/* Copyright (C) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _VIEWPORT3D_C #include "openaxiom-c-macros.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "spadBitmap.bitmap" #include "spadMask.mask" #include "header.h" /*** definition for the axes and labels - this is the minimun that will be drawn on the window - thus allowing the user some idea of the orientation of the coordinate axes when rotating, etc. The drawing of the mesh is aborted when an appropriate X event occurs. The mesh should be scaled to the range of [-100..100] in all directions. axisRange defines the range...change the stuff below if that has changed. ***/ #include "static.h" #include "draw.h" #include "volume.h" #include "mode.h" #include "util.H1" #include "Gfun.H1" #include "XSpadFill.H1" #include "all_3d.H1" #define axesOffset 5 Atom wm_delete_window; /*************************** *** void writeTitle() *** ***************************/ void writeTitle (void) { int strlength; XWindowAttributes twInfo; XGetWindowAttributes(dsply, viewport->titleWindow, &twInfo); if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(anotherGC, (float)foregroundColor, Xoption); else GSetForeground(anotherGC, (float)titleColor, Xoption); XClearWindow(dsply, viewport->titleWindow); strlength = strlen(viewport->title); GDrawImageString(anotherGC, viewport->titleWindow, centerX(anotherGC, viewport->title, strlength, twInfo.width), 15, viewport->title, strlength, Xoption); } /**************************** * void drawPreViewport() * * * * draws the axes and boxes * * before the actual stuff. * * all incoming signals * * should be block and no * * check for pending X * * events are made. * * * ****************************/ void drawPreViewport (int dFlag) { int i, j, vPx0, vPy0, vPx1, vPy1; /* for drawing the box */ float vPz, absTransX, absTransY; XPoint blackbox[3], line[2]; RGB axes_rgb, clipbox_rgb, boundbox_rgb; axes_rgb.r = 0.8; axes_rgb.g = 0.6; axes_rgb.b = 0.2; clipbox_rgb.r = 0.4; clipbox_rgb.g = 0.5; clipbox_rgb.b = 0.9; boundbox_rgb.r = 0.4; boundbox_rgb.g = 0.7; boundbox_rgb.b = 0.9; XGetWindowAttributes(dsply, viewport->viewWindow, &vwInfo); graphWindowAttrib = vwInfo; /* Calculate various factors for use in projection */ /* Scale so that plot the scaling between the axes remains constant and fits within the smaller of the two dimensions. */ xCenter = vwInfo.width / 2; yCenter = vwInfo.height / 2; if (vwInfo.height <= vwInfo.width) { viewScale = viewport->scale * vwInfo.height / viewHeight; } else { viewScale = viewport->scale * vwInfo.width / viewWidth; } /* Draw the projected image */ /** draw the axes without heeding to X interrupts, first **/ if (dFlag == Xoption) /* do this for X option only */ XClearWindow(dsply, viewport->viewWindow); sinTheta = sin(-viewport->axestheta); cosTheta = cos(-viewport->axestheta); sinPhi = sin(viewport->axesphi); cosPhi = cos(viewport->axesphi); /* Create transformation matrices */ ROTATE(R); /* angles theta and phi are global */ SCALE(viewport->scaleX,viewport->scaleY,viewport->scaleZ,S); TRANSLATE(-viewport->deltaX,-viewport->deltaY,0.0,T); /**** Pre Draw Routine ****/ if ((dFlag == PSoption) && (foregroundColor == white)) { GSetForeground(globGC,(float)backgroundColor,dFlag); blackbox[0].x = vwInfo.width; blackbox[0].y = vwInfo.height; blackbox[1].x = 0; blackbox[1].y = 0; blackbox[2].x = 0; blackbox[2].y = vwInfo.height; if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { PSFillPolygon(globGC, blackbox, 3); } else { PSColorPolygon(0.0,0.0,0.0,blackbox,4); } blackbox[0].x = vwInfo.width; blackbox[0].y = 0; blackbox[1].x = 0; blackbox[1].y = 0; blackbox[2].x = vwInfo.width; blackbox[2].y = vwInfo.height; if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { PSFillPolygon(globGC, blackbox, 3); } else { PSColorPolygon(0.0,0.0,0.0,blackbox,4); } } /* axes */ for (i=0; i < 3; i++) { projectStuff(axes[i][0],axes[i][1],axes[i][2],&vPx0,&vPy0,&vPz); axesXY[i][0] = vPx0; axesXY[i][1] = vPy0; axesZ[i][0] = vPz; projectStuff(axes[i][3],axes[i][4],axes[i][5],&vPx1,&vPy1,&vPz); axesXY[i][2] = vPx1; axesXY[i][3] = vPy1; axesZ[i][1] = vPz; if (viewport->axesOn) { if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { GSetForeground(globalGC1,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); GSetForeground(globGC,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); GDrawLine(globalGC1,viewport->viewWindow,vPx0,vPy0,vPx1,vPy1,dFlag); } else { if (dFlag == PSoption) { GSetForeground(globGC,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); line[0].x = vPx0; line[0].y = vPy0; line[1].x = vPx1; line[1].y = vPy1; PSDrawColor(axes_rgb.r,axes_rgb.g,axes_rgb.b,line,2); } else { GSetForeground(globalGC1,(float)monoColor(axesColor),dFlag); GSetForeground(globGC,(float)monoColor(labelColor),dFlag); GDrawLine(globalGC1,viewport->viewWindow,vPx0,vPy0,vPx1,vPy1,dFlag); } } if (i == 0) { if (axesXY[0][2] < axesXY[0][0]) vPx1 -= axesOffset; else vPx1 += axesOffset; if (axesXY[0][3] < axesXY[0][1]) vPy1 -= axesOffset; else vPy1 += axesOffset; if (!viewport->yzOn) GDrawString(globGC,viewport->viewWindow,vPx1,vPy1,"X",1,dFlag); } else { if (i == 1) { if (axesXY[1][2] < axesXY[1][0]) vPx1 -= axesOffset; else vPx1 += axesOffset; if (axesXY[1][3] < axesXY[1][1]) vPy1 -= axesOffset; else vPy1 += axesOffset; if (!viewport->xzOn) GDrawString(globGC,viewport->viewWindow,vPx1,vPy1,"Y",1,dFlag); } else { if (axesXY[2][2] < axesXY[2][0]) vPx1 -= axesOffset; else vPx1 += axesOffset; if (axesXY[2][3] < axesXY[2][1]) vPy1 -= axesOffset; else vPy1 += axesOffset; if (!viewport->xyOn) GDrawString(globGC,viewport->viewWindow,vPx1,vPy1,"Z",1,dFlag); } } GSetForeground(globalGC1,(float)monoColor(buttonColor),dFlag); GSetForeground(globGC,(float)monoColor(buttonColor),dFlag); } /* if viewport->axesOn */ } viewport->transX = (viewData.xmax + viewData.xmin)/2.0; viewport->transY = (viewData.ymax + viewData.ymin)/2.0; viewport->transZ = (viewData.zmax + viewData.zmin)/2.0; absTransX = absolute(viewport->transX); absTransY = absolute(viewport->transY); if ((absTransX > 0.5) || (absTransY > 0.5)) { if (absTransX > absTransY) reScale = 50.0 * absTransX / viewData.scaleToView; else reScale = 50.0 * absTransY / viewData.scaleToView; if (reScale < 100.0) reScale = 100.0; } else { reScale = 100.0; } sinTheta = sin(-viewport->thetaObj); cosTheta = cos(-viewport->thetaObj); sinPhi = sin(viewport->phiObj); cosPhi = cos(viewport->phiObj); ROTATE1(R1); if (viewport->originFlag) viewport->originFlag = no; sinTheta = sin(-viewport->axestheta); cosTheta = cos(-viewport->axestheta); sinPhi = sin(viewport->axesphi); cosPhi = cos(viewport->axesphi); ROTATE(R); /* region box */ if (viewData.clipbox) { clipCorners[0].x = viewData.clipXmin; clipCorners[0].y = viewData.clipYmin; clipCorners[0].z = viewData.clipZmin; clipCorners[1].x = viewData.clipXmax; clipCorners[1].y = viewData.clipYmin; clipCorners[1].z = viewData.clipZmin; clipCorners[2].x = viewData.clipXmax; clipCorners[2].y = viewData.clipYmin; clipCorners[2].z = viewData.clipZmax; clipCorners[3].x = viewData.clipXmin; clipCorners[3].y = viewData.clipYmin; clipCorners[3].z = viewData.clipZmax; clipCorners[4].x = viewData.clipXmin; clipCorners[4].y = viewData.clipYmax; clipCorners[4].z = viewData.clipZmin; clipCorners[5].x = viewData.clipXmax; clipCorners[5].y = viewData.clipYmax; clipCorners[5].z = viewData.clipZmin; clipCorners[6].x = viewData.clipXmax; clipCorners[6].y = viewData.clipYmax; clipCorners[6].z = viewData.clipZmax; clipCorners[7].x = viewData.clipXmin; clipCorners[7].y = viewData.clipYmax; clipCorners[7].z = viewData.clipZmax; GSetLineAttributes(trashGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinMiter,dFlag); /* project the 8 corners of the box */ for (i=0;i<8;i++) projectAPoint(&(clipCorners[i])); for (i=0;i<6;i++) { clipBox[i].inside = ((clipBox[i].pointsPtr[2]->px - clipBox[i].pointsPtr[1]->px) * (clipBox[i].pointsPtr[1]->py - clipBox[i].pointsPtr[0]->py) - (clipBox[i].pointsPtr[2]->py - clipBox[i].pointsPtr[1]->py) * (clipBox[i].pointsPtr[1]->px - clipBox[i].pointsPtr[0]->px)) < 0; if (clipBox[i].inside) { for (j=0; j<3; j++) { quadMesh[j].x = clipBox[i].pointsPtr[j]->px; quadMesh[j].y = clipBox[i].pointsPtr[j]->py; } if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } else { if (dFlag == PSoption) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)clipBoxInline, dFlag); line[0].x = quadMesh[0].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[0].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[1].y; PSDrawColor(clipbox_rgb.r,clipbox_rgb.g,clipbox_rgb.b,line,2); line[0].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[1].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[2].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[2].y; PSDrawColor(clipbox_rgb.r,clipbox_rgb.g,clipbox_rgb.b,line,2); } else { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)clipBoxInline, dFlag); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } } } } } /* if viewData.clipbox */ /* VOLUME panel stuff */ if ((doingPanel == VOLUMEpanel) || viewData.box) { GSetLineAttributes(trashGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinMiter,dFlag); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { /* project the 8 corners of the box */ projectAPoint(&(corners[i])); if (i) { if (corners[i].pz > pzMax) pzMax = corners[i].pz; else if (corners[i].pz < pzMin) pzMin = corners[i].pz; } else pzMax = pzMin = corners[i].pz; } for (i=0;i<6;i++) { /* Process the 6 sides of the boxes. Here, we calculate, for each side (defined by two segments) whether it is facing towards or away from the viewer. if facing, away, we draw them first. later we draw the ones facing the viewer. (this is a sort of backface removal scheme. */ /* We define the normal vector for the box as vA X vB where vA=p2-p0 and vB=p1-p0. All we really care about, though, is what sign the normal is (whether it is towards or away from the viewer - so we just take the triple product of it against the eye vector, which is, conveniently enough, simply [0 0 1]. Hence, only the Z component of the cross product is calculated. (Actually, we are using the projected normal - that's how we are able to use the trick of just taking the Z component. */ box[i].inside = ((box[i].pointsPtr[2]->px - box[i].pointsPtr[0]->px) * /* Ax * */ (box[i].pointsPtr[1]->py - box[i].pointsPtr[0]->py) - /* By - */ (box[i].pointsPtr[2]->py - box[i].pointsPtr[0]->py) * /* Ay * */ (box[i].pointsPtr[1]->px - box[i].pointsPtr[0]->px)) /* Bx */ < 0; if (box[i].inside) { for (j=0; j<3; j++) { quadMesh[j].x = box[i].pointsPtr[j]->px; quadMesh[j].y = box[i].pointsPtr[j]->py; } if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } else { if (dFlag == PSoption) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)boxInline, dFlag ); line[0].x = quadMesh[0].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[0].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[1].y; PSDrawColor(boundbox_rgb.r,boundbox_rgb.g,boundbox_rgb.b,line,2); line[0].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[1].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[2].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[2].y; PSDrawColor(boundbox_rgb.r,boundbox_rgb.g,boundbox_rgb.b,line,2); } else { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)boxInline, dFlag ); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } } } } } /* if viewData.box */ /* Write out view data */ if (dFlag == Xoption) { /* do this only for X option */ writeControlMessage(); XFlush(dsply); } } /********************************/ /*** void drawTheViewport() ***/ /********************************/ void drawTheViewport (int dFlag) { int i,j; XPoint line[2]; RGB clipbox_rgb, boundbox_rgb; clipbox_rgb.r = 0.4; clipbox_rgb.g = 0.5; clipbox_rgb.b = 0.9; boundbox_rgb.r = 0.4; boundbox_rgb.g = 0.7; boundbox_rgb.b = 0.9; /**** Draw Routine ****/ if (viewport->allowDraw && (doingPanel != VOLUMEpanel)) { /* Do not draw the mesh stuff if we're in the process of changing the viewing volume; we just want to see the volume */ /* drawMore allows the drawing to continue if no relevant XEvent occurs */ drawMore = yes; drawMore = keepDrawingViewport(); draw3DComponents(dFlag); } /*if viewport->allowDraw */ /**** Post Draw Routine ****/ if (viewData.clipbox) { /* draw the front 3 lines of region box */ GSetLineAttributes(trashGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinMiter,dFlag); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (!(clipBox[i].inside)) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { quadMesh[j].x = clipBox[i].pointsPtr[j]->px; quadMesh[j].y = clipBox[i].pointsPtr[j]->py; } if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } else { if (dFlag == PSoption) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)boxInline, dFlag ); line[0].x = quadMesh[0].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[0].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[1].y; PSDrawColor(clipbox_rgb.r,clipbox_rgb.g,clipbox_rgb.b,line,2); line[0].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[1].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[2].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[2].y; PSDrawColor(clipbox_rgb.r,clipbox_rgb.g,clipbox_rgb.b,line,2); } else { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)boxInline, dFlag ); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } } } } } if ((doingPanel==VOLUMEpanel) || viewData.box) { GSetLineAttributes(trashGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinMiter,dFlag); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (!(box[i].inside)) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { quadMesh[j].x = box[i].pointsPtr[j]->px; quadMesh[j].y = box[i].pointsPtr[j]->py; } if (viewport->monoOn || mono) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)foregroundColor,dFlag); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } else { if (dFlag == PSoption) { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)boxInline, dFlag ); line[0].x = quadMesh[0].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[0].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[1].y; PSDrawColor(boundbox_rgb.r,boundbox_rgb.g,boundbox_rgb.b,line,2); line[0].x = quadMesh[1].x; line[0].y = quadMesh[1].y; line[1].x = quadMesh[2].x; line[1].y = quadMesh[2].y; PSDrawColor(boundbox_rgb.r,boundbox_rgb.g,boundbox_rgb.b,line,2); } else { GSetForeground(trashGC,(float)boxInline, dFlag ); GDrawLines(trashGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh, 3, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } } } } } if (dFlag == Xoption) /* do this for X option only */ XFlush(dsply); if (smoothError) { strcpy(control->message,"Cannot alloc more smooth shades."); writeControlMessage(); smoothError = no; } } /* drawTheViewport */ /************************************ *** viewPoints *makeViewport() *** ************************************/ viewPoints * makeViewport (void) { Pixmap spadbits,spadmask; XSetWindowAttributes viewAttrib; XSizeHints titleSizeHints; Window viewTitleWindow, viewGraphWindow; XColor foreColor, backColor; /**** create a viewport ****/ if (!(viewport = (viewPoints *)saymem("viewport3D.c", 1,sizeof(viewPoints)))) { fprintf(stderr,"Ran out of memory trying to create a viewport.\n"); exitWithAck(RootWindow(dsply,scrn),Window,-1); } /* Definition of the 4x4 identity matrix. */ I[0][0] = 1.0; I[0][1] = 0.0; I[0][2] = 0.0; I[0][3] = 0.0; I[1][0] = 0.0; I[1][1] = 1.0; I[1][2] = 0.0; I[1][3] = 0.0; I[2][0] = 0.0; I[2][1] = 0.0; I[2][2] = 1.0; I[2][3] = 0.0; I[3][0] = 0.0; I[3][1] = 0.0; I[3][2] = 0.0; I[3][3] = 1.0; viewport->viewportKey = viewportKeyNum++; viewport->nextViewport = 0; viewport->prevViewport = 0; viewport->deltaX = viewport->deltaX0 = viewData.deltaX; viewport->deltaY = viewport->deltaY0 = viewData.deltaY; viewport->deltaZ = viewport->deltaZ0 = viewData.deltaZ; viewport->scale = viewport->scale0 = viewData.scale; viewport->scaleX = viewData.scaleX; viewport->scaleY = viewData.scaleY; viewport->scaleZ = viewData.scaleZ; viewport->transX = (viewData.xmax + viewData.xmin)/2.0; viewport->transY = (viewData.ymax + viewData.ymin)/2.0; viewport->transZ = (viewData.zmax + viewData.zmin)/2.0; viewport->theta = viewport->axestheta = viewport->theta0 = viewData.theta; viewport->phi = viewport->axesphi = viewport->phi0 = viewData.phi; viewport->thetaObj = 0.0; viewport->phiObj = 0.0; strcpy(viewport->title,viewData.title); viewport->axesOn = yes; viewport->regionOn = no; viewport->monoOn = no; viewport->zoomXOn = yes; viewport->zoomYOn = yes; viewport->zoomZOn = yes; viewport->originrOn = yes; viewport->objectrOn = no; viewport->originFlag = no; viewport->xyOn = no; viewport->xzOn = no; viewport->yzOn = no; viewport->closing = no; viewport->allowDraw = yes; /*if no, just draw axes the first time */ viewport->needNorm = yes; viewport->lightVector[0] = -0.5; viewport->lightVector[1] = 0.5; viewport->lightVector[2] = 0.5; viewport->translucency = viewData.translucency; viewport->hueOffset = viewData.hueOff; viewport->numberOfHues = viewData.numOfHues; viewport->hueTop = viewData.hueOff + viewData.numOfHues; if (viewport->hueTop > totalHues-1) viewport->hueTop = totalHues-1; viewport->diagonals = viewData.diagonals; /* make theta in [0..2pi) and phi in (-pi..pi] */ while (viewport->theta >= two_pi) { viewport->theta -= two_pi; } while (viewport->theta < 0.0) { viewport->theta += two_pi; } while (viewport->phi > pi) { viewport->phi -= two_pi; } while (viewport->phi <= -pi) { viewport->phi += two_pi; } while (viewport->axestheta >= two_pi) { viewport->axestheta -= two_pi; } while (viewport->axestheta < 0.0) { viewport->axestheta += two_pi; } while (viewport->axesphi > pi) { viewport->axesphi -= two_pi; } while (viewport->axesphi <= -pi) { viewport->axesphi += two_pi; } /* Initialize the rotation matrix about the origin. */ sinTheta = sin(-viewport->theta); cosTheta = cos(-viewport->theta); sinPhi = sin(viewport->phi); cosPhi = cos(viewport->phi); ROTATE(R); /* angles theta and phi are global */ /* Initialize the rotation matrix about the object's center of volume. */ sinTheta = sin(-viewport->thetaObj); cosTheta = cos(-viewport->thetaObj); sinPhi = sin(viewport->phiObj); cosPhi = cos(viewport->phiObj); ROTATE1(R1); /* angles theta and phi are global */ /* Initialize the non-uniform scaling matrix. */ SCALE(viewport->scaleX,viewport->scaleY,viewport->scaleZ,S); /* Initialize the translation matrix. */ TRANSLATE(-viewport->deltaX,-viewport->deltaY,0.0,T); /**** make the windows for the viewport ****/ spadbits = XCreateBitmapFromData(dsply,rtWindow, spadBitmap_bits, spadBitmap_width,spadBitmap_height); spadmask = XCreateBitmapFromData(dsply,rtWindow, spadMask_bits, spadMask_width,spadMask_height); viewAttrib.background_pixel = backgroundColor; viewAttrib.border_pixel = foregroundColor; viewAttrib.override_redirect = overrideManager; viewAttrib.colormap = colorMap; foreColor.pixel = foregroundColor; backColor.pixel = backgroundColor; /* foreColor.pixel = viewCursorForeground; backColor.pixel = viewCursorBackground; */ XQueryColor(dsply,colorMap,&foreColor); XQueryColor(dsply,colorMap,&backColor); viewAttrib.cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(dsply,spadbits,spadmask, &foreColor,&backColor,spadBitmap_x_hot,spadBitmap_y_hot); viewAttrib.event_mask = titleMASK; if (viewData.vW) { titleSizeHints.flags = PPosition | PSize; titleSizeHints.x = viewData.vX; titleSizeHints.y = viewData.vY; titleSizeHints.width = viewData.vW; titleSizeHints.height = viewData.vH; } else { /* ain't gonna allow this for now... */ titleSizeHints.flags = PSize; titleSizeHints.width = viewWidth; titleSizeHints.height = viewHeight; } viewTitleWindow = XCreateWindow(dsply /* display */, rtWindow, /* parent */ viewData.vX, /* x */ viewData.vY, /* y */ viewData.vW, /* width */ viewData.vH, /* height */ /* viewBorderWidth+3*/ 0, /* border width */ CopyFromParent, /* depth */ InputOutput, /* class */ CopyFromParent, /* visual */ viewportTitleCreateMASK,/* valuemask */ &viewAttrib /* attributes */); wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(dsply, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False); (void) XSetWMProtocols(dsply, viewTitleWindow, &wm_delete_window, 1); XSetNormalHints(dsply,viewTitleWindow,&titleSizeHints); if (strlen(viewport->title) < 30) XSetStandardProperties(dsply,viewTitleWindow,"OpenAxiom 3D",viewport->title, None,NULL,0,&titleSizeHints); else XSetStandardProperties(dsply,viewTitleWindow,"OpenAxiom 3D","3D OpenAxiom Graph", None,NULL,0,&titleSizeHints); viewport->titleWindow = viewTitleWindow; viewAttrib.event_mask = viewportMASK; viewSizeHints.flags = PPosition | PSize; viewSizeHints.x = -(viewBorderWidth+3); viewSizeHints.x = 0; /* lose this */ viewSizeHints.y = titleHeight; viewSizeHints.width = titleSizeHints.width; viewSizeHints.height = titleSizeHints.height-(titleHeight+appendixHeight); viewGraphWindow = XCreateWindow(dsply, /* display */ viewTitleWindow, /* parent */ viewSizeHints.x, /* x */ viewSizeHints.y, /* y */ viewSizeHints.width, /* width */ viewSizeHints.height, /* height */ /* viewBorderWidth+3*/0, /* border width */ CopyFromParent, /* depth */ InputOutput, /* class */ CopyFromParent, /* visual */ viewportCreateMASK, /* valuemask */ &viewAttrib /* attributes */); XSetNormalHints(dsply,viewGraphWindow,&viewSizeHints); XSetStandardProperties(dsply,viewGraphWindow,"","",None,NULL,0, &viewSizeHints); viewport->viewWindow = viewGraphWindow; graphWindowAttrib.width = viewSizeHints.width; graphWindowAttrib.height = viewSizeHints.height; if (viewport->hueOffset != viewport->hueTop) { multiColorFlag = yes; redoColor = no; } else { if (viewport->hueTop < 11) smoothHue = viewport->hueTop*6; else { if (viewport->hueTop > 10 && viewport->hueTop < 16) smoothHue = viewport->hueTop*20 - 140; else smoothHue = viewport->hueTop*12 - 12; } redoColor = yes; } /**** Make the control panel for the viewport. ****/ XSync(dsply,0); control = viewport->controlPanel = makeControlPanel(); makeLightingPanel(); makeVolumePanel(); makeSavePanel(); makeQuitPanel(); if ((viewport->haveControl = viewData.showCP)) putControlPanelSomewhere(anywhere); firstTime = yes; return(viewport); } /* makeViewport() */ /***************************** * void postMakeViewport() * * * * post processing when * * creating a viewport. * * 1) assign min,max values * * for the box volume * *****************************/ void postMakeViewport (void) { corners[0].x = viewData.xmin; corners[0].y = viewData.ymin; corners[0].z = viewData.zmin; corners[1].x = viewData.xmax; corners[1].y = viewData.ymin; corners[1].z = viewData.zmin; corners[2].x = viewData.xmax; corners[2].y = viewData.ymin; corners[2].z = viewData.zmax; corners[3].x = viewData.xmin; corners[3].y = viewData.ymin; corners[3].z = viewData.zmax; corners[4].x = viewData.xmin; corners[4].y = viewData.ymax; corners[4].z = viewData.zmin; corners[5].x = viewData.xmax; corners[5].y = viewData.ymax; corners[5].z = viewData.zmin; corners[6].x = viewData.xmax; corners[6].y = viewData.ymax; corners[6].z = viewData.zmax; corners[7].x = viewData.xmin; corners[7].y = viewData.ymax; corners[7].z = viewData.zmax; box[2].pointsPtr[0] = &(corners[0]); box[2].pointsPtr[1] = &(corners[1]); box[2].pointsPtr[2] = &(corners[2]); box[2].pointsPtr[3] = &(corners[3]); box[3].pointsPtr[0] = &(corners[1]); box[3].pointsPtr[1] = &(corners[5]); box[3].pointsPtr[2] = &(corners[6]); box[3].pointsPtr[3] = &(corners[2]); box[0].pointsPtr[0] = &(corners[4]); box[0].pointsPtr[1] = &(corners[7]); box[0].pointsPtr[2] = &(corners[6]); box[0].pointsPtr[3] = &(corners[5]); box[1].pointsPtr[0] = &(corners[0]); box[1].pointsPtr[1] = &(corners[3]); box[1].pointsPtr[2] = &(corners[7]); box[1].pointsPtr[3] = &(corners[4]); box[5].pointsPtr[0] = &(corners[3]); box[5].pointsPtr[1] = &(corners[2]); box[5].pointsPtr[2] = &(corners[6]); box[5].pointsPtr[3] = &(corners[7]); box[4].pointsPtr[0] = &(corners[0]); box[4].pointsPtr[1] = &(corners[4]); box[4].pointsPtr[2] = &(corners[5]); box[4].pointsPtr[3] = &(corners[1]); /* clip box */ clipBox[0].pointsPtr[0] = &(clipCorners[0]); clipBox[0].pointsPtr[1] = &(clipCorners[1]); clipBox[0].pointsPtr[2] = &(clipCorners[2]); clipBox[0].pointsPtr[3] = &(clipCorners[3]); clipBox[1].pointsPtr[0] = &(clipCorners[1]); clipBox[1].pointsPtr[1] = &(clipCorners[5]); clipBox[1].pointsPtr[2] = &(clipCorners[6]); clipBox[1].pointsPtr[3] = &(clipCorners[2]); clipBox[2].pointsPtr[0] = &(clipCorners[4]); clipBox[2].pointsPtr[1] = &(clipCorners[7]); clipBox[2].pointsPtr[2] = &(clipCorners[6]); clipBox[2].pointsPtr[3] = &(clipCorners[5]); clipBox[3].pointsPtr[0] = &(clipCorners[0]); clipBox[3].pointsPtr[1] = &(clipCorners[3]); clipBox[3].pointsPtr[2] = &(clipCorners[7]); clipBox[3].pointsPtr[3] = &(clipCorners[4]); clipBox[4].pointsPtr[0] = &(clipCorners[3]); clipBox[4].pointsPtr[1] = &(clipCorners[2]); clipBox[4].pointsPtr[2] = &(clipCorners[6]); clipBox[4].pointsPtr[3] = &(clipCorners[7]); clipBox[5].pointsPtr[0] = &(clipCorners[0]); clipBox[5].pointsPtr[1] = &(clipCorners[4]); clipBox[5].pointsPtr[2] = &(clipCorners[5]); clipBox[5].pointsPtr[3] = &(clipCorners[1]); } /***************************************** *** int keepDrawingViewport() *** *****************************************/ int keepDrawingViewport(void) { XEvent peekEvent; int retVal; if (XPending(dsply)) { XPeekEvent(dsply,&peekEvent); if (((peekEvent.type == Expose) && ((peekEvent.xany).window == viewport->viewWindow)) || ((peekEvent.type == Expose) && ((peekEvent.xany).window == viewport->titleWindow)) || ((peekEvent.type == Expose) && ((peekEvent.xany).window == control->controlWindow))) { retVal = firstTime; } else if ((peekEvent.xbutton.type == ButtonRelease) || ((peekEvent.type == LeaveNotify) && !(followMouse)) || ((peekEvent.type == MotionNotify) && !(followMouse)) || (peekEvent.type == ResizeRequest)) { XNextEvent(dsply,&peekEvent); followMouse = no; retVal = yes; } else if ((peekEvent.xany).window == (control->buttonQueue[hideControl]).self) { viewport->haveControl = no; XUnmapWindow(dsply,control->controlWindow); retVal = yes; } else { retVal = no; } } else { retVal = !followMouse; } if (writeImage) retVal = yes; drawMore = no; return(retVal); }