/* Copyright (C) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2008, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _MAIN3D_C #include "axiom-c-macros.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "header.h" #include "cpanel.h" #include "process.h" #include "bsdsignal.h" #include "util.H1" #include "Gfun.H1" #include "XSpadFill.H1" #include "XShade.H1" #include "all_3d.H1" /**********************/ /** global variables **/ /**********************/ unsigned long * spadColors; Display *dsply; int scrn; XFontStruct *globalFont, *buttonFont, *headerFont, *titleFont, *graphFont, *lightingFont, *volumeFont, *quitFont, *saveFont,*serverFont; char scaleReport[5]; char deltaXReport[5], deltaYReport[5]; int followMouse=no, viewportKeyNum=0; Window rtWindow; GC globalGC1, globalGC2, anotherGC, globGC, trashGC, controlMessageGC, lightingGC, volumeGC, quitGC, saveGC, graphGC, componentGC, opaqueGC, renderGC; XSizeHints viewSizeHints; HashTable *table; Colormap colorMap; int Socket=1, ack=1; GC processGC; viewPoints *viewport; controlPanelStruct *control; XGCValues gcVals; char *s; int someInt; /* check /usr/include/X11 for current implementation of pixels (e.g. BlackPixel()) */ unsigned long foregroundColor, backgroundColor; /** totalShades is initially set to totalShadesConst. If X cannot allocate 8 shades for each hue, total- Shades is decremented. there is currently only a check for this value to be positive. --> something to add: change over to monochrome if totalShades=0. just modify the spadcolors.c file. spadcolors.c has been modified so that it returns the value for totalShades. since the return value had previously been unused, a modification in this way ensures continued support of other routines calling this function (e.g. hypertex stuff). **/ int mono, totalColors, totalSolid, totalDithered, totalHues, totalSolidShades, totalDitheredAndSolids,totalShades; int drawMore; int spadMode=no, /* yes if receiving AXIOM command and calling drawViewport */ spadDraw=no; /* yes if drawing viewport for an AXIOM command */ int spadSignalReceived=0; /* yes if current state is a result of a signal from AXIOM */ int inNextEvent=no; /* true just before a call to XNextEvent */ jmp_buf jumpFlag; char errorStr[80]; view3DStruct viewData; Window quitWindow, saveWindow; /** variables below assume only one viewport per process **/ Window lightingWindow, lightingAxes; float lightPointer[3], tempLightPointer[3]; int axesXY[3][4]; float axesZ[3][2]; float lightIntensity=1.0, tempLightIntensity; float backLightIntensity = 1.0; /** used for writing viewport info out to a file **/ char filename[256]; /** used for draw viewport routines */ float sinTheta, sinPhi, cosTheta, cosPhi, viewScale, viewScaleX, viewScaleY, viewScaleZ, reScale; int xCenter, yCenter; XWindowAttributes vwInfo; XWindowAttributes graphWindowAttrib; XPoint *quadMesh; XImage *imageX; int *xPts; /* pointer to projected points (x followed by y) */ float transform[4][4], transform1[4][4], R[4][4], R1[4][4], S[4][4], T[4][4], I[4][4]; float A[4][4], B[4][4], D[4], E[4][4], F[4], array[4][4]; int scanline, polyCount; polyList *scanList[ARRAY_HEIGHT]; float xleft = (float)0 ,xright = (float)ARRAY_WIDTH; colorBuffer cBuffer[ARRAY_WIDTH]; float zBuffer[ARRAY_WIDTH]; float zC, dzdx, lum, point_norm[3]; float intersectColor[2], dcolor; triple dpt, dnorm; /** eyePoint **/ float eyePoint[3]; /** tube stuff **/ XPoint polygonMesh[20]; /* bypass the hidden surface algorithm if no rotations, etc */ int saveFlag=no; int firstTime=yes, noTrans = yes, startup = yes; int redrawView = no; /* set to yes when returning from subpanels */ int redoColor = no, pixelSetFlag = no, redoDither = no; int redoSmooth = no, multiColorFlag = no; /* In order to set recalc to true (see draw.h) */ int finishedList=no, zoomed=yes, translated = yes, changedIntensity, movingLight = no, writeImage = no, rotated=yes, switchedPerspective, changedEyeDistance, gotToggle = no; poly *quickList; /** if not connected to AXIOM **/ int viewAloned; /** for drawing the box **/ viewTriple corners[8], clipCorners[8]; boxSideStruct box[6], clipBox[6]; /** for freeing up points created frrom split polygons **/ viewTriple *splitPoints; int resMax=0; /* number of points in the split point resevoir */ /** view volume stuff **/ Window volumeWindow; int frustrumVertex; int doingPanel=CONTROLpanel; /* rewrite titles in proper panel */ int doingVolume; int screenX; /* global floating point indicating mouse position on frustrum screen */ float xClipMinN, xClipMaxN, /* normalized values for clip volume */ yClipMinN, yClipMaxN, zClipMinN, zClipMaxN, clipValue; /* mouse input */ float pzMin, pzMax; /* for a given (theta,phi): calculated in drawViewport(), used in drawFrustrum() */ /** B/W shades **/ int maxGreyShade=0; /** events from the viewport manager **/ char propertyName[14]; char propertyBuffer[256]; /* global ps variables */ int psInit=no; /* need to call globaInitPs() each run */ GCptr GChead=NULL; /* ptr to head of ps GC linked list */ char *PSfilename; /* output file name used in user directory */ char *envAXIOM; /* used for ps file paths */ /** Resource database **/ XrmDatabase rDB; /** variables used for smooth shading **/ int smoothError = no; Pixmap viewmap; int viewmap_valid = 0; float Cspec = 0.30; float Cdiff = 0.4; float Camb = 0.3; float coeff = 35.0; float saturation = 0.8; int smoothHue; int smoothConst = 50; int the_handler(Display *display,XErrorEvent *event) { char buffer[512]; XGetErrorText(display,event->error_code,buffer,511); fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",buffer); return(0); } int main(void) { XGCValues controlGCVals; int i, code; char property[256]; char *prop = &property[0]; char *str_type[20]; XrmValue value; /**** Global inits ****/ splitPoints = NIL(viewTriple); /**** Set up display ****/ if ((dsply = XOpenDisplay(getenv("DISPLAY"))) == NULL) {fprintf(stderr,"Could not open display.\n");exit (-1);} scrn = DefaultScreen(dsply); rtWindow = RootWindow(dsply,scrn); XSetErrorHandler(the_handler); /* XSynchronize(dsply,False); */ /**** link Xwindows to viewports - X10 feature ****/ table = XCreateAssocTable(nbuckets); /**** Create AXIOM color map ****/ totalShades = 0; totalColors = XInitSpadFill(dsply,scrn,&colorMap, &totalHues,&totalSolidShades, &totalDitheredAndSolids,&totalShades); if (totalColors < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Could not allocate all the necessary colors.\n"); exitWithAck(RootWindow(dsply,scrn),Window,-1); } mergeDatabases(); /*** Determine whether monochrome or color is used ***/ if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.monochrome","",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop, "off"); } mono = ((totalSolid == 2) || (strcmp(prop,"on") == 0)); if (mono) maxGreyShade=XInitShades(dsply,scrn) ; if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.inverse","",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop, "off"); } if (mono) { if (strcmp(prop,"on") == 0) { /* 0 if equal - inverse video */ foregroundColor = white; backgroundColor = black; } else { /* off - no inverse video */ foregroundColor = black; backgroundColor = white; } } else { /* inverse of inverse in color (for some strange reason) */ if (strcmp(prop,"on") == 0) { /* 0 if equal - inverse video */ foregroundColor = white; backgroundColor = black; } else { /* off - no inverse video */ foregroundColor = black; backgroundColor = white; } } /* read default file name for postScript output */ if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.postscriptFile","",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop, "axiom3D.ps"); } PSfilename = (char *)malloc(strlen(prop)+1); strcpy(PSfilename,prop); XSync(dsply,0); /**** Open global fonts ****/ serverFont = XQueryFont(dsply,XGContextFromGC(DefaultGC(dsply,scrn))); if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.messageFont","Axiom.3D.Font",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop,messageFontDefault); } if ((globalFont = XLoadQueryFont(dsply, prop)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: could not get the %s font for messageFont\n",prop); globalFont = serverFont; } if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.buttonFont","Axiom.3D.Font",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop,buttonFontDefault); } if ((buttonFont = XLoadQueryFont(dsply, prop)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: could not get the %s font for buttonFont\n",prop); buttonFont = serverFont; } if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.headerFont","Axiom.3D.Font",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop,headerFontDefault); } if ((headerFont = XLoadQueryFont(dsply, prop)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: could not get the %s font for headerFont\n",prop); headerFont = serverFont; } if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.titleFont","Axiom.3D.Font",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop,titleFontDefault); } if ((titleFont = XLoadQueryFont(dsply, prop)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: could not get the %s font for titleFont\n",prop); titleFont = serverFont; } if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.lightingFont","Axiom.3D.Font",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop,lightingFontDefault); } if ((lightingFont = XLoadQueryFont(dsply, prop)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: could not get the %s font for lightingFont\n",prop); lightingFont = serverFont; } if (XrmGetResource(rDB,"Axiom.3D.volumeFont","Axiom.3D.Font",str_type,&value) == True){ (void) strncpy(prop,value.addr,(int)value.size); } else { (void) strcpy(prop,volumeFontDefault); } if ((volumeFont = XLoadQueryFont(dsply, prop)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: could not get the %s font for volumeFont\n",prop); volumeFont = serverFont; } /**** Create widely used Graphic Contexts ****/ PSGlobalInit(); /* must initiate before using any G/PS functions */ /* need character name: used as postscript GC variable */ /* need to create ps GCs for all GCs used by drawing in viewWindow */ /* globalGC1 */ controlGCVals.foreground = monoColor(axesColor); controlGCVals.background = backgroundColor; globalGC1 = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(globalGC1,globalFont); PSCreateContext(globalGC1, "globalGC1", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* controlMessageGC */ controlGCVals.foreground = controlMessageColor; controlGCVals.background = backgroundColor; controlMessageGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(controlMessageGC,globalFont); /* globalGC2 */ controlGCVals.foreground = monoColor(labelColor); globalGC2 = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(globalGC2,buttonFont); PSCreateContext(globalGC2, "globalGC2", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* trashGC */ controlGCVals.function = GXcopy; trashGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,0 ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(trashGC,buttonFont); PSCreateContext(trashGC, "trashGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* componentGC */ componentGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,0 ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(componentGC,buttonFont); PSCreateContext(componentGC, "componentGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* opaqueGC */ opaqueGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,0 ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(opaqueGC,buttonFont); PSCreateContext(opaqueGC, "opaqueGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* renderGC */ renderGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,0,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(renderGC,buttonFont); PSCreateContext(renderGC, "renderGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* globGC */ globGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,0,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(globGC,headerFont); PSCreateContext(globGC, "globGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* anotherGC */ controlGCVals.line_width = colorWidth; anotherGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCBackground | GCLineWidth | GCFunction ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(anotherGC,titleFont); PSCreateContext(anotherGC, "anotherGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psMiterJoin, psWhite, psBlack); /* also create one for rendering (grayscale only for now) */ /* assign arbitrary number to renderGC as 9991 - see header.h */ PSCreateContext(GC9991, "renderGC", psNormalWidth, psButtCap, psRoundJoin, psWhite, psBlack ); /* processGC */ gcVals.background = backgroundColor; processGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCBackground | GCFillStyle,&gcVals); carefullySetFont(processGC,buttonFont); /* lightingGC */ controlGCVals.foreground = monoColor(axesColor); controlGCVals.background = backgroundColor; lightingGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(lightingGC,lightingFont); /* volumeGC */ volumeGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(volumeGC,volumeFont); /* quitGC */ quitGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(quitGC,buttonFont); /* saveGC */ saveGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(saveGC,buttonFont); /* graphGC */ graphGC = XCreateGC(dsply,rtWindow,GCForeground | GCBackground ,&controlGCVals); carefullySetFont(graphGC,buttonFont); /**** Get Data from the Viewport Manager ****/ i = 123; /* Used in viewman, what is this for? */ code = check(write(Socket,&i,intSize)); /* Check if I am getting stuff from AXIOM or, if I am viewAlone. */ readViewman(&viewAloned,intSize); readViewman(&viewData,sizeof(view3DStruct)); readViewman(&i,intSize); if (!(viewData.title = (char *)saymem("main.c",i,sizeof(char)))) { fprintf(stderr,"VIEW3D: Fatal Error>> Ran out of memory trying to receive\ the title.\n"); exitWithAck(RootWindow(dsply,scrn),Window,-1); } readViewman(viewData.title,i); readViewman(&(viewData.lightVec[0]),floatSize); readViewman(&(viewData.lightVec[1]),floatSize); readViewman(&(viewData.lightVec[2]),floatSize); viewData.scaleDown = yes; switch (viewData.typeOf3D) { /* Currently, the view3DType information doesn't get sent from AXIOM - all surfaces are alike regardless of how they were created. We may revert back to receiving this information in case we want to take advantage of certain properties of certain surfaces (e.g. z=f(x,y)). */ case view3DType: case viewTubeType: viewport = make3DComponents(); viewData.box = no; viewData.pointSize = 3; break; }; /* switch typeOf3D */ /************************************************* ** Do some temporary assignments that would ** ** later be coded in the makeViewport routines ** ** when the corresponding code has been put ** ** into the viewAlone, viewman and spad files. ** *************************************************/ viewData.distortX = viewData.distortY = viewData.distortZ = 1; viewData.clipPlane = clipPlaneMin; viewData.clipStuff = yes; xClipMinN = yClipMinN = zClipMinN = 0.0; xClipMaxN = yClipMaxN = zClipMaxN = 1.0; control = viewport->controlPanel; bsdSignal(SIGTERM,goodbye,DontRestartSystemCalls); bsdSignal(SIGSEGV,goodbye,DontRestartSystemCalls); /** send acknowledgement to viewport manager**/ i = 345; sprintf(errorStr,"sending window info to viewport manager"); check(write(Socket,&(viewport->viewWindow),sizeof(Window))); viewmap = XCreatePixmap(dsply,viewport->viewWindow, vwInfo.width,vwInfo.height, DisplayPlanes(dsply,scrn)); viewmap_valid = 1; processEvents(); goodbye(-1); return(0); /* control never gets here but compiler complains */ } /* main() */ void mergeDatabases(void) { XrmDatabase homeDB,serverDB,applicationDB; char filenamebuf[1024]; char *filename = &filenamebuf[0]; char *classname = "OpenAxiom"; char name[255]; (void) XrmInitialize(); (void) strcpy(name, "/usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/"); (void) strcat(name, classname); applicationDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(name); (void) XrmMergeDatabases(applicationDB, &rDB); if (XResourceManagerString(dsply) != NULL){ serverDB = XrmGetStringDatabase(XResourceManagerString(dsply)); } else { (void) strcpy(filename,getenv("HOME")); (void) strcat(filename,"/.Xdefaults"); serverDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(filename); } XrmMergeDatabases(serverDB,&rDB); if ( getenv ("XENVIRONMENT") == NULL) { int len; (void) strcpy(filename,getenv("HOME")); (void) strcat(filename,"/.Xdefaults-"); len = strlen(filename); (void) gethostname(filename+len,1024-len); } else { (void) strcpy (filename,getenv ("XENVIRONMENT")); } homeDB = XrmGetFileDatabase(filename); XrmMergeDatabases(homeDB,&rDB); }