%!PS-Adobe-2.0 %%DocumentFonts: Times-Roman %%Creator: AXIOM %%CreationDate: today %%Pages: 1 %%processing (hard) limit: 250 pts or 500 values for the operand stack. %%EndComments %------------------------------- prologue -------------------------------% %-------------------------- support procedures --------------------------% %--------- first create user dictionary with 100 entries max ------------% % (number can be changed to accomodate definitions) % 100 dict begin %% using 100 entries in top level dictionary /FontHeight 12 def /inch { 72 mul } def % yVal and hVal are necessary because the Xwindow display origin % is at the upper left corner, while the postscript display % origin is at the lower left hand corner. /yVal %% get Y value -- make upper left corner origin { maxY exch sub } %% maxY is viewWindow height def /hVal %% get H value -- used for displaying title text { maxH sub abs } %% maxH is viewWindow height+titleWindow height def % loads in the font /loadFont { /Times-Roman findfont FontHeight scalefont setfont } def % draws a rectangle with input operand: % height % width % notice that this function does not "draw" or ink the rectangle. /drawRect { 1 index 1 add 0 rlineto %% draw first side 0 exch 1 add neg rlineto %% draw second side 1 add neg 0 rlineto %% draw third side closepath } %% draw fourth side def % create a rectangle with input operand in the view window: % y % x % height % width % notice that this function does not "draw" or ink the rectangle. /rectangle { yVal moveto %% set currentpoint for line drawRect } %% draws the rectangle def % These are global variables that every draw procedure uses % THe operand should be as follows: % viewWindow width % viewWindow height % title height /setDim { /maxX exch def %% width of display /maxY exch def %% height of display /titleH exch def %% height of title /maxH maxY titleH add def %% height of display + title } def %-------------------------- major procedures --------------------------% /title %% draws a rectangle around the title of picture { gsave newpath moveto %% lower left of title titleH 1 add 0 exch rlineto %% draw first side 1 add 0 rlineto %% draw second side 1 add neg 0 exch rlineto begin installGC stroke end %% draw third side grestore } def /drawFrame %% draw display frame { gsave newpath maxX maxY 0 0 rectangle begin installGC stroke end grestore } def % updates the foreground color of existing graphics-context dictionary: % foreground color % dictionary name /setForeground { /FGcolor exch put } def % updates the background color of existing graphics-context dictionary: % background color % dictionary name /setBackground { /BGcolor exch put } def % updates the line width, line style, cap style, join style of % existing graphics-context dictionary: % dictionary name % join style % cap style % line width /setLineAttributes { begin /JoinStyle exch def /CapStyle exch def /LineWidth exch def end } def % creates a graphics context dictionary with the following information: % /dictionary name % foreground color % background color % line width % cap style % join style % this creates different graphical contexts for different drawing functions. /makeDict { 5 dict 2 copy def begin pop %% with dict name on top of stack /FGcolor exch def %% define drawing attributes /BGcolor exch def %% not heavily used /LineWidth exch def /CapStyle exch def /JoinStyle exch def end } def % makes the current dictionary attributes effective % this function takes the values in the current dictionary to set the context % these are the values currently being used: foreground, cap, join, and width /installGC { FGcolor currentgray ne {FGcolor setgray} if %% foreground color CapStyle currentlinecap ne {CapStyle setlinecap} if %% cap style JoinStyle currentlinejoin ne {JoinStyle setlinejoin} if %% join style LineWidth currentlinewidth ne {LineWidth setlinewidth} if } %% line width def