbol(sym); } static int delete_one_char(InputItem *sym) { char c = '\000'; /* This routine moves all the characters back one */ LineStruct *line = sym->curr_line; if (line->len > sym->size) c = move_rest_back(line->next, sym->size); if (c == 0 && line->len == line->buff_pntr) { if (line->next == 0) { BeepAtTheUser(); return 0; } else { delete_eoln(sym); return 1; } } /* * let me just try to do the copy and put the stupid character c if it * exists at the end */ if (line->len <= sym->size) { strncpy(&line->buffer[line->buff_pntr], &(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr + 1]), line->len - line->buff_pntr); if (c == 0) line->buffer[--line->len] = 0; else line->buffer[line->len - 1] = c; } else { strncpy(&(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr]), &(line->buffer[line->buff_pntr + 1]), sym->size - line->buff_pntr); if (c == 0) { line->buffer[sym->size - 1] = 0; line->len = sym->size - 1; } else { if (line->next->len == 0) { line->buffer[sym->size] = 0; line->len = sym->size; } line->buffer[sym->size - 1] = c; } } line->changed = 1; return 1; } static void delete_char(InputItem *sym) { if (delete_one_char(sym)) update_inputsymbol(sym); } static void tough_enter(InputItem *sym) { char buff[1024]; /* * This routine takes all the characters from the current cursor * on, and copies them into a temp buffer, from which they are recopied * back starting at the next line. */ LineStruct *trace; LineStruct *last = 0; LineStruct *newline; char *tr = buff; int bp = sym->curr_line->buff_pntr; int size = sym->size; /* Copy the stuff from the current line */ for (; bp < size; bp++) *tr++ = sym->curr_line->buffer[bp]; /* now get the stuff from the rest of the lines */ for (trace = sym->curr_line->next; trace->len > sym->size; trace = trace->next) for (bp = 0; bp < size; bp++) *tr++ = trace->buffer[bp]; /* copy the last line */ for (bp = 0; bp < trace->len; bp++) *tr++ = trace->buffer[bp]; *tr = 0; /* Now that I have the buffer, let's put it back where it belongs. */ last = trace; trace = sym->curr_line; trace->len = trace->buff_pntr; trace->buffer[trace->len] = 0; trace->changed = 1; tr = buff; for (trace = trace->next; trace != last; trace = trace->next) { for (bp = 0; bp < size; bp++) trace->buffer[bp] = *tr++; trace->len = size + 1; trace->buffer[size + 1] = 0; trace->buffer[size] = '_'; trace->changed = 1; } /* Once I am here, I should be able to copy this last line */ for (bp = 0; bp < size && *tr; bp++) trace->buffer[bp] = *tr++; trace->changed = 1; /* If I still have more to copy, then do so onto a new line */ if (*tr) { trace->len = size + 1; trace->buffer[size + 1] = 0; trace->buffer[size] = '_'; newline = alloc_inputline(size); sym->num_lines++; newline->line_number = last->line_number + 1; inc_line_numbers(newline->next); for (bp = 0; *tr; bp++) newline->buffer[bp] = *tr++; newline->len = bp; newline->next = last->next; newline->prev = last; last->next = newline; if (newline->next) newline->next->prev = newline; } else { trace->len = bp; trace->buffer[bp] = 0; } /* Last but not least change the curr_line */ sym->curr_line = sym->curr_line->next; sym->curr_line->buff_pntr = 0; } static void enter_new_line(InputItem *sym) { LineStruct *newline; LineStruct *trace; LineStruct *prev; LineStruct *line = sym->curr_line; int bp = line->buff_pntr; int l = line->len; int size = sym->size; /* * At this point the user has hit a return. Let me just be naive, and * take everything from the current spot on, and put it on a new line */ if (bp == 0) { if (line->prev->len > size) { /* just add a return to the end of the last line */ prev = line->prev; prev->buffer[size] = 0; prev->len = size; prev->changed = 1; } else { newline = alloc_inputline(size); newline->next = sym->curr_line; newline->prev = sym->curr_line->prev; line->prev = newline; sym->num_lines++; if (newline->prev) newline->prev->next = newline; newline->len = newline->buff_pntr = 0; newline->line_number = line->line_number; if (sym->curr_line == sym->lines) sym->lines = newline; for (trace = newline->next; trace != 0; trace = trace->next) trace->line_number++; } } else if (bp == size && line->len > size) { /* line->next; */ newline = alloc_inputline(size); if (line->next) line->next->prev = newline; newline->prev = sym->curr_line; line->next = newline; newline->len = 0; newline->buff_pntr = 0; sym->num_lines++; sym->curr_line = newline; newline->line_number = newline->prev->line_number + 1; for (trace = newline->next; trace != 0; trace = trace->next) trace->line_number++; } else { if (line->len > size) tough_enter(sym); else { newline = alloc_inputline(size); strncpy(newline->buffer, &sym->curr_line->buffer[bp], l - bp); sym->curr_line->len = bp; sym->curr_line->buffer[bp] = '\0'; newline->next = sym->curr_line->next; if (sym->curr_line->next) sym->curr_line->next->prev = newline; newline->prev = sym->curr_line; sym->curr_line->next = newline; newline->len = l - bp; newline->buff_pntr = 0; sym->num_lines++; sym->curr_line = newline; newline->line_number = newline->prev->line_number + 1; for (trace = newline->next; trace != 0; trace = trace->next) trace->line_number++; } } redraw_win(); } void dialog(XEvent *event, KeySym keysym, char *buffer) { InputItem *item; item = gWindow->page->current_item; if (item == 0) { if (!((keysym >= XK_Shift_L) && (keysym <= XK_Hyper_R))) /** if something other than a modifier key was hit **/ BeepAtTheUser(); return; } /* * First check if the user had hit an enter key */ if ((keysym == XK_Return) || (keysym == XK_KP_Enter)) enter_new_line(item); /* * Else did the user actual type a character I can understand */ else if (((keysym >= XK_KP_Space) && (keysym <= XK_KP_9)) || ((keysym >= XK_space) && (keysym <= XK_asciitilde))) { /* only handle normal keys */ if (event->xkey.state & ShiftModMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else add_buffer_to_sym(buffer, item); } else if ((keysym >= XK_Shift_L) && (keysym <= XK_Hyper_R)) ; /* * do nothing, a modifier was hit */ else if ((keysym >= XK_F2) && (keysym <= XK_F35)) { /* * A function key was hit */ if (strlen(buffer) == 0) BeepAtTheUser(); else /* If I got characters then add it to the buffer */ add_buffer_to_sym(buffer, item); } else switch (keysym) { case XK_Escape: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else { move_cursor_home(item); delete_rest_of_line(item); } break; case XK_F1: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else { gWindow->page->helppage = alloc_string(InputAreaHelpPage); helpForHyperDoc(); } break; case XK_Up: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else move_cursor_up(item); break; case XK_Down: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else move_cursor_down(item); break; case XK_Delete: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else delete_char(item); break; case XK_BackSpace: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else back_over_char(item); break; case XK_Left: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else move_cursor_backward(item); break; case XK_Right: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else move_cursor_forward(item); break; case XK_Insert: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else { gInInsertMode = ((gInInsertMode) ? (0) : (1)); item->curr_line->changed = 1; update_inputsymbol(item); } break; case XK_Home: if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else move_cursor_home(item); break; case XK_End: if (event->xkey.state & ControlMask) /* delete from here to the end of the line */ delete_rest_of_line(item); else if (event->xkey.state & ModifiersMask) BeepAtTheUser(); else move_cursor_end(item); break; default: BeepAtTheUser(); break; } }