\documentclass{article} \usepackage{axiom} \begin{document} \title{\$SPAD/etc asq.c} \author{Timothy Daly} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \end{abstract} \eject \tableofcontents \eject The asq (ask) function is a command line utility for extracting information from the OpenAxiom databases. It understands how the data is stored and can retrieve all data associated with Categories, Domains, and Packages. It used to look for the databases in [[$AXIOM/../../share/algebra]] which was a NAG modification of the original location but has been changed to search [[$AXIOM/algebra]] as originally designed. \section{Database structure} In order to understand this program you need to understand some details of the structure of the databases it reads. OpenAxiom has 5 databases, the interp.daase, operation.daase, category.daase, compress.daase, and browse.daase. The compress.daase is special and does not follow the normal database format. \subsection{KAF File Format} This documentation refers to KAF files which are random access files. NRLIB files are KAF files (look for NRLIB/index.KAF) The format of a random access file is \begin{verbatim} byte-offset-of-key-table first-entry second-entry ... last-entry ((key1 . first-entry-byte-address) (key2 . second-entry-byte-address) ... (keyN . last-entry-byte-address)) \end{verbatim} The key table is a standard lisp alist. To open a database you fetch the first number, seek to that location, and (read) which returns the key-data alist. To look up data you index into the key-data alist, find the ith-entry-byte-address, seek to that address, and (read). For instance, see src/share/algebra/USERS.DAASE/index.KAF One existing optimization is that if the data is a simple thing like a symbol then the nth-entry-byte-address is replaced by immediate data. Another existing one is a compression algorithm applied to the data so that the very long names don't take up so much space. We could probably remove the compression algorithm as 64k is no longer considered 'huge'. The database-abbreviation routine handles this on read and write-compress handles this on write. The squeeze routine is used to compress the keys, the unsqueeze routine uncompresses them. Making these two routines disappear should remove all of the compression. Indeed, a faster optimization is to simply read the whole database into the image before it is saved. The system would be easier to understand and the interpreter would be faster. The fastest optimization is to fix the time stamp mechanism which is currently broken. Making this work requires a small bit of coordination at 'make' time which I forgot to implement. \subsection{Database Files} Database files are very similar to KAF files except that there is an optimization (currently broken) which makes the first item a pair of two numbers. The first number in the pair is the offset of the key-value table, the second is a time stamp. If the time stamp in the database matches the time stamp in the image the database is not needed (since the internal hash tables already contain all of the information). When the database is built the time stamp is saved in both the gcl image and the database. \subsection{compress.daase} The compress database is special. It contains a list of symbols. The character string name of a symbol in the other databases is represented by a negative number. To get the real symbol back you take the absolute value of the number and use it as a byte index into the compress database. In this way long symbol names become short negative numbers. \subsubsection{interp.daase} \begin{verbatim} format of an entry in interp.daase: (constructor-name operationalist constructormodemap modemaps -- this should not be needed. eliminate it. object -- the name of the object file to load for this con. constructorcategory -- note that this info is the cadar of the constructormodemap for domains and packages so it is stored as NIL for them. it is valid for categories. niladic -- t or nil directly unused cosig -- kept directly constructorkind -- kept directly defaultdomain -- a short list, for %i ancestors -- used to compute new category updates ) \end{verbatim} Here I'll try to outline the interp database write procedure \begin{verbatim} (defun write-interpdb () "build interp.daase from hash tables" (declare (special $spadroot) (special *ancestors-hash*)) (let (opalistpos modemapspos cmodemappos master masterpos obj *print-pretty* concategory categorypos kind niladic cosig abbrev defaultdomain ancestors ancestorspos out) (declare (special *print-pretty*)) (print "building interp.daase") ; 1. We open the file we're going to create (setq out (open "interp.build" :direction :output)) ; 2. We reserve some space at the top of the file for the key-time pair ; We will overwrite these spaces just before we close the file. (princ " " out) ; 3. Make sure we write it out (finish-output out) ; 4. For every constructor in the system we write the parts: (dolist (constructor (|allConstructors|)) (let (struct) ; 4a. Each constructor has a property list. A property list is a list ; of (key . value) pairs. The property we want is called 'database ; so there is a ('database . something) in the property list (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) ; 5 We write the "operationsalist" ; 5a. We remember the current file position before we write ; We need this information so we can seek to this position on read (setq opalistpos (file-position out)) ; 5b. We get the "operationalist", compress it, and write it out (print (squeeze (database-operationalist struct)) out) ; 5c. We make sure it was written (finish-output out) ; 6 We write the "constructormodemap" ; 6a. We remember the current file position before we write (setq cmodemappos (file-position out)) ; 6b. We get the "constructormodemap", compress it, and write it out (print (squeeze (database-constructormodemap struct)) out) ; 6c. We make sure it was written (finish-output out) ; 7. We write the "modemaps" ; 7a. We remember the current file position before we write (setq modemapspos (file-position out)) ; 7b. We get the "modemaps", compress it, and write it out (print (squeeze (database-modemaps struct)) out) ; 7c. We make sure it was written (finish-output out) ; 8. We remember source file pathnames in the obj variable (if (consp (database-object struct)) ; if asharp code ... (setq obj (cons (pathname-name (car (database-object struct))) (cdr (database-object struct)))) (setq obj (pathname-name (first (last (pathname-directory (database-object struct))))))) ; 9. We write the "constructorcategory", if it is a category, else nil ; 9a. Get the constructorcategory and compress it (setq concategory (squeeze (database-constructorcategory struct))) ; 9b. If we have any data we write it out, else we don't write it ; Note that if there is no data then the byte index for the ; constructorcatagory will not be a number but will be nil. (if concategory ; if category then write data else write nil (progn (setq categorypos (file-position out)) (print concategory out) (finish-output out)) (setq categorypos nil)) ; 10. We get a set of properties which are kept as "immediate" data ; This means that the key table will hold this data directly ; rather than as a byte index into the file. ; 10a. niladic data (setq niladic (database-niladic struct)) ; 10b. abbreviation data (e.g. POLY for polynomial) (setq abbrev (database-abbreviation struct)) ; 10c. cosig data (setq cosig (database-cosig struct)) ; 10d. kind data (setq kind (database-constructorkind struct)) ; 10e. defaultdomain data (setq defaultdomain (database-defaultdomain struct)) ; 11. The ancestor data might exist. If it does we fetch it, ; compress it, and write it out. If it does not we place ; and immediate value of nil in the key-value table (setq ancestors (squeeze (gethash constructor *ancestors-hash*))) ;cattable.boot (if ancestors (progn (setq ancestorspos (file-position out)) (print ancestors out) (finish-output out)) (setq ancestorspos nil)) ; 12. "master" is an alist. Each element of the alist has the name of ; the constructor and all of the above attributes. When the loop ; finishes we will have constructed all of the data for the key-value ; table (push (list constructor opalistpos cmodemappos modemapspos obj categorypos niladic abbrev cosig kind defaultdomain ancestorspos) master))) ; 13. The loop is done, we make sure all of the data is written (finish-output out) ; 14. We remember where the key-value table will be written in the file (setq masterpos (file-position out)) ; 15. We compress and print the key-value table (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out) ; 16. We make sure we write the table (finish-output out) ; 17. We go to the top of the file (file-position out 0) ; 18. We write out the (master-byte-position . universal-time) pair ; Note that if the universal-time value matches the value of ; *interp-stream-stamp* then there is no reason to read the ; interp database because all of the data is already cached in ; the image. This happens if you build a database and immediatly ; save the image. The saved image already has the data since we ; just wrote it out. If the *interp-stream-stamp* and the database ; time stamp differ we "reread" the database on startup. Actually ; we just open the database and fetch as needed. You can see fetches ; by setting the *miss* variable non-nil. (print (cons masterpos (get-universal-time)) out) ; 19. We make sure we write it. (finish-output out) ; 20 And we are done (close out))) \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{browse.daase} \begin{verbatim} format of an entry in browse.daase: ( constructorname sourcefile constructorform documentation attributes predicates ) \end{verbatim} This is essentially the same overall process as above. We reserve some space for the (key-table-byte-position . timestamp) We loop across the list of constructors dumping the data and remembering the byte positions in a key-value pair table. We dump the final key-value pair table, write the byte position and time stamp at the top of the file and close the file. \begin{verbatim} (defun write-browsedb () "make browse.daase from hash tables" (declare (special $spadroot)) (let (master masterpos src formpos docpos attpos predpos *print-pretty* out) (declare (special *print-pretty*)) (print "building browse.daase") (setq out (open "browse.build" :direction :output)) (princ " " out) (finish-output out) (dolist (constructor (|allConstructors|)) (let (struct) (setq struct (get constructor 'database)) ; sourcefile is small. store the string directly (setq src (database-sourcefile struct)) (setq formpos (file-position out)) (print (squeeze (database-constructorform struct)) out) (finish-output out) (setq docpos (file-position out)) (print (database-documentation struct) out) (finish-output out) (setq attpos (file-position out)) (print (squeeze (database-attributes struct)) out) (finish-output out) (setq predpos (file-position out)) (print (squeeze (database-predicates struct)) out) (finish-output out) (push (list constructor src formpos docpos attpos predpos) master))) (finish-output out) (setq masterpos (file-position out)) (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out) (finish-output out) (file-position out 0) (print (cons masterpos (get-universal-time)) out) (finish-output out) (close out))) \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{category.daase} This is a single table of category hash table information, dumped in the database format. \begin{verbatim} (defun write-categorydb () "make category.daase from scratch. contains the *hasCategory-hash* table" (let (out master pos *print-pretty*) (declare (special *print-pretty*)) (print "building category.daase") (|genCategoryTable|) (setq out (open "category.build" :direction :output)) (princ " " out) (finish-output out) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (if (or (null value) (eq value t)) (setq pos value) (progn (setq pos (file-position out)) (print (squeeze value) out) (finish-output out))) (push (list key pos) master)) *hasCategory-hash*) (setq pos (file-position out)) (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out) (finish-output out) (file-position out 0) (print (cons pos (get-universal-time)) out) (finish-output out) (close out))) \end{verbatim} \subsection{operations.daase} This is a single table of operations hash table information, dumped in the database format. \begin{verbatim} (defun write-operationdb () (let (pos master out) (declare (special leaves)) (setq out (open "operation.build" :direction :output)) (princ " " out) (finish-output out) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (setq pos (file-position out)) (print (squeeze value) out) (finish-output out) (push (cons key pos) master)) *operation-hash*) (finish-output out) (setq pos (file-position out)) (print (mapcar #'squeeze master) out) (file-position out 0) (print (cons pos (get-universal-time)) out) (finish-output out) (close out))) \end{verbatim} \section{License} <<license>>= /* Copyright (c) 1991-2002, The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - Neither the name of The Numerical ALgorithms Group Ltd. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ @ <<*>>= <<license>> /* asq is a mini browser for the AXIOM databases */ #define VERSION 7 /* 040206007 tpd fix anal compiler warnings */ /* 030710006 tpd remove share directory */ /* 940112005 tpd cleanup of printinfo */ /* 931228004 tpd more output to stdout */ /* 931228003 tpd properties are flags, output to stdout */ /* 931221002 tpd sourcefile was misspelled in pprintinfo */ /* 931206001 tpd initial release */ /* add: asq inv ... look up as an operation */ /* add: asq *IN* ... give list of matching domains and abbreviations */ /* asq -property searchkey */ /* property is one of the following flags: (all is the default) */ /* (ab) abbreviation (an) ancestors */ /* (at) attributes (ca cc) constructorcategory */ /* (cf fo) constructorform (ck ki) constructorkind */ /* (cm) constructormodemap (con) constructor */ /* (cos) cosig (de) defaultdomain */ /* (dom) domain (doc) documentation */ /* (mo) modemaps (ni) niladic */ /* (ob) object (op) operationalist */ /* (pr) predicates (so) sourcefile */ /*searchkey can be either a domain or its abbreviation. */ /* e.g. %s -so Integer */ /* will give the source file name written to stdout */ /* echoargs -- echo the arguments */ /* printnoquotes-- print a string with no quote marks */ /* printenter -- print on entry */ /* printexit -- print on exit */ /* readlist -- read the key information as a list (uses global list var)*/ /* readstring2 -- read a string (including escape chars) */ /* readlist2 -- read a list without smashing the main list uses list2 var*/ /* pprintatom -- print anything but a list */ /* printlist -- recursively print a list object */ /* pprintlist -- recursively pprint a list object */ /* printob -- print the object file name (uses printlist) */ /* pprintobject -- recursively print an object */ /* skiplist -- skip over a list we don't want to print */ /* pprintalist -- read an alist and prettyprint it */ /* pprint -- prettyprint the information at a given pointer */ /* printdomain -- prints the domain name */ /* printobject -- print the object file name (uses pprintlist) */ /* printconstructorkind -- print the constructorkind data */ /* printniladic -- print the niladic property */ /* printabbreviation -- print the abbreviation */ /* printsourcefile -- print the source file */ /* printdefaultdomain -- print the default domain */ /* printancestors -- print the ancestors */ /* printoperationalist -- print the operationalist */ /* printhas -- print a has clause */ /* printand -- print an and clause */ /* printor -- print an or clause */ /* printandor -- print an and/or clause */ /* printcond -- prettyprint a list of conditions */ /* printattributes -- print the attributes */ /* printcosig -- print the cosig property */ /* printconstructorform -- print the constructorform property */ /* printconstructormodemap -- print the constructormodemap property */ /* printmodemaps-- print the modemaps property */ /* printconstructorcategory -- print the constructorcategory property */ /* printdocumentation -- print the documentation property */ /* printpredicates -- print the predicates */ /* openinterp -- open the interp.daase file and point at the first key */ /* parseinterp -- parse the key gotten from interp.daase */ /* openbrowse -- open the browse.daase file and point at the first key */ /* parsebrowse -- parse the key gotten from browse.daase */ /* opencompress -- open the compress.daase file and point at the first key */ /* pprintinfo -- prettyprint the information from the database files */ /* fullname -- expand an abbreviation to the full name */ /* printhelp -- print the help info */ /* main */ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "axiom-c-macros.h" /* we need to predeclare some functions so their signatures are known */ int printandor(char *list); int printlist(char *list); int pprintobject(char *list); int pprintcond(int seekpt,char *path); /* this bogucity is apparently due to the introduction of unicode */ /* since we don't use unicode we default to the K&R C signatures */ int isdigit(int c); int isspace(int c); /*defvar*/ char *AXIOM; /* the AXIOM shell variable */ /*defvar*/ char interppath[256]; /* where the file is */ /*defvar*/ FILE *interp; /* what the handle is */ /*defvar*/ int seekinterp; /* where in the file? */ /*defvar*/ char browsepath[256]; /* where the file is */ /*defvar*/ FILE *browse; /* what the handle is */ /*defvar*/ int seekbrowse; /* where in the file? */ /*defvar*/ char compresspath[256]; /* where the file is */ /*defvar*/ FILE *compress; /* what the handle is */ /*defvar*/ int seekcompress; /* where in the file? */ /*defvar*/ char **ct; /* compressed string array */ /*defvar*/ int Nct; /* length of above */ /*defvar*/ char list[2048]; /* the key for the domain */ /*defvar*/ int listptr = 0; /* pointer into list variable */ /*defvar*/ char list2[65535]; /* the data for an item */ /*defvar*/ int listptr2 = 0; /* pointer into list2 variable */ /*defvar*/ int ppcount=0; /* where the prettyprinter is in the list */ /*defvar*/ int indent=6; /* how far over to move this item */ /*defvar*/ char erasecmd[256]; /* a system command to erase the test file*/ /* interp.daase entries */ /*defvar*/ char domain[256]; /*defvar*/ char operationalist[256]; /*defvar*/ char constructormodemap[256]; /*defvar*/ char modemaps[256]; /*defvar*/ char object[256]; /*defvar*/ char constructorcategory[256]; /*defvar*/ char niladic[256]; /*defvar*/ char abbreviation[256]; /*defvar*/ char constructor[256]; /*defvar*/ char cosig[256]; /*defvar*/ char constructorkind[256]; /*defvar*/ char defaultdomain[256]; /*defvar*/ char ancestors[256]; /* browse.daase entries */ /*defvar*/ char bdomain[256]; /*defvar*/ char bsourcefile[256]; /*defvar*/ char bconstructorform[256]; /*defvar*/ char bdocumentation[256]; /*defvar*/ char battributes[256]; /*defvar*/ char bpredicates[256]; /*defun*/ int S2N(char *s) { int i; for (i=0;i<Nct;i++) { if(strcmp(ct[i],s)==0) return -i; } return 1; } /*defun*/ char* N2S(int n) { return ((n<=0 && n>-Nct) ? ct[-n] : "the unknown thing"); } /*defun*/ int echoargs(int argc, char *argv[]) /* echo the arguments */ { int i; for (i=0; i < argc; i++) printf("%d=%s%s",i,argv[i],(i < argc-1) ? " " : ""); printf("\n"); return 0; } /*defun*/ int printnoquotes(char *chars) { int i; for (i=0; chars[i] != '\0'; i++) if (chars[i] != '\"') putchar(chars[i]); putchar('\n'); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printenter(char *name) /* debugging...print on entry */ { int i; printf("\n>enter %s >",name); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) printf("%c",list2[ppcount+i]); printf("<\n"); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printexit(char *name) /* debugging...print on exit */ { int i; printf("\n<exit %s >",name); for (i=0; i < 10; i++) printf("%c",list2[ppcount+i]); printf("<\n"); return(0); } /*defun*/ int readlist(FILE *file) /* read the key information as a list (uses global list var) */ /* note: this function assumes the caller has done an fseek and read */ /* one character which was an '(', starting a list */ /* it also assumes that the caller has set listptr to 0 */ { int c; list[listptr++]='('; while ((c=fgetc(file)) != EOF) {if ((char)c == ')') break; if ((char)c == '(') readlist(file); else list[listptr++]=(char)c;} list[listptr++]=')'; list[listptr]='\0'; return(0); } /*defun*/ int readstring2(FILE *file) /* read a string (including escape chars) uses (global list2 var) */ /* note: this function assumes the caller has done an fseek and read */ /* one character which was a '"', starting a string */ /* it also assumes that the caller has set listptr2 correctly */ { int c; list2[listptr2++]='"'; while ((c=fgetc(file)) != EOF) {if ((char)c == '"') break; if ((char)c == '\\') list2[listptr2++]=fgetc(file); else list2[listptr2++]=(char)c;} list2[listptr2++]='"'; list2[listptr2]='\0'; return(0); } /*defun*/ int readlist2(FILE *file) /* read a list without smashing the main list (uses global list2 var) */ /* note: this function assumes the caller has done an fseek and read */ /* one character which was an '(', starting a list */ /* it also assumes that the caller has set listptr2 to 0 */ { int c; list2[listptr2++]='('; while ((c=fgetc(file)) != EOF) {if ((char)c == ')') break; if ((char)c == '"') readstring2(file); if ((char)c == '(') readlist2(file); else list2[listptr2++]=(char)c;} list2[listptr2++]=')'; list2[listptr2]='\0'; return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprintatom(char *list) /* print anything but a list */ /* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is an atom */ { char c; /*printenter("pprintatom");*/ while ((c=list[ppcount]) != 0) { if (c == '-') { printf("%s",N2S(atoi(list+ppcount))); while(c=='-' || isdigit(c)) { c=list[++ppcount]; } break; } if (c == ' ') { printf("%c",list[ppcount++]); break; } if (c == '(') break; if (c == ')') break; if (c == '|') ppcount ++; else printf("%c",list[ppcount++]);}; /*printexit("pprintatom");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printob(char *list) /* recursively print an object */ { char c; while ((c=list[ppcount]) != 0) {if (list[ppcount] == '(' ) printlist(list); else if (list[ppcount] == ')' ) return(0); else pprintatom(list);} return(0); } /*defun*/ int printlist(char *list) /* recursively print a list object */ /* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is a '(' */ { printf("%c",list[ppcount++]); printob(list); printf("%c",list[ppcount++]); return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprintlist(char *list) /* recursively pprint a list object */ /* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is a '(' */ /* it assumes that indent and ppcount have been properly set */ { int i; printf("\n"); for (i=indent; i != 0; --i) printf(" "); indent=indent+2; printf("%c",list[ppcount++]); pprintobject(list); printf("%c",list[ppcount++]); indent=indent-2; return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprintobject(char *list) /* recursively print an object */ { char c; while ((c=list[ppcount]) != 0) {if (list[ppcount] == '(' ) pprintlist(list); else if (list[ppcount] == ')' ) return(0); else pprintatom(list);} return(0); } /*defun*/ int skiplist(char *list) /* skip over a list we don't want to print */ { while (list[ppcount++] != '('); while(list[ppcount] !=')') {if (list[ppcount] == '(') skiplist(list); else ppcount++;} ppcount++; return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprintalist(int seekpt,char *path) /* read an alist and prettyprint it */ /* note: we reopen the file due to a DJGPP fseek bug */ { char c; int i; FILE *file; file=fopen(path,"r"); fseek(file,seekpt,SEEK_SET); listptr2=0; if ((c=fgetc(file)) == '(') readlist2(file); else { list2[listptr2++]=c; while (! isspace(c = fgetc(file))) list2[listptr2++]=c;}; list2[listptr2]='\0'; fclose(file); ppcount=0; /*printenter("pprintalist");*/ if (list2[0] != '(') pprintatom(list2); else while (list2[ppcount++] != ')') {while (list2[ppcount++] !='('); printf("\n"); for (i=indent; i != 0; --i) printf(" "); if (list2[ppcount] == '(') printlist(list2); else pprintatom(list2); while(list2[ppcount] != ')') if (list2[ppcount] == '(') skiplist(list2); else ppcount++; ppcount++;}; /*printexit("printalist");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprint(int seekpt,char *path) /* prettyprint the information at a given pointer */ /* note: we reopen the file due to a DJGPP fseek bug */ { char c; FILE *file; file=fopen(path,"r"); listptr2=0; fseek(file,seekpt,SEEK_SET); if ((c=fgetc(file)) == '(') readlist2(file); else { list2[listptr2++]=c; while (! isspace(c = fgetc(file))) list2[listptr2++]=c;} list2[listptr2]='\0'; fclose(file); ppcount=0; pprintobject(list2); printf("\n"); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printdomain() /* prints the domain name */ { printf("%s\n",N2S(atoi(domain))); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printobject(int all) /* print the object file name */ { char stripped[256]; int i; for (i=1; object[i] != '"'; i++) stripped[i-1]=object[i]; stripped[i-1]='\0'; printf("...loading info not available yet\n"); /* if (all == 1) printf("...will load from %s/algebra/%s.o\n",AXIOM,stripped); else printf("%s/algebra/%s.o\n",AXIOM,stripped); */ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printconstructorkind(int all) /* print the constructorkind data */ {if (all == 1) printf("...is a %s\n",N2S(atoi(constructorkind))); else printf("%s\n",N2S(atoi(constructorkind))); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printniladic(int all) /* print the niladic property */ { if (niladic[0] == 'T') if (all == 1) printf("...is niladic\n"); else printf("niladic\n"); else if (all == 1) printf("...is not niladic\n"); else printf("padic\n"); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printabbreviation(int all) /* print the abbreviation */ { if (all == 1) printf("...is abbreviated as %s\n",abbreviation); else printf("%s\n",abbreviation); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printsourcefile(int all) /* print the source file */ { if (all == 1) printf("...is defined in the source file %s\n",bsourcefile); else printnoquotes(bsourcefile); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printdefaultdomain(int all) /* print the default domain */ { int i; if (strcmp(defaultdomain,"NIL") == 0) if (all == 1) printf("...has no default domain\n"); else printf("NIL\n"); else if (all == 1) {printf("...has a default domain of "); for (i=1; defaultdomain[i] != '|'; i++) putchar(defaultdomain[i]); printf("\n");} else {for (i=1; defaultdomain[i] != '|'; i++) putchar(defaultdomain[i]); printf("\n");} return(0); } /*defun*/ int printancestors(int pretty) /* print the ancestors */ { if (strcmp(ancestors,"NIL") == 0) printf("...has no ancestors\n"); else {seekinterp=atoi(ancestors)+1; printf("...has the ancestors: "); if (pretty == 1) {ppcount=0; pprintcond(seekinterp,interppath); printf("\n");} else printf("%d\n",seekinterp);} return(0); } /*defun*/ int printoperationalist(int pretty) /* print the operationalist */ { /*printenter("printoperationalist");*/ if (strcmp(operationalist,"NIL") == 0) printf("...has no operationalist\n"); else {seekinterp=atoi(operationalist)+1; printf("...has the operations: "); if (pretty == 1) {pprintalist(seekinterp,interppath); printf("\n");} else printf("%d\n",seekinterp);}; /*printexit("printoperationalist");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printhas(char *list) /* print a has clause */ /* note: assumes ppcount points at the |has| */ { /*printenter("printhas");*/ printf(" if "); ppcount=ppcount+6; if (list2[ppcount] == '(') {printlist(list2); printf(" "); ppcount++;} else pprintatom(list2); printf("has "); if (list2[ppcount] == '(') printlist(list2); else pprintatom(list2); ppcount++; /*printexit("printhas");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printand(char *list) /* print an and clause */ /* note: assumes ppcount points at the AND */ { /*printenter("printand");*/ if ((list2[ppcount] == '|') && (list2[ppcount+1] == 'a')) ppcount=ppcount+2; ppcount=ppcount+5; printandor(list2); ppcount++; while (list2[ppcount] == '(') {printf(" and"); ppcount++; printandor(list2); ppcount++;} /*printexit("printand");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printor(char *list) /* print an or clause */ /* note: assumes ppcount points at the OR */ { /*printenter("printor");*/ ppcount=ppcount+4; printandor(list2); ppcount++; while (list2[ppcount] == '(') {printf(" or"); ppcount++; /*=ppcount+2; */ printandor(list2); ppcount++;} /*printexit("printor");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printandor(char *list) /* print an and/or clause */ /* note: this function assumes that list[ppcount] is a '(' */ { /*printenter("printandor");*/ if ((list2[ppcount] == '|') && (list2[ppcount+1] == 'a')) printand(list2); if (list2[ppcount] == '|') printhas(list2); if (list2[ppcount] == 'A') printand(list2); if (list2[ppcount] == 'O') printor(list2); /*printexit("printandor");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprintcond(int seekpt,char *path) /* prettyprint a list of conditions */ /* note: we reopen the file due to a DJGPP fseek bug */ { char c; int i; FILE *file; file=fopen(path,"r"); fseek(file,seekpt,SEEK_SET); listptr2=0; if ((c=fgetc(file)) == '(') readlist2(file); else { list2[listptr2++]=c; while (! isspace(c = fgetc(file))) list2[listptr2++]=c;}; list2[listptr2]='\0'; fclose(file); ppcount=0; /*printf("data=%s\n",list2);*/ if (list2[0] != '(') /* the whole list */ pprintatom(list2); else while (list2[ppcount++] != ')') /* until the whole list ends */ {while (list2[ppcount++] !='('); /* do one alist item */ printf("\n"); for (i=indent; i != 0; --i) printf(" "); if (list2[ppcount] == '(') /* print the car */ printlist(list2); else pprintatom(list2); while(isspace(list2[ppcount])) ppcount++; /*printf("char=%c\n",list2[ppcount]);*/ if (list2[ppcount] != '.') /* is it (foo . T)? */ printandor(list2); /* and print the non-T ones */ else while(list2[ppcount++] !=')');}; /* skip the . T ) */ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printattributes(int pretty) /* print the attributes */ {if (strcmp(battributes,"NIL") == 0) printf("...has no attributes\n"); else {seekbrowse=atoi(battributes)+1; printf("...has the attributes: "); if (pretty == 1) {pprintcond(seekbrowse,browsepath); printf("\n");} else printf("%d\n",seekbrowse);}; return(0); } /*defun*/ int printcosig() /* print the cosig property */ { printf("...has the cosig: %s\n",cosig); return(0); } /*defun*/ int printconstructorform(int pretty) /* print the constructorform property */ { FILE *file; /*printenter("printconstructorform");*/ seekbrowse=atoi(bconstructorform)+1; printf("...has the constructorform: "); if (pretty == 1) {file=fopen(browsepath,"r"); fseek(file,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET); fgetc(file); listptr2=0; readlist2(file); listptr2=0; ppcount=0; pprintlist(list2); printf("\n");} else printf("%d\n",seekbrowse); /*printexit("printconstructorform");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printconstructormodemap(int pretty) /* print the constructormodemap property */ { FILE *file; /*printenter("printconstructormodemap"); */ seekinterp=atoi(constructormodemap)+1; printf("...has the constructormodemap: "); if (pretty == 1) {file=fopen(interppath,"r"); fseek(file,seekinterp,SEEK_SET); fgetc(file); listptr2=0; readlist2(file); listptr2=0; ppcount=0; pprintlist(list2); printf("\n");} else printf("%d\n",seekinterp); /*printexit("printconstructormodemap");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printmodemaps(int pretty) /* print the modemaps property */ { FILE *file; /*printenter("printmodemaps"); */ seekinterp=atoi(modemaps)+1; if (pretty == 1) {file=fopen(interppath,"r"); fseek(file,seekinterp,SEEK_SET); if (fgetc(file) == 'N') printf("...has no modemaps\n"); else {printf("...has the modemaps: "); listptr2=0; readlist2(file); listptr2=0; ppcount=0; pprintlist(list2); printf("\n");};} else printf("%d\n",seekinterp); /* printexit("printmodemaps");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printconstructorcategory(int pretty) /* print the constructorcategory property */ { FILE *file; /*printenter("printconstructorcategory"); */ seekinterp=atoi(constructorcategory)+1; printf("...has the constructorcategory: "); if (pretty == 1) {file=fopen(interppath,"r"); fseek(file,seekinterp,SEEK_SET); fgetc(file); listptr2=0; readlist2(file); listptr2=0; ppcount=0; pprintlist(list2); printf("\n");} else printf("%d\n",seekinterp); /*printexit("printconstructorcategory");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printdocumentation(int pretty) /* print the documentation property */ { FILE *file; /*printenter("printdocumentation");*/ seekbrowse=atoi(bdocumentation)+1; if (pretty == 1) {file=fopen(browsepath,"r"); fseek(file,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET); if (fgetc(file) == 'N') printf("...has no documentation\n"); else {printf("...has the documentation: "); listptr2=0; readlist2(file); listptr2=0; ppcount=0; pprintlist(list2); printf("\n");};} else printf("%d\n",seekbrowse); /*printexit("printdocumentation");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int printpredicates(int pretty) /* print the predicates */ { FILE *file; /*printenter("printpredicates");*/ {seekbrowse=atoi(bpredicates)+1; if (pretty == 1) {file=fopen(browsepath,"r"); fseek(file,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET); if (fgetc(file) == 'N') printf("...has no predicates\n"); else {printf("...has the predicates: "); listptr2=0; readlist2(file); listptr2=0; ppcount=0; pprintlist(list2); printf("\n");};} else printf("%d\n",seekbrowse);}; /*printexit("printpredicates");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ int opencompress() /* open the compress.daase file and point at the first key */ { char line[256]; char other[256]; int count = 256; int i; if (AXIOM != NULL) sprintf(compresspath,"%s/algebra/compress.daase",AXIOM); else sprintf(compresspath,"compress.daase"); compress=fopen(compresspath,"r"); if (compress == NULL) {printf("unable to find the file %s\n",compresspath); exit(1);}; fseek(compress,1,SEEK_SET); if (fgets(line,count,compress) == NULL) printf("get failed\n"); else for (i=1; ! isspace(line[i]); i++) other[i-1]=line[i]; seekcompress=atoi(other)+2; return(0); } /*defun*/ int openinterp() /* open the interp.daase file and point at the first key */ { char line[256]; char other[256]; int count = 256; int i; if (AXIOM != NULL) sprintf(interppath,"%s/algebra/interp.daase",AXIOM); else sprintf(interppath,"interp.daase"); interp=fopen(interppath,"r"); if (interp == NULL) {printf("unable to find the file %s\n",interppath); exit(1);}; fseek(interp,1,SEEK_SET); if (fgets(line,count,interp) == NULL) printf("get failed\n"); else for (i=1; ! isspace(line[i]); i++) other[i-1]=line[i]; seekinterp=atoi(other)+2; return(0); } /*defun*/ int parseinterp() /* parse the key gotten from interp.daase */ { int i; int j; for ((i=1, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) domain[j]=list[i]; domain[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) operationalist[j]=list[i]; operationalist[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) constructormodemap[j]=list[i]; constructormodemap[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) modemaps[j]=list[i]; modemaps[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) object[j]=list[i]; object[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) constructorcategory[j]=list[i]; constructorcategory[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) niladic[j]=list[i]; niladic[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) abbreviation[j]=list[i]; abbreviation[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); (list[i] != ')'); (i++,j++)) cosig[j]=list[i]; cosig[j++]=')'; i++; cosig[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) constructorkind[j]=list[i]; constructorkind[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) defaultdomain[j]=list[i]; defaultdomain[j]='\0'; for ((i++,j=0); (list[i] != ')'); (i++,j++)) ancestors[j]=list[i]; ancestors[j]='\0'; return(0); } /*defun*/ int openbrowse() /* open the browse.daase file and point at the first key */ { char line[256]; char other[256]; int count = 256; int i; if (AXIOM != NULL) sprintf(browsepath,"%s/algebra/browse.daase",AXIOM); else sprintf(browsepath,"browse.daase"); browse=fopen(browsepath,"r"); if (browse == NULL) {printf("unable to find the file %s\n",browsepath); exit(1);}; fseek(browse,1,SEEK_SET); if (fgets(line,count,browse) == NULL) printf("get failed\n"); else for (i=1; ! isspace(line[i]); i++) other[i-1]=line[i]; seekbrowse=atoi(other)+2; return(0); } /*defun*/ int parsebrowse() /* parse the key gotten from browse.daase */ { int i; int j; for ((i=1, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bdomain[j]=list[i]; bdomain[j]='\0'; for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bsourcefile[j]=list[i]; bsourcefile[j]='\0'; for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bconstructorform[j]=list[i]; bconstructorform[j]='\0'; for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bdocumentation[j]=list[i]; bdocumentation[j]='\0'; for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) battributes[j]=list[i]; battributes[j]='\0'; for ((i++, j=0); ! isspace(list[i]); (i++,j++)) bpredicates[j]=list[i]; bpredicates[j]='\0'; return(0); } /*defun*/ int pprintinfo(char *property) /* prettyprint the information from the database files */ { int pretty = 1; /* print pretty form for any option */ int all = 0; /* only print the option specificed */ /*printenter("pprintinfo");*/ if (strcmp(property,"short") == 0) {pretty=0; all=1;} if (strcmp(property,"all") == 0) all=1; if (all) printf("\n"); if (all || (strcmp(property,"domain") == 0)) printdomain(); if (all || (strcmp(property,"sourcefile") == 0)) printsourcefile(all); if (all || (strcmp(property,"object" ) == 0)) printobject(all); if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructorkind")) == 0) printconstructorkind(all); if (all || (strcmp(property,"niladic") == 0)) printniladic(all); if (all || (strcmp(property,"abbreviation") == 0)) printabbreviation(all); if (all || (strcmp(property,"defaultdomain") == 0)) printdefaultdomain(all); if (all || (strcmp(property,"ancestors") == 0)) printancestors(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"operationalist") == 0)) printoperationalist(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"attributes") == 0)) printattributes(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"cosig") == 0)) printcosig(); if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructorform") == 0)) printconstructorform(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructormodemap") == 0)) printconstructormodemap(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"modemaps") == 0)) printmodemaps(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"constructorcategory") == 0)) printconstructorcategory(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"documentation") == 0)) printdocumentation(pretty); if (all || (strcmp(property,"predicates") == 0)) printpredicates(pretty); /*printexit("pprintinfo");*/ return(0); } /*defun*/ char *fullname(char *property, char *progname) /* expand an abbreviation to the full name */ { if (strncmp(property,"ab",2) == 0) return("abbreviation"); else if (strncmp(property,"al",2) == 0) return("all"); else if (strncmp(property,"an",2) == 0) return("ancestors"); else if (strncmp(property,"at",2) == 0) return("attributes"); else if (strncmp(property,"ca",2) == 0) return("constructorcategory"); else if (strncmp(property,"cc",2) == 0) return("constructorcategory"); else if (strncmp(property,"cf",2) == 0) return("constructorform"); else if (strncmp(property,"fo",2) == 0) return("constructorform"); else if (strncmp(property,"ck",2) == 0) return("constructorkind"); else if (strncmp(property,"ki",2) == 0) return("constructorkind"); else if (strncmp(property,"cm",2) == 0) return("constructormodemap"); else if (strncmp(property,"con",3) == 0) return("constructor"); else if (strncmp(property,"cos",3) == 0) return("cosig"); else if (strncmp(property,"de",2) == 0) return("defaultdomain"); else if (strncmp(property,"dom",3) == 0) return("domain"); else if (strncmp(property,"doc",3) == 0) return("documentation"); else if (strncmp(property,"mo",2) == 0) return("modemaps"); else if (strncmp(property,"ni",2) == 0) return("niladic"); else if (strncmp(property,"ob",2) == 0) return("object"); else if (strncmp(property,"op",2) == 0) return("operationalist"); else if (strncmp(property,"pr",2) == 0) return("predicates"); else if (strncmp(property,"sh",2) == 0) return("short"); else if (strncmp(property,"so",2) == 0) return("sourcefile"); printf("I don't know what %s means. I'll use 'short'\n",property); printf("type %s with no arguments to get the usage page\n",progname); return("short"); } /*defun*/ int printhelp(char *arg) {printf("%s -property searchkey \n\n",arg); printf("property is one of the following flags: \n"); printf(" (al) all (default) (sh) short\n"); printf(" (ab) abbreviation (an) ancestors\n"); printf(" (at) attributes (ca cc) constructorcategory\n"); printf(" (cf fo) constructorform (ck ki) constructorkind\n"); printf(" (cm) constructormodemap (con) constructor\n"); printf(" (cos) cosig (de) defaultdomain\n"); printf(" (dom) domain (doc) documentation\n"); printf(" (mo) modemaps (ni) niladic\n"); printf(" (ob) object (op) operationalist\n"); printf(" (pr) predicates (so) sourcefile\n"); printf("searchkey can be either a domain or its abbreviation.\n"); printf("\n e.g. %s -so Integer\n",arg); printf(" will give the source file name written to stdout\n"); printf(" (Version %d)\n",VERSION); return(0); } /*defun*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* FILE *test; when testing we leave tombstones */ char *ssearch =""; /* the domain or abbreviation */ char *property=""; /* the property we want (e.g. niladic) */ int found=1; /* did we find the domain? print if yes */ char c; /* a temporary */ int i; /* a temporary */ char proparg[256]; /* a temporary */ /* echoargs(argc, argv);*/ AXIOM=(char *)getenv("AXIOM"); if (AXIOM == NULL) printf("AXIOM shell variable has no value. using current directory\n"); /* if we have no argument tell him how it works */ if ((argv[1] == NULL) || (strcmp(argv[1],"") == 0)) {printhelp(argv[0]); exit(1);} /* we have at least one argument; lets see what it is */ if (strncmp(argv[1],"-",1) == 0) /* is it a flag? */ {for (i=1; argv[1][i] != '\0'; i++) proparg[i-1]=argv[1][i]; property=fullname(proparg,argv[0]); if ((argv[2] == NULL) || (strcmp(argv[2],"") == 0)) {printhelp(argv[0]); exit(1);} ssearch=argv[2];} else /* nope, assume a domain */ if ((argv[2] == NULL) || (strcmp(argv[2],"") == 0)) {property="all"; ssearch=argv[1];} /* printf("property=%s\n",property);*/ /* printf("ssearch=%s\n",ssearch);*/ opencompress(); fseek(compress,seekcompress,SEEK_SET); fscanf(compress,"%d",&Nct); ct = malloc(Nct*sizeof(char *)); /* put entries in ct */ { int foo1,foo2; for (foo1=0;foo1<Nct;foo1++) { foo2=0; while(isspace(c=fgetc(compress)) || c=='|') {}; list[foo2++]=c; while(1) { c=fgetc(compress); if (isspace(c) || c == ')' ) break; if (c != '|') list[foo2++] = c; } list[foo2]='\0'; ct[foo1]=strdup(list); } } /* -n correspons to string ct[n] */ openinterp(); if (strcmp(property,"all") == 0) printf("Searching %s for %s\n",interppath,ssearch); while (1) { fseek(interp,seekinterp,SEEK_SET); if ((c=fgetc(interp)) != '(') { printf("%s not found\n",ssearch); found=0; break;}; readlist(interp); seekinterp=seekinterp+listptr+1; listptr=0; parseinterp(); if (strcmp(ssearch,N2S(atoi(domain))) == 0) break; if (strcmp(ssearch,abbreviation) == 0) { ssearch=N2S(atoi(domain)); break; } } openbrowse(); if (strcmp(property,"all") == 0) printf("Searching %s for %s\n",browsepath,ssearch); while (1) {fseek(browse,seekbrowse,SEEK_SET); if ((c=fgetc(browse)) != '(') {printf("%s not found\n",ssearch); found=0; break;}; readlist(browse); seekbrowse=seekbrowse+listptr+1; listptr=0; parsebrowse(); if (strcmp(ssearch,N2S(atoi(bdomain))) == 0) break;}; if (found == 1) pprintinfo(property); /* code won't get here if it crashes, leaving the tombstone */ if ((argv[2] != NULL) && (strcmp(argv[2],"test") == 0)) {sprintf(erasecmd,"erase %s",argv[1]); system(erasecmd);} return(0); } @ \eject \begin{thebibliography}{99} \bibitem{1} nothing \end{thebibliography} \end{document}