/* Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2007-2010, Gabriel Dos Reis. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #define _COMPONENT3D_C #include "openaxiom-c-macros.h" #include "header.h" #include "draw.h" #include "Gfun.H1" #include "util.H1" #include "XSpadFill.h" #include "all_3d.H1" #define axisLength 1.0 /* use 100.0, if data is not to be normalized */ #define samePoint(a,b) ((refPt3D(viewData,a)->x == refPt3D(viewData,b)->x) &&\ (refPt3D(viewData,a)->y == refPt3D(viewData,b)->y) &&\ (refPt3D(viewData,a)->z == refPt3D(viewData,b)->z)) #define MAX_POINT 1000.0 #define MIN_POINT -1000.0 void scaleComponents (void) { double xRange,yRange,zRange; int i; viewTriple *aPoint; /* Temporary range limits until the three dimensional clipping package is fully functional */ if (viewData.xmin < MIN_POINT) viewData.xmin = MIN_POINT; if (viewData.xmax > MAX_POINT) viewData.xmax = MAX_POINT; if (viewData.ymin < MIN_POINT) viewData.ymin = MIN_POINT; if (viewData.ymax > MAX_POINT) viewData.ymax = MAX_POINT; if (viewData.zmin < MIN_POINT) viewData.zmin = MIN_POINT; if (viewData.zmax > MAX_POINT) viewData.zmax = MAX_POINT; xRange = viewData.xmax - viewData.xmin; yRange = viewData.ymax - viewData.ymin; zRange = viewData.zmax - viewData.zmin; /* We scale down, normalize the data, if it is coming from OpenAxiom (handled by viewman). If the data is coming from a file (handled by viewAlone) then it should already been scaled down. */ /* Find the coordinate axis with the larges range of data and scale the others relative to it. */ /* compare x and y ranges */ if (xRange > yRange) { if (xRange > zRange) { if (absolute(viewData.xmax) >= absolute(viewData.xmin)) viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.xmax)); else viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.xmin)); } else { if (absolute(viewData.zmax) >= absolute(viewData.zmin)) viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.zmax)); else viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.zmin)); } } else { if (yRange > zRange) { if (absolute(viewData.ymax) >= absolute(viewData.ymin)) viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.ymax)); else viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.ymin)); } else { if (absolute(viewData.zmax) >= absolute(viewData.zmin)) viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.zmax)); else viewData.scaleToView = axisLength/(absolute(viewData.zmin)); } } /* We now normalize all the points in this program. The information needed to link the normalized set of points back to the real object space scale created in OpenAxiom is held in viewData.scaleToView. */ viewData.xmin *= viewData.scaleToView; viewData.xmax *= viewData.scaleToView; viewData.ymin *= viewData.scaleToView; viewData.ymax *= viewData.scaleToView; viewData.zmin *= viewData.scaleToView; viewData.zmax *= viewData.scaleToView; viewData.clipXmin = viewData.xmin; viewData.clipXmax = viewData.xmax; viewData.clipYmin = viewData.ymin; viewData.clipYmax = viewData.ymax; viewData.clipZmin = viewData.zmin; viewData.clipZmax = viewData.zmax; for (i=0, aPoint=viewData.points; i<viewData.numOfPoints; i++,aPoint++) { aPoint->x *= viewData.scaleToView; aPoint->y *= viewData.scaleToView; aPoint->z *= viewData.scaleToView; } } /* scaleComponents() */ /* void makeTriangle(a,b,c) Given three indices to three points, a triangular polygon is created and inserted into the polygon list of viewData. If two or more of the points are coincidental, no polygon is created since that would be a degenerate (collapsed) polygon. */ void makeTriangle (int a, int b, int c) { poly *aPoly; if (!(samePoint(a,b) || samePoint(b,c) || samePoint(c,a))) { /* create triangle only if the three vertex points are distinct */ aPoly = (poly *)saymem("component.c",1,sizeof(poly)); aPoly->num = aPoly->sortNum = viewData.numPolygons++; aPoly->split = aPoly->moved = no; aPoly->numpts = 3; aPoly->primitiveType = polygonComponent; aPoly->indexPtr = (int *)saymem("component.c",3,sizeof(int)); *(aPoly->indexPtr) = a; *(aPoly->indexPtr + 1) = b; *(aPoly->indexPtr + 2) = c; aPoly->doNotStopDraw = yes; aPoly->next = viewData.polygons; viewData.polygons = aPoly; } /* if all points are unique */ } /* makeTriangle() */ /* void triangulate() Only if there is more than one list do we triangulate; a single list is used for either a space curve or simply a point. Actually, in that case, we now make "flat" *polygons, flagged by the primitiveType field (pointComponent, etc. in tube.h). We need to examine two lists at a time (and if the structure is closed, the last and first as well). For every three points in the two lists, alternating between one in one and two in the other, we construct triangles. If one list is shorter, then its last point becomes the vertex for the remaining pairs of points from the other list. It turns out that any distribution of points in the two lists (preserving cyclic order) will produce the same desired polygon. */ void triangulate (void) { int u,l; int uBound,lBound; int i,j,k; LLPoint *anLLPoint; LPoint *list1,*list2; poly *aPoly; anLLPoint = viewData.lllp.llp; for (i=0; i<viewData.lllp.numOfComponents; i++,anLLPoint++) { if (anLLPoint->numOfLists > 1) { list2 = anLLPoint->lp; for (j=1; j<anLLPoint->numOfLists; j++) { list1 = list2; list2 = list1 + 1; u = l = 0; uBound = u+1 < list1->numOfPoints; lBound = l+1 < list2->numOfPoints; while (uBound || lBound) { if (uBound) { makeTriangle(*(list1->indices + u + 1), *(list1->indices + u), *(list2->indices + l)); u++; uBound = u+1 < list1->numOfPoints; } if (lBound) { makeTriangle(*(list2->indices + l), *(list2->indices + l + 1), *(list1->indices + u)); l++; lBound = l+1 < list2->numOfPoints; } } /* while (uBound || lBound) */ } /* for j<anLLPoint->numOfLists */ } /* if anLLPoint->numOfLists > 1 */ else { /* if anLLPoint->numOfLists <= 1...assume this means =1 */ /* Flat polygons are to be drawn when hidden surface algorithm is used.*/ if (anLLPoint->numOfLists == 1) { if (anLLPoint->lp->numOfPoints == 1) { /* this graph is a single point */ aPoly = (poly *)saymem("component.c",1,sizeof(poly)); aPoly->num = aPoly->sortNum = viewData.numPolygons++; aPoly->split = aPoly->moved = no; aPoly->primitiveType = pointComponent; aPoly->numpts = 1; aPoly->indexPtr = (int *)saymem("component.c",1,intSize); *(aPoly->indexPtr) = *(anLLPoint->lp->indices); aPoly->doNotStopDraw = yes; aPoly->next = viewData.polygons; viewData.polygons = aPoly; } else { /* this graph is a curve */ for (k=0; k<anLLPoint->lp->numOfPoints-1; k++) { aPoly = (poly *)saymem("component.c",1,sizeof(poly)); aPoly->num = aPoly->sortNum = viewData.numPolygons++; aPoly->split = aPoly->moved = no; aPoly->primitiveType = lineComponent; /* curveComponent */ aPoly->numpts = 2; aPoly->indexPtr = (int *)saymem("component.c",2,sizeof(int)); *(aPoly->indexPtr) = *(anLLPoint->lp->indices + k); *(aPoly->indexPtr+1) = *(anLLPoint->lp->indices + k + 1); aPoly->doNotStopDraw = yes; aPoly->next = viewData.polygons; viewData.polygons = aPoly; } /* for k */ if (anLLPoint->lp->prop.closed) { aPoly = (poly *)saymem("component.c",1,sizeof(poly)); aPoly->num = aPoly->sortNum = viewData.numPolygons++; aPoly->split = aPoly->moved = no; aPoly->primitiveType = lineComponent; /* curveComponent */ aPoly->numpts = 2; aPoly->indexPtr = (int *)saymem("component.c",2,sizeof(int)); *(aPoly->indexPtr) = *(anLLPoint->lp->indices + k); *(aPoly->indexPtr+1) = *(anLLPoint->lp->indices); aPoly->doNotStopDraw = yes; aPoly->next = viewData.polygons; viewData.polygons = aPoly; } /* if list of points is closed */ } /* else */ } /* point, line, polygon, surface components are taken care of above */ } /* else anLLPoint->numOfLists <= 1 */ } /* for LLPoints in LLLPoints (i) */ } /* triangulate */ void readComponentsFromViewman (void) { int i,j,k; LLPoint *anLLPoint; LPoint *anLPoint; viewTriple *aPoint; /* maxLength holds the max(llp,lp) figure regarding how large to make the array of XPoints, i.e. quadMesh, for use in calling XDraw(). */ int maxLength=0; int *anIndex; readViewman(&(viewData.numOfPoints),intSize); aPoint = viewData.points = (viewTriple *)saymem("component.c",viewData.numOfPoints, sizeof(viewTriple)); for (i=0; i<viewData.numOfPoints; i++, aPoint++) { readViewman(&(aPoint->x),floatSize); readViewman(&(aPoint->y),floatSize); readViewman(&(aPoint->z),floatSize); readViewman(&(aPoint->c),floatSize); #ifdef NANQ_DEBUG if (!(aPoint->z < 0) && !(aPoint->z > 0) && !(aPoint->z == 0)) fprintf(stderr,"%g\n", aPoint->z); #endif } readViewman(&(viewData.lllp.numOfComponents),intSize); anLLPoint = viewData.lllp.llp = (LLPoint *)saymem("component.c, i",viewData.lllp.numOfComponents, sizeof(LLPoint)); for (i=0; i<viewData.lllp.numOfComponents; i++,anLLPoint++) { readViewman(&(anLLPoint->prop.closed),intSize); readViewman(&(anLLPoint->prop.solid),intSize); readViewman(&(anLLPoint->numOfLists),intSize); anLPoint = anLLPoint->lp = (LPoint *)saymem("component.c, ii",anLLPoint->numOfLists, sizeof(LPoint)); for (j=0; j<anLLPoint->numOfLists; j++,anLPoint++) { if (anLLPoint->numOfLists > maxLength) maxLength = anLLPoint->numOfLists; readViewman(&(anLPoint->prop.closed),intSize); readViewman(&(anLPoint->prop.solid),intSize); readViewman(&(anLPoint->numOfPoints),intSize); anIndex = anLPoint->indices = (int *)saymem("component.c, index",anLPoint->numOfPoints,intSize); if (anLPoint->numOfPoints > maxLength) maxLength = anLPoint->numOfPoints; for (k=0; k<anLPoint->numOfPoints; k++,anIndex++) { readViewman(anIndex,intSize); /* OpenAxiom arrays are one based, C arrays are zero based */ if (!viewAloned) (*anIndex)--; } } /* for LPoints in LLPoints (j) */ } /* for LLPoints in LLLPoints (i) */ quadMesh = (XPoint *)saymem("component.c",maxLength+2,sizeof(XPoint)); } /* readComponentsFromViewman() */ /* void calcNormData() * Calculates the surface normals for the polygons that make up the tube. Also finds the fourth coefficient to the plane equation: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 A,B, and C are in the normal N[3] and D is the planeConst. Figures out the color as well (from the average of the points) and resets the moved flag */ void calcNormData (void) { poly *aPoly; int *index; for (aPoly = viewData.polygons; aPoly != NIL(poly); aPoly = aPoly->next) { index = aPoly->indexPtr; switch (aPoly->primitiveType) { case pointComponent: case lineComponent: aPoly->moved = 0; aPoly->color = refPt3D(viewData,*index)->c; break; default: /* The following line takes 3 consecutive points and asks for the normal vector defined by them. This assumes that these do not contain co-linear points. For some reason, co-linear points are allowed, this needs to be changed. */ getMeshNormal(refPt3D(viewData,*index)->x, refPt3D(viewData,*index)->y, refPt3D(viewData,*index)->z, refPt3D(viewData,*(index+1))->x, refPt3D(viewData,*(index+1))->y, refPt3D(viewData,*(index+1))->z, refPt3D(viewData,*(index+2))->x, refPt3D(viewData,*(index+2))->y, refPt3D(viewData,*(index+2))->z, 0.0, 1.0, aPoly->N); /* calculate the constant term, D, for the plane equation */ aPoly->planeConst = -(aPoly->N[0] * refPt3D(viewData,*index)->x + aPoly->N[1] * refPt3D(viewData,*index)->y + aPoly->N[2] * refPt3D(viewData,*index)->z); aPoly->moved = 0; aPoly->color = (refPt3D(viewData,*index)->c + (refPt3D(viewData,*(index+1)))->c + (refPt3D(viewData,*(index+2)))->c) / 3.0; break; } /* switch */ } } /* calcNormData() */ /* viewPoints *make3DComponents() Read in all the 3D data from the viewport manager and construct the model of it. The model is based upon a list of lists of lists of points. Each top level list makes a component in 3-space. The interpretation really begins at the level below that, where the list of lists of points is. For 3D explicit equations of two variables, the closed boolean for this level is False and the closed boolean for each sublist is False as well. For 3D parameterized curves of one variable, the closed boolean for this level is defined by the user from OpenAxiom , (which defaults to False) and the closed boolean for each sublist is True. */ viewPoints * make3DComponents (void) { viewPoints *graphData; readComponentsFromViewman(); /* The initial boundaries for the clipping region are set to those of the boundaries of the data region. */ viewData.clipXmin = viewData.xmin; viewData.clipXmax = viewData.xmax; viewData.clipYmin = viewData.ymin; viewData.clipYmax = viewData.ymax; viewData.clipZmin = viewData.zmin; viewData.clipZmax = viewData.zmax; /* normalize the data coordinates */ if (viewData.scaleDown) scaleComponents(); viewData.numPolygons = 0; /* initially the list of polygons is empty */ viewData.polygons = NIL(poly); /* create the polygons; (sets viewData.polygons and viewData.numPolygons) */ triangulate(); /* calculate the plane equations for all the polygons */ calcNormData(); graphData = makeViewport(); imageX = XCreateImage(/* display */ dsply, /* visual */ DefaultVisual(dsply,scrn), /* depth */ DefaultDepth(dsply,scrn), /* format */ ZPixmap, /* offset */ 0, /* data */ NULL, /* width */ vwInfo.width, /* height */ 1, /* bitmap_pad */ 32, /* bytes_per_line */ 0); imageX->data = NIL(char); /* windowing displaying */ writeTitle(); postMakeViewport(); drawViewport(Xoption); firstTime = yes; XMapWindow(dsply, graphData->viewWindow); XMapWindow(dsply, graphData->titleWindow); XFlush(dsply); return(graphData); } /* make3DComponents */ void draw3DComponents (int dFlag) { int i, j, k, hue, x1, y1, x2, y2; LLPoint *anLLPoint; LPoint *anLPoint; int *anIndex; int componentType; /* what the component is to be interpreted as */ int clip_a,clip_i; /* for use in wire mesh mode clipping */ XEvent peekEvent; viewTriple *aLPt; XPoint line[2]; RGB col_rgb; calcEyePoint(); while ((XPending(dsply) > 0) && (scanline > 0)) XNextEvent(dsply,&peekEvent); switch (viewData.style) { case transparent: GSetLineAttributes(componentGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinMiter,dFlag); if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else GSetForeground(componentGC, (float) meshOutline, dFlag); } else { GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); } /* no need to check "keep drawing" for ps */ if (dFlag == Xoption) drawMore = keepDrawingViewport(); /* This is where we interpret the list of lists of lists of points struct. We want to extract the following forms of data: - individual points (drawn as filled points) - lines (space curves) - defined polygon primitives - surfaces the last one is the one that will replace the function of 2 variables, tubes as well as 3D parameterized functions of 2 variables. Since there could be many other ways of constructing L L L Pts - much more than could be usefully interpreted - any other formats are currently not allowed. When they are, this comment should be updated appropriately. ************************************************************************ Traverse each component. We decide here, before we begin traversing the component what we want to interpret it as. Here's the convention used to figure that out: - points: #anLLPoint->numOfLists was 1 #anLPoint->numOfPoints is 1 - lines: #anLLPoint->numOfLists was 1 #anLPoint->numOfPoints > 1 - polygons: #anLLPoint->numOfLists was 2 #anLPoint->numOfPoints is 1 - surface: #anLLPoint->numOfLists was some m>1 #anLPoint->numOfPoints all point lists are the same. */ anLLPoint = viewData.lllp.llp; for (i=0; i<viewData.lllp.numOfComponents; i++,anLLPoint++) { /* initially, component type is unknown */ componentType = stillDontKnow; if (anLLPoint->numOfLists == 1) { if (anLLPoint->lp->numOfPoints == 1) componentType = pointComponent; else componentType = lineComponent; } else if (anLLPoint->numOfLists == 2) { if ((anLLPoint->lp->numOfPoints == 1) && ((anLLPoint->lp+1)->numOfPoints > 2)) componentType = polygonComponent; } /* Check for corrupt data and NaN data is made in OpenAxiom . */ if (componentType == stillDontKnow) componentType = surfaceComponent; anLPoint = anLLPoint->lp; switch (componentType) { case pointComponent: /* anLLPoint->numOfLists == anLLPoint->lp->numOfPoints == 1 here */ aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*(anLPoint->indices)); project(aLPt,quadMesh,0); if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else { hue = hueValue(aLPt->c); GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)XSolidColor(hue,2), dFlag); } } else GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); GFillArc(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,quadMesh->x,quadMesh->y, viewData.pointSize,viewData.pointSize,0,360*64,dFlag); break; case lineComponent: /* anLLPoint->numOfLists == 1 here */ anIndex = anLPoint->indices; aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex); project(aLPt,quadMesh,0); x1 = quadMesh[0].x; y1 = quadMesh[0].y; anIndex++; for (k=1; k<anLPoint->numOfPoints; k++,anIndex++) { aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex); project(aLPt,quadMesh,k); x2 = quadMesh[k].x; y2 = quadMesh[k].y; if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else { hue = hueValue(aLPt->c); GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)XSolidColor(hue,2), dFlag); } if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } else { if (dFlag==PSoption && !mono && !viewport->monoOn) { hue = getHue(aLPt->c); col_rgb = hlsTOrgb((float)hue,0.5,0.8); line[0].x = x1; line[0].y = y1; line[1].x = x2; line[1].y = y2; PSDrawColor(col_rgb.r,col_rgb.g,col_rgb.b,line,2); } else { if (foregroundColor == white) GSetForeground(componentGC, 0.0, dFlag); else GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } /* for points in LPoints (k) */ if (anLPoint->prop.closed) { project(refPt3D(viewData,*(anLPoint->indices)),quadMesh, anLPoint->numOfPoints); x2 = quadMesh[anLPoint->numOfPoints].x; y2 = quadMesh[anLPoint->numOfPoints].y; if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else { hue = hueValue(aLPt->c); GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)XSolidColor(hue,2), dFlag); } if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } else { if (dFlag==PSoption && !mono && !viewport->monoOn) { hue = getHue(aLPt->c); col_rgb = hlsTOrgb((float)hue,0.5,0.8); line[0].x = x1; line[0].y = y1; line[1].x = x2; line[1].y = y2; PSDrawColor(col_rgb.r,col_rgb.g,col_rgb.b,line,2); } else { if (foregroundColor == white) GSetForeground(componentGC, 0.0, dFlag); else GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } } } break; case polygonComponent: /* first pt of polygon is a single list */ project(refPt3D(viewData,*(anLPoint->indices)),quadMesh,0); /* remaining points in the 2nd list (always of size 2 or greater) */ x1 = quadMesh[0].x; y1 = quadMesh[0].y; anLPoint = anLLPoint->lp + 1; anIndex = anLPoint->indices; for (k=1; k<=anLPoint->numOfPoints; k++,anIndex++) { aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex); project(aLPt,quadMesh,k); x2 = quadMesh[k].x; y2 = quadMesh[k].y; if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else { hue = hueValue(aLPt->c); GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)XSolidColor(hue,2), dFlag); } if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } else { if (dFlag==PSoption && !mono && !viewport->monoOn) { hue = getHue(aLPt->c); col_rgb = hlsTOrgb((float)hue,0.5,0.8); line[0].x = x1; line[0].y = y1; line[1].x = x2; line[1].y = y2; PSDrawColor(col_rgb.r,col_rgb.g,col_rgb.b,line,2); } else { if (foregroundColor == white) GSetForeground(componentGC, 0.0, dFlag); else GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } } x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } /* for points in LPoints (k) */ project(refPt3D(viewData,*(anLLPoint->lp->indices)),quadMesh,k); x2 = quadMesh[k].x; y2 = quadMesh[k].y; if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else { hue = hueValue(refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex)->c); GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)XSolidColor(hue,2), dFlag); } if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } else { if (dFlag==PSoption && !mono && !viewport->monoOn) { hue = getHue(refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex)->c); col_rgb = hlsTOrgb((float)hue,0.5,0.8); line[0].x = x1; line[0].y = y1; line[1].x = x2; line[1].y = y2; PSDrawColor(col_rgb.r,col_rgb.g,col_rgb.b,line,2); } else { if (foregroundColor == white) GSetForeground(componentGC, 0.0, dFlag); else GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); if (!eqNANQ(x1) && !eqNANQ(y1) && !eqNANQ(x2) && !eqNANQ(y2)) GDrawLine(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,x1,y1,x2,y2,dFlag); } } /* close a polygon */ break; case surfaceComponent: if (dFlag==Xoption) { if (mono || viewport->monoOn) GSetForeground(componentGC, (float)foregroundColor, dFlag); else GSetForeground(componentGC, (float) meshOutline, dFlag); } else { GSetForeground(componentGC, psBlack, dFlag); } /* traverse down one direction first (all points in a list at a time) */ for (j=0; drawMore && j<anLLPoint->numOfLists; j++,anLPoint++) { anIndex = anLPoint->indices; clip_a = 0; for (k=0, clip_i=0; drawMore && k<anLPoint->numOfPoints; k++, anIndex++, clip_i++) { aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*anIndex); project(aLPt,quadMesh,k); if (behindClipPlane(aLPt->pz) || (viewData.clipStuff && outsideClippedBoundary(aLPt->x, aLPt->y, aLPt->z))) { if (clip_i - clip_a > 1) { GDrawLines(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,(quadMesh+clip_a), clip_i-clip_a, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag ); } clip_a = clip_i + 1; } drawMore = keepDrawingViewport(); } /* for points in LPoints (k) */ if (drawMore) { /* if drawMore is true, then the above loop terminated with clip_i incremented properly */ if (anLPoint->prop.closed) { /* If closed, then do the first point again - no need to project just copy over from the first one */ aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*(anLPoint->indices)); project(aLPt,quadMesh, anLPoint->numOfPoints); if (behindClipPlane(aLPt->pz) || (viewData.clipStuff && outsideClippedBoundary(aLPt->x, aLPt->y, aLPt->z))) { if (clip_i - clip_a > 1) { GDrawLines(componentGC, viewport->viewWindow, (quadMesh+clip_a), clip_i-clip_a, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } clip_a = clip_i + 1; } clip_i++; } /* closed */ if (clip_i - clip_a > 1) { GDrawLines(componentGC, viewport->viewWindow, (quadMesh+clip_a), clip_i-clip_a, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } } /* drawMore */ } /* for LPoints in LLPoints (j) */ /* now traverse down the list in the other direction (one point from each list at a time) */ for (j=0; drawMore && j<anLLPoint->lp->numOfPoints; j++) { clip_a = 0; for (k=0, clip_i=0; drawMore && k<anLLPoint->numOfLists; k++, clip_i++) { aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*((anLLPoint->lp + k)->indices + j)); project(aLPt, quadMesh,k); if (behindClipPlane(aLPt->pz) || (viewData.clipStuff && outsideClippedBoundary(aLPt->x, aLPt->y, aLPt->z))) { if (clip_i - clip_a > 1) { GDrawLines(componentGC,viewport->viewWindow,quadMesh+clip_a, clip_i-clip_a, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag ); } clip_a = clip_i + 1; } drawMore = keepDrawingViewport(); } /* for points in LPoints (k) */ if (drawMore) { /* if drawMore is true, then the above loop terminated with clip_i incremented properly */ if (anLLPoint->prop.closed) { /* if closed, do the first point again - no need to project just copy over from the first one */ aLPt = refPt3D(viewData,*((anLLPoint->lp + 0)->indices + j)); project(aLPt, quadMesh, anLLPoint->numOfLists); if (behindClipPlane(aLPt->pz) || (viewData.clipStuff && outsideClippedBoundary(aLPt->x, aLPt->y, aLPt->z))) { if (clip_i - clip_a > 1) { GDrawLines(componentGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh + clip_a, clip_i - clip_a, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } clip_a = clip_i + 1; } clip_i++; } /* closed */ if (clip_i - clip_a > 1) { GDrawLines(componentGC, viewport->viewWindow, quadMesh+clip_a, clip_i-clip_a, CoordModeOrigin, dFlag); } } /* drawMore */ } /* for a point in each LPoint (j) */ break; } /* switch componentType */ } /* for LLPoints in LLLPoints (i) */ break; case opaqueMesh: if (dFlag==Xoption) { GSetForeground(globGC, (float)opaqueForeground, dFlag); GSetForeground(opaqueGC, (float)opaqueOutline, dFlag); } else { GSetForeground(globGC, psBlack, dFlag); GSetForeground(opaqueGC, psBlack, dFlag); } GSetLineAttributes(opaqueGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinRound,dFlag); drawPolygons(dFlag); break; case render: if (viewData.outlineRenderOn) { GSetLineAttributes(renderGC,0,LineSolid,CapButt,JoinRound,dFlag); if (dFlag==Xoption) GSetForeground(renderGC,(float)black, dFlag); else GSetForeground(renderGC,psBlack, dFlag ); } drawPolygons(dFlag); break; case smooth: drawPhong(dFlag); break; } /* switch on style */ } /* draw3DComponents() */