    begun 19 September 1992, Jim Wen

#include "header.h"
#include "draw.h"

#define segmentDEBUG_X

#define contourDEBUG_X
#define use_min
#define realloc_bug_fixed_NOT

    Static variables
int noo=0;
poly   		       *contour_poly_list;
poly     	       *active_list_first, *active_list_last, *active_list_current;
segment_list_struct    *tmp_segment_list;

    macro definitions
#define foreach_poly(p)       for ((p)=contour_poly_list; p != NIL(poly); p=p->next)
#define foreach_active(p,f,l) if (f != NIL(poly)) for (p=f; p!=l; p=(p)->next)
#define in_range(x,a,b)	      ( ((x>=a) && (x<b)) || ((x<a) && (x>=b)) )
#define poly_in_plane(p,z)    ( (p->contour_min==z) && (p->contour_max==z) )


    local function declarations
int 		 contour_compare();
void 		 add_segment();
segment_struct  *make_the_segment();
viewTriple 	*mkpoint();
CONTOUR_float    get_t_from_pts();
void 		 make_active_list();
int 		 maintain_active_list();
void             contour_minMaxPolygons();

    The compare function passed to msort. 
int contour_compare(p1,p2)
  poly *p1, *p2;

#ifdef use_min
  if (p1->contour_min < p2->contour_min) return(-1);
  else if (p1->contour_min == p2->contour_min) return(0);
  else return(1);
  if (p1->contour_max > p2->contour_max) return(-1);
  else if (p1->contour_max == p2->contour_max) return(0);
  else return(1);
#endif /* use_min */
}  /* contour_compare() */

int do_contour_map()

  poly *pp;
  poly *ap;
  CONTOUR_float z_now;
  int got_more;
  int *anIndex;
  viewTriple *aPt, *daPt, *one_point;
  int jj, segment_index;
  int got_one_intersection;
  int done;
  segment_list_struct *sl;
#ifdef contour_object_rotate
  float rotMat[4][4];
  float transformed_zmax, transformed_zmin;
#ifdef conDEBUG
  segment_struct *seg;

	  the flag "did_contour" should be set to "no" whenever
	  the user modifies one of the parameters
#ifdef contourDEBUG_x
  fprintf(stderr,"Contour is %s\n",(did_contour)?"yes":"no");
  if (did_contour) return 1;
  did_contour = yes;

#ifdef contour_object_rotate
	  transform all the points for arbitrary plane
	  slicing.  this includes all the viewTriples
	  being referenced as well as the boundaries
	  in viewData (to get contour_min, contour_max).
#ifdef oldie
  rot_theta = 0;
  rot_phi   = pi/2;

  sinTheta  = sin(-rot_theta);
  cosTheta  = cos(-rot_theta);
  sinPhi    = sin(rot_phi);
  cosPhi    = cos(rot_phi);

	  transform all the points.
	  the zmin and zmax values need to be recalculated
	  now that the object has been transformed.  note
	  that transforming the z extreme points will not
	  work correctly (i know, i've tried it).
      int i,j,k;
      LLPoint *anLLPoint;
      LPoint *anLPoint;
      int *anIndex;
      viewTriple *daPoint;
      float v_in[4], v_out[4];
      int first_time = yes;

      anLLPoint = viewData.lllp.llp;
      for (i=0; i<viewData.lllp.numOfComponents; i++,anLLPoint++) {
	anLPoint = anLLPoint->lp;
	for (j=0; j<anLLPoint->numOfLists; j++,anLPoint++) {
	  anIndex = anLPoint->indices;
	  for (k=0; k<anLPoint->numOfPoints; k++,anIndex++) {
	    daPoint = refPt3D(viewData, *anIndex);
	  inefficient code so that the vector package could
	  be used to see if things work;
	  should change viewTriple's <x,y,z> to an array(?)
	    v_in[0] = daPoint->x;  v_in[1] = daPoint->y;  
	    v_in[2] = daPoint->z;  v_in[3] = 1.0;
	    vectorMatrix4(v_in, rotMat, v_out);
	    daPoint->contour_x = v_out[0];  
	    daPoint->contour_y = v_out[1];
	    daPoint->contour_z = v_out[2];
	    if (first_time) {
	      first_time = no;
	      transformed_zmin = transformed_zmax = v_out[2];
	    } else {
	      if (v_out[2] < transformed_zmin)
	        transformed_zmin = v_out[2];
	      else if (v_out[2] > transformed_zmax) 
	        transformed_zmax = v_out[2];
	  } /* for points in LPoints (k) */
	} /* for LPoints in LLPoints (j) */
      } /* for LLPoints in LLLPoints (i) */



	  set up the step size - it should be user adjustable
	  and include all the slices possible.
	  max_cuts is #slices seen
	  z_step is #slices made
	  cuts_used is #slices actually displayed
  z_step = (transformed_zmax - transformed_zmin)/max_cuts;
#ifdef oldie
  cuts_used = max_cuts;

	  calculate the bounds of the polygons - the 
	  contour_minMaxPolygons routine looks at the
	  contour points rather than the object or 
	  projected points
  contour_poly_list = copyPolygons(viewData.polygons);

	  sort the polygons by the zmax value
	  (or whatever transformed value, in general)
  contour_poly_list = msort(contour_poly_list, 0, 
			    viewData.numPolygons, contour_compare);

	  having figured out how many cuts we need (should
	  be a one time overhead so the following stuff
	  should be in the initialization routine), we
	  allocate an array of segment lists and initialize
	  them (this part can stay here).
#ifdef oldie
  segment_list = saymem("contour.c: segment_list", 
			max_cuts, sizeof(segment_list_struct));
	  if the append flag is set, then we want to add 
	  the new segment stuff onto the end of the old
	  stuff (to build up a model of the surface).
	  tmp_segment_list is use to keep track of the
	  head of the new list while the routine goes
	  through its paces.
  if (contour_append_lists_flag) {
    noo = 0;
#ifdef segmentDEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"======= series %d ========\n",noo);
    fprintf(stderr,"     ---> before: sl->num=%d [%x]\n",
	    segment_list->num, segment_list);

#ifdef realloc_bug_fixed
    realloc(segment_list, (cuts_used + max_cuts) * sizeof(segment_list_struct));
    tmp_segment_list = segment_list;
    segment_list += cuts_used;  /* shift to end of list */
    cuts_used += max_cuts;      /* size of new list */

#ifdef segmentDEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"> %d cuts => seg at %x [old=%x]\n",
  	  cuts_used, segment_list, tmp_segment_list);
    fprintf(stderr,"        sl->num=%d, tsl->num=%d\n",
	    segment_list->num, tmp_segment_list->num);

#else /* DONT_WORK */

	  Because realloc doesn't seem to work properly,
	  we need to do this by hand
	  allocate new space
  tmp_segment_list = saymem("contour.c: segment_list, append",
			    cuts_used + max_cuts,

	  copy over old data (1..cuts_used)
    segment_list_struct *tsl;

    for (segment_index=0, sl=segment_list, tsl=tmp_segment_list; 
	 segment_index++, sl++, tsl++) {
      tsl->num = sl->num;
      tsl->max_num = sl->max_num;
      tsl->num_segs = sl->num_segs;
      tsl->segments = sl->segments;

	  free the old stuff
/*  free(segment_list); */

	  now set segment_list to point to the point
	  where tmp_segment_list stops - there ought
	  to me max_cuts storage spaces left.
  segment_list = tmp_segment_list + cuts_used;

	  update cuts_used to have everything for a possible
	  next iteration
  cuts_used += max_cuts;

#endif /* realloc_BUG */

  } else {
    if (contour_allocated) {
/*      free(segment_list); */
    } else {
      contour_allocated = yes;
    noo = 0;
    segment_list = saymem("contour.c: segment_list", 
			  max_cuts, sizeof(segment_list_struct));
    cuts_used = max_cuts;
#ifdef segmentDEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"======= series %d ========\n",noo);
    fprintf(stderr,"%d cuts => seg at %x\n",cuts_used, segment_list);

  for (segment_index=0, sl=segment_list; 
       segment_index++, sl++) {
    sl->num = ++noo;
    sl->max_num = max_cuts;
#ifdef segmentDEBUG
    fprintf(stderr,"Made segment list %d  [%x]\n",noo,sl);
/*    fprintf(stderr,"       ...(tsl->num=%d [%x]\n",
	    tmp_segment_list->num, tmp_segment_list); */
    sl->num_segs = 0;
    sl->segments = NIL(segment_struct);
	  create an "active_list" of polygons such that 
	  this slice step intersects all and only those
	  polygons in the active list.
#ifdef use_min
		   transformed_zmin, transformed_zmin+z_step,
		   transformed_zmax, transformed_zmax-z_step,
		   &active_list_first, &active_list_last, &active_list_current);

	  iterate from zmax down to zmin with z_step increments
  segment_index = 0;
#ifdef use_min
  for (z_now=transformed_zmin; z_now<transformed_zmax; /* see below for incr*/) {
  for (z_now=transformed_zmax; z_now>transformed_zmin; /* see below for incr*/) {
	  for each of the polygons on the active list, 
	  intersect each of line equation for the sides	
	  with the plane equation for the plane at z_now.
	  one of the following may occur:
	     no intersections: haha - can't happen coz active
	    one intersection : at the point, create point line
	    two intersections: create line connecting points
	    lies in the plane: create three segments
	  note that this is a fairly inefficient approach but
	  i'm just throwing this stuff together in an afternoon
	  to see how it looks
    foreach_active(ap, active_list_first, active_list_last) {

	  do line-plane equation for each side of the 
	  for now - just 3+ sided polygons (no degenerates)

      if (ap->numpts >= 3) {
	if (poly_in_plane(ap, z_now)) {
	  re-create all the segments of the polygon
	  daPt = refPt3D(viewData, *(ap->indexPtr + (ap->numpts - 1)));
	  for (jj=0, anIndex=ap->indexPtr; jj<ap->numpts; jj++, anIndex++) {
	    aPt = refPt3D(viewData, *anIndex);
	    add_segment(segment_list, segment_index, 
			make_the_segment(aPt, daPt));
	    daPt = aPt;
	} else {
	  find the line that defines the intersection of 
	  the polygon with the z-plane
	  got_one_intersection = no;
	  done = no;
	  daPt = refPt3D(viewData, *(ap->indexPtr + (ap->numpts - 1)));
	  for (jj=0, anIndex=ap->indexPtr; 
	       !done && jj<ap->numpts; 
	       jj++, anIndex++) {
	    aPt = refPt3D(viewData, *anIndex);
	    if (in_range(z_now, aPt->contour_z, daPt->contour_z)) {
	      if (got_one_intersection) {
		add_segment(segment_list, segment_index,
					     mkpoint(aPt, daPt, z_now)));
		done = yes;
	      } else {
		one_point = mkpoint(aPt, daPt, z_now);
		got_one_intersection = yes;
	    daPt = aPt;
	  }  /* for */
	}  /* else not lie in plane */

    }  /* foreach_active(ap) */

	  maintain/update the active list, pruning off things
	  the fall off the top (beyond z_now - z_step) and
===>	  adding on things to the bottom that now fall into   
	  the range [z_now ---> z_now-z_step].
#ifdef use_min
    z_now += z_step;
    got_more = maintain_active_list(&active_list_first, 
				    z_now + z_step, 
    z_now -= z_step;
    got_more = maintain_active_list(&active_list_first, 
				    z_now - z_step);
  }  /* for z_now from zmax to zmin */

	  if the segment lists have been appended, reset
	  the global segment lists pointer to the top of
	  the lists
  if (contour_append_lists_flag) {
    segment_list = tmp_segment_list;
#ifdef segmentDEBUG
#ifdef oldie
    fprintf(stderr,"    setting seg to old=%x\n", segment_list);
    fprintf(stderr,"        num is %d\n",segment_list->num);

    for (segment_index=0, sl=segment_list; 
	 segment_index++, sl++) {
      fprintf(stderr,"   sl->num = %d\n",sl->num);


}  /* do_contour_map() */

    make_active_list(da_list, z_min, z_max, af, al, ac)
void make_active_list(da_list, z_min, z_max, af, al, ac)
  poly *da_list;
  CONTOUR_float z_min, z_max;
  poly **af, **al, **ac;

  poly *tmp_p;

	  the first active polygon is the first one in the
	  given, sorted list.  note that if it doesn't fall
===>	  inside the z_max --> z_min range, af is set to NIL.
#ifdef use_min
  if (da_list->contour_min > z_max) {
  if (da_list->contour_max < z_min) {
    *af = NIL(poly);
  } else {
    *af = da_list;

	  the current active polygon is set to "af" at this
	  point but it could be the case that it is set to	
	  "al" if, for example, the current span of z-values
	  has no polygons - af is set to NIL, and the next
	  time we look we start at ac=af.
  *ac = *af;

	  the last active polygon is the polygon right before
===>	  the first one whose zmax is too small to make the
  *al = da_list;	
  tmp_p = da_list->next;
  for (; tmp_p != NIL(poly); tmp_p = tmp_p->next) {
#ifdef use_min
    if (tmp_p->contour_min > z_max) return;
    if (tmp_p->contour_max < z_min) return;
    *al = tmp_p;
}  /* make_active_list() */

    maintain_active_list(af, al, ac, z_max, z_min)
int maintain_active_list(af, al, ac, z_max, z_min)
  poly **al, **af, **ac;
  CONTOUR_float z_max, z_min;

  poly *tmp_p;

	  first, get the lower boundary to be within range,
	  pruning elements from the head of the list
  *af = *ac;
#ifdef use_min
  while ((*af) && (*af)->contour_max < z_min) {
  while ((*af) && (*af)->contour_min > z_max) {
    *af = (*af)->next;

	  check to see if the upper boundary is still in
#ifdef use_min
  if ((*af) == NIL(poly) || ((*af)->contour_min > z_max)) {
  if ((*af) == NIL(poly) || ((*af)->contour_max < z_min)) {
    /*   --- nope, it wasn't ---   */
    *ac = *af;
    *af = NIL(poly);

	  upper boundary is okay...see if we need to add to
	  the list on the lower bound side
  tmp_p = (*al)->next;
  for (; tmp_p != NIL(poly); tmp_p = tmp_p->next) {
#ifdef use_min
    if (tmp_p->contour_min > z_max) return;
    if (tmp_p->contour_max < z_min) return;
    *al = tmp_p;


}  /* maintain_active_list() */

    add_segment(seg_list, index, seg)
void add_segment(seg_list, index, seg)
  segment_list_struct *seg_list;
  int	index;
  segment_struct *seg;

  segment_list_struct *sl;

  sl = seg_list + index;

  seg->next = sl->segments;
  sl->segments = seg;

}  /* add_segment() */

    make_the_segment(pt1, pt2)
segment_struct *make_the_segment(pt1, pt2)
  viewTriple *pt1, *pt2;
  segment_struct *seg;
  seg = (segment_struct *)saymem("contour.c: segment",1,sizeof(segment_struct));
  seg->point1 = pt1;
  seg->point2 = pt2;


}  /* make_the_segment() */

    viewTriple *mkpoint(vt1, vt2, z_val)
viewTriple *mkpoint(vt1, vt2, z_val)
  viewTriple *vt1, *vt2;
  CONTOUR_float z_val;

  viewTriple *vt;
  CONTOUR_float t;

  vt = (viewTriple *)saymem("contour.c: viewTriple",1,sizeof(viewTriple));
  t = get_t_from_pts(vt1->contour_z, vt2->contour_z, z_val);

#ifdef waitaminute
  vt->x = vt1->contour_x + (vt2->contour_x - vt1->contour_x) * t;
  vt->y = vt1->contour_y + (vt2->contour_y - vt1->contour_y) * t;
  vt->z = z_val;
  vt->x = vt1->x + (vt2->x - vt1->x) * t;
  vt->y = vt1->y + (vt2->y - vt1->y) * t;
  vt->z = vt1->z + (vt2->z - vt1->z) * t;

  vt->contour_x = vt1->contour_x + (vt2->contour_x - vt1->contour_x) * t;
  vt->contour_y = vt1->contour_y + (vt2->contour_y - vt1->contour_y) * t;
  vt->contour_z = z_val;


}  /* mkpoint() */

    get_t_from_pts(z_min, z_max, z_val)
CONTOUR_float get_t_from_pts(z_min, z_max, z_val)
  CONTOUR_float z_min, z_max, z_val;
  CONTOUR_float t;

  if (z_min == z_max) return 0;
  t = (z_val - z_min)/(z_max - z_min);

}  /* get_t_from_pts() */

void contour_minMaxPolygons(aPoly)
  poly *aPoly;

  int *anIndex;
  int i;

  for (; aPoly != NIL(poly); aPoly = aPoly->next) {
    anIndex = aPoly->indexPtr;
    aPoly->contour_min = aPoly->contour_max = 
    for (i=1,anIndex++; i<aPoly->numpts; i++,anIndex++) {
      if (refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex)->contour_z < aPoly->contour_min)
        aPoly->contour_min = refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex)->contour_z;
      else if (refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex)->contour_z > aPoly->contour_max)
        aPoly->contour_max = refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex)->contour_z;

}  /* contour_minMaxPolygons */